Rotate the Take-up Spool (22) until the groove on the spool
permits you to slide the end of the film leader into the groove.
Then, engage the second perforated hole of the leader with the small
hook inside the groove. Adjust the film so that the perforations fit
6 the teeth of the Film Roller (23).
Lift up the Film Rewind Crank (32) fully.
Pull the film cartridge to the recess directly beneath it. Depress the
Film Rewind Crank again to lock the film cartridge in place. Be sure the
dull (emulsion) side of the film faces the lens.
With your thumb on the knurled lower end
of the Take-Up Spool (22), turn the spool clock-
wise half a turn until the film is taut. (Be sure
the index line of the Film Rewind Ring (3) 1ft
points to the "A" position.)
The camera back will lock shut automatically a-
when you close it. Next, wind the film one turn*
and press the Shutter Release Button (2). Be
sure to use the Winding Knob for the first two
frames, not the Rapid Wind. Repeat these actions
once more. By doing this you will have cleared
the two frames already exposed to light while
you were loading. After this, you may use
the Rapid Wind Trigger (12).
The red dot on the Film Transport Indicator
(18) will make one complete turn each time you advance the film one frame.
You will know you have loaded correctly if the Rewind Crank turns in
a counter-clockwise direction each time you cock the shutter mechanism.
yet exposed. It should be set at the
number corresponding to the number
A of exposures possible on the film
you have just loaded (normally 20 F.lm Type Indicator
E or 36). To do this rotate the Film As a reminder, set the Film Type
c Frame Counting Dial Setting Wheel Indicator (19) to the ASA speed of
a.= (15) until the correct number appears
on the dial. Note that only even
the film you are using, and to show
whether you are using black-and-white
01 numbers are engraved. Intermediate or color. (Blue dot indicates daylight,
Setting Shutter Speed Slow Speed Dial
This may be done before or after cocking Set the High Speed Shutter Dial to 1/30 III
shutter. There are two speed di als on sec. Rotate the Slow Speed Shutter Dial
the Canon VT de luxe. The High Speed until the speed you wa nt is on top, opposite
Shutter Dial (25) is for shutter speeds of the indicator line.
1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 and 1/ 1000 To take a picture at 1/30 sec. both Speed Z
of a second. Also "B" (Bulb) and "X" Dials should be set at 1/30 sec. Q
(electronic flash contact). The Slow Speed
Shutter Dial (14) is for shutter speeds of Exposures Longer Than 1 Secona
1/30, 1/ 15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 second, plus "T" Set the High Speed Shu tter Dial to " B"
(Time Exposure).
High Speed Dial
Rai se the dial with your thumb and index
finger and rotate it until the required speed
and Slow Speed Shu tter Dial to 1/30. The
shutter will remain open from the time you
press the Shutter Release Button (2) until
you release it again.
For "Time," set the High Speed Shutter
", i
is opposi te the cen ter index line ; release the Dial at 1/30 sec. and the Slow Speed Shutter
dial which will drop into the correct setting. Dial to "T" . The Shutter will open when :IIa
(Note that in the case of 1/1000 sec. the dial you press the Shutter Release Button. You
drops only half way back). Be sure that do not have to maintain pressure on the
the Slow Shutter Speed Dial is set at 1/30 Shutter Release Button. To close the shutter,
sec. when using the high speeds. turn the Slow Speed Shutter Dial to 1 sec.
The fol1owing table shows the relation between aperture value and exposure time.
On the Canon VT de luxe, focusing and composing can be
done at the same time. When you look through the Range-
Viewfinder Eyepiece (30), you will see two images. By releasing
the Lens Focusing Lever (11) and rotating the lens barrel, the
two images of the object you are focusing upon will coincide.
At this point ofl coincidence your camera is in focus for the
object you are about to photograph .
All Canon Lenses are coupled with the Canon Range-View-
finder mechanism .
Adjustment of the Viewfinder Dial (31) is made by
turning the Viewfinder Selector (29).
Position "35" shows you the' view which any Canon
35mm lens will record .
Position "SO" gives you what any Canon 50mm
lens will record.
You can focus the Rangefinder at any of the three
0 100 13
On the Depth-of-Field Scale (33) of some Canon Lenses is the
letter "R". This is for infrared film. When using this type of
film , focus in the normal way. Read off the distance of the
object you are photographing as shown opposite the Dista nce
Indicator Mark on the Lens Distance Scale (34). Turn the lens
barrel until the distance read off is opposite the " R" mark.
Your lens is now focused for infrared photography.
You have now completed the following steps:
1. Wound your shutter, ready for your first
2. Set both speed dials
3. Adjusted the Lens Aperture Scale
4. Focused your lens
5. Composed your picture through the cor-
rect Viewfinder setting
You are now ready to expose your picture.
Hold the camera in a vertical or horiwntal
position, firmly but gently. The camera should
be crad led in both palms and the index finger of
your right hand should rest over the Shutter
Release Button. Check your breath and press
the Shutter Release Button in a smooth steady
action. Do not jerk the camera.
For exposures longer than 1/15 sec. you
should use a tripod and cable release to
eliminate movement.
The Canon VT de luxe features the tastest
built-in Rapid Wind mechanism which winds
the film to the next exposure and which also
recocks the shutter. At the same time it
advances the Film Frame Counting Dial to
the next number.
Pull out the Rapid Wind Trigger (12) from
its bed in the camera bast! plate and extend it
to a vertical position. Pull the trigger the full
length of its run. The trigger will automat-
:z ically return to its original vertical position
when released.
:I For the last three frames on your film, pull
the rapid wind very gently or you may tear
-.--.. the film.
A Canon Rapid Wind Pistol Grip (with
wrist strap) is available as an accessory .
For copying stand work, or when a tripod is used ,
the Manual Film Winding Knob (1) is used instead of ,...c:
the Rapid Wind mechanism.
Align any two of the engraved black dots on the top
of the Manual Film Winding Knob and raise this Knob
into its action position.
An accidental Double .Exposure is pre-
vented on the Canon VT de luxe. For
deliberate Double Exposures the following
procedure should be adopted:
I. Turn the Film Rewind Ring (3) from
its normal " A" position to the Film
Rewind Mark ( .... ).
2. Rotate High Speed Shutter Dial coun-
ter-clockwise, without lifting dial until
you hear a click and the Dial will
turn no further.
3. Hold the dial in that position, with
your left hand . Then, turn the Film
Rewind Ring (3) back to the "A"
position with yo~.!f right hand .
4. You may now reset either Speed Dial
to any required speed.
has been wound back into its original
UNLOADING cartridge. Tension on the Film Rewind
Crank will cease as soon as this has been
done and the Film Transport Indicator (18)
will also stop rotating. As long as Film
Transport Indicator rotates clockwise, film
1. Turn the Film Rewind Ring (3) from is being rewound in the camera. One com-
"A" to the Film Rewind Mark ("'). plete turn indicates one frame rewound.
2. Raise the Rewind Crank (32) into ope- 3. Open the camera back.
rating position as illustrated below. Turn 4. Lift up the Rewind Crank (32) and
it in a clockwise direction until all the film take out the film cartridge.
Set the Flash Synchronization Lever to show
II for:
FP (Focal Plane) Bulbs for all speeds from 1/ 1000- 1 sec.
M Bulbs for speeds from 1/125- 1 sec.
1. For Electronic Flash, turn High Speed Shutter Dial, as
shown, to "X". Slow Speed Shutter Dial should be set
at 1/30 sec.
2. When using "F" type bulbs, be sure high speed shutter
is at 1/30 sec.
Electrical contact is perfectly
made for flash when the Canon
Flash Unit Model V or Canon
CANON SPEEDLIGHT UNIT Speed light Unit Model V is
attached to the Flash Unit Con-
nector Socket (5). No external
wiring is necessary and all synchro-
nization is done automatically in
the camera itself.
To extend the Flash Unit away
from the Camera or to connect
a Speedlight Unit of non-Canon
make, use a Canon Extension
Cord Va (15 ft) or Vb 3 ft).
A built-in Self Timer (13) is incorporated
in the Canon VT de luxe. When you are
read y to take a picture, turn the Self Timer
Lever counter-clockwise until it turns no
further. This can be done before or after
cocking the shutter. The timing device will
begin working as soon as you depress the
Shutter Release Button. (2) (You will hear
a buzz.) The shutter will be actuated ap-
proximately 10 seconds later.
Note: Once you have cocked the Self
Timer it cannot be released until the shutter
has moved.
When taking Self Timer pictures, it is
I- highl y recommended that you use a Canon
Cable Release and Camera Holder with
a sturdy tripod.
All Canon Cameras and Lenses fea ture standard flanges and threads. The screw-in
lens mount has:been proven the most accu rate and durable, withfthe greatest area of
lens-to-camera contact of any type of camera connection.
To change your lens, place the Lens Cap over the top of the lens. Grip the lens
barrel at its base and apply gentle pressure until the lens is loose. Continue turning
until the lens is completely unscrewed' Be sure that the camera (when loaded with
film) is in shade and be sure to cover the lens base with a Dust Cap as soon as
possible. Any Canon Lens will couple with the Canon VT de luxe.
To replace lens, keep Lens Cap on the lens but remove Base Cap. Turn the lens
first in a counter-clockwise direction for half a turn. This makes sure that the lens
threads and the camera mount flange do not cross. Next, turn it in a clockwise
direction until the lens is securely in place. Do not force the lens any further.
Always tighten a lens by its base, not by the top. If the lens has a Lens Focusing
Lever (11) be sure this is in the locked (00 ) position.
Note: When mounting or dismounting any lens of 85mm or greater focal length,
be certain you have lens set at nearest footage setting to protect camera,
rangefinder and its actuating mechanism.
Depth of Field Table
In Feet
( ft ) ft·in ft· In ft·ln fHn ft·ln ft· in ft·in fl -in ft-ln ft-ll11 ft-In, fl-In ft-In ft-In fl-In ft-In ft -In ft-In
25 18- 2' / 40- 1 5/ . 17- 7 3/ .442- 117 /.1 5- 9'/260- 13- 73/.4155- 10- 4,1 / 2 9 - ),7 / 8 7- 7 5/ a 5- 9 7/ . .(- 6 1 / 2
15 12- 3' /. 19- '" '1 - 117/ .19-'1' / .1 1- 2 23- 1/ 10- l I e 29- 1 1 8- 101 /. 9- 10 7- 6 5/ . 6- 4 S/. ,- 'I. 4- 1
10 8- 8 50 / . 12- 3 7/8 8- 7' / .11-11 4, . 8 - P j .t2- 1P I 7- 6' 11 IA - 10sl 6- 10 ' 12 18- 63/. 6 - 3/ .. 9 - '" 5- 3 1/ 2 110- .(_ .(1 / 2
7- 2 9- 3/. 7- t 9- 2 3/ . 6 - 9 1/ .. 9- 9] / 6- 4'/ .. 10- 93/ .. 5- 10 '/2 12- 71/a 5- 33 / a 16- 91/ .. 4- 8' / .. 28- 7 1/2 3 - 111/2 3- "
5- 6 1/ " 6 - 6 1 /. 5 - 5 6 /1 6- 7 5/ 1 5 - 3 1/ 2 6 - 11' /. 5 - ' /2 7- 5 1/ .. 4- 8' /. 8- 25/8 4- 4 ' / . 9 - 91 , .. 3- 113 / .12-10 3- 5 27- ' /2 2-11' / 2
Depth of Field Table
In Feet
DII· i---;-:-::--,_--;-:-:----r_:-:--;-,-_:-:-:-,____--,---'O::;."'
,th:-:::of--"::; :. To:;b:::i.:...._,---:--;-:----,,----;-:-,-_;-:-,--,-----;---;:-_,---,--,,-----1
fo~v: . f
- I" "
'" 119. 5
'-6'110- 6 ' · 5'1.10-7 , - 5'/ 10- 1 9- 4'1 1<', ' ' - 3",1010 $, " 1 14-11'/.
7- " /1- 3,/. 7-a 1- 4' /, ' - 7' I,a· 'I . 7- 6' 111- 6,, 7- 4"/> 6- 10 '1.'- 7' /1 6- 5 ' 1, 10- 7 "_,'/H_,,.,. I
5- 10 6- " /. 5- , , /. 6- 2'1. 5- 9" '· 3 5- " / .6-10". $- P I. 7- 3' 11 .(- 10 7-11'/ . .. - 5'1.
3- $" . 3- 6 1' 0
3- 11
$- 1".
4- 1
DO read this instruction book carefully.
Canon VT
DON'T keep your camera in the glove com-
partment of your car where it will be subject
to shaking, vibration, heat, dust, etc.
"5" and "L"
Shows the exact field-of-view ·re-
GRIP corded by the lens itself. Parallax
is compensated automatically as
Screws into the baseplate you focus your lens on Canon VT
of the Canon Model VT de luxe. The eye-piece is adjustable
de luxe for easier opera- to compensate for individual differ-
tion of the rapid action ences in eye-sight.
trigger. Two types are available, "S" and
"L". The first (model S) is for
wide-angle lenses with focal length
between 35mm and 50mm. For
LUMI-FIELD VIEWFINDERS any of the ultra wide-angle lenses
such as 21mm, 25mm. or 28mm
Gives a clear, sharp field- lens the Front Attachment Lens is
of-view by a brilliant white- adapted. The second (model L) is
line frame, while at the same for lone lenses with focal length
time permitting observation between 85mm and 135mm.
of an outer margin which
will not appear in the pho-
tograph. Couples to the
built-in rangefinder mecha..
nism of the Canon Camera
VT de luxe for automatic Pocket size flash gun; fits directly on
paraUax compensation. Canoo's bayonet-type outlet, with-
Separate viewfinders are out the use of any external cables.
available for 50mm, 85mm, 5 inch folding reflector, sturdy
IOOmm, and 135mm lenses. plastic housing, B.C. circuit, built-
in test lamp.
Your Canon VT de luxe is one of
the most versatile cameras ever devis-
ed, allowing you to take every kind
of pictures, from portrait, landscape
to close-up and copywork. In addi -
tion, Canon offers a va riety of inter-
changeable lenses that will further
increase Canon Camera's versatility
and enable you to enjoy every pleasure
of 35 mm photograph y.
The Canon lenses are widely used
by professiona l cameramen the world
over because of their high resolving
power and color fidelity, which is a
result of Canon's constant research in ·
the fields of glass development, lens
design and lens coating compounds.
25mmf 3.5 50mmf 1.2 85mmf 1.9
28mm f 2.8 50mmf 1.5 lOOmm f 3.5
28mmf 3.5 (11) 50mmf 1.8 (II) 135mm f 3.5
35mmf 1.8 50mmf 2.8 400mm f 4.5
35=f 2.8 (11) 85mmf 1.5 800mm f 8
@ Flash Synchronization Dial @ Automatic Parallax
@ Cable Release Socket Adjustment Pin
@ Film Transport Indicator @ Accessory Clip
@i Film Type Indicator @ Film Plane Mark
@J Film Frame Counting Dial @J Viewfinder Selector
@ Release Button for Film @J Range-Viewfinder Eyepiece
Winding Knob @ Viewfinder Dial
@ Built-in Take-up Spool ® Film Rewind Crank
@ Film Roller (@i Lens Depth-of-Field Scale
@ Flash Synchronization Selector ® Lens Distance Scale
@ High Speed Shutter Dial @ Lens Aperture Scale