01infoseals01 11 13
01infoseals01 11 13
01infoseals01 11 13
Date 08/2013
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Modern chemical processing and process manufacturing procedures demand ever greater accuracy and reliability from their
pressure measuring instruments. In order to minimise costs, both reject levels and production downtime must be kept to an
absolute minimum. In some applications where there are chemical or hygiene considerations, it is necessary to isolate the pressure
measuring instrument usually a gauge or a transmitter from the process medium.
This isolation is achieved by using a pressure-sensitive diaphragm made from a material resistant to the process medium enclosed
in a system fitted to the base of the instrument. The space between the diaphragm and the measuring element in the instrument
has to be evacuated under a vacuum and filled with a suitable fill fluid and sealed. The process pressure exerts a force on the
outside face of the diaphragm. As the diaphragm flexes under this force it pushes inwards and attempts to compress the fill fluid
within the instrument.
This fill fluid is designed to withstand compression so that the movement is channelled directly into the measuring element
producing a resultant reading on the gauge.
The entire operation of the diaphragm seal system is based on Pascal's Principle which states that a pressure exerted on a fluid is
transmitted undiminished through that fluid and in every direction.
For this process to work the displacement force of the diaphragm must exceed the force required to move the measuring element in
the instrument itself. In practice this means that the smaller the force required to move the measuring element the easier it is to
construct an accurate seal system.
Knowing in which situations to install a diaphragm seal rather than a standard instrument is critical to maintaining the integrity of the
process. A diaphragm is usually required under the following circumstances.
• The process medium is corrosive, and would chemically attack the working parts of a standard pressure gauge or
• The process medium is viscous or contains solid particles, either of which could result in the gauge's pressure inlet
becoming blocked and preventing any pressure from reaching the measuring element.
• The process medium is prone to solidifying over time (e.g. it may freeze as the temperature drops, or it may set as it
dries, or it may be subject to polymerization), in which case a standard gauge's internal moving parts could be rendered
• The process medium is so corrosive that even pressure elements made from exotic materials such as Monel or Hastelloy
do not provide adequate protection. The only solution is to apply a special coating to the base material to prevent
corrosion. Application of these special coatings to the internal movement of a standard pressure gauge or transmitter
would be impossible, but a diaphragm seal fits the bill perfectly.
• It is important to eliminate the formation of bacteria on or in the process connection in applications where hygiene is of
paramount importance such as in the food and beverage industries.
PCI (Process System Solutions) Ltd, Unit 7 Slaidburn Crescent, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9YF, UK,
Tel: +44 (0) 1704 509090, Fax: +44 (0) 1704 509091,
email: sales@pci-instruments.com, Website: www.pci-instruments.com
Data sheet INFO SEALS
Date 08/2013
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• Diaphragm displacement is incompatible with the required displacement volume of the instrument’s measuring element.
The diaphragm is too small or too stiff to allow for natural thermal expansion of the fill fluid, leading to zero shifts and false
pressure readings.
• The process or ambient temperatures exceed the acceptable service range of the fill fluid.
• In differential pressure applications, very small differential readings may not be possible owing to the amount of force
required to drive the diaphragm and the measuring element.
• Also in differential pressure applications, if a system has grossly imbalanced volumes on either side of the instrument this
may lead to unacceptable zero shifting owing to thermal expansion or contraction.
• The fill fluid inertia (static head pressure) is greater than the force required to move the measuring element.
• The length and internal diameter of capillary in combination with the fill fluid viscosity create resistance, driving up system
response time to unacceptable levels.
• The process temperature can influence the ambient temperature close to the process. If the instrument is positioned too
close to the process this may lead to unacceptable reading errors.
• Care should be taken when specifying a seal system for measuring a vacuum or high vacuum pressure. While they
perform normally for most standard vacuum applications, as the pressure moves closer to a perfect vacuum, acceptable
accuracy levels become more difficult to achieve. This is due to the fact that most fill fluids contain microscopic amounts of
air or trapped gases, which tend to expand significantly as a pressure of absolute zero is reached.
Accuracy: at 20°C ±0,5% … 1% according to the chemical seal . Those values must be added to the accuracy class of the
indicating instrument. The accuracy of vacuum however cannot be guaranteed beyond -0,85 bar in the standard executions. This is
due to the fact that most filling fluids contain microscopic amounts of air or trapped gases, which tend to expand significantly as a
pressure of absolute zero is approached. This expansion effects the measuring element in the instrument.
Process fluid temperature: minimum -80°C, max +399°C, according to the type of filling fluid used and of the material of
diaphragm and of the process connection.
The diaphragm is an elastic measuring element. It can be manufactured out of different materials, and if required it can be provided
with various protection foils or coatings so that a suitable version can be supplied for almost any kind of medium.
After the diaphragm is welded to the chemical seal we conduct a helium leak test to ensure there are no microscopic holes. We
later repeat this process on the complete sealed system
The surface quality of the diaphragm and wetted parts is very important for the efficiency of CIP (Cleaning in place) processes. Scratches,
dead spots, microscopic pinholes should be avoided in order to prevent contamination by undesirable substances such as product
residues, micro organisms and cleaning and disinfecting residues. Typically a good surface clean ability can be achieved with an average
roughness value or Ra < 0.8µm for smooth surfaces and Ra < 1.6µm near welds. No improvement in cleaning ability can be expected
below Ra < 0.4µm.
PCI (Process System Solutions) Ltd, Unit 7 Slaidburn Crescent, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9YF, UK,
Tel: +44 (0) 1704 509090, Fax: +44 (0) 1704 509091,
email: sales@pci-instruments.com, Website: www.pci-instruments.com
Data sheet INFO SEALS
Date 08/2013
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The complete pressure sensing system, made with the diaphragm seal (with or without capillary) and the pressure instrument, is filled with
a fill fluid at a specific temperature (generally +20 ±2°C) called reference temperature. A increase or decrease in ambient temperature or of
the process fluid make a proportional variation on the fill fluid volume. Consequently this has an effect on the internal pressure of the
closed sensing system and adds an error of zero on the instrument. To minimize such error, it is necessary to compensate for the volume
variation caused by temperature. Low diameter diaphragms may compensate only a small variation of volume (see fig. 1). It is suggested
to use, accordingly with the process conditions, chemical seals with diaphragms of the biggest possible diameter. Furthermore when the
process temperature exceeds +150°C but lower than 250°C, it is necessary to install the instrument with a cooling tower to avoid the
effects of the thermal transmission between diaphragm seal and instrument. Above 250°C a capillary line should be used. The device has
been engineered to protect the instrument from high process temperatures. So it reduces the temperature inside the instrument to a value
close to the ambient temperature value.
The fill fluid used is very important for the temperature application range of the chemical seal. The minimum and maximum temperatures
of the process medium and environment must be considered when choosing. Additionally the fill fluid must be compatible with the medium
especially for media such as oxygen or for applications in the food industry. This is very important in case the diaphragm is ruptured e.g.
via particles in the medium and as a result the fill fluid is able to drip from the rupture into the medium.
+150 °C (+302 °F). For the complete pressure measuring system consisting of a pressure gauge (100mm dial) and chemical seal fitted
and filled with Food / Sanitary fill fluid.
Ø 60
Volume Thermal Expansion
Min / Max Operating Ø Size Diaphragm
Liquid type
Low Temperature -45 / +160°C Ø 44
High Temperature -40 / +399°C
High Temperature / Vacuum -10 / +315°C Ø 34
Oxygen service -45 / +250°C
Food / Sanitary FDA -40 / +150°C Ø 23
• Keeping the instrument apart from the temperature effects by means of a cooling tower or capillary between the seal and
pressure measuring instrument.
PCI (Process System Solutions) Ltd, Unit 7 Slaidburn Crescent, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9YF, UK,
Tel: +44 (0) 1704 509090, Fax: +44 (0) 1704 509091,
email: sales@pci-instruments.com, Website: www.pci-instruments.com
Data sheet INFO SEALS
Date 08/2013
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The length of the capillary must be as short as possible, and is advised not to exceed 6 meters because the temperature variation on
the capillary length may influence the accuracy and response time (see Fig. 2).
Pressure instruments with a capillary require them to be suitable for a wall or panel mount. The difference of height (see fig.3) between
pressure instrument and the diaphragm seal (Fig.3) adds an increase of the total error due to the hydrostatic effects on the fill fluid
within the sensing element and consequently influences the pressure reading on the instrument. Often referred to as head pressure. If
such difference is known, it must be highlighted on the order. Otherwise instrument zeroing on the spot is required.
p2 3m of capillary
PCI (Process System Solutions) Ltd, Unit 7 Slaidburn Crescent, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9YF, UK,
Tel: +44 (0) 1704 509090, Fax: +44 (0) 1704 509091,
email: sales@pci-instruments.com, Website: www.pci-instruments.com