13 Compaction
13 Compaction
13 Compaction
13 Compaction
Compaction has some obvious benefits. A compacted soil is harder, and can
support more weight and shed water better than the same soil that has
not been compacted. The extensive road system of the Roman Empire consisted
of stones laid flat on top of compacted soil. Roman road builders even
attempted to compact soil with elephants, which is not very efficient because
elephants prefer to step in the same tracks. The modern version of the elephant
walk is a ‘‘sheepsfoot roller’’ that emulates tracking by feet or hoofs, but does so
Compaction 281
Proctor’s test was designed to simulate the action of a sheepsfoot roller. An earlier
field standard was if a roller ‘‘walked out’’ of a soil layer as it was compacted from
the bottom up, and some contractors still use this as a criterion for adequate
compaction. However, ‘‘walking out’’ measures bearing capacity, not density, and
a roller will walk out of a dry soil much more readily than a wet one. In a properly
compacted soil the air content is so low that the soil has very little capacity for
additional water.
The hand tamper devised by Proctor is shown in Fig. 13.1. The original tamper,
shown on the left, involved dropping a 5.5 lb (24.5 N) weight 12 in. (0.305 m) to
compact soil in three layers in a steel mold, using 25 blows per layer. The volume
of the mold is 1/30 ft3 (944 cm3). The lifting height is controlled by housing the
rammer inside a pipe; the bottom of the pipe is placed in contact with the soil and
the rammer lifted by hand until it contacts the top, when it is dropped.
Air-dried soils are moistened and allowed to age overnight to allow clay
expansion. The soil is compacted in three approximately equal layers using a
collar temporarily attached to the top of the mold to hold the soil. The collar is
removed, the top of the soil struck off with a knife or straight edge, and the net
weight and moisture content of the soil determined. The test then is repeated with
Figure 13.1
Proctor and
modified Proctor
density rammers.
The mold holding
the soil is
standardized, but
the modified
Proctor uses a
heavier rammer
that is dropped
farther on thinner
soil layers. The
modified test was
developed to meet
the need of air-
field construction.
more or less added water. The AASHTO T180 (ASTM D-1557) modified Proctor
procedure is similar except for a higher ramming energy and the use of five instead
of three layers (Fig. 13.1).
13.2.3 Results
Figure 13.2 shows some typical results from standard compaction of a silty sand
(SM) soil. A smooth curve is drawn through the data points, from which the
optimum moisture content (OMC) and maximum compacted density are read
from the graph.
An important feature of all such graphs is the theoretical ‘‘zero air void line,’’
which is a curve that is calculated from the soil unit weight and specific gravity of
the solid components. As can be seen, one leg of the density curve approximately
parallels the zero air void line, indicating a persistent air content. It is physically
impossible for the curve to cross the line, and the horizontal departure from the
line indicates the amount of air that still is remaining in the soil after compaction.
Measurements of air permeability indicate that as a soil is compacted and air
voids are constricted, permeability decreases so that the last bit of air is retained in
the fine pores.
Compaction 283
Figure 13.2
relationship for an
SM soil and a
standard Proctor
compactive effort.
Modified Proctor
compaction moves
the curve upward
and to the left to a
higher density and
lower OMC.
The explanation for this behavior can be seen in Figs. 11.6 and 11.7 and the
accompanying discussion in Chapter 11: annular rings of water linking soil grains
Figure 13.3
Additional test data
for the soil
in Fig. 13.2
demonstrates that
friction and
capillary tension
define creates
optimum moisture
contents for
have negative pressure that draws the grains together, increasing sliding friction.
Unless augmented by the presence of clay minerals, capillary tension and negative
pressure disappear at zero moisture content. Capillary tension also disappears as
the soil moisture content approaches saturation, giving the two highest compacted
densities in a granular soil.
The zero air voids line normally is included on moisture-density (or moisture-unit
weight) plots because it defines the edge of prohibited territory, which is the
saturation moisture content for a particular density. If voids are completely filled
with water there is no air left to be expelled. The saturated unit weight can be
calculated from a block diagram or from the following formula:
max ¼ Gs w =½1 þ Gs ðm=100Þ ð13:1Þ
where max is the zero air voids unit weight, w is the unit weight of water, Gs is
specific gravity of the soil grains, and m is the moisture content in percent.
Solutions for several values of Gs and m are shown in Table 13.1 for plotting on
compaction curves.
Compaction 285
Figure 13.4
dissipates as the
square of the
distance from the
contact area, so
soil must be
compacted in thin
layers or ‘‘lifts.’’
Figure 13.5
Concept of a
‘‘virtual compac-
tor’’ that doubles
the pressure in a
compacting layer
over a rigid
compacted layer.
Without a rough base, major principal stress vectors radiate outward from an
applied surface load and tend to push the soil laterally, as shown at the right in
Fig. 13.6. At the left in the figure, frictional restraint shown by the horizontal
arrow tends to confine the soil and prevent spreading.
Compaction 287
Figure 13.6
Frictional contact
with a rough base
layer helps to
confine stress and
aids compaction.
Principal stress
vectors on the
right, without a firm
base, are from
Jürgenson (1934).
Design can be based on the same theory that is used for design of shallow
foundations, presented later in this book, and in at least one case a roller weight
was designed based on this theory because it is necessary for the bearing capacity
to be exceeded by the individual projections for this type of roller to be effective.
Bearing capacity, or support for a surface load, depends on several factors
Figure 13.7
Foot pressure
exceeds the
bearing capacity of
the uncompacted
soil, penetrating
through to compact
the soil layer from
the bottom up.
including the size of the contact area, the soil cohesion, and its angle of internal
Successive roller passes on clay compact the soil and increase its cohesion, which
increases the bearing capacity so that the roller walks out. Without the contri-
bution of cohesion, as in cohesionless sands, there is very little walk-out so the
projections only knead and stir the soil. Sands are compacted with smooth-wheel
rollers or plates, and can be aided by vibration.
Proof rolling can reveal pockets of soil that are insufficiently compacted or are
compacted too wet, but the reliability of this procedure depends on the soil
moisture content. If the moisture content is on the dry side of the OMC the soil
will support a heavier load because of capillary tension or ‘‘apparent cohesion’’
that is destroyed when the soil becomes wet.
As compaction proceeds and air is squeezed out, the soil eventually will reach the
point where there is very little air left, and the soil is close to saturation as a result
of compaction. The remaining air is trapped in tiny pockets, and compaction stops
Compaction 289
13.5.2 Overcompaction
A continued application of compactive effort after soil reaches near-saturation
point not only wastes energy, but the energy is redirected into shearing and
remolding the compacted and nearly saturated soil. Shearing smears clay particles
so that they are oriented parallel to the shear surfaces and permanently weaken
the soil. This must be carefully guarded against, as the soil then must be dried and
pulverized before it can be recompacted.
Clues to overcompaction are vibrations that can be felt under foot, and an
occasional ‘‘thunky’’ sound when stomped on. A bulge of soil sometimes may be
Figure 13.8
curves show the
reduction in
strength after a soil
dispersed through
and shearing.
(After Seed and
Chan 1959, with
permission of the
American Society
of Civil Engineers.)
Bulking also occurs when sand or gravel is spread as a base for a floor or
foundation. Since the cause is capillary action, the density can be increased
by saturating the soil with water. This has led to a somewhat haphazard practice
of ‘‘compacting’’ granular soils by flooding with water, but it should be
emphasized that the result is equilibrium with the self-weight of the soil, and not
to any additional load. Flooding induces consolidation, not compaction. A soil
that is consolidated to equilibrium with its self-weight is still compressible under
an additional load. It therefore is said to be normally consolidated. The low
densities achieved by flooding may go unnoticed with light structures as
settlement is almost immediate, hopefully occurring before the concrete has set.
Although flooding is better than no treatment at all, it is not a substitute for
Compaction 291
Because sands are most effectively compacted with a vibratory roller or plate
vibrator, a different reference density is used based on densities achieved with
a vibrating table (Fig. 13.9). Both maximum and minimum densities are
determined, and the position of the compacted density in relation to these two
limits is called the relative density, which is expressed as a percent.
Figure 13.9
Vibrating table for
obtaining a
maximum density
of granular soils.
Tests have shown that max also depends on the geometry of the equipment, the
applied load, and the acceleration ratio, which is the ratio of acceleration from the
vibrations to that of gravity, so the conditions under which the test is performed
must be carefully controlled (ASTM Designation D-4253).
Minimum and maximum densities often are determined with the soil wet and after
oven-drying, and the higher sets of values used for determining relative density.
While capillary effects reduce the efficiency of compaction, they also tend to hold
grains together after densification instead of letting them fly apart from the
continuing vibrations.
Example 13.1
A field density determination gives ¼ 110 lb/ft3 (17.3 kN/m3). Laboratory tests give
max ¼ 127 lb/ft3 and min ¼ 102 lb/ft3 (19.95 and 16.0 kN/m3). What is the relative density
of the field soil?
127ð110 102Þ
Dd ¼ 100 ¼ 37%
110ð127 102Þ
Compaction 293
A 100 percent density is difficult to achieve unless the moisture content is on the
dry side of the OMC, so the density requirement in the field normally is set at
95 percent of the maximum density obtained in the laboratory test. A target area
may be defined by a moisture content within 2 percent of the OMC and a
compacted density to equal or exceed 95 percent of the maximum is indicated by
the specification area in Fig. 13.10. This area can be modified to meet special
Figure 13.10 also shows ‘‘compaction growth curves’’ for different percentages
of the standard compactive effort. As the compactive effort increases, the OMC
is reduced along a line that roughly parallels the zero air voids curve.
Figure 13.10
growth curves for a
silty clay. The
shaded area is for
a specification
requirement of
95 percent
minimum density
with the moisture
content within
2 percent of the
OMC. (Data
courtesy of Prof.
J. M. Hoover.)
Figure 13.11
Serious problems caused by collapse of soil compacted on the dry side of the OMC: (a) earth dam
piping; (b) pavement collapse; (c) fracture and leak of a gas or water pipe: gas flowing through loose
trench backfill soil and into a building can cause fire or explosion.
Broken water mains can cause locally severe underground erosion, so the
dramatic collapse of the street is sure to make the 6 o’clock news.
Gas line breaks can be more tragic, as escaping gas follows the path of least
resistance through loose trench backfill into a building or basement, where it can
cause a fire or explosion. Pipes crossing through soil in a trench should be
supported by some type of beam.
Collapse of soil within an earth dam can lead to serious consequences by allowing
‘‘piping,’’ or flow of water through the dam, leading to erosion and failure.
Compaction 295
Figure 13.12
Contours show volume changes from wetting of a compacted silty clay. Compaction within usual
specification limits (shown by the heavy arrows) results in negligible volume change if the soil is
not highly expansive. (After Lawton et al., 1992.)
Figure 13.13
Relation of
compaction energy
to moisture
from energy data
along the
95 percent density
line in Fig. 13.12.
Compacting on the wet side of the OMC also can save time and fuel by reducing
the required compactive effort. In Fig. 13.13 about 65 percent of the standard
compactive effort is required for soil to reach the specification density at the
optimum moisture content. This is reduced to about 50 percent at 2 percent above
optimum. However, compacting at above the OMC narrows the target range and
increases the possibility for overcompaction.
Figure 13.14
Modified Proctor
density is
achieved with a
higher compactive
effort and a lower
moisture content,
and results in a
denser, stronger,
and less
compressible soil.
It is used in
heavy, duty
applications such
as airport landing
strips and
Compaction 297
The two options, compacting on the dry side or on the wet side of the optimum
moisture content, are further illustrated by data in Fig. 13.15 for an expansive
sandy clay. From the upper graph it may be seen that expansion is over 2 percent
if the soil is compacted to maximum density at the optimum moisture content, is
reduced about one-half if the soil is compacted at 2 percent above optimum, and
becomes zero if compacted at 4 percent above optimum. However, such a soil will
be greatly weakened by dispersion and possible overconsolidation, and if it dries
out it will shrink excessively. On the other hand, if the soil is compacted at
2 percent below the OMC, shrinkage is reduced one-half compared to that which
will occur if the soil is compacted at the OMC, but shrinkage is not completely
Most problems with expansive clays occur when they are under low pressure
and subject to either an increase or a decrease in the moisture content, so
the compaction moisture content can be selected in anticipation of future
changes. For example, moisture tends to accumulate in soil that is sealed off from
the atmosphere, such as under pavements or floor slabs, so to reduce the
likelihood of volume change, expansive clay may be compacted on the wet side of
the OMC.
Figure 13.15
Controlling the
volume change of
expansive clay by
adjusting the
moisture content.
(After Seed and
Chan, 1959, with
permission of the
American Society
of Civil
Compaction 299
Most compacted soil is used in embankments for roads, highways, or earth dams.
In these applications, soil in the embankments not only should resist volume
changes, it must have sufficient shearing strength that side slopes are stable and do
not develop landslides. Railroad embankments, many constructed a century ago,
usually were not compacted and, significantly, still require continual maintenance
and repair. It therefore is important that the shear strength characteristics of the
compacted soil should be determined.
Figure 13.16
The expanding
steel mold of the
‘‘K test’’ enables
rapid estimates of
soil strength and
parameters from
Proctor density
specimens, but
drainage may be
Compaction 301
Figure 13.17
tests showing the
influence of
gradation on
compacted density
(Johnson and
Sahlberg, 1962).
that the lowest density is obtained with a sand that is nearly all one size, which is
the reason such a soil is said to be poorly graded and classified as SP or A-3.
sand. Details of these tests will be found in laboratory testing manuals or standard
methods of the ASTM.
Another method involves driving a thin-walled steel tube into the soil and
measuring the weight and volume of soil extracted. This is considered less accurate
than the methods described above because of sample disturbance and compaction
during sampling.
A thin-walled steel tube called a Shelby tube can be pushed instead of driven, by
use of a drilling machine. The sample then is extruded in the laboratory, and the
weight, volume, and moisture content of representative samples measured.
Strengths also can be determined. This is the same procedure that is used in
exploration drilling for foundation soils, and has the advantage that it also is used
for sampling and testing soil underneath a compacted layer. Routine samples for
purposes of soil identification are obtained by driving a thick-walled Standard
Penetration Test (SPT) device, but the soil is so disturbed and compacted that it
is not acceptable for density determinations. Details of these tests are found in
Chapter 26.
For the transmission mode a probe is driven into the soil to the required depth
and withdrawn, or a hole is made with an auger. The nuclear unit is placed over
the hole and a rod that is slightly smaller than the probe hole is lowered from
within its shield down into the hole, as shown in Fig. 13.18. The rod contains a
radioactive source that emits gamma rays. Best accuracy is obtained if the source
is against the side of the hole closest to the detectors. Gamma radiation
transmitted through the soil up to the bottom of the device is counted for
15 seconds to 4 minutes, depending on the accuracy desired and the transmission
characteristics of the soil.
Although nuclear devices measure density in kg/m3, they also are calibrated to
read unit weights in lb/ft3 or kN/m3. Test units require daily calibration, which
can be done by testing in concrete blocks of known density or other materials such
as limestone, granite, or aluminum (ASTM Designation D-2922). Operation
requires trained and certified personnel.
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Compaction 303
Figure 13.18
Nuclear density
gauge. For
measurements the
probe is lowered
the desired
distance into a
hole previously
prepared in the
soil. (Photo
courtesy Dr. David
Figure 13.19
Principle of nuclear
content testing
device for
monitoring field
encounter hydrogen ions in the soil they are slowed, and those returning to the
unit are counted. The count includes all hydrogen ions including those that are
structurally held as OH ions in mica and the clay minerals, plus hygroscopic
water that is not driven off by normal oven-drying, plus hydrocarbons in organic
matter. Calibration therefore is required by counting similar soils with moisture
contents that are determined by oven-drying (ASTM Designation D-3017).
Compaction 305
Table 13.2
Applications of
also reduces the strength of the compacted soil and can increase dispersion of
clays. In other words, a small amount of chemical can make a soil easier to
compact by making it weaker. In recognition of this, chemical ‘‘compaction aids’’
are not permitted in most compaction specifications.
Whereas hydrated lime flocculates an active clay soil, increasing the OMC and
lowering the compacted density, chemical compaction aids do just the opposite.
Field inspectors should be wary of water additions that have a soapy feel or tend
to foam. Many aids are rendered ineffective by expansive clay minerals that
remove organic chemicals by adsorption between clay layers.
CaCl2, calcium chloride, also is the reverse of a compaction aid as it increases the
surface tension of water, and densification occurs as a result of higher suction
forces when the soil dries out. Calcium chloride occasionally is used to increase
the surface density of granular unpaved roads and as a dust palliative, but has a
low pH that accelerates rusting.
the arithmetic mean, or average, but this says nothing about variability. If the
average density meets a design specification, it means that one-half of the tests do
not meet the specification, so the average must be higher than the specification
The engineer also has other choices: if one determination does not meet speci-
fications it may only reflect a natural variability of data, but if half of the tests do
not pass, the entire project is suspect and should be tested and, if necessary, torn
out and recompacted under more carefully controlled conditions.
Figure 13.20
Mixing reduces
soil variability and
energy is saved
by cutting across
soil layers.
Compaction 307
For example, the control chart may show a group of tests that gave marginal or
unacceptable density data. Is the reason bad data, or is it perhaps coincident with
an early-morning rain, a change in the soil, a change in operator or operating
procedure, a change in equipment, or is it none of those causes and attributable to
carelessness or inattention to details?
Figure 13.21
Control chart for
density. A similar
chart can be
prepared for
moisture content
measurements and
can help pinpoint
problem areas.
specifications gives no assurance that other similar or worse areas may not have
been missed by the tests. Ideally, a large number of tests will be randomly
performed and they all will meet specifications, but it is not a perfect world.
The most common statistical measure for variability is the standard deviation,
which unfortunately is given the same symbol, , that engineers use for stress. The
standard deviation is routinely calculated by computer programs that calculate
The formula for the square of the standard deviation, called the variance, is
2 ¼ ðxi x Þ2 =n ð13:4Þ
where xi represents individual data readings, x is the average, and n is the number
of data points. It will be noted that ‘‘variance’’ has a specific meaning and should
not be confused with ‘‘variability.’’
‘‘Standard error’’ is the standard deviation divided by the square root of the
number of observations. The term carries an unfortunate connotation and is not
popular with engineers.
Compaction 309
The coefficient of variation allows comparing the variability of apples and that of
oranges. Cv usually is in the range 10 to 25 percent for most soil properties. The
lower the coefficient, the more confidence one may have that a soil is uniform or a
job is uniformly constructed
The concept of probable error is used when there is a large number of tests that do
follow a normal distribution, and is a basis for control chart limits of 3 that
Figure 13.22
A beta distribution
may be preferred
over a normal
because it can be
adjusted to stay
within physical
limits that are
A beta distribution may be narrower or broader than that which is shown, may be
symmetrical or skewed one way or the other, may be higher at the ends than at
the middle, or may even be a horizontal line indicating an even distribution.
With that kind of versatility it may be difficult to assign the most appropriate
descriptive parameters. As a first estimate a beta distribution may be selected that
approximates a symmetrical normal distribution, but with discreet upper and
lower boundary values based on physical limits such as not allowing a negative
factor of safety.
In the case of compaction, it is inevitable that some tests will not meet
specifications, and a beta distribution can help to translate a failure ratio into
reliability. A formula for reliability is (Harr, 1987):
R¼ ð13:6Þ
where a is the number of successes and b is the number of failures.
A beta distribution for eq. (13.6) is shown in Fig. 13.23, which in this case indicates
a reliability of 0.71—that is, based on this limited number of tests, 71 percent of
the product can be expected to meet specifications, instead of 80 percent indicated
by the number of tests that actually passed.
Compaction 311
Figure 13.23
Beta distribution
calculated for 4
successes and 1
failure. (From Harr,
Figure 13.24
prediction based
on number of
successes with or
without one failure.
indicate a reliability of 11/12 ¼ 92 percent. The higher the number of tests and
lower the number of failures, the higher the reliability.
A common procedure is to repeat a test that does not pass, in which case it will
have approximately the same probability of success as the first batch of tests.
The repeated test therefore might be regarded as somewhat superfluous—unless
it fails.
Pham (2005) vertically compressed a loessial silt, some specimens with and others
without lateral strain. Vertical compression alone resulted in a much lower degree
Figure 13.25
Preferred vertical
orientation of
sand grains after
densification. The
dashed circles
show random
(Modified from
Oda, 1978.)
Compaction 313
Figure 13.26
Comparison of
void ratios
obtained by
compression and
vertical plus lateral
compression of a
silt initially
compacted to
95 percent
maximum density.
The change in void
ratio at 300 kPa
mean stress is
from 0.64 to 0.42,
a decrease of
34 percent. (From
Pham, 2005.)
Compaction is the most frequently used method for improving soil properties
such as strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and stability from volume changes,
but requires careful tests and controls to achieve these purposes. Compaction of
non-expansive soil to 95 percent density at or near the optimum moisture content
should yield a product that is stable from future volume changes, whereas a soil
that is compacted on the dry side of optimum may collapse when wet even though
it meets the density requirement. Compaction on the wet side of optimum is useful
for some purposes but increases the danger of overcompaction that will damage
the soil.
13.1. Suggest compaction specifications for the following: (a) base course for a
highway, (b) base course for an airport runway for large aircraft,
(c) residential landscaping, (d) trench backfill that will support pavement,
(e) clay core of an earth dam.
13.2. Calculate the compactive energy per unit volume of soil in the standard
and modified Proctor tests.
13.3. Explain the differences and applications between compaction and
13.4. (a) Why are soils compacted in layers? (b) Why is it important to have
a firm, rough base for compaction?
13.5. Soil in a haul road develops a soft, bouncy feel and a rolling swell ahead of
scraper wheels so that in effect the equipment is always going uphill. What
is the reason and what is your recommendation?
13.6. A bucket filled with dry sand weighs more than a bucket filled with wet
sand. Explain.
13.7. A nuclear gauge is used to test soil at the standard Proctor OMC and
maximum density in Fig. 13.2. What percent accuracy can be expected for
the moisture content?
13.8. Identify the soil in Fig. 13.2 by comparing the compacted density curve
with those of Fig. 13.17. Does this identification appear to be correct?
13.9. Repeat Problem 13.8 with the soil in Fig. 13.15.
13.10. Give two reasons why a field density might give data above the zero air
voids line. What should be done to mitigate this problem?
13.11. In Fig. 13.14, 90% modified Proctor density is higher than 95% standard
density, and there is a shortage of water at the construction site. Which
specification do you recommend? Is there any risk involved in specifying
90% maximum density?
13.12. (a) Relative density tests on a dry sandy gravel give a maximum and
minimum of 20.1 and 14.5 kN/m3 (128 and 92 lb/ft3), respectively. (b) If
G ¼ 2.65, find emax and emin. (c) Dry densities of this soil are found to be
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Compaction 315
19.2, 18.2, and 17.0 kN/m3 (122, 116, and 108 lb/ft3). Calculate the relative
13.13. What is the percent saturation at the OMC and maximum density in
Fig. 13.2? Assume G ¼ 2.70.
13.14. List some of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the failure
of Teton Dam in Idaho and comment on each. (Additional reading
13.15. A proposed earth dam will contain 4,098,000 m3 (5,360,000 yd3) of earth.
It will be compacted to a void ratio of 0.80. There are three available
borrow pits, which are designated as A, B, and C. The void ratio of the soil
in each pit and the estimated cost of moving the soil to the dam is as
shown in the tabulation. What will be the least earth-moving cost, and
which pit will it be most economical to use?
Cost of moving
Pit Void ratio per m3 per yd3
13.16. (a) Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of
the data shown in Fig. 13.21. (b) Two of the tests do not meet
specifications. According to the subcontractor all of the soil received the
same number of roller passes so he questions the validity of the tests. As
the inspector, what are your options?
13.17. The data points shown in Fig. 13.27 are obtained in a Proctor density test
of a silty sand. Which is more likely to be the correct interpretation of the
data, linear regression as in (a), conventional curve fitting (b), or curve
fitting as in (c)? Explain.
13.18. The following data were obtained during compaction of clay fill to
support a shopping mall. Use a computer spreadsheet to prepare a control
chart. The density is specified to at or above 95% of the maximum
Figure 13.27
interpretations in
Problem 13.17.
laboratory density, which is 98.6 lb/ft3 (15.5 kN/m3) and the moisture
content is specified to be between the optimum of 18.8% and 4% above
optimum. (a) With reference to Fig. 13.17, is this a reasonable maximum
density? (b) Prepare a control chart for density and for moisture content
showing the specification limits. Are any of the data outside of these
limits? (c) Calculate the reliability. If 500 tests were conducted, what
number might be expected to pass?
13.19. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of the
density data in Problem 13.18. Does the uniformity of the data indicate
good, average, or poor quality control on compaction? Would a control
chart based on x 3 define acceptable limits? What are those limits?
Partial ans.: x ¼ 97.58x 1.497.
13.20. A statistical ‘‘t’’ test is based on a symmetrical distribution and is used to
estimate confidence limits on the mean. With 12 observations, one can be
95% confident that the actual mean is x 0.664. Calculate the limits on
the mean.
13.21. According to the area under a normal curve, 5% of the densities will
exceed x þ 1.645 and 1% will exceed x 2.875. Is this reasonable? Why
Compaction 317