HOUSE AND APT 05 - Kitchen

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Fenomenal! Vamos agora pra aula 5. Já falamos da casa, numa planta, ter uma noção geral. Praticamos
um pouquinho de grammar, de preposition, vimos a casa por fora, vimos o living room.

E agora, let’s go to the place where we cook dinner. We sometimes have breakfast there, we do the dishes
or wash the dishes.

Aqui na tela pra você: o que que é do the dishes or wash the dishes. This is to wash the dishes. This is to
do the dishes.

It’s where we cook. It’s where we bake. Aaaaah. Na tela pra você também. If you wanna do cheese balls -
pão de queijo. Pizza.

If you wanna do cake, you are not going to cook, you are gonna bake in the oven. Ok? So, the place
where we bake is called oven.

Aaaaah… It’s where we put the food to preserve the food. Or to keep the good conditions of our food.
We put them into the refrigerator. The fridge. Ok?

A Consul, Brastemp, Electrolux… Até a LG acho que tá fazendo fridge hoje. And there is the fridge and
the freezer.

It’s where we conservate the food. It’s where we keep the food. It’s where we preserve the conditions of
the food. Ok?

Aaaah… It’s, it’s in this room also and it’s where you can heat up food. We use the stove to cook and after
we cook, let’s say… you have some, some of the food remaining. It’s called the leftovers.

For example, todo Natal a família toda se reúne, aquela tonelada de comida… Nunca se come tudo.
There is always something left. There is always something remaining.

E esta, esta, essa, essa, esse reaproveitamento que se tem no CHristmas Day, December 25th. We eat the

It’s what we cook for Christmas Eve - December 24th. But we didn’t eat all of the food. We ate some of the
food. Ok?

So, the rest that we did not eat is called leftovers. Leftovers.

If you just leave the leftovers on the table, it’s gonna go rotten. Vai apodrecer. Ok? How do you preserve?
How do you keep the good conditions of the food, so you can eat the day after?

You put the food on the fridge. Ok? You put the food on the fridge. Peeeein.

And the day after, one of the options toe at that same food again is to heat up, heat the food up in the
microwave. Ok?

So, it’s, it’s one of the technologies that we have nowadays, it’s a microwave. It’s a faster, quicker, easier -
mais rápido, mais fácil - way to heat up the food. To warm up the food.

Aquecer a comida. Ok?

So, we heat the food up in the microwave.

So, let’s take a look: what’s the name of this place? It’s the kitchen. We do the dishes, we wash the dishes,
we cook, we sometimes have breakfast, dinner, lunch.

we preserve the food, we put the food in the fridge, we heat up the food.

Heat up. To heat up. It’s what we do in the microwaves. 30 seconds, 60 seconds. 90 seconds. 2 minutes.
(imita microondas). The microwave heats the food up. Ok?

So, the food was in the fridge. It was cold. It was cold. After you put the food in the microwave, it gets hot.
The process of getting cold food, making it hot, it’s to heat up the food. Heat up.

Heat up the food. Heat-- Heat is the feeling you have when the sun, the, the… x-rays from the sun when
they touch your body. What you feel is the heat. Ok? O calor.

So, to heat up the food is to make the food hot. So you can eat again.

So, this is the Kitchen. Ok? The place where you cook - stove. We cook on the stove. Some stoves they
have 4 burners. Some stoves have 5 burners. Mine has 5.

Lá na travelling a gente vai vers isso - mine, yours, hers, his, theirs. Mine, my stove has 5 burners.

And under the stove, the place you open to bake pizza, cheese balls, cake… It’s the oven.

Agora olha que interessante: num sei se você sabia dessa. Isso é uma coisa que só quem cozinha, tipo a
minha esposa-- Todo mundo que cozinha ou já viu alguém cozinhando vai entender e faz sentido.

When you have a stove, you have… Let’s say, for example, you have 4 burners, ok? E aí, geralmente, a não
ser que a pessoa esteja realmente usando the 4 burners to cook...

O que muitas vezes acontece e eu já vi a minha esposa fazendo muito. Lembra lá do family que eu falei
que she’s a functional chef?

She cooks organic, gluten free, sugar free, lactose free, dairy free food. EU jpa vi ela muito fazendo isso.

Ela cozinha in the front burner e aí tem hora que ela tem que deixa a comida esperando, dando um
tempo e tal. Que ela vai voltar pra aquela comida depois.

She doesn’t take the food off the burner, off the stove. She puts the food, she puts the pan-- Sorry, the
pan is where you cook. Pan, pra nós aqui a imagem na tela.

Pan is what we use to cook. Então quando ela-- Aquela comida que ela vai atacar depois, que ela vai
retomar depois, she doesn’t take that pan off the stove. She puts that pan in the backburner.

E você vai ver algumas vezes, algumas pessoas num contexto de uma conversa e alguém pede uma
posição, uma decisão e a pessoa não sabe naquele momento.

E ela não quer tomar uma decisão. O meu mentor espiritual, ele ensina muito isso, o meu bispo. Ele fala
“hoje eu aprendi a não tomar decisão no calor do momento”.

Então I’m gonna think. E se você chegar pra ele e pedir algo pra ele, uma decisão… Ah-- Provavelmente
he’s gonna say “let’s put it in the back burner”.

When you say “let’s put it in the back burner” it doesn’t mean you are saying no and you are not saying
yes. You are saying “let’s think it through”, “let’s think about it”.

Uma outra forma de dizer isso seria “I’m gonna sleep on that”. I’m gonna sleep on that, I’m gonna think
about it. Let’s think it through. Let’s think about it. I’m gonna sleep on that. Let’s put it in the backburner.

Tem essa ideia da cozinha. Depois eu volto pra essa panela, depois eu volto pra esse assunto.

Let’s put it in the backburner. If you say let’s put it in the backburner, does it mean you re saying yes?
Does it mean you are saying no?

If you say let’s put it in the backburner, it means “let’s think about it, let’s think it through, let’s process it
better”. Let’s-- I’m gonna sleep on that.

What types of things, what kind of subjects-- Que tipo de coisa, de assunto we put in the backburner?
Easy decisions or complex decisions? Complex. Ok?

Deep important decisions - we put it in the backburner. Things that are very important, that you have to
think about the consequences.

Aaaah… Impulsive, anxious people - do they usually put things in the backburner? Anxious, impulsive
people, that like to say yes or no right away, they don’t usually put things in the backburner.

They say yes or no. They do not think through the consequences of what they are going to do or what
they are going to decide. Ok?

So, that’s to put things on the backburner. It’s to think better. Think deeper. To process, to think about the
consequences. If I say yes, if I say no. Ok?

To sleep on that. To think it through. To think more about that. Ok?

Uuuuuh… So, you can-- We usually cook on the stove. We bake in the oven pizza, cheese balls and cake.
And we heat up food in the microwave. Microwave. Ok?

Now, Eu falei no-- Na primeira ou na segunda aula do Houses and Apartments. The-- What is the word for
everything that we have in our kitchen that we use to cook and to eat?

The pans-- Por exemplo, pans, frying pans, uh… forks, knives, spoons, bowls, plates, glasses… All the
things that we use to cook and to eat.

They are called D-I-S-H-E-S. Dishes. Dishes. Ok? Dishes.

We wash the dishes in the sink. And we keep the dishes in the cabinets. Cabinets. Cabinets. Ok?

As you can see here, lots of cabinets in this kitchen. Ok?

So, this is the sink. Ah, by the way, there is a cup next to the sink. Ok? There is a flower jar next to the sink.
There is a cloth.

We have a cloth, that is a cloth that you use to, to dry or to clean. Ok? That is a cloth. The cloth is on the
counter. Ok?

Todo esse espaço aqui ó. The stove is between the counter. Todo esse espaço aqui em cima, se for--

É… Eu me lembro de uma casa aonde eu fui nos Estados Unidos uma vez que lá tinha toda essa counter,
sink-- Counter, counter.

E no meio, in the middle of the kitchen, tinha uma outra coisa aonde você podia cozinhar, guardar as
coisas. Esse do meio, se tiver na sua cozinha por exemplo, this is an isle.

Esse da minha foto que tá aqui - counter. Ok? Counter.

So, we wash the dishes in the sink. We wash the dishes or we do the dishes in the sink. And we keep them
after they are clean-- We keep them in the cabinets.

We put, we store, we put, we keep them in the cabinets. Ok?

Aaaah… Se você ver under the counter, there is a… It’s a… machine that we use in the United States it’s
very common. Ok? To wash the dishes, to do the dishes.

The appliance-- Como é que é, teacher? Appliance. Fridge, microwave, stove, this one, blender.

If you wanna make a vitamin at home, you get a blender. Vitamin or juice or shake. You get a blender and
you put milk, fruits and you (imita liquidificador) you blend, you blend.

You mix. Blen-der. Algumas-- Dependendo do seu gosto de café, cê já viu que tem uns cafés que têm um
blend de num sei o quê com num sei o quê? It’s a mix.

The thing that blends-- Como é que transforma em executor? Bota o -er. Blender. Blender.

So, if you wanna make vitamins, shake, juice, even ice cream at home. You get a blender, you put milk,
fruits, ice cream… Ok? And you… blend. You blend in the blender. Ok?

So, blender-- Outra coisa que é muito famosa nos Estados UNidos: toaster. You put the slices of bread and
you turn on the toaster. Because it toasts the bread. Toaster.

Depois que pega essa do -er, fica tudo muito-- Toaster, the thing that toasts. Blender, the object that
blends. Dishwasher, the appli-- Agora eu respondi o nome, né?

This is a dishwasher, the object, the machine, the appliance that washes the dishes. Dishwasher. Blennnn-
nnnnnder. Toaster. It toasts the bread.

Então você pega o pãozinho lá bonitinho, branquinho and you toast. Ele fica todo… cracking. Ok?

A toaster. O que eu tava querendo dizer aqui é: toaster, fridge, freezer, microwave, stove, dishwasher,
blender… they are appliances.

Teacher, how can I say “eletrodomésticos” in English? Appliance. Ok?


So… The appliance where you keep the food, where you preserve the food - fridge. The appliance where
you heat up the food - microwave.

The appliance where you cook - stove. Where you bake - pizza, cake, cheeseball - oven. It’s under the

The appliance where you wash the dishes - dishwasher. And above the stove, there’s an exhauster.

It… gets the smoke off or out of the kitchen. Exhauster. Exhauster. Exhauster, stove, microwave, fridge,
dishwasher, blender, toaster… They are appliances. Appliances. Ok?

Ok? Oh! Can you see in the picture, uh… Something like this and vegetables on it? What is the name of
this? It’s called cutting board. Cutting board. Ok? Cutting board.

A board is a name for surfaces, pra superfícies. Por exemplo, na escola tem o blackboard. É o nome
daquela coisa, aquela, aquela superfície do quadro aonde se escreve.

Board is-- One of the meanings of the word board-- Né, por exemplo, numa empresa você tem the board
of directors.

Então é uma palavra que mistura o significado de mesa com superfície. So, that’s a cutting board. Cutting
board. Ok?

There are vegetables on the cutting board. There are vegetables on-- Some vegetables on the cutting
board. Ok?

So, there are some vegetables on the cutting board. There are some carrots? I believe this is… celery. Hã?
Celery. I believe this is celery - salsão. And this is cabbage. Ok?

Cabbage on the right-- On the right, next to the carrots, we have cabbage-- We have one cabbage and
we have some celery. Ok?

Ok, so, let’s take a look at another kitchen here. Uh… There is a stove. I cannot see how many burners are
there here. There is an oven under the stove. Ok?

The microwave, in the last kitchen, the kitchen that we saw before, there was an exhauster above the
stove. Right here we have a microwave above the stove.

There are cabinets around the microwave. The microwave is between, is surrounded by cabinets. Ok?

There is a fridge, a large, big fridge. I cannot see the, the brand. If it’s Electrolux, Brastemp, Lg, I cannot see
the brand of the fridge. That’s a two-door fridge. Two-door fridge.

It has an ice-maker. It makes ice. The ice drops in your glass. Ok? Cê bota lá, you put the glass and ice
comes out into your glass.

And there is a freezer under the fridge. Que é uma tendência nessas geladeiras mais modernas - the
freezer is under the fridge and not above. Ok? It’s under.

There is a sink. What do we do in the sink? We wash the dishes, we do the dishes. Is there a dishwasher in
this kitcher? Yes, there is. Right there. Ok?

Next to the cabinets that are under the counter. Is there and isle in this kitchen? No. Just counter, no isle.

Lots of cabinets, one stove, one microwave, one fridge, one freezer… There is a flower jar. Flower jar,
sorry. There are some knives.

I believe that’s olive oil… I think there-- Can you see a bowl on the counter next to the flower jar? I belie-
ve that there are onions inside the bowl.

Uuuuh… I can’t understand. What is this? There is… This is some bread. And when we come to the table.
There is a table, there are 3 chairs, there is one salad bowl on the table.

This is a salad bowl. We have olive oil, we have next to the olive oil, we have 1, 2, 3, 4 plates. One, there is
one salad bowl. 2 olive oils. 4, there are 4 plates.

There are 3 chairs, there is one table. Ok?

So, this is where we… Wash and do the dishes, it’s where we sometimes have breakfast, lunch dinner.

We do the dishes in the sink or we wash the dishes in the dishwasher. We cook on the stove. We bake
pizza, cheeseballs, cake in the oven.

We heat up food, heat up food in the microwave and we keep, we preserve, we put the food in the fridge.
Or refrigerator. Ok? And depending on what it is, we put it in the freezer. Ok?

Essa foi então a aula 5, vamos pra aula 6.

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