Semaine8 Kitchen Food
Semaine8 Kitchen Food
Semaine8 Kitchen Food
Hello everybody, and welcome to this new lesson on AnglaisBases level 2. Today we are going
to do something a little bit different for you...We’re going to learn about the kitchen and cooking !
So today, AnglaisBases level 2 becomes Master Chef !
B : Hello Alban
A : Sure...So...Here we're in my kitchen. So here is the sink, here's the oven, here we have the particular a ceramic hob. Right here we have the kettle, the blender, here's a steam
cooker. And here we have the worktop, to chop the vegetables and cut the food.
B : OK.
A : So here is my fridge. What do I have...let me see. Well I have some eggs, some onions
I have some potatoes as well. Would you fancy an omelette ?
B : Yeah why not. We could do a sort of Spanish omelette.
B : Let's go!
B : So, to do an AnglaisBases version of the Spanish omelette, We need some eggs, some
potatoes, and an onion.
I'm going to start by peeling the potato with the potato peeler.
Now, we have to cut the potatoes. For this, I use a chopping board, and a very big knife.
So, the potatoes are done, now I need to chop the onion. Careful I may cry here...
A : So now we have put the potatoes inside the pan I'll add a little bit of olive oil. Here we go...
And we will fry the potatoes for a few minutes. So I turn on the hob...And here we go...We just
need to wait for a few minutes, until the potatoes are cooked.
B : Right ! So while Alban is cooking the potatoes, I will take care of the eggs. I take my eggs,
and a bowl...And a fork, I crack the egg on the side of the bowl.
So here the yellow part of the egg: this is the egg yolk. The white part: the egg white.
I will do the others.
So when the eggs are in the bowl, I take my fork, and I whisk them.
So now I will add just a little bit of milk, and then we will add the mixture of eggs to the
potatoes that Alban is cooking.
A : Okay so now I will add the onions to the potatoes. I mix them up a little bit. and wait another
few minutes until they are cooked.
A : Yep good idea...Well, the weather's nice today, why don't we eat outside on the balcony ?
So the bowl is clean, I just rinse it under the tap. I put it on the drying rack.
A : Ok so Ben has left me the drying up.I take the tea towel and I wipe the plate...And the
second one as well.
There we are, it's dry !
Expression 2
Steam cooker = cuit-vapeur (je le note ici car cela n'était peut-être pas bien clair à l'image
pendant la présentation de la cuisine).
Expression 3
To chop the vegetables = Emincer (ou hâcher) les légumes.
A chopping board = une planche à découper.
Expression 4
Would you fancy an omelette ? = est-ce que ça te dirait une omelette ?
On retrouve ici l'expression to fancy, avoir (bien) envie de que nous avions vu lors de la
première leçon sur la TV en anglais.
Expression 5
To peel = éplucher, peler
I'm going to start by peeling the potato with the potato peeler = Je vais commencer par
éplucher les pommes de terres avec l'économe.
Expression 6
The potatoes are done = Avez-vous compris ce que signifie "done" ici ? Done est le participe
passé du verbe TO DO = faire. Donc done = fait(e), et the potatoes are done = les pommes de
terre sont faites.
Expression 7
Careful I may cry here = "careful" ici est l'abréviation de "be careful". Le sens de cette phrase
est "soyez prudent(ou "attention"), je vais peut-être pleurer là". C'est ce que dit Ben à cause du
découpage des oignons...
Expression 8
Here/there we go = allons-y.
Here /there we are = nous y voilà. (ou "et voilà!").
Expression 9
I will take car of the eggs = Je vais m'occuper des œufs (littéralement je vais prendre soin des
Expression 10
To whisk = mélanger au fouet, battre.
To mix up = mélanger.
Expression 11
To set the table = mettre le couvert/la table.
Expression 12
A chore = une corvée, ou une tâche ménagère.
Quand Ben dit "And now, to the chore", cela signifie "Et maintenant, à la tâche/la corvée".
Test de compréhension
Now we’re going to do the test of comprehension. Remember to listen very carefully to every
word that I say. Good luck !
1 ) Tonight I roasted a chicken for dinner. I will keep some of the chicken to make
sandwiches for my lunch tomorrow. I will eat the sandwiches at work because tomorrow I
will not have time to go buy something to eat.
2 ) I use the food blender to make a vegetable soup. I used three potatoes, two carrots,
two onions and some mushrooms.
3 ) Smoothies are a mixture of fruit and water. Sometimes I like to have a big smoothie
for breakfast. I like to use strawberries and peaches. This is a very healthy way to start
the day !
What is a smoothie ?
→ A smoothie is a mixture of fruits and water.
4 ) There are many ways to cook an egg. You can boil them, you can fry them, you
can poach them or you can scramble them. But my favourite way to eat eggs is in an
→ You could have said : you can boil them, you can fry them, you can poach them, you can
scramble them or eat them in an omelette.
5 ) I like frozen pizzas because they are quick and easy to prepare. But they never taste
as good as fresh pizzas.
Why do I like frozen pizzas ?
→ Because they are quick and easy to prepare.
6 )After you have eaten you need to do the washing-up. For this, you need a sponge,
some washing-up liquid or a dishwasher. Me, I choose the dishwasher, for obvious
Pork = porc; chicken = poulet; beef = bœuf; lamb = agneau; turkey = dinde; duck = canard;
rabbit = lapin; fish = poisson; sausage = saucisse; ham = jambon; bacon = bacon; steak =
steak; eggs = œufs.
Apple = pomme; orange = orange; banana = banane; cherry = cerise; apricot = abricot;
peach = pêche; pear = poire; pineapple = ananas; grapefruit = pamplemousse; grapes =
raisins; strawberry = fraise; raspberry = framboise; lemon = citron; lime = citron vert; melon =
melon; tomato = tomate; avocado = avocat; nuts = noix (en général).
Butter = beurre; milk = lait; flour = farine; salt = sel; pepper = poivre (ou poivron); cheese
= fromage; yoghurt = yaourt; dairy product = produit laitier (on dit aussi dairies pour « les
produits laitiers »); starter = entrée; main course = plat principal; dessert = dessert; pudding
= pudding (aussi « black pudding » = boudin noir, « white pudding » = boudin blanc); tea = thé;
coffee = café; cake = gâteau; pasta = pâtes; fat = graisse; carbohydrates = féculents; protein
= protéines.
To cook = cuisiner / faire cuire; to fry = faire frire; to grill = faire griller; to bake = faire cuire /
faire de la patisserie (ex: to bake a cake); to boil = faire bouillir; to roast = faire rôtir.