BS 1722-1 - 2019
BS 1722-1 - 2019
BS 1722-1 - 2019
BS 1 7 2 2 - 1 : 2 0 1 9 B RITISH STANDARD
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.
I S B N 9 7 8 0 5 8 0 5 1 9 74 1
ICS 91.090
Contents Page
Foreword iii
Introduction 1
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
Figure 1 - General characteristics of a chain link fence 3
4 Dimensions and general characteristics 5
Table 1 General characteristics of chain link fences with zinc (Z) or zinc alloy (ZA) coated mesh
- 5
Table 2 - General characteristics of chain link fences with plastic coated mesh 6
5 Additional security 7
6 Gates 7
7 Materials and construction 7
7.1 Welding 7
7.2 Wire 7
7.3 Posts, gate posts and struts 8
Table 3 - Typical dimensions for steel posts and struts 9
Table 4 - Typical steel post sizes (SHS) for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles) 10
7.4 Construction of gates 11
Table 5 Typical frame sizes for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles) AJ
- 11
Figure 2 Example of a hinge design
- 12
Table 6 - Typical minimum fittings for gates 13
Table 7 Typical minimum dimensions for gate fittings
- 13
Figure 3 Example of a hinge eyebolt
- 14
Figure 4 - Example of a hinge pin 14
Figure 5 - Example of a drop bolt arrangement 15
Figure 6 - Example of a locking bar arrangement 15
7.5 Fittings, fixings and straining devices 16
8 Design 17
9 Installation 17
9.1 Line and level 17
9.2 Posts and struts 18
9.3 Line wires 19
9.4 Chain link mesh 19
9.5 Toppings 20
10 Renovation o f damage to hot dip galvanized coating 20
11 Statement of conformity 20
11.1 Fence manufacturer/supplier 20
1 1 .2 Fence installer 20
1 1 .3 Certificate 20
1 1 .4 Statement 20
Annex B (normative) Chain link solidity calculation and wind load calculation 22
Figure B.1 - Example for 5.00 mm OD chain link 50 mm mesh 23
Table B.1 - Drag coefficients (C) of fence panels 24
Table B.2 Calculations for each component
- 25
Bibliography 28
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, and inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 2 8, an inside back cover and
a back cover.
Publishing information
This part of BS 1 7 2 2 is published by BS! Standards Limited, under licence from The B ritish Standards
Institution, and came into effect on 30 April 2 0 1 9 . It was prepared by Technical Committee B /201,
Fences and gates. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to
its secretary.
This is a full revision of this part of BS 1 722, and introduces the following principal changes:
• Performance-based requirements have been specified rather than descriptive where possible
• Heights up to 3.60 m are now covered.
No attempt has been made to standardize fences or gates of a purely deco rative nature, or those
suited to special requirements; nor to specify requirements for "patent" proprietary fencing systems.
However, the structure of such fences or gates can still be designed in accordance with the applicable
clauses of this part of BS 1 722.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this part of BS 1 7 2 2 that the execution of its provision is
entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people. Before installation commences, the
Lead Installer and all other operatives are expected to have a suitable qualification.
NO T E An example of a suitable qual ification for a Lead Installer is the attainment of a joint Fencing
Industry Skills Scheme (FISS) or Construction Scheme Skills Certification Scheme ( C S CS) skilled level
registration card (blue card). An example of a suitable qualification for all other operatives is the
attainment of the basic fence operative card (green card). At the time of publication of this British
Standard the registration cards are validated by the FISS and C S C S . FISS/ CSCS maintains a national
register of fence installers and operatives. Other schemes might be available.
Presentational conventions
The provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Its requirements are
expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is "shall".
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does
not constitute a normative element .
Where words have alternative spellings, the preferred spelling of the Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary is used (e.g. "organization" rather than "organisation").
Requirements in this standard are drafted in accordance with Rules for the structure and drafting of
UKstandards, subclause G.1.1, which states, "Requirements should be expressed using wording such
as: 'When tested as described in Annex A. the product shall ..."'. This means that only those products
that are capable of passing the specified test will be deemed to conform to this standard.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are
responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
Choosing a suitable fence is affected by factors such as intended purpose, desired service life,
aesthetic considerations and availability of components. The specifier can match a suitable choice
of fence to its intended purpose by reference to Table 1 and Table 2 . and inform those installing the
fence of the basic characteristics required.
Premature failure of the fence can be avoided by taking care neither to overstrain coated wire or to
damage protective treatments during installation.
1 Scope
This part of BS 1 7 2 2 specifies requirements for chain link fences and gates and gateposts for use with
chain link fences. The gates specified are steel with a provision for chain link infill or other infill if
required by the client.
This British Standard specifies requirements for fences up to 3.60 m in height with a chain link mesh
infill. For other security fences, refer to BS 1722-10, BS 172 2 -12 and BS 1 7 2 2 -1 4, and for chain link
mesh specifications refer to BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-6.
This British Standard is divided into requirements for the material components for fences and
for installation of the fences. This standard also specifies requirements for protective treatments.
H owever, maintenance requirements for the fence after installation are outside the scope of
this standard.
This British Standard specifies requirements for sizes of components. These are minimum
requirements, and it is acceptable to use larger sizes, except where this could adversely affect the
fitting of components, or if replacement parts are required to match with those already present.
Ground conditions might indicate that a variation in the length of a post or strut, or the depth to
which these can be set, is desirable. The posts and struts and setting depths specified in this part of
BS 1 72 2 are intended for use in normal ground conditions, but if special conditions exist that warrant
variations in the specification, e.g. the ground is softer or firmer than usual, such a change needs to be
agreed with the specifier.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
BS 1 722-16, Fences - Part 1 6: Specification for po wder coatings used as a plastics finish to
components and mesh
BS 4320, Spec ification for metal washers for general engineering purposes - Metric series
BS 7371-3, Coatings on metal fasteners - Part 3: Specifications for electroplated zinc coatings
BS 7371-6, Coatings on meta/fasteners - Part 6: Spec ification/or hot dipped galvanized coatings
BS EN 1 0 1 1-2, Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Arc welding of
ferritic steels
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-1, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 1 : Zinc and zinc alloy
coated steel barbed wire
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-2, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 2: Hexagonal steel wire
netting for agricultural, insulation and fencing purposes
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-3, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 3: Hexagonal steel wire
mesh products for civil engineering purposes
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-4, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 4: Steel wire welded
mesh fencing
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-5, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 5: Steel wire woven hinged
joint and knotted mesh fencing
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-6: 2 0 1 2 , Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 6: Steel wire chain
link fencing
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-7, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 7: Steel wire welded
panels for fencing
BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-8, Steel wire and wire products for fencing and netting - Part 8: Welded mesh
gabion products
BS EN 1 0 2 40, Internal and/or external protective coatings for steel tubes - Specification for hot dip
galvanized coatings applied in automatic plant
BS EN 102 44-2, Steel wire and wire products - Non -ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Part 2:
Zinc or zinc alloy coatings
BS EN ISO 1 461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles - Specifications and
test methods
BS EN ISO 2 0 63 (all parts), Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 1 2 9 44, (Parts 1 to 8), Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by
protective paint systems
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a) Chain link fence without extension arms for barbed wire
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b) Chain link fence with extension arms for barbed wire
Figure 1 (continued)
Table 1 - General characteristics of chain link fences with zinc (Z) or zinc alloy (ZA) coated mesh
roll (height of side of nominal wires BJ Low carbon High tensile steel
at posts) AJ mesh diameter (mild steel)
m mm mm mm mm
0.90 50 2.50 2 3.00 3.15
0.90 50 3.00 2 3.55 3.15
1.20 50 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
1.20 50 3.55 3 4.00 3.15
1.40 50 2.50 3 3.00 3.15
1.40 50 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
1.40 50 3.55 3 4.00 3.15
1.40 40 2.50 3 3.00 3.15
1.40 40 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
1.80 CJ 50 3.00 3 4.00 3.15
1.80CJ 50 3.55 3 3.00 3.15
1.80 C) 40 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
1.80 CJ,D) 50 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
1.80 CJ,D) 50 3.55 3 4.00 3.15
1.80 CJ,D) 40 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
2 . 1 5 C) 50 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
2 . 1 5 CJ 50 3.55 3 4.00 3.15
2 . 1 5 C) 40 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
2 . 1 5 CJ,D) 50 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
2 . 1 5 CJ,D) 50 3.55 3 4.00 3.15
2 . 1 5 CJ,Dl 40 3.00 3 3.55 3.15
2 .40 CJ,D) 50 3.00 4 3.55 3.15
2.40 C),D) 50 3.55 4 4.00 3.15
2 . 75 CJ, D) 50 3.00 5 3.55 3.15
2.75 C),D) 50 3.55 5 4.00 3.15
3.00 CJ,D) 50 3.00 5 3.55 3.15
3.00 CJ,D) 50 3.55 5 4.00 3.15
3.60 CJ,D) 50 3.00 6 3.55 3.15
3.60CJ,D) 50 3.55 6 4.00 3.15
Al Heights are of the main infill material, and exclude any ground clearance at the base or
additional height provided by extension arms for barbed wire.
BJ Line wires should be set 20 mm down from the top of the mesh and 20 mm up from bottom
of the mesh and equal spaces in between.
ci The top of the fence may be barbed.
0l The fence may have extension arms with barbed wire, increasing the height.
Table 2 - General characteristics of chain link fences with plastic coated mesh
Width of roll Length Mesh Number of line Nominal core Nominal outside
mm mm mm mm mm mm
0.90 50 1.70 2.50 2 430 430
0.90 50 2.24 3.15 2 430 DJ 430 DJ
0.90 50 2.50 3.55 2 430 DJ 430 D)
1.20 50 2.50 3.55 3 580 580
1.20 50 3.00 4.00 3 580 580
1.40 50 2.24 3.15 3 680 680
1.40 50 2.50 3.55 3 680 680
1.40 50 3.00 4.00 3 680 680
1.40 40 - -
3 680 680
1.40 40 - -
3 680 680
1.80 DJ 50 2.50 3.55 3 880 880
1.80 DJ 50 3.00 4.00 3 880 880
1.80 D) 40 - -
3 880 880
1.80 DJ 50 3.00 4.00 3 880 880
1.80 D) 50 -
4.75 3 880 880
1.80 DJ 40 -
3.55 3 880 880
2.15 DJ,EJ 50 2.50 3.55 3 1 0 55 1 0 55
2.15 DJ,EJ 50 3.00 4.00 3 1 0 55 1 0 55
2.15 DJ, EJ 50 3.55 4.75 3 1 0 55 1 0 55
2 . 1 5 DJ,EJ 40 -
3.55 3 1 0 55 1 0 55
2.40 D),E) 50 2.50 3.55 4 - -
5 Additional security
Where appropriate for additional security, fences above 2 . 1 m high shall include three lines of barbed
wire set on straight (vertical) or cranked extension arms conforming to L.5.Jl Gates for fences with
barbed wire shall include barbed wire on straight (vertical) extension arms conforming to L.5.Jl .
NO TE 1 Extensio n a rms fo r co ncrete o r steel posts may be integra l with the po st o r sepa ra te a tta chments.
NO TE 2 Additio na l security ca n be pro vided by cha in link mesh with a ba rbed to p (see Th12k.1 a nd Tu.ble....2_) o r
fin ished with a line of ba rbed wire a tta ched to the top of the mesh.
NO TE 3 Fo r security fences, reference sho uld be made to BS 1 722- 10, BS 1 722- 12 a nd BS 1 722- 14.
6 Gates
Single gates shall be used to fill openings up to and including 5 m in width. Double gates shall be used
to fill openings up to 10 m in width. No gate leaf shall be greater than 5 m.
Hanging and latching fittings for gates shall be suitably secured to the gate posts.
Gates shall have a ground clearance of not more than 50 mm at the meeting point, unless the site
conditions require a greater clearance.
When closed, the space between the meeting stiles shall not exceed 12 mm.
Gates shall provide a comparable degree of security to the adjacent fencing. The overall height of the
gates when fixed shall be not less than the adjacent fencing height.
NO TE 1 Specif ic site co nditio ns and levels m ight dicta te tha t a dditio na l measures a re necessa ry.
The infill on the gates shall be the same as that used on the fencing (unless otherwise specified). In
the closed position, the clear distance between the vertical framing of the gates and adjacent posts
shall be not greater than 89 mm.
7.1 Welding
All welding operations shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN 1 0 1 1-1 and BS EN 1 0 1 1-2, by
suitable personnel qualified according to BS EN ISO 9 606-1.
7.2 Wire
7.2.1 General
Chain link mesh and line wire shall be wire conforming to BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-6: 2 0 1 2, 5.2 a), b) or c) and
Table 1 or z..
Stirrup wire shall conform to BS EN 1 0 2 2 3-6: 2 0 12, 5.2 a), b) or c) and shall match the
line wires used.
Tying wire shall be zinc or zinc alloy coated tying wire of low carbon (mild) steel of nominal diameter
2 mm. Organic coated tying wire shall be of nominal core diameter 1 . 4 mm and nominal outside
diameter 2 mm.
Preformed rings (see 7.5.6), if used, shall be applied using the appropriate tool.
Steel grades for posts, struts, baseplates, caps and corrosion protective treatments applied to these
materials shall conform to Annex A.
Steel components shall conform to their specified sizes within the following tolerances:
b) an allowance on cross-section as specified in the appropriate material standards (see Table A.1) .
Steel components shall be free from sharp edges and burrs. Tops of hollow steel posts
shall be capped.
Posts shall be holed for attaching line wires, etc., as specified in 9.3. Holes for the top line wire shall
be approximately 25 mm below the top of the post (excluding extensions for barbed wire) . Holes shall
be free from obstructions.
Posts for barbed wire shall have integral extensions with the same cross-section as the post or means
for attaching extension arms (see 7.5.8).
NOTE Sepa ra te extension a rms may be bolted or welded on.
If further security against climbing is required, a topping shall be fixed, such as:
b) barbed tape;
c) rotating devices;
e) other.
Dimensions of steel posts and struts produced from rolled steel angle, round tube or rectangular or
round hollow sections shall conform to 7.3.2 and 7.3.3.
NOTE 1 Typica l minimum dimensions for steel posts and struts a re given in Ta ble 3. Thicker wa lls tha n those shown
in Ta ble 3 may be usedfor posts a n d struts ifagreed between client a nd supplier.
NOTE 2 Alterna tive section sizes to those shown (e.g. 38 mm/44.5 mm or 51 mm OD circula r) may be used in
appropria te cases ifagreed between the client a nd supplier.
Length Intermediate posts (section size) Straining posts (section size) LengthAl Section
Rolled steel Tube or Rectangular Rolled steel Tube or Rectangular 3 0° 45° Rolled steel Tube or Rectangular 0
angle circular hollow section angle circular hollow section angle circular hollow section :;:o
hollow hollow hollow
m m mm mm mm mm mm mm m m mm mm mm
0.90 1 .SO 40 x 40 x s 33.7 x 2.6 40 x 40 x 2.S so x so x 6 48.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 1.30 1.40 40 x 40 x 4 33.7 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.0
1.20 1.80 40 x 40 x s 33.7 x 2.6 40 x 40 x 2.5 so x so x 6 48.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 1.SO 1.71 40 x 40 x 4 33.7 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.5
1.40 2.00 40 x 40 x s 42.4 x 2.6 40 x 40 x 2.5 60 x 60 x 6 60.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 1.68 2.00 so x so x s 42.4 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.5
1.80 2 .SO so x so x s 42.4 x 2.6 40 x 40 x 2.S 60 x 60 x 6 60.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 2.lS 2.SS so x so x s 42.4 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.S
1.80 with 3.00 so x so x 6 48.3 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 3.0 60 x 60 x 6 60.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 2.lS 2.SS so x so x s 42.4 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.5
integral arms
..., 2.lS 2.80 so x so x 6 48.3 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 3.0 60 x 60 x 6 60.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 2.SO 2.9S so x so x s 42.4 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.S
t:o 2.lS with 3.2S so x so x 6 48.3 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 3.0 60 x 60 x 6 60.3 x 3.0 so x so x 3 2.50 2.9S so x so x s 42.4 x 3.0 40 x 40 x 2.5
::::; integral arms
::c AJ The struts should be fixed at an angle of 4S0 on level ground. If site conditions are unsuitable for this, and if agreed between the client and supplier, the struts may either be fixed
at 3 0° or alternative strut lengths used.
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BS 1 7 2 2 - 1 : 2 0 1 9 B RITISH STANDARD
Straining posts and struts shall be fitted with baseplates (see L.3....6.) or have spragged ends.
Straining posts and struts shall be holed for bolting together with a minimum 8 mm bolt, or welded,
within the top third of the length of the straining post above ground level (not including extensions
for barbed wire) . Straining posts shall be holed for attaching straining fittings.
Intermediate posts of rolled steel angle shall have spragged ends or shall be fitted with baseplates.
Intermediate posts of other sections shall have dowels fitted through the base or shall be fitted with
baseplates (see L.3....6. ). Intermediate posts shall be holed for attaching line wires.
NOTE 3 Spa cing ofline wires is specified in Th12k.1 and Th12.le....2..
Gate posts shall be designed to bear a load equal to at least 3.5 times the weight of the finished
gate leaf without deflection in any position detrimental to its operation and without permanent
NOTE 1 Typica l dimensions for gate posts a re shown in Tubl..e.....1
NOTE 2 In ca lcula ting the dimensions, it has been assumed tha t the major axis of the post is perpendicula r to the
line of the fence.
NOTE 3 Alterna tive section sizes ca n be used ifagreed between the client and supplier.
Table 4 - Typical steel post sizes (S HS) for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles)
Fence Embedded Recommended size of steel posts for individual gate leaf widths
height length
(min) Al
�1.5 m 1.5 m � 2.5 m 2.5 m� 4 m 4 m�5 m
mm mm mm mm mm mm
�1 800 650 80 x 80 100 x 100 120 x 120 150 x 150
2 000 650 80 x 80 100 x 100 120 x 120 150 x 150
2 400 850 80 x 80 120 x 120 120 x 120 150 x 150
3 000 950 100 x 100 120 x 120 150 x 150 150 x 150
AJ Embedded depth varies depending o n the length and loadings. T h e minimum is stated.
NOTE 4 Typica l dimensions for steel posts and struts a re given in Ta ble 3.
Gate posts, straining posts and struts shall be fitted with baseplates, baseflats or dowels.
Baseplates and baseflats shall have a minimum thickness of 3 mm, shall be welded to the posts and
shall project at least 50 mm on at least two sides of the post.
Where required, baseplates or baseflats for steel intermediate posts shall extend at least 40 mm from
at least one face of the post.
Dowels shall be driven through the post within 2 50 mm of the base of the post and shall project at
least 50 mm from either side of the post.
7 .4 Construction of gates
7.4.1 General
Gates shall provide a comparable degree of security to the adjacent fencing. The overall height of the
gates when fixed shall be not less than the adjacent fencing height.
Gates shall be designed such that the nominal gap from the bottom edge of the gate to the surface of
the road shall not exceed 70 mm when the gate is in the closed position.
NO TE 1 Specif ic site conditions and levels m ight dictate that additional measures are necessary.
The infill on the gates shall be the same as that used on the fencing (unless otherwise specified). In
the closed position, the clear distance between the vertical framing of the gates and adjacent posts
shall be not greater than 89 mm.
Table 5 - Typical frame sizes for individual gate leaf widths (pairs or singles) AJ
Dimensions in mm
Fence height Typical frame size for individual gate leaf widths
. m 15
. ms2.5m 2.5ms4m 4ms5m
1800 50 x 50 50 x 50 60 x 60 60 x 60
2 000 50 x 50 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 60 / 60 x 60
2 400 50 x 50 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 60 / 60 x 60
3 000 60 x 60 60 x 60 60 x 60 80 x 60 / 60 x 60
3 600 60 x 60 60 x 60 60 x 60 80 x 60 ; 60 x 60
AJ Frames shall conform to loading requirements specified in and without permanent
7.4.2 Hinges General
Hinges and posts shall be designed to take the full load of the gate plus an allowance for
superimposed vertical loads equal to 100 kg applied at the nose of the gate leaf. Hinges shall be
designed so that it is impossible to remove the gate by lifting at the hinges when they are in the closed
and locked position, e.g. a device fitted to secure gate leaves in the closed position.
Gates shall be designed such that failure of the lower hinge does not allow the gate to disengage from
the upper hinge. Hinge sets and gate posts used shall be designed to bear a load equal to 3.5 times the
weight of the finished gate leaf applied at the midpoint of the leaf.
NO TE 1 An example of a hinge design is given in Fig ure 2. Typical dimensions offittings are given in Tuhkfi.
NO TE 2 To preven t trapping injuries hinge gaps should be not greater than 89 mm, with moving gaps not closing
to less than 12 mm unless the gap never exceeds 8 mm during any point ofits operation (see BS EN 1 1 76- 1). Hinge
guards where used should not cause any shearing or trapping points.
a) Inline hinge
Description Dimensions in mm
Hinges shall be provided with a simple and easily applied system of adjustment for the correction of
sag, settlement or misalignment during installation and service.
NO TE See F ig ure 3for an example of a hinge eyebolt and Fig ure 4 for an example of a hinge pin.
II! I! I '
Ke y
1 Eye thickness
2 Bolt diameter
Ke y
1 Hinge pin diameter
2 Hole for fastener to prevent removal of gate (top hinge only)
3 Lug thickness
NO TE 1 Typical dimensionsfor drop bolt and slam plate are shown in Tuble__Q and Tuhk.Z
Mild steel (low carbon steel) drop bolts shall be fitted to all double leaf gate frames (and therefore to
each leaf of a double gate) so that they cannot be removed, except where this is not possible for safety
reasons, e.g. panic gates. Corresponding sleeves to receive the bolts shall be set securely in the ground
and concreted in to enable the gate to be secured in both the closed and opened position. D rop bolts
shall be lockable in the closed position. This shall be achieved either by means of a locking device or
the last closing leaf of double gates shall incorporate a stop that prevents one drop bolt being lifted
when the gates are closed. Double gates shall be provided with at least one slam plate on the first
closing leaf.
NO TE 2 See Figu re Sfor an example of a drop bolt arrangement.
3 2
Ke y
1 Eye (prevents bolt being lifted when padlocked)
2 Guides
3 Fasteners (prevents bolt removal)
4 Drop bolt
NO TE 1 Typical sizes for locking device are shown in Thl21£..Ji and Tuhl.£....Z
Gates shall be provided with a suitable locking mechanism, agreed with the client, at approximately
mid-height (but not exceeding 1.5 m unless otherwise specified) .
NO TE 2 See Fig ure 6for an example of a locking bar arrangement.
7.5.1 General
Chain link fences shall be tensioned and shall use suitable fixings and straining devices.
NO TE The f ittings, f ixings and straining devices in 7.5.2 to 7.5. 7 have been f ound to be suitable.
Eye bolt strainers shall consist of bolts 2 50 mm in length, of at least 9.5 mm diameter and with an
eye at one end.
NO TE 1 Eye bolt strainers for high- tensile line wire should have welded eyes and should be threaded and f itted with
nuts and washers. Two- way eye bolt strainers should be f itted with ring nuts.
NO TE 2 Each eye bolt should have a unif ormly sized cleat of low carbon (mild) steel angle, not less than 38 mm x
Eye bolt strainers and cleats shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with Annex A to
correspond with the protection used on steel posts and struts.
Winding b rackets for posts shall be of low carbon (mild) steel, flat and at least (25 x 3) mm.
NO TE W inding brackets should have a 12 mm winding bolt with a f riction type f errule or ratchet winder. Each
winding bracket should have an 8 mm f ixing bolt. O ne end of the winding bracket should be holed f or attaching a
line of wire.
Winding brackets and fixing bolts shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with Annex A to
correspond with the protection used on steel posts and struts.
Stretcher bars shall be of low carbon (mild) steel, flat, and (25 x 5) mm for mesh with a 50 mm side
or above, or (20 x 5) mm for mesh with a side less than 50 mm.
NO TE Stretcher bars should be holed f or attaching to cleats or straining f ittings by 8 mm bolts.
Stretcher bars and fixing bolts shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with Annex A to
correspond with the protection used on steel posts and struts.
7.5.5 Staples
Hair pin staples shall be of round wire 3 mm in diameter or sectional wire with the same cross
sectional area, with a zinc coating conforming to BS EN 102 44-2.
Preformed rings shall be at least ( 4 x 1.5) mm with a zinc coating conforming to BS EN 1 0 2 44-2.
Washers shall conform to BS 432 0. Screws shall be zinc-coated steel wood-type with
countersunk heads.
The corrosion protection to be applied to the bolts, nuts and washers shall be one of the following:
c) other proprietary treatments with corrosion resistance properties equal to or greater than b). General
Extension arms for barbed wire shall be either straight or bent to 40° to 45° to the vertical.
Extension arms for gates, gate posts and straining posts next to free-standing gate posts shall be
straight. These shall have two holes for attaching to posts and holes or slots for attaching at least
three lines of barbed wire. Holes or slots for barbed wire shall be not more than 1 50 mm apart, and
the lowest hole or slot shall be not more than 200 mm above the top line wire. Separate extension
arms and fixing bolts shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS EN ISO 1461 .
Extension arms for straining posts and gate posts shall be holed for attaching eye bolt strainers or
winding brackets. Separate extension arms shall have two holes for attaching to posts with 8 mm
bolts. Separate extension arms for concrete and timber posts shall be of low carbon (mild) steel angle,
(50 x 50 x 6) mm. Extension arms for steel posts shall be of the same section as the post, integral or
welded, or separate for bolting to the post.
Separate extension arms for intermediate concrete or steel posts shall be of low carbon (mild) steel,
flat, (30 x 6) mm, and holed for attaching two 8 mm bolts.
For gates up to 1.8 m wide, extension arms shall be on the hanging and shutting stiles. For gates 1.8 m
in width and above, in addition to extended hanging and shutting stiles, each vertical brace shall be
extended by an extension arm welded and saddled above the gate frame.
8 Design
Straining posts shall be capable of withstanding loads generated by the tensioning of the fe nce and
the wind loading.
The wind loading for a specific fence system shall be determined in accordance with Annex B .
When the wind load is applied to the post it shall remain within its elastic limit.
NO TE 1 An example calculation is also shown in Annex B.
b) 900 N/m2 as long as the site is not subject to extreme or abnormal loading. 900 N/m2 is approximately
equivalent to a 38 m/s wind speed.
9 Installation
9.1.1 General
The top of the fence shall approximately follow the level of the ground along its length.
The presence of any electricity, gas, water or other underground services shall be established prior to
commencement of excavation, drilling or erection in the working area.
NOTE Unless specified (see Annex CJ, the installation ofthe fence does not include cutting or filling of the ground
to vary the levels.
9.1.2 Line
The line of the fence shall be as agreed between the client and the installer.
NOTE 1 For higher security fences, no change of direction should form an angle less than 130 °.
NOTE 2 Any opening below or through the fence should be protected in accordance with the client's detailed
requirements (see Ann.ex.£).
9.2.1 General
Posts shall be capable of withstanding the loading conditions in accordance with Clause 8.
Sides of holes for posts and struts shall be vertical except that the sides of a strut hole adjacent to a
post may be sloped in the direction of the line of the fence.
NOTE Some damage to the ground at the top of a hole may be allowed ifit is limited to the top of the hole, and
the hole does not taper out towards the top.
Concrete for bases of posts and struts, and sills, shall be at least one part cement to six parts 2 0 mm
all-in ballast, in accordance with BS EN 1 2 62 0, mixed with the minimum requisite quantity of clean
water, or grade C 1 2 / 1 5 or ST3 concrete to BS 8500-1 and BS 8500-2. The concrete shall be placed in
position before the commencement of the initial set.
Posts shall be provided at intervals, as agreed between the installer and the client.
Straining posts shall be placed at all ends and corners of fences following straight lines, at acute
variations in level, and at least every 69 m in straight lengths.
Straining posts shall be set at least 0.6 m in the ground for fences up to and including 1 .4 m high and
at least 0. 7 5 m for fences over 1.4 m high.
9.2.4 Struts
Struts shall be fitted to all straining posts and gate posts acting as straining posts in the direction of
the line of fencing. Struts and posts shall be securely fastened together.
NOTE Bases ofstruts should be at least 0.45 m below ground, measured to the centre of the base of the strut
or baseplate.
Intermediate posts shall be provided at intervals of not greater than 3 m, measured centre-to-centre.
NOTE Intermediate posts set at least 0.6 m into the ground forfences up to and including 1.4 m high, and at least
0 . 75 m forfences over 1.4 m high have been found to be adequate.
A hanging and shutting post shall be provided for single-leafed gates. Two hanging posts of the same
cross-section shall be provided for double gates.
Gate posts shall be set at least 0.6 m into the ground for gates up to and including 1 . 4 m high and at
least 0.75 m for gates over 1 .4 m high.
After installation of the gate posts, the hole shall be filled completely with concrete which shall be
well rammed as filling proceeds.
NOTE 1 Concrete should be filled above ground level andfinished with a weathered top to prevent water
Gate posts for directly attaching chain link fencing shall be supported by a strut. Free-standing gate
posts installed next to a straining post shall be the same height as the straining post.
Gate posts shall be designed to bear a load equal to at least 3.5 times the weight of the finished
gate leaf without deflection in any position detrimental to its operation and without permanent
NOTE 2 Typical dimensions for gate posts are shown in Table 3.
NOTE 3 In calculating the dimensions, it has been assumed that the major axis of the post is perpendicular to the
line of the fence.
NOTE 4 Alternative section sizes may be used if agreed between the client and supplier.
9.3.1 General
Fences shall have rows of line wires conforming to Table 1 and Table 2. The top wire shall be set to
bring the top of the mesh in line with the top of the post. The bottom wire shall be as close as possible
to the ground.
Intermediate wires shall be secured equidistant between the top and bottom wires.
Line wires joined at mid-span should be avoided. !f used, they shall be joined so that normal tension
can be applied to the wire.
Each row of line wire shall be strained between each pair of straining posts by winding brackets or
eye bolt strainers adequately secured. Eye bolt strainers fixed to intermediate straining posts shall be
fitted with loop adaptors after the wire is tensioned.
Each row of line wire shall be adequately secured to intermediate posts, with the line wires passing
through the fixing.
NOTE Care should be taken to avoid damaging line wires and coatings.
Chain link mesh shall be strained between each pair of straining posts and attached at each straining
post by a stretcher bar adequately secured to the straining posts. The chain link mesh shall be
securely attached to the line wires, with the line wires passing through the fixing.
NOTE Line wirefixings should be fixed at appropriate points, for example, spaced not more than three
meshes ["diamonds'} apart on the top line wire, six meshes on intermediate line wire, and five meshes on the
bottom line wire.
9.5 Toppings
Toppings shall be adequately fixed and supported by extensions to posts, as agreed between the
client and supplier.
Zinc coatings to renovated areas shall be of at least equal thickness to the original layer.
NOTE Generally, repairs should not be attempted on damaged areas greater than 40 mm2.
11 Statement of conformity
11.3 Certificate
The certificate issued by the manufacturer, supplier or installer shall include the following
11.4 Statement
The manufacturer/supplier and/or installer shall make a statement to the effect that it is their policy
to conform to a previously client-agreed and documented specification and to offer goods and/or
services accordingly.
NOTE This could be done by inclusion in trade advertising and "terms oftrading" statements supplied
with quotations.
Annex A (normative)
Steel components and protective treatments
A. 1 Material grades
NOTE 1 The steel grade{s) employed should be specified by the customer {the client, fence designer, supplier,
component manufacturer, fabricator or installer, as applicable) on the basis of the mechanical properties,
formability and weldability required.
Appropriate mild steel grades shall be selected from National or International Standards or suitable
equivalent proprietary materials may be used.
NOTE 2 Steel grades to be used typically have a minimum yield strength in excess of 1 75 N/mm2, unless the design
permits lower strength materials to be employed.
Where components are to be hot dipped galvanized, the client shall confirm with the supplier that the
steel composition is suitable.
NOTE 4 A non- exhaustive range of recommended material grades is given in Table A.1.
Steel components and fabrications shall be suitably protected against corrosion with one or more of
the following treatments:
b) thermal spray coating of zinc, aluminium or their alloys in accordance with BS EN ISO 2063;
All loose scale, oil and dirt shall be removed from the surfaces before treatment. Closed hollow
sections to be hot dipped galvanized shall be provided with the necessary drain holes.
NOTE Guidance on the appropriate protective coatings to use in specific environments and recommended
coating thicknesses is given in BS EN ISO 14 713 [all parts).
Annex B (normative)
Chain link solidity calculation and wind load calculation
a) Area A = 2 (D x r) + 2 [{D+2r) r]
= 4Dr + 4r2
b) Area B = 4( nr2)
r = Wire diameter /2
Ke y
• Area A
D Area B
• Area C
3 025 .00
= 20.78%
B.2. 1 General
A simple fencing post, fixed into a rigid foundation or baseplated, can be considered as a cantilevered
beam. The maximum stress is at the point where the post enters the rigid foundation or is welded to
the baseplate. To calculate the stress, the moment shall first be determined as follows:
M = Fx = AE Cd qx
5 10 20 30 50
Cd round members 1.15 1.10 1.02 1.00 0.96
Cd flat members 1.90 1.80 1.60 1.50 1.30
AJ Solidity % is the percentage of fence infill area which is solid and so provides wind
Round mesh members - Solidity 2 0.78% (from previous solidity calculation in B.1)
of mesh
Yield strength of post 2 7 5 MPa (Grade S23 5JRH, see Table B.l)
The yield strength varies with the material grade used. Installers should check with suppliers as to
the yield strength of the material supplied.
mz mz N/m2 m Nm
Fencing 0.05 x 2 .4 0.15 1.2 A) 900 1.2 1 5 5.52
Fencing 2.4 x 3 x 0.2078 1.496 1.02 900 1.2 1 64 7.99
Total 1803.51
AJ For rectangular posts with rounded corners Cd may be taken as 1.2 or calculated for the specific post
using the guidance of BS E N 1991-1-4. The value can vary for other forms of post. Further guidance is
given in BS EN 1991-1-4.
The moment of inertia (IJ should be requested from the post supplier. See also BS EN 10056- 1 .
The maximum stress is Pmax = My I Ix wherey is the distance (cm) from the neutral axis to the edge
of post, thus:
1 80 3 . 5 l x 2 . 5
Pmax = = 222
This stress should be below the 2 7 5 M Pa yield strength of the material for the post to be adequate.
Therefore, the post in this example calculation is adequate.
For critical applications or where a site-specific dynamic pressure has been calculated, an additional
factor of safety should be considered.
If the dynamic pressure value of 900 N/m2 is used then no account need be taken of ice and snow
conditions since the wind is typically reduced in iced conditions. If a site-specific dynamic pressure is
calculated then the effect of icing should be considered.
The moment of inertia (IJ should be requested from the post supplier. See also BS EN 10056- 1 .
The maximum stress is Pmax = My I Ix where y is the distance (cm) from the neutral axis to the edge
1 80 3 . 5 1 x 1 .45
Pmax = = 204 . 3 0
This stress should b e below the 2 7 5 M Pa yield strength o f the material for the post to b e adequate.
Therefore, the post in this example calculation is adequate.
For critical applications or where a site-specific dynamic pressure has been calculated, an additional
factor of safety should be considered.
If the dynamic pressure value of 900 N/m2 is used then no account need be taken of ice and snow
conditions since the wind is typically reduced in iced conditions. If a site-specific dynamic pressure is
calculated then the effect of icing should be considered.
Annex C (informative)
Specifying a chain link fence
C.1 General
When preparing a specification for a fence, precise details of the requirements of the fence and
the installation site should be provided. This annex lists items that should be specified at the time
of ordering the fence. As conditions vary from site to site, this annex should not be assumed to
be exhaustive.
The following items should at least be agreed between the supplier and client at the time of enquiry
and/or order:
b) the profile of the fence and ground clearance (see Clause 7);
1) clearance;
d) any specific requirements for non-standard post lengths due to ground conditions (see
Foreword); and
The following items should at least be as agreed between the supplier and client at the time of
enquiry and/or order:
a) the mesh width and pattern (see Table 1 and Table 2);
4) additional security (see footnotes to Table 1 and Table 2) : barbed wire [low carbon (mild)
steel or high tensile steel], and type (and orientation relative to the protected site) of
extension arm, i.e.:
i) vertical1;
ii) cranked;
iii) integral;
iv) add-on;
2) high-tensile steel;
NOTE 1 These can be zinc coated, plastic coated or zinc+plastic coated.
f) fittings (see 7.5), including requirements for attaching line wires or barbed wire, including
threaded line wires;
1 Extension arms on gates, gate posts and straining posts adjacent to gate posts are vertical.
2 For over 5 m wide.
Standards publications
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 4-1, Structural steel sections - Part 1: Spec ification for hot -rolled sections
BS 1 7 2 2 - 10, Fences - Part 1 0: Spec ification for anti -intruder fences in chain link and welded mesh
BS 1 72 2 - 1 2, Fences - Part 12: Steel palisade fences - Manufacturing and installation - Specification
BS 1 7 2 2 - 1 4, Fences - Part 14: Specifications for open mesh steel panel fences
BS EN 1 1 76-1, Playground e quipment and surfacing - Part 1 : General safety re quirements and
test methods
BS EN 1991-1- 4, Eurocode 1 : Action on structures - Part 1 -4: General actions - Wind actions
BS EN 1 0025-2, Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non
alloy structural steels
BS EN 10056-1, Structural steel e qual and une qual leg angles - Part 1 : Dimensions
BS EN 102 10-1, Hot finished structural hollo w sections of non -alloy and fine grain steels - Part 1 :
Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 1 0 2 1 0-2, Hot finished structural hollo w sections of non -alloy and fine grain steels - Part 2:
Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties
BS EN 102 19-1, Cold formed welded structural hollo w sections of non -alloy and fine grain steels -
Part 1 : Technical delivery re quirements
BS EN 102 19-2, Cold formed welded structural hollo w sections of non -alloy and fine grain steels -
Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties
BS EN 1 02 5 5, Non -alloy steel tubes suitable for welding or threading - Technical delivery conditions
BS EN 1 0296-1, Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes -
Technical delivery conditions - Part 1 : Non -alloy and alloy steel tubes
BS EN ISO 1 4 7 1 3 (all parts), Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for the protection of
against corrosion of iron and steel in structures
DIN 1 6 15, Welded circular unalloyed steel tubes not subject to special re quirements - Technical
delivery conditions
Other publications
[1] National Highways Agency HA 66/95, Part 2. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges : Volume
1 0: Environmental design and management . Section 5 Environmental barriers : Technical
re quirements, 1995.
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