Short-Term Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Effects of Overexpansion: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Short-Term Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Effects of Overexpansion: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Short-Term Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Effects of Overexpansion: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) has been used as
an adjunct to traditional orthodontic treatment for over
150 years.1 It has been advocated for posterior
Private Practice, Austin, TX, USA. crossbites, transverse and anteroposterior maxillary
Professor Emeritus, Department of Orthodontics, Texas deficiencies, and mild-to-moderate crowding.2–6 RME is
A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA.
Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Texas often preferred to slow expansion because it maximiz-
A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA. es the skeletal corrections.3,7 The effects of RME
Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M include, in order, compression of the periodontal
University College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA. ligament, bending of the alveolar processes, tipping
Regents Professor and Director of Orthodontic Research,
Department of Orthodontics, Texas A&M University College of
of the maxillary posterior teeth, and separation of the
Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA. midpalatal suture.3,7
Corresponding author: Peter H. Buschang, PhD, Professor Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides
and Director of Orthodontic Research, Orthodontic Department, an accurate three-dimensional visualization of RME
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX 75246, effects.8 Based on reported CBCT averages, the
(email: maxillary skeletal base expands 19%–58% as much
as the molars (Table 1).6,9,10 Relative to screw
Accepted: July 2021. Submitted: March 2021.
Published Online: August 13, 2021 activation, the skeletal base expands 22%–50% as
Ó 2022 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, much.11–18 There is no clear pattern of differences
Inc. between or within sites, possibly due to the lack of
along the lingual incline of the buccal cusps of the The floors of the right and left orbits were oriented
posterior mandibular teeth. Subjects in the overex- along the true horizontal in the coronal plane (Figure
panded group were expanded to the limits of the RME 2); in the sagittal plane, ANS and PNS were oriented
screws (5 with the 10 mm and 6 with the 12 mm along the true horizontal. In the axial plane, the
screws). All participants were instructed to turn the midpalatal suture was oriented along the true vertical.
expansion screw one turn (0.25 mm) per day and to Seven measurements were made on the coronal slice
record their turns. When expansion was completed, passing through the centers of the maxillary first molar
screw activation was measured twice intraorally using palatal roots (Table 2).10,12–14,16–18 Anterior nasal width
digital calipers, and averaged for the analyses. was measured on the coronal slice passing through the
center of the incisive foramen (Figure 3). 22 To
CBCT Methodology determine skeletal expansion posterior to the first
molars, greater palatine foramina width was measured
To quantify the skeletal and dental effects of as the distance between the lateral margins of the
expansion, 11-cm CBCT scans were obtained prior to greater palatine foramina on the axial slice passing
RME delivery (T1) and after expansion/retention was through the center of the hard palate.22 Molar and
complete (T2). The CBCT scans were taken using an i- alveolar bone inclinations were measured bilaterally
CAT FLX unit (Imaging Sciences International, Hat- and averaged (Figure 4). All measurements were
field, PA, USA) at 0.3-mm voxel size, with a pulsed made by one blinded operator. The CBCTs of 10
scan time of 8.9 seconds. The CBCTs were evaluated randomly selected subjects were re-oriented and re-
using Dolphin 3D software (version 11.9, Dolphin measured. No statistically significant systematic differ-
Imaging & Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA, ences were found; method error ranged from 0.3 to 0.4
USA). The patients continued into fixed orthodontic mm for linear, and from 0.28 to 1.28 for angular
treatment after the T2 CBCT had been taken. measurements.
Table 2. Measures, Their Abbreviations (Abbr), Units, and Definitions. All Measurements Except ANW and GPFW Were Made on the Coronal
Slice Taken Through the Center of the Maxillary First Molar Palatal Roots
Measure Abbr Units Definitions
Anterior nasal width ANW mm The widest portion of the nasal aperture on slice take at the center of the incisive
foramen (Figure 3A)
Posterior nasal width PNW mm The widest portion of the nasal aperture (Figure 3B)
Maxillary width at nasal floor Mx_NF mm Distance between the maxillary cortical plates at the level of the nasal floor (Figure 3C)
Maxillary width at alveolar crest Mx_AC mm Distance between the maxillary cortical plates at the levels of the buccal alveolar
crest (Figure 3C)
Greater palatine foramina width GPFW mm Distance between the lateral margins of the greater palatine foramina taken on an
axial slice through the center of the hard palate (Figure 3D)
Inner molar width IMW mm Distance between the palatal cusp tips of the maxillary first molars (Figure 4A)
Molar inclination MInc 8 Average of right and left angles formed by the intersections of the lines connecting
the palatal cusp tips and root apices of the maxillary first molars and the true
horizontal (Figure 4A)
Inner alveolar bone inclination ABInc_I 8 Average of right and left angles formed by the intersections of the lines tangent to
the inner cortical plates of alveolar bone and the true horizontal (Figure 4B)
Outer alveolar bone inclination ABInc_O 8 Average of right and left angles formed by the intersection of the lines tangent to
the outer cortical plate of alveolar bone and the true horizontal (Figure 4C)
Statistical Analyses mm) than control (5.6 6 1.2 mm) group (Table 4).
Anterior nasal width (D ANW; 2.1X), posterior nasal
All analyses were performed using IBM SPSS
width (D PNW; 2.5X), maxillary width at the nasal floor
Statistics software (version 25.0, IBM Corporation,
(D Mx_NF; 2.3X), greater palatine foramina width (D
Armonk, NY, USA). The significance level was set at
GPFW; 1.9X), and intermolar width (D IMW; 1.8X) all
0.05. Because the continuous outcome variables were
increased significantly more in the overexpansion
normally distributed, independent sample t-tests were
group. The between-group difference in maxillary
used to compare the groups, with Bonferroni correc-
alveolar crest width (D Mx_AC) was not statistically
tions. Linear and multiple regressions were used to
significant after Bonferroni adjustment. Changes in
evaluate the relationships.
molar inclination (D MInc; 2.8X) were also significantly
greater in the overexpansion than conventional expan-
sion group. Outer and inner alveolar bone inclinations
There was no statistically significant (P ¼ 0.372) pre- (D ABInc_I and D ABI_O) showed no statistically
treatment difference in SMI scores between the significant between-group treatment differences.
experimental and control groups (7.64 6 3.1 vs 6.4 Nasal widths and nasal floor width increased 23%–
6 3.3, respectively). Independent t-tests showed no 32% of screw activation among the experimental
statistically significant between-group pre-treatment group, which was 5.5%–7.6% greater than the increas-
morphological differences (Table 3). The screws were es among the conventional group (Figure 5). The Mx
activated 1.8X more in the experimental (10.1 6 0.6 AC increased 9.1% more in the conventional than the
Figure 4. (A) Intermolar width (IMW) and molar inclination (Minc), (B) inner alveolar bone inclination (ABInc_I), and (C) outer alveolar bone
inclination (ABInc_O) measured on the coronal slice.
Table 5. Correlations of Chronological Age and SMI With Skeletal Table 6. Relationships Between the Amount of Screw Activation
Expansion (Absolute and as a Proportion of Screw Activation) and Changes of the Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Measurements
Chronological Age SMI Intercept Slope R Probability
R Probability R Probability D ANW 0.627 0.382 0.67 ,.001*
D PNW 0.922 0.401 0.70 ,.001*
Absolute skeletal expansion
D Mx_NF 0.970 0.399 0.66 .001*
D ANW 0.15 .486 0.32 .141
D Mx_AC 0.843 0.415 0.61 .002*
D PNW 0.02 .945 0.30 .172
D GPFW 0.239 0.299 0.61 .002*
D Mx_NF 0.11 .606 0.32 .140
D IMW 0.108 1.037 0.95 ,.001*
D Mx_AC 0.05 .837 0.23 .292
D MInc 3.234 1.087 0.62 .002*
D GPFW 0.16 .462 0.38 .750
D ABInc_I 0.199 0.731 0.49 .018
D MInc 0.20 .365 0.17 .434
D ABInc_O 2.491 0.406 0.21 .333
Table 7. Multiple Regression Relating SMI and Screw Activation Performed to Changes of the Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Measurements, With
Unstandardized (Beta) and Standardized Beta (Stand B) Coefficients
SMI Screw Activation
Constant Beta Stand B Beta Stand B R Probability
D ANW 0.384 0.187 0.431 0.420 0.741 0.80 ,.001
D PNW 0.056 0.180 0.414 0.437 0.766 0.81 ,.001
D Mx_NF 0.102 0.198 0.430 0.439 0.729 0.79 ,.001
D Mx_AC 1.782 0.173 0.331 0.450 0.657 0.69 .002
D GPFW 0.743 0.181 0.485 0.336 0.686 0.78 ,.001
D MInc 5.780 0.469 0.347 0.992 0.561 0.70 .001
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