Episode 5

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Activity 5.1 Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Kenneth Montenegro School: Don Severino Pagalilauan NHS
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: English


Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
From what I have observed, the students in the classroom are between the ages of 15 and
16 years old. They all have distinct personalities, making for an exciting mix of individuals.
Some of the students are outgoing and eager to engage with their peers and participate in
discussions. On the other hand, there are also a few who are more reserved, preferring to
listen and observe rather than speak out. Despite these differences, I can say that the
students appear to be in good spirits. They seem to be enjoying their time in class and are
actively participating in the activities and lessons. All in all, it's a diverse group of students
who are making the most of their classroom experience.
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
There are 35 students in Grade 10 Descartes, with 15 boys and 20 girls.
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
After observing the class, I noticed that most of the students were well-behaved and could
manage their own behavior. However, there were some instances where the students
needed to be corrected or reprimanded for their negative behavior. While some students
were quick to listen and correct their behavior, there were also some who were stubborn
and continued with their negative behavior. Despite this, the students were respectful and
well-behaved during class discussions, showing great respect towards their teachers.
4. Can the learners already work independently?
Based on my observation, I have noticed that not all students are capable of working
independently. Some prefer to work with a peer or in groups when doing certain activities.
This may also be the reason why some students tend to copy from their seatmates during
quizzes or seat works. On the other hand, there are also students who require extra
assistance in reading. Although reading is expected to be a skill that they already possess
at their age, some are still struggling with it. Thus, it is important to provide them with the
necessary guidance and support.
5. Describe their span of attention.
Their attention span varies based on the situation, and each individual has a unique
concentration style. When presented with concepts related to their interests, hobbies,
needs, and wants, they tend to pay more attention.


Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is

also good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your
observation. Write your notes below; and then organize your data in the table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.) describe these areas. Will it make a
difference if these areas for specific purposes are not present?
The classroom is set up in a typical and traditional Philippine high-school style, with a
blackboard in front and a table at the center. However, the classroom is not entirely
outdated, as there is a TV screen that is used for class discussions. The rows of seats
take up most of the room, with only minimal spaces left for other areas. At the back
of the room, there are bookshelves where the students' books are neatly arranged,
and some learning materials are used during discussions. The shelves are well-
organized to make it easy for students to find their books. On the back left side of
the classroom, there is a cabinet that is used to store cleaning materials. This cabinet
ensures that cleaning materials are kept in an organized and safe manner, and it
encourages students to be responsible and maintain cleanliness in the classroom.
Moreover, there is a restroom located at the back right corner of the classroom. This
restroom is convenient for students to use during class discussions, and it saves
them the trouble of having to leave the classroom to use the restroom. It also
ensures that students do not miss any important discussions or lectures. In addition,
there is a water dispenser located in the left front corner of the classroom. The water
dispenser is a great help to students as they do not have to leave the classroom to
buy water at the canteen, which saves them both time and money.

These areas in the classroom serve specific purposes that encourage an active
learning environment and promote positive learning among students. It also allows
students to be responsible, most especially in keeping cleaning materials in place.
The inclusion of these areas in the classroom has made a big difference and has
created a conducive learning environment for students.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?
There are rules and procedures to be followed in the classroom, although they are
not posted in the room. Instead, they are created and discussed at the beginning of
each class to ensure that all learners behave properly, are responsible, and are
attentive during class discussions. The following are the general rules and procedures
that need to be followed in the classroom:

 Designated areas for cleaning on a rotation basis.

 Cleaners should ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of the room from
morning to afternoon.
 Students should be in their designated areas before the start of their first
class in the morning and after their last class in the afternoon.
 Observe proper waste segregation when disposing of trash.
 Be punctual.
 Turn off the lights and fans when not in use.
 Do not loiter during class hours if your teacher is not around.
 No taking down notes if the teacher is presenting a video clip about the
lesson so students can become good listeners.
 Lecture notebook should be different from the activity notebook

These rules promote positive behavior and are crucial in establishing a conducive
learning environment. By following these rules, students become more aware of their
actions and take responsibility for their behavior. This, in turn, leads to a clearer
understanding of their work and ultimately contributes to their overall success in

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the resource teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What’s the effect of students’
participation in rule-making on students’ behavior?
As per my resource teacher, there are different ways of establishing rules in the
classroom. Some of the regulations are created collaboratively with the students,
while others are solely determined by the teacher. Initially, the teacher discusses the
rules with the class and explains why they are necessary. Then, the students are
responsible for going through other aspects of the rules, such as the cleaners'
schedules, penalties for violating them, and so on.

When students participate in creating the rules, they feel more invested in them and
are more likely to abide by them. This participation instills discipline and
responsibility in them, as they learn to assess their own behavior and identify any
undesirable traits. Moreover, they develop critical thinking skills and learn to work
collaboratively with others.

The process of creating rules collaboratively also contributes to a positive classroom

environment, where students feel valued and respected. They learn to communicate
effectively with their peers and the teacher, express their opinions, and listen to
others' viewpoints. This collaborative approach to rule-making fosters a sense of
community and belonging among the students, creating a safe and supportive
learning environment.

4. What are the daily routines done by the resource teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm – up activities, etc.) How are they done?
In the advisory class, the teacher ensures that the room is clean and tidy before the
start of the session. She checks the trash bins to ensure that waste is properly
segregated and disposed of. Once everything is sorted, she begins the class by
asking the students to pray and checking their attendance. If someone is absent, she
inquires about the reason for the absence. Then, the teacher takes a few moments
to discuss any announcements, reminders, or concerns with the students. If there
are any issues, she addresses them with the whole group so that everyone can learn
from the situation. Afterward, she moves on to her lesson and starts by checking if
the students are familiar with the keyword for the day's discussion. The teacher is
aware that some students may have different learning styles, so she uses various
mediums to deliver the lesson to ensure that everyone understands the concept. She
encourages students to take notes and outlines the topic they are discussing so that
they can review the content later if they have any confusion. She also divides each
learning competency into smaller parts to help students digest and understand the
material better. To ensure that students are keeping up with the lessons, the teacher
provides quizzes after each topic's completion. Additionally, she conducts weekly
summative tests every Friday to assess the students' learning progress for the week.
By doing so, she can tailor her lessons to the students' needs and help them achieve
their academic goals.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this
help in managing the class?
The seating arrangement in the classroom is being organized by my resource
teacher. She has designed the arrangement in a way that takes into account the
behavior of the students. To minimize the noise level in the classroom, she separates
the talkative students into different rows. Additionally, students who experience
difficulties in sight or hearing are given preference to be seated in the front rows.
This arrangement helps my resource teacher to recognize and familiarize herself with
all the students in our classroom. By being able to identify each student's strengths
and weaknesses, she can provide them with individual attention and support.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

In the classroom, the noise level is reasonable and not excessively high. However,
the students tend to get louder when there is no teacher present. This is not a
concern as they make a lot of noise when they are actively participating in various
activities and recitations, which is actually a good thing as it shows their engagement
and enthusiasm.
To manage the noise levels, the teacher employs various techniques. For instance,
when the students get too loud, the teacher reminds them to lower their voices and
maintain an appropriate noise level. During activities, the teacher keeps the students
calm and engaged to prevent them from getting too excited and making too much
noise. Additionally, during recitations, the teacher recognizes all the students'
answers and contributions to the discussion so that they do not overpower each
other and contribute to a more productive learning environment.

7. If a learner is not following the instruction or is off-task, what does the resource
teacher do? Describe the behavior strategies used.
When a learner seems to struggle with following instructions provided by their
teacher, the teacher usually repeats the instructions in a simpler and clearer manner.
This approach helps the learner to understand the instructions better and avoid
making mistakes while completing the assigned activity. However, if the learner still
finds it difficult to understand the instructions, the teacher may also provide an
example of how to complete the activity correctly. By demonstrating the process step
by step, the teacher can help the learner to visualize the correct method and improve
their ability to follow instructions effectively.
8. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior
The teacher proactively reinforces positive behavior by being consistently attentive to
the students throughout the lesson. The teacher makes sure that the students feel
valued and appreciated by responding warmly and positively when they ask
questions, and by regularly recognizing and praising them for their contributions and
achievements. The teacher focuses on those who are more engaged to encourage
active participation and create a positive classroom environment. Additionally, the
teacher ensures that the students understand the lesson by double-checking their
comprehension. The teacher uses various methods to check for understanding, such
as asking questions, conducting quizzes, and assigning group work. If needed, the
teacher goes over the material with the students again to clarify any
misunderstandings or confusion.


Reflection as a future teacher.

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

We must prioritize positive discipline as it is crucial to effectively manage a classroom.
Even when students are well-behaved, there may be situations that test a teacher's patience.
Therefore, we should implement positive discipline practices to address any issues that may
arise in a way that is not too harsh on students. This approach can also help students develop
good behavior management skills and make smart decisions in different situations.
Additionally, reinforcing positive discipline helps students develop self-control, self-discipline,
and an awareness of how their actions affect others. I firmly believe that discipline is essential
in life as it creates habits, which then become routines that shape who we are on a daily
basis. By making small sacrifices in the present, we can create a better future through

ACTIVITY 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: Ma’am Kenneth Montenegro School: Don Severino Pagalilauan NHS
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: English



Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

1. Specific areas in the The classroom has a traditional It enables learners to have a
classroom setup with bookshelves in the comfortable learning
back for students' books and experience and access books
learning materials. There is for review and reading at any
also a cabinet to store cleaning time, without having to
materials. physically visit the library.
Additionally, it encourages
them to take responsibility for
maintaining cleanliness and
orderliness by keeping cleaning
materials in their designated
2. Classroom rules They are discussed in advance Students are informed about
with the participation of the the rules and regulations that
teacher and students; nothing need to be followed. Each
is posted. violation is penalized equally,
which makes students more
accountable for their behavior.
However, the teacher
periodically reminds students
of the class regulations since
they tend to forget them,
particularly if these are not
3. Classroom procedures The teacher takes the This empowers students to
responsibility of making sure take responsibility for keeping
that the classroom is neat and their classroom and designated
organized before the class areas in the school clean and
starts. She inspects the trash tidy. It also encourages them
bins to ensure that the waste to practice proper waste
is sorted and disposed of disposal habits. In addition,
properly. After finishing the class discussion procedures
cleaning process, she initiates provide an opportunity for
the class by requesting the students to develop their
students to pray and taking active listening, attentiveness,
their attendance. She also and participation skills.
reminds them of any important
announcements before
proceeding with the regular
class discussions and exercises
while adhering to the rules set
during the lectures or
4. Daily routines Daily routines are well- As responsible and
established. Students start committed learners, students
their day by cleaning their are expected to fulfill all the
designated areas, praying, tasks assigned to them by
checking attendance, doing their teachers and adhere to
warm-up activities, and the established procedures. It
assigning tasks. At the end of is important for them to
the day, they clean their come prepared and engage
designated areas again.
actively in all the activities
planned by their teachers.
This includes following the
instructions given by the
teacher, submitting
assignments on time,
participating in class
discussions and activities,
and seeking clarification
when needed. By doing so,
students will not only
enhance their learning
experience but also
contribute to a positive and
productive classroom
5. Seating arrangement The classroom has a total of They are comfortable with the
36 chairs, arranged in 8 situation and will gain a better
columns with 4/5 rows each. understanding of the lessons.
There are 4 columns on the This will also prevent them
right and 4 columns on the left from making unnecessary
of the center aisle. To keep the noise during class discussions.
noise level down, the teacher
makes sure that students who
tend to talk a lot are seated in
different rows. Additionally,
students who have hearing or
sight difficulties are given
priority to be seated in the
front rows.
6. Handling misbehavior/off- The teacher draws the Students will be aware of their
task behavior students’ attention to the faults and change their
situation and speaks with them negative behavior. It will also
about it, offering advice. enable them to behave well in
Nevertheless, if the situation the classroom.
worsens, the attention of the
parents will be called.
7. Reinforcement of positive The teacher pays attention to The students actively
behavior the students during the lesson participate in class discussions
to promote good behavior. which helps them feel valued,
They respond positively when motivated, and appreciated,
the students ask questions and giving them the courage to
regularly recognize and praise excel academically.
them for their achievements.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?
The comprehensive approach to classroom management, encompassing rule
discussions, consistent penalties, and periodic reminders, ensures that students are well-
informed and fosters a strong sense of accountability. Classroom procedures, emphasizing
neatness and organization, empower students to take ownership of cleanliness and proper
waste disposal. Establishing class discussion procedures further hones active listening,
attentiveness, and participation skills.
In addition, established daily routines, featuring activities like cleaning, praying, warm-
ups, and assigned tasks, instill a sense of responsibility and commitment among students.
Adhering to tasks and procedures, along with active participation, enriches the overall learning
experience, creating a positive classroom environment.
Additionally, the thoughtfully designed seating arrangement, aimed at minimizing noise
and accommodating specific needs, guarantees comfort and understanding. Prioritizing front-
row seats for students with hearing or sight difficulties actively contributes to a conducive
learning environment, preventing unnecessary disruptions.
Moreover, the approach to handling misbehavior involves direct communication with
students, offering advice, and escalating to parents if necessary. This method not only
addresses the situation but also raises awareness of faults, fostering positive behavioral
Furthermore, positive behavior reinforcement, highlighted by the teacher's active
attention and praise during lessons, serves as a powerful motivator for students to engage
actively in class discussions. Feeling valued and appreciated nurtures a positive attitude,
propelling students to excel academically.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
As an educator, it is essential to create a well-organized and disciplined classroom
environment that minimizes distractions and promotes learning. To achieve this, a teacher
should establish routines and procedures that support students' focus, attention, and interest
during class. The teacher must also consider the classroom's physical layout, such as seating
arrangements, lighting, and noise levels, to create a conducive learning environment.
One approach that can aid in classroom organization and procedures is the behaviorist
theory. This theory emphasizes the role of the teacher in setting rules and expectations for
student behavior. The teacher must clearly communicate the rules to the students and
administer suitable rewards and punishments for compliance. This approach focuses on
observable behaviors and the impact of the environment on learning.
In the classroom, behaviorism suggests that clear guidelines and expectations should be
established to guide student behavior. Consistent reinforcement, such as rewards for positive
behavior and consequences for negative behavior, is crucial for shaping and maintaining desired
conduct. Teachers must provide a structured and systematic teaching approach that enables
students to acquire and demonstrate specific skills through repetition and reinforcement.

3. Which behavior strategies are effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
Classroom rules play a crucial role in managing behavior through proactive discussion
and communication with students prior to implementation. This approach fosters accountability,
with equal penalties for rule violations instilling a sense of responsibility. Simultaneously, clear
communication serves as a motivator, ensuring a structured and orderly learning environment,
while periodic reminders maintain awareness and reinforce accountability. The implementation
of classroom procedures effectively manages behavior and motivates students by empowering
them to maintain cleanliness and follow established routines. Actively participating in daily
routines fosters responsibility and commitment, contributing to a positive classroom
environment. Additionally, a strategic seating arrangement minimizes disruptions, addressing
the needs of students with communication difficulties and enhancing overall understanding.
Addressing misbehavior through communication and parental involvement creates awareness
and motivates positive behavior. Reinforcing positive behavior by paying attention, providing
positive responses, and offering regular recognition fosters a positive classroom atmosphere,
motivating students to actively participate and excel academically.


Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you
see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?
As a pre-service teacher, I have found that teaching Grade 7 students is a challenging
but exciting stage. Many people tend to view this stage as difficult and troublesome, but I see it
as an opportunity to guide students through an important transition to high school.
My teaching approach would focus on creating a structured and disciplined classroom
environment that supports student learning. I believe that by instilling daily responsibilities, I
can encourage responsibility and accountability among my students. Additionally, I will
incorporate daily prayer to nurture students' faith and create a positive atmosphere in the
Attendance is a critical aspect of any student's academic experience. Therefore, I will
monitor attendance closely and use structured routines to ensure that students can achieve the
best possible academic outcomes.
I believe that reading and writing skills are fundamental to a student's success, and so I
will propose dedicating 30 minutes every Friday to these essential skills. In doing so, students
not only improve their proficiency in these areas but also expand their vocabulary, which will
better prepare them for the subsequent years in high school.
My ultimate goal as a teacher is not just to educate but also to mentor and shape
students' behavior positively. By focusing on both academic growth and personal development,
I hope to guide Grade 7 students to success in high school and beyond.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these
Inside my class, these are the rules:
 Be on time, on-task, and prepared to LEARN.
 TURN OFF and KEEP all the personal electronics
 RESPECT the teacher, the classroom, and other students
 Wear COMPLETE/PROPER uniform every day
 READ for 15 minutes during lunch breaks and write your names on the logbook after
 CELEBRATE each other success.

I find this set of rules appealing due to its observability and attainability. These guidelines
are applicable not only within the classroom setting but also in their everyday lives.
Implementing these rules is poised to address and rectify any misbehavior and help
students become responsible while simultaneously enhancing their academic skills.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

The active involvement of learners in the formulation of class rules is important as it not
only recognizes their right to impact rules that may adversely affect them but also fosters a
sense of ownership and responsibility. By engaging students in this process, they gain a
firsthand understanding of the significance of establishing rules and regulations within the
classroom. This participatory approach ensures that learners are not only aware of the rules but
also comprehend the rationale behind them. Moreover, their involvement allows for a
transparent discussion about the potential rewards for adherence and the corresponding
penalties for rule violations. This inclusive and detailed approach empowers students to
contribute to a positive learning environment while fostering a deeper understanding of the
consequences associated with their actions.

Show your Learning Artifacts

Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put pictures of the
physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective implementation of
classroom management.


Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 3 2 Improvement
Accomplished All observation One or two Three Four observation
Observation questions/tasks observation observation questions/tasks
sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not
answered/accom not not answered/accom
plished answered/accomp answered/accomp plished
lished lished
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four or more
were answered were answered not answered observation
completely; completely; completely; questions were
answers are with answers are answers are not not answered;
depth and are clearly connected clearly connected answers not
thoroughly to theories; to theories; one connected to
grounded on grammar and to three theories; more
theories; spelling are free grammatical/ than four
grammar and from errors. spelling errors. grammatical/
spelling are free spelling errors.
from errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; supported shallow; shallow; rarely
by what were by what were somewhat supported by
observed and observed and supported by what were
analyzed analyzed what were observed and
observed and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in reflected on in
the context of the context of the the context of the the context of
the learning learning learning the learning
outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; outcomes; not
complete well- complete well- complete not complete; not
organized, highly organized, very organized. organized, not
relevant to the relevant to the relevant to the relevant
learning learning outcome. learning outcome.
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
the deadline deadline after the deadline days or more
after the


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-

18 12 below
Grade 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00
5 0 5 0 0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

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