Module Outline
Module Outline
Module Outline
Module workload
This module requires the following number of study hours for successful completion:
Module workload ....................................................................................................................... 1
Module description .................................................................................................................... 2
Module outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 2
Module resources ...................................................................................................................... 2
Prescribed resource/s to acquire ........................................................................................... 2
Recommended resources ...................................................................................................... 3
Module schedule........................................................................................................................ 3
Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 5
Assessment overview............................................................................................................. 5
Assessment guidelines ........................................................................................................... 6
Originality of work ............................................................................................................. 6
Data management ............................................................................................................. 7
Submission ......................................................................................................................... 7
Extension of submission dates........................................................................................... 7
Late submission.................................................................................................................. 7
Academic queries ....................................................................................................................... 7
Step 1: Contact your lecturer ................................................................................................. 8
Step 2: Contact the head of the relevant academic department .......................................... 8
Step 3: Contact the deputy dean of faculty ........................................................................... 9
Step 4: Contact the executive dean or Student Development and Support ......................... 9
Module description
The Life Skills Didactic module is designed to help students understand the practice of Life
Skills in order to prepare students for teaching towards the holistic development of
Foundation Phase learners. Life Skills will equip pupils with knowledge, skills and values that
will enable them to maximise their potential. The subject encourages students to acquire and
practice the life skills necessary to teach Foundation Phase learners to become life-long
learners. The four study areas of Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Well-being,
Physical Education, and Creative Arts are interrelated.
Module outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Critically understand and explain the requirements, composition and rationale of the Life
Skills curriculum and its age appropriate implementation through the different teaching
activities (routine activities, free play activities indoors and outdoors, and structured
activities) of Life Skills for the Foundation Phase.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge and continuous flow of the four study
areas (Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Well-being, Physical Education, and
Creative Arts) and how they form a unit
3. Design a year assessment schedule/plan for a grade in the Foundation Phase through
evaluation of a range of methods of enquiry in the Life Skills subject.
4. Demonstrate a range of learning activities which allow learners to broaden and expand
their knowledge of Life Skills through collaborative learning processes in context over all
four study areas.
Module resources
Most of the resources you’ll need for most modules are provided by the Cornerstone Library
and Digital Collection. There are only a few exceptions, such as textbooks, that you may have
to acquire yourself.
Type Academic reference
CAPS documentation as can be found on the various education
department websites
Online Various sources will be uploaded on Funda under Resources Resource
For other prescribed resources provided by Cornerstone Institute, please consult the lesson
plans for this module.
Recommended readings are for additional academic enrichment and are not compulsory.
They are listed in the lesson plans.
Teaching Week 1 to 4 10 July - 4 August
Module Preparation for Assessment
outcome/s class/tutorial due
Introduction to Life Skills
Overview of earliest
developments, globally and in
SA. CAPS documents
Life Skills as a subject in SA
Outline of the subject Life Skills
and assessment requirements.
Teaching Week 5 to 7 7-25 August
Module Preparation for Assessment
outcome/s class/tutorial due
Social Sciences and social well CAPS documents
2-4 24th August
being in the Foundation Phase
Teaching Week 14 16 - 20 October
Module Preparation for Assessment
outcome/s class/tutorial due
2-4 Art in the Foundation Phase 19th October
Assessment overview
Below is a summary of assessments for this module. (Detailed assignment briefs are provided
No Type Marks Due date Weighting
1 Essay 35 1 24th August 35%
2 Discussion Forum 30 2-4 21st September 30%
Annual plan and
3 lesson 35 2-4 19th October 35%
Total 100%
Assessment guidelines
Originality of work
All your assessment work must be original. Cheating (using unauthorised resources),
plagiarism (using someone else’s work without giving due credit) and collusion (sharing work
on individual assignments) will be penalised and may result in failure of the module and even
expulsion. Consult our latest Academic Guidelines for more information:
When you submit your assignment on Funda (our learning management system), our
plagiarism-detection software (Urkund) will analyse the similarity of your work to other
sources. For different study levels we apply different standards. If your similarity score
exceeds the accepted standard, we will apply our plagiarism procedures, where penalties
range from marks deducted to expulsion (depending on the severity of the case and the
student’s history).
Data management
For all your assessments, keep copies in at least two different secure places until you have
completed your studies.
All assessments must be submitted on Funda.
Extension of submission dates
A request for an extension of the submission due date will only be considered if accompanied
by sufficient evidence of a severe life-disrupting event such as serious physical or
psychological illness or trauma. Please complete the required form and submit it to your
lecturer for processing.
Late submission
Late assessments will be penalised with 3% per calendar day.
No assessments are accepted for marking more than one calendar week after the due
date, or after the end of the Final Assessment and Review period.
Academic queries
Academic queries relate to all aspects of teaching and learning in the modules. If you have an
academic query, follow the procedure below. (For non-academic queries, e.g. registration and
fees, please contact the our Helpdesk at
If it is an urgent matter, call Cornerstone at 021 448 0050 and ask to be put through to
your lecturer. (Have their first and last name ready; do not expect the receptionist to
know who lectures which module.)
Only if your query is not resolved, escalate the matter to the next level.
Heads of department
Alternative Education Dr Susan Gredley
Business Studies Ms Sharon Brand
Education Prof Shaun Viljoen
General Education Mr Stephen Langtry
Media Studies Mr Stephen Langtry
Psychology Ms Geraldine Franciscus
Sociology & Community
Ms Henrietta Settler
Theology & Ethics Ms Anlené Taljaard