Dte English

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A Skilled and Ethical Society





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First Published in 2021

Revised 2024

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Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................ iv
TABLE 1: DISTRIBUTION OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AREAS ....................................................................................... vii
TABLE 2: DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENT + PEDAGOGY (SUBJECTS) ................................................................................... viii
NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................. ix
ESSENCE STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................... xii
GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES.............................................................................................................................................. xiii
SUMMARY OF TIME ALLOCATION ............................................................................................................................................ xiv
STRANDS AND SUB STRANDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES AND ASSESSMENT METHODS .............................................................................. 131

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The development of the curriculum for Diploma in Teacher Education for the Pre-Primary and Primary level (DTE–PP&P) is
a critical milestone in the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya. The curriculum designs herein
have been developed to prepare the teacher trainee to be able to effectively guide the learners at the Pre-Primary and Primary
School level; that is from Pre-Primary One (PP1) to Grade Six (G6) in Basic Education.
It is envisaged that the teacher educator will guide the teacher trainees appropriately to embrace the shift from the Objective-
Based to the Competency Based Curriculum which is hinged on use of learner-centred pedagogy for realisation of the stated
expected learning outcomes. In addition, the emphasis on formative assessment to facilitate learning should be underscored as
the basis for determining learner aptitude and performance. Other key aspects that have been introduced include structured
micro-teaching, a longer period for the practicum and the introduction of specific Professional Courses that ensure congruence
with the CBC vision, mission, pillars and guiding principles as enshrined in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework
(KICD, 2017).
The DTE-PP&P curriculum seeks to develop the teacher to act as a facilitator in the learning process taking into consideration
the different abilities and learning styles of individual target learners. The curriculum has been designed with emphasis on
experiential and reflective learning to develop appropriate Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK); hence, the emphasis on
integrated content and pedagogy for the student teachers while at college. This is to ensure that the student teacher is given
adequate time to practice how to facilitate learning of the different strands prescribed in the curriculum designs.
The Curriculum designs for the DTE-PP&P are packaged according to courses of training as follows:

Professional Learning areas 2. Curriculum Studies

1. Child Development and Psychology 3. Educational Resources

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4. ICT Integration in Education ucation
5. Educational Assessment 10. Historical and Comparative Foundations of Educa-
6. Research Skills tion
7. Inclusive Education 11. Micro Teaching
8. Educational Leadership and Management 12. Practicum
9. Sociological and Philosophical Foundations of Ed-

Integrated Content and Pedagogy Learning areas

1. English 9. Physical and Health Education
2. Kiswahili 10. Art and Craft
3. Mathematics 11. Music
4. Science and Technology 12. Indigenous Language
5. Agriculture 13. Foreign Languages: French/ Arabic/
6. Home Science German/ Mandarin (Chinese)/ KSL
7. Religious Education: CRE/IRE/HRE
8. Social Studies

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Entry Requirements
The entry requirements for the Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary shall be C Plain Mean Grade in the Kenya
Certificate of Secondary Education examination (KCSE) or its equivalent (as equated by the Kenya National Examinations Council
(KNEC). The Special Needs Candidates (SNE) could be admitted with C Minus (-) Grade in KCSE or equivalent

Duration of Training
The duration for the Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary shall be three years.
Subjects Offered
The trainee undertaking the Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary (DTE –PP&P) shall take ALL courses specified in
the DTE- PP&P curriculum; which includes Professional Courses and learning areas (subjects) related to the content in the Pre-Primary and
Primary School Curriculum.
Micro-Teaching and Practicum
Micro Teaching shall be undertaken as a course and shall be a pre-requisite for the Practicum; hence a course design has been developed for
it. There shall be two (2) school term practicum sessions for which guidelines shall be developed.
Award of the Diploma
To be awarded the Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary (DTE-PP&P), the candidate must achieve the following:
i) Complete the required hours for coursework and pass the stipulated assessment as directed by the Kenya National Examinations
Council (KNEC).
ii) Complete the required hours for the Practicum and pass the stipulated assessment as directed by the Kenya National Examinations
Council (KNEC).
Note: If the student teacher fails to meet the requirements for award of the Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary (DTE
–PP&P) he/she will be allowed to repeat the specific component or learning area failed.
The Diploma in Teacher Education – Pre-Primary and Primary (DTE PP&P) shall be graded as stipulated by the Kenya National
Examinations Council (KNEC).

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2 3 4 M5 M6 Total Micro M8 M9 FOR
Teaching - PROGRAMME
1. Child Development and 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 LEARNING
Psychology AREAS
2. Curriculum Studies 30 20 20 20 90 (420 Hours )
3. Educational Resources 10 10 10 30
4. ICT Integration in 10 10 10 30
5. Educational Assessment 10 10 10 30
6. Research Skills 10 10 4 30
7. Inclusive Education 10 10 10 30
8. Educational Leadership and 10 10 10 30
9. Sociological and 10 10 10 30
Philosophical Foundations of
10. Historical and Comparative 10 10 10 30
Foundations of Education
11. Micro Teaching 30 30
SUB TOTAL 120Hrs 80Hrs 80Hrs 60Hrs 40Hrs 40Hrs 420Hrs

1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL Micro FOR
Teaching - COURSE
1 English 24 34 34 35 29 30 186 30 Practicum Practicum
2 Kiswahili 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 CONTENT&
3 Mathematics 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 30 300 Hours 300 Hours PEDAGOGY
4 Science and 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 30 (SUBJECTS)
Technology (1680 Hrs)
5 Agriculture 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20
6 Home science 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 +
7 Religious Education:- 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 PRACTICUM
(CRE, IRE, HRE) (600Hrs)
8 Social Studies 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20
9. Physical and Health 10 10 10 30 30 30 120 30
10. Art and craft 10 30 30 10 20 20 120 20
11. Music 10 20 20 20 20 30 120 20
12. Indigenous Languages 10 20 20 20 30 20 120 20
13 Foreign Languages: 10 10 10 30 30 30 120 20
French/ Arabic/
German/ Mandarin
(Chinese)/ KSL
SUB TOTAL 230 Hrs 270 Hrs 270 Hrs 290 Hrs 310 Hrs 310 Hrs 1686Hrs
TOTAL 350 350 350 350 350 350 2100 300 300 300 3000 HRS

Education in Kenya should:
1. Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity.
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to
live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing
conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and foster patriotism in order
to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.

2. Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth progress of
a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization.
Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
b) Economic Needs
Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a
growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant domestic
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the
rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this development
if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these
changing global trends.

3. Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should help children to
develop their potential interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.

4. Promote sound moral and religious values.
Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound moral values
and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.

5. Promote social equity and responsibility.

Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal
educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate
social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.

6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary
society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid
development in order to build a stable and modern society.

7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education
should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the obligations and
responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.

8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.

Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to
physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the
youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.

By the end of the course the teacher trainee should be able to:
1. Model appropriate behaviour and values for Pre-Primary and Primary school learners to emulate for development of good
2. Communicate and collaborate effectively with learners, peers, parents and the community to create a conducive learning
3. Use appropriate pedagogical approaches to facilitate learning for Pre-Primary and Primary school learners in and out of the
4. Apply inclusive practices to support all Pre-Primary and Primary school learners including those with disabilities and
special educational needs
5. Employ ICT skills in the learning process to enhance digital literacy
6. Employ appropriate assessment approaches to promote effective learning
7. Identify and nurture learner’s potential and talents for appropriate placement and transition into Junior School.
8. Develop environmental conservation skills in Pre-Primary and Primary school learners to promote education for
sustainable development
9. Create innovative and effective solutions to challenges in the learning process.
10. Integrate pertinent and contemporary issues in learning to enable learners to cope with daily challenges.

English is one of the official languages in Kenya and the medium of instruction from Grade Four to the higher levels of learning.
English also serves as a lingua franca within the multilingual set-up in Kenya. The learning of English at Diploma in Teacher
Education (DTE) is informed by the fact that apart from people acquiring language naturally, they also learn from one another
through observation, imitation and modelling. This enhances communication and interaction within the society.

The English curriculum will equip the teacher trainee with appropriate competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) to
facilitate the learning of English at the primary school level. The subject will expose the trainee to the four language skills
(listening, speaking, reading and writing) and Grammar. This is expected to improve the teacher trainee’s communicative
competence. In addition, the trainee will be exposed to various aspects of language including a general introduction to language,
the structure of language, literary appreciation, English language pedagogy and aspects of communication skills. The content
will be delivered through formal, non-formal and informal teacher-guided experiences, including classroom interactions,
research, projects, seminar presentations and assignments. Further, the curriculum prepares the teacher trainee for future
academic and professional progression into higher levels of education.


By the end of the English Diploma in Teacher Education course, the teacher trainee should be able to:
1. Communicate information effectively for personal development and professional practice
2. Apply the principles of language learning theories and approaches, and appropriate pedagogy in guiding the learner
3. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the interrelationships between the theories and models of communication skills and
their role in education
4. Facilitate learning of the English language skills and grammar in schools
5. Demonstrate critical appreciation of literary works including Children’s Literature to foster critical thinking and creativity
6. Develop and use a wide range of resources, including ICTs, for learner engagement
7. Mainstream Core Competencies, Pertinent and Contemporary Issues, Values and Community Service Learning in learning
8. Appreciate the role of English as a medium for creativity and talent development.

1 Background to language and language Overview of First and second language 3 hrs
learning First language acquisition 3 hrs
Language learning and development in 2hrs
Language situation in Kenya 2 hrs
Multiword Units 3 hrs
(3 hours
Listening and speaking Oral skills 1 3hrs
Reading Children’s literature 1 3 hrs
Grammar Word classes 4hrs
Background to language and language Theories of language acquisition and 4hrs
2 learning learning
Listening and speaking Oral skills 2 3hrs
Reading Reading for younger children 5hrs
Reading for older children 4hrs
Grammar Verbs: tense, aspect, auxiliary verbs 3hrs
Writing Writing skills 6hrs
Types of writing 1 4hrs
Theories and models of communication Conceptualisation, evaluation and roles of 2hrs
models of communication
3 Background to language and language Approaches and methods to language 3hrs

learning learning
Language acquisition and learning 4hrs
Listening and speaking Listening comprehension 5hrs
Reading Intensive reading 1 10hrs
Grammar phrases 2 hrs
clauses 3hrs
Writing Types of writing 2 5hrs
Communication skills The communication process 2hrs
4 Background to language and language Phonology 4hrs
learning Morphology 3hrs
Listening and speaking Speaking fluency skills 4hrs
Reading Intensive reading 2 5hrs
Intensive reading 3 6hrs
Grammar Functional classification of sentences 5hrs
Writing Mechanics of writing 4hrs
Paragraphing 3hrs
5 Background to language and language syntax 4hrs
Listening and speaking Conversational skills 6hrs
Reading Children’s literature 2 6hrs
Grammar Structural classification of sentences 4hrs
Writing Functional writing 8hrs

6 Background to language and language Semantics and pragmatics 2hrs
Listening and speaking Extended oral work 7hrs
Reading Extensive reading 1 6hrs
Extensive reading 2 4hrs
Grammar Conversion of sentences 5hrs
Writing Creative writing 6hrs
Project Creative writing 6 hrs
Oral literature
6 hrs

Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
1.1 1.1.1 Overview of By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What is
Background to first and strand, the teacher  brainstorm the meaning of language?
language and second language trainee should be able language using a concept map, 2. How do we
language to:  listen and respond to an audio- acquire
learning a) explore the functions visual recording on the meaning language?
(2 hours) and properties of and characteristic of language, 3. Why do we
language,  contribute to a discussion on the study
b) compare and contrast properties and functions of language?
first and second language,
language acquisition  conduct research on how children
and learning for learn their first language and how
content knowledge, this can aid the learning of the
c) describe the order in second language,
which language skills  research the difference between the
are developed, acquisition of first language and the
d) distinguish between the learning of second language, and
productive and their implications to second
receptive language language learning then present
skills for information, findings at plenary,
e) discuss the  list the productive and receptive
implications of the language skills and the

essence statements for characteristics of each,
Pre Primary Language  work with peers and makes a
Activities and Primary presentation on the order in which
English curriculum language skills are developed,
designs on the learning  download the BECF and discuss
of English, the issues articulated in the essence
f) acknowledge the role statement with regard to learning of
of first language in English.
learning of the second
language for effective
learning of English.
Core competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on the nature of language.
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee listens and responds to an audio recording on the meaning of
 Critical thinking and problem solving as the teacher trainee critiques the essence statement.
 Unity as teacher trainees discuss the meaning of language.
 Respect as teacher trainees compare differences between first and second language acquisition and learning.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explore the Skillfully explores the Explores the functions Partially explores the Partially explores the
functions and properties functions and properties and properties of functions and functions and properties
of language of language accurately language almost all the properties of language of language accurately
time accurately with assistance
Ability to compare and Consistently compares Compares and contrasts Sometimes compares Compares and contrasts
contrasting LI and L2 and contrasts LI and L2 LI and L2 acquisition and contrasts LI and LI and L2 acquisition
acquisition and learning acquisition and learning and learning and their L2 acquisition and and learning, and their
and their implications and their implications implications correctly learning and their implications with
correctly implications correctly assistance
Ability to distinguish Distinguishes between Distinguishes between Distinguishes between Struggles to distinguish
between the productive the productive and the productive and the productive and between the productive
and receptive language receptive language receptive language receptive language and receptive language
skills for information. skills skills. skills. skills.
with ease Partially.
Ability to discuss the Elaborately discusses Discusses the Discusses some Discusses some
implications of the the implications of the implications of the implications of the implications of the
essence statements for essence statements for essence statements for essence statements for essence statements for
Pre Primary Language Pre Primary Language Pre Primary Language Pre Primary Language Pre Primary Language
Activities and Primary Activities and Primary Activities and Primary Activities and Primary Activities and Primary
English curriculum English curriculum English curriculum English curriculum English curriculum
designs. designs. designs. designs. designs when prompted.

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Out- Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key In-
comes quiry Question (s)
Background to 1.1.2 Stages By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. How do children
language and of Language strand the trainee teach-  use ICTs to search for infor- learn language?
language Development er should be able to: mation on the stages of lan- 2. Why is it im-
learning a) analyse the stages of guage development, portant to learn
(5 Hours) language develop-  prepare a PowerPoint using about the stages
ment in children, the information obtained of language de-
b) apply knowledge of from the research and pre- velopment?
the stages of lan- sent it,
guage development  work with peers to assess the
to facilitate differen- PowerPoint presentations and
tiated instruction, give feedback,
c) appreciate the im-  watch videos on the stages
portance of the stages of language development
of language develop- and summarise the con-
ment in language tent,
learning.  design relevant learning experi-
ences for the different stages of
language development, in pairs.
Core competencies to be developed:
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice as teacher trainee listens to presentations and give each other constructive
peer feedback
 Digital Literacy Skills as teacher trainee conducts online research on stages of language development
Responsibility and respect as teacher trainee engage in group discussions and presentations

Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Indicators Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to analyse the Analyses the stages of Analyses the stages of Analyses the stages of Analyses the stages of
stages of language language development language development language development language development
development in chil- in children and applies in children and applies in children and applies in children but strug-
dren and applying it to the knowledge to the knowledge to the knowledge to fa- gles to apply the
facilitate differentiated facilitate differentiated facilitate differentiated cilitate differentiated knowledge to facilitate
learning for content learning with learning learning in some in- differentiated learning
knowledge confidence stances

Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Out- Suggested Learning Experi- Suggested Key Inquiry
comes ences Question (s)
Background 1.1.3 Lan- By the end of the Sub Teacher trainee to: 1. Why is it important
to language guage Learn- strand the learner should  work with peers and to learn about fac-
and language ing and De- be able to: research the that af- tors that affect lan-
learning velopment in a) analyse factors that af- fect language devel- guage learning in
Children fect language learning opment such as: young children?
in children, - personality 2. How can one ensure
(2 Hours) b) adapt and adopt appro- - intelligence the language class-
priate pedagogical - motivation room is conducive
strategies for the lan- - teaching style for learning?
guage classroom, - learning style 3. How can we enhance
c) design relevant - environment (school and language develop-
learning experiences home) ment in young chil-
to enhance language - gender, dren?
learning,  adapt language teaching and
d) assess the implica- learning methods such as:
tion of various fac- Play based learning, Story-
tors on language telling and Narratives, Prac-
tical work, Project based
learning, Reflective learning
practice, Thematic Approach,
Songs, Rhymes and Poems.
 discuss ways of enhancing
language learning in
young children,

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 search for information
about factors that affect
language learning from the
 create relevant tasks to
enhance language learn-
ing in young children,
 watch relevant videos on
the internet on how to
overcome challenges of
language learning in young
Core competencies to be developed:
 Pedagogical Content knowledge as teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on factors affecting
language learning and development
 Digital Literacy as teacher trainee conducts online research
 Responsibility and integrity as teacher trainee identifies and acknowledge credible sources of information during re-
 Unity and respect as teacher trainee learns to work with others

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubrics
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below expectation
Ability to analyse fac- Analyses factors that Analyses factors that Analyses factors that Analyses factors that
tors that affect language affect language learn- affect language learn- affect language learn- affect language learn-
learning in children ing in children skill- ing in children ing in children with ing in children with as-
fully some difficulty sistance from others
Ability to adapt and adopt Creatively adapts and Adapts and adopts ap- Adapts and adopts Adapts and adopts
appropriate pedagogical adopts appropriate propriate pedagogical some pedagogical some pedagogical
strategies for the language pedagogical strategies strategies for the lan- strategies for the lan- strategies for the lan-
classroom for the language class- guage classroom guage classroom guage classroom with
room the assistance of others
Ability to design Designs relevant learn- Designs relevant learn- Designs some rele- Designs a few learning
Relevant learning experi- ing experiences to en- ing experiences to vant experiences to enhance
ences to hance language learn- enhance learning experiences language learning with
enhance language ing and integrates ap- language learning to assistance from others
learning propriate ICTs enhance language

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Experiences Inquiry Question
Background to 1.1.4 Language By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. What is the role of
language and situation the teacher trainee should be  conduct an online English in Kenya?
language learning in Kenya able to: research on the role of 2. What is the
(3 hours) a) explain the role accorded to English in Kenya and difference between
English in Kenya, shares ideas in class, American English
b) discuss the implications of  discuss the Constitution and British
the Constitution and the and the Language in English?
Language in Education Education Policy in
Policy in Kenya, Kenya and their
c) interrogate the differences implications to language
in the standard varieties of learning,
English and their  describe the standard
implications in learning, varieties of English
d) explore the Basic (Standard British
Education Curriculum English and American
Framework (BECF) and English), and their
identify the values that differences and
implications in English
should be nurtured at the
language learning in
primary school level, Kenya,
e) evaluate the role of English  read the Basic Education

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as articulated in the Curriculum Framework
Constitution and the (BECF) and identifies
Language in Education the values that should be
nurtured at the primary
school level,
 suggest how patriotism
can be inculcated during
an English lesson and
present the suggestions
on a chart or poster.
Core competencies to be developed
 Citizenship and Leadership Competency as teacher trainees acquire knowledge on policy issues in language
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainees conduct online research on the role of English in Kenya and share ideas
in class.
 Responsibility as teacher trainees discuss the Language in Education Policy in Kenya.
 Patriotism is enhanced through discussions on the Language in Education Policy in Kenya and its implications for language

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Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to discuss lan- Confidently discusses Discusses language var- Discusses language Discusses language
guage variation and its language variation and iation and its implica- variation and its impli- variation and its impli-
implications to learning its implications to learn- tions to learning: most cations to learning: cations to learning: a
with relevant examples, ing: all examples are examples are relevant some examples are few examples are
relevant relevant relevant
Ability to describe and Describes and assesses Describes and assesses Describes and assess- Describes and assesses
assess the aspects of all the aspects of the most aspects of the es some aspects of some aspects of the
the Language Policy Language Policy and Language Policy and the the Language Policy Language Policy and
and the Language in the Language in Edu- Language in Education and the Language in the Language in Educa-
Education Policy and cation Policy and their Policy and their implica- Education Policy and tion Policy and their
their implication on implication on learning tion on learning their implication on implication on learning
learning. with ease learning with assistance
Ability to address lan- Excellently addresses Addresses most Addresses some Addresses some language
guage learning chal- all language learning language learning language learn- learning challenges with
lenges challenges challenges ing challenges assistance from peers
Ability to identify and Identifies and critiques Identifies and cri- Identifies and cri- Identifies and critiques
critique the elements of all the elements of the tiques the elements of tiques most elements all the key elements of
the essence statement essence statement with the essence statement of the essence state- the essence statement
ease ment

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Ability to integrate the Integrates the core Integrates the core Integrates the core Integrates the core
core competency of citi- competency of citizen- competency of citizen- competency of citi- competency of citizen-
zenship and the value of ship and the value of ship and the value of zenship and the val- ship and the value of re-
responsibility in lan- responsibility in all responsibility in most ue of responsibility sponsibility in some
guage learning. learning experiences learning experiences in some learning learning experiences but
with ease experiences with assistance

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
Question (s)
1.2 1.2.1 By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should
Vocabulary  Multiword the teacher trainee should be  identify common collocations we use polite
Units able to: (words which occur together) words and ex-
a) distinguish between sin- such as by the way, day by day, pressions?
 Polite Words 2. How do prov-
gle words and proverbs, make money, make room, have
and Phrases idioms and phrasal verbs lunch erbs, idioms
b) describe common  discuss why one should not over and phrasal
(3 hours) collocations in print use proverbs, phrasal verbs or id- verbs enhance
and digital texts oral communi-
ioms in a text
c) use proverbs, idioms  listen to a television or radio
3. How do prov-
and phrasal verbs ap- programmer and identify erbs, phrasal
propriately in oral and proverbs, idioms or phrasal verbs and idi-
written communication verbs used by the speakers oms differ
d) infer the meaning of  practise using proverbs, idioms from single
phrasal verbs and idi- and phrasal verbs in sentences words?
oms using contextual  look up the meaning of words
clue, from the dictionary
e) use polite language in  search for proverbs, idioms and
conversations/dialogues, phrasal verbs from the internet,
f) research pedagogical newspapers and magazines and
strategies for facilitat- create a list
ing vocabulary learn-  write and share articles on social
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ing, media on the importance of using
g) value the role of a wide range of vocabulary.
proverbs, phrasal  create word lists of the high and
verbs and idioms in low frequency words in English,
enhancing communi-  discuss ways of reinforcing new
cative competence. vocabulary such as:
o writing a story
o building a wordlist
o word trees
o word pockets
 design innovative activities for the
oral skills classroom,
 research strategies such as: use of
contextual clues, jumble up letters
activity, offline/online matching
games, crossword puzzles, code
words, matching games and topic
games, among others and make a
Core Competencies:
 Digital Literacy – as teacher trainee searches for examples of proverbs, idioms and phrasal verbs from the internet
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice – as teacher trainee writes and shares articles on social media on the im-
portance of using a wide range of vocabulary
 Unity– as teacher trainee works with peers to create word lists of the high and low frequency words in English
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 Integrity – as teacher trainee writes and shares articles on social media on the importance of using a wide range of vocabu-

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expecta- Below Expectations
Indicator tions
Ability to use polite Uses polite words, Uses polite words, Uses polite words, Uses some polite
words, phrases, prov- phrases, proverbs, idi- phrases, proverbs, id- phrases, some proverbs, words, phrases, prov-
erbs, idioms and phrasal oms and phrasal verbs ioms and phrasal idioms and phrasal erbs, idioms and
verbs appropriately in appropriately with ease verbs appropriately verbs appropriately phrasal verbs appropri-
oral and written ately with
communication assistance from peers
Ability to describe com- Excellently describes Describes common Describes some com- Describe some com-
mon collocations in print common collocations collocations in print mon collocations in mon collocations in
and digital texts for con- in print and digital and digital texts print and digital texts print and digital texts
tent knowledge texts with assistance
Ability to infer the mean- Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning of Infers the meaning
ing of phrasal verbs, idi- phrasal verbs, idioms phrasal verbs, idioms proverbs, some phrasal of some proverbs
oms and proverbs using and proverbs using con- and proverbs using verbs and idioms using using contextual
contextual clues textual clues confidently contextual clues contextual clues clues
Ability to research peda- Researches varied ped- Researches pedagogi- Researches some peda- Researches some peda-
gogical strategies for fa- agogical strategies for cal strategies for facili- gogical strategies for facil- gogical strategies for
cilitating vocabulary facilitating vocabulary tating vocabulary learn- itating vocabulary learn- facilitating vocabulary
learning, learning, ing. ing. learning but with some
Page | 15
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
1.3 1.3.1 Children’s By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is
Reading Literature I the teacher trainee should be  share ideas during a brainstorm on Children’s
able to: the meaning of the term Literature
(4 hours) a) examine the importance of ‘Children’s Literature’ within the important in the
Children’s Literature in the Kenyan context, learning
learning of English,  discuss how Children’s Literature process?
b)describe the characteristics of contributes to the learning of 2. How do we
children’s literature and its English, determine the
contribution to the learning of  share ideas on how Children’s appropriateness
English, Literature differs from that of of Children’s
c) use a criterion to select more mature learners with focus Literature?
children’s materials for on structure, content and
facilitating learning of the language,
language skills and Grammar,  source for information on the
d) nature/characteristics of
esign activities to promote Children’s Literature, and
learning to learn in the English discusses the key points,
lessons,  discuss the criteria used for
e) reflect on the role of Children’s selecting children’s learning
Literature in language learning. materials,

Page | 16
 use the criteria to select children’s
materials for different grades,
 collect newspaper cuttings
featuring children’s reading
material and creates a working
Core Competencies to be developed
 Communication and Collaboration as teacher trainees discuss in groups the importance of Children’s Literature.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on how to select Children’s Literature.
Teacher trainees will be exposed to values such as respect and integrity as the children’s books deal with varied values.

Page | 17
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expec- Below Expectations
Indicator tations
Examining im- Consistently examines the Examines the im- Partly examines the Examines the im-
portance of Chil- importance of Children’s portance of Children’s importance of Chil- portance of Children’s
dren’s Literature in Literature in the learning of Literature in the learn- dren’s Literature in Literature in the learn-
the learning of Eng- English ing of English accu- the ing of English with
lish accurately rately learning of English difficulty
Describing the char- Consistently describes Describes the charac- Describes some Struggles to describe
acteristics of Chil- the characteristics of teristics of Children’s characteristics of the characteristics of
dren’s Literature Children’s Literature Literature Children’s Literature Children’s Literature
appropriately appropriately appropriately
Using a criteria to se- Uses a criteria to select Uses a criteria to select Uses a criteria to se- Uses a criteria to select
lect children’s mate- children’s materials for fa- children’s materials for lect some children’s some children’s mate-
rials for facilitating cilitating learning of the facilitating learning of materials for facili- rials for facilitating
learning of the lan- language skills and gram- the language skills and tating learning of the learning of the lan-
guage skills and mar appropriately and with grammar appropriately language skills and guage skills and
grammar ease grammar appropri- grammar with assis-
ately tance

Page | 18
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
Question (s)
1.4 1.4.1 Word By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is it
Grammar classes the teacher trainee should be  listen to audio-visual materials and important to
able to: identifies word classes: nouns, verbs, use correct
(4 hours) a) assign word classes to adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, grammar?
words in a text, determiners, pronouns, conjunctions, 2. How should
b) discuss how to teach interjections, grammar be
grammar using the  categorise words into word classes using taught?
inductive and integrated varied texts e.g. dialogue, short passages,
approaches, sentences, stories, in groups,
c) integrate critical thinking  construct sentences using words from
and problem solving in various word classes,
the learning process,  interact with digital content on word
d) adhere to correct use of classes and completes the tasks given on
words in sentences for the same,
effective communication.  search for and shares information on the
approaches of teaching grammar (inductive
and integrated),
 design an appropriate activity that
integrates critical thinking and problem
solving in a grammar lesson.

Page | 19
Core competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on inductive and integrated approaches to
teaching grammar.
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee completes specified tasks using digital devices.
 Communication and collaboration as teacher trainees discuss the approaches of teaching grammar.
 Integrity as the teacher trainee completes individual and group tasks on use of word classes.
 Responsibility as the teacher trainee completes assignments on identifying and using word classes.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Assigning word clas- Assigns word classes Assigns word classes Assigns some word Has difficulty assigning
ses to words in a text to words in a text with to words in a text classes to words in a word classes to words in a
ease text text
Discussing how to Consistently discusses Discusses how to Sometimes discusses Has difficulty discussing
teach grammar using how to teach grammar teach grammar using how to teach grammar how to teach grammar us-
the inductive and using the inductive and the inductive and inte- using the inductive and ing the inductive and in-
integrated approaches integrated grated integrated tegrated
approaches correctly approaches correctly approaches correctly approaches correctly
Integrating critical Integrates critical Integrates critical Integrates critical Partly integrates critical
thinking and problem thinking and problem thinking and problem thinking and problem thinking and problem
solving in the learn- solving in the learning solving in the learn- solving in the learning solving in the learning
ing process process with ease ing process process partly process with assistance
Page | 20
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
2.1 2.1.1 Theories, By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. How is
Background to Approaches and strand, the teacher trainee  work with peers and research language
language and Methods to Language should be able to: selected first and second acquired?
language Teaching and Learning a) analyse the tenets of language acquisition theories, 2. What are the
learning I selected theories of First  share views on how children advantages
(4 hours) and Second Language learn their first language, of learning a
Acquisition and  debate how proficiency in the first and
Learning, first language enhances the second
b) apply principles of First learning of a second language, language?
and Second Language  discuss the tenets of the 3. What factors
Acquisition and selected theories influence
Learning theories to o Monitor Model by second
enhance language Stephen Krashen language
learning, o Mentalist theory: acquisition?
c) explore the relationship Universal Grammar by 4. What is a
between the theories of Noam Chomsky theory?
language learning and o Behaviourist Theory –
the language Activities Leonard Bloomfield)
/English Language o Cognitivist theory by
Classroom, Jean Piaget
d) appropriate methods to o Language acquisition
foster language learning
Page | 21
in preprimary, lower and support system (LASS)
upper primary, by Jerome Bruner
e) research the difference o Social cultural
between first and second learning theory by
language acquisition and Vygotsky and Albert
learning for pedagogical Bandura
content knowledge,  propose activities for
f) appreciate the promoting collaborative
implications of the learning and communication
principles of the selected in the language classroom,
language theories to  research the following
classroom practice. methods and present a
PowerPoint or chart showing a
language skill each method
can facilitate: Play based
learning, Storytelling and
Narratives, Practical work,
Project based learning,
Reflective learning practice,
Thematic Approach, Songs,
Rhymes and Poems.

Page | 22
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee applies knowledge on the theories of second language acquisition and
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee conducts research on the selected theories, using non-print sources.
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as teacher trainees share ideas on how the tenets of various theories relate to language
learning in the context of CBC.
 Peace as teacher trainees discuss the tenets of the selected theories.
 Respect as teacher trainees ‘fact storm’ on the implications of the selected theories.

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to analyse the ten- Critically analyses the Analyses the tenets Analyses some tenets Analyses some tenets
ets of selected theories of tenets of selected theo- of selected theories of of selected theories of of selected theories of
Second Language Acqui- ries of Second Language Second Language Second Language Second Language
sition and learning Acquisition and learning Acquisition and learn- Acquisition and learn- Acquisition and learn-
for content knowledge with ease. ing with ease. ing. ing with assistance.
Ability to apply tenets of Applies all tenets of first Applies all tenets of Applies some tenets Applies some tenets
first and Second Language and Second language first and Second Lan- of first and Second of first and Second
Acquisition and learning Acquisition and learning guage Acquisition Language Acquisition Language Acquisi-
theories in language theories confidently and learning theories and learning theories tion and learning
learning in language in language theories in language
learning learning learning with assistance
Page | 23
Ability to research the Researches the differ- Researches the dif- Researches the differ- Researches the differ-
differences and similari- ences and similarities be- ferences and simi- ences and similarities ences and similarities
ties between first and sec- tween first and second larities between first between first and sec- between first and sec-
ond language learning and language learning, as- and second lan- ond language learning ond language learning
assessing their implica- sesses their implications guage learning and and assesses some but is unable to assess
tions to classroom practice to classroom practice assesses their impli- implications to class- their implications to
critically cations to classroom room practice classroom practice
Ability to explore Creatively explores the Explores the Explores somewhat Attempts to explore the
the relationship be- relationship between the relationship the relationship be- relationship between
tween the theories of theories of language between the tween the theories of the theories of language
language learning learning and the language theories of lan- language learning and learning and the lan-
and the language Activities /English Lan- guage learning the language Activities guage Activities
Activities /English guage Classroom. and the lan- /English Language /English Language
Language Class- guage Activi- Classroom. Classroom but struggles
room. ties /English a lot.

Page | 24
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
2.2 2.2.1 Oral By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is it
Listening skills strand, the teacher  brainstorm reasons of teaching listening and important to
and (3hours) trainee should be able speaking, build one’s
speaking to:  watch a video, and make notes on the verbal range of
a) describe types of and nonverbal cues used, that is, eye vocabulary and
listening. contact, facial expressions, gestures, language
b) uses verbal and non- paralinguistic features among others, structures?
verbal cues  prepare a chart or PowerPoint presentation 2. How can one
strategically in on the types of listening and share with learn the
peers, meaning of
 listen and respond to short texts on various words?
contexts, 3. How can we
types of listening (active, passive and
c) design appro- selective, responsive, extensive, critical) and assess mastery
priate tasks to intensive listening, of oral skills?
enhance listen-  research the strategies of effective listening
ing compre- and speaking, for example, speaking clearly,
hension, right speed, prosody (rhythm, stress and
d) adopt and adapt intonation), paying attention, avoiding
appropriate distractions, being aware of body language,
methods to facil- seeking clarification, visualising what a
itate the learning speaker is saying,
and assessment
Page | 25
of oral skills,  work with peers to recite poems and narrate
e) relate the general stories,
learning outcomes  listen to narrations and recitations of poems
for English to the
specific learning and pick out the verbal and nonverbal
outcomes in the strategies used,
learners’ designs,  model an activity showing how citizenship
f) appreciate the and patriotism can be developed when
importance of handling a listening and speaking lesson.
speaking effectively  fact storm ways of remediating the learning
in communication. of oral skills for struggling learners,
 develop a sample lesson plan for an oral
skills lesson,
 compare various ways of assessing oral
skills such as questioning, sentence
construction, teacher-made tests, sentence-
completion, matching exercises, language
games among others,
 write two specific learning outcomes for a
lesson on oral skills,
 make notes on the correct procedure for
conducting an oral lesson:
o teaching vocabulary and sen-
tence structures

Page | 26
o introduction
o presentation
o imitation
o meaningful practice and reinforce-
Core Competencies to be developed
 Self -Efficacy as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on how to conduct lessons on oral skills.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires strategies of facilitating learning of oral skills.
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainees interact with digital materials and suggest ways of enhancing learning of oral
 Social justice as teacher trainees suggest ways of assisting learners who are struggling to catch up on various oral skills.

Page | 27
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe types Describes various Describes types of Describes some types Describes some types of
of listening. types of listening. listening. of listening. listening when prompted.
Ability to use verbal and Aptly uses verbal and Uses verbal and Uses some verbal Struggles to use some
non-verbal cues non-verbal cues strate- non-verbal cues stra- and non-verbal cues verbal and non-verbal
strategically in gically in communica- tegically in commu- strategically in com- cues strategically in com-
communicative contexts, tive contexts, nicative contexts. municative contexts. municative contexts,
Ability to creatively de- Creatively designs ac- Designs activities for Designs some activi- Designs some activities
signs activities for en- tivities for enhancing enhancing the learn- ties for enhancing the for enhancing the learning
hancing the learning of the learning of oral ing of oral skills. learning of oral skills. of oral skills with a little
oral skills. skills. difficulty.
Ability to adopt and Adopts and adapts Adopts and adapts Adopts and adapts ap- Struggles to adopt and
adapt appropriate meth- appropriate methods to appropriate methods propriate methods to fa- adapt appropriate meth-
ods to facilitate the facilitate the learning to facilitate the learn- cilitate the learning and ods to facilitate the learn-
learning and assessment and assessment of oral ing and assessment assessment of oral skills ing and assessment of oral
of oral skills, skills, with ease of oral skills. with some difficulty. skills.
Ability to relate the Accurately relates the Relates the general Relates the general Relates few of the general
general learning general learning out- learning outcomes for learning outcomes for learning outcomes for Eng-
outcomes for English to comes for English to English to the specific English to the specific lish to the specific learning
the specific learning the specific learning learning outcomes in learning outcomes but outcomes and falters in
outcomes in the learners’ outcomes in the learn- the learners’ designs. falters in some in- some instances.
designs. ers’ designs. stances.
Page | 28
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
2.3 2.3.1 By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is it
Reading Reading for the teacher trainee should be  fact storm reasons for encouraging reading important to use
younger able to: aloud at lower grades and silent reading in several methods
children a) describe the reading upper primary, when teaching
readiness (pre reading)  discuss the requisite pre-reading skills for reading in
(5hours) skills to be developed in young children: visual discrimination, English?
young children, auditory skills, visual memory, auditory 2. Why should
b) design and model formal memory and attitudinal skills, young children
and informal activities to  suggest ways of helping the learner to learn reading
facilitate the learning of read, for example, recognising different skills?
reading reediness skills, colours, beginning at the front of a book 3. How can the
c) use appropriate methods among others, teaching of
and procedures to facilitate  model ways of introducing reading such as reading be made
reading lessons, name cards, picture labels, labels and systematic?
d) research and practise captions on classroom objects and
appropriate ways of displays,
assessing reading readiness,  collaboratively assess reading readiness
e) advocate for the use of using tools such as checklists, observation
varied methods in schedules among others,
facilitating reading lessons.  write the procedure, activities, strengths
and weaknesses of the look and say and
Page | 29
 phonic methods,
 record video reading lessons/ podcasts on:
look and say and phonic methods,
 present the procedure for facilitating
reading: oral preparation, word
recognition activities, guided reading,
checking understanding and practise using
the procedure,
 design two learning experiences which
incorporates self-efficacy and love during
a reading lesson and share them with peers
through email.
Core competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on how to facilitate reading lessons.
 Communication and Collaboration as teacher trainees discuss methods of facilitating reading lessons.
 Creativity and innovation as the teacher trainee models various methods of facilitating reading using a variety of resources.
 Integrity is enhanced as teacher trainees prepare and practise using a reading readiness checklist.

Page | 30
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Consistently describe the Correctly describe Describe some of the Requires assistance to
pre-reading skills to be pre-reading skills to be the pre-reading skills pre-reading skills to describe the pre-reading
developed in younger developed in younger to be developed in be developed in skills to be developed in
children children younger children younger children younger children
Ability to Designs and models Designs and models Designs and models Designs and models
design and model formal formal and informal formal and informal some formal and some formal and
and informal activities to activities to facilitate the activities to facilitate informal activities to informal activities to
facilitate the learning of learning of reading the learning of facilitate the learning facilitate the learning of
reading reediness skills, reediness skills, reading reediness of reading reediness reading reediness skills,
accurately and with ease. skills, accurately. skills, accurately. with assistance.
Ability to use Critically uses Uses appropriate Sometimes uses Has difficulty using
appropriate methods and appropriate methods and methods and appropriate methods appropriate methods
procedure to facilitate procedure to facilitate procedure to and procedure to and procedure to
reading lessons reading lessons facilitate reading facilitate reading facilitate reading
lessons lessons lessons
Ability to research and Researches and applies Researches and Researches and Researches and applies
apply appropriate ways appropriate ways of applies appropriate applies some some appropriate ways
of assessing reading assessing reading ways of assessing appropriate ways of of assessing reading
readiness readiness with ease reading readiness assessing reading readiness when
readiness prompted.

Page | 31
Creating appropriate Creates appropriate Creates appropriate Creates some Creates appropriate
learning experiences to learning experiences to learning experiences appropriate learning learning experiences to
facilitate the learning of facilitate the learning of to facilitate the experiences to facilitate the learning of
reading in lower primary reading in lower primary learning of reading facilitate the learning reading in lower primary
with ease in lower primary of reading in lower with assistance

Page | 32
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
2.3.2 Reading for By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. What are the
Older the teacher trainee should be  brainstorm reading difficulties benefits of
Children able to: experienced learners and possible intensive
a) identify reading difficulties remedies, reading?
(4 hours) and propose remedies for  use word attack skills to assist 2. What
pedagogical content struggling readers, namely, phonics activities can
knowledge, (sound clues), context clues, picture we carry out
b) describe varied strategies clues, syllabification, comparison with to help
for enhancing reading known words, analysing compound learners
proficiency in older words, understand
children, strategies to assist  outline and demonstrates the procedure what they
learners with reading for teaching reading for older children read?
difficulties, such as: language preparation,
c) use word attack skills to motivation for reading, silent and
enhance the reading independent reading, checking
proficiency of older understanding and follow-up,
children and those with  prepare assessment tools such as an
reading difficulties, observation schedule,
d) design tools for assessing  assess reading competency through
the reading proficiency of read aloud tasks, dictations, oral
learners with varied interviews or questioning, teacher
methods and tools,
Page | 33
e) formulate sample Key made tests, closed items, sentence
Inquiry Questions for a completion items, peer assessment,
reading lesson, standardised reading tests among
f) reflect on the use of varied others,
instructional strategies in  write 3 Key Inquiry Questions
the language classroom. for a reading lesson and share with
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on appropriate procedure for
facilitating reading in upper primary.
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as teacher trainees engage in discussions on reading problems and their remedies, in
order to assist learners with reading challenges.
 Communication and Collaboration as teacher trainees share ideas on how working in groups brings out self-efficacy and
respect among peers.
 Assessment Competence as teacher trainees practise assessment methods that can be used to assess reading.
 Social justice as teacher trainees acquire skills to assist learners with reading challenges.
 Respect is enhanced as teacher trainees discuss and practise the use of word attack skills.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify reading Cleary identifies Identifies reading Identifies some Identifies some reading
difficulties and proposing reading difficulties and difficulties and reading difficulties difficulties when
remedies for pedagogical proposes novel proposes remedies and somehow prompted and somehow
content knowledge. remedies proposes remedies proposes remedies
Ability to describe varied Describes varied Describes strategies Describes some Has difficulty describing
strategies for enhancing the strategies for for enhancing reading strategies for some strategies for
reading proficiency in older enhancing reading proficiency in older enhancing reading enhancing reading
children, and those with proficiency in older children, and those proficiency in older proficiency in older
reading difficulties. children, and those with reading children, and those children, and those with
with reading difficulties. with reading reading difficulties.
difficulties. With ease, difficulties.
Ability to use word attack Uses varied word Uses word attack Uses word attack Uses some word attack
skills to enhance the attack skills to enhance skills to enhance the skills to enhance the skills to enhance the
reading proficiency of older the reading proficiency reading proficiency of reading proficiency reading proficiency of
children and those with of older children and older children and of older children and older children and those
reading difficulties, those with reading those with reading those with reading with reading difficulties
difficulties, difficulties, difficulties, when supported by

Page | 35
Ability to assess the reading Accurately assesses Assesses the reading Somehow assesses Somehow assesses the
proficiency of learners with the reading proficiency proficiency of the reading reading proficiency of
varied methods and tools. of learners with varied learners with varied proficiency of learners with varied
methods and tools methods and tools learners with varied methods and tools when
methods and tools prompted.
Ability to formulate Consistently thought Formulates thought Formulates Formulates somewhat
sample Key Inquiry provoking sample provoking sample somewhat thought thought provoking
Questions. Key Inquiry Key Inquiry provoking sample sample Key Inquiry
Questions. Questions. Key Inquiry Questions with guidance.

Page | 36
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
2.4. 2.4.1 Verbs: By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. How do we talk
Grammar Tense, aspect, the teacher trainee should be  discuss and practises varied about events
auxiliary verbs able to: strategies of teaching tense and that happen at
a) categorise and use main aspect e.g. sentence construction different times?
(3 hours) and auxiliary verbs in exercises, dialogue building, 2. How do we
sentences, writing poems and short stories, express future
use of songs, peer correction and time?
b) use tense and aspect
creating meaningful contexts,
appropriately in sentences,
 develop online worksheets on
c) express different moods verbs (main, auxiliaries), tense
using modals, and aspect,
d) apply appropriate  identify main verbs, auxiliary
pedagogical strategies and verbs (to be, to have, to do and
ICTs to enhance the modal auxiliaries) from audio-
learning of grammar, visual materials,
e) value the correct use of  construct correct sentences using
tense and aspect in the:
communication. o present, and past tense,
and future time
o progressive and perfec-
tive aspect
o main verbs, auxiliary
Page | 37
verbs – to be, to have, to
do and modal auxiliary
verbs (must, should, can,
could, shall, will, would,
ought to, may, might)
 create dialogues, poems and
short stories,
 participate in language games,
dictations, singing, role play,
recitations among others.
Core competencies to be developed
 Self -Efficacy as teacher trainee is equipped with skills on correct use of tense and aspect.
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice as the teacher trainee discusses and practises varied strategies of teaching
 Peace enhanced as teacher trainees design activities online.
 Responsibility as teacher trainee writes texts using the identified language items.

Page | 38
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
Indicator expectations
Ability to categorise Categorises and uses Categorises and uses Categorises and uses Categorises and uses
and using main and main and auxiliary main and auxiliary some main and some main and auxiliary
auxiliary verbs in verbs in sentences in verbs in sentences auxiliary verbs in verbs in sentences in
sentences, varied contexts sentences in some some contexts
Ability to use tense Consistently uses tense Uses tense and aspect Uses tense and aspect Uses tense and aspect
and aspect and aspect appropriately in appropriately in some appropriately in some
appropriately in appropriately in sentences sentences sentences when prompted.
sentences sentences.
Ability to express Expresses different Expresses meaning Expresses some Struggles to expresses
meaning using main meanings using main meanings using main meanings using main some meanings using
and auxiliary verbs and auxiliary verbs and auxiliary verbs and auxiliary verbs main and auxiliary verbs
Ability to apply Systematically applies Applies pedagogical Applies some Struggles to apply some
appropriate appropriate pedagogical strategies and ICTs to pedagogical strategies pedagogical strategies and
pedagogical strategies strategies and ICTs to enhance the learning of and ICTs to enhance ICTs to enhance the
and ICTs to enhance enhance the learning of grammar. the learning of learning of grammar.
the learning of grammar. grammar.

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question (s)
2.5 2.5.1 Writing By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What are pre-
Writing Readiness Skills strand, the teacher  work with peers to define and identify writing skills?
trainee should be able various writing readiness skills (pre 2. How do we teach
(6 hours) to: writing skills): hand and finger writing skills?
a) describe the strength, crossing the mid-line, pencil 3. Why do we
building blocks grasp, hand eye, coordination, bilateral emphasise on a
necessary to de- integration, upper body strength, ob- good handwriting?
velop writing ject manipulation, visual perception,
readiness (pre- hand dominance, hand division
writing)  outline methods facilitating writing
b) address writing readiness,
readiness diffi-  research the following aspects of writ-
culties that chil- ing readiness and share:
dren face o book handling,
c) use appropriate o writing posture,
pedagogical o eye-hand coordination
strategies to fos- o left-right orientation
ter prewriting  craft interesting pre writing activities for
skills. children such as
d) design interesting  identify common hand writing problems
learning activities and suggests ways of addressing them,
for pedagogical  use appropriate activities to facilitate the
content learning of handwriting: print and
Page | 40
knowledge cursive writing and how to assist left-
e) design appropriate handed learners,
tools for assessing  research online writing readiness
writing readiness, difficulties for children such as
f) recognise the awkward pencil grasp, difficulty
importance of controlling a pencil for colouring,
writing skills in drawing or writing, manipulating
learners’ language objects with whole hand rather than just
development. a few fingers, poor endurance for pencil
based activities, messy and/or slow
 suggest remedies for the following
challenges: difficulty staying within the
lines when colouring, applying
inappropriate pressure to the paper for
pencil based activities (either too heavy
and frequently breaks the pencil, or too
light and ‘spidery’), poor upper limb
strength (weak shoulders), difficulty
coordinating both hands together for
two handed tasks, poor hand-eye
 model lesson on teaching handwriting to
younger children using this procedure:
revision of already learnt letters, pattern
Page | 41
practice, demonstration and imitation,
individual practice of the individual
letters and practice of letters in words.
Core competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on appropriate methodology for facilitating the
writing skills.
 Creativity and Innovation as the teacher trainee designs and displays handwriting worksheets.
 Assessment Competence as the teacher trainee participates in peer assessment of activities that are appropriate in enhancing
pre-writing skills.
 Respect as teacher trainee designs and displays handwriting worksheets individually, and analyses those of his or her peers.
 Responsibility as teacher trainees discuss and practise the procedure of teaching handwriting.
 Social justice as teacher trainees acquire skills necessary for assisting learners in pre-writing and handwriting skills.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations Expectations
Ability to describe the Vividly describes the Describes the building Describes some of the Describes some of the
building blocks necessary to building blocks blocks necessary to building blocks building blocks
develop writing readiness necessary to develop develop writing necessary to develop necessary to develop
(pre-writing). writing readiness readiness (pre-writing). writing readiness writing readiness (pre-
(pre-writing). (pre-writing). writing) when prompted.
Ability to address writing Aptly addresses Addresses writing Addresses writing Addresses writing
readiness difficulties that writing readiness readiness difficulties readiness difficulties readiness difficulties
children face\. difficulties that that children face. that children face but that children face but
children face. falters slightly. falters a lot.
Ability to use appropriate Creatively uses Uses appropriate Uses somewhat Uses somewhat
pedagogical strategies to appropriate pedagogical strategies appropriate appropriate pedagogical
foster prewriting skills. pedagogical to foster prewriting pedagogical strategies strategies to foster
strategies to foster skills. to foster prewriting prewriting skills with
prewriting skills. skills. guidance from peers.
Ability to design interesting Designs interesting Designs interesting Designs somewhat Designs learning
learning activities for and varied learning learning activities for interesting learning activities for
pedagogical content activities for pedagogical content activities for pedagogical content
knowledge. pedagogical content knowledge. pedagogical content knowledge.
knowledge. knowledge.

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
2.5.2 By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1.Why is creative
Types of writing I strand, the teacher  ‘fact storm’ the characteristics of narrative writing
trainee should be able and descriptive writing, important?
(4 hours) to:  outline the writing process: brainstorming. 2.How do we
a) describe the stages planning (. brief shared teach creative
of the writing experiences/generating ideas), drafting, writing?
process for content editing, revising and publishing,
knowledge,  use the writing process and compose
b) compose narrative narrative and descriptive compositions,
and descriptive  collaborate with peers to write a narrative
compositions on and descriptive paragraph,
varied topics,  edit the writing of peers to identify
c) illustrate how common errors e.g. spelling, split
pertinent and infinitives, sentence fragments, run-on
contemporary sentences, comma splice, misplaced
issues can be modifiers, dangling modifiers, subject verb
integrated in agreement, clipping, a lack of parallelism,
narrative and  describe the procedure for composition
descriptive writing, writing: introduction, oral
d) use collaborative preparation/discussion, individual writing,
pedagogical marking and correction and follow-up,
techniques to
Page | 44
facilitate guided  generate learning experiences for teaching
composition narrative and descriptive compositions, and
writing, makes presentations during plenary,
e) value the  create a narrative or descriptive essay
importance of featuring a pertinent and contemporary
writing fluency in issue.
lifelong learning.
Core competencies to be developed
 Creativity and Imagination as the teacher trainee creates samples of creative writing.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on writing skills and the appropriate methodology
for facilitating composition writing.
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee uses digital software e.g. bloom to create a digital story.
 Self -efficacy as teacher trainees create narratives featuring pertinent and contemporary issues.
 Responsibility as teacher trainees create samples of creative writing items, in writing circles.
 Respect as teacher trainees participate in a variety of activities in groups.
 Integrity as teacher trainees edit each other’s creative writing.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe Confidently explains in- Explains the Explains some Has difficulty explaining
the stages of the depth the characteristics characteristics of characteristics of the characteristics of
writing process for of narrative and narrative and narrative and narrative and
Page | 45
content knowledge, descriptive writing in descriptive writing in descriptive writing in descriptive writing in
relation to form, purpose relation to form, relation to form, relation to form,
and audience purpose and audience purpose and audience purpose and audience
Ability to compose Consistently composes Composes narrative Composes narrative Requires assistance to
narrative and narrative and descriptive and descriptive and descriptive compose narrative and
descriptive compositions creatively. compositions compositions descriptive
compositions on creatively. somewhat creatively. compositions .
varied topics.
Ability to illustrate Illustrates how pertinent Illustrates how Sometimes illustrates Has difficulty illustrating
how pertinent and and contemporary issues pertinent and how pertinent and how pertinent and
contemporary issues can be integrated in contemporary issues contemporary issues contemporary issues can
can be integrated in narrative and descriptive can be integrated in can be integrated in be integrated in narrative
narrative and writing lessons narrative and narrative and and descriptive writing
descriptive writing appropriately and with descriptive writing descriptive writing lessons appropriately
lessons ease lessons appropriately lessons appropriately
Ability to use Creatively uses Uses collaborative Uses some Struggles to use some
collaborative collaborative pedagogical pedagogical collaborative collaborative pedagogical
pedagogical techniques to facilitate techniques to facilitate pedagogical techniques techniques to facilitate
techniques to guided composition guided composition to facilitate guided guided composition
facilitate guided writing. writing. composition writing. writing.
composition writing.

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Outcomes Experiences Inquiry Question (s)
2.6 2.6.1 Theories By the end of sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why are the
Theories and and Models of the teacher trainee should  brainstorm the tenets of theories and
Models of Communication be able to: the following models of models of
Communication a) describe the key tenets of communication: communication
(2 Hours) the theories and models o Linear Model important in day-
of communication, o Interactive to-day
b) apply the tenets of the Model interactions?
theories and models of o Transactional 2. How do the
communication to foster Model theories and
language learning,  research the key tenets models of
c) use ICTs conduct of the following theories communication
research on the theories of relate to teaching
and models of o Symbolic and learning?
communication, Interactionism
d) value contributions of o Social Exchange
theories of Theory
communication to o Cultivation
teaching and learning. Theory
o Agenda Setting
o Uses and
Page | 47
o Critical Theory
 make a PowerPoint
presentation showing
how the tenets of
selected theories may be
applied to foster
language learning,
 debate how the tenets of
the theories and models
of communication may
be applied in the
language classroom,
Core Competencies to be developed
Self-efficacy as the teacher trainee debates about the importance of the theories of communication in teaching and learning
Pedagogical content knowledge as the teacher trainee makes connections between theories and models of communication
and the teaching and learning environment
Responsibility is developed as teacher trainee debates about the importance of the theories of communication in day-to-day
interaction within the learning environment

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Describes the key tenets Describes the key Describes somewhat Describes some key
key tenets of the of the theories and tenets of the theories the key tenets of the tenets of the theories
theories and models of models of and models of theories and models of and models of
communication. communication communication. communication. communication when
convincingly. prompted.
Ability to apply the Accurately applies the Applies the theories Applies the theories Struggles to apply the
tenets of the theories theories and models of and models of and models of theories and models of
and models of communication to foster communication to communication to communication to
communication to language learning. foster language foster language foster language learning
foster language learning. learning in some in some instances.
learning. instances.
Ability to use ICTs Objectively uses ICTs Uses ICTs conduct Uses ICTs conduct Uses ICTs conduct
conduct research on the conduct elaborate elaborate research on somewhat elaborate research on the theories
theories and models of research on the theories the theories and research on the and models of
communication. and models of models of theories and models communication.
communication. communication. of communication.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Out- Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
comes Question (s)
3.0 Background to 3.1.1 By the end of the sub Teacher trainee to: 1. Why should
language and Theories, strand, the teacher  conduct research and write a report on we blend dif-
language learning Approaches trainee should be able the principles of each of the selected ferent ap-
and Methods to to: approaches and methods to language proaches and
Language a) distinguish selected ap- teaching and learning: Situational methods?
Teaching and proaches and methods to Language Teaching, Communicative 2. How do we
Learning II language learning using Language Teaching, Task-based select appro-
relevant examples Language Teaching, Presentation, priate ap-
(3 hours) b) compare different ap- Practice Production (PPP), proaches and
proaches and methods to Competency-Based Language methods for
language teaching and Teaching facilitating
learning  share ideas on the strengths and learning?
c) adapt approaches and weaknesses of each of the selected 3. Why should
methods to suit the needs approaches and methods in the we use varied
of language learners, context of the Competency Based methods and
d) formulate relevant key in- Curriculum, approaches in
quiry questions during  generate appropriate key inquiry language
language learning, questions in groups, learning?
e) use varied pedagogical  blend various approaches and
approaches and methods in methods to suit different categories
the language classroom, of learners,
f) appreciate the importance  discuss the importance of integrating
of using relevant ap- pertinent and contemporary issues in
Page | 50
proaches and methods in  the learning of English,
language learning.  work with peers and research how the
following methods may be used with
different learners: Activity-Based
Learning (ABL), Blended learning,
Child-led learning), Experiential
learning, collaborative and
cooperative learning, Experiential
Learning, Experiments and Practical
work, differentiated learning. Group
Work and Collaborative Learning,
guided discovery learning, Inquiry
based learning, Problem Based
learning, Play based learning,
Storytelling and Narratives, Project
based learning, Reflective learning
practice, Thematic Approach, Songs,
Rhymes and Poems,
 shares ideas on the need to integrate
pertinent and contemporary issues in
the learning of English.

Page | 51
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge – as teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on approaches and methods to lan-
guage acquisition and learning
 Communication and Collaboration – as teacher trainee shares ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of the se-
lected approaches and methods of language learning
 Social justice-as teacher trainee brainstorms on the best approaches and methods to use for different categories of learners
 Unity-as teacher trainee participates in group discussions

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expecta- Below Expectations
Indicator tions
Ability to distinguish Distinguishes selected ap- Distinguishes se- Distinguishes some ofDistinguishes some of
selected approaches proaches and methods to lected approaches the selected approach-
the selected approaches
and methods to lan- language learning with and methods to lan- es and methods to lan-
and methods to lan-
guage confidence guage guage learning guage
learning learning learning with assistance
Ability to compare dif- Compares different ap- Compares different Compares some ap- Compares a few dif-
ferent approaches and proaches and methods to approaches and proaches and methods ferent approaches and
methods to language language teaching and methods to lan- to language teaching methods to language
teaching and learning learning critically guage and learning teaching and
teaching and learning learning with assistance

Page | 52
Ability to adapt and Adapts and uses all ap- Adapts and uses all Adapts a n d u s e s Adapts sand uses some
approaches and proaches and methods to approaches and some approaches and approaches and meth-
methods to language language learning to suit methods to language methods to language ods to language learn-
learning to suit the the needs of learners crea- learning to suit the learning to suit the ing to suit the needs of
needs of tively. needs of needs of learners learners with assistance
learners learners
Ability to formulate Formulates relevant key Formulates relevant Formulates some rele- Formulates some rel-
r e l e v a n t key in- inquiry questions to en- key inquiry questions vant key inquiry ques- evant key inquiry
quiry questions r to hance creativity and prob- to enhance creativity tions to enhance crea- questions to enhance
enhance creativity and lem solving skills with a lot and problem solving tivity and problem creativity and problem
problem solving skills of ease skills solving skills solving skills with
during language assistance from peers

Page | 53
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Out- Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key In-
comes quiry Question (s)
3.0 Background 3.1.2 Language By the end of the sub Teacher trainee to: 1. How can teachers
to language and Acquisition strand the trainee teacher  read, prepare and make power- overcome language
language and Learning should be able to: point on forms of linguistic dep- learning challenges
learning Difficulties a) describe characteristics rivation such as vocalisation, re- in young learners?
(4 Hours) of various language gression, sub- vocalization, lack 2. How can learn-
learning difficulties in of memory and slowness in talk- ing experiences
learners, ing, help achieve dif-
b) differentiate between  discuss the differences be- ferentiated learn-
linguistic deprivation tween linguistic deprivation ing?
and special needs in and special needs, 3. Why should we
language learning,  make posters showing dif- ensure the lan-
c) design varied and ap- ferent learning styles, guage classroom is
propriate learning activ-  learn more about special needs in conducive for
ities to accommodate the language classroom such as learning?
different learning dyslexia, aphasia, autism, lin-
styles, guistic retardation, stammer-
d) promote awareness ing/stuttering among others,
about language learning  discuss ways of making a
difficulties. learning environment condu-
cive for learning,
 design varied and appropriate
learning activities to foster dif-
ferentiated learning.
Page | 54
Core Competencies to be developed:
 Assessment Competency as teacher trainee discusses and make connections between the language learning difficulties
and appropriate remedies
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainee designs posters showing different learning styles
 Social justice as teacher trainee develops an non discriminative attitude towards learner with language learning difficulties
 Unity as teacher trainee works collaboratively with peers

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Suggested Assessment Rubrics
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaching Expecta- Below Expectation
Indicators tion
Ability to de- Describes all characteris- Describes all charac- Describes some char- Describes some charac-
scribe character- tics of various language teristics of various acteristics of various teristics of various lan-
istics of various learning difficulties with language learning dif- language learning dif- guage learning
language learn- ease ficulties ficulties difficulties with assis-
ing difficulties tance
Ability to differenti- Differentiates between Differentiates between Differentiates between Differentiates between
ate between linguis- linguistic deprivation and linguistic deprivation linguistic deprivation linguistic deprivation
tic deprivation and special needs in language and special needs in and special needs in and special needs in
special needs in lan- learning with confidence language learning language learning with language learning with
guage learning some difficulty a lot of difficulty
Ability to design var- Creatively designs varied Designs varied and Designs some varied Designs some varied
ied and appropriate and appropriate learning appropriate learning and appropriate learn- and appropriate learn-
learning activities to activities to accommo- activities to accom- ing activities to ac- ing activities to ac-
accommodate differ- date different learning modate different commodate different commodate different
ent learning styles styles learning styles learning styles learning styles with

Page | 56
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
3.2 Listening 3.2.1 Listening By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should we
and speaking Comprehension the teacher trainee should  brainstorm the meaning of lis- critique the
(5 hours) be able to: tening comprehension and con- information we
a) listen passively to trast it with reading comprehen- listen to?
texts music, narra- sion, 2. How can we
tions, drama for en-  list to text such as music, a po- improve our
joyment em, story, drama among others understanding
b) distinguish sounds, and say what made it enjoyable, of the texts we
phonemes, and non-  pick out sounds, words, have listened
verbal cues for listen- phrases, phonemes, sentences to?
ing comprehension and non-verbal cues from the
c) analyse an oral text on text above,
pertinent and contem-  work in pairs, listen to a text on
porary issues critically PCIs and:
for lifelong learning, o find the main idea,
d) use appropriate strate- o look for specific details
gies to facilitate listen- o make notes,
ing comprehension o summarise the infor-
lessons, mation,
e) appreciate the role of o infer the meaning of
listening comprehen- words/phrases
sion in communica- o sequence the infor-
tion. mation
o retell the story or para-

Page | 57
phrase a text in own
 give title to a text they have lis-
tened to,
 summarise a text with a saying
or proverb,
 identify statements or details in
an audio story that provide evi-
dence to support claims or con-
 design inclusive listening com-
prehension activities for visual,
auditory, tactile learners,
 model an oral lesson through:
role play, dramatisation, story-
telling, hot seating, oral inter-
views, recitation, news telling,
imitation, miming among oth-
Core Competencies to be Developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on strategies that can be used to
facilitate listening comprehension lessons.
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee conducts research using print and online sources on activities that can be used to
facilitate listening comprehension lessons.
 Communication and Collaboration as the teacher trainees collaborate to search online for the benefits of effective listening in
the learning process.

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 Unity as teacher trainees collaborate in various tasks.
 Integrity as teacher trainees search for information online.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to listen Consistently listens Listens passively to Listens passively to texts Has difficulty listening
passively to texts passively to texts music, texts music, music, narrations, drama passively to texts
music, narrations, narrations, drama and narrations, drama and and somewhat visibly music, narrations,
drama visibly enjoys the texts. visibly enjoys the enjoys the texts. drama and rarely seems
texts. to enjoy the texts.
Ability to distinguish Distinguishes sounds, Distinguishes Distinguishes some Distinguishes some
sounds, phonemes, phonemes, and non- sounds, phonemes, sounds, phonemes, and sounds, phonemes, and
and non-verbal cues . verbal cues with ease. and non-verbal cues. non-verbal cues. non-verbal cues. With
Ability to analyse an Analyses an oral text on Analyses an oral text Analyses some aspects an Struggles to analyse
oral text on pertinent pertinent and on pertinent and oral text on pertinent and some aspects an oral
and contemporary contemporary issues contemporary issues contemporary issues text on pertinent and
issues critically. critically and critically. critically. contemporary issues.
Ability to use Creatively and Creatively uses Uses appropriate strategies Uses some appropriate
appropriate strategies consistently uses appropriate strategies to facilitate listening strategies to facilitate
to facilitate listening appropriate strategies to to facilitate listening comprehension lessons listening with prompts.
comprehension facilitate listening comprehension somewhat creatively.
lessons creatively. comprehension lessons. lessons.

Page | 59
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Outcomes Experiences Inquiry Question (s)
3.3 3.3.1 Intensive By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is an
Reading Reading – strand, the teacher trainee  research the meaning: understanding of the
African Novel should be able to: setting, characterisation, plot conflict in a novel
a) outline the plot of novel and structure, narrator and important?
for information, point of view, conflict, 2. How do characters,
(10 hours) b) discuss the conflict, point theme, style the language and
of view and setting of a  read the prescribed novel style affect the
novel for content from Africa, twice or thrice message in a novel?
knowledge,  annotate key sections/write
c) describe the character explanatory notes to or
traits in a novel for supply with critical
content knowledge, comments
d) analyse the themes, in a  create a synopsis of the
novel using appropriate novel,
techniques for  study the:
pedagogical content o time the story was
knowledge, written? (present, the
e) value the role of reading
past, or the future?)
in lifelong
o effect of the time
period on language,
atmosphere or social
circumstances of the

Page | 60
o use of dialogue, way
they speak, physical
appearance, thoughts
and feelings, and
interactions to
describe characters,
o whether characters
are static or they do
change/ develop later
in the story,
o type of characters,
qualities that stand
out, use of
stereotypes, and
whether they are
o most important
events, plot structure,
if linear,
chronological or
moves back and
forth, the turning
points, climax and/or
an anticlimax? is the
Page | 61
plot believable?
o the narrator or
speaker in the story,
if the narrator is the
main character, or
the author speaks
through one of the
characters, is the
story written in the
first, second or third
o conflict: is the
conflict internal or
o themes: key themes,
elements that are
repeated that may
suggest a theme,
o style: figurative
language used,
symbolism, other
stylistic techniques
among others
o which elements
Page | 62
made the greatest
impression on you
and which characters
you liked best or
least and why?
Core Competencies to be developed
 Critical thinking and Problem Solving as the teacher trainee engages in active reading and analysis of the novel.
 Creativity and innovation as teacher trainees use graphic organisers in analysis of themes and characters.
 Creativity and innovation as teacher trainees dramatise sections of the novel.
 Self efficacy as teacher trainees analyse the novel.
Values such as responsibility and peace feature in novels thus teacher trainees will be exposed to these values.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to outline Logically and clearly Clearly outlines Outlines somewhat Outlines somewhat
the plot of novel. outlines the plot of the plot of novel. clearly the plot of a novel. clearly the plot of a novel
novel. with a lot of prompting.
Ability to discuss the Elaborately discusses Discusses the Discusses the conflict, Discusses the conflict,
conflict, point of view the conflict, point of conflict, point of point of view and setting point of view and setting
and setting of a novel. view and setting of a view and setting of a of a novel but leaves out of a novel but leaves
novel. novel. some details. many details.
Ability to describe Vividly describes the Describes the Describes some Describes some
the characters in a characters in a novel. characters in a novel. characters in a novel. characters in a novel.
novel for content
Ability to analyse the Critically analyses the Analyses the themes Analyses some of the Analyses some of the
themes, in a novel for themes, in a novel. in novel. themes, in a novel. themes, in a novel with
content knowledge. prompts.

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
3.4 3.4.1 Phrases By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: Why is it important
Grammar strand, the teacher trainee  identify the constituent parts of to use phrases
(2 hours) should be able to: phrases, correctly when
a) describe the structure of  categorise the following types of communicating in
different types of phrases while working with peers: English?
phrases in sentences o noun phrase
b) use phrases in sen- o adverb phrase
tences correctly o adjective phrase
c) research information o verb phrase
on different phrases o prepositional phrase
using digital devices,  work with peers and role play
d) design tasks for facili- scenarios featuring phrases and
tating the learning of PCIs such as social cohesion,
grammar using appro-
priate strategies,  find information on phrases from
e) acknowledge the digital sources,
importance of using  complete varied exercises using
phrases correctly in different types of phrases, for
spoken and written example, gap filling and sentence
language. completion,
 model a lesson on phrases using
strategies such as role play, PPP
among others.

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Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on phrases.
 Communication and collaboration as the teacher trainees discuss how values can be brought out when constructing sentences.
 Responsibility as teacher trainees complete varied exercises using different types of phrases.
 Peace as teacher trainees collaborate in varied class activities.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe g Describes the structure of Describes the Describes the structure Barely describes the
the structure of differ- different types of phrases structure of different of some phrases clearly. structure of some
ent types of phrases in in sentences clearly. types of phrases in phrases clearly.
sentences sentences .
Ability to use phrases Consistently uses phrases Uses phrases to Uses phrases to Uses phrases to
in sentences correctly to construct sentences construct sentences construct some construct a few
correctly based on a correctly based on a sentences correctly sentences correctly
variety of contemporary variety of based on a variety of based on a variety of
issues contemporary issues contemporary issues contemporary issues
Ability to research in- Consistently researches Researches Researches some Researches some
formation on different information on different information on information on different information on different
phrases using digital phrases using digital different phrases phrases using digital phrases using digital
devices, devices. using digital devices. devices. devices but struggles a
Ability to design Creatively designs tasks Designs tasks for Designs tasks for Designs some tasks for
tasks for facilitating for facilitating the facilitating the facilitating the learning facilitating the learning
the learning of learning of grammar using learning of grammar of grammar using of grammar using
grammar using ap- appropriate strategies. using appropriate appropriate strategies appropriate strategies.
propriate strategies. strategies. somewhat creatively.

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
3.4.2 Clauses By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: How do we
teacher trainee should be able to:  discuss the types and functions of construct
a) categorise various clauses and clauses: compound and
(3 hours) their functions in sentences, - Noun clauses – types: that- complex
b) joins clauses to construct clause and wh- clause sentences?
compound and complex - Relative – types: defining and
sentences, non-defining clauses
c) design activities that learners - Adverbial – types: time, place,
can carry out within the manner, reason, purpose,
community to promote the degree, concession, condition
correct use of grammar,  join clauses to construct compound
d) appreciate the importance of and complex sentences,
clauses in sentence  practise using various types of
construction. clauses, in speech and writing,
 share ideas on how the knowledge
and skills they have acquired on
clauses can be applied to general
learning of grammar,
 formulate varied activities that
learners can carry out in the
community to promote correct use
of grammar e.g. creating poems and
reciting them during community

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Core Competencies to be developed
 Creativity and innovation as the teacher trainee formulates activities that learners can carry out in the community to promote
correct use of grammar.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on clauses.
Respect and responsibility as teacher trainees carry out discussions on types and functions of clauses.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to categorise Confidently categorises Categorises various Categorises some Has difficulty categorising
various clauses and various clauses and their clauses and their clauses and their various clauses and their
their functions in functions in sentences functions in functions in sentences functions in sentences
sentences correctly sentences correctly correctly correctly
Ability to use clauses Uses clauses with ease to Uses clauses to Uses some clauses to Struggles to use clauses to
to construct sentences construct sentences construct sentences construct sentences construct sentences
Ability to join Joins clauses to construct Joins clauses to Joins clauses to Joins clauses to construct
clauses to construct compound and complex construct compound construct compound a few compound and
compound and sentences with ease and complex and complex sentences complex sentences
complex sentences sentences with assistance
Ability to design Creatively designs Designs activities Designs some Has difficulty designing
activities that learners activities that learners can that learners can activities that learners activities that learners can
can carry out within carry out within the carry out within the can carry out within carry out within the
the community to community to promote the community to the community to community to promote the
promote the correct correct use of grammar promote the correct promote the correct correct use of grammar
use of grammar use of grammar use of grammar
Page | 69
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Experiences Inquiry
Question (s)
3.5 3.5.1 Types of By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1. What are the
Writing Writing teacher trainee should be able to:  participate in a jigsaw group qualities of
a) explain the characteristics of activity to discuss the creative writing?
(5 hours) expository and argumentative characteristics of expository and 2. How do you
writing in relation to form, argumentative writing, learn how to
purpose and audience,  discuss the process of manipulate a
b) apply the writing process to facilitating expository and new device?
facilitate writing of expository argumentative writing: planning
and argumentative writing, (e.g. brief shared
c) articulate thoughts, arguments experiences/generating ideas),
and ideas effectively in writing drafting, editing, revising and
for various audiences, publishing,
d) use grammatical conventions, create samples of expository
styles and organisation and argumentative writing in
effectively in various writing writing circles, types and shares
contexts, them with peers using digital
e) embrace ICT in creating, devices,
composing and presenting edit peer’s expository and
various types of writings, argumentative writing to
f) collaborate in creating pieces of identify common errors in
expository and argumentative writing, and guide them with
essays. love and respect,
design a task that can be

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undertaken in the environment
of the college to complement
the learning of expository
Core competencies to be developed
 Communication and collaboration as teacher trainees discuss the process of facilitating expository and argumentative writing.
 Self -Efficacy as the teacher trainees develop confidence as they express themselves through creative writing.
 Creativity and Imagination as the teacher trainee creates samples of expository and argumentative writing.
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainee creates samples of expository and argumentative writing and types them on a digital
 Responsibility as teacher trainees create samples of creative writing items, in writing circles.
 Respect as teacher trainees participate in discussions on the writing process.
 Integrity as teacher trainees edit each other’s creative writing.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explain the Consistently explains the Explains the Explains some of the Explains a few
characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of
expository and expository and expository and expository and expository and
argumentative writing argumentative writing in argumentative writing argumentative writing argumentative writing in
in relation to form, relation to form, purpose in relation to form, in relation to form, relation to form,
purpose and audience and audience with clarity purpose and audience purpose and audience purpose and audience
Ability to articulate Creatively and confidently Articulates thoughts, Attempts to articulates Rarely demonstrates the
thoughts, arguments articulates different arguments and ideas some thoughts, ability to articulate
and ideas effectively in thoughts, arguments and effectively in writing arguments and ideas thoughts, arguments and
writing for various ideas effectively in writing for various audiences effectively in writing ideas effectively in
audiences for various audiences for various audiences writing for various
Ability to use Imaginatively and Uses grammatical Occasionally uses Hardly uses
grammatical correctly uses conventions, styles grammatical grammatical
conventions, styles and grammatical conventions, and organisation conventions, styles and conventions, styles and
organisation effectively styles and organisation effectively in organisation effectively organisation effectively
in formulating written effectively in formulating formulating written in formulating written in formulating written
documents for various written documents for documents for documents for various documents for various
contexts. various contexts. various contexts. contexts.. contexts.
Ability to apply the Applies the writing Applies the writing Applies the writing Applies the writing
writing process to process to facilitate process to facilitate process to facilitate process to facilitate
facilitate writing of writing of expository and writing of expository writing of expository writing of expository
expository and argumentative writing and argumentative and argumentative and argumentative
argumentative writing with ease writing writing to some extent writing to a limited
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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Suggested Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Question (s)
3.6 3.6.1 The By the end of sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should
Communica communication the teacher trainee should  discuss the elements of practicing teachers
tion skills process be able to: communication to explore consider the
a) analyse the how meaning is created, elements of
(2 Hour) communication process  design a flowchart with peers communication
to establish how to contextualise the during the teaching
meaning is created, communication processes, and learning
b) identify barriers to  dramatise various situations process?
communication in to illustrate how different 2. What can hinder
learning, messages are delivered from communication?
c) use suitable strategies the sender to the receiver,
to overcome barriers to  critique the scenarios
communication in presented during the
teaching and learning, dramatisation to determine
d) embrace effective the probable causes of
communication for communication break down
facilitation of learning. during the communication
process, focusing on changes
in the message from the
sender until the receiver acts,
 share personal experiences
about barriers to
communication and discusses
how to overcome them in
teaching and learning.

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Core Competencies to be developed
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as teacher trainees critique the scenarios presented to establish the probable causes
of communication break down during the communication process.
 Communication and Collaboration as trainees discuss elements of communication to explore how meaning is created
Social justice is encouraged as trainees explore suitable strategies to overcome barriers of communication in teaching and

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to apply Consistently and Applies elements of Applies some Has difficulty applying
elements of the appropriately applies the communication elements of the elements of the
communication elements of the process to enhance communication communication process
process to enhance communication process to effective teaching process to enhance to enhance effective
teaching and learning enhance effective teaching and learning. effective teaching teaching and learning.
and learning. and learning.
Ability to uses suitable Regularly and correctly Uses suitable Occasionally uses Rarely uses suitable
strategies to overcome uses suitable strategies to strategies to suitable strategies to strategies to overcome
barriers of overcome barriers of overcome barriers of overcome some barriers of
communication communication identified communication barriers of communication
identified during during teaching and identified during communication identified during
teaching and learning. learning. teaching and identified during teaching and learning.
learning. teaching and

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Outcomes Experiences Inquiry Question
4.1 Background to 4.1.1 Phonology By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should we
language and strand, the teacher  draw the speech organs and pronounce
language (4 hours) trainee should be able to: explains their role in the English sounds
learning a) describe English production of speech in accurately?
sounds in relation to groups, 2. How do we
place, manner of  access an online source for produce sounds?
articulation, and diagrams on speech organs 3. Where are
voicing, and vowel chart (Received sounds
b) transcribe and Pronunciation), produced?
articulate English  work with peers to 4. Which sounds
sounds for transcribe - vowels (pure do you find
pedagogical content and diphthongs) and difficult to
knowledge, consonants, produce?
c) explain how self-  discuss how the English
efficacy and unity can consonant sounds are
be developed in produced (Place and
learning English, manner of articulation, and
d) apply syllabic stress voicing),
and intonation in  classify vowels into pure
English sentences, vowels and diphthongs,
e) use appropriate  transcribe English words
strategies to facili- phonemically,
tate the learning  listens to online and offline
of pronunciation, audio materials on
f) predict pronuncia-
Page | 75
tion challenges on production of English
the basis of the sounds,
first language of  use a digital device to
the learner, record his or her
g) value correct pronunciation of English
pronunciation of sounds,
English sounds in  apply stress appropriately
everyday on the syllables of given
communication. words,
 use appropriate intonation
in speech,
 share experiences on
pronunciation challenges
experienced by learners and
suggests remedies,
 identify problematic sounds
among peers and suggests
possible remedies while
upholding respect for peers,
 discuss how unity and self -
efficacy can be developed
during a lesson on
pronunciation and
Core Competencies to be developed
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainees use a digital device to record their pronunciation of English sounds.
 Self Efficacy as the teacher trainee acquires pronunciation skills.

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 Unity as teacher trainees use a digital device to record their pronunciation of English sounds in pairs.
 Respect as teacher trainees share experiences on pronunciation challenges experienced by peers.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe Describes English sounds Describes English Describes English Describes a few English
English sounds in in relation to place, manner sounds in relation to sounds in relation to sounds in relation to
relation to place, of articulation, and voicing place, manner of place, manner of place, manner of
manner of accurately and with ease articulation, and articulation, and voicing articulation, and
articulation, and voicing voicing
voicing accurately
Ability to transcribe Correctly transcribes the Transcribes the English Transcribes some Transcribes few
the English words English words with ease words correctly English words correctly English words correctly
Ability to articulate Confidently articulates Articulates the English Articulates some Articulates few English
English sounds English sounds accurately sounds accurately English sounds sounds correctly
and with ease accurately
Ability to use stress Consistently uses stress Uses stress and Uses stress and Uses stress and
and intonation and intonation intonation intonation appropriately intonation in both
appropriately in appropriately in both appropriately in both in some words and words and sentences
both words and words and sentences words and sentences sentences with difficulty
Ability to diagnose Critically diagnoses Diagnoses Diagnoses some Has difficulty
pronunciation pronunciation problems pronunciation problems pronunciation problems diagnosing
problems learners learners are likely to learners are likely to learners are likely to pronunciation problems
Page | 77
are likely to experience and their experience and their experience and their learners are likely to
experience and their remedies remedies remedies experience and their
remedies remedies
Ability to explain Consistently and Explains how self- Partly explains how Explains how self-
how self-efficacy accurately explains how efficacy and unity can self-efficacy and unity efficacy and unity can
and unity can be self-efficacy and unity can be developed in can be developed in be developed in
developed in be developed in learning learning English learning English learning English with
learning English English difficulty

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
4.1.2 By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1. How are words
Morph teacher trainee should be able to:  formed in the
ology a) use knowledge of prefixes, roots rainstorm the meaning of the term English
and suffixes to analyse the inter- morphology using mind maps language?
(3 hours) nal structure of words  2. How can ICTs
b) distinguish free and bound earch the Internet for information enhance our
morphemes in language about: knowledge of
c) apply word formation processes o prefixes words?
to facilitate learning o roots
d) use ICTs to conduct research on o suffixes in different
word formation processes word classes
e) compare and contrast closed and 
open word classes in oral and ategorise words from a sample
written texts print or digital text into either
f) closed or open word classes
xemplify the importance of correct 
usage of English words for onduct a jig saw activity on
effective communication different word formation processes

ake video recordings on the
definition of the following word
formation processes and share them
with peers through social media:
o prefixation and

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suffixation compounding;
o clipping
o conversion
o reduplication
o coinage
o acronyms

reate a power point presentation
explaining prefixation and
suffixation, coinage, compounding,
examples: affixation – (educate –
educative, good – goodness, befriend),
compounding e.g. mother–in–law,
classroom, clipping e.g. gym –
gymnasium, blending – breakfast and
lunch combine to form brunch; smoke
and fog combine to form smog,
reduplication, conversion and clipping
and present it to peers..

Core Competencies to be developed

Communication and Collaboration as the teacher trainee communicates and collaborates with peers during discussions.
pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on the English word.
digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee listens to an audio recording to identify the different ways in which words are

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unity is enhanced as teacher trainees participate in the brainstorming sessions.
responsibility is enhanced as teacher trainees carry out the tasks assigned to them

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Approaches Below
Indicator Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to use knowledge of Uses knowledge of Use knowledge of Uses knowledge of roots Uses knowledge of roots
prefixes, roots and prefixes, roots and prefixes, roots and prefixes and suffixes to prefixes and suffixes to
suffixes to analyse the suffixes to analyse the suffixes to ana- analyse the internal analyse the internal struc-
internal structure of internal structure of lyse the structure ture
words words with ease internal structure of some words of words with assistance
of words
Ability to distin- Distinguishes free and Distinguishes free
Distinguishes some free Distinguishes a few free
g u i s h free and bound bound morphemes and bound and bound morphemes morphemes but is unable
morphemes morphemes to identify any bound
Ability to apply word Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of the
formation processes word formation of word formation some word formation commonest word for-
appropriately processes appropriately processes processes (acronyms, mation processes
with ease appropriately compounding, prefixa- (prefixation,suffixation ) to
tion, suffixation) to cre- create words
ate words

Page | 81
Ability to compare and Compares and contrasts Compares and Compares and contrasts Compares and contrasts
contrast closed and closed and open word contrasts closed closed and open word closed and open word clas-
open word classes in classes in oral and and classes ses in oral and written texts
oral and written texts written texts open word classes in oral and written texts but leaves out most of the
comprehensively in oral and written but leaves out some characteristics
texts characteristics

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
Question (s)
4.2 4.2.1 Speaking By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What is
Listening Fluency strand, the teacher trainee  watch and discuss a video to distinguish a speaking
and Skills should be able to: fluent speaker from a non-fluent speaker, fluency?
speaking a) describe the indicators  work with peers to research the role of 2. What can
(4 hours) of speaking fluency for speed, accuracy and expression in we do to
content knowledge, speaking, improve
b) apply strategies for  research on speaking fluency skills our
facilitating speaking (indicators) and makes a presentation to speaking
fluency, the class: fluency?
c) assess speaking - Coherence
fluency skills during - Grammatical accuracy
oral skills lessons, - Appropriate vocabulary
d) advocate for the need - Speech rate
to speak fluently for - Intelligibility in pronunciation
effective - Supra-segmental features: loudness,
communication. tonal variation, stress
- Relevance to topic
 model speaking fluency using texts
featuring a variety of pertinent issues:
health, integrity, terrorism, animal welfare
and gender,
 engage in activities such as hot seating,
role play, storytelling, debates, poetry
Page | 83
recitation, dialogues, sentence pile on,
drama, running dictation that facilitate
speaking fluency,
 participate in a brainstorm on challenges
learners face in speaking fluently and
suggest possible remedies,
 assess speaking fluency using varied
methods such as developing a checklist,
giving feedback on performance and
evaluating an oral text for accuracy, speed
and expressiveness.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainees watch and discuss a video on speaking fluency.
 Creativity and innovation as the teacher trainee models speaking fluency.
 Assessment Competence as the teacher trainee develops a checklist for assessing learners’ speaking fluency.
 Respect as teacher trainee develops a checklist for assessing speaking fluency and gives feedback on performance.
 Integrity and patriotism as teacher trainees model speaking fluency on a variety of topics such as integrity and terrorism.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Describes the indicators Describes the Describes some Describes few
indicators for speaking for speaking fluency with indicators for speaking indicators for indicators for speaking
fluency ease fluency speaking fluency fluency
Ability to apply Consistently applies Applies strategies for Applies some Applies a few strategies
strategies for strategies for facilitating facilitating speaking strategies for for facilitating speaking
facilitating speaking speaking fluency fluency effectively facilitating speaking fluency effectively
fluency effectively effectively fluency effectively
Ability to assess Excellently assesses Assesses speaking Partly assesses Assesses a few
speaking fluency skills speaking fluency skills fluency skills during speaking fluency speaking fluency skills
during oral skills during oral skills lessons oral skills lessons skills during oral during oral skills
lessons skills lessons lessons with assistance

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
4.3 4.3.1 Intensive By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should we
Reading Reading II strand, the teacher trainee  watch and responds to a video read at a
should be able to: demonstrating reading reasonable
(5 hours) a) outline the reading comprehension strategies, speed?
comprehension  take part in reading games and 2. Why should we
strategies for con- competitions to develop thinking read accurately
tent knowledge, skills through, clarification, selecting and with
b) use comprehension and organizing, expression?
strategies to make  discuss the components of reading
sense of a text, fluency: accuracy, prosody and
c) employ innovative speed,
teaching and learning  read a text of choice and practise
methods to enhance using the reading comprehension
treading comprehension, strategies as they read a text:
d) designs tasks and o prediction
model a lesson on o questioning
reading compre- o making connections
hension, (drawing inferences and
e) create assessment tools making conclusions)
for assessing reading o visualising
comprehension, o monitoring
f) prepare a scheme of o summarising
work covering the  create at least two learning out-
language skills and comes and self-assessment
grammar in the learner’s  prepare a one-week scheme of work
Page | 86
design, on the four language skills and
g) appreciate the grammar,
importance of fluency in  design tools such as checklist,
reading. observation schedule, anecdotal
records among others to assess for
reading comprehension.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on comprehension strategies and reading fluency.
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainees watch and respond to a video demonstrating strategies for reading
 Self- Efficacy as teacher trainees are equipped with knowledge and skills on comprehension strategies.
Love and respect as teacher trainees discuss and practise comprehension strategies.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to use com- Uses varied comprehen- Uses comprehension Uses some Uses some comprehension
prehension strategies sion strategies to make strategies to make sense comprehension strategies to make sense of a
to make sense of a sense of a text. of a text. strategies to make text with guidance.
text sense of a text.
Ability to employ Employs innovative and Uses varied teaching Uses somewhat Has difficulty employing
varied teaching and varied teaching and and learning methods varied teaching and teaching and learning
learning methods. learning methods to to enhance treading learning methods to methods to enhance treading
enhance treading comprehension. enhance treading comprehension.
comprehension. comprehension.
Ability to design Designs tasks and models Designs tasks and Designs some tasks Designs some tasks and
tasks and model a a lesson on reading models a lesson on and models a lesson attempts to model a lesson
lesson on reading comprehension strategies reading comprehension on reading on reading comprehension
comprehension. to make sense of a text strategies to make comprehension strategies to make sense of a
regardless of its level of sense of a text. strategies to make text.
complexity. sense of a text.
Ability to create Creates varied Creates assessment Creates some Creates some assessment
assessment tools assessment tools for tools for assessing assessment tools tools for assessing reading
assessing reading reading for assessing comprehension with support
comprehension. comprehension. reading from the teacher or peers.
Ability to prepare a Prepares a scheme of work Prepares a scheme of Prepares a scheme Prepares a scheme of work
scheme of work with interesting tasks. work with interesting of work with with somewhat interesting
tasks. somewhat tasks when supported.
interesting tasks.
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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question
4.3.2 Intensive By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. How do we
Reading the teacher trainee should be  analyse poems from print and analyse poems?
able to: online sources, paying attention to 2. How can we use
(6 hours) a) explain the salient features aspects such as persona, message, poems to teach
of poems, tone and style, English?
b) analyse and recite poems for  recite the selected poems,
development of literary and  contribute to a brainstorm on
analytical skills, various methods that can be used
c) discuss methods of to assess comprehension during
assessing comprehension an intensive reading lesson e.g.
during intensive reading, oral question and answer, written
d) create items for assessing responses, gap filling,
intensive reading, paraphrasing among others,
e) advocate for the reading of  develop questions for assessing
poems for enjoyment. intensive reading e.g. recall and
inferential questions.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Self-Efficacy as the teacher trainee analyses poems to develop competencies such as critical thinking.
 Creativity and Imagination as the teacher trainee recites poems and develops graphic organisers.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainees discuss and practise methods of assessing intensive reading skills.
Teacher trainees will acquire values such as integrity as they interact with poems.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations
Ability to analyse Analyses poems for Analyses poems for Analyses some aspects of Analyses poems for
poems for development of literary development of poems for development of development of literary
development of and analytical skills literary and analytical literary and analytical skills and analytical skills
literary and analytical with ease skills with difficulty
Ability to discuss Excellently discusses Discusses methods of Discusses some methods of Discusses a few
methods of assessing methods of assessing assessing assessing comprehension methods of assessing
comprehension comprehension during comprehension during intensive reading comprehension during
during intensive intensive reading during intensive intensive reading
reading reading
Ability to create Creates varied items for Creates varied items Creates some items for Requires assistance to
items for assessing assessing intensive for assessing assessing intensive reading create items for
intensive reading reading intensive reading assessing intensive
exceptionally reading

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
Question (s)
4.4 4.4.1 Functional By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Which
Grammar classification of strand, the teacher trainee  discusses the different types of types of
sentences should be able to: sentences: sentences
a) categorise the various - Declarative do you
(5 hours) functional types of - Imperative know?
sentences, - Interrogatives 2. Why is it
b) construct a variety of - Exclamatory important to
grammatically correct  search for information on the use
sentences, different types of sentences online sentences
c) develop a lesson plan on and shares findings, for the
language structures  play language games to practise correct
integrating the core using the different functional types function?
competency of of sentences,
communication and  write dialogues, short stories and
posters using the four types of
collaboration and the
value of unity,  prepare a lesson plan for
d) value the use of well- facilitating learning of language
formed sentences in structures, integrating the core
communication. competency of communication and
collaboration and the value of

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Core competencies to be developed
 Creativity and Imagination as teacher trainees write dialogues, short stories and posters using the four types of sentences.
 Professional Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge on how to facilitate lessons on sentence types.
 Critical thinking and problem solving as teacher trainees play language games to practise using different types of sentences.
 Unity as teacher trainees search online for information on various types of sentences.
 Love as teacher trainees play language games.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to categorise Consistently categorises Categorises the various Categorises some of the Has difficulty
the various functional the various functional functional types of functional types of categorising the
types of sentences types of sentences sentences correctly sentences correctly various functional
correctly types of sentences
Ability to construct a Consistently constructs a Constructs a variety of Constructs some Constructs a few
variety of sentences variety of sentences sentences sentences sentences

Ability to develop a Confidently develops a Develops a lesson plan Develops some sections Develops a lesson
lesson plan on language lesson plan on language on language structures of a lesson plan on plan on language
structures integrating structures integrating the integrating the core language structures structures integrating
the core competency of core competency of competency of integrating the core the core competency
communication and communication and communication and competency of of communication
collaboration and the collaboration and the collaboration and the communication and and collaboration and
value of unity value of unity accurately value of unity collaboration and the the value of unity
accurately value of unity with assistance
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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry
Question (s)
4.5 4.5.1 Mechanics of By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is
Writing Writing strand, the teacher trainee  discuss the importance of learning correct
should be able to: punctuation, punctuation
(4 hours) a) identify and spell  carry out research activities that can be important?
commonly misspelt used to enable learners punctuate their 2. What
words in writing, work properly, strategies can
b) use punctuation  write passages from listening texts using we use to
marks in a text for the correct punctuation marks: full stop, spell words
clarity in comma, semi colon, colon, exclamation correctly?
communication, mark and quotation marks, 3. What makes
c) describe common  discuss the common English language it difficult to
English language spelling rules and patterns, spell some
spelling rules and  spell and read commonly misspelt words words
patterns, including borrowed words (e.g. correctly?
d) apply effective alumnus/alumni),
instructional  practise spelling activities using varied
strategies in spelling strategies : phonetic spelling, rule-based,
and model a lesson visual spelling, use of affixes, dictation,
for pedagogical onset rhymes, word families, syllable
content knowledge, segmentation, proof reading texts with
e) adopt varied spelling errors, spelling games, crossword
activities to facilitate puzzles, jumbled up letters, letter boxes,
lessons on gap filling exercises, sounding out words,
punctuation and  use dictionaries, spell-check functions and
Page | 93
f) embrace the need to electronic devices to confirm the spellings
spell words correctly or locate the meanings of unfamiliar
for effective words,
communication.  engage in an authentic task, for example,
identifying misspelt words in and out of
school for four months and writes a

Core competencies to be developed.

 Self-Efficacy as the teacher trainee develops confidence when he or she spells words correctly.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee gains knowledge and skills on the strategies for facilitating lessons on
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice as the teacher trainees use dictionaries, spell-check functions and electronic
devices to confirm the spellings of words.
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainees create a spelling game.
 Unity as teacher trainee models a lesson incorporating unity.
 Respect as teacher trainees practise varied spelling activities.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to spell words Spells a variety of words Spells words correctly Spells some words Spells a few words
correctly correctly and with ease correctly correctly
Ability to use effective Uses effective Uses effective Uses some Uses some effective
instructional strategies instructional strategies instructional strategies instructional instructional strategies that
that enhance the that enhance learning of that enhance learning strategies that enhance learning of correct
learning of spelling correct spelling of correct spelling enhance learning of spelling with assistance
exceptionally correct spelling
Ability to model a Skillfully models a Models a lesson on Models a lesson on Models a lesson on spelling
lesson on spelling and lesson on spelling and spelling and spelling and but fails to incorporates
incorporating activities incorporates activities incorporates activities incorporates a few activities that enhance unity
that enhance unity and that enhance unity and that enhance unity and activities that and learning to learn, as
learning to learn, as learning to learn, as well learning to learn, as enhance unity and well as a variety of
well as using a variety as using a variety of well as using a variety learning to learn, as resources
of resources resources of resources well as using a
variety of resources

Page | 95
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experi- Suggested Key In-
ences quiry Question (s)
Writing 4.5.2 Writing: Par- By the end of the Sub Teacher trainee to: 1. How do we or-
agraphing strand, the trainee teacher  identify the transition ganise ideas in
should be able to: words and phrases used to paragraphs?
(3 Hours) a) recognise the structure develop a paragraph, 2. Why should
and features of para-  brainstorm on the components we create uni-
graphs in print and digital of a well- developed para- fied and coher-
texts, graph: ent para-
b) develop a coherent and - topic sentence graphs?
unified paragraph for clar- - supporting sentences
ity, - concluding sentence
c) design learning experi-  design varied learning expe-
ences to enhance para- riences to enhance para-
graphing skills, graphing skills,
d) assess the unity and co-  think-pair-write-share on the
herence of a paragraph importance of using transi-
collaboratively with tion words and phrases in
peers using a rubric. paragraph development,
 create a coherent and
unified paragraph:
- arranging ideas logically
- combining ideas using
transitional words and
- varying sentences
and vocabulary
Page | 96
 develop a rubric to assess
paragraphs written by self
Core competencies to be developed
 Assessment Competency as teacher trainee develops rubrics for assessing developed paragraphs that are cohesive
and unified
 Communication and Collaboration as teacher trainee participates in group work
 Creativity and Imagination as teacher trainee becomes adept at creating well developed paragraphs
 Peace as develop a rubric to assess paragraphs written by self and peers

Page | 97
Suggested Assessment Rubric
Indicator Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expecta- Below Expectations
Level tions
Ability to recognize the Recognises the topic, Recognises the topic, Recognises the topic,
Recognises the topic,
topic, supporting and supporting and clincher supporting and sentence, supporting
sentence but is unable
clincher sentences of a sentences of a para- clincher sentences of and clincher sentences
to differentiate the
paragraph graph confidently a paragraph but lacks confidence
supporting and clinch-
er sentences
Ability to develop a co- Develops a coherent Develops a coherent Develops a coherent Develops a paragraph
herent and and unified paragraph and unified para- paragraph but deviates which deviates from
unified paragraph for for clarity and uses lan- graph from the main point the main point. The
clarity guage creatively for clarity ideas are not logical
Ability to design varied Designs varied learning Designs varied learn- Designs varied learn- Designs learning
learning experiences to experiences to cater for ing experiences to ing experiences to ca- experiences to cater for
cater for auditory, visual, auditory, visual, cater for auditory, ter for auditory, tactile auditory and visual
kinaesthetic and tactile kinesthetic and tactile visual, kinesthetic and visual learners but learners but leaves out
learners learners with ease and tactile learners leaves out one category the other categories

Ability to assess t h e Critically assesses the Assess the unity and Assess the unity and Assess the unity and
unity and coherence of a unity and coherence of coherence of a coherence of a para- coherence of a para-
paragraph a paragraph collabora- paragraph graph collaboratively graph collaboratively
collaboratively with peers tively with peers using collaboratively with with peers using a ru- with peers using a ru-
using a rubric a rubric peers using a rubric bric but some aspects bric but most
of feedback are not aspects of feedback are
well communicated not well communicated

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Suggested Key Inquiry
Experiences Question (s)
5.1 5.1.1 Syntax By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1. What is a good
Background to teacher trainee should be able to:  participate in a sentence made up of?
language and (4 hours) a) relate the concept of syntax brainstorming exercise on 2. Why is it important to
language to the analysis of English the meaning of the term use grammatically
learning sentences, syntax, correct sentences in
b) break down simple English  research from print and communication?
sentences into constituent non-print sources different
parts using tree diagrams, diagrams used to analyse
c) discuss the relevance of sentences,
syntax to the learning of  break down simple
English, sentences using tree
d) develop a record of work as diagrams,
a professional document,  share ideas on the
e) recognise the need to use relevance of syntax to the
correct sentences for learning of English,
effective communication.  review peers’ tree
diagrams through a gallery
 develop a record of work
showing work covered for
two weeks.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Assessment Competence as teacher trainees assess/review each other’s tree diagrams.
 Learning to Learn as teacher trainee develops a record of work.

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 Peace is enhanced as teacher trainees work together in harmony as a whole class.
 Social justice as teacher trainees work together to improve each other’s work.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to relate the Always relates the Relates the concept of Occasionally relates the Struggles to relate the
concept of syntax to concept of syntax to the syntax to the analysis of concept of syntax to the concept of syntax to the
the analysis of analysis of English English sentences most analysis of English analysis of English
English sentences sentences with ease of the times sentences sentences

Ability to break Correctly breaks down Correctly breaks down Breaks down some Breaks down simple
down simple English simple English simple English simple English English sentences using
sentences using tree sentences using tree sentences using tree sentences using tree tree diagrams with
diagrams diagrams with ease diagrams diagrams assistance
Ability to discuss the Confidently discusses Discusses the relevance Discusses the relevance Discusses the relevance
relevance of syntax the relevance of syntax of syntax to the learning of syntax to the learning of syntax to the learning
to the learning of to the learning of of English of English of English with difficulty
English English with assistance
Ability to develop a Creatively develops a Develops a record of Develops a record of Develops a record of
record of work record of work work work but omits some work with assistance

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question (s)
5.2 5.2.1 By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What contexts can
Listening Conversational strand, the teacher  conduct research from print and we use to develop
and skills trainee should be able online sources on skills that enhance our conversational
speaking to: effective communication and makes skills?
(6 hours) a) describe types of presentations in class, 2. How would you tell
conversational skills  discuss common inappropriate that someone is
for content mannerisms that occur in listening to you?
knowledge, conversation and possible remedies
b) use (focus on telephone etiquette, polite
conversational skills forms, interviews, turn taking,
appropriately in negotiation skills, interrupting and
varied disagreeing politely, appropriate
communicative choice of register, respecting
contexts, personal space and non-verbal cues,
c) design activities that  work with peers to prepare a
integrate presentation on teaching/learning
conversational skills methods as well as assessment
and model a lesson, strategies for the language classroom,
d) research  listen and respond to recorded audio-
appropriate visual materials on interviews,
pedagogical and etiquette and appropriate choice of
assessment strategies register, among others,
to enhance listening  prepare and give a speech on
and speaking skills, creativity and imagination, and social
e) acknowledge the role justice,
of conversational
Page | 101
skills in English.  practise the selected forms of
conversational skills using activities
such as role play, oral responses and
panel group interviews,
 organise panel/group interviews to
practise conversational skills,
 design and practice varied methods to
assess progress in listening and
speaking e.g. oral responses, sound
production, distinguishing between
different sounds, dictation of minimal
pairs or sentences containing sounds,
observation, reciting and storytelling,
 prepare resources and uses them to
model a lesson on one of the listening
and speaking skills, and incorporates
creativity and imagination, and social
Core Competencies to be developed
 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee listens and responds to recorded audio-visual materials.
 Self- Efficacy as the teacher trainee develops skills such as etiquette and negotiation skills.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee learns how to use integration in language learning.
 Communication and Collaboration as the teacher trainees discuss the selected forms of conversational skills.
 Responsibility is enhanced as teacher trainees organise panel/group interviews
 Social justice is enhanced as teacher trainees model conversational skills such as turn taking, respect and negotiation skills.

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe and Describes and uses Describes and uses Describes and uses Describes and uses
use conversational conversational skills conversational skills some conversational some conversational
skills required in varied required in varied required in varied skills required in varied skills required in varied
contexts. contexts with ease. contexts. contexts . contexts with difficulty
Ability to design Creatively designs Designs activities that Designs some activities Designs some activities
activities that integrate activities that integrate integrate that integrate that integrate
conversational skills conversational skills conversational skills conversational skills and conversational skills and
and model a lesson. and model a lesson. and model a lesson. model a lesson. model a lesson with
Assessing progress in Consistently assesses Assesses progress in Sometimes assesses Sometimes assesses
listening and speaking progress in listening listening and speaking progress in listening and progress in listening and
and speaking speaking speaking with
Ability to research Researches innovative Researches Researches some Researches some
pedagogical and pedagogical and pedagogical and pedagogical and pedagogical and
assessment strategies to assessment strategies to assessment strategies assessment strategies to assessment strategies to
enhance conversational enhance conversational to enhance enhance conversational enhance conversational
skills competency. skills competency. conversational skills skills competency. skills competency in
competency. response to prompts.

Page | 103
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Suggested Key
Outcomes Experiences Inquiry Question
5.3 5.3.1 Children’s By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Which types of
Reading Literature II strand, the teacher trainee  analyse Children’s Literature Children’s
should be able to: (including stories, storybooks, Literature do we
(6 hours) a) analyse varied samples of poems, songs and cartoon know?
Children’s Literature, strips) used for different levels, 2. How can the
b) use materials to design featuring pertinent issues such various types of
activities that enhance as environment, HIV and Aids, Children’s
learning of language skills healthy relationships among Literature be used
and Grammar, others, in the English
c) conduct a micro lesson  design activities using relevant language
using samples of Children’s Literature to classroom?
Children’s Literature, facilitate learning of language
d) advocate for reading and skills,
using a variety of  conduct a micro lesson on one
Children’s Literature. of the language skills or
grammar using samples of
Children’s Literature.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as the teacher trainee acquires knowledge and skills on how to use Children’s Literature in
language learning.
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as teacher trainee analyses level-appropriate readers.
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainees design learning activities using relevant Children’s Literature.

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Teacher trainees will be exposed to values such as peace and love, as the children’s books deal with several values

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to analyse a Confidently always Analyses a variety of Sometimes analyses Analyses Children’s
variety of analyses a variety of Children’s Literature Children’s Literature Literature with of
Children’s Children’s Literature accurately accurately difficulty
Literature accurately
Ability to use Creatively uses materials Uses materials to Uses materials to design Uses materials to
materials to design to design learning design learning some learning activities design a few learning
learning activities activities with ease activities activities
Ability to conduct a Conducts a micro lesson Conducts a micro Conducts some parts of a Conducts a micro
micro lesson using using samples of lesson using samples micro lesson lesson using samples of
samples of children’s literature of children’s literature appropriately using children’s literature
children’s literature appropriately and with a samples of children’s with difficulty
lot of creativity literature

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question (s)
5.4 5.4.1 By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1.Why is it important to
Grammar Structural teacher trainee should be able to:  generate various types of use a variety of
classification a) analyses various types of sentences: simple, compound and sentences in
of sentences in English language, complex, communication?
sentences b) construct a variety of  analyse sentences featuring the 2.Why is it important
sentences for effective sentence patterns: SV, SVO, for a teacher of
(4 hours) communication, SVOO, SVC, SVA, SVOA, SVOC, English to keep a
c) employ varied activities to  play language games to practise record of work?
facilitate teaching of sentence using different types of sentences
types,  write dialogues and short stories
d) critique a sample record of paying attention to correct
work based on the language sentence formation,
skills and grammar,  outline the various activities used
e) appreciate the importance of in facilitating learning of
using varied activities in sentence types e.g. gap filling
teaching of sentence types. exercises, focused questions,
organising jumbled up texts,
 record self as he or she practises
using various activities for
facilitating learning of sentence
types and shares with peers,
 analyse a peer’s record of work
and provides feedback.

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Core competencies to be developed
 Self-Efficacy as the teacher trainee gains competence in correct use of grammar.
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainees record themselves and share the recording with peers.
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainees write dialogues and short stories.
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice as teacher trainees analyse sample records of work.
 Love as teacher trainees provide positive feedback.
 Unity as teacher trainees record themselves and share the recording with peers.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to identify Always identifies with Identifies various types Identifies some types Has difficulty identifying
various types of ease various types of of sentences in texts of sentences in texts various types of sentences
sentences sentences in texts in texts
Ability to analyse a Consistently analyses a Analyses a variety of Analyses some Analyses only a few
variety of sentences variety of sentences sentences sentences sentences
Ability to employ Exceptionally employs Employs varied Employs some Employs a few activities to
varied activities to varied activities to activities to facilitate activities to facilitate facilitate teaching of
facilitate teaching of facilitate teaching of teaching of sentence teaching of sentence sentence types
sentence types sentence types types types

Ability to critique a Confidently critiques a Critiques a sample Partially critiques a Critiques a sample record
sample record of sample record of work record of work sample record of of work with assistance
work work

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Strand Sub Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Strand Inquiry Question (s)
5.5 5.5. 1 By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is functional
Writing Functional the teacher trainee should be  discuss the differences between personal writing important?
writing able to: and official written forms of 2. How do we teach
a) describe the formats and communication, various skills in
characteristics of different  draw an inventory of the characteristics of writing?
(8 hours) types of functional writing, different types of functional writing in
b) compose samples of relation to form, purpose and audience:
functional writing in line - Formal letters
with the format and - Curriculum vitae
purpose, - Reports
c) research and model varied - Minutes
pedagogical strategies for - Memo
facilitating functional - Filling in forms
writing, - Notices
d) use varied tools and - Emails
methods to assess - Speeches
functional writing and - Posters
prepare learner progress - Budget
record for pedagogical - Diary and personal journal
content knowledge, - Programme
e) appreciate the importance - Advertisement
of functional writing for  create samples of the functional writing
learners. listed above and keeps them in their
Page | 108
 write formal letters with focus on: job
application, making requests, complaints,
letters of inquiry, appreciation, apology,
invitation, letter of interest,
 participate actively in a mock meeting and
write minutes thereafter,
 participate in peer conferences to critique
samples of functional writing,
 use digital devices to search, create and
share functional writing items,
 discuss ways of assessing progress in
functional writing and other writing
exercises e.g. through the use of portfolio
assessment, self-assessment, peer
correction, written assignments among
 keep a learner’s progress record for one
Core competencies to be developed
 Assessment Competence – teacher trainee assesses progress in functional writing.
 Digital Learning Skills – teacher trainee uses ICT devices and internet platforms to search, create and share creative writing
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge – teacher trainee develops knowledge and skills for facilitating the learning of functional
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice – teacher trainees participate in peer conferences to critique samples of functional
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 Integrity and patriotism as teacher trainees learn how to fill in forms.
 Love as teacher trainees create samples of writing items, in writing circles.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to describe the Vividly and elaborately Vividly describes the Somewhat vividly Describes the formats
formats and describes the formats formats and describes the formats and and characteristics of
characteristics of and characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of different types of
different types of different types of different types of different types of functional writing.
functional writing. functional writing. functional writing. functional writing.
Ability to compose Composes exceptional Composes samples of Composes samples of Composes samples of
samples of functional samples of functional functional writing and functional writing which functional writing but
writing in line with the writing and adheres to adheres to the format is in line with the purpose deviates from the
format and purpose, the format and purpose. and purpose. but slightly deviates purpose and format.
from the format.
Ability to research and Comprehensively Researches and models Researches and models Researches and models
model varied researches and models varied pedagogical pedagogical strategies for some pedagogical
pedagogical strategies varied pedagogical strategies for facilitating functional strategies for
for facilitating strategies for facilitating facilitating functional writing. facilitating functional
functional writing. functional writing. writing. writing.
Ability to use varied Uses varied tools and Uses varied tools and Uses somewhat varied Uses tools and
tools and methods to methods to assess methods to assess tools and methods to methods to assess
assess functional functional writing and functional writing and assess functional writing functional writing but
writing and prepare prepare learner progress prepare learner and prepare learner is unable to prepare
learner progress record. record with ease. progress record. progress record. learner progress record.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested
Key Inquiry
Question (s)
6.1 Background 6.1.1 Se- By the end of the sub strand, Teacher trainee to: 1. How do
to Language mantics the teacher trainee should be  research the similarity and differ- we tell
and language and Prag- able to: ences between semantics and the
learning matics a) explain how meaning is con- pragmatics from digital and print meaning
veyed through words and texts of un-
(2 Hours) sentences in oral and writ-  present your work in a venn dia- known
ten texts, gram words?
b) apply knowledge of se-  describe and illustrate the follow- 2. How do
mantics and pragmatics to ing types of meaning: words re-
enhance language learn- - denotative late with
ing, - connotative each other
c) distinguish between synonyms,  prepare a write up on: at the lev-
antonyms, hyponyms, - synonyms el of
homonyms and polysemes for - antonyms (gradable e.g. small- meaning?
big and converse e.g. trainer-
content knowledge,
d) use knowledge of sense re-
- hom phones
lations to facilitate the - homonyms
learning of vocabulary,  research on synonyms, anto-
e) develop appropriate Sug- nyms, hyponyms, homonyms
gested Key Inquiry Ques- and polysemes and their role in
tions for learning new words,
teaching a sub strand in lan-  interact with digital and print
guage activities, texts and categorises synonyms,
Page | 111
f) appreciate the use of English antonyms, hyponyms, homo-
words to convey meaning in nyms and polysemes using word
a variety of contexts. lists,
 interact with digital and print
texts and categorise homophones
and homonyms using word lists,
 play language games featuring
synonyms, antonyms, homo-
phones and homonyms,
 discuss and write key inquiry
question for teaching a Sub strand
in Language Activities.
Core Competences to be developed
 Learning to learn and Reflective Practice as teacher trainee conducts research on different aspects of
semantics and pragmatics.
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as teacher trainee infers the meaning of words from contextual clues.
 Peace as teacher trainee works harmoniously to accomplish group tasks.
 Responsibility as teacher trainee assumes different roles during group and pair work

Suggested Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expecta- Below Expectations
Indicator tions
Ability to explain how Explains how words and Uses examples to Uses some examples Uses some examples to
meaning is conveyed through sentences convey mean- explain how words to explain how words explain how words and
words and sentences in ing with ease and sentences con- and sentences convey sentences convey
oral and written texts. vey meaning meaning meaning with assistance

Page | 112
Ability to apply Creatively applies Applies Applies some Applies some
knowledge of sematics knowledge of se- knowledge of knowledge of se- knowledge of se-
and pragmatics to en- mantics and prag- semantics and mantics and prag- mantics and prag-
hance language learing. matics to enhance pragmatics to matics to enhance matics to enhance
language learning. enhance lan- language learning. language learning
guage learning. when prompted.
Ability to distinguish Consistently, Distinguishes be- Distinguishes between Attempts to distinguish
between synonyms, distinguishes between tween synonyms, an- synonyms, antonyms, between synonyms, an-
antonyms, hyponyms, synonyms, antonyms, tonyms, hyponyms, hyponyms, homonyms tonyms, hyponyms,
homonyms and polysemes hyponyms, homonyms homonyms and pol- and polysemes but fal- homonyms and poly-
and their role in learning new and polysemes for ysemes for content ters in some instances semes but falters in in
words. content knowledge. knowledge. for content knowledge. almost all instances.
Ability to use knowledge Uses knowledge of Uses knowledge of Uses knowledge of Attempts to use
of sense relations to facil- sense relations to fa- sense relations to sense relations to knowledge of sense re-
itate the learning of vo- cilitate the learning of facilitate the learn- facilitate the learn- lations to facilitate the
cabulary. vocabulary with ease. ing of vocabulary. ing of vocabulary learning of vocabulary
but struggles in but struggles in some
some instances. instances.
Ability to develop appropri- Develops appropriate Develops appropri- Develops some appro- Develops some appro-
ate Suggested Key Inquiry Suggested Key Inquiry ate Suggested Key priate Suggested Key priate Suggested Key
Questions for teaching a Questions Inquiry Questions Inquiry Questions Inquiry Questions
sub Strand in Language Ac- innovatively with assistance

Page | 113
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Outcomes Inquiry Question
6.2 6.2.1 Extended By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is oral
Listening oral work strand, the teacher  discuss the importance of the various skills practice
and trainee should be able types of extended oral work s, that is, important?
speaking (7 hours) to: - Speeches 2. How can we
a) appraise the importance - Debates develop oral
of extended oral work - Giving directions and instructions skills?
in the learning of - Storytelling 3. What is the
English in schools, - Drama importance of
b) explain how to conduct - Radio lessons storytelling in
the various types of - Poetry recitation the learning of
extended oral work in  practise the selected forms of extended English?
class, oral work, and records self-using digital
c) participate in activities devices,
that enhance oral skills  conduct debates, gives timed speeches,
in learning, dramatises, tells stories and recites
d) prepare a class register poems on a variety of pertinent issues
as a professional record, such as family and nature of parenting,
e) value the role of oral gender, female genital mutilation,
skills practice in the radicalisation, making savings and
learning of English. investments, good governance and
animal welfare (e.g. care for animals,
fear and distress in animals),
 discuss how to conduct the various types
of extended effectively,

Page | 114
 keep a class register for one week and
shares it with peers for feedback.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Communication and Collaboration as teacher trainees practise the selected forms of extended oral work.
 Citizenship and Leadership Competency as teacher trainees talk about pertinent and contemporary issues.
 Self-Efficacy as teacher trainee develops skills such as public speaking.
 Assessment Competence as teacher trainees share the class register with peers for feedback.
 Integrity and patriotism as teacher trainees make timed speeches on a variety of pertinent issues.
 Unity as teacher trainees conduct various extended oral work activities such as debates.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Below Expectations

Ability to appraise Exhaustively appraises Appraises the Partially appraises the Struggles to appraises
the importance of the importance of importance of importance of extended oral the importance of
extended oral work in extended oral work in extended oral work in work in the learning of extended oral work in
the learning of the learning of English the learning of English in schools the learning of English
English in schools in schools English in schools in schools
Ability to explain Explains how to Explains how to Explains some steps on Has difficulty
how to conduct the conduct the various conduct the various how to conduct the various explaining how to
various types of types of extended oral types of extended oral types of extended oral conduct the various
extended oral work work with ease work work types of extended oral

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Strand Sub strand Specific Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
Learning Question (s)
6.3 Reading 6.3.1 R e a d - By the end of the sub Teacher trainee to: 1. Why should
ing: strand, the teacher  discuss/research the meaning of the term read- we read a text
Fluency (6 trainee should be able ing fluency, accurately
to:  work with peers and find out more information and with ex-
Hours) a) use fluency strate- about the importance of speed, accuracy and pression?
gies while reading expression in reading, 2. How can we
materials on var-  read a text by doing the following: improve our
ied themes - preview reading
b) read texts related to - scan speed?
various pertinent - skim
and contemporary - ignoring unknown words
issues accurately, at  use fluency strategies such as modelled read-
the right speed and ing, use of audio recordings, sight words,
expressively paired reading, echo reading, choral reading,
c) acknowledge the repeated reading, timed reading and phrased
role of fluency in reading,
reading.  read grade level appropriate texts on varied
issues: environmental issues in education, fi-
nancial literacy
 participate in a readers’ theater involving
poems, narratives among others
 read speeches on varied topics at the right
speed, accurately and with expression.

Page | 116
Core Competencies to be developed
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice – as trainee practises reading more fluently
 Self-Efficacy – as teacher trainee becomes more proficient readers
 Assessment Competency-as teacher trainee assess the mastery of fluency in reading
 Communication and Collaboration – as learners take part in a reader’s theartre
 Integrity - as teacher trainee reads texts related to integrity

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to use fluency Uses fluency strategies Uses fluency strategies Uses fluency strategies Uses fluency strategies
strategies while such as previewing, such as previewing, such as previewing, such as previewing and
reading on varied scanning, skimming scanning, skimming scanning, skimming but scanning, but struggles
themes to skim through the
and ignoring unknown and ignoring unknown is slowed down text and ignore un-
words while reading a words while reading a by unknown words known words
text with ease text
Ability to read texts Reads texts related to Reads texts related to Reads texts related to Reads texts related to
related various PCIs accurate- various PCIs accurate- various PCIs accurately, various PCIs, hesitates
to various pertinent ly, at the right speed ly, at the right speed at the right speed but is at times, tends to read
and contemporary and expressively with a and at an uneven speed
issues accurately, at lot of ease expressively not able to fully display and is also unable to
the right speed and required expressions read expressively

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question (s)
Reading 6.3.2 Extensive By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. How does the use
Reading II strand, the teacher trainee  brainstorm on the benefits of of supplementary
should be able to: extensive reading, materials enhance
(4 hours) a) select and read a variety  explain the procedure of language learning?
of materials from print conducting extensive reading 2. How do we help
and online sources, lessons: introduction, selection learners with
b) prepare substitute of materials, motivation, reading
materials for use during individual reading, follow-up challenges?
extensive reading, activities, 3. How do we
c) conduct an extensive  conduct
s a library
reading lesson for learners uggest activities to engage in lesson?
and support learners with during an extensive reading
reading challenges, lesson: writing book reports and
d) access library resources reviews, timed reading, joining
use reference materials group discussions, creative
for content knowledge, writing and building a
e) advocate the role of vocabulary list,
extensive reading in life-  select and read a variety of
long learning. materials (from print and online
sources) on topical issues such
as child abuse, importance of
paying taxes, integrity, life skills
among others for enjoyment and
 discuss the importance of

Page | 118
preparing substitute materials for
extensive reading,
 use reference materials such as
dictionary, encyclopaedia,
Thesaurus, Atlases, Year Books.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge – as the teacher trainee models classroom scenarios depicting learners being assisted to
overcome reading challenges.
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as teacher trainee acquires skills of conducting a library lesson.
 Digital Learning Skills as teacher trainee selects and reads a variety of materials from online sources.
 Creativity and Innovation – as the teacher trainee prepares substitute materials for extensive reading.
Values such as integrity and patriotism are inculcated as the learner selects materials selected during extensive reading.

Page | 119
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to select and Skillfully selects and Selects and reads a Selects and reads some Selects and reads a few
read a variety of reads a variety of variety of materials materials from print materials from print
materials from print materials from print and from print and online and online sources and online sources
and online sources online sources sources with assistance
Ability to discuss the Consistently discusses Discusses the Partially discusses theStruggles to discuss
importance of the importance of importance of preparing importance of the importance of
preparing substitute preparing substitute substitute materials for preparing substitute preparing substitute
materials for extensive materials for extensive extensive reading materials for extensivematerials for extensive
reading reading reading reading
Ability to prepare Prepares supplementary Prepares supplementary Prepares some Prepares a few
supplementary materials for use during materials for use during supplementary supplementary
materials for use extensive reading extensive reading materials for use materials for use
during extensive creatively and with ease creatively during extensive during extensive
reading reading creatively reading
Ability to conduct an Creatively conducts an Conducts an extensive Conducts an extensive Has difficulty
extensive reading extensive reading reading lesson and reading lesson and conducting an
lesson for learners and lesson and supports supports learners with supports learners some extensive reading
support learners with learners with reading reading challenges. of their reading lesson and supporting
reading challenges. challenges. challenges learners. with reading
Ability to access Accesses varied library Accesses library Accesses some library Accesses some library
library resources and resources and aptly resources and uses resources and uses resources and uses
use reference materials uses reference reference materials. reference materials in reference materials with
for content materials. some instances. support from peers.

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Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Out- Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Ques-
comes tion (s)
6.3. 6.4.1 Conversion By the end of the sub Teacher trainee to: 1. Why do we re-
Gramar of sentences strand, the teacher  discuss contexts in which the passive write sentences?
in Use trainee should be able and active voice are used e.g. in re- 2. Which sentences
(5 hours) to: ports, minutes, do we usually
a) explain the rules of  make a presentation the rules of using rewrite?
writing passive and direct and indirect speech, 3. Why is it im-
active voice, and direct  search for examples of sentences with portant to use
and indirect speech, inversions from the internet, maga- varied sentences
b) use passive and active zines, newspapers among others, then in communica-
voice, direct and writes inversions of sample sentences, tion?
indirect speech and  complete substitution tables using in-
inversions in varied verted sentences and passive/active
contexts, voice,
c) employ appropriate  practise the procedure for teaching
procedures and grammar: language preparation,
pedagogical strategies presentation, practise (oral and writ-
to facilitate the learning ten), follow-up,
of grammar,  design and share with peers assessment
d) adopt and adapt varied activities such as: constructing sen-
methods and tools to tences, use of substitution tables, re-
assess sentence writing exercises and cloze tests,
conversion concepts,  model a grammar lesson using Peda-
e) model a grammar lesson gogies; such as:
Page | 121
that integrates o Activity-Based
communication and Learning (ABL),
collaboration and the o Group Work and
values of social justice, Collaborative Learn-
f) embrace the use of col- ing,
laborative learning
strategies in language
Core Competencies to be developed
 Learning to Learn and Reflective Practice – as trainee teacher identifies different types of sentences from an audio visual
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - as teacher trainee conducts online research on when to use the passive voice
 Respect - as teacher trainee brainstorms rules of using direct and indirect speech
 Responsibility - as teacher trainee performs various roles during group discussions

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explain the Clearly explains the Clearly explains the Explains somewhat Explains the rules of
rules of writing passive rules of writing passive rules of writing passive clearly the rules of writing passive and
and active voice, and and active voice, and and active voice, and writing passive and active voice, and direct
direct and indirect direct and indirect direct and indirect active voice, and direct and indirect speech.
speech. speech with ease. speech. and indirect speech.

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Ability to use passive Consistently uses passive Uses passive and Uses passive and active Uses passive and
and active voice, and active voice, direct active voice, direct and voice, direct and indirect active voice, direct and
direct and indirect and indirect speech and indirect speech and speech and inversions in indirect speech and
speech and inversions inversions in varied inversions in varied limited contexts inversions in few
in varied contexts. contexts contexts contexts
Ability to employ Employs varied Employs appropriate Employs somewhat Has difficulty
appropriate appropriate procedures procedures and appropriate procedures employing somewhat
procedures and and pedagogical strategies pedagogical strategies and pedagogical appropriate procedures
pedagogical strategies to facilitate the learning of to facilitate the strategies to facilitate the and pedagogical
to facilitate the grammar. learning of grammar. learning of grammar. strategies to facilitate
learning of grammar. the learning of
Ability to adopt and Uses varied activities to Uses varied activities Uses some activities to Uses a few activities to
adapt varied methods assess grammar to assess grammar assess grammar assess grammar
and tools to assess appropriately and with appropriately appropriately appropriately
sentence conversion ease
Ability to model a Confidently models a Models a grammar Models a grammar lesson Struggles to model a
grammar lesson that grammar lesson that lesson that integrates but skips some steps that grammar lesson that
integrates integrates communication communication and integrates integrates
communication and and collaboration and the collaboration and the communication and communication and
collaboration and the values of social justice values of social justice collaboration and the collaboration and the
values of social values of social justice values of social justice

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Suggested Key
Inquiry Question (s)
6.5 6.5.1 By the end of the sub strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1. What kind of
Writing Creative teacher trainee should be able to:  participate in a brainstorm, using a language should
Writing a) explore the features of mind map, on the main features of we use when
various genres of creative various genres of creative writing, writing for
(6 hours) writing,  work with peers and create children?
b) create grade appropriate children’s stories, songs and poems, 2. What are the
stories, songs, tongue  edit and proofread the works of art benefits of
twisters, riddles and poems generated above paying attention to: collaborative
to enhance language form, content, word choice, writing?
learning grammar, paragraphing, voice, 3. Why is it
c) employ editing and typographical errors and clarity, important to edit
proofreading skills in  prepare a portfolio on a selected and proofread a
writing tasks, genre for the writing project. piece of writing?
d) research and select oral
literature and grade
appropriate factual and
fictional texts to support
language learning,
e) acknowledge the role of
creativity and editing in
Core competencies to be developed
 Creativity and Innovation as the teacher trainee participates in a writing workshop activity to create, edit and proofread
children’s poems, songs and stories.

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 Digital Learning Skills as the teacher trainee creates and types children’s stories, songs and poems and shares with peers.
 Self-Efficacy as teacher trainees develop confidence as they express themselves through creative writing.
Values such as respect and peace are addressed as teacher trainees collaborate in creative writing tasks
Responsibility as teacher trainees edit their work

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Below Expectations
Indicator Expectations
Ability to explore the Explores the features of Explores the features Explores some features Explores the features of
features of various various genres of creative of various genres of of various genres of various genres of
genres of creative writing accurately and creative writing creative writing creative writing with
writing with ease accurately accurately difficulty
Ability to create Creates interesting Creates interesting Creates somewhat Creates some stories,
children’s stories, stories, songs, poems, and stories, songs, poems, interesting stories, songs, poems, and skits
songs and poems, skits for children on and skits for children songs, poems, and skits for children for content
skits for content varied themes for content for content knowledge. for children for content knowledge.
knowledge. knowledge. knowledge.
Ability to employ Consistently employs Employs editing and Employs some editing Employs some editing
editing and editing and proofreading proofreading skills to and proofreading skills and proofreading skills
proofreading skills to skills to ensure quality in ensure quality in to ensure quality in to ensure quality in
ensure quality in writing exercises. writing exercises. writing exercises. writing exercises with
writing exercises. guidance.

Page | 126
Strand Sub strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry Ques-
Outcomes tion (s)
6.6 6.6.1 Project By the end of the sub Teacher trainee to: 1. What are the fea-
Writing strand, the teacher  use a mind map to bring out the main fea- tures of children’s
 Creative trainee should be tures of children’s stories, songs, riddles, stories, songs,
Writing– able to: tongue twisters and poems tongue twisters,
Children’s a) describe common  critique samples of children’s poems, riddles and poems?
Literature features of chil- songs, riddles, tongue twisters and 2. Why should a lan-
Project dren’s stories, songs stories in print or digital format guage teacher cre-
 Oral Lit- and poems  conduct research on how various types of ate grade appropri-
erature Pro- b) create grade appro- oral literature can be used to enhance ate poems, stories,
ject priate factual, fic- learning tongue twisters and
tional texts or re-  demonstrate/model how to use selected riddles?
(6 Hours) cordings for the types of oral literature in the language
language classroom, classroom
c) compile a school  work in groups to collect oral literature
magazine, an an- materials on citizenship and patriotism
thology of stories, from resource persons in their immediate
plays poems among environment
others for enjoy-  create oral narratives, songs, riddles
ment, and tongue twisters
d) collect oral litera-  use the writing process outlined below
ture material such to create, edit and proofread stories,
as stories, songs, songs and poems:
tongue twisters, - prewriting
riddles, provers, - drafting
puns, poems - revising
among others for - editing: focus on word choice,

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knowledge,  language use, point of view (first person,
second person, third person), length,
e) use technology to typographical errors, clarity
collect, store or o publishing
disseminate the  display the completed work
materials for self- and conduct a gallery walk.
efficacy, give and accept feedback from
f) perform and record  share exemplary pieces of
recitations, dramati- creative writing on blogs, so-
zations or narrations cial media platforms or face to
of the poems, songs, face to face meetings.
riddles, tongue  Project: Project Based Learning
twisters or narra-  Hours)
tives for enjoyment,  Make a collection of the following
g) appreciate the need oral literature genres: songs, proverbs,
to create grade ap- riddles, tongue twisters and narratives
from the community
propriate stories,  Create an anthology of children’s sto-
songs, tongue twist- ries and poems in groups
ers, riddles and po-  Use technology to collect, store and
ems to enhance lan- disseminate collected material or re-
guage learning. cording on social media, blogs or face
to face teacher forums.
(6 Hours)
Core competencies to be developed:
 Creativity and Imagination –as teacher trainee creates children’s, songs, stories, riddles, tongue twisters and poems

 Respect and peace- as teacher trainees collaboratively complete a writing task
 Responsibility - as teacher trainee edits his
Page | 128
Suggested Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expec- Below Expectations
Indicator tations
Ability to describe Describes all common Describes most Describes some Hardly describes any
common features of features of children’s common features of common features of features of children’s
children’s stories, songs stories, songs and po- children’s stories, children’s stories, stories, songs and
and poems ems with confidence songs and poems songs and poems poems
Ability to create grade Skillfully creates grade Creates grade ap- Creates some grade Creates some grade
appropriate stories, appropriate stories, propriate stories, appropriate stories, appropriate stories,
songs, tongue twisters, songs, tongue twisters, songs, tongue twist- songs, tongue twist- songs, tongue twisters,
riddles and poems to en- riddles and poems to en- ers, riddles and po- ers, riddles and po- riddles and poems to
hance language learning hance language learning ems to enhance lan- ems to enhance lan- enhance language
guage learning guage learning learning with a
Abilty to compile a Creatively and compre- Comprehensively Compiles somewhat Compiles some
school magazine, an an- hensively compiles a compiles a school comprehensively a school magazine, an
thology of stories, plays school magazine, an an- magazine, an an- school magazine, an an-thology of stories,
poems among others. thology of stories, plays thology of stories, an-thology of stories, plays poems with
poems among others. plays poems among plays poems among guidance
others. others.

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Ability to collect, per- Collects, performs and Collects, performs Collects, performs Collects, performs and
form and use uses a wide range of and uses oral litera- and uses some oral uses some oral litera-
oral literature genres: oral literature genres: ture genres: songs, literature genres: ture genres: songs, po-
songs, poems, riddles, songs, poems, riddles, poems, riddles, nar- songs, poems, riddles, ems, riddles, narra-
narratives, proverbs and narratives, proverbs and ratives, proverbs and narratives, proverbs tives, proverbs and
tongue tongue tongue and tongue tongue twisters)with
twisters) to facilitate the twisters) twisters) twisters) assistance from peers
learning of oral skills
Abilty to utilise tech- Utilizes varied technol- Utilizes technolo- Utilizes some tech- Utilizes some tech-
nology to collect, store ogies to collect, store or gies to collect, store nologies to collect, nologies to collect,
or dis-seminate the ma- dis-seminate the mate- or dis-seminate the store or dis-seminate store or dis-seminate
te-rials for self-efficacy rials for self-efficacy mate-rials for self- the mate-rials for self- the mate-rials when
efficacy efficacy prompted for self-

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No. Strand Suggested Learning resources Suggested assessment methods

1. Background to  English Language Activities and English  Oral presentations

language and curriculum designs (grades 1 – 6)  Observation
language learning  Audio-visual materials  Question and answer
 Reference materials  Continuous assessment tasks
 Internet  Project
 Diagram of speech organs  Essay writing
 Language laboratory  Identifying information from written and
 Print and online dictionaries recorded sources
 Resource persons  Written tests
 Digital devices  Articulating English sounds
 Charts  Drawing
 Flash cards  Labelling
 Rhyme books  Transcribing the English vowel and con-
 Learning resource centres sonant sounds
 Classifying vowels and consonants
 Oral and written reports
 Compiling word lists
 Portfolio
 Word matching exercises

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 Compiling word lists
 Language games
 Sentence construction exercises
2. Listening and  English Language Activities and English  Observation
speaking curriculum designs (grades 1 – 6)  Oral question and answer
 Audio-visual materials  Oral presentations
 Library  Role play
 Charts  Dramatisation
 Reference materials  Sound identification
 Interactive digital content  Transcribing the English vowels and con-
 Pocket charts sonants
 Letter cards  Articulating sounds
 Print and online dictionaries  Marking word stress
 Vocabulary tree  Oral interviews
 Flash cards  Creating word lists
 Thesaurus  Portfolios
 Resource persons  Learner’s journal
 Photographs  Re-telling
 Newspaper cuttings  Story telling
 E-learning materials  Dictation
 Checklist e.g. for assessing speaking flu-  Reciting poems
ency  Timed speaking
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 Timer  Class debates
 Giving directions and instructions orally
 Matching exercises
 Sentence-completion items
 Written tasks and tests
 Preparing samples of professional docu-
 Preparing assessment tools
3. Reading  English Language Activities and English  Making oral and written re-
curriculum designs (grades 1 – 6) ports/presentations
 Name tags and labels  Question and answer
 Picture cut-outs and labels  Observation
 Reading readiness checklist  Sound identification
 Real objects  Demonstration
 Storybooks  Reading aloud
 Flash cards  Language games
 Letter cut-outs  Structured test items
 Photographs  Portfolios
 Posters  Written assignments and tests
 Word and picture cards  Making predictions
 Word wheel  Giving meaning of vocabulary
 Phonic slides  Observation

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 Word and sentence booklets  Continuous assessment tasks and tests
 Texts from varied sources  Developing graphic organisers
 Audio recorder  Dramatisation
 Recommended literary text(s)  Role play
 Notice board  Essay writing
 Library  Book reports and reviews
 Graphic organiser template  Designing
 Audio-visual materials  Preparing samples of professional docu-
 Selection criteria ments
 E-learning materials  Preparing assessment tools
 Newspaper cut-outs
 Samples of Children’s Literature
 Dictionary
 Thesaurus
4. Grammar in Use  Internet  Writing dialogues, poems and short stories
 Digital cards  Written tests
 Charts  Language games
 Reference materials  Cloze tests
 Flash cards  Sentence completion exercises
 Picture cut-outs Rewriting exercises
 Sentence strips  Word puzzles
 Sentence booklets  Sentence construction exercises
Page | 134
 English Language Activities and English  Rewriting exercises
curriculum designs (grades 1 – 6)  Oral question and answer drills
 Joining exercises
 Transformation drills
 Writing posters
 Substitution drills
 Jumbled up sentences
 Completion exercises
 Gap filling exercises
 Preparing samples of professional docu-
 Preparing assessment tools
5. Writing  Picture cards  Observation
 Handwriting worksheets  Sentence construction exercises
 Audio-visual materials  Gap filling exercises
Letter/word/sentence cards  Joining exercises
 Samples of written work  Tracing and copying
 Reference materials  Labelling
 Dictionaries  Drawing
 Internet  Scribbling
 Display board  Modelling
 Thesaurus  Oral question and answer drills
 Computers  Language games
Page | 135
 English Language Activities and English  Essay writing
curriculum designs (grades 1 – 6)  Composition writing
 Rewriting exercises
 Spelling exercises
 Dictation
 Portfolio
 Report
 Peer assessment
 Self-assessment
 Project
 Preparing samples of professional docu-
 Preparing assessment tools

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