1 Productive N No Operator N No product N 2 Standby Production Rediness Check N Setup N Wating for Maintenance N Out of Control Limit N 3 Unsheduled Down Out of Spec N Trobleshooting N Unsheduled Down Engineer N NonWorkTime / Cold-Down / 4 Nonscheduled Warm-Down / Tool Issue Block / PMUnderMaintenance Y AESTest Y ChangeOfConsumablesOrChemicals Y InterfaceTest Y MESTest Y 5 Scheduled Down PMUnderProduction Y ScheduledDownFacility Y ScheduledDownIT Y ScheduledDownMHS Y Engineering Date Collection Y Adjustment Y 6 Engineering EngineeringTest Y EngineeringRuns N Apply owner / / / / / / / / / / / / / / MNT AES Engineer Engineer MES Production FAC IT MHS Engineer Engineer Engineer / Remark Normal Production MP shortage No WIP Buyoff before loading WIP For convert Recipe Machine issue that can't be production Normal Machine parameters OOC(chemical/air pressure/DI flow etc.) lead to product abnormal Machine parameters OOS(chemical/air pressure/DI flow etc.) lead to product abnormal Check the RC for equipment downtime or chemical abnormal lead to product abnormal Technical problems lead to product abnormal The machine has not yet been delivered to production Turn off machine for extended periods of time and disconnect power Shut down the device for a short period of time without powering off the device Machine or quality abnormality lead to production and requires a long block. MNT will do PM within this time AES will do test in system within this time Planned replacement of relevant chemicals and consumables during the PM cycle Planned testing of device-related functions MES will do test in system within this time Production will do PM within this time Facility took the opportunity to inspect and PM related auxiliary equipment IT took the opportunity to inspect and PM related auxiliary equipment MHS took the opportunity to inspect and PM related auxiliary equipment Engineers organize and collect various equipment data Adjustment of various for machine's parameters Do relevant engineering tests Production engineering lot