European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Key messages
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for the period 20142020 accompanying the implementation of the CFP with the necessary financial resources Focus on people and communities dependent on fisheries Boost to the development of EU aquaculture Stable financing for IMP
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CMOs Regulation
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IMP mainstreamed under other CSF funds, ensuring synergies with broader initiatives like the Sea basin strategies
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Shared management: 4 Pillars: - Sustainable and Smart Fisheries including inland fisheries - Sustainable and Smart Aquaculture - Sustainable development of fisheries areas - Accompanying measures to the CFP: Data collection, control and market measures
Direct management:
- Integrated Maritime Policy
Scientific advice, Governance, Elements of control, Voluntary contributions to RFMOs , Technical assistance
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No more scrapping
Actual fishing capacity (dotted line) has not decreased, in spite of 2.7 billion of EU and Member States funding spent on scrapping since 1994.
10 8 6 4 2 0 1992
Multi Annual Guidance Programmes III & IV Entry/Exit regime under revised CFP
The money allocated so far for scrapping is not lost, but is used for other, more efficient measures.
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Increased aid intensity of 75% for all the measures (60% under EFF)
Tailor made measures for small scale coastal fleet: advisory services, business start-ups, retrofitting of vessels and special aid for spouses of fishermen Local development pillar (current Axis 4) benefitting primarily small scale and coastal fleets
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Support to MSY and no-discards fishing Conservation measures (regionalisation) in line with the CFP Partnerships between fishermen and scientists Eco-innovation Participation of fishermen in management, restoration and monitoring of NATURA 2000 sites and other marine protected areas (incl. marine litter collection) also a source of additional income Funding for more selective gears or fishing techniques
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Off-shore and non-food aquaculture, Multifunctional aquaculture Adding value to products, marketing
Promotion of aquaculture providing environmental services Promotion of aquaculture with high level of environmental protection
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More support for the development of local strategies, networking, animations. Multi-funding as an option for a Union-led
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Market measures
Better products Adding value through marketing and processing measures; focus on sustanability Support to POs Measures specifically designed for Producers Organisations Production and marketing plans Storage aid for POs Bringing outermost regions closer Specific compensation for additional costs in outermost regions for fishery and aquaculture products
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Ex-ante and ex-post conditions Ex-ante: fulfilment of general pre-conditions like administrative capacity. Ex post: performance reserve based on the achievement of milestones related to Europe 2020 objectives. Specific conditionality: Compliance of MS and operators with the rules of CFP from admissibility to implementation of operations. Aquaculture Multiannual national strategic plans on the basis of Union strategic guidelines. This results in: Stronger compliance with CFP rules Increased coherence with the objectives of CFP reform
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Financial allocation
Comparison allocation of ressources 2007-2013 & 2014-2020
2007-2013 2014-2020
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One single financial instrument Possibility of using the same bodies for the implementation as for rural development One single Operational Programme covering all regions (no distinction between Convergence and non Convergence anymore) One EU co-financing rate of 75% One aid intensity of 50% directly benefitting the final beneficiary Wide use of simplified costs
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