B23-25 SIP Front Pages - Templates
B23-25 SIP Front Pages - Templates
B23-25 SIP Front Pages - Templates
Roll No.
MMS202224001/ MMS202224051/ MMS202224102
I, Mr./Ms. (name of the student) have completed the Summer Internship Project
“Title of the Study project” at the name of the company under the guidance of
Guide’s Name in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Master in Management Studies (MMS) of Mumbai University.
This is an original piece of work & I have neither copied and nor submitted it earlier
Student’s Name
Signature Signature
Guide Name Prof. Dr. DINESH GABHANE
(Faculty Guide) (Director- RGCMS)
Signature Signature
(Industry Guide) (External Examiner)
College Seal
This project has been a great learning experience for me. I take this opportunity to
thank (Guide name), my internal project guide, whose valuable guidance &
suggestions made this project possible. I am extremely thankful to him/her for all the
support. He/ She has encouraged me and channelized my enthusiasm effectively.
I express my heart-felt gratitude towards my parents, siblings and all those friends
who have willingly and with utmost commitment helped me during the course of my
project work.
I also express my profound gratitude to Dr. Dinesh Gabhane, Director of Rajeev
Gandhi College of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai for giving me the opportunity
to work on the projects and broaden my knowledge and experience.
I would like to thank all the faculty members and administrative staff of Rajeev
Gandhi College of Management Studies, especially the library staff who were very
helpful in providing books and articles I needed for my project.
Last but not least, I am thankful to all those who indirectly extended their cooperation
and invaluable support to me.
Write 1- 2 paragraphs related to the motive of the study & discuss major findings of
the same.
Chapters Contents Page Nos.
1 Introduction
2 Profile of the Organization
3 Literature Review
4 Research Methodology
Objectives of Study
Scope of the study
Research Design, Population, Sample, Primary
and Secondary Data
Use of Statistical techniques for data analysis
Limitations of the Study
5 Data Analysis & Interpretation
6 Findings
7 Conclusion
8 Recommendations
9 Bibliography