Ifr Swarup
Ifr Swarup
Ifr Swarup
I, SWARUP, undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled
work carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of Ms. Neha Dhammi.
I assert that the statements made, and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project work. I
further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of Bachelor of Business
Administration in this University.
Swarup Kedia
This to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work entitled
Swarup Kedia bearing Roll No. 20BBA2470 Carried by under my guidance and supervision
for the award of Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration of Chandigarh University.
III. Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the University
(Signature of the Supervisor)
Ms. Neha Dhammi
Assistant Professor
University School of Business,
Chandigarh University
Apart from the efforts of myself, the success of the project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude
to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of the project.
I would feel great pleasure in expressing my gratitude to Dr. Neha Dhammi (Assistant
Professor at University School of Business, Chandigarh University) for her guidance and
supervision as well as for providing and also for the support in completing the project.
Finally I also extend my heartiest thanks to my parents, friends and all well-wishers for being
with me and extending encouragement throughout the project.
Instructive administrations are generally conveyed by educators or teachers that make sense of,
tell, illustrate, administer, and direct learning. Guidance is granted in different settings, like
instructive establishments, the working environment, or the home, and through assorted
implies, like correspondence, TV, the Web, or other electronic and distance-learning strategies.
The preparation given by these foundations might incorporate the utilization of test systems
and recreation techniques. It very well may be adjusted to the specific necessities of the
understudies, for instance communication via gestures can trade verbal language for showing
understudies with hearing impedances. All businesses in the area share this shared trait of cycle,
in particular, work contributions of educators with the essential topic aptitude and ability to
The training area in India is developing quickly with enormous confidential people teaming up
with the public authority to foster this area. The public authority is likewise considering many
moves toward improve the nature of schooling in India. Essential training is expanding and
numerous worldwide schools are making their presence felt in India. Guardians are presently
eagerly enlisting their youngsters into worldwide schools for good quality instruction directly
from the essential level.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in
India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by the Government of India.
Established in 1929 by a resolution of the government, the Board was an experiment towards
inter-state integration and cooperation in the sphere of secondary education. There are more
than 27,000 schools in India and 240 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE.
All schools affiliated to CBSE follow the NCERT curriculum especially from class 9 to 12.
The current Chairperson of CBSE is Nidhi Chibber, IAS.
Diversity in the education system in the future is quite possible as there will be plenty of
technology that will be used in the education industry in the future. Students can study from
the schools as well as from their own house. It is very much accurate to say that online learning
is the future of education.
If we take a look at the Indian Education System since the time of Independence, it can broadly
be classified into 4 categories, namely:
This is one of India's most seasoned frameworks of tutoring, and its starting point traces all the
way back to 5000BC. In this school system, "Master" the educator and "Shishya," the
understudies have a consecrated relationship. The understudies either live with the Master or
someplace nearby. The substance of the Gurukul Framework was to show the understudies the
significance of:
a. Virtues
Aside from that the understudies additionally used to learn subjects like - Sanskrit, Maths, and
Science. Equivalent significance was given to the two scholastics and family errands with the
goal that the understudies mastered fundamental abilities. Reflection and Yoga were likewise
focal parts of this learning framework, which assisted them with keeping on track, propelled,
and excited, which assisted them with performing to their fullest potential.
During the Pre-Freedom Time, the Indian School System was exceptionally affected by the
English Raj.
English turned into the essential language for educating and correspondence. This period
established the groundwork of advanced education in India.
Post Freedom, the Indian Government set up numerous lofty foundations like NITs, and IITs.
The essential point was to give great schooling to match the norm of top of the line training
gave abroad. This was firmly trailed by the setting up of Government schools the nation over
to facilitate the entrance of value instruction to youngsters from both rustic and metropolitan
regions. Numerous confidential instructive foundations were laid out that gave great schooling
and different in-house offices, yet it was not effectively open for all in light of higher expenses.
Today, despite the fact that conventional study hall showing techniques are predominant in
many pieces of the country.
The presentation of shrewd classes, Cell phones, and other advanced gadgets and the fast
expansion in the entrance of the web in rustic and metropolitan regions has helped the
development of Ed-tech stages.
They are the new contestants and have previously surprised the instruction area with their
The year 1937 was an extended time of importance throughout the entire existence of schooling
in India. In that year, a choice of presenting Fundamental training in light of the instructive
thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi was taken following the distribution of the Wood Abbott report.
Mahatma Gandhi, through his articles in Harijan distributed during spring to Oct. 1937
demanded that manual and useful work shouldn't just be an extremity to the on-going useful
program of training yet the last option ought to be woven around the previous. By schooling
Mahatma Gandhi implied an overall coaxing out of the best in the kid. He recognized
proficiency and schooling. The extent of proficiency is restricted to perusing, composing and
calculation of numbers, while training is focused on improvement of the inside and out
character. As indicated by his way of thinking of training, it's anything but a course of filling
an unfilled pot with data. This would take care of the issue of funding instruction too, on the
grounds that the pay from the specialty would uphold the running expense of the schools.
The Zakir Hussain council called attention to that cutting edge instructive idea was basically
consistent on teaching the kids through some imaginative work. This approach was viewed as
the best strategy for giving a coordinated all sided instruction. The defence given was that the
dynamic idea of the youngster never concurred with the absolutely scholastic and hypothetical
guidance gave in the elementary schools. Also, the incorporated all sided schooling adjusts the
scholarly and functional components of involvement and fills in as an instrument of teaching
the body and the brain in coordination.
According to the instructive perspective, when the educational plan is connected with life and
its different viewpoints, including useful work, it gives degree to associating information
having a place with various branches of knowledge and give solidness to it.
In the strategy 1986, a regulation is made to give free, obligatory schooling up to the age of
fourteen for example up to centre norm for instance: perusing, composing, straightforward
arithmetic and a few information about our nation and society, these are some essential idea of
training. Likewise every one of these is a few essential requirements to turn into a productive
member of society and to get advanced education. This is a reality that the interest in the
essential training demonstrates exceptionally valuable in future. So our administration gives
very significance to essential instruction.
In the wake of giving the information about the essential idea of training, optional schooling
ought to likewise be given. There is no need that this kind of training ought to be given to all.
This sort of training incorporates professional instruction. Our administration has laid out some
instructional hubs to give this sort of training.
Advanced education is a vital piece of an improvement country. This kind of schooling is given
in schools, colleges and in preparing focuses. It additionally incorporates specialized
instruction. Be that as it may, it ought to be given to a couple of individuals.
Consequently we need to give the essential instruction to all, optional schooling to certain
individuals. Method for schooling ought to be partitioned by essential, auxiliary and advanced
education. Along these lines auxiliary and essential instruction ought to be quantitative and
advanced education ought to be quantitative.
In the crude society, there was no polarity among schooling and work. The extremely living
interaction was instruction for each person. His actual climate, social climate and the universe
of work around him gave every one of the encounters important to his endurance and
advancement of his character. In this manner, the main part of his schooling was through doing
and contribution in useful work and administrations. Subsequently, there was no lack of
concern for manual work back then and there was no differentiation between the scholarly
labourers and the manual specialists. Anyway the relational abilities were created by emulating
his relatives and his neighbours. Acquiring of information for the good of its own had little
importance for him. The different expressions implied for satisfying the divine beings and
information about improves living were communicated to him orally by his seniors, and he
remembered there by rehashing what he paid attention to.
In any case, step by step, as the singular families focused on gaining practical experience
specifically word related abilities, the display of social construction additionally different.
There was division of work which brought about the improvement of the class and station
framework in view of occupations. The people who were worried about scholarly and
scholastic pursuits were viewed as having a place with the higher request and the individuals
who were worried about manual work experienced a lower status. Gaining and administering
of proficiency and numeracy stayed the privilege of the Brahmins as it were. Subsequently, the
differentiation between the scholarly specialist and the manual labourer became particular. This
prompted the advancement of division between broad schooling and work. Be that as it may,
its impact was not up to this point coming to, on the grounds that even in the antiquated and
middle age social orders, division of work was less stamped and, surprisingly, the people who
sought after mentally one-sided non-formal as well as formal schooling, needed to do a wide
range of indoor as well as out-entryway manual work. All in all, the cleavage between the
universe of training and the universe of work was not as exceptionally wide as it turned out to
be later. There was no arrangement of any work schooling in these establishments, which kept
on serving the reason for the advantaged elites who detached themselves from the people who
were not taught in this framework. The results of such schooling system, likewise scorned
working with their hands and they needed to relies on their less lucky brethren for each sort of
manual work. Hence the partition between the scholarly specialists and the manual labourers
expanded further, and consideration of useful manual work overall instruction was opposed by
the previous.
The advantages of advancement of training aren’t reachable to the average folks. It is reachable
just to a few exceptional people or rich individuals. This is on the grounds that just of business
legation of training. A class of a few self centered unmitigated educators has been presenting
in the field of schooling. Yet, it is extremely fundamental the educator and instructed individual
ought to be more dependable and at risk to spread their instructive information to the
unfortunate understudies and masses. They shouldn't really focus on some unique class
understudies and rich people. They ought to make an honest effort to teach the unfortunate
understudies, kids and grown-ups. The advantages of instruction ought to be reachable to the
every single schooling willing individual.
The principal distinction between Government School and Private school originates from their
subsidizing and organization. As the names infer, government schools are directed and
subsidized by the nearby, state or public government though non-public schools are supported
entirely or incompletely by understudy educational cost and managed by a confidential body.
Non-public schools are free generally from the obstruction of the public authority. In light of
these two significant contrasts, other huge contrasts can be seen between government schools
and non-public schools.
Education has prime importance in the development of nations. The nations’ history is replete
with changes and revolutions in the field of education. The school organizations have become
the symbol of changes and revolutions in the industrialized world. The Government of Pakistan
from time to time tried its best to ensure the needs and aspirations of individuals as well as
society. In this regard, many steps have been taken to ensure that both human and material
resources are put together to get the true benefits of education. In the modern age, the schools
have become axis of modernization. According to Young, Green, Roehrich-Patrick, Joseph and
Gibson, (2003) school of modern age has become the model of easiness. Sufficient physical
facilities are being provided to impart quality education. The provision of physical facilities is
the sign of quality education both in public and private secondary schools. According to
Vandiver, (2011), conducive learning environment is blended of physical facilities provided to
schools. Moreover, physical facilities are the fundamental needs which lead students towards
their destination. However, student cannot get education only in classroom and we also cannot
make them smart by confining them into the four walls. Their learning can be enhanced through
interaction with internal and external environment.
India occupies a significant position in the global education sector. One of the world's largest
networks of institutions of higher learning is found in India. With almost 27% of India’s
population in the age group of 0-14 years, India’s education sector provides numerous
opportunities for growth.
The number of colleges in India stood at 42,343 in FY20. As of June 2022, the number of
universities in India stood at 1,047. India had 38.5 million students enrolled in higher education
in 2019-20, with 19.6 million male and 18.9 million female students. In FY20, Gross Enrolment
Ratio (GER) in Indian higher education was 27.1%.
The education sector in India was estimated to be worth US$ 117 billion in FY20 and is
expected to reach US$ 225 billion by FY25. The Indian edtech market size is expected to reach
US$ 30 billion by 2031, from US$ 700-800 million in 2021.
The online education sector in India is growing rapidly, with growth of US$ 2.28 billion
expected during 2021-2025, at a CAGR of almost 20%. Higher education institutes in India are
focusing on creating online programmes due to the increasing demand from consumers.
India’s large English-speaking population allows easy delivery of educational products. India
was ranked 48th out of 112 countries in the English Proficiency Index 2021. A total of 71
Indian institutions have been qualified for the Times Higher Education World University
Rankings 2022, up from 63 in 2020.
Aithal, P. S. and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2016), Education is the most important thing for
any country to develop and prosper. Education moulds the character and intelligence of
individuals. It also provides the talent and motivation to every person. The conventional
education system at higher education level is analogous to brick and mortar type business
system, where a student gets systematic education from college/University by personally
attending required courses regularly (Full time/part Time). However, the conventional
education system has many drawbacks and lot of improvements are expected in future days.
Sharma, S., & Sharma (2015), Higher education system plays an important role for the
country’s overall development which includes industrial, social, economic etc. Indian higher
education system is third largest in the world. The role of Indian higher educational institutes
such as colleges and universities in the present time is to provide quality based education in the
field of education, research etc. to empower youth for self-sustainability. This paper includes
the key challenges that India is currently facing in higher education and also includes some
initiatives taken by the government to meet those challenges.
Holmes, K. A., & Prieto-Rodriguez, E. (2018), The staff and student comments about the
interactive aspects of LMS are clearly less positive than those offered in relation to features
enabling accessibility and the survey results indicate that, apart from discussion boards and
quizzes, that most other interactive features had not been experienced at all by a large
proportion of staff and students. Students tended to look outside of the LMS environment to
other online interactive tools such as Face book for student-student interactions related to
coursework, primarily because of the ease of use of these tools in comparison to the interactive
LMS tools.
Kumar, Anuj & Ambrish (2015), Management of the Indian education faces challenges of
over centralisation, bureaucratic structures and lack of accountability, transparency, and
professionalism. As a result of increase in number of affiliated colleges and students, the
burden of administrative functions of universities has significantly increased and the core focus
on academics and research is diluted.
Nexus Novus (2016), the year 2012 witnessed 21.4 million enrolments, which makes India the
3rd largest educational system in the world. Unfortunately, the educational infrastructure of
India is inadequate to handle such huge volumes. In spite all the government spending in the
educational sector, it is just too insufficient to meet the growing requirements. Therefore,
higher Education sector has now been identified as one of the promising areas for private and
foreign investments. It offers immense investment opportunities in both non-regulated and
regulated segments.
Asia Khan (2015), mentioned that technological innovations in financial sector has brought a
revolution and completely changed financial scenario. Innovative financial products attract
customers because they have reduced transaction cost.
Awan and Majeed (2015), provided empirical support for a positive relationship between
business performance and the alignment of business strategy and MIS strategy. The above
studies were conducted in the context of large organizations.
KM (2018), Jasmine (2018), “A comparative on quality of education between private and
public funded universities in Chennai”. Public funded universities has good staffs there is no
up gradation of study material and technological facilities are unavailable to provide quality of
education as there is relatively less investment made ,whereas private institutions are profit
motive and wanted to give tough competition and to have long, high investment made
,upgradation of technological facilities & study material.
Rashmitha (2018), Jashmin (2018), “A comparative study on public and private funded
schools in Chennai”. They used both the primary and secondary data. A researchers find that
the parents prefer privet sector schools as compared to the public sector schools. Because they
believes that the public sector schools have comparatively less educational facilities and
unsuitable educational environment and think that a lack of efficient teacher are working in
public schools. So the 90%of parents are choosing private schools for communication skills,
career growth and standard infrastructure or quality education.
Rawat (2017), Rajput (2017), “A comparative study of quality of learning among students of
government and privet schools of Agra district”. They used both primary and secondary data.
They find that privet schools maintain much better standards and quality education than that of
government schools. The student of privet schools have guidance and rich or educated parents
therefore students do not differs in their learning or the other site the private school student are
in different social and monetary status. So difference happen in their learning front. Girl’s
students opt home science, arts subject and boys opt mathematics this make female to do better
in their learning than male.
To investigate the cause of the rapid growth of private schools and decline of public
schools system.
To compare the quality of education of both public and private schools.
To compare the government and private schools teacher attitude towards their
teaching profession.
To analysis the future challenges in both public & private schools system.
To compare the performance of public & private schools.
Physical facilities are requirements for providing quality education at secondary schools.
Generally, it is assumed that private sector schools are providing better quality education as
compared to public schools. This study was conducted to compare physical facilities at public
and private secondary schools. This results of this study will be useful for policy makers,
academicians, teachers and heads of educational institutions.
TYPE OF THE STUDY: We used primary data in this study and the data was collected from
selected respondents through a structured questionnaire and as well as secondary data was used.
TARGET POPULATION: The study involved collection of data from different categories of
respondents falling in age group falling Between 15 – 22.
RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory method is used in the research. Some of the data are
collected from the questionnaire made and the remaining data are gathered from the articles,
thesis, and other website.
SAMPLE OF THE STUDY: Sampling is an important factor which is responsible for the
accuracy of the results. Convenience sampling was adopted to collect primary data from the
respondents. 300 students from Chandigarh and Panchkula were selected to get filled close
ended questionnaire.
DATA COLLECTION TOOL: Data was collected by using questionnaire. It was developed on
the basis of 5-points Likert Scale. It contains following five options:
I: Strongly agree
2: Agree
3: Neutral
4: Disagree
5: Strongly Disagree.
DATA ANALYSIS: The collected data from the respective respondents through research
instruments were properly tabulated, analysed and interpreted by using appropriate statistical
tools in terms of frequency percentages and means score method to work out overall average
score of each item in the light of objectives of the study.
From the above table it is clear that 54% of the participants from group A are either strongly
agree or agree with the statement and 10% of the participants are neutral about it. While 36%
of the participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. On the other
hand, 49% of the participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement
and 8% of the participants are neutral on this statement. While 23% of the participants are
either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. The mean score for this statement (You
are able to understand the lecture taught by your teachers in the classroom) for group A is 3.27
and for group B is 3.06. These results also shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Understanding the lecture taught by teachers
50 45
45 43
40 37
35 32
30 29
15 12
strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Table 2: completion of the course in time
From the above table it is clear that 50% of the participants from group A are either strongly
agree or agree with the statement and 9% of the participants are neutral. While 42% of the
participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. On the other hand, 36%
of the participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement and 11%
of the participants are neutral. While 53% of the participants are either disagree or strongly
disagree with the statement. The mean score for the statement i.e., (Your participants complete
the course in time) for group A is 3.18 and for group B is 2.8. The same results are shown in
Figure 2.
50 47
35 32
30 28
20 16 16
15 13
strongly Agree Agree Neutral disagree strongly
Table 3: Monthly tests
The data in table it is clear that 30% of the participants from group A are either strongly agree
or agree with the statement and 12% of the participants are neutral. While 58% of the
participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. On the other hand, 22%
of the participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement and 18%
of the participants are neutral about it. While 60% of the teachers are either disagree or strongly
disagree with the statement. The mean score for this statement (Monthly tests are conducted
by your teachers) for group A is 2.57 and for group B is 2.4. These results are shown in Figure
50 47
40 37
24 25
20 16 17
strongly Agree Agree nuetral disagree strongly
Table 4: punishments by the teachers
The results in Table 4 shows that 34% of the participants from group A are either strongly
agree or agree with the statement and 2% of the participants are neutral about it. While 66% of
the participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. On the other hand,
72% of the participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement and
4% of the participants are neutral. While 24% of the participants are either disagree or strongly
disagree with the statement. The mean score for this statement (Students are punished by the
teachers in the class if they commit mistakes) for group A is 2.57 and for group B is 3.66. These
results also highlighted in Figure 4 also.
Figure 4: Punishments by the teachers
49 50
50 47
30 27
20 15
10 6
strongly Agree Agree Nuetral Disagree strongly
The results in table 5 show that 40% of the participants from group A are either strongly agree
or agree with the statement and 6% of the participants are neutral about it. Whereas 54% of the
participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. Conversely, 24% of the
participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement and 6% of the
participants are neutral. While 70% of the participants are either disagree or strongly disagree
with the statement. The mean score for this statement (Students are appreciated by the teachers
if they do good job) for group A is 2.56 and for group B is 2.39. These results are shown in
Figure 5 also.
Figure 5: Appreciation to students for good deeds
40 36
30 28
10 7
strongly Agree Agree Neutral disagree strongly
From the above table we learn that 40% of the participants from group A are either strongly
agree or agree with the statement and 14% of the participants are neutral. While 46% of the
participants are either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. In contrast, 22% of the
participants from group B are either strongly agree or agree with the statement and 18% of the
participants are neutral. Whereas 46% of the participants are either disagree or strongly
disagree with the statement. The mean score for this statement i.e. (Your school conducts the
parent teachers meeting (PTM) at the end of the month) for group A is 2.91 and for group B is
2.44. The same results are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Conduction of parent teachers meeting (PTM)
50 48
40 38
30 28
20 16
strongly Agree Agree neutral disagree strongly
The graph represent % enrolled in government and private schools. The enrolled figures for
two education sector from 2005 to 2015. X axis represent years and y axis represent percent
enrolled in both sector. In the year 2005 to 2015 private schools enrolment rate continue
increase, in 2005 enrolment rate is 35% and 2015 enrolment rate is 69% in private school. As
well as in government schools decline continuously. Where 45%enrollment rate in 2005 and
30% enrolment rate in 2015. That’s clearly prove the growth and decline of government and
private schools.
The reason of growth of private schools as time to time upgrade of technology and study
material and focus on quality education and other side public school system are decline because
they not update technology nor study material or quality on education.
Source: choosingschools.weebly.com
Figure 2 represents public opinion in both public as well as private schools
The graph represent public opinion in government & privet sector. This graph clearly show the
quality of privet education sector is much better than public education sector. On the graph in
better education private schools lead as compare than public school that the 49%. As well as in
term of better teaching private schools get48% and public schools get 18% and in term better
discipline private school get 69% and public schools get 9%. Lack of education quality,
teaching facility, discipline create impact on the learning of education. That the finding is
private schools have better qualified and professional teachers with positive attitude who are
motivated to student for quality learning practice and also have discipline and update
technology , infrastructure who are truly effect on education of student and learning system as
compare than public schools.
A quality education can develop when two condition are applied- first is the update in
knowledge & skills of existing teacher and second is newly appoint teacher with positive
attitude towards their profession. Attitudes towards profession mean that enjoy or dedicated
for their work & profession and believe that the update & reframe the skills or profession and
the profession are also helpful in social way. Teachers attitude are greatly impact on particular
persons behaviour. The study on find that the private school teachers have more favourable
attitude towards teaching as compare than public school teachers attitude.
A private school’s is autonomous & self-generate or create funding through various source like
that donation, tuition fees, national events and endowments. A public school operate through
government fund. The state government contribute funds through taxes like that income tax,
property tax, service tax etc. government invest only 3% GDP on education sector. Privet
school have freedom to choose their syllabus, set rules and public schools regulated according
to government. Private schools is self-generated fund as reason is they update technology,
quality of education, infrastructure facility, syllabus, transportation facilities. They conduct
skill development program lot of learning program for student to growth on student positive
attitude. Public schools are depends of government funds so that the limitation of fund they
don’t improve on technology, quality, infrastructure, syllabus. So that the finding is privet
schools have better performance as compare than public school performance.
India is developing country. It is the world’s largest democracy and continuous growing
country. In future education trend will be change and both public & privet need to adopt this
trend and update education according to trend. Both sector are need to improve or growth that’s
some are a big needy and some are too short and both are face challenges in future like that
funds, higher fee, languages, technology, wastage of resources, teachers development, a
healthy & sustainable future and suitable environment.
Public School principals teach arts or science subject when they get time and provide
instructional guidance to teachers through personal experience. They plan their daily activities,
and make school policies after seeking the suggestions from students, parents and particularly
teachers. They encourage their teachers to enhance their professional qualification. They
pointed out that lack of financial resources is the main problem. Public School has edge over
private school in terms of having highly qualified staff, standard building and playground.
Moreover, in public school syllabus is prepared according to the ideology of India while private
schools do not follow this policy strictly. Although government is encouraging expansion of
education in private sector but heads of public schools are reluctant to join them. Private
schools make their policies after getting feedback from parents, teachers and students when it
is required. All the principals provide the facilities of co-curricular activities for the personality
development of students. Teachers of public Schools are somehow independent whereas
private school teachers are bound to do work according to the will of Management. However,
future of private schools is bright because Government is promoting education in private sector.
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11. https://schooleducationharyana.gov.in/
12. https://www.ibef.org/
1. Name:
2. Age:
4. Block Name:
7. Management – Status
9. Type of school:
14. Your school conducts the parent teachers meeting (PTM) at the end of the month.
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
15. You are able to understand the lecture taught by your teachers in the classroom.
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
16. Your teachers complete the course in time
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
17. Monthly Tests are conducted by your teachers.
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
18. Students are punished by the teachers in the class if they commit mistakes.
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
19. Students are appreciated by the teachers if they do good job.
i) Strongly agree ii) Agree iii) Neutral iv) Disagree v) Strongly Disagree.
20. Total area of the school (in square meters)?
27. Do you have sufficient furniture in your school for teachers and students? Yes/No