Basketball Ground Rules
Basketball Ground Rules
Basketball Ground Rules
Its continued
success demands that the rules that govern the sport ensure that thegames are challenging and
exciting. At the same time, the officials must ensure that the rules do not provide opportunities
for one (1) team to gain an advantage over its opponents.
To achieve and maintain these objectives, it is important that all participants, players, especially
officials, have a thorough understanding of the rules as well as the underlying philosophy behind
1. Basketball teams should be capable of abiding by the rules and regulations of the game and
the implementing guidelines of the tournament.
2. All participating teams shall submit a list with at most Eighteen (18) eligible players. Of those,
only Fifteen (15) can play in every game; the remaining three are reserves, and each team may
use a different starting lineup of fifteen men each game. The players must be from the Eighteen
players pool. Qualified players must be bonafide residents of Itogon, Benguet, and registered
voters of their respective barangay. The age requirement are:
twelve (12) years old to sixteen (16) years old, eighteen (18) years old to twenty-one (21) years
old, and twenty-two (22) years old to thirty (30) years old. Changes of players, insertion or
replacement shall be done before JUNE 24, 2024.
- 12 yrs old - 16 yrs old
- 17 yrs old - 21 yrs old
- 22 yrs old - 30 yrs old
4. Only officially designated coaches shall occupy the designated benches allotted for this
purpose. Non players and non coaches are not allowed to sit on the bench.
5. Protest shall be made before or immediately after the game. The Captain Ball/Coach shall
notify the table officials that the game is under protest and shall affix his signature on the score
sheet. A written protest must be submitted within twenty- four (24) hours to formalize the protest.
6. The officials shall act as the sole judge of all protests. All decisions made are final and
7. Basketball team/s and athlete/s found to be under the influence of drugs and intoxicating
products will be meted one-game suspension on the first offense and the second offense,
suspension for the entire duration of the tournament. This rule includes tolerance of the
coaching staff.
8. Unsportsmanlike behavior (FIGHTING) shall be determined by the gravity of the offense and
upon a careful and thorough study of the Official Referees, a proper recommendation will be
submitted to the officials for corresponding sanctions or actions.
8.1. Spitting on the floor, player, referee management
8.2. Removing shoes during the game
8.3. Removing uniform during the game
8.4. Smoking
8.5. Continuous complaining
8.6. Others: Elbows
9. The referees and/or Table Officials can throw out, disqualify or suspend on thefollowing
a. Utterance of unprintable words towards recognized referee/s and official/s ofthe tournament.
b. Other unsportsmanlike attitude/s or act/s committed inside or outside thebasketball court.
10.Fifteen (15) minutes grace period for team appearance will apply for every
scheduled game. The non-appearance shall be declared a loss by default forforfeit.
12.FIBA amateur basketball rule will be applied throughout the entire tournament.
15.In case of a tie, the breaking factor will be – WINNER OVER THE OTHER, in caseof a triple