House in The Woods
House in The Woods
House in The Woods
goal of these challenges is to survive as long as possible against waves of zombies. The
number of zombies spawned each wave will increase.
The game is locked at midnight with a slight drizzle of rain. The following moodles are
disabled: hunger, thirst, boredom, unhappiness, stress, fatigue and wetness.
The cabin is the starting location for the player. Downstairs is a large entry/living room,
bathroom, kitchen/dining room, and upstairs is a mezzanine with a large bedroom.
Entry/living room
The entry/living room is where the player will spawn. There are 5 windows (2 north, 2
south, 1 west), 3 of which have curtains. On the south wall is a door leading outside, and
another to the north leading to the bathroom. There is a crate, wardrobe and shelves
which can contain items. On the west wall is a doorway leading to the kitchen, along with
a half wall/fence which can be vaulted over in an emergency if jogging. However, this will
result in the player tripping, and cannot be vaulted back over from the kitchen.
The bathroom contains a window to the north, of which has a curtain, along with a door
on the east wall, leading to the entry/living room.
The kitchen/dining room has a doorway on the west wall, leading to the entry/living room
and a door leading outside to the north. It has 3 windows (2 east and 1 south). There are 6
counters, 1 shelves and 1 stove, which can contain items.
Upstairs contains a large bedroom with the stairs on the western wall. There are 3 windows
(west, north and east), 2 of which have curtains. On the south-side is a railing which can be
vaulted over to the first floor in an emergency, causing some damage. There is a crate,
shelves, sidetable and dresser, which can contain items.
The shed is located to the south-west of the cabin. Inside are 3 windows (north, south and
east) and a door on the east side. Inside are 3 metal shelves and 4 crates.
The shelter is to the east of the cabin, and does not have any room definition. 5 crates can
be found here.
Last Stand
You can hear them approaching. Hordes of deadheads, encroaching on your
isolated cabin from every angle. Death is inevitable, but a shotgun is close-at-
The last stand challenge features endless waves of zombies that continuously chase after
the player. The goal is to survive as long as possible. Around the cabin is a number of
weapons and useful items, along with furniture which can be used to temporarily block off
The player will start with some skills, which are added on top of any gained
during character creation.
The below is the player's starting skills, regardless of occupation and traits.
Skill Level
Fitness 10
Strength 10
Sprinting 1
Nimble 2
Axe 3
Long Blunt 4
Aiming 2
Reloading 3
This challenge utilizes the various crates found around the map, by giving some of them
unique loot. All containers will still follow normal loot spawning mechanics.
Loot in containers does not replenish, making it difficult to survive for a long time.
However, zombies will still spawn in outfits or with weapons impaled in them, making
them a viable source of weapons and protective clothing.
*These containers do not exist on the map, but are defined in the game code. These coordinates
are likely a bug, and intended to be the shed and shelter.
Zombie logic
Zombies will be attracted to the player as normal, however they also have a 'tracking'
mechanic which updates their aggro target to the player's location if they don't have an
aggro target, such as if they reach the location of their previous aggro target. Therefore, if
the player stays mobile, quiet and out of sight, they can reduce the number of zombies they
encounter at a time.
When zombies first spawn, their aggro target will be the center of the cabin, causing them
to begin thumping at doors and windows until they reach their target, or are attracted by
something else, such as the player.
Wave mechanics
Zombies spawn in groups of 2, just inside the treeline, approximately 50 tiles from the
cabin, giving the player some time to prepare, even after a wave has started. The first wave
will begin instantly.
Waves will continue to tick over, regardless of whether all the zombies from previous
waves have been killed yet. The time between each wave will increase by approximately
8.5 seconds per wave, with wave 2 starting approximately 75 seconds after wave 1.
The number of groups that spawn increases each wave, up until wave 16. Upon spawning
what would be wave 17, an error will occur and reset the wave counter to 1. The number of
zombie groups that spawn each wave can be seen in the below table.