M23MCAL208-Java With Mini Project

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Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001


Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU

Competency Based Syllabus Design

JAVA Programming Lab with Mini- Project (M23MCAL208)
(Under Outcome Based Education (OBE) and
Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS))

Offered in 1st Year- 2nd Semester of Study

Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Master’s Degree in

Master of Computer Applications

Scheme Effective from the academic year 2023-24

Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001 OOP with JAVA

Index Description Page No

1 Prerequisites 3

2 Competencies 3-4

3 Syllabus 5-7

4 Syllabus Timeline 7-8

5 Teaching-Learning Process Strategies 8

6 Assessment Details 8-9

7 Learning Objectives 9-10

8 Course Outcomes and Mapping with POs/ PSOs 10

9 Assessment Plan 10-11

10 Future with this Subject 11-12

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Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001 OOP with JAVA

OOP with JAVA (M23MCA202)

1. Prerequisites (A minimum of five prerequisites may be written)

S/L Proficiency Prerequisites

 Variables, data types, and operators
 Control structures (if-else, switch, loops)
Basic Java  Arrays and collections (ArrayList, HashMap)
1. 1 Syntax and
Concepts Familiar with general coding concepts like variables, basic data types,
Conditional Statements, Looping, Functions, creation of source file,
compilation process, program execution techniques
Oriented Familiar with Classes and objects, Inheritance, polymorphism,
2. 2
Programming encapsulation, and abstraction, Interfaces and abstract classes
3. 3 Familiar with Try-catch blocks, Creating custom exceptions
g of
Basic of Introduction to JavaFX or Swing (if your project includes a
User Interface
4. 4 GUI). JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), CRUD operations (Create,
Read, Update, Delete)
, Basic
Familiar with Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ
IDEA or Eclipse. Programming tools like assemblers, compilers,
5. 5 linkers translate, flowchart, algorithms which can be used to form a
program from a human write-able and readable source language into
the bits and bytes that can be executed by a computer.

2. Competencies (A minimum of four competencies may be written)

S/L Competency KSA Description
1. 1 Introduction Knowledge:
to Object Importance of Object Orientation Concepts.
Oriented Understanding of the basics of Object Orientation Programming.
Concepts Skills:
Ability to apply Object Orientation Concepts to create objects using
appropriate structure.

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Appreciation to understand the importance of object orientation
perspective and implement the same at basic level.
Understanding of basic elements of programming specific to Java
Basics of Java program execution.
Basic of Skills:
2. 2 Programmin Designing basic Java program using basic elements of programming
g language.
Creating and executing simple Java programs.
Appreciation for the role of Java programming elements and its
Understanding how classes are defined with data members and
Java Classes Skills:
3. 3 and its Designing of classes for real world objects.
methods Defining appropriate attributes and methods for classes.
Valuing the importance of classes and its methods in line with real-
world objects.
Understanding the importance of code reusability through classes and
methods reusability.
Applying concepts of object orientation with classes and methods.
4. 4 of Classes
Describing the actually importance of reusability through
and Methods
Openness to learning and using object orientation concepts to achieve
code reusability.
5. 5 Exceptions Knowledge:
and Understanding of issues with exceptions.
Handling the Skills:
Exceptions Implementing how to handle the exceptions through appropriate Java
programming construct.
Appreciation for the way exception is handled and making the

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execution of program in control.

Understanding the characteristics and importance of parallel execution
Multi- of a task.
Threaded Skills:
6. 6
Programmin Designing and analyzing the parallel execution using thread concepts.
g Implementing multi-thread concepts.
Recognizing the significance of flip-flops in sequential logic circuits

3. Syllabus

JAVA Programming Lab with Mini Project

Course Code M23MCAL208 CIE Marks 50
Number of Lecture Hours/Week(L: T: P: S) (0:3:3:0) SEE Marks 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50 Hours Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
 To understand the Java syntax, semantics, and basic programming constructs.
 To understand core principles of OOP, including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and
 To gain knowledge on: packages, multithreaded programing and exceptions.
 To engage students in a mini-project to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting.
Part A
1 Write Programs using constructor and destructor.
2 Creation of classes and use of different types of functions.
3 Count the number of objects created for a class using static member function.
4 Write programs on interfaces.
5 Write programs on packages.
6 Write programs using function overloading.
7 Programs using inheritance.
8 Programs using IO streams.
9 Programs using files.
10 Write a program using exception handling mechanism.
11 Programs using AWT
12 Programs on swing.
13 Programs using JDBC.

Part B

Implement mini project using all the Java concepts studied in the course of M23MCA202.

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Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001 OOP with JAVA

Following are some of the examples for Mini-projects:

(a) Railway reservation system
(b) Payroll management system
(c) Supermarket billing system
(d) Telephone directory system
Only one Mini-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned to
Mini - Project Topic Selection, Approval, Report Writing and Evaluation:
1. The number of students per mini-project may be minimum THREE (03) and maximum
FOUR (04).
2. Topic selection and approval by faculty from the Department.
3. Brief synopsis not more than two pages to be submitted by the team as per the format
given. It is recommended that students to do prior search as part of literature survey
before submitting the synopsis for the Mini- projects
4. The team must submit a brief project report (20-25 pages) with following contents shall
be prepared:
 Title
 Introduction
 Scope of the work
 Problem Statement
 Selection of materials, calculations
 Casting/Testing/Modelling Procedures
 Results & Discussions
 Conclusions
 References
5. Mini – project assessment must be based on the overall performance of the student with
every experiment graded/ Marks award from time to time.
6. The ‘Practical and Oral’ examination will be based on (a) the final project reports
(maximum 05 marks), (b) projects presentation (maximum 05 marks), (c) demonstration
of the projects(maximum 10 marks), and (d) questions and answers during Oral
(maximum 05 marks)

Part A: The student should have experience implementing basic programming constructs like
control structures, constructors, string handling, garbage collection and implementation of
inheritance, Etc.
Part B: Each students has to execute one program picked from Part-A during the semester end
examination. In CIE/SEE Part-A and Part-B shall be given 50% weightage each.

4. Syllabus Timeline
Syllabus Timeline
S/ (No. of weeks should be Description (Write the proposed syllabus coverage in detail
L as you have in the with maximum of 5 lines)

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Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001 OOP with JAVA

Week 1-2: Introduction Basic Java Programming,Java Programming basic constructs

1 to Java, Variables in and applying basic programming constructs in Java execution
Java&Arrays environment.
Week 3-4: Operators,
Java Looping Constructs and Java Classes, Basics of Java
2 Classes with looping constructs and Designing and
Implementing Classes in Java and Looping constructs.
n to Classes
Class Methods with Polymorphism and Access Control, using
Week 5-6: Methods, methods in Java Classes and accessing the members and class
3 Polymorphism&Access using appropriate access control with polymorphism and
Control designing and implementing class methods through
polymorphism and access mechanism.
Inheritance with Packages and Interfaces,Importance of
Week 7-8: Inheritance, Inheritance, Use of Packages and Interfaces and Applying the
Packages&Interfaces concept of Inheritance with Classes, creating package and
importing the same with interfaces.
Week 9-10: Exceptions- Exceptions, Exception-handling & Introduction to multi-
Handling& Introduction threading concepts, Understanding Exception, handling
to Multithreaded exceptions and basics of multi-threading and Implementing
Programming exception handlers by creating threads.
Understanding multi-threaded concepts with synchronization
Week 11-12:
and inter-thread communications and Implementing and
6 Multithreaded
managing multi-threaded concepts through synchronization
and inter-thread communications.

5. Teaching-Learning Process Strategies

S/ TLP Strategies: Description
Lecture Method Utilize various teaching methods within the lecture format to
reinforce competencies.
Incorporate visual aids like image/videos/animations to
2 Animation
enhance understanding of programming constructs.

Encourage collaborative learning for improved competency

3 Collaborative Learning
Higher Order Thinking
Pose HOTS questions to stimulate critical thinking related to
4 (HOTS) Questions:
each competency.

Programming-Based Implement PBL to enhance analytical skills and practical

Learning (PBL) application of competencies

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Discuss practical applications to connect theoretical concepts

6 with real-world competencies.

Flipped Class Utilize a flipped class approach, providing materials before

Technique class to facilitate deeper understanding of competencies
Programming Assign programming tasks to reinforce practical skills
Assignments associated with competencies.

6. Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam
(SEE) is 50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum
passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of SEE. A student shall be deemed to have
satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the
student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.

Continuous Internal Evaluation:

1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities,
will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
as per the outcome defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

1. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be
proportionately reduced to 50.
2. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
3. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four
sub-questions) from each module.
4. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
5. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each

7. Learning Objectives
S/L Description
1 Understanding Students will grasp the fundamental concepts of Java Programming,

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basic Java
Programming including basic constructs.
Students will learn to design and implement basic and simple Java
2 simple basic
Java Programs
Proficiency in Students will become proficient in understanding and applying the
3 Java Specific Java specific constructs to improve the efficiency of Java
Constructs programming logics.
Programming- Through program execution-based learning, students will undergo the
Based Learning demonstration of Java programming constructs working principles.
Students will understand the ethical and professional responsibilities
Ethical and
associated with Java Programming, including respecting intellectual
5 Professional
property rights, ensuring design reliability and security, and adhering
to industry standards and best practices.

8. Course Outcomes (COs) and Mapping with POs

Course Outcomes (COs)

COs Description
CO-1 Understand and apply the basic programming constructs.

CO-2 Apply the structure of classes and methods in Java programming

CO-3 Analyze the different programming constructs of Java and its effectiveness
in improving the efficiency of Java programs.
CO-4 Implement appropriate Java programming constructs to solve real-world
problem sample scenarios.
CO-PO Mapping
COs/POs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3
9. Assessment Plan

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Ref: MITM/MCA/CBS/2023-24/001 OOP with JAVA

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 Total
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Total 50

Semester End Examination (SEE)

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 Total
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Total 100

10. Future with this Subject

The "Digital System Design using Verilog" course in the third semester of the B.E program lays a
strong foundation for several future courses in the undergraduate program. The contributions of this
subject extend across various areas, enhancing the students' understanding and skills in the field of
digital systems. Here are some notable contributions:
 Advanced Digital Design Courses: The knowledge gained in this course, covering principles of
combinational and sequential logic, flip-flops, and Verilog HDL, serves as a prerequisite for more
advanced courses in digital design. Students can delve deeper into topics such as FPGA-based
design, advanced digital system architectures, and high-performance digital systems.
 Embedded Systems: Understanding Verilog and its application in digital system design is crucial for
students pursuing courses related to embedded systems. The ability to model, simulate, and
synthesize digital systems using Verilog is directly applicable in the design and implementation of
embedded systems.
 VLSI Design: The course provides a solid foundation for students interested in pursuing VLSI (Very
Large Scale Integration) design courses. The principles of combinational and sequential logic, along
with the skills in using Verilog for structural and behavioral descriptions, are essential for designing
complex integrated circuits.
 Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Students specializing in DSP benefit from the course by gaining
insights into the fundamentals of digital logic and Verilog. This knowledge becomes instrumental
when working on DSP algorithms, hardware implementations, and the design of specialized digital
signal processors.
 Computer Architecture and Organization: The course contributes to the understanding of
computer organization and architecture. Concepts such as binary adders, decoders, and multiplexers

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are foundational to the study of computer architecture, providing insights into how digital systems
are organized and interconnected.
 Advanced Programming Courses: Students pursuing courses in advanced programming, especially
those related to hardware programming or system-level programming, can leverage their knowledge
of Verilog for hardware description and simulation. This understanding is valuable when working on
software-hardware co-design projects.
 Project Work and Research: The hands-on experience gained through programming assignments,
problem-solving, and project work in digital system design using Verilog prepares students for more
extensive projects in their later years. It equips them with the skills needed for research in the field of
digital systems.
 Industry Applications: The course provides practical skills that are directly applicable in industries
related to digital system design, VLSI, embedded systems, and more. Graduates are well-prepared to
contribute to industries developing digital hardware and systems.
In summary, the "Digital System Design using Verilog" course serves as a stepping stone, equipping
students with foundational knowledge and skills that are essential for the subsequent courses in their
B.E program and for their future careers in various technology-related fields.

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