6e4b D.PharmaSyllabus
6e4b D.PharmaSyllabus
6e4b D.PharmaSyllabus
(w.e.f. Academic Session 2014)
Bareilly-Lucknow NH-24, Bareilly
Pharmacy Knowledge: Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge
associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences;
behavioral, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.
Planning Abilities: Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource
management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work
to meet deadlines.
Problem analysis: Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically,
while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply
information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.
Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern
pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
Leadership skills: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership
and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal
responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to
facilitate improvement in health and well- being.
Professional Identity: Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in
society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
Pharmaceutical Ethics: Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social
contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication
and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take
responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
Communication: Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such
as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation,
and give and receive clear instructions.
The Pharmacist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self- assess and use feedback
effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an ongoing basis.
Course Structure: Diploma in Pharmacy
Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-I)
(2 Year Programme)
Course (Hours)
S. No Credit
Code Subject Name
1 DPH101 Pharmaceutics-I 3 - - 3
3 DPH103 Pharmacognosy 3 - - 3
1. DPH151 Pharmaceutics-I - - 3 2
3. DPH153 Pharmacognosy - - 3 2
Total 16 15 26
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH101 75 Hrs
1. Introduction of different dosage forms. Their classification with examples - their relative
applications. Familiarization with new drug delivery systems.
2. Introduction to Pharmacopoeias with special reference to the Indian Pharmacopoeia.
3. Metrology–Systems of weights and measures. Calculations including conversion from one
to another system. Percentage calculations and adjustments of products. Use of alligation
method in calculations, Isotonic solutions.
4. Packing of Pharmaceuticals–Desirable features of a container–type of containers. Study
of glass and plastics as materials for containers and rubber as material for closures-their merits
and demerits. Introduction to aerosol packaging.
5. Size reduction Objectives, and factors affecting size reduction, methods of size reduction–
Study of Hammer mill, Ball mill, Fluid Energy Mill and Disintegrator.
6. Size separation–Size separation by sifting. Official Standard for powders. Sedimentation
methods of size separation. Construction and working of cyclone separator.
7. Mixing and Homogenization–Liquid mixing and powder mixing, Mixing of semisolids,
Study of Silverson Mixer–Homogenizer, Planetary Mixer; Agitated powder mixer; Triple
Roller Mill; Propeller Mixer, Colloid Mill and Hand Homogeniser. Double cone mixer.
8. Clarification and Filtration –Theory of filtration, Filter media; Filter aids and selection of
filters. Study of the following filtration equipments–Filter Press, Sintered Filters, Filter
Candles, Metafilter.
9. Extraction and Galenicals
a. Study of percolation and maceration and their modification, continuous hot
extraction– Applications in the preparation of tinctures and extracts.
b. Introduction to Ayurvedic dosage forms.
10. Heat processes Evaporation–Definition Factors affecting evaporation –Study of
evaporating still and Evaporating Pan.
11. Distillation–Simple distillation and Fractional distillation; Steam distillation and vacuum
distillation. Study of vacuum still, preparation of Purified Water I.P. and water for injection
I.P. Construction and working of the still used for the same.
12. Introduction to drying processes–Study of Tray Dryers: Fluidized Bed Dryer, Vacuum
Dryer and Freeze Dryer.
13. Sterilization–Concept of sterilization and its differences from disinfection –Thermal
resistance of micro–organisms. Detailed study of the following sterilization process.
Invertis Institute of Pharmacy, Invertis University, Bareilly, U.P
Course Structure: Diploma in Pharmacy
i. Sterilization with moist heat.
ii. Dry heat sterilization,
iii. Sterilization by radiation,
iv. Sterilization by filtration and
v. Gaseous sterilization.
Aseptic techniques. Application of sterilization processes in hospitals particularly with
reference to surgical dressings and intravenous fluids. Precautions for safe and effective
handling of sterilization equipment.
14. Processing of Tablets-Definition; Different types of compressed tablets and their properties.
Processes involved in the production of tablets; Tablets excipients; Defects in tablets. Evaluation
of Tablets; Physical Standards including Disintegration and Dissolution. Tablet coating–sugar
coating; film coating, enteric coating and microencapsulation (Tablet coating may be dealt in an
elementary manner.)
15. Processing of Capsules–Hard and soft gelatin capsules; different sizes capsules; filling of
capsules; handling and storage of capsules, Special applications of capsules.
16. Study of immunological products like sera vaccines, toxoids & their preparations.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH151 100 Hrs
Preparations (minimum number stated against each of the following categories
illustrating different techniques involved)
1. Aromatic water 3
2. Solutions 4
3. Spirits 2
4. Tinctures 4
5. Extracts 2
6. Creams 2
7. Cosmetic preparations 3
8. Capsules 2
9. Tablets 2
10. Preparations involving sterilization 2
11. Ophthalmic preparations 2
12. Preparations involving aseptic techniques 2
Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
Know the history of profession of pharmacy
Understand the basics of different dosage forms and Preparation of various conventional
dosage forms.
To know various unit operations used in Pharmaceutical industries.
To understand the material handling techniques.
To perform various processes involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing process.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH102 75 Hrs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I
Subject: Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I Subject Code: DPH-102
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH152 75 Hrs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH103 75 Hrs
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH153 75 Hrs
1. Identification of drugs by morphological characters.
2. Physical and chemical tests for evaluation of drugs wherever applicable.
3. Gross anatomical studies (t.s.) of the following drugs : senna, datura, cinnamon,
cinchona, coriander, fennel, clove, ginger, nuxvomica, ipecacuanha.
4. Identification of fibers and surgical dressings.
Course Outcome:
1. Information about the use of medicinal plants as a source of drugs for treatment of disease.
2. Helps in developing the procedure for adulteration and evaluation of drugs.
3. Information about classification of drugs.
4. Information about mechanism of action of drugs used for treatment of disease.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH104 50 Hrs
Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology
Objectives: Biochemistry deals with complete understanding of the molecular levels of the
chemical process associated with living cells. The scope of the subject is providing biochemical
facts and the principles to understand metabolism of nutrient molecules in physiological and
pathological conditions.
1. Introduction to biochemistry.
2. Brief chemistry and role of carbohydrates, classification, qualitative tests. Diseases
related to carbohydrate metabolism.
3. Brief chemistry and role of proteins, polypeptides and amino acids, classification,
qualitative tests, biological value, deficiency diseases.
4. Role of minerals and water in life processes.
5. Brief chemistry and role of lipids, classification, qualitative tests. Diseases related to
lipid metabolism.
6. Brief chemistry and role of vitamins and coenzymes.
7. Enzymes—brief concept of enzymatic action and factors affecting it, therapeutic and
pharmaceutical importance.
8. Brief concept of normal and abnormal metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
9. Introduction to pathology of blood and urine.
(a) Lymphocytes and platelets, their role in health and disease.
(b) Erythrocytes, abnormal cells and their significance.
(c) Abnormal constituents of urine and their significance in diseases.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH154 75 Hrs
Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology
1. Detection and identification of proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
2. Analysis of normal and abnormal constituents of blood and urine (glucose, urea, creatine,
creatinine, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT,
calcium, diastase, lipase).
3. Examination of sputum and faeces (microscopic & staining).
4. Practice in injecting drugs by intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous routes,
withdrawal of blood samples.
Course outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. To understand the catalytic role of enzymes, importance of enzyme inhibitors in design of new
drugs, therapeutic and diagnostic applications of enzymes.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH105 75 Hrs
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Objective: This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure and
functions of the various systems of the human body. It also helps in understanding both
homeostatic mechanisms. The subject provides the basic knowledge required to understand the
various disciplines of pharmacy.
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH155 50 Hrs
Human Anatomy and Physiology
1. Study of the human skeleton.
2. Study with the help of charts and models, of the following system and organs:
(a) Digestive system (b) Respiratory system
(c) Cardiovascular system (d) Urinary system
(e) Reproductive system (f) Nervous system
(g) Eye (h) Ear
3. Microscopic examination of ephithelial tissue, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, skeletal
muscle. Connective tissue and nervous tissues.
4. Examination of blood films for TLC, DLC and malarial parasite.
5. Determination of clotting time of blood, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
haemoglobin value.
6. Recording of body temperature, pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and ECG.
Coarse outcome:
D.Pharm (Part-I)
DPH106 50 Hrs
Health Education and Community Pharmacy
Objectives: The main purpose of this particular subject is to make the students understand about
the health and hygiene. About how to tae are of their health and ways to protect their health and
body from the harmful foreign organisms. This subject includes the knowledge of the medicines
about how to store the medicine and how to establish any drug store with a registered
1. Concept of health—definition of physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual
health, determinants of health, indicators of health, concept of disease, natural history of
diseases, the disease agents, concept of prevention of diseases.
2. Nutrition and health—classification of foods, requirements, diseases induced due to
deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals—treatment and prevention.
3. Demography and family planning—demography cycle, fertility, family planning,
contraceptive methods, behavioral methods, natural family planning methods, chemical
methods, mechanical methods, hormonal contraceptives, population problem of India.
4. First aid—emergency treatment in shock, snake bite, burns, poisoning, heart disease,
fractures and resuscitation methods. Elements of minor surgery and dressings.
5. Environment and health—sources of water supply, water pollution, purification of water,
health and air, noise, light—solid waste disposal and control-medical entomology, arthropod
borne diseases and their control, rodents, animals and diseases.
6. Fundamental principles of microbiology—classification of microbes, isolation, staining
techniques of organisms of common diseases.
7. Communicable disease—causative agents, modes of transmission and prevention.
(a) Respiratory infections—chicken pox, measles, influenza, diptheria, whooping
cough and tuberculosis.
(b) Intestinal infections—poliomyelitis, hepatitis, cholera, typhoid, food
poisoning, hookworm infection.
(c) Arthropod borne infections—plague, malaria, filariasis.
(d) Surface infections—rabies, trachoma, tetanus, leprosy.
(e) Sexually transmitted diseases—syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS
8. Non-communicable diseases—causative agents, prevention, care and control. Cancer,
diabetes, blindness, cardiovascular diseases.
9. Epidemiology—scope, methods, uses, dynamics of disease transmission, immunity and
immunisation, immunological products and their dose schedule. Principles of disease control
and prevention, hospital acquired infection, prevention and control. Disinfection, types of
disinfection procedures, for faeces, urine, sputum, room linen, dead bodies and instruments.
1. N.S. Parmar; Health Education and Community Pharmacy; CBS Publishers.
Course outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to understand the following points-
Understand the basic knowledge about the drugs and dosage forms.
Students is able to understand the proper way to establish and maintain a drug store.
Students and made to understand the role of a community pharmacist and the basic knowledge
of a proper setup of the medicines.
Students are made to understand about the ways to keep themselves fit by maintaining their
personal hygiene and the use alcohol based soaps, sanitizer and wipes to keep them safe from
Course Structure: Diploma in Pharmacy
Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II)
(2 Year Programme)
S. No Course Code Credit
Subject Name
1 DPH 251 Pharmaceutics-II - - 3 2
Total 17 12 25
Diploma in Pharmacy (Part-II)
(2 Year Programme)
S. No Course Code Credit
Subject Name
1 DPH 251 Pharmaceutics-II - - 3 2
Total 17 12 25
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH201 75 Hrs
Objectives: This course is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge of pharmacy and various
pharmaceutical dosage forms on the performance of the drug product
5. Dispensing Pharmacy:
Prescriptions: Reading and understanding of prescription; latin terms commonly used
(detailed study is not necessary), modern methods of prescribing, adoption of metric
system, calculations involved in dispensing.
a Incompatibilities in prescriptions: Study of various types of incompatibilities—
physical, chemical and therapeutic.
a Posology: Dose and dosage of drugs, factors influencing dose, calculations of doses
on the basis of age, sex and surface area, veterinary doses.
vi. Dispensed Medications:
(Note: A detailed study of the following dispensed medication is necessary. Methods of
preparation with theoretical and practical aspects, use of appropriate containers and
closures, special labeling requirements and storage conditions should be highlighted).
17. Powders: Types of powders, advantages and disadvantages of powders, granules,
cachets and tablet triturates. Preparation of different types of powders encountered in
prescriptions. Weighing methods, possible errors in weighing, minimum weighable amount and
weighing of a material below the minimum weighable amount, geometric dilution and proper
e and care of dispensing balance.
18. Liquid oral dosage forms:
3. Monophasic—theoretical aspects including commonly used vehicles, essential
adjuvants like stabilizers, colourants and flavours, with examples.
Review of the following monophasic liquids with details of formulation
and practical methods.
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH251 100 Hrs
Dispensing of at least 100 products covering a wide range of preparations such as mixtures,
emulsions, lotions, liniments, ENT preparations, ointments, suppositories, powders,
incompatible prescriptions etc.
Course Outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
To Know the various pharmaceutical dosage forms and their manufacturing techniques.
To Understand the basics of pharmaceutical calculations and factors influencing dose of drug..
To Formulate liquid and semisolid dosage forms and evaluate them for their Quality.
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH202 100 Hrs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II
300 3
Objective: This subject deals with classification and nomenclature of simple organic
compounds, intermediates forming in reactions, important physical properties, reactions and
methods of preparation of these compounds. The syllabus also emphasizes on pharmaceutical
organic compounds with nomenclature and their properties.
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH252 75 Hrs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II
003 2
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH203 75 Hrs
Pharmacology and Toxicology
300 3
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH253 50 Hrs
Pharmacology and Toxicology
003 2
The first six of the following experiments will be done by the students while the
remaining will be demonstrated by the teacher.
18. Effect of potassium and calcium, acetylcholine and adrenaline on frog’s heart.
19. Effect of acetylcholine on rectus abdominis muscle of frog and guinea pig ileum.
20. Effect of spasmogens and relaxants on rabbits intestine.
21. Effect of local anaesthetics on rabbit cornea.
22. Effect of mydriatics and miotics on rabbit eye.
23. To study the action of strychnine on frog.
24. Effect of digitalis on frogs heart.
25. Effect of hypnotics in mice.
26. Effect of convulsants and anticonvulsants in mice or rats.
27. Test for pyrogens.
28. Taming and hypnosis potentiating effect of chlorpormazine in mice/rats.
29. Effect of diphenhydramine in experimentally produced asthma in guinea pigs.
Course outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to
Understand the mechanism of drug action and its relevance in the treatment of different
Demonstrate isolation of different organs/tissues from the laboratory animals by simulated
Demonstrate the various receptor actions using isolated tissue preparation
Appreciate correlation of pharmacology with related medical sciences
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH204 50 Hrs
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
200 2
Objectives: This subject is intended to impart the fundamental knowledge regarding the laws
regulating the profession of pharmacy in India. It includes all the acts and rules thereof
mentioned in the constitution of India. Drug and Cosmetic act and rules Pharmacy act, Medical
termination of pregnancy act, Magic remedies act.
3. Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation in India, its scope and objectives.
Evolution of the ―Concept of Pharmacy‖ as an integral part of the health care system.
4. Principles and significance of professional ethics. Critical study of the code of
pharmaceutical ethics drafted by Pharmacy Council of India.
5. Pharmacy Act, 1948—the general study of the Pharmacy Act with special reference to
education regulations, working of state and central councils, constitution of these
councils and functions, registration procedures under the Act.
6. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940—general study of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and
the rules there under. Definitions and salient features related to retail and wholesale
distribution of drugs. The powers of inspectors, Sampling Procedure and formalities in
obtaining licences under the rule. , Facilities to be provided for running a pharmacy
effectively. General study of the schedules with special reference to schedules C, C1, F,
G, J, H, P and X and salient features of labeling and storage conditions of drugs.
7. The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954—general study of
the act, objectives, special reference to be laid on advertisements, magic remedies and
objectionable and permitted advertisements, diseases which cannot be claimed to be cured.
8. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985-a brief study of the act with
special reference to its objectives, offences and punishment
9. Brief introduction to the study of the following acts:
Latest drugs (price control) order in force
Poisons Act 1919 (as amended to date)
Medicinal and toilet preparations (excise duties) Act, 1955 (as amended to date).
Medical termination of pregnancy act, 1971 (as amended to date).
Course outcome:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to understand the following points-
Understand the basic knowledge about the laws and at related to the medicine.
Students is able to understand the legal ways of marketing the drugs in India
Students are made to understand the Patent act and the ways to protect their intellectual
property rights. Student performing any research is able to get his/her invention patented.
Students are made professionals in any act, rules and regulations regarding the import, export,
marketing and the sales of drugs in India.
Course Structure: Diploma in Pharmacy
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH205 75 Hrs
Drug Store and Business Management
Objectives: This subject is intended to impart the fundamental knowledge on various aspects
of manufacturing, development, marketing and distribution of drug products including quality
assurance of these activities. Major objective of this subject is to manage the –
The Right quality
Right quantity of supplies
At the Right time
At the Right place
For the Right cost
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH206 75 Hrs
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
Objective: In the changing scenario of pharmacy practice in India, for successful practice of
Hospital Pharmacy, the students are required to learn various skills like drug distribution, drug
information, and therapeutic drug monitoring for improved patient care. In community Pharmacy,
students will be learning various skills such as dispensing of drugs, responding to minor ailments
by providing suitable safe medication, patient counseling for improved patient care in the
community set up.
D.Pharm (Part-II)
DPH256 75 Hrs
Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
Course Outcome: Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to
1. To know various drug distribution methods in a hospital
2. To appreciate the pharmacy stores management and inventory control
3. To monitor drug therapy of patient through medication chart review.
4. To identify drug related problems & detect and assess adverse drug reactions
5. To know pharmaceutical care services & do patient counseling in community pharmacy;
6. To appreciate the concept of Rational drug therapy.