Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharma)

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Bachelor of Pharmacy

(B Pharma)



First Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Four year integrated course)

Maximum Marks
Papers Internal Annual
code Total Marks
Assessment assessment
Pharmaceutics –I
1-T1 20 80 100
(General and dispensing)
1-T2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –I
20 80 100
1-T3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –II
20 80 100
1-T4 Pharmacology –I
20 80 100
(Physiology and Anatomy)
1-T5 Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry –I 20 80 100
1-T6 (A) Mathematics, Statistics &
20 80 100
Computer application
(B) Biology, Statistics & Computer
20 80 100
1-P1 Pharmaceutics –I
20 80 100
(General and dispensing)
1-P2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –I
20 80 100
1-P3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –II
20 80 100
1-P4 Pharmacology –I
20 80 100
(Physiology and Anatomy)
1-P5 Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry –I 20 80 100


1. The Internal assessment marks in theory and practical marks will be based on three tests
conducted during the academic year by the teachers.

2. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination unless he/she secures
minimum 45 percent of the maximum marks assigned to the internal assessments of each
theory and practical course, separately.

3. In order to pass an examination, a student shall be required to obtain not less than 45
percent of the maximum marks allotted to each theory, practical and internal assessment

4. Further the candidate shall be declared pass for a particular session, only after he/she
secures an aggregate of 50 percent of the total of theory and practical separately.

(General and Dispensing)

60 Hours per year

Introduction: Historical background and development of profession of pharmacy and
pharmaceutical industry in brief.

Pharmaceutical Literature and Ethics: Development of Indian Pharmacopoeia and introduction to

other Pharmacopoeias such as B.P., U.S.P., European Pharmacopoeia, Extra Pharmacopoeia and
National Formulary. General introduction to code of pharmaceutical ethics and Pharmacist’s

Dosage form: Introduction to dosage forms, classification and definitions. Routes of

Prescription: Prescription and its parts, handling of prescription, labeling and packing, containers
and closures.

Latin terminology: Preliminary knowledge of important Latin terms useful in the

interpretation of prescription and their translation in to English.

Posology: Definition, Posology tables, maximum dosage for drugs, factors affecting doses of
different drugs, calculation of doses for children and infants.

Weight & Measures: Different types of weights and measures, calculations involving percentage
solutions, allegation, proof spirit, isotonic solutions etc.

Galenicals: Definition, equipments for different extraction processes like infusion, decoction,
maceration and percolation, methods of preparation of spirits, tinctures and extracts.

Surgical aids: Surgical dressings, absorbable gelatin sponge, .sutures, ligatures and medicated

Powders and granules: Classification, advantages and disadvantages, preparation of simple,
compound powders, insufflations, dusting powders, Eutectic and explosive powders, tooth
powders and effervescent granules.

Monophasic dosage forms: Theoretical aspects including commonly used vehicles, essential
adjuvants like stabilizers, colorants, flavours with example. Study of following monophasic
liquids like Aromatic water, Syrups, elixirs, gargles, mouth washes, throat paints, ear drops,
nasal drops, liniments, lotions, enemas and collodions.

Biphasic dosage forms: Suspensions and emulsions, definition, advantages and disadvantages,
classification, tests for the type of emulsion, formulation and evaluation.

Brief introduction of following dosage forms: Creams, ointments, pastes, inhalations, sprays,
tablets and capsules.

Suppositories and Pessaries: Definition, advantages and disadvantages, types of bases methods
of preparation, displacement value, evaluation. Urethal and nasal bougies,

Incompatibilities: Introduction, classification and methods to overcome the same.

60 Hours per year

Structure and properties: Molecular orbital theory, molecular orbitals, bonding and antibonding
orbitals, intramolecular and intermolecular forces, bond length and bond dissociation energy,
dipole moment, polarity of the bond, polarity of the molecule, electronegativity, inductive
effects, resonance, hyper conjugation, melting point, boiling point and solubility


Stereochemistry: Optical activity and Chirality, kinds of molecules displaying optical activity,
absolute configuration, methods of determining configuration, molecules with more than one
chiral centre, stereospecific and stereoselective synthesis, racemic modification, resolution, Cis-
trans isomerism, conformational analysis and Baeyer's strain theory, Sache-Mohr modification.


Structure, nomenclature, preparation and reaction mechanisms of : Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes,

cycloalkanes, dienes, benzene, polyaromatic compounds, arenes, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers,
epoxides, amines nitro-compounds, phenols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their
functional derivatives.

Reactive intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes and nitronium ions - their
generation, fate and applications.


Reaction mechanisms: Nucleophilic substitution reactions, Electrophilic substitution reactions,

Electrophilic and free radical addition mechanism.

Mechanism and synthetic applications of: Aldol condensation, Claisen-Schmidt condensation,
Cannizzaro reaction, Crossed aldol and Crossed Cannizzaro reactions, Benzoin condensation,
Perkin condensation, Wittig reaction, Reformatsky reaction, Michael addition, Sandmeyer's
reaction Hoffmann rearrangement, Kolbe and Reimer- Tiemann reactions.

A study of the specific uses of the following reagents in organic synthesis: Aluminium
isopropoxide, Aluminium tertiary butoxide, N-bromosuccinimide, Diazomethane, Lithium
aluminium hydride, Ozone, Periodic acid, Polyphosphoric acid, Sodamide, Sodium borohydride

60 Hours per year

Introduction: Symbols of elements, valency of elements, balancing the equation,

Pharmacopoeia and monograph.

General method of preparation, physical property, assay, identification, storage condition,

test for purity and use or inorganic compounds belonging to the following classes.

GastrointestinalAgents: Definition, classification of the following subclasses.

Acidifiers: Indication. Dilute hydrochloric acid, Sodium acid phosphate, ammonium chloride.

Antacids: Definition, therapeutic use, qualities of an ideal antacid, classification, side

effects, combination therapy, acid neutralizing capacity. Sodium bicarbonate, Potassium
citrate, Aluminium hydroxide gel, Dried aluminium hydroxide gel, Aluminium phosphate,
Magnesium oxide, Magnesium hydroxide, Magnesium carbonate. Tribasic calcium
phosphate, Magnesium trisilicate.

Adsorbents and protectives: Definition, therapeutic uses. Light and heavy kaolin, Bismuth
subnitrate, Bismuth subcarbonate. Activated charcoal, Talc.


Topical agents: Definition, classification of the following subclasses.

Protectives: Definition, indications. Talc, Zinc oxide, Calamine, Zinc stearate, Titanium

dioxide, Kaolins, Silicone polymers.

Astringents: Definition, therapeutic uses. Alums, Aluminium sulphate, Zinc sulphate, Zinc

Antimicrobials: Classification, mechanism of action. Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium perborate,

Potassium permanganate, Sodium hypochlorite, Iodine, Boric acid, Borax, Silver nitrate,
Toughened Silver nitrate, Mild Silver protein, Sulphur, Selenium sulphide, Zinc undecenoate.


Dental products: Role of fluorides as anticarries agents. Sodium fluoride, Stannous fluoride.

Dentifrices: Definition, polishing agents, uses. Calcium carbonate, Dibasic calcium, calcium
phosphate, Sodium metaphosphate, Strontium chloride.

Oral antiseptics and astringents: Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium perborate, Zinc chloride, Zinc

Dental products: Role of fluorides as anticarries agents. Sodium fluoride, Stannous fluoride.
Dentifrices: Definition, polishing agents, uses. Calcium carbonate, Dibasic calcium, calcium
phosphate, Sodium metaphosphate, Strontium chloride. Oral antiseptics and astringents:
Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium perborate, Zinc chloride, Zinc sulphate

Cements and Fillers: Zinc oxide

Inhalations: Oxygen, Helium, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Nitrous oxide

Inorganic radiopharmaceuticals: Nuclear reactions, nomenclature, methods of obtaining standard

and units of activity, measurement of activity, clinical applications, dosage, hazards and


Major intra and extra cellular electrolytes: Discussion on the physiological role of chloride,
phosphate, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Electrolytes used for
replacement therapy. Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride, Calcium chloride, Calcium lactate,
Calcium gluconate, dibasic calcium phosphate, tribasic calcium phosphate, magnesium chloride.

Physiological acid base balance, its importance. Electrolytes used in acid base therapy. Sodium
acetate, Potassium acetate, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, Sodium citrate,
Potassium citrate, Sodium lactate, Ammonium chloride. Electrolyte combination therapy,
official combination electrolyte infusions, oral rehydration solutions.


Essential and trace ions: Definition, physiological role of iron, copper, zinc, chromium,
manganese, molybdenum, selenium, sulphur, iodine

Haematinics: Definition. Ferrous fumarate, Ferrous gluconate, Ferrous sulphate, Dried ferrous
sulphate, Ferrous ammonium citrate. Zinc chloride, Potassium iodide, Sodium iodide

(Physiology and Anatomy)
60 Hours per year
Scope of anatomy and physiology, basic terminologies used in this subject (Description of the
body as such planes and terminologies)

Structure of cell: Its components and their functions.

Elementary tissues of the human body: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular and Nervous tissues-
their sub-types and characteristics

Osseous system: Structure, composition and functions of the Skeleton. Classification of joints,
Types of movements of joints and disorders of joints.

Haemopoetic System: Composition and functions of blood; Haemopoesis and disorders of blood
components; Blood groups; Clotting factors and mechanism; Platelets and disorders of

Lymph: Lymph and lymphatic system, composition, formation and circulation; Spleen- structure
and functions, Disorders; Disorders of lymphatic system

Cardiovascular system: Anatomy and functions of heart; Blood vessels and circulation
(Pulmonary, coronary and systemic circulation); Electrocardiogram (ECG); Cardiac cycle and
heart sounds; Blood pressure – its maintenance and regulation; Definition of the following
disorders- Hypertension, Hypotension, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Angina,
Myocardial infarction, Congestive heart failure, Cardiac arrhythmias


Respiratory system: Anatomy of respiratory organs and functions; Mechanism / physiology of

respiration and regulation of respiration; Transport of respiratory gases; Respiratory volumes and
capacities, and Definition of: Hypoxia, Asphyxia, Dybarism, Oxygen therapy and resuscitation.

Digestive system: Anatomy and physiology of GIT; Anatomy and functions of accessory glands
of GIT; Digestion and absorption; Disorders of GIT (definitions only)

Nervous system: Definition and classification of nervous system; Anatomy, physiology and
functional areas of cerebrum; Anatomy and physiology of cerebellum; Anatomy and physiology
of mid brain; Thalamus, hypothalamus and Basal Ganglia; Spinal card: Structure & reflexes –
mono-poly-planter; Cranial nerves – names and functions; ANS – Anatomy & functions of
sympathetic & parasympathetic N.S.


Urinary system: Anatomy and physiology of urinary system; Formation of urine; Renin
Angiotensin system – Juxtaglomerular apparatus - acid base Balance; Clearance tests and

Endocrine system: Pituitary gland; Adrenal gland; Thyroid and Parathyroid glands; Pancreas and

Reproductive system: Male and female reproductive system and their hormones; Physiology of
menstruation; Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis; Sex determination (genetic basis); Pregnancy and
maintenance and parturition; Contraceptive devices


Sense organs: Eye; Ear; Skin; Tongue & Nose.

Skeletal muscles: Histology; Physiology of Muscle contraction; Physiological properties of

skeletal muscle and their disorders.

Sports physiology: Muscles in exercise, Effect of athletic training on muscles and muscle
performance; Respiration in exercise, CVS in exercise, Body heat in exercise, Body fluids and
salts in exercise; Drugs and athletics

60 Hours per year


Introduction and Definition, history and scope of Pharmacognosy.

Sources of Drugs: Biological, marine, mineral and plant tissue cultures as sources of drugs;

Classification of Drugs: Morphological, taxonomical, chemical and pharmacological

classification of drugs.


Cultivation, Collection, Processing and Storage of Crude Drugs: Factors influencing cultivation
of medicinal plants, Types of soils and fertilizers of common use.

Pest management and natural pest control agents

Plant hormones and their applications.

Polyploidy, mutation and hybridization with reference to medicinal plants.


Detailed study of cell wall constituents and cell inclusions.

Microscopical and powder Microscopical study of crude drugs.

WHO guidelines for the standardization of herbal drugs

Introduction to Active Constituents of Drugs: Their isolation, classification and properties.

Adulteration of crude drugs and their detection by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical
and biological methods and properties.


Study of the following medicinally important plant families (with suitable examples): Cruciferae,
Papaveraceae, Umbelliferae, Labiatae, Compositae, Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae,
Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Zingiberaceae, Rutacease

Introduction to Ayurveda: Indian system of medicines, ayurvedic dosage forms as Churna,
Avleha, Bhasma, Arishtas, Asvas, Gutikas, Tailas, Lehyas, etc.

Studies of Traditional Drugs: Common vernacular names, botanical sources, morphology,

chemical nature of chief constituents, pharmacology, categories and common uses and marketed
formulations of following indigenous drugs:

Amla, Kantkari, Satavari, Tylophora, Bhilawa, Kalijiri, Bach, Rasna, Punamava,

Chitrack, Apamarg, Gokhru, Shankhapushpi, Brahmi, Adusa, Atjuna, Ashoka, Methi,
Lahsun, Palash, Guggal, Gymnema, Shilajit, Nagarmotha and Neem.


60 Hours per year

Algebra : Determinants, Matrices

Trigonometry : Sides and angles of a triangle, solution of triangles

Analytical Geometry :Points, Straight line, circle, parabola

Differential calculus: Limit of a function, Differential calculus, Differentiation of a sum, Product,
Quotient Composite, Parametric, exponential, trigonometric and Logarithmic function.
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem on
homogeneous functions of two variables

Integral Calculus: Definite integrals, integration by substitution and by parts, Properties of

definite integrals.

Differential equations: Definition, order, degree, variable separable, homogeneous, Linear,
heterogeneous, linear, differential equation with constant coefficient, simultaneous linear
equation of second order.


Definition, frequency, distribution, general graphical representation of the data, histogram,

frequency curve and frequency polygon and ogive.

Measures of central tendency, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and

Measures of dispersion, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance,
coefficient of variation and coefficient skewness.

Correlation, regression, linear correlation, coefficient of correlation, Karlpearsons formula and

rank method, curve fitting by the method of least squares, linear equations only, regression lines,
regression equation of 'Y' on 'X' and 'X' on 'Y'.


Introduction to Computers: History, evolution, generation of computers. Introduction to

computer and associated terms. Basic organization (CPU, ALU, I/O, Memory) components of
computer, hardware, software, operating systems and windows.

Windows Applications: Notepad, file handling and directory handling.

MS Word: Basics of MS Word like editing and formatting.

MS-Power Point: Features and working with objects.

MS-Excel: Identification of parts, creating, editing, graphic objects and charts.

Introduction to computer Networks: LAN, WAN and Internet.

Internet Applications: Mail, chat, discussion groups and library access.

Publishing information on Internet.

60 Hours per year

Nature and scope of biology: basis of origin of life, living and nonliving, common features of life

Plant kingdom and its classification

General organization of plants and its inclusions

Study of plant cell and tissues (meristematic and permanent)

Morphology of plants

Root, Stem, Leaf and Its modifications

Inflorescence and Pollination of flowers

Morphology of fruits and seeds

Plant physiology: Absorption and movement of water, minerals and nitrogen. Plant nutrition,
photosynthesis and reproduction

Heredity and variation: Mendel’s law of inheritance.

Study of Animal cell and animal tissues

General organization of mammals

Study of poisonous animals


Definition, frequency, distribution, general graphical representation of the data, histogram,

frequency curve and frequency polygon and ogive.
Measures of central tendency, arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and
Measures of dispersion, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance,
coefficient of variation and coefficient skewness.
Correlation, regression, linear correlation, coefficient of correlation, Karlpearsons formula and
rank method, curve fitting by the method of least squares, linear equations only, regression lines,
regression equation of 'Y' on 'X' and 'X' on 'Y' .


Introduction to Computers: History, evolution, generation of computers. Introduction to

computer and associated terms. Basic organization (CPU, ALU, I/O, Memory) components of
computer, hardware, software, operating systems and windows.

Windows Applications: Notepad, file handling and directory handling.

MS Word: Basics of MS Word like editing and formatting.

MS-Power Point: Features and working with objects.

MS-Excel: Identification of parts, creating, editing, graphic objects and charts.

Introduction to computer Networks: LAN, WAN and Internet.

Internet Applications: Mail, chat, discussion groups and library access.

Publishing information on Internet.


1. Syrups
a. Simple Syrup I.P
b. Syrup of Ephedrine HCl NF
c. Syrup Vasaka IP
d. Syrup of ferrous Phosphate IP
e. Orange Syrup
2. Elixir
a. Piperizine citrate elixir BP
b. Cascara elixir BPC
c. Paracetamol elixir BPC
3. Linctus
a. Simple Linctus BPC
b. Pediatric simple Linctus BPC
4. Solutions
a. Solution of cresol with soap IP
b. Strong solution of ferric chloride BPC
c. Aqueous Iodine Solution IP
d. Strong solution of Iodine IP
e. Strong solution of ammonium acetate IP
5. Liniments
a. Liniment of turpentine IP
b. Liniment of camphor IP
6. Suspensions
a. Calamine lotion
b. Magnesium Hydroxide mixture BP
7. Emulsions
a. Cod liver oil emulsion
b. Liquid paraffin emulsion
8. Powders

a. Eutectic powder
b. Explosive powder
c. Dusting powder
d. Insufflations
9. Suppositories
a. Boric acid suppositories
b. Chloral suppositories
10. Incompatibilities
a. Mixtures with Physical
b. Chemical & Therapeutic incompatibilities

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices.

2. Study of possible hazards in chemistry laboratory.
3. Study of various glass wares used in chemistry laboratory.
4. Identification of organic compounds belonging to the following classes by : Systematic
qualitative organic analysis including preparation of derivatives Phenols, amides,
carbohydrates, amines, carboxylic acids, aldehyde and ketones, Alcohols, esters,
hydrocarbons, anilides, nitrocompounds.
5. Introduction to the use of stereo models: Methane, Ethane, Ethylene, Acetylene, Cis alkene,
Trans alkene, inversion of configuration.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Estimation of mixture (Any two exercises)

a. Sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate

b. Boric acid and Borax
c. Oxalic acid and sodium oxalate

2. Test for identity (Any three exercises)

a. Sodium bicorbonate
b. Barium sulphate
c. Ferrous sulphate
d. Potassium chloride

3. Test for purity (Any two exercises)

a. Swelling power in Bentonite

b. Acid neutralising capacity in aluminium hydroxide gel
c. Ammonium salts in potash alum
d. Adsorption power heavy Kaolin
e. Presence of Iodates in KI

4. Preparations (Any two exercises)

a. Boric acids
b. Potash alum
c. Calcium lactate
d. Magnesium sulphate

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

(Anatomy & Physiology)

1. Study of tissues of human body

(a) Epithelial tissue.
(b) Muscular tissue.
2. Study of tissues of human body
(a) Connective tissue.
(b) Nervous tissue.
3. Study of appliances used in hematological experiments.
4. Determination of W.B.C. count of blood.
5. Determination of R.B.C. count of blood.
6. Determination of differential count of blood.
7. Determination of
(a) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
(b) Hemoglobin content of Blood.
(c) Bleeding time & Clotting time.
8. Determination of
(a) Blood Pressure.
(b) Blood group.
9. Study of various systems with the help of charts, models & specimens
(a) Skeleton system part I-Axial skeleton.
(b) Skeleton system part II- Appendicular skeleton.
(c) Cardiovascular system.
(d) Respiratory system.
(e) Digestive system.
(f) Urinary system.
(g) Nervous system.
(h) Special senses.
(i) Reproductive system.
10. Study of different family planning appliances.
11. To perform pregnancy diagnosis test.
12. Study of appliances used in experimental physiology.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Morphological characters of organized drugs – leaves-senna, vasaka, datura; Wood-

quassia; Bark – Cinnamon, Flower – cloves; Fruit – Cardamom, Bael, Fennel, Coriander;
Seed – Linseed, Nux vomica; Root and Rhizomes – Ginger, Rauwolfia, ipecac.
2. Anatomical characters of dicot – leaf, stem and root.
3. Microscopic preparation: Staining, Surface Preparations, Maceration techniques.
4. Study of diagnostic characters of medicinal plants of the families mentioned in the
5. Isolation of starch.
6. Study of starches, gums and mucilages.
7. Determination of swelling factors.
8. Formulation of some ayurvedic dosage forms (minimum 5)

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

Reference Books

(General and Dispensing)

1. M. E. Aulton, Pharmaceutical Practice, ELBS London.

2. Rawlins, Bentleys T. B. of Pharmaceutics, ELBS London.
3. Davis, Bentleys T. B. of Pharmacy.
4. Cooper & Gunn, Dispensing of Pharmaceutical Students.
5. Cooper & Gunn, General Pharmacy.
6. Indian Pharmacopoeia.
7. British Pharmacopoeia.
8. The Pharmaceutical codex.
9. Ansel, Pharmaceutical Calculations, Lea and Febiger.
10. Joel Zatz, Pharmaceutical calculations, Willey Interscience.
11. Jain and Sharma, A. T. B. of Professional Pharmacy, Vallabh Prakashan.


1. P. Sykes, A Guide book in to mechanisms in organic chemistry orient, Longman New

2. J. D. Roberts and M. C. Caserio, Basic principles of organic chemistry, W. A. Benjamin
Inc. N. Y.
3. R. F. Doerge, Wilson and Gisvolds, T. B. of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical
chemistry, Lippencatt. Co.
4. J. B. Hendrichson, D.J. Gram and C.S. Hammond, Organic chemistry, Mc. Graw Hill.

5. Organic Chemistry by Robert T. Morrison & R. N. Boyd, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
M-97, ConnaughtCircus, New Delhi -110001.
6. Organic Chemistry by I. L. Finar Vol. I & II, ELBS, Longman, London.
7. Organic Chemistry by Francis A. Carey, University of Virginia Vth Edn. 2002. (TATA
McGraw -Hill Edn.)
8. Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry by S. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh, Rajiv Beri
for Macmillan India Ltd., 2/10, Ansari Road, New Delhi - 110 002.
9. Bentley and Driver's Text book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
Ely House, London.
10. I.P. 2007, 2010, Govt. of India, Ministry of Health, The Controller of Publications, Civil
Lines, Delhi - 110054.
11. Reactions and Reagents, O. P. Agarwal, Goel Publishing House Subhash Bazar, Meerut,
(U.P.) India.


1. Bentley and Driver's Tex.t Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
Ely House, London.
2. Inorganic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry by J. H. Block, E. B. Roche, T. O.
Soine, C. O. Wilson.
3. Roger's Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Soine, Wilson.
4. Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry by A. H. Beckett and J. B. Stenlake. Vol. I.
5. Indian Pharmacopoeia 2007 Ed., The Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi-100

(Physiology and Anatomy)

1. A.C. Guyton, Textbook of medical.

2. A.J. Vander, J.H. Sharma and D.S. Lucian: Human physiology.
3. Keele and Neil: Samson wrights applied physiology.
4. Gerard J. Tortora Nicholas P.: Principals of anatomy and physiology, Harper and Row
New York.

5. William F. Ganong: Review of medical physiology, Prentice Hall International, Inc.
6. De. Robertes: Cell and molecular biology, Lea and Febiger.


1. G.E. Trease and Evans: Textbook of Pharmacognosy.
2. Clause and Tyler: Pharmacognosy.
3. Kokate C. K., Practical Pharmacognosy, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
4. Wallis T. E. Analytical Microscopy, J. A.Churchill Ltd., London
5. Iyengar M. A. and Nayak S. K., Anatomy of Crude Drugs, Manipal Press Ltd., Manipal



1. S.C. Dutta: Textbook of botany for degree students.

2. N. Diskunov: Differential and integral calculus Vol. I and II Mr Publisher Moscow.
3. D.S. Philps: Basic statistics for health sciences students, N.H. Freeman and company.
4. V. Rajaraman, Computer programming in Pascal, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. H. Hunt & J. Shelley: Computer and commonsense, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
6. K. Jensen & H. Wirth: Pascal user manual and report, Harose Publishing House, New
7. H. Wirth: Systematic programming an introduction, Englewood cliffs, New Delhi.
8. P. Grogone: Programming in Pascal, Addition Wesley Publication, New Delhi.
9. Fundamentals of Computers - V. Rajaraman, Prentice Hall.
10. "Teach Yourself' Series on Introduction to Computers, MS-DOS, Windows, MS Office,
Internet, BPP books.
11. Basics of Computers and Applications by Rajan Hongal, Eastern Book Promoters,
12. A Text Book of Statistics by Raj Mohan, Benaka Books, Udupi.
13. Fundamental of Statistics by S. C. Gupta, S. Chand Publications, New Delhi.

Second Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Four year integrated course)

Maximum Marks
Papers Internal Annual
code Total Marks
Assessment assessment
Pharmaceutics –II
2-T1 20 80 100
(Pharmaceutical engineering)
2-T2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry–III
20 80 100
2-T3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –IV
20 80 100
2-T4 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 20 80 100
2-T5 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
20 80 100
2-T6 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 20 80 100
2-P1 Pharmaceutics –II
20 80 100
(Pharmaceutical engineering)
2-P2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry–III
20 80 100
2-P3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –IV
20 80 100
2-P4 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry 20 80 100
2-P5 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
20 80 100


1. The Internal assessment marks in theory and practical marks will be based on three tests
conducted during the academic year by the teachers.

2. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination unless he/she secures
minimum 45 percent of the maximum marks assigned to the internal assessments of each
theory and practical course, separately.

3. In order to pass an examination, a student shall be required to obtain not less than 45
percent of the maximum marks allotted to each theory, practical and internal assessment

4. Further the candidate shall be declared pass for a particular session, only after he/she
secures an aggregate of 50 percent of the total of theory and practical separately.

60 Hours per year

Unit processes: Material and energy balances, molecular units, mole fraction, tie substance, gas
laws, mole volume, primary and secondary quantities, equilibrium state, rate process, steady and
unsteady states, dimensionless equations, dimensionless formulae, dimensionless groups,
different types of graphic representation, mathematical problems.

Fluid Flow: Types of flow, Reynold's number, Viscosity, Concept of boundary layer, basic
equations of fluid flow, valves, flow meters, manometers and measurement of flow and pressure.

Heat transfer: Concept of heat flow, applications of Fourier’s law, forced and natural convection,
surface coefficients, boiling liquids, condensing vapors, heat exchangers, heat interchangers,
radiation, black body, Stefan Boltzmann equation, Kirchoff’s law.

Evaporation: Basic concept of phase equilibria, factor affecting evaporation, evaporators, film
evaporators, single effect and multiple effect evaporators, Mathematical problems on

Distillation: Roult's law, phase diagrams, volatility; simple steam and flash distillations,
principles of rectification, Mc-Cabe Thiele method for calculations of number of theoretical
plates, Azeotropic and extractive distillation.

Drying: Moisture content and mechanism of drying, rate of drying and time of drying
calculations; classification and types of dryers, dryers used in pharmaceutical industries and
special drying methods.

Size Reduction: Definition, objectives of size reduction, mechanisms of size reduction, factors
affecting size reduction, laws governing energy and power requirements of a mills including ball
mill, hammer mill, fluid energy mill. Size separation: Different techniques of size separation,
sieves, sieve shakers, sedimentation tank, cyclone separators, bag fillers etc.

Mixing: Theory of mixing, solid-solid, solid-liquid and liquid-liquid mixing equipments.

Filtration and Centrifugation: Theory of filtration, continuous and batch filters, filter aids, filter
media, industrial filters including filter press, rotary filter, edge filter, etc. Factors affecting
filtration, filtration, optimum cleaning cycle in batch filters. Principles of centrifugation,
industrial centrifugal filters, and centrifugal sedimenters.

Crystallization: Characteristics of crystals like-purity, size, shape, geometry, habit, forms size
and factors affecting them, Solubility curves and calculation of yields. Material and heat
balances around Swenson Walker Crystallizer. Supersaturation, theory and its limitations,
Nucleation mechanisms, crystal growth. Study of various types of Crystallizers, tanks, agitated
batch, Swenson Walker, Single vacuum, circulating magma and Krystal Crystallizer, Caking of
crystals and its prevention. Numerical problems on yields.

Dehumidification and Humidity Control: Basic concepts and definition, wet bulb and adiabatic
saturation temperatures, Hygrometric chart and measurement of humidity, application of
humidity measurement in pharmacy, equipments for dehumidificat4ion operations.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Principle and applications of refrigeration and air

Material of Construction: General study of composition, corrosion, resistance, Properties and

applications of the materials of construction with special reference to stainless steel and glass.

Material Handling Systems: Liquid handling - Different types of pumps, Gas handling-Various
types of fans, blowers and compressors, Solid handling-Bins, Bunkers, Conveyers, Air transport.

Corrosion: Classification, mechanism of corrosion, factors affecting, prevention and control.

Plant location: Layout, utilities and services.

Industrial Hazards and Safety Precautions: Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, fire and dust
hazards. Industrial dermatitis, Accident records etc.

Automated Process Control Systems: Process variables, temperature, pressure, flow, level and
vacuum and their measurements; elements of automatic process control and introduction to
automatic process control systems; elements of computer aided manufacturing (CAM).

Reactors and fundamentals of reactors design for chemical reactions.

60 Hours per year

Heterocyclic compounds: General classification of heterocyclic compounds and nomenclature.
Chemistry, synthesis and properties of the following heterocyclic systems and their derivatives.

a)Pyrrole, Furan and Thiophen

b)Pyridine, Pyrimidine, Pyrazine, Pyridazine
c)Pyrazole, Imidazole, Oxazole, Isoxazole
d)Fused ring systems like Indole, Benzofuran, Quinoline, Isoquinoline, Acridine and

Carbohydrates: Classification, Glucose Fructose and their reactions, cyclic structure of D
glucose, mutarotation and conformations, aminosugars, maltose, lactose, sucrose, starch,
cellulose, dextrin, glycogen, simple glycosides like selicin, arbutin, Amygdalin.

Proteins: Structure, classification and hydrolysis of protein, classification, isolation, properties
and analysis of amino acids, classification, isolation, purification and hydrolysis of peptides,
leading to amino acid sequence.

Lipids: Classification and general chemistry of lipids, fats their properties and characterization,
fatty acid and their reactions, waxes, phospholipids, triglycerides, lecithins, spingomyelins,
glycolipids lipoproteins.

Nucleic acid: structure and chemistry of nucleoside, nucleotide, RNA and DNA
Polymer: Introduction to Polymers and polymerization , pharmaceutical applications.

60 Hours per year

Introduction: Significance of quantitative analysis in quality control, different techniques of
analysis, computation of analytical results, significant figures, concept of error, precision,
accuracy, standard deviation, calibration of analytical equipments, fundamentals of volumetric
analysis, methods of expressing concentrations, primary standard, secondary standard, absolute
standard, derived standard.

Quality control and quality assurance department in pharmaceutical industry

Limit tests: Sources of impurities, limit test for Chloride, Sulphate, Iron, Lead and Arsenic.

Acid Base Titrations: Acid base concepts, Role of solvents, Relative strengths of acids and bases,
Ionization, Law of mass action, Common ion effect, Ionic product of water, pH, Hydrolysis of
salts, Henderson-Hasselbach equation, Buffer solutions, Neutralization curves, Acid-base
indicators, Theory of indicators, Choice of indicators, Mixed indicators, Polyprotic systems,
Polyamine and amino acid systems, Amino acid titrations.

Oxidation Reduction Titrations: Concepts of oxidation and reduction, Redox reactions, Strengths
and equivalent weights of oxidizing and reducing agents, Theory of redox titrations, Redox
indicators, Cell representations, Measurement of electrode potential, Oxidation-reduction curves,
Iodimetry and Iodometry, Titrations involving cerric ammonium sulphate, potassium iodate,
potassium bromate, potassium permanganate; titanous chloride, stannous chloride and Sodium

Precipitation Titrations: Precipitation reactions, Solubility product, Effect of acids, temperature
and solvent upon the solubility of a precipitate, Argentometric titrations and titrations involving

ammonium or potassium thiocyanate, mercuric nitrate, and barium sulphate, indicators, Methods
of end point determination (GayLussac method, Mohr’s method, Volhard's method and Fajan's

Gravimetric Analysis: Precipitation techniques, The colloidal state, Supersaturation, Co-

precipitation, Post-precipitation, Digestion, washing of the precipitate, Filtration, Filter papers
and crucibles, Ignition, Thermogravimetric curves, Specific examples like barium sulphate,
aluminium as aluminium oxide, calcium as calcium oxalate and magnesium as magnesium
pyrophosphate, Organic precipitants.

Non-aqueous titrations: Acidic and basic drugs, Solvents used, Indicators

Complexometric titrations: Complexing agents used as titrants, Indicators, Masking and


Miscellaneous Methods of Analysis: Diazotization titrations, Kjeldahl method of nitrogen

estimation, Karl-Fischer aquametry, Oxygen flask combustion method, Gasometry.

Potentiometry: Standard redox potential, Nernst equation, Half-cell potential, Standard and
indicating electrodes, potentiometric titrations.

Conductometry: Specific and equivalent conductance, conductometric titrations.

Coulometry: Coulomb’s law, Coulometric titrations at fixed potential/current.

Polarography: Decomposition potential, Half-wave potential, Diffision/migration/migration

current, Ilkovic equation, Cathodic/anodic polarography, Dropping mercury electrode, Graphite
electrode, Organic polarography.

Amperometry: Rotating platinum electrode, Amperometric titrations.

60 Hours per year

Introduction to biochemistry: Cell and its biochemical organization, transport process across the
cell membranes. Energy rich compounds; ATP, Cyclic AMP and their biological significance.

Enzymes: Definition; Nomenclature; IUB classification; Factor affecting enzyme activity;

Enzyme action; enzyme inhibition. Isoenzymes and their therapeutic and diagnostic applications;
Coenzymes and their biochemical role and deficiency diseases.

Carbohydrate metabolism: Glycolysis, Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle), HMP shunt,
Glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis. Metabolic disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
(diabetes mellitus and glycogen storage diseases); Glucose, Galactose tolerance test and their
significance; hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.


Lipid metabolism: Oxidation of saturated (α-oxidation); Ketogenesis and ketolysis; biosynthesis

of fatty acids, lipids; metabolism of cholesterol; Hormonal regulation of lipid metabolism.
Defective metabolism of lipids (Atheroslerosis, fatty liver, hypercholesterolmiea).

Biological oxidation: Coenzyme system involved in Biological oxidation. Electron transport

chain (its mechanism in energy capture; regulation and inhibition); Uncouplers of ETC;
Oxidative phosphorylation;


Protein and amino acid metabolism: Protein turn over; Nitrogen balance; Catabolism of Amino
acids (Transamination, deamination & decarboxylation). Urea cycle and its metabolic disorders;
production of bile pigments; hyperbilirubinemia, porphoria, jaundice. Metabolic disorder of
Amino acids.

Nucleic acid metabolism: Metabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides; Protein synthesis;
Genetic code; inhibition of protein synthesis; mutation and repair mechanism; DNA replication
(semiconservative /onion peel models) and DNA repair mechanism.


Introduction to clinical chemistry: Cell; composition; malfunction; Roll of the clinical chemistry

The kidney function tests: Role of kidney; Laboratory tests for normal function includes-
a) Urine analysis (macroscopic and physical examination, quantitative and semiquantitative
b) Test for NPN constituents. (Creatinine /urea clearance, determination of blood and urine
creatinine, urea and uric acid)
c) Urine concentration test
d) Urinary tract calculi. (stones)

Liver function tests: Physiological role of liver, metabolic, storage, excretory, protective,
circulatory functions and function in blood coagulation.
a) Test for hepatic dysfunction-Bile pigments metabolism.
b) Test for hepatic function test- Serum bilirubin, urine bilirubin, and urine urobilinogen.
c) Dye tests of excretory function.
d) Tests based upon abnormalities of serum proteins. Selected enzyme tests.

Lipid profile tests: Lipoproteins, composition, functions. Determination of serum lipids, total
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.


Immunochemical techniques for determination of hormone levels and protein levels in serum for
endocrine diseases and infectious diseases. Radio immuno assay (RIA) and Enzyme Linked

Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA)

Electrolytes: Body water, compartments, water balance, and electrolyte distrubution.

Determination of sodium, calcium potassium, chlorides, bicarbonates in the body fluids.


60 Hours per year

Volatile oil: Drugs with regard to the nature occurrence, chemistry and biogenesis.
Pharmacognostic study of following drugs:

(1) Hydrocarbons: Pepper, turpentine. (2) Alcohol: Mentha, Coriander, Cardamom. (3)
Aldehyde: Cinnamon, Cassia, Lemon Peel, Lemon grass, Citronella, Cumin. (4) Ketone:
Caraway, Dill, Spearmint. (5) Phenol: Clove (6) Phenolic ethers: Anise, Star Anise, Fennel,
Nutmeg. (7) Oxides: Eucalyptus, Chenopodium.

Lipids: Chemistry, classification & biogenesis, lipid containing drugs dealing with general
methods of extraction & purification of fixed oils, biological source, chemical constituents, tests
for identity and uses of the following: Arachis oil, Castor oil, Sesame oil, Cotton seed oil, Olive
oil, Chaulmoogra oil, bees wax.


Drugs of animal origin: Shellac, Cochineal, cantharides, spermaceti, wool fat.

Tannin containing drugs: Catechu (Black & Pale), Tannic acid, Myrobalan, Katha industry in

Hallucinogens, narcotics and common poisonous plants of India.

Resins: Nature, occurrence, chemistry, collection and preparation of following drugs containing
resin and resin combinations: Colophony, podophyllum, jalap, cannabis, capsicum, myrrh,
asafoetida, balsam of Tolu, balsam of Peru, benzoin, turmeric, ginger

Carbohydrates and derived products: agar, guar gum acacia, Honey, Isabagol, pectin, Starch,
sterculia and Tragacanth.

Fibers: Study of fibers used in pharmacy such as cotton, silk, wool, nylon, glass-wool, polyester
and asbestos.

Biological source, preparation and uses of the following enzymes: Diastase, papain, Maltase,
Bromalein, ficin.

Herbs as health foods.

Herbal cosmetics.

Plant bitters and sweeteners. 


60 Hours per year


Pharmaceutical Legislations – A brief review.

Principle and Significance of professional ethics. Critical study of the code of pharmaceutical
ethics drafted by PCI.

Brief study of prescription and Non-prescription Products.


Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940,and its rules 1945: Objectives, Legal definition, Study of
Schedule’s with reference to Schedule B, C & C1, D, E1, F&F1, F2, F3, FF, G, H, J, K, M, N, P,
R, V, W, X, Y. Sales, Import, labeling and packaging of Drugs And Cosmetics. Provisions
Relating to Indigenous Systems. Constitution and Functions of DTAB, DCC, CDL. Qualification
and duties –Govt. analyst and Drugs Inspector.


Pharmacy Act –1948: Objectives Legal Definitions, General Study, Constitution and Functions
of State & Central Council, Registration & Procedure, ER.

Drug Price control Order & National Drug Policy (Current).


Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act –1955: Objectives, Legal Definitions, Licensing, Bonded
and Non Bonded Laboratory, Ware Housing, Manufacture of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Patent &
Proprietory Preparations.

Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act-1985 and Rules: Objectives, Legal Definitions,
General Study, Constitution and Functions of narcotic & Psychotropic Consultative Committee,
National Fund for Controlling the Drug. Abuse, Prohibition, Control and regulations, Schedules

to the Act.
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954: Definitions, prohibited
and exempted advertisements, exempted advertisements under condition, offences and penalties;
as amended periodically.

A brief study with special reference to main provisions of the following Acts:
•Poisons Act, 1919,
•Insecticides Act 1968
•Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1970 and Rules, 1975
•Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
•AICTE Act 1987
•Shops and Establishment Act and Rules
•Trademark registration Act
•Labour laws
•Factory Act, Industrial development Act and Industrial dispute Act

Intellectual Property Rights: Types of Intellectual Property Rights, process and product patents,
criteria for getting patents, procedure for filing patent application, revocation of patents,
restoration of patents.

Patents & design Act-1970.


1. To find the drag coefficient for the particle setting in the fluid.
2. To study the effect of centrifugation speed on the cake volume.
3. To study the effect of centrifugation time on cake volume.
4. To find the % yield of boric acid and NaCl crystals with seeding and without seeding.
5. To study the effect of rate of cooling on the crystal growth.
6. To find the rate of sedimentation of a slurry and to utilize this data to design the
thickener area.
7. To separate particles of different sizes by setting.
8. To carry out sieve analysis of certain pharmaceutical substances and calculate
different diameters.
9. To study the effect of ball change on grinding process.
10. To determine the angle of nip.
11. To plot boiling point diagram for the given mixture.
12. To study the rate of drying of a material.
13. To calculate loss on drying and moisture content of the giving granules.
14. Engineering drawing sheets on preliminary knowledge of drawing of alphabets,
numerical and geometric construction.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


Introduction to the various laboratory techniques through demonstration involving synthesis of

the following compounds:
1. Acetanilide / aspirin (Acetylation)
2. Benzanilide / Phenyl benzoate (Benzoylation)
3. P-bromo acetanilide / 2,4,6 – tribromo aniline (Bromination)
4. Dibenzylidene acetone (Condensation)
5. 1-Phenylazo-2-napthol (Diazotisation and coupling)
6. Benzoic acid / salicylic acid (Hydrolysis of ester)
7. M-dinitro benzene (Nitration)
8. 9, 10 – Antharaquinone (Oxidation of anthracene) / preparation of benzoic acid from
toluene or benzaldehyde
9. M-phenylene diamine (Reduction of M-dinitrobenzene) / Aniline from nitrobenzene
10. Benzophenone oxime
11. Nitration of salicylic acid
12. Preparation of picric acid
13. Preparation of O-chlorobenzoic acid from O-chlorotolune
14. Preparation of cyclohexanone from cyclohexanol
15. Separation and identification of compounds of mixture of two organic compounds.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Assays of the following drugs:

a. Ammonium chloride- Acid-base titration
b. Ferrous sulphate- Cerimetry
c. Copper sulphate- Iodometry
d. Calcilugluconate- Complexometry
e. Hydrogen peroxide – Permanganometry
f. Sodium benzoate – Nonaqueous titration
g. Sodium chloride – Modified volhard’s method
h. Assay of KI – KIO 3 titration
i. Gravimetric estimation of barium as barium sulphate
j. Sodium antimony gluconate or antimony potassium tartarate

2. Limit test:
a. Limit test for chlorides
b. Limit test for sulphates
c. Limit test for iron
d. Limit test for heavy metals
e. Limit test for arsenic
f. Modified limit tests for chlorides and sulphates

3. Preparation and standardization of cerric ammonium sulphate and potassium iodate. Assay
based on use of cerric ammonium sulphate and potassium iodate.

4. Preparation and standardization of perchloric acid and sodium or lithium methoxide, Assays
based on use of above solution.

5. Preparation and standardization of sodium EDTA, Assays based on use of EDTA solutions.

6. Preparation and standardization of silver nitrate and ammonium thiocyanate. Assays based on
use of above reagents.

7. Gravimetric analysis: Preparation of Gooch Crucible, assays based on gravimetric methods.

Experiments based on limits test for chloride, sulphate, iron, arsenic, heavy metals.
8. Experiments based on the use of refractometer and polarimeter.

9. Semi- micro- Qualitative Analysis of inorganic mixture; containing five radicals (Acidic, basic
and interfering).

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Calibration of standard curve for proteins.

2. Calibration of standard curve for glucose.

3. Calibration of standard curve for phosphorus.

4. Calibration of standard curve for cholesterol.

5. Qualitative analysis of normal constituents of urine.

6. Qualitative analysis of abnormal constituents of urine.

7. Quantitative estimation of urine sugar by Benedict’s reagent method.

8. Quantitative estimation of urine chlorides by Volhard's method.

9. Quantitative estimation of urine creatinine by Jaffe’s method.

10. Quantitative estimation of urine calcium by precipitation method.

11. Quantitative estimation of serum cholesterol by Libermann Burchard’s method.

12. Preparation of Folin Wu filtrate from blood.

13. Quantitative estimation of blood creatinine.

14. Quantitative estimation of blood sugar Folin- Wu tube method.

15. Estimation of SGOT in serum.

16. Estimation of SGPT in serum.

17. Estimation of Urea in Serum.

18. Estimation of Proteins in Serum.

19. Determination of serum bilirubin.

20. Determination of Glucose by means of Glucoseoxidase.

21. Enzymatic hydrolysis of Glycogen/Starch by Amylases.

22. Study of factors affecting Enzyme activity. (pH & Temp.)

23. Preparation of standard buffer solutions and its pH measurements (any two)

24. Experiment on lipid profile tests

25. Determination of sodium, calcium and potassium in serum.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Microscopic study of drugs included in theory.

2. Surface analysis of leaf drugs.
3. Isolation of total glycosides from digitalis and senna.
4. Isolation of tannins and determination of tannins in catechu.
5. Estimation of balsamic acids.
6. Study of Balsam of Tolu and Balsam of Peru and Benzoin.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

Reference Books


1. Ganderson, Unit processes in pharmacy.

2. Lachman, Theory and practice of industrial pharmacy, Lea and Fabiger.
3. Gannaro, Remingtion’s Pharmaceutical Science, Mack Publishing Company.
4. Rawlin’s Bentley’s, Textbook of pharmaceutics E.L.B.S., London.
5. Brown, Unit operation, Mc Graw Hill.
6. Cooper and Gunn, Tutorial pharmacy.
7. Badger and Banchero, Introduction to chemical engineering, Mc Graw Hill.
8. Linger, Chemistry of engineering materials.
9. Mc Cabe, Smith, Unit operation in chemical engineering, Mc Graw Hill.



1. R.T. Morrison and R.N. Boyd: Organic Chemistry, PHI.

2. I.L. Finar: Organic chemistry Vol. I and II E.L.B.C. London.
3. Logowski and Katritzki: Heterocyclic chemistry.
4. R.N. Acheson: An introduction to the chemistry of heterocyclic compound, Interscience
Publication, N. Y.
5. K.B.G. Torsell: Nature product chemistry, JohnWiley and sons, N. Y.
6. Wilson and Gisvolds: T.B. of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry,
Lippincottn Co.


1. G.L. Jenkins; J.E. Christian, G.P. Hager, Quantitative pharmaceutical chemistry, Mc

Graw Hill Company Inc. N. Y.
2. A.H. Beckett and J.B. Stenlake; Practical pharmaceutical chemistry Part I and II, The
Althlone Press, University of London, London.
3. J. Basset, R.C. Denney, G.H. Jeffery, J. Mentham, Vogal’s; T.B. of Quantitative
inorganic analysis including elementary instrumental analysis, The E.L.B.C. London.
4. L.M. Atherden, Bentley and Drivers T.B. of pharmaceutical chemistry, Oxford
University Press, Delhi.
5. Pharmacopoeia of India, Govt. of India; Ministry of health.
6. L.G. Chatten, A.T.B. of pharmaceutical chemistry Vol. I and II, Marcel Dekker N. Y.
7. K.A. Connors; A.T.B. of pharmaceutical analysis, Wiley Interscience, N. Y.
8. G. Svelha Vogal’s; T.B. of micro and semimicro qualitative analysis, Orient, Longmen,

1. Harold Harper; A review of physiological chemistry.
2. A.L. Lehninger; Biochemistry.
3. A.L. Lehninger; Principles of biochemistry.
4. L. Stryer Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman & Company San Fancisco.
5. B. Harrow and A Mazur T. B. of Biochemistry, W.B. Saunders Co. Philadephia.


1. G.E. Trease and Evans; Textbook of Pharmacognosy.
2. S.C. Dutta; Textbook of botany for degree students.
3. Clause and Tyler; Pharmacognosy.
4. T.E. Wallis; Textbook of Pharmacognosy.
5. Finar organic chemistry Vol. II.

1. Govt. of India Publications on Bare Acts.
2. Text book of Forensic Pharmacy by B. M. Mithal, National Book Centre, Kolkata. Text
book of Forensic Pharmacy by N. K. Jain, Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi.
3. A Manual of Drugs & Pharmacy Laws in India by H. K. Bharathi, Sadhna Mandir
4. Intellectual Property Law by P. Narayanan, Eastern Law House.
IDMA bulletin

Third Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Four year integrated course)

Maximum Marks
Papers Internal Annual Total
Assessment assessment Marks
3-T1 Pharmaceutics –III (Physical Pharmacy) 20 80 100
3-T2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry–V 20 80 100
3-T3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –VI (Analysis) 20 80 100
3-T4 Pharmacology –III 20 80 100
3-T5 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and
20 80 100
3-T6 Biopharmaceutics 20 80 100
3-P1 Pharmaceutics –III (Physical Pharmacy) 20 80 100
3-P2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry–V 20 80 100
3-P3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –VI (Analysis) 20 80 100
3-P4 Pharmacology –III 20 80 100
3-P5 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and
20 80 100


1. The Internal assessment marks in theory and practical marks will be based on three tests
conducted during the academic year by the teachers.

2. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination unless he/she secures
minimum 45 percent of the maximum marks assigned to the internal assessments of each
theory and practical course, separately.

3. In order to pass an examination, a student shall be required to obtain not less than 45
percent of the maximum marks allotted to each theory, practical and internal assessment

4. Further the candidate shall be declared pass for a particular session, only after he/she
secures an aggregate of 50 percent of the total of theory and practical separately.

(Physical Pharmacy)
60 Hours per year

Kinetics and drug stability: Rate, Molecularity and Order of reaction. Zero order, first order,
second order and complex reactions. Determination of order of reaction, factors affecting rate of
reaction, physical and chemical degradation of medicinal agents and preventive measures.
Accelerated stability study for shelf life determination.

Solubility and Distribution phenomena: Distribution of solute between immiscible liquids, ionic
dissociations and molecular association influencing partitioning. Applications of distribution in

Interfacial Phenomena: Cohesion. Adhesion and spreading. Adsorption at solid and liquid
interfaces, adsorption isotherms, adsorption in Medicine and Pharmacy. Electrical properties of
interfaces. Origin of charge, electrical double layer, Nernst and Zeta potential, Effect of

Rheology: Types of flow behaviour thixotropy and thixotropic coefficient. Measurement of

various rheological properties. Factors influencing Rheology of dispersed systems.

Colloidal Dispersion: Properties of colloids-optical. Kinetic and electrical and their applications
in determining molecular weight of polymer. Stability of colloidal systems, Mechanism of
peptization, coacervation and protective action.

Micromeritics: Particle size, distribution, shape and surface area and their determination in
heterogeneous systems. Porosity, density and packaging arrangements in flow properties and

their influence on processing of solid dosage forms. Mechanism of Particle bonding and granule

Surface-active agent: Classification based on chemical nature and HLB scale determination of
HLB. Micellar solubilization and its pharmaceutical significance.

Suspension: Particle to particle interactions and behavior, Flocculation and deflocculation
Sedimentation parameters, role of wetting controlled flocculation and structured vehicle in
suspention formulation, Evaluation of suspension stability.

Emulsions: Types, Detection, Thermodynamic considerations, Mechanism of droplet
stabilization, theory of emulsification, properties and stability of emulsions.


60 Hours per year


Basic Principles of medicinal chemistry: Introduction, history and development of medicinal

chemistry and fundamental principles of drug therapy.

Physicochemical and Stereochemical aspects of drugs including bioisosterism in relation to

biological activity, Drug-Receptor interaction.

Conventional methods of drug design, Lead, discovery of lead, lead optimization

Introduction, Structure, Stereochemistry, Nomenclature, Synthesis of official drugs (Indian

Pharmacopeia), mode of action, Structure Activity Relationships (if any) uses and
Physicochemical properties of the following classes of drugs:


Adrenergic hormones and drugs including biosynthesis, storage, release and metabolism of

Cholinergic and Anticholinestarases including biosynthesis, storage, release and metabolism of



Antispasmodic and Antiulcer drugs

Antiparkinsonism drugs

Neuromuscular blocking agents.


Antihistamines including Sodium Cromoglycate.

Prostaglandins and other Eicosanoids: Nomenclature, biosynthesis and biological activity.


Analgesic-antipyretics and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory agents



60 Hours per year

Quality Assurance: GLP, ISO 9000, TQM, Quality Review and Quality Documentation;
Regulatory control, regulatory drug analysis, interpretation of analytical data; Validation, quality
audit: quality of equipment, validation of equipment, validation of analytical procedures.

The theoretical aspects, basic instrumentation, elements of interpretation of results and
pharmaceutical application of the following analytical techniques:

Chromatography: Paper chromatography, Thin Layer chromatography, Gas chromatography,
High Pressure liquid chromatography, High Pressure Thin Layer chromatography and Ion
exchange chromatography.

Spectroscopy: Absorption spectroscopy, Infrared spectroscopy, Fluorimetric analysis and
Nephlometry & Turbidometric analysis.

Polarimetry: Introduction, Optical and specific rotation, instrumentation and applications.

Refractometry: Refractive index, Refraction, instrumentation, and analytical application.

Flame photometry: Theory, nebulisation, flame and flame temperature, interferences, flame
spectrometric techniques, instrumentation and pharmaceutical applications.
NMR & ESR: Introduction, theoretical aspects and applications.

Mass Spectrometry: Fragmentation, types of ions produced mass spectrum and applications.

Phase Solubility Analysis: Theory, experimental procedures, applications in Pharmaceutical

Analysis of drugs with particular reference to instrumental methods as included in Indian

(A) Antibiotics: Benzylpenicillin, tetracyclin, chloramphenicol.
(B) Vitamins: Ascorbic acid, thiamine, vitamin A,
(C) Barbiturates: Phenobarbitone.
(D) Sulphonamides: Sulphanilamide, Sulphadiazine.

60 Hours per year
General Pharmacology: Introduction to Pharmacology. Dosage forms and routes of
administration. Factors influencing dosage and drug action. Dynamics of adsorption, distribution,
metabolism and excretion of drug. Pharmacogenetics, Mechanism of drug action, adverse drug
reaction and treatment of poisoning. Drug interactions. Pharmacological involvement in new
drugs development.

Drugs acting on central nervous system: Neurohumoral transmission in the C.N.S., General
Anesthetics, Alcohols and disulfiram, Sedatives, Hypnotics, Anti-anxiety agents and Centrally
acting muscle relaxants, Psychopharmacological agents (anti-psychotics), anti-maniacs and
hallucinogens, Antidepressants, Anti-epileptics drugs, Anti-Parkinsonian drugs, Analgesics,
Antipyretics, Narcotic analgesics and antagonists, C.N.S. stimulants, Drug Addiction and Drug

Drugs acting on peripheral nervous system: General considerations, Cholinergic and
anticholinergic agents, Adrenergic stimulants and blocking agents, Skeletal muscle relaxants,
Local anaesthetic agents.

Drugs acting on cardiovascular System: General consideration, Cardiac Glycosides, Anti
arrhythmic agents, Anti angina drugs, Drug therapy of hypertension.

Autacoids: Histamine, Antihistaminic drugs, 5-HT- its agonists and antagonists, Prostaglandins,
thromboxanes and leukotrienes, Angiotensin, Bradykinin and Substance P and other vasoactive
peptides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and anti-gout agents.

Drugs acting on Urinary system: Fluid and electrolyte Balance, Diuretics

Life style related diseases: metabolic syndrome including central obesity, dyslipedemia, insulin
resistance and hypertension


60 Hours per year

Introduction to the science of microbiology. Major divisions of microbial world and Relationship
among them.

Different methods of classification of microbes and study of Bacteria, Fungi, virus, Rickettsiae,

Nutritional requirements, growth and cultivation of bacteria and virus. Study of different
important media required for the growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria & fungi. Differential
media, enriched media and selective media, maintenance of lab cultures.

Different methods used in isolation and identification of bacteria with emphasis to different
staining techniques and biochemical reactions. Counting of bacteria -Total and Viable counting

Detailed study of different methods of sterilization including their merits and demerits.
Sterilization methods for all pharmaceutical products. Detailed study of sterility testing of
different pharmaceutical preparations according to IP, BP and USP. Sterility testing of sterile
surgical devices; dressings, implants, absorbable, haemostats, surgical ligatures and sutures,
surgical catgut etc.

Disinfectants: Study of disinfectants, antiseptics, fungicidal and virucidal agents factors affecting
their activation and mechanism of action. Evaluation of bactericidal, bacteristatic, virucidal
activities, evaluation of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations.

Aseptic Technique: Designing of aseptic area, laminar flow equipments; study of different
sources of contamination aseptic area and methods of prevention.

Control of microbial contamination during manufacture: General aspects-environmental

cleanliness and hygiene, quality of starting materials, process design, quality control and


Immunology: Immunity, Definition, Classification, General principles of natural immunity,
Phagocytosis, acquired immunity (active and passive). Antigens, chemical nature of antigens
structure and formation of Antibodies, Antigen-Antibody reactions. Bacterial exotoxins and
endotoxins. Significance of toxoids in active immunity, Immunization programme, and
importance of booster dose.

Diagnostic tests: Schick’s Test, Elisa test, Western Blot test, Southern Blot PCR Widal, QBC,
Mantaux Peripheral smear. Study of malarial parasite.

Microbial culture sensitivity Testing: Interpretation of results Principles and methods of different
microbiological assays, microbiological assay of Penicillin, Streptomycin and vitamin B2 and
B12. Standardisation of vaccines and sera.

Study of infectious diseases: Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Cholera, Hepatitis, Meningitis,

Syphilis & Gonorrhea and HIV.

Fermentation Technology: Fermentation methods and general requirements; study of media,
equipments, sterilization methods, aeration process, stirring, etc. Large scale production
fermenter design and its various controls. Study of the production of - penicillins, citric acid,
fungal diastase and Dextran.

Microbial spoilage and preservation of Pharmaceutical products: Types of spoilage; factors

affecting the microbial spoilage of pharmaceutical products., sources and types of microbial
contaminants; assessment of microbial contamination and spoilage; preservation of
pharmaceutical products using antimicrobial agents; Evaluation of microbial stability of

Pharmaceutical biotechnology: Introductions, biotechnology drugs, applications of
biotechnology in Pharmacognosy, pharmacology, pharmaceutical manufacturing and organic

Prebiotic and Probiotic approach: Definition, principle, importance and commonly used

60 Hours per year

Drug absorption: Gastrointestinal absorption, membrane physiology, mechanisms of solute
transport across the cell membrane, Factors affecting drug bioavailability / absorption.

Drug Distribution: Disposition processes, distribution in blood, factors affecting drug
distribution, Blood pH, drug pka and partition coefficient, physiological barriers like plasma
membrane, blood brain barrier, CSF barrier, placental barrier and blood-testis barrier to drug
distribution, perfusion rate to the tissue, drug-tissue binding, P-D binding and miscellaneous
factors like age, diet, obesity, pregnancy, diseased state and drug interaction.

Plasma protein-drug binding: Proteins binding kinetics, factors affecting P-D binding and
therapeutic significance of P-D binding.

Biotransformation: Definition, chemical pathways of drug biotransformation, metabolizing
enzymes, factors affecting drug biotransformation and drug response. Inhibition and stimulation
of drug biotransformation

Excretion: Renal and non renal excretion, concept of clearance, renal clearance, renal
impairment and dose adjustment. Biliary and salivary excretion of drugs.

Compartments models: Concepts and their importance in the study of pharmacokinetics. One
compartment open model. Determination of drug /metabolite levels on administration of single
and multiple dose in plasma and urine after i.v. injection. Oral administration and first order
absorption. Percent absorbed time plot and absorption rates based on one compartment model.

Two compartments open model, pharmacokinetics of single and multiple dose administration as
applied to intravenous (rapid) and oral administration, intravenous transformation.

Bioavailability and Bioequivalence: Objectives, absolute and relative bioavailability,
measurement of bioavailability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics methods, methods of
enhancement of bioavailability, bioequivelence studies in-vitro and in-vivo correlations. Review
of regulatory requirements for conduction of bio-equivalent studies.

(Physical Pharmacy)

1. To determine the heat of solution of benzoic acid, boric acid etc.

2. To determine the relation between dielectric constant of solvent and solubility of drugs.
3. To plot ternary phase diagram.
4. To find out the partition coefficient and distribution of the drug between two phase.
5. To determine CMC of a surfactant through interfacial tension measurement
6. To plot adsorption isotherm.
7. To calculate the sedimentation parameters of suspensions.
8. To verify the Holfmeister series for the flocculation of colloid.
9. To measure the mean globule diameter of the emulsion.
10. To study the effect of phase volume ratio on viscosity of emulsion.
11. To study the effect of particle size or angle of response and flow properties.
12. To study the effect of fines and lubricant on angle of repose and flow properties.
13. To determine the bulk density, True density and granule density of few Pharmaceuticals and
to calculate the porosity of the material.
14. To study the effect of temperature and centrifugation on the stability of emulsion.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Major Experiment
Minor Experiment
Maxi. Marks
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


Synthesis of some drugs mentioned in the theory syllabus (3T2)

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

1. Separation and identification of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography.
2. Separation and identification of Sulpha drugs by TLC technique.
3. Effect of pH and solvent on the UV spectrum of given compound.
4. Comparison of the UV spectrum of a compound with that of its derivatives.
5. Determination of dissociation constant of indicators using UV-Visible spectroscopy.
6. Estimation of drugs by Fluorimetric technique.
7. Study of quenching effect in fluorimetry.
8. Colourimetric estimation of Sulpha drugs using BMR reagent.
9. Simultaneous estimation of two drugs present in given formulation.
10. Assay of Salicylic Acid by colourimetry.
11. Determination of Chlorides & Sulphates in Calcium gluconate by Nephelo &
turbidimetric Method.
12. Determination of Na/K by Flame Photometry.
13. Determination of specific rotation.
14. Comparison of the IR spectrum of a compound with that of its derivatives.
15. Demonstration of HPLC.
16. Demonstration of HPTLC.
17. Demonstration of GC-MS.
18. Demonstration of DSC.
19. Interpretation of NMR spectra of any one compound.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Study of laboratory animals and their handling (a. Frogs, b. Mice, c. Rats, d. Guinea pigs, e.
2. Study of physiological salt solutions used in experimental pharmacology.
3. Study of laboratory appliances used in experimental pharmacology.
4. Study of use of anesthetics in laboratory animals.
5. To record the dose response curve of Ach using isolated ileum/rectus abdominis muscle
6. To carry out bioassay of Ach using isolated ileum/rectus abdominis muscle preparation by
interpolation method.
7. To carry out bioassay of Ach using isolated ileum/rectus abdominis muscle preparation by
three point method.
8. To record the dose response curve of Histamine using isolated guinea-pig ileum preparation.
9. Study of agonistic and antagonistic effects of drugs using isolated guinea-pig ileum
10. To carry out bioassay of Histamine using isolated guinea-pig ileum preparation by
interpolation method.
11. To carry out bioassay of Histamine using guinea-pig ileum preparation by three point
12. To study the routes of administration of drugs in animals (Rats, Mice, Rabbits).
13. Study of theory, principle, procedure involved and interpretation of given results for the
following experiments:
a) Analgesic property of drug using analgesiometer.
b) Antiinflammatory effect of drugs using rat-paw edema method.
c) Anticonvulsant activity of drugs using maximal electroshock and pentylene tetrazole
d) Antidepressant activity of drugs using pole climbing apparatus and pentobarbitone induced
sleeping time methods.
e) Locomotor activity evaluation of drugs using actophotometer and rotarod.
f) Cardiotonic activity of drugs using isolated frog heart and mammalian heart preparations.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


Exercise illustrating the course contents of theory including :

1. Preparation of various types of culture media
2. Studying of different laboratory equipments and processing e.g. B.O.D. incubator,
laminar flow, aseptic hood, autoclave, hot air sterilizer, deep freezer, refrigerator,
microscopes etc.
3. Subculturing of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungus and yeast, Nutrient stabs and slants
4. Various staining methods-simple, Grams staining and acid fast staining, structural staining
5. Isolation of pure culture of micro-organisms and identification of micro-organisms.
Evaluation of sterilizing techniques.
6. Evaluation of antiseptic and disinfectants e.g. RWC, FDA method and chick martin.
7. Sterility testing-different methods as per IP/BPIUSP
8. Hanging drop slide preparation
9. Biochemical reactions-starch hydrolysis, nitrate reduction, litmus milk test, gelatin
liquification and haemolysis of blood.
10. Microbial viable count in a pharmaceutical product, total count of bacteria
11. Thermal death time
12. Microbiological assay of antibiotics & vitamin B12
13. Test for limit of alkalinity of glass
14. Pyrogen testing
15. Standardization of surgical dressings and sutures and ligatures
16. Studying the effect of Temperature, pH on the medium etc. on growth.
17. Isolation of an antibiotic producer.
18. Bacteriophage isolation and characteristics
19. Standard analysis of water & Biochemical oxygen demand
20. Normal throat flora
21. Studying of the environment microflora and testing of aseptic area e.g. dextrose injection,
calcium gluconate injection, oily injections, injections of vitamins etc.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

Reference Books

(Physical Pharmacy)

1. Martin physical Pharmacy; Lea and Febiger.

2. Burlage and Lee; Physical and technical Pharmacy.
3. Rawlins; Bentley’s T.B. of Pharmaceutics, E.L.B.C. London.
4. Shotton and Ridgway; Physical Pharmaceutics.
5. Bean, Beckett, Carless; Advance in Pharmaceutical eciences Vol. I, II and IV.
6. Gennaro, Remington’s Pharmaceutical eciences, Mack Publishing Co.
7. Hoover; Dispensing of medication, Mack Publishing Co.
8. Aulton; Pharmaceutics- The science of dosage form design, Lea E.L.B.C.
9. Lachman; Theory of practice of industrial Pharmacy, Lea and Febiger.

1. Wilson and Gisvold's Text book of Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Lippincott-Raven Publishers - New York, Philadelphia.
2. William.O.Foye, Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, B.I.Waverly Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi.
3. Burgers, Medicinal Chemistry, M.E.WeHy, Med.Chemistry M.E.
4. Walffed Johnwilley and Sons, Wiley-interscience Publication, New York, Toranto.
5. A Text book of Medicinal Chemistry Vol. I and II by Surendra N.
6. Pandey a, S.G. Publisher, 6, Dildayal Nagar, Varanasi -10
7. Indian Pharmacopoeia, 1996, 2007, 2010, The Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, Delhi -
8. Current Index of Medical Specialities (CIMS) and MIMS India,
9. MIMS, A.E. Morgan Publications (I) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi - 19.
10. Organic Drug Synthesis - Ledniser Mitzsher Vol. I and II.
11. Synthesis of drugs Rothe and Knellmann.

12. The Science and Practice of Pharmacy Vol. 1 and 2, Remington, MACK Publishing
Company, Easton, Pennsylvania, 18042.
13. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry by Harikishan Singh and V. K. Kapoor.
14. Medicinal Chemistry by Ashuthosh Kar.



1. A.H. Beckett and J.B. Stenlake; Practical Pharmaceutical chemistry Part I and II, The
Athlone Press, University of London, London.
2. L.G. Chatten; A.T.B. of Pharmaceutical chemistry Vol. I and II, Marcel dekker, N. Y.
3. Pharmacopoeia of India, Govt. Of India; Ministry of Health.
4. K.A. Connors, A.T.B. of pharmaceutical analysis, Wiley Intersciences, N. Y.
5. J. Bassett R.C. Denny, G.H. Jeffery, L. Menthum, Vogal’s; T.B. of quantitative inorganic
analysis including elementary instrumentation analysis, The E.L.B.S. and Logmen, London.
6. Garrett; T.B. Pharmaceutical analysis.
7. Highuchi; Pharmaceutical analysis.
8. Ewing; Instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
9. L.M. Atherdan, Bentley and Drivers; T.B. of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Oxford University
Press, Delhi.
10. H.H. Willard; Instrumental methods of analysis, Van Nostrand Reinhold, N. Y.
11. G.L. Jendins, J.E. Christian, G.P. Hager; Quantitative Pharmaceutical chemistry, Mc Graw
Hill Company Inc. N. Y.

1. Craky; Introduction to general Pharmacology.
2. Krantz and Carr; Pharmacological principles of medical practice.
3. Crossland and James; Lewis’s Pharmacology.
4. Goodman and Gillman; Pharmacological basis of therapeutics.
5. Satoskarand Kale; Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Part I, II.
6. Grollman; Pharmacology and therapeutics.
7. Drill; Pharmacology in medicine.

8. Barar F.S.K. Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics.
9. Craiz and Stitzer; Modern Pharmacology, Little Brown and Co.
10. Katzung; Basic and clinical Pharmacology, Appleton and Lange.


1. Pelczer and Reid; Microbiology.
2. Macom Harris; Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
3. Prescott and Dunn; Industrial Microbiology.
4. Rawlin’s Bentley’s; T.B. of Pharmaceutics, E.L.B.S., London.
5. Gennaro, Remingtons Pharmaceuticals Sciences, Mack Publishing Co.
6. Hogo & Russel; Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Blackwell scientific and Publication.
7. Metcalf and Eddy; Waste Water Engineering: Treatment Disposal reuse, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
8. Indian Pharmacopeia

1. Milo Gibaldi; Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Lea and Fegiber.
2. Notari Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics an introduction, Morcel Dekker Inc.
3. Sharjel, Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Appleton Century Crofts.
4. Niazi, T.B. of Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Appleton Century Crofts.
5. Rowland and Tozer, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Lea and Febiger.
6. Ritschel, Handbook of Basic Pharmacokinetics.
7. Gerraro Remington’s Pharmaceutical sciences, Mack Publishing Co.
8. Stockley Drug Interaction, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
9. Hansten Drug Interactions, Lea and Febiger.
10. C. Hansch, Comprehensive medicinal chemistry Vol. V Biopharmaceutics ed, J.B. Taylor,
Pergamon Press.

Fourth Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Four year integrated course)

Maximum Marks
Papers Internal Annual
code Total Marks
Assessment assessment
Pharmaceutics –IV
4-T1 20 80 100
(Dosage form technology)
4-T2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry– VII
20 80 100
4-T3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry – VIII
20 80 100
4-T4 Pharmacology –IV 20 80 100
4-T5 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry –III 20 80 100
4-T6 Pharmaceutical Management and
20 80 100
Hospital Pharmacy
4-P1 Pharmaceutics –IV
20 80 100
(Dosage form technology)
4-P2 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-VII
20 80 100
4-P3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry – VIII
20 80 100
4-P4 Pharmacology –IV 20 80 100
4-P5 Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry –III 20 80 100


1. The Internal assessment marks in theory and practical marks will be based on three tests
conducted during the academic year by the teachers.

2. No candidate shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination unless he/she secures
minimum 45 percent of the maximum marks assigned to the internal assessments of each
theory and practical course, separately.

3. In order to pass an examination, a student shall be required to obtain not less than 45
percent of the maximum marks allotted to each theory, practical and internal assessment

4. Further the candidate shall be declared pass for a particular session, only after he/she
secures an aggregate of 50 percent of the total of theory and practical separately.

(Dosage from Technology)
60 Hours per year

Preformulation studies: Physical Properties - Polymorphism, solubility, Rheology, Salt formation
and partitioning Effects. Chemical Properties - Hydrolytic degradation, oxidation, Drug
substance - Excipient interaction, other changes. Biologic and Pharmacologic Properties of
dosage forms

Sterile dosage forms: Pyrogens nature, source and elimination, Formulation development of
sterile dosage forms. Production facility, environmental control and personnel in the production
of sterile dosage form, compounding, processing and sealing, quality control test like sterility,
pyrogen, clarity, safety and leakage testing.

Tablets: Types of tablets, tablet ingredients, diluents, binders, disintegrants, lubricants, colours,
flavours, sweetners etc. Manufacture of tablets by wet granulation, dry granulation and direct
compression. Tablet processing problems and defects, tablet standardization: - hardness,
friability, weight variation, disintegration, dissolution and content uniformity tests.

Tablet coating: Type of coatings: Sugar, press-coating, and film coating, (enteric and
nonenteric). Coating formulation, process and equipments used coating defects.

Capsules: Hard gelatin capsules: Capsule size, formulation and preparation of filled hard gelatin
capsules. Soft gelatin capsules (Softgels): Manufacturing procedures. Quality control of

Microencapsulation: Core and coat properties, important techniques of microencapsulation.

Pharmaceutical aerosols: Components, formulation, types of systems, manufacturing, operation
of an aerosol package, quality control and testing, oral, Inhalation, Nasal and topical Aerosols,
Future developments.

Novel drug delivery system : Introduction to novel drug delivery systems like micro-capsule and
micro-pellet parenteral and implantable therapeutic systems, transdermal therapeutic systems,
micro-particulate drug carrier system, micro-encapsulation – types, method of preparation and

Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products : Packaging components, types, specifications and
methods of evaluation, stability aspect of packaging, packaging equipment, factors influencing
choice of containers, legal and other official requirements for containers, packaging testing. Bar
coding and holograms on packaging.

Cosmecuticals & Neutraceuticals: Definition and basic concepts


60 Hours per year

Introduction, Structure, Stereochemistry, Nomenclature, Synthesis of specified drugs (given in

parenthesis), mode of action, Structure Activity Relationships (if any) uses and Physicochemical
properties of the following classes of drugs:

Steroids: Biosynthesis of Cholesterol; Estrogens (Oestradiol), Nonsteroidal estrogens
(Stilboesterol), Antiestrogens, Progestogens, (progesterone from stigmasterol),Synthetic
Progesterone (norethisterone), antiprogestogens, oral contraceptives, androgens (biosynthesis of
testosterone and its synthesis from diosgenin), anabolic agents and adrenocorticoids (pathway for
steroidogenesis),SAR of glucocorticoids.

General Anaesthetics: Inhalational anaesthetics, Intravenous anaesthetics.

Local Anaesthetics: Esters (Benzocaine), Amides (Lignocaine).

Hypnotics and Sedatives: Barbiturates (Phenobarbitone);benzodiazepines (Nitrazepam)

Anticonvulsants: Barbiturates; Hydantoin (Phenytoin); Oxazolidinediones (Troxidone);
Benzodiazepines and Carbamazepine.

Opioid Analgesics: Morphine and related drugs; Synthetic modifications of Morphine, totally
synthetic analgesics; 6, 7-Benzomorphinan (Pentazocine), 4-phenylpiperidines (pethidine),
Methadone and related derivatives; endogenous opioid peptides and opioid antagonists

Antitussives: Centrally acting Antitussives, Opium alkaloids and related agents and Synthetic
Antitussives, Peripherally acting antitussives and Expectorants.

Central Nervous System Stimulants: Natural and Synthetic (Nikethamide); methylxanthines
(Theophyllines) and Modified methylxanthines.

Psychopharmacological Agents: Antipsychotic agents: Phenothiazines (chlorpromazine);

butyrophenones and miscellaneous; Antidepressants: Tricyclic antidepressants (Amitryptyline),
Atypical antidepressants; Monoamine oxidase inhibitors; Anxiolytics: Meprobamate and related
drugs (Meprobamate); benzodiazepines (Diazepam).

Diuretics: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Acetazolamide); Thiazides and related drugs
(Bendrofluazide); High ceiling diuretics (Frusemide), Aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone);
other potassium sparing diuretics and osmotic diuretics.

Cardiovascular agents: Cardiac glycosides; Antihypertensive agents; Antianginals and

vasodilators; Antiarrhythmic drugs; Antihyperlipidemic drugs; Anticoagulant and platelet
aggregation inhibitors (methyldopa, propranolol, procainamide, nitroglycerin).

60 Hours per year


Modern concept of rational drug design: A brief introduction to Quantitative Structure Activity
Relationship (QSAR), prodrug, combinatorial chemistry and computer aided drug design
(CADD) and concept of antisense molecules.

Introduction, Structure, Stereochemistry, Nomenclature, Synthesis of specified drugs (given in

parenthesis), mode of action, Structure Activity Relationships (if any) uses and Physicochemical
properties of the following classes of drugs:

Antibacterials: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Tetracyclines, Aminoglycosides, Polypeptides
antibiotics, Chloramphenicol, Quinolones, Sulphonamides. Antimycobacterials: (p-
Aminosalicyclic acid, Thiacetazone, Isoniazid, Dapsone)

Antimalarials: Quinoline and analogues, 4-Aminoquinolines, 8-Aminoquinolines, 9-

Aminoacridines, Biguanides (Chloroquine, Primaquine), Artemisinin & its derivatives

Antiviral agents: Introduction to DNA, RNA and retroviruses.

Antiamoebic and antiprotozoal drugs: Emetine hydrochloride, quinoline derivatives,

organometallic compounds, Metronidazole (Metronidazole, Diloxanide furoate).

Anthelmintics: Drugs used in cestode infection, antifilarial agents (Thiabendazole, Niclosamide,

Antifungal drugs: (Clotrimazole ,Ketoconazole)


Antineoplastic agents: Alkylating agents, Antimetaboilities, Antitumor alkaloids, Hormones

agonist and antagonists (Tamoxifen, Thiotepa, hlorambucil),Antibiotics,Vinca Alkaloids and

Hormones: Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs; Insulin & Oral hypoglycemic agents


60 Hours per year

Drugs acting on blood- Forming Organs: Hematinics, Anticoagulants, Fibrinolytic
(thrombolytic) agents, antiplatelet agents, hypolipidemic agents, Blood and plasma volume

Drugs acting on Gastrointestinal system: Laxatives, antidiarrheal agents, emetics,

antiemetics, Appetite Stimulants and Suppressants, Agents for control of Gastric acidity and
treatment of peptic ulcers.

Drugs acting on respiratory system: Antitussives and expectorants, Drug therapy of asthma,
Respiratory stimulants.

Drugs affecting Endocrine system: Hormones and their analogues including hypoglycaemic.
Adrenocorticoids, anabolics as well as antifertility and antithyroid agents.

Chemotherapy: General Principles of Chemotherapy, Bacterial resistance; Sulfonamides and
cotrimoxazole, Antibiotics- Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Aminoglycosides, Chloramphenicol,
Macrolides, Tetracyclines, Quinolones, fluoroquinolones and Miscellaneous antibiotics;
Chemotherapy of tuberculosis, leprosy, fungal diseases, viral diseases, HIV and AIDS, urinary
tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, amoebiasis and other protozoal
infections and Anthelmentics. Chemotherapy of malignancy and immunosuppressive agents.

Toxicology: Principles of Toxicology, Manifestations of toxicity, Immunotoxicity. General
treatment of poisoning, systemic antidotes, Treatment of poisoning due to insecticides, heavy
metals, narcotics and barbiturates. Animal toxicity.

Drug interactions: Definition and Introduction. Mechanism of drug interactions. Drug - Drug
Interactions with reference to Analgesics, Diuretics, Cardiovascular drugs, Gastrointestinal
agents, Vitamins and Hypoglycemic drugs

Clinical pharmacology: Concepts and scope of clinical pharmacology covering the aspects of
community pharmacy. WHO Definition of health, and health promotion, care for children,
pregnant & breast feeding women, and geriatric patients.

Balance diet, and treatment & prevention of deficiency disorders

Family planning – role of pharmacist


60 Hours per year

Study of the biological sources, cultivation, collection, commercial varieties, chemical

constituents, substitutes, adulterants, uses, diagnostic macroscopic and microscopic features and
specific chemical tests of following groups of drugs:


Glycosides: Anthraquinone glycosides: Cascara, aloe, Rhubarb, Senna; Cardiac glycosides:

Digitalis, Strophanthus, Squill, Thevetia; Bitter glycosides: Quassia; Saponin glycosides:
Liquorice, ginseng, dioscorea, sarsaparilla, and senega; Flavonoid glycosides: Ruta graveolens


Alkaloids: Pyridine-piperidine alkaloids: Tobacco, areca and lobelia; Tropane alkaloids:

Belladonna, hyoscyamus, datura, duboisia, coca and withania; Quinoline alkaloids: Cinchona;
Isoquinoline alkaloids: Opium, lpecac; Indole alkaloids: Ergot, rauwolfia, catharanthus, nux-
vomica and physostigma; Steroidal alkaloids: Kurchi, Veratrum; Alkaloidal Amines: Ephedra,
Colchicum. Glycoalkaloid: Solanum;

Purines: Coffee, tea and cola.

Biosynthetic Studies and Basic Metabolic Pathways/Biogenesis: Brief introduction to biogenesis
of secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical importance.
Terpenes: monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, and triterpenoids.
Carotenoids: a-carotenoids, ß-carotenes, vitamin A, Xanthophylls of medicinal importance.
Glycosides: Digitoxin, digoxin, hecogenin, sennosides, diosgenin and sarasapogenin.
Alkaloids:Atropine and related compounds, Quinine, Reserpine, Morphine, Papaverine,
Ephedrine, Ergot and Vinca alkaloids.
Lignans, quassanoids and flavonoids.


Plant Tissue Culture: Historical development of plant tissue culture, types of cultures, nutritional
requirements, growth and their maintenance. Applications of plant tissue culture in

Marine pharmacognosy: Novel medicinal agents from marine sources.

Plant allergens and allergenic substances.

Natural Pesticides and insecticides.


Worldwide trade, commercial potential and demand of crude drugs.

Plant based industries and institutions involved in work on medicinal and aromatic plants in
India; Role of plant-based drugs on National economy

Commercial production, export potential and world trade in oil of mentha, Eucalyptus oil,
oleoresins from pinus species, lemon grass oil, diosgenin (disocorea), taxol (Taxus sps) digitalis,
tropane alkaloid containing plants, Papain, cinchona, Ipecac, Liquorice, Ginseng, Aloe, Valerian,
Rauwolfia and plants containing laxatives.


60 Hours per year


Personnel Management and Industrial Relations: Objectives and functions of personnel

department, Employment and development of personnel. Industrial Relations: Problems of
labour management relations, courses of Industrial disputes, Remedies, Industrial Dispute Act,
Trade. Union, Grievance and Grievance Handling procedure, Causes of grievances, Need for
grievance procedure, Grievance redressal machinery

Motivation: Objectives, Rules of Motivation, Motivation steps, Types of motivation, Non-

financial motivators, Theories of motivation: McGregor's Theory X and Y, Herzberg's Time
factor theory, McClelland's Need for Achievement theory Vroom's Fxpentancy theory,
Behavioural theory, Employee- Centred approach

Communication: Importance, Nature of communication, oral vs. written Media of

Communication, Barriers to communication, Communication failure, Achieving effective


Purchasing and Store Keeping: Objectives, Organisation and responsibilities of purchasing

department, methods of purchasing, Centralised and Decentralised purchasing, Types of stores
Depot, Location and Layout of a store, problems and development

Materials management: Materials handling, Equipment, Inventory management, Economic

ordering quantity, ABC analysis, Value analysis, classification and codification of stores,
obsolete, surplus and scrap management, lead time, inventory carrying costs, safety stock,
solutions to problems relating to EOQ.

Drug Supply: Planning and management, supply process and its pitfalls, planning for drug
supply, planning models, steps to develop a formulary, predicting drug requirements,

procurement cycle and its methods, designing training programs to improve pharmaceutical


Pharmaceutical Marketing: Goals, theories of selling process, company market, systems, market
and sale forecasting, market test method, statistical Demand analysis, Types of sales
organizations, Salesmanship, Qualification of a salesman, Channels of Distribution Advertising,
Presentation and analysis of statistical data. (Charts, frequency distribution)

Entrepreneur- Significance of Entrepreneur in economic development; Economic, social and

psychological need for Entrepreneurship; Characteristics, Qualities and pre-requisites of
entrepreneur; The function of the entrepreneur in economic development of a country; Methods
and procedures to start and expand one’s own business; Life cycle of a new business and
relationship with large enterprises; Achievement motivation. Environmental factors affecting
success of a new business; Reasons f or the failure and visible problem for business.

Feasibility Study-Preparation of feasibility reports: Selection of factory location, Demand

analysis, Market potential measurement, capital saving and project costing, working capital
requirements, profit and tax planning; economic, technical , financial and managerial feasibility
of project.

Govt. support to new enterprise; Incentive; Source of finance; Role of govt. and promotional
agencies in entrepreneurship development. entrepreneurial development programmes

Establishment of a pharmaceutical factory: Choice of site, trends in location of a plant, plant

facilities, layout of stores in an industry, layout of Injectable unit or sterile area, tableting
department and area requirement for each department


Status of health delivery systems in India. Definition and role of hospitals in the health delivery
systems. Hospital - its Organisation and functions.

Professional Relations and practices of hospital pharmacist

Hospital pharmacy (Organisation and management): Organizational structure-Staff;

Infrastructure & work load statistics; Management of materials and finance; Roles &
responsibilities of hospital pharmacist.

Continuing professional development programs, Education and training

The Budget: Preparation and implementation

Hospital drug policy: Pharmacy and Therapeutic committee (PTC); Hospital formulary; Hospital
committees- Infection committee, Research and ethical committee; Developing therapeutic

Hospital pharmacy communication: Newsletter

Hospital pharmacy services: Procurement & warehousing of drugs and Pharmaceuticals;

Inventory control- Definition, various methods of Inventory Control, ABC, VED, EOQ, Lead
time, safety stock; Drug distribution in the hospital- Individual prescription method, Floor stock
method, Unit dose drug distribution method; Distribution of Narcotic and other controlled
substances; Central sterile supply services – Role of pharmacist

(Dosage from Technology)

1. Illustrative formulation development, preparation and evaluation of following dosage forms

at laboratory scale. Syrups, Suspension, Emulsions, tablets, Capsules and Injections.
2. Selected techniques in formulation development.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Evaluation of edible oil and fats.

2. Analysis of turmeric / chillie.
3. Analysis of tea / coffee.
4. Analysis of wheat flour / cereals.
5. Detection and determination of food colors and preservatives.
6. Analysis of milk and milk product.
7. Some biochemical analysis.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Assays of important drugs from the course content.

2. Preparation of medicinally important compounds or intermediates required for synthesis
of drugs.
3. Monograph analysis of important drugs.
4. Determination of partition coefficients, dissociation constants and molar refractivity of
compounds for QSAR analysis.
5. Organic synthesis involving advanced reactions and techniques.
6. Experiments based on pharmacopoeial methods of control of various quality
pharmaceutical dosage form and drugs.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Study of instruments for isolated tissue experiments

2. Introduction to Bioassay of Drugs
3. Effect of various drugs on goat trachea
4. Dose response curve on rat ileum
5. Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on rat fundus
6. Effect of Ang-II on rat ascending colon
7. Effect of various drugs on vasdeferens
8. Lengendroffs heart preparation
9. Effect of various Chetacholamines on rat B.P
10. Study of analeptics and depressant using Actophotometer
11. Study of catalepsy in rat
12. Screening for analgesics in rats by hot plate and tail flick method
13. Demonstration: Screening of Antiinflammatory activity by Plethysmometer
14. Demonstration: measurement of rat B.P
15. To study the anxiolytic effect of diazepam in mice using mirrored-chamber apparatus.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.


1. Chemical tests for constituents such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, alkaloids.

2. Isolation of alkaloids, caffeine.
3. Study of cinchona, Ipecac, Datura, Ergot, Rauwolfia, Ephedra.
4. Determination of ash values, extractive values.
5. Study of chromatographic technique.
6. Estimation of quinine.
7. Determination of Iodine value.
8. Determination of Saponification value and unsaponifiable matter.
9. Determination of ester value.
10. Determination of Acid value.
11. Chemical tests for Gelatin.

Scheme of Practical Examination:

Internal Assessment Annual Examination

Synopsis 2 15
Major Experiment 4 30
Minor Experiment 2 20
Viva 2 15
Maxi. Marks 10 80
Duration 03 hrs 04 hrs

Note: For each practical internal assessment marks is 10 and marks obtained in two best tests
(i.e. out of 20) shall be counted as the award for the internal assessment.

Reference Books

(Dosage from Technology)

1. Lachman, Prof. N.K. Jain CDDS; Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lea and
2. Rawlines, Bentley’s; T.B. of Pharmaceutics, E.L.B.S. London.
3. Ansel Pharmaceutical dosage form and drug Delivery systems, Lea and Febiger.
4. Aulton Pharmaceutics- The science of dosage form design, E.L.B.S., London.
5. Banker, Modern Pharmaceutics, Morcel Dekker Inc.
6. Gennaro, Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mack Publishing Co.



1. Wilson and Gisvold’s T.B. of Organic, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry, Lippincott.
2. M.E. Wolff Burger’s Medicinal chemistry Vol. I, II and III, John Wiley and Sons, N. Y.
3. W.C. Foye, Principles of Medicinal chemistry, Lea and Febiger.
4. Finar Organic chemistry Vol. II, E.L.B.S., London.
5. Martindate, The extra Pharmacopoeia.
6. Lzaky, cuttings Handbook of Pharmacology, Appleton Century.
7. Lednicer, Mitscher, George, The Organic chemistry of drug synthesis Vol. I, II, III and IV,
Wiley Interscience.


1. Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Eleventh Edition, edited by J. H. Block and J. M. Beale Jr., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Philadelphia, 2004.
2. Pharmaceutical Chemicals in Perspective, B.G. Reuben and H.A. Wittcoff, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1989.
3. Foye’s, Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Sixth Edition, Wolters Kluwer (India), Lea &
Febiger, Philadelphia, USA, 2008.
4. Hansch, C. Comprehensive medicinal Chemistry Vol.IV, Quantitative Drug Design.
Pergamom Press, Oxford.
5. Singh, H. and Kapoor, V.K. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Second Edition
Vallabh Prakashan, Delhi,2005.
6. Povl Krogsgaard, Tommy, Textbook of Drug Design & Discovery, 3rd edition, 2004,


1. B.G. Katzung, Basic and clinical Pharmacology, Longe medical Publications.

2. A.G. Gilman, L.S. Goodman, T.W. Rall & F. Murad, The Pharmacological Basic of
therapeutics, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.
3. C.R. Craig and R.E. Stitzel, Modern Pharmacology, Little Brown and Co.
4. D.G. Grahame, Smith and J.K. Aronson, Oxford Text Book of clinical Pharmacology and
drug therapy, Oxford University Press.
5. F.S.K. Barar; Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics, S. Chand and Co. New Deldi.
6. Crossland James; Lewis’s Pharmacology.
7. Grollman; Pharmacology and therapeutics.
8. Drill; Pharmacology in medicine.
9. P.K. Gupta, Modern Toxicity Vol. 1-3 metropoliton, New Delhi.
10. J. Doull, C.D. Klassgen & M.A Amdur, Casarett & Doulls Toxicology, Macmillan
Publishing Co. Inc.


1. G.E. Trese and Evans; Textbook of Pharmacognosy.

2. S.C. Dutta; Textbook of botany for degree students.
3. Clause and Tyler; Pharmacognosy.
4. Finar; Organic chemistry Vol. II.


1. Hassan, William E. Hospital Pharmacy. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.

2. Remington’s The Science & Practice of Pharmacy Mack Publishing Co. Easton, PA
3. Mohan S, Jai D.” Drug Store and Business Management “, 1st edition, 1995,S.V Kar & Co,
Jalandhar .
4. Singh S, Singh P.” Drug Store and Business Management”, 1st edition, 1995, S.Dinesh &
Co.Circular Road
5. Jalandhar.
6. Koontz & O’Donnel Principles of Management Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi.
7. Allwodd MC and Feil JT. Text book of Hospital Pharmacy, Blackwell Scientific Publication,
8. Merchant HS, Quadry JS. Text book of Hospital Pharmacy. B.S. Shah Prakashan,
9. Kotler P. Marketing management, Prentice Hall of India Limited.


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