1999 Step 3
1999 Step 3
1999 Step 3
• Recent STEP papers, together with Hints and Solutions, can be obtained from
OCR Publications, Mill Wharf, Mill Street, Birmingham, B6 4BU .
• There is a useful booklet entitled Advanced Problems in Mathematics which is
also available from OCR, at a modest price.
• You can get individual help from the Mathematics Millenium Project on-line maths
site http://www.nrich.maths.org.uk/.
STEP III, 1999 2
(i) If the three roots can be written in the form ak −1 , a and ak for some constants a
and k, show that one root is q/p and that q 3 − rp3 = 0 .
(ii) If r = q 3 /p3 , show that q/p is a root and that the product of the other two roots is
(q/p)2 . Deduce that the roots are in geometric progression.
(iii) Find a necessary and sufficient condition involving p, q and r for the roots to be in
arithmetic progression.
2 (i) Let f (x) = (1 + x2 )ex . Show that f 0 (x) > 0 and sketch the graph of f (x). Hence, or
otherwise, show that the equation
(1 + x2 )ex = k,
where k is a constant, has exactly one real root if k > 0 and no real roots if k 6 0.
(ex − 1) − k tan−1 x = 0
in the cases (a) 0 < k 6 2/π and (b) 2/π < k < 1.
Show that ½ ¾
1 1 1
lim + + ··· + = ln 2 .
n→∞ n+1 n+2 n+n
Evaluate ½ ¾
n n n
lim 2
+ 2 + ··· + 2 .
n→∞ n +1 n +4 n + n2
STEP III, 1999 3
4 A polyhedron is a solid bounded by F plane faces, which meet in E edges and V vertices. You
may assume Euler’s formula, that V − E + F = 2.
In a regular polyhedron the faces are equal regular m-sided polygons, n of which meet at each
vertex. Show that
F = ,
where h = 4 − (n − 2)(m − 2).
By considering the possible values of h, or otherwise, prove that there are only five regular
polyhedra, and find V , E and F for each.
Prove that
u2n+2 + u2n−1 = 2(u2n+1 + u2n ) .
Using induction, or otherwise, prove the following result:
Sketch the curve in the case n = 3, justifying the main features of your sketch.
7 Let a be a non-zero real number and define a binary operation on the set of real numbers by
x ∗ y = x + y + axy .
Show that (G, ∗) is a group, where G is the set of all real numbers except for one number
which you should identify.
8 The function y(x) is defined for x > 0 and satisfies the conditions
y=0 and =1 at x = 0.
When x is in the range 2(n − 1)π < x < 2nπ, where n is a positive integer, y(t) satisfies the
differential equation
d2 y
+ n2 y = 0.
Both y and are continuous at x = 2nπ for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
(ii) Show that y(x) = 2 sin 2x for 2π 6 x 6 4π, and find y(x) for all x > 0.
Section B: Mechanics
9 The gravitational force between two point particles of masses m and m0 is mutually attractive
and has magnitude
where G is a constant and r is the distance between them.
A particle of unit mass lies on the axis of a thin uniform circular ring of radius r and mass m,
at a distance x from its centre. Explain why the net force on the particle is directed towards
the centre of the ring and show that its magnitude is
(x2 + r2 )3/2
The particle now lies inside a thin hollow spherical shell of uniform density, mass M and radius
a, at a distance b from its centre. Show that the particle experiences no gravitational force
due to the shell.
10 A chain of mass m and length l is composed of n small smooth links. It is suspended vertically
over a horizontal table with its end just touching the table, and released so that it collapses
inelastically onto the table. Calculate the change in momentum of the (k + 1)th link from the
bottom of the chain as it falls onto the table.
Write down an expression for the total impulse sustained by the table in this way from the
whole chain. By approximating the sum by an integral, show that this total impulse is
2 √
3 m (2gl)
when n is large.
11 Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform thin circular hoop of mass m and radius a about
an axis perpendicular to the plane of the hoop through a point on its circumference.
The hoop, which is rough, rolls with speed v on a rough horizontal table straight towards the
edge and rolls over the edge without initially losing contact with the edge. Show that the
hoop will lose contact with the edge when it has rotated about the edge of the table through
an angle θ, where
1 v2
cos θ = + .
2 2ag
STEP III, 1999 6
12 In the game of endless cricket the scores X and Y of the two sides are such that
(j + k)λj+k
P(X = j, Y = k) = e−1 ,
for some positive constant λ, where j, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
(iii) Show that 2xe2x−1 is an increasing function of x for x > 0 and deduce that the
equation in (ii) has at most one solution and hence determine λ.
13 The cakes in our canteen each contain exactly four currants, each currant being randomly
placed in the cake. I take a proportion X of a cake where X is a random variable with density
f(x) = Ax
for 0 6 x 6 1 where A is a constant.
(ii) If I find all four currants in my portion, what is the probability that I took more than
half the cake?
14 In the basic version of Horizons (H1) the player has a maximum of n turns, where n > 1. At
each turn, she has a probability p of success, where 0 < p < 1. If her first success is at the rth
turn, where 1 6 r 6 n, she collects r pounds and then withdraws from the game. Otherwise,
her winnings are nil. Show that in H1, her expected winnings are
£ ¤
p−1 1 + nq n+1 − (n + 1)q n pounds,
where q = 1 − p.
The rules of H2 are the same as those of H1, except that n is randomly selected from a Poisson
distribution with parameter λ. If n = 0 her winnings are nil. Otherwise she plays H1 with
the selected n. Show that in H2, her expected winnings are
1³ ´
1 − e−λp − λqe−λp pounds.