Study Material 1 DR - Farkhanda Warsi
Study Material 1 DR - Farkhanda Warsi
Study Material 1 DR - Farkhanda Warsi
Dr.Farkhanda Warsi
Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Two-Nation Theory M.A Jinnah is known as the Quid-i-Azam in
Pakistan. He was a Charismatic Leader in the real sense. He was a history-making leader who
changed the course of history. Jinnah entered in politics in 1906 when he joined Indian National
Congress. During this time, Indian Muslims became conscious about their separate identity and
rights. All India Muslim League was established to protect the interests of Muslims but Jinnah
Kept away from league's politics and agenda. Later on, Quaid-e Azam joined All India Muslim
League in 1913 and played significant role to promote Hindu-Muslim Unity. In 1920, he resigned
from the Congress due to disagreement with Gandhi on the issue of self-rule (Swaraj). After
resigning from Congress, he actively participated in Muslim League affairs to articulate the
Muslims demands with zeal and zest. Quid-i-Azam played a decisive role to peruse the Muslims
interests by facing strong opposition from Hindus and British. It was the charismatic personality
of Quid-i-Azam who influenced Muslim leaders and masses and convinced them to show
disassociation with Indian nationalism. Quid-i-Azam rejected the Nehru report on the basis of
Hindu bigotry and prejudice. On this occasion Quid sharply responded to Congress and British
Government: No, there is another party Muslims and the Muslim League has the right to represent
the interests of Muslim In British India. In 1935, Mr. Jinnah used the word nation for the Muslims
of India. He explained the separate identity of Muslims with reference to Islamic principles and
way of life and established that Muslims are quite different from the Hindus in every aspect of life.
On March 1936, Quid-i-Azam said that the Muslims could arrive at a settlement with Hindus as
Two Nations. Quid-i-Azam stated in his speech at Lucknow in the year 1937: The Hindus
constitute the majority community and majority community shows his version that Hindustan is
only for the Hindus. The congress established its government through the 1935 Act. Congress rule
was a great eye opener and shock for the Muslims. The Congress rule proved that they only want
to establish Hindu Raj in India. Due to the congress government, Muslim of all over India
experienced countless pains and miseries. Eventually, the Muslims started to mobilize themselves
under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-i-Azam around Muslim League flag. Dr Iqbal wrote a letter
to Muhammad Ali Jinnah and put some suggestions in the letter: we should consider the Muslims
of North-West India and Bengal (Muslim majority provinces) as a nation and start struggle for
self-determination within India or outside India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was convinced that the
future of Muslim of India is not secure as congress rule had already confirmed this. Sir Jinnah
wrote an article Published in Time and Tide in1940, he expressed his views:
"Now the western world considers the religion as private matter between man and God which
separate it from State. The British people perhaps forget the religious wars of their own history. In
the case of Hinduism and Islam, both religions have distinctive norms, values and definite social
codes." In an interview to London News Chronicle, Quid-i-Azam said: "The division of India into
two sovereign states is only pragmatic solution of the Hindu Muslim Conflict. But the fact is this;
Hindus will not accept our complete independence as a majority community in India." However,
It is important to mention here that the speeches and statements of Quaid-iAzam from 1940 to
1947 clearly emphasized that the new state would be an Islamic State. In 1939, he stated that the
Muslims and Hindus are two nations: "We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and
civilization, language and literature, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion,
legal laws and moral code, custom and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in
short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all cannons of international law,
we are a nation." On 23 March, 1940 at Lahore, Quid-i-Azam delivered the historic speech which
highlighted the idea of separate homeland for Muslims, he said: "Islam and Hinduism are not
religions in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and distinct social orders. The
Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, and literatures.
They neither inter-marry nor inter-dine together and, indeed, they belong to two different
civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions." We can easily find out
through the speeches of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that which type of state he wanted;
as he said: "In British India, under the parliamentary democratic system a paramount and perennial
Hindus majority defiantly would dominate over a minority. The British type of parliamentary
government would only establish rule of complete Hindu domination over the society in India.
Certainly, the Muslim community and other minorities in India would be absolutely powerless."
In his July 1942 interview to the American press representatives, Jinnah said: Many efforts were
made by the Hindu Congress during last 27 months to undermine and suppress Culture identity,
language and customs of the Muslims. Even the Muslim students were pushed in educational
institutions to read the books, prescribed by the Hindu Congress. we have seen that congress
government had emphasized on the Hindu culture and traditions".
Quaid-i-Azam in his address to the Students Union of Muslim University in 1942 stated that:
History of subcontinent reveals that it is a fact that Hindus have not ruled over any part of India
from last one thousand years. But our proposal to grant to them the Hindu majority zone, where
they can control the government as it is three fourth of India territory. Further, I would suggest to
Hindu leaders not to be greedy, because Hindus assume that they would grab the remaining one-
fourth and would establish the Hindu Raj over the whole India. I recommend to them don't be
greedy for my one-fourth and let me live my life according to my culture, tradition, language,
history and according to the principals of Islam. Jinnah acknowledged Islam and its significant
role in nation building while delivering speech to all India Muslim League: "What is the most
important thing that keeps the Muslims united? It is the only Islam which unites the Muslim. Holy
Quran is a great Book, which is the source of guidance and covers all aspect of life. I am hopeful
and confident that we will go on and on, there will be more unity and more oneness because of
one God, one Book, one Prophet and one Nation." October 1947, he had underscored the State’s
Islamic character inthe following words: By the grace of God Pakistan is an established fact today.
It is country, for which, we have been struggling for the last ten years. It was just idea that we
should have an independent state. An Independent State where we can spend our lives according
to our religion. Where we can practice our culture and Islamic principles of social justice could
practice freely. Almost all the speeches and statement made by Quid-i-Azam refer to the
establishment of an Islamic welfare state. All the speeches are clear and without ambiguity which
kind of state Quid had envisioned be.