Base Paper 1
Base Paper 1
Base Paper 1
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Abstract For each transformer, windings and insulations are the most important elements
economically and technically, so highly protection should be considered for them. The main fault
that occurs in a transformer is internal short circuit through the winding, which may lead to
serious damage in winding on transformer including winding deformation, interruption or even
the explosion of the transformer because of oil's overheating. Consequently, winding need to be
frequently checked to avoid major damages. In this paper, a new method for modeling and
simulation of transformer’s winding fault has been presented. According to happened variation in
line current and evaluation of its symmetrical component (positive, negative and zero sequences),
easy and precise algorithm has been obtained that can be used for simulation of internal fault of
transformer’s winding. The algorithm has been implemented for winding faults and has been
simulated by MATLAB/SIMULINK software. Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All
rights reserved.
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
I B,p 0 (11)
In above equations, Ib,p and I c ,p are variations of
current of phase-b and phase-c in primary side of studied
transformer, respectively; that according to above cases, I C ,p I RF (12)
in light fault its value is equal to zero. Index-p shows N1
expected quantity in primary side of transformer. In
above equations, indexes 0, 1 and 2 are related to zero, In above equations, the A, B and C indexes are related
positive and negative sequence of currents, respectively. to currents of line in primary side of studied transformer.
On the other hand: It is mentionable that zero sequence current is not
transferred to line and it is vanished in winding of D
Ic1, p Ib1, p (3) connection side of transformer.
Ic 2 ,p Ib 2 ,p (4)
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
I b,s Ic ,s (16)
j j
I a1,s I a 2 ,s (18)
3 NF 6
I A 2 ,P 3 I a 2, p e I RF e (14)
3 N1 Also, values of unbalanced current in secondary side
of transformer are transferred to primary side by
In equations (13) and (14) can be obviously seen that following equations:
variation of positive and negative sequence of line
current in primary side of transformer is proportional to I a1,p I a 2 ,p (19)
percentage of damaged turns of winding and value of
pass current in resistance of fault [8]. 2
According to above equations, the value of increase of I b1,p Ib 2 ,p (20)
transient current in fault state can be obtained from
equation (9). Now, in order to determine intensity of I c1, p I c 2 ,p (21)
light fault, coefficient KS can be defined by equation (15)
that its value is ratio of terminal voltage of damaged
Therefore, positive and negative sequences of referred
turns of winding to current value of short circuit fault of
line current in primary side are as follow:
winding (IRF). Therefore, value of IRF can be proportional
to terminal voltage of winding: j
I A1,P 3 I 6
a1,p e (22)
I RF K s Va,p (15)
where, KS is index of light fault and increase of its value I A2 ,P 3 I 6
a 2, p e (23)
is expressive of increase of value of fault.
As a result, value of increase of line current for phase-
II.2. Modeling of Turn to Turn Severe Fault a in primary side of transformer is calculated as follow:
The model in pervious section has a good precise at
the light fault duration and in steady state, but in severe 3
I A,p 3 Ia1,p I´a1,s (24)
fault situation, in order to keep accuracy, this model rt
should be changed slightly, because in light fault,
noticeable change in coupling of windings is not created where, rt is turn ratio of primary winding to secondary
and voltage will be changed a little; as a result, line winding of transformer [8].
current in secondary side will change a little. In contrast, As respects above cases, secondary voltage related to
in severe fault, magnetic coupling is reduced. Then, damaged primary winding causes reduction of coupling
voltage in winding of secondary side and load current of in two secondary windings. As regards this issue, value
transformer will be changed, significantly. It is of increase in negative sequence current in secondary
mentionable that because of reduction of coupling and side is in opposite direction of terminal voltage before
value of flux, transferred power in damaged turns of fault. Now, as previous section, coefficient KC can be
winding is reduced. The gist important point is while considered as coefficient of intensity of fault for severe
load is not grounded, variation in current of secondary
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
faults. In this equation, coefficient KC will be negative fabrication of three cores (three phases) of transformer,
because of above mentioned reason: also short circuit in winding of transformer can cause
increase of temperature around winding and as a result
I a1,s I a 2 ,s K cVa,s (25) increase of its resistance. This issue can cause reducing
zero sequence of current in severe fault. Therefore,
The line current in secondary side of transformer is negative sequence of current for recognizing and
increased as follow: detecting fault of winding can be used only.
According to above cases, in Fig. 2 can be observed,
I a,s I a1,s Ia 2 ,s 2 K cVa,s (26) for resistance reduction of winding from 0.1 ohm (related
to fault occurrences), effective value of fault current (IRF)
has been increased extremely. In Fig. 3, variations of
I b,s K cVa,s (27) internal line current of studied transformer has been
shown when winding of phase-a has short circuit fault. In
I c ,s K cVa,s (28) this figure, resistance of phase-a in primary side of
studied transformer has been considered about 0.03 ohm.
As seen, currents of line A and C has increase and
As a result, by referring above currents to primary
current of line B remains constant. Also, in Fig. 6,
side, following results will be obtained:
effective value of line currents has been shown. As seen
in Fig. 4, variations of current in primary lines of studied
3K c
I A,p Va,s (29) transformer are coinciding with equations (10), (11) and
rt (12). According to these figures in fault duration, current
in the one of lines (line B) has not been changed but
I B,p 0 (30) other line currents are similar to pass current through
fault resistance. It should be said that these two currents
are flown in opposite direction.
3K c
I C ,p Va ,s (31)
Parameters Values
It should be mentioned that, the Coefficients KC and
KS are expressed as complex number that laboratory test Primary voltage (volt) 380
and simulation have shown that their imaginary part
Secondary voltage (volt) 380
usually is negligible [9].
Rated power (kVA) 15
In this section, in order to detect short circuit fault of Inductance of each phases in primary side and
winding, typical three-phase transformer with technical 0.09
secondary side (H)
specifications tabulated in Table has been considered.
Also, connected load to this transformer is balanced and
Now, assumed to be that short circuit has been
occurred in primary side of studied transformer and in
phase-a. Simulation has been done in
MATLAB/SIMULINK software and effective value of
current (IRF) has been shown in Fig. 2.
According to equation (9), it can be said that line
current (IRF) in short circuit part of winding is
proportional to defected line current sequences. Among
of these sequences, negative sequence of faulty line
current has more similarity to short circuit current. On
the other hand, in addition to fault current, positive
sequence of line current will be changed because change
of load, i.e. positive sequence of line current are related
to load. Also, zero sequence current is flown in D
connection in the form of eddy current because of Fig. 2. Effective value of fault current (IRF) for different faults in
difference of magnetic paths in different phases. On the winding of phase-a in primary side
other hand, partial unbalance can be taken place in
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
Fig. 3(a). Currents of primary lines of studied transformer (before Fig. 4(b). Effective value of current of primary lines of studied
happening fault) transformer for happening fault in phase-a for R=0.03 (after happening
Fig. 3(b). Currents of primary lines of studied transformer for THE SIMULATION RESULTS
happening fault in phase-a for R=0.03 (after happening fault) Resistance of Percentage of short Percentage of short
phase a winding circuited winding circuited winding by
(Ra) (F%) proposed algorithm
0.098 2% 2.08%
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
phase shift with respect to line C enters to this line IV. Conclusion
( I RF ). In other words, this current enters into In this paper by extracting phase current of typical
N1 transformer and analyzing symmetrical sequence
winding of transformer with 30-degree lag phase shift in component of phase and line currents, it is determined
respect of line A and inters into line C with 30-degree that the value of fault current is proportional to negative
Nf sequence of line current. Therefore, it has been
lead phase shift. As a result, statements ( I RF ) and determined and simulated according to mentioned
equations, presented algorithm. The results of simulation
Nf have shown that if short circuit of winding takes place,
( I RF ) have 180-degree phase shift. Ultimately,
N1 then current of negative sequence in one of lines will be
final values of currents in lines A and B will be similar to extremely increased. This case can be used as a criterion
each other. This subject has been shown in Fig. 5 well. for fault detection problem; and according to supposed
Similarly, that is exist in line C and A, will be happened values in rate of resistance of one of the transformer's
just when load is unit power factor. If the load does not phases, percentage of estimation fault in short circuit of
have unit power factor, a little shift in amplitude and windings has been calculated by using presented
angle of phases A and C will be happened. Also, algorithm that is expressive of proper precision of this
effective value of line A is a little more than this algorithm.
parameter in line C, due to inductance feature of
transformer, that it shifts power factor towards lag.
In Table , the rate of short circuited winding has
been calculated based on proposed algorithm in the form Schematic diagram of the simulation model in
of turn number of short circuited winding to total MATLAB/SIMULINK has been shown in Fig. 6.
windings. Also, calculated value by this algorithm has
been compared to reduction of resistance of damaged
phase winding (a).
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the used model for simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK software package
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)
M. Yazdani-Asrami, E. Samadaei, S. Darvishi, M. Taghipour
Phase Core-Type Power Transformer, IEEE Transactions on Emad Samadaei was born in ghaemshahr, Iran,
Magnetics, vol. 44, no. 5, May. 2008, pp. 590-597. in 1985. He received a B.Sc. degree in electrical
[6] G. B. Kumbhar, and S. V. Kulkarni, Analysis of Short-Circuit engineering from University of Mazandaran,
Performance of Split-Winding Transformer Using Coupled Field- Babol, Iran in 2008 and He is presently pursuing
Circuit Approach, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. the M.Sc. degree at the Babol University of
22, no. 2, Apr. 2007, pp. 936-943. Technology, Babol, IRAN.
[7] N. Y. Abed, and O. A. Mohammed, Modeling and His research interests include power electronic,
Characterization of Transformers Internal Faults Using Finite drive and electrical machines.
Element and Discrete Wavelet Transforms, IEEE Transactions Email:
on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 4, Apr. 2007, pp. 1425-1428.
[8] G. Diaz, P. Arboleya and J. Gomez-Aleixandre, Analytical Sajede Darvishi was born in ghaemshahr, Iran, in 1986. He received a
Approach to Internal Fault Simulation in Power Transformers B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from University of Mazandaran,
Based on Fault-Related Incremental Currents, IEEE Transactions Babol, Iran in 2008 and He is presently pursuing the M.Sc. degree at
on Power Delivery, Vol.21, Issue.1, January 2006, pp.142-149. the University of Semnan, Semnan, IRAN.
[9] G. Diaz, J. Gomez-Aleixandre and P. Arboleya, Electromagnetic
model of turn-to-turn short circuits in transformers, The Mehran Taghipour-Gorjikolaie was born in
International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in sari, IRAN, in 1986. He received a B.Sc. degree
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL), Vol. 23, No. 2, in electrical engineering from University of
2004, pp. 562-575. Mazandaran, Babol, IRAN in 2008 and He is
presently pursuing the M.Sc. degree at the
Birjand University, Birjand, IRAN.
Authors’ information His research interests include modeling and
simulating of power-electronic systems,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Babol University electrical machines and artificial intelligence
of Technology, Babol, IRAN. algorithms.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Email:
Semnan, Semnan, IRAN.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand,
Copyright © 2010 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 1st International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS)