Soil and Water Mock Exam
Soil and Water Mock Exam
Soil and Water Mock Exam
1. The La Mesa dam reservoir is said to be near the critical level of water shortage.
Assuming that it is already in the critical level, 80 m in its monitoring gage, if the average
area of the reservoir water surface is approximately 6 sq km and if under normal
conditions 90% of the total rainfall that falls in the watershed finds its way to the
reservoir, what amount of rainfall in millimeters over the watershed is needed to raise the
water level of the reservoir by 2 meters? Watershed area is 2700 hectares
2. The diameter of the measuring tube in inches of an 8-inch standard rain gage is?
3. Areas (ha) and rainfall depths (mm) in 6 gaging stations are as follows: (65,46), (150,55),
(269,57), (216,55), (56,41) and (136,46). What is the average rainfall using the Thiessen
4. The maximum length of flow is 600 m and the difference in elevation along this path is 3
m. What is the time of concentration in minutes?
5. The runoff coefficient C is 0.10 and the intensity of rainfall for the time of concentration in
problem 40 is 3.8 inches per hour, what is the design peak runoff rate in cum per second
for a 16 ha watershed?
6. The total rainfall for the month of May was 600 mm as measured by an 8-inch standard
rain gage. What is the average daily rainfall for the month?
7. Determine the velocity of flow in a parabolic, a triangular, and a trapezoidal-shaped
waterway, all having a cross-sectional area of 2 sq m, a depth of flow of 0.3 m. a channel
slope of 4 percent, and a roughness coefficient of 0.04. Assume 4:1 side slopes for the
trapezoidal cross section
8. Design a parabolic-shaped grassed waterway to carry 1.5 cu m/s. The soil is easily-
eroded, the channel has a slope of 4 percent, and a good stand of Bermuda grass, cut to
60 mm, is to be maintained in the waterway.
9. Design a trapezoidal-shaped waterway with 4:1 side slopes to carry 0.6 cu m/s where
the soil is resistant to erosion and the channel has a slope of 5 percent. Brome grass in
the channel may be either mowed or long when maximum flow is expected
9. Moist soils will exhibit higher infiltration rates than dry soils.
11. Transpiration only occurs from plants when water has passed
through its rooting system.
12. Storms of the convective type are much more likely to occur
in the afternoon.
24. The 8-inch standard rain gage magnifies the depth of rainfall
8- folds to facilitate recording.
26. Areas with flat terrains require a higher number of rain gaging
stations because of the vast areas involved.
30. The main driving force for the occurrence of all other events
in the hydrologic cycle is the energy that comes from the
incoming solar radiation.
1. What are the rainfall characteristics influencing runoff rate and volume?
2. Before runoff could occur, precipitation must satisfy the demands of:
8. Identify each of the variables involved in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
16. What is the process by which water transforms from solid to vapor? ___________
18. Give the relationship between average velocity and surface velocity in a stream
20. Give the relationship between return period and probability of occurrence
1. What is runoff?
3. Identify and characterize in terms of runoff potential the reference hydrologic soil
4. What is a hydrograph?