Answer The Following Questions: TC 0.0078 (L 3/h) 0.385
Answer The Following Questions: TC 0.0078 (L 3/h) 0.385
Answer The Following Questions: TC 0.0078 (L 3/h) 0.385
1- Define Hydrology
"Hydrology is the science that deals with the waters of the earth, their
occurrence, cycle, distribution, their chemical and physical properties, and
their reaction with their environment.
9-Define PMP.
Probable maximum precipitation(PMP): is defined as the estimated greatest
depth of the precipitation for a given duration that is possible physically and
reasonably characteristic over a particular geographic region at a certain
time of year.
10-Duration of rainfall
c-1.6 hr
d-1.6 min
14-Loss= ...................
a- total rainfall _ effective rainfall
b- total rainfall + effective rainfall
d- non of them
b-total rainfall _ effective rainfall
c-total rainfall + effective rainfall
d- non of them