Race and IQ in The Postgenomic Age: The Microcephaly Case
Race and IQ in The Postgenomic Age: The Microcephaly Case
Race and IQ in The Postgenomic Age: The Microcephaly Case
A convergence of contextual factors, technological platforms and research frameworks in the genomics of the human brain and cognition has generated a new postgenomic model for the study of race and IQ. Centered on the case study of Bruce T. Lahns 2005 claims about the genomic basis of racial differences in brain size and IQ, this article maps the disciplinary terrain of this research, analyzes its central claims and examines the rigor of critical debate within the genomics community about new race and IQ research. New postgenomic race and IQ research, while displaying some continuities with previous eras of racial science, also differs in important ways, both contextual and conceptual. In particular, this new research draws on methods and hypotheses that are widely accepted across many fields of the contemporary molecular genetic sciences. This has implications for the forms of critical engagement that science studies scholars might pursue. BioSocieties (2011) 6, 420446. doi:10.1057/biosoc.2011.20; published online 17 October 2011 Keywords: evolutionary cognitive genetics; genomics; human population genetics; neurogenetics; race; IQ
Since the completion of the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, science studies, race/ ethnicity and genetics scholars have undertaken extensive discussions about the implications of new genomic research for conceptions of human difference.1 Absent from these discussions, however, has been the classically charged issue of the genetics of racial differences in intelligence.2 In this article, I suggest that the postgenomic age a term specifying shifts both temporal and technical may initiate a new era of scientific claims about the genetics of racial differences in IQ. Research in an emerging field that some are calling evolutionary cognitive genetics is producing renewed and challenging claims about human genetic variation and IQ. While some methodological issues with this research are familiar, these new
1 See, for example, Fujimura et al (2008); Koenig et al (2008); and Whitmarsh and Jones (2010). 2 IQ refers to a measure of general intelligence arrived at by cognitive tests and in relation to statistical measures of age-appropriate performance on those tests. In this article, I use the terms IQ and intelligence interchangeably. For more general claims not specific to IQ, I use phrases such as cognitive differences or cognitive performance.
r 2011 The London School of Economics and Political Science 1745-8552 www.palgrave-journals.com/biosoc/ BioSocieties Vol. 6, 4, 420446
claims about the genetics of intelligence emanate from a different context and conceptual framework than that of previous eras one rooted in evolutionary biology, neuroscience and the molecular biosciences, as well as the distinctive discursive and institutional climate of the postgenomic biosciences. These features, as well as the social and ethical implications of this research, require the attention and close scrutiny of scholars of genetics, science studies and race/ethnicity. This article proceeds in four parts. I begin with a brief overview of how postgenomics what The Economist magazine recently called Biology 2.0 (2010) is changing the race and IQ landscape and producing a new research platform for claims about biologically based racial differences in intelligence that I will refer to, following Bates et al (2008, p. 690), as evolutionary cognitive genetics. Second, I characterize the central claims, hypotheses and theoretical frameworks of the intersecting fields of evolutionary cognitive genetics. Third, I critically examine University of Chicago geneticist Bruce T. Lahns 2005 claims that variants of two genes known to be associated with microcephaly, or small brain size, are more common among Eurasian populations than African ones, and may explain groupbased differences in intelligence. Finally, I analyze the broader context and reception of the claims about microcephaly gene variants within human genetics, assessing the rigor of the genetics communitys critical response to Lahns research. I argue that the microcephaly case reveals a lack of community standards around central claims and practices in brain genomics and studies of race and intelligence. Moreover, I argue that discursive and disciplinary shifts render new genetic research on race and IQ more resistant to oppositional methodological and ideological critique than were its predecessors. Although researchers express awareness of the sensitive nature of genetic research on IQ, there is a need for critical discussion what I call transformative conversations around the questions asked, accepted methodologies, structuring assumptions and descriptive and representational discourses used in genomics research areas relevant to race and IQ.
The term postgenomic specifies not just contemporary genome research, but, more broadly, any biological research after the completion of the major genome projects that employs genomic technologies and draws upon genomic knowledge. Whole genome technologies include: human genome databases and biobanks; microarray chips for assessing the expression of hundreds of thousands of genes in human tissue at once and over time; rapid, inexpensive next-generation genome sequencing technologies; bioinformatic and computational advances in genome-wide association studies; and low-overhead mail-order mass sequencing and genome analysis facilities. The falling cost and increasing speed of whole genome technologies is exceeding expectations, and a variety of private and public projects of global scale are now generating massive databases of genomic information (Biology 2.0: A Special Report on the Human Genome, 2010). Today, as biomedical scientists work in a transdisciplinary research environment framed in part by the interests and agendas of commercial pharmaceutical, biotechnology and directto-consumer genetics enterprises, they are driven to apply human genomic data and technologies to locate variation in the human genome that may be marketable as a biomarker for disease, forensics, ancestry or human enhancement (Kahn, 2008b; Clarke et al, 2009). Racial or biogeographical ancestry is among the principal tools for probing the human genome for differences (Fullwiley, 2008; Kahn, 2008a; Bliss, 2009; Fujimura and Rajagopalan, 2011). As such, human genomic data and technologies are poised to proliferate scientific claims of biological differences between human populations, often racially defined. In the pre-genomics era of race and IQ research, claims about the genetic basis of IQ primarily emanated from the field of psychology and its subfields of studies of intelligence and of behavioral genetics (particularly twin studies) (Plomin and Rende, 1991; Panofsky, forthcoming). Genomics now provides a shared technological platform allowing heightened collaboration and rapid translation between these areas and previously dispersed and farflung fields. Specifically, the postgenomic era of race and IQ research has drawn into its orbit the fields of neuroscience, particularly genetic studies of brain development, structure and function; human evolution, with a focus on the genomic evolution of the human brain; and population genetics, the study of the dynamics of human population genetic diversity (Figure 1). These developments are evidenced in the emergence of the new field of evolutionary cognitive genetics.
Figure 1: The disciplinary terrain of postgenomic race and IQ research. Source: Authors illustration.
Brain genes
Neurogeneticists are currently in the process of identifying the genes and gene families that express in the human brain, and medical researchers are racing to discover genes implicated in mental and intellectual disorders. Prominent research streams include studies on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, Alzheimers and other degenerative mental disorders, severe mental retardation, and developmental brain disorders such as autism.3 The number of genes associated with such disorders is already large and will certainly grow in the future as whole genome technologies and human genomic databases develop further. These studies are providing a new and massive data pool for investigating the genetics of intelligence.4 As Robert Plomin, author of Behavioral Genetics (2008), the leading textbook in the field, writes, [We predict that] when genes are found for common disorders such as mild mental retardation or learning disabilities, the same genes will be associated with variation throughout the normal distribution of intelligence, including the high end of the distribution (Plomin et al, 2006, p. 515). Although behavioral geneticists stress the unlikelihood that any single gene variant will have a large effect on behavioral phenotype, the intensive study of the genomics of cognitive, mental and brain disorders will surely yield examples of genes with variants of different frequency in different populations, portending a wide-open pathway for genetic claims
3 For example, the Autism Genome Project has become a generative location for genes that many assume will also be implicated in intelligence (Abrahams and Geschwind, 2008; GenomeWeb, 2010). 4 Researchers believe that cortical thickness, thickness of the corpus callosum, and grey and white matter volumes of the total cerebrum are relevant predictors of intelligence, all features that have been shown to be influenced by genes (Deary et al, 2010). Any gene influencing these features is, in theory, a candidate intelligence gene.
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about racial or ethnic differences in brain and cognition. In addition to ASPM and microcephalin, at least 30 brain genes, including CDK5RAP, CENPJ, ADCYAP1, AHI1, SHH, SRPX2, MAOA, BRCA1, COMT, ADRA2A, BDNF, CHRM2, DRD2, GRM3, HTR2A, SLC6A4, NCSTN, HLA, DRB1, IGF2R, CTSD, CBS, MSX1, SSADH, APOE, ACE, MTHFR, AHI1, GLUD2 and FOXP2, are current targets for research on human brain evolution, the genetics of intelligence and human population variation (Dorus et al, 2004; Plomin et al, 2006; Bates et al, 2008; Vallender et al, 2008). Some even suggest that such research may lead to drugs tailored for African Americans to correct genetic deficits in IQ. As intelligence researchers Earl Hunt and Jerry Carlson write, In 2005, the Food and Drug Administration licensed a drug, BiDil, targeted specifically for the treatment of heart disease in African Americans. In principle, similar race-specific treatments could be developed for individuals at risk for cognitive conditions, including low intelligence y There is no reason to regard such research as either impossible or undesirable (2007, p. 197).5
5 Perspectives on Psychological Science published three accompanying commentaries on Hunt and Carlson (2007). Although two present some broad criticisms of research on racial differences in IQ, the commentaries praise Hunt and Carlsons article as offering sensible guidelines for the conduct of research on group differences in intelligence (Brody, 2007) and as a major work of y high caliber, sensible, wellwritten, and balanced (Sternberg and Grigorenko, 2007). None of the commentaries, nor any of the dozen or more scholarly publications that have since cited Hunt and Carlson (Google Scholar, 29 July 2011), remark on their striking claim that molecular research on group differences in intelligence could lead to BiDil-like therapies for race-based cognitive deficits. To my knowledge, however, no one is taking serious steps toward developing such a drug at this time. 6 See Proctor (2003) for a disciplinary and intellectual history of what Proctor calls the recent emphasis on recency (p. 227) in the fields of archaeology, paleontology and molecular anthropology.
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Examples of research on recent positive selection for gene variants in human racial and ethnic groups include the 2010 claims that Tibetans possess different variants of the genes controlling oxygen capacity, allowing them to flourish at high altitudes (Simonson et al, 2010; Yi et al, 2010), and that southern Chinese carry variants that function to help the kidneys more efficiently rid the body of alcohols toxins (Peng et al, 2010). These genes, the authors claimed, cause the so-called Asian flush reaction. According to Wade, searches for similar examples of recent positive selection unique to particular racial or ethnic groups are underway in Eskimos, Bolivians and other populations living in extreme environments.7 Applied to brain and intelligence genes, and against the backdrop of human variation research on genetic differences among racial and ethnic groups, research on recent positive selection in human populations has potentially explosive implications. A long-standing hypothesis of the evolution of modern human behavior, attributed to anthropologist Richard Klein, holds that although anatomically modern humans arose in Africa, behaviorally modern humans arose in Europe, through a genetic-neurological change undetectable by fossils (Klein, 1989, pp. 343, 358359, 397). There is a conviction among many brain and behavioral genetics researchers that human genes involved in intelligence likely continued to evolve among modern humans after the migration from Africa and that populations with different genetic ancestries may have distinctive intellectual strengths as a result of this ongoing process. Genetic anthropologist Henry Harpending and colleague Gregory Cochran write in their 2009 book The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution that, The obvious between-population differences that we knew of a few years ago were only the tip of the iceberg (Cochran and Harpending, 2009, p. 20); The most interesting genetic changes are surely those that change minds rather than bodies (ibid, p. 54). Citing the microcephalin gene as an example, Harpending and Cochran carve a vision of a bold new science of the evolution of modern human behavioral differences. At the center of their argument is the notion that genetic changes caused the explosion in European, Middle Eastern and Asian cultures after their exit from Africa. Obviously, something important, some genetic change, occurred in Africa that allowed moderns to expand out of Africa and supplant archaic species (ibid, p. 31), they assert. This genetic change, they argue, must have yielded enhanced intelligence for those who carried the favored alleles. The idea that there may be brain genes continuing to evolve in human populations, however speculative and racially tinged, is a compelling narrative, appealing to many, as well as a provocative media-ready hypothesis. A 2005 Science news article reporting on Lahns findings was headlined, Evolution: Are human brains still evolving? Brain genes show signs of selection (Balter, 2005). The article was accompanied by an image of a muscular, nude Caucasian male, head shorn to exaggerate the size of the cranium, posed in profile with chin resting on fist as The Thinker, and captioned, Big thinker? Certain forms of two brain genes may confer a selective advantage. The consistent, if often implicit, message of genetic
7 It should be noted that such claims frequently present, as scientific fact, a simplistic and uncritical picture of present-day racial and ethnic groups as reflecting known population genetic substructures with distinctive, unbroken histories. This picture of the genetic basis of race and ethnicity is at best an idealization of human population variation and, at worst, a crude concretization of human folk racial conceptions in genetic terms.
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claims about recent positive selection and intelligence is that this research will reveal gene variants that explain why or how European and Asian peoples are more evolved, more complex or higher, or somehow more specialized for certain tasks than other populations.
8 For example, the publication of the 2010 draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome has reinvigorated debate over whether Neanderthals and Eurasians exchanged genetic material (Green et al, 2010). Evidence in favor of this hypothesis is seen as bolstering claims about unique gene variants and recent positive selection in non-African populations. In his article, Genomics Refutes an Exclusively African Origin of Humans (Eswaran et al, 2005), Harpending and coauthors advance the idea that infusions of genes from other hominids occurred after humans left Africa, and that these genes may be implicated in racial and/or cultural differences between modern humans. Indeed, Lahn has suggested that the advantageous microcephaly gene variants may have originated from introgression with Neanderthals or another hominid species (Evans et al, 2006; Thornton and Woods, 2009).
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published a four-stage scheme for studying human evolution using this method: 1. The first stage requires large-scale comparisons of genes across several strategically selected species. 2. In the second stage, outlier genes y such as those with highly elevated rates of evolution in primates are compared over a much wider range of taxa that includes both non-primate and primate species. 3. In the third stage, genes showing the most interesting evolutionary patterns are subject to polymorphism studies in humans. 4. In the final stage y polymorphisms identified in humans, especially those associated with signatures of positive selection, are subject to association studies to examine whether they correlate with phenotypic differences among individual humans. In the case of brain-related genes, phenotypes such as brain size and morphology, cognitive abilities, personality traits and even psychiatric conditions can be investigated. (Gilbert et al, 2005, pp. 585586) Buttressing comparative brain genomics research is a particular theory of the evolution of the human brain. The encephalization hypothesis predicts that the higher the ratio of brain size to body size, when looking at primate species, the more advanced, complex or humanlike one may expect the primate to be. According to this widely held hypothesis, enlargements and structural developments in the brain were the principal drivers of the evolution of primate species from simple mammals to complex primates with rich cultural and social practices. On this theory, intellectual advances language, tool-making and complex social systems distinguish modern humans from their ancestors, and these advances came about in part due to enlargement of the human brain (Klein, 1989). Applying this interspecies hypothesis about the genetics of brain and cognition to intraspecies comparison among humans leads to the notion that differences between the races may be explained, like the hierarchy of primates and mammals, by differences in the genetics of brain development. The recent book Big Brain: The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence (2008), by UCIrvine psychiatrist Gary Lynch and Dartmouth computational brain scientist Richard Granger, explicitly connects comparative evolutionary genomics of the brain in humans, primates and mammals to a genetic determinist model of intelligence and to a theory of the genetic basis of contemporary variation among groups and individuals. Lynch and Granger suggest that genomic and evolutionary studies of the brain lead inevitably to the conclusion that there will be group differences in intellectual ability. They argue that just as we observe different characteristic behaviors among primate species, we should expect that people with different racial ancestries, and therefore different brain genetics, will have different cognitive or behavioral qualities: y Different groups of people have different mixtures of genetic features. Slight gene changes can give rise to differences in brain path connectivity. Differences in brain paths can affect the ease with which certain behavioral functions may be performed. The implication is clear: innate brain connectivity differences can lead to individual and group differences, with disparate talents arising from various connectivity patterns. (Lynch and Granger, 2008, pp. 124125)
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Many researchers are now suggesting that genes involved in the evolutionary ancestry of the human brain may have, in recent human history, diverged in different directions, accounting for variation in cognition and culture among modern humans (Klein, 1989; Gilbert et al, 2005; Cox et al, 2006). This coupling of evolutionary models of the differences between primate brains with research on genetic variation in the modern human brain represents a powerful new framework for studies of genetic differences in intellectual ability among races and ethnicities. Investigations into recent positive selection for microcephaly gene variants show this framework in action.
microcephalin research. As I will show, although many of the specific claims asserted in Lahns original papers were subsequently debunked, their fundamental assumptions and larger explanatory frameworks remain uncontested and widely accepted.
Unsurprisingly, Lahns postulated association between ASPM and microcephalin, brain size and intelligence in different racial/ethnic groups was refuted by subsequent studies, including one by Lahns lab. Several groups raced to test Lahns hypothesis, using a variety of methods ranging from IQ tests to brain imaging studies to assess possible correlations between the gene variants and intelligence in different racial and ethnic populations. Six such studies have appeared in print since Lahns 2005 Science papers; none have found a correlation between the gene variants and either brain size or any measure of intelligence (Dobson-Stone et al, 2007; Mekel-Bobrov et al, 2007; Rushton et al, 2007; Timpson et al, 2007; Bates et al, 2008; Maghirang-Rodriguez et al, 2009). In this case, the assumption that a gene that, if lesioned, causes cognitive deficit, may be expected to, if normal or enhanced, lead to enhanced intelligence, cohered what would otherwise be a wholly unpublishable speculative hypothesis. While the hypothesized correlation was in this case disproven, discussion of Lahns claims has focused on their empirical disconfirmation, not on their underlying assumptions. That a gene implicated in brain development, function or disorder is a viable target for genetic research on human intelligence is, it seems, accepted as a plausible claim, sufficient for publication, in work at the intersection of brain genomics, human population genetics and studies of human intelligence. Yet, as the microcephaly case shows, association with brain development, cognitive impairment or psychological disorders is not sufficient to establish a gene as a candidate determinant of normal variation in intelligence and cognition. This points to a need for critical discussion among genomicists, and brain and behavior researchers of the relevant disciplines, to clarify the assumptions, aims and ethics of this emerging research.
Table 1: Comparison of evidence for recent positive selection for lactase persistence genes and for microcephalin/ASPM genes Measure of positive selection in last 10 000 years Large frequency differences among groups by Fst, Pexcess and long-range haplotype measures Confers validated phenotypic advantage Correlation of allele with phenotype using in vitro and lab studies Selective story rooted in historical, geographical and/or demographic evidence Specific estimate of time of selective sweep Validated in large, diverse population samples Source: Compiled by author. Microcephalin/ASPM haplotype D No modest and controversial signature of positive selection by some measures No No No loose selective story not well-grounded in history, geography or demography No large error bars of tens of thousands of years No Lactase persistence genes Yes strong signature of positive selection by all methods and measures Yes nutritional Yes well-validated metabolic pathway Yes dairy farming settings; arose independently in these contexts Yes localized to 700010 000 years ago Yes
northern Europeans, selection occurred after colonization of Europe and in the setting of dairy farming (Bersaglieri et al, 2004). Today, approximately 90 per cent of Swedes and Danes carry these lactase persistence gene variants. In a case of convergent selection, different lactase persistence gene variants independently arose in East African populations that subsisted on dairy-based agriculture within the same time frame as northern Europeans. Today, approximately 90 per cent of Tutsi carry these gene variants. East Asians, in contrast, rarely carry lactase persistence gene variants (Tishkoff et al, 2007). Cases such as the lactase gene stand as the central pillar of evolutionary cognitive genetics claims. If it can be so in the case of lactase, evolutionary cognitive geneticists ask, why not in the case of so-called brain or cognition genes?13 Yet there are critical differences between a case such as positive selection for lactase gene variants and positive selection for brain, behavior, cognition or intelligence gene variants among human populations. As summarized in Table 1, the case for recent positive selection for Lahns microcephaly gene variants is not comparable to that of lactase persistence genes. Lactase persistence genes show strong statistical signatures of positive selection by all available methods and measures. The nutritional advantage of the gene variants and their role in the relevant metabolic pathways has been well-validated and the gene variant has been correlated with lactase persistence in large-scale and diverse epidemiological studies, and in vitro, human in vivo and laboratory animal studies. The selective story for how these lactase persistence alleles arose is strongly
13 In numerous interviews and publications, Lahn has cited lactose intolerance and skin pigmentation as examples demonstrating the plausibility of recent positive selection for human traits including cognitive traits. As he wrote in a 2009 Nature article, skin pigmentation and lactase persistence show that recent positive selection can produce differences among groups y so substantial that the trait displays an intergroup difference that is non-trivial compared with the variance within groups, and the extreme end of a trait may be significantly over-represented in a group (Lahn and Ebenstein, 2009, p. 728).
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rooted in historical, geographical and demographic evidence: lactase gene variants arose in dairy farming settings, even evolving independently in different regions of the world where this context was present. The time of the selective sweep for these lactase persistence genes has been tightly located to 700010 000 years ago (see, for example, Akey et al, 2004; Bersaglieri et al, 2004; Sabeti et al, 2006; Tishkoff et al, 2007). In contrast, the two genes at the center of Lahns 2005 claims showed only modest signatures of positive selection by some measures, and according to many critics, did not adequately rule out alternative demographic scenarios (Balter, 2006; Currat et al, 2006; Mekel-Bobrov and Lahn, 2006; Mekel-Bobrov et al, 2007; Yu et al, 2007; Bates et al, 2008).14 More egregiously, as we saw above, Lahn did not demonstrate that these gene variants confer a validated phenotypic advantage, nor did he conduct epidemiological or laboratory studies to explore the hypothesis that the genes conferred cognitive advantage via enhanced brain size. Further, Lahns story about why and how the genes were positively selected in non-African populations was not well grounded in history, geography or demography, but relied on loose and sweeping generalizations about human cultural history (Nielsen, 2009). Lahns estimates of the time at which the gene variants swept to frequency in Eurasian populations had large error bars of tens of thousands of years, also calling into question his selective story. Despite widespread comparisons of the microcephaly variants to lactase persistence, then, Lahns claims did not, by any measure, substantiate a case of recent positive selection for functional human allele variants comparable to the lactase gene. The dramatic gap between Lahns claims about the ASPM and microcephalin variants and much better documented cases such as lactase persistence should have been clear, but was not illuminated either in a scientific context or in the media coverage of Lahns claims. Although claims about recent positive selection unique to different racial and ethnic groups are proliferating, standards regarding evidence of recent positive selection are not well established. Brain genes are uncritically arrayed as peers alongside simple, well-studied changes in response to clear environmental factors, such as skin pigmentation and lactase persistence. Sabeti et al predict that many more examples [of genes that show signatures of recent positive selection] are likely to be found in the coming years (p. 1620), warning that The field is expanding rapidly, as evidenced by the continual flood of papers claiming new regions as candidates for selection and reporting new methods for detecting selection. It will be a challenge to interpret this new information. (Sabeti et al, 2006, p. 1620) In this wide-open field of play, we may realistically expect many assertions of race or ethnic population-based positive selection for genes putatively related to intelligence, the brain or cognition to be advanced in coming years. The microcephaly case points to the clear need for fundamental discussion among researchers of research standards in studies of recent positive selection in human brain- and behavior-related traits.
14 Lahns data on population difference in frequency of the ASPM and microcephalin gene variants was based on resequencing of the gene loci using a panel of 89 samples (90 in the case of ASPM) from the Coriell Institute. The panel included small samples from geographically disparate global populations, labeled as follows: nine sub-Saharan Africans, seven North Africans, nine Iberians, seven Basques, nine Russians, nine Middle Easterners, nine South Asians, eight Chinese (nine for the ASPM locus), one Japanese, eight Southeast Asians, six Pacific Islanders and seven Andeans (online supplementary material for Evans et al, 2005; Mekel-Bobrov et al, 2005, available through www.sciencemag.org).
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Figure 2: Comparison of the evolutionary expansion of the primate brain with the reduction of brain size seen in microcephaly. Reprinted from Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, Copyright (2005), with permission from Elsevier (Ponting and Jackson, 2005, p. 243).
Mongolian atavism to the orangutan type and microcephaly as a negroid atavism to the gorilla type (see also Down, 1866; Ireland, 1877; Miller, 1996).17
17 The use of the term atavism by contemporary brain genomicists in the microcephaly case is striking not only because of this painful history, but also because today atavism is not widely accepted as a term with any precise technical meaning in medicine or evolutionary biology. As the anthropologist Ashley Montagu wrote in 1945, as a concept to account for the appearance of certain physical characters or forms of behavior, atavism belongs in the Academy of Discarded Curiosities (p. 133). Although today developmental biologists continue to study anomalous human characteristics such as small tails, webbed toes or extra nipples, these are understood primarily as evidence of the developmental plasticity that exists within embryos and the relative ease with which development can be switched from one program to another (Hall, 1984, p. 118), rather than as direct and compelling evidence of the organisms evolutionary past. In any case, given what is empirically known about the etiology and pathology of microcephaly, there would seem to be little reason to conceive of microcephaly as an atavism. The resemblance in size (though not structure) of the microcephalic brain to a lower primate brain is, of course, not sufficient evidence of atavism. Moreover, all evidence indicates that microcephaly is not the result of aberrant expression of normally muted ancestral developmental processes, but a disorder caused by a loss-of-function mutation in a gene essential to early cell division in neurogenesis.
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Lahns claims about race, microcephaly genes and intelligence recall, if unwittingly, these long-standing racialist and racist narratives about cognitive and cultural differences among the races, now in the language of genomics. These include: claims that descendents of peoples who migrated out of Africa are more evolved than descendents of African populations due to novel environments and genetic events; claims that there are visible, stable and statistically significant biometric differences between African brains and skulls and those of other populations; and applications of the explanatory structure used to explain cognitive differences among primate species (brain size) to cognitive and cultural differences among human populations, defined racially. Whereas some features of Lahns claims such as the notion of microcephaly as an atavism, and the focus on brain size as a key to variation in human intelligence may ultimately prove unique to the microcephaly case, the structure of the argument is not. As I have shown, many researchers believe that studies of genetic variation in intelligence among contemporary human populations may provide clues to the evolution of the human brain, cognition and culture. In this way, work on the molecular evolution of the human brain is becoming a generative location, protective veneer and justificatory scaffold for new genomic research on group variation in brain and intelligence genes. The microcephaly case suggests the need for renewed critical discussion among genomicists about the practice of reasoning from human brain evolution to group variation often elided or read as racial difference in intelligence.
as a Breakthrough of the Year in December of 2005 (HHMI Research on Evolution in Action Highlighted in Sciences Breakthrough of the Year , 2005a). This was followed a year later with a full profile of Lahn in the pages of Science, describing him as a leading upand-coming brain genomicist with golden hands (Balter, 2006, p. 1871) in the lab. Though Science later published an exchange of technical comments regarding Lahns claims (MekelBobrov and Lahn, 2007; Timpson et al, 2007; Yu et al, 2007), the original papers have not been retracted or amended, and Science has not offered an editorial venue for discussion of the papers implications or a defense of whether they should have been published. In 2006, Lahn received tenure from the University of Chicago. Additionally, Lahn holds the distinction of a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researcher, an honor recognizing Americas leading medical scientists that allows unprecedented resources and freedom to pursue research without administrative and grant writing demands. HHMI touted Lahns findings in press releases (Human Brain is Still Evolving, 2005b) and continues to fund Lahn today. Lahn and coworkers reasoning in the 2005 papers was, moreover, fully within the accepted assumptions and methodologies of contemporary genomics, population genetics, and brain, cognition and intelligence studies. As demonstrated in the above discussion, the framing assumptions of Lahns studies are widely shared by genome scientists: first, that there is likely recent positive selection for human gene variants, some of which may be implicated in intelligence; second, that genes associated with mental disorders are candidates for intelligence genes; and, third, that the study of brain gene variation in contemporary humans may help us to better understand the origin and evolution of the human brain. Despite the problems with Lahns findings, it remains a commonplace conviction among many human genomicists that, if not the ASPM and microcephaly genes, some genes will be found that tell the same kind of story. Indeed, there remains intense continuing interest in validating the hypothesis that ASPM and microcephalin play a role in race-based cognitive variation, despite the methodological, empirical and conceptual problems with Lahns claims outlined above. One recent study asserted that the gene variants identified by Lahn are associated with cranial volume variation in Chinese populations (Wang et al, 2008). Another argued that the two brain size genes, ASPM and Microcephalin are associated with ethnicities with more complex linguistic tonal patterns (Dediu and Ladd, 2007). Others are seeking the elusive link to intelligence by plumbing sex differences, as in a recent study arguing that the link between the ASPM and microcephalin variants and larger brain size is valid, but only in men, not in women (Rimol et al, 2010). Although these claims run against the tide of evidence disproving an association between the microcephaly gene variants and normal human variation in intelligence, they testify to the confidence, by many, that such an association will be borne out, and to the diverse and widespread interest and uptake of these kinds of findings among those interested in human variation in behavior and cognition. The microcephaly case, therefore, offers an opportunity to assess the present vigor of critical discourse and the clarity and transparency of community standards with respect to research on brain genes, race and IQ. As we will see, the reception of Lahns claims followed predictable and polarized patterns: positive responses ranging from neutral statements of the virtues of academic freedom to racist celebration; damage control focused on limiting misinterpretation of the research and public controversy; and oppositional responses, external to the field, critiquing the methodology, ideology and ethics of the research. I shall argue that the responses of genomicists demonstrate insufficient critical reflection about the acceptable methods,
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questions and practices in this emerging field of research. I conclude by arguing for the need to generate contexts in which scientists can undertake rigorous critical dialogue about the standards of these research fields a practice I call transformative conversations.
Broad consensus by all involved ultimately held that the best response to Lahns research is to let the chips fall where they may. Geneticist Chris Tyler-Smith of the Sanger Institute said, We should treat these genes just like any others (Balter, 2005, p. 1663). Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona in Tucson said, I say go at it, let the chips fall where they may (Balter, 2006, p. 1872). Finally, James Madara, Dean of the University of Chicago medical school, said he advised Lahn to let the chips lie where they may, and as long as the science is solid, dont worry about the implications (Regalado, 2006).
Damage control
Other respondents were more critical. They focused their efforts on managing the public fall-out of Lahns claims. Francis Collins of the National Genome Sciences Institute and Altshuler of the Broad Institute took the lead. Collins circulated Lahns papers in an email to leading genomicists, seeking critical commentary, and was quoted in The New York Times saying that he was worried about the way in which these papers will be interpreted (Wade, 2005). Altshuler similarly stated that, We have a powerful responsibility to think about how society will interpret [such work] (Balter, 2006, p. 1871). Lahn and the University of Chicago acknowledged these concerns. Lahn agreed that there is a lot of potential for overand misinterpretation (Balter, 2005, p. 1663) and, according to The Wall Street Journal, the head of media relations at Chicagos medical school helped Dr Lahn with talking points about his research and instructed him to Dont be shy about telling people what it doesnt mean (Regalado, 2006). This message about avoiding misinterpretations of the research implied that the studies were sound but might be misread by lay interpreters. In tension with this message, Altshuler and Collins also hinted that Lahns research had basic methodological and empirical problems. Altshuler described Lahns claims about the relationship between the gene variants and intelligence as wild speculation (Balter, 2006, p. 1871) and asserted that there is no evidence whatsoever that these [genetic variants] have any effect on differences between people (ibid, p. 1873). Yet, here, both Altshulers and Collinss message wavered, suggesting that while Lahn had published a solid study by the standards internal to his field, the fact that his claims related to human race and intelligence required that they meet, as Altshuler stated, a higher standard of proof (ibid, p. 1871). As Collins was quoted in The Wall Street Journal, This is not the place you want to report a weak association that might or might not stand up (Regalado, 2006).
Oppositional critique
Science studies scholars work within a tradition of oppositional responses to racial science. Oppositional responses to race and IQ research have, in the past, fallen into three principal categories: methodological critique (the science is poor); ideological critique (the science is politics by other means); and ethical critique (the science is immoral or harmful). These approaches, historically represented best, perhaps, by the work of Lewontin (Lewontin et al, 1984) and Gould ([1981] 1996) on the one hand, and mainstream bioethics on the other, have been influential, and they remain valid and essential approaches to analyzing genetic research on race and IQ. The discussion of the methodological deficits of Lahns research that I have presented in this article follows this well-carved critical path. Yet, these oppositional critiques typically do not lead those committed to the central research questions and
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methodologies of their field to open their methods and motivating hypotheses to revision. In the microcephaly case, oppositional responses in any form were received as anti-science or as improperly politically motivated, polarizing and solidifying the positions of those under attack.19 As the empirical underpinnings of Lahns 2005 claims unraveled in the year following their publication, Lahn and his defenders portrayed critics such as Collins and Altshuler as PC police with an ideological agenda that is harmful to science and seeks the suppression of his research. Lahn announced that he was ending his research because Its getting too controversial and because intellectual police in the US make such questions difficult to pursue (Regalado, 2006).20 In The New York Times, Lahn stated that objections to his research were in part scientifically based and in part due to reluctance to acknowledge that selection could occur in a trait as controversial as brain function (Wade, 2005). In an interview transcribed on the Science Gene Expression blog, Lahn asserted that his work had been held to a higher burden of proof: critics with a certain political agenda who are trying to be sensitive to race and ethnicity, he claimed, had gotten science and politics y mixed up y I personally feel, like many other scientists, that science should be separate from politics. In particular, science should meet the same burden of proof regardless of what political implications it might have (10 Questions for Bruce Lahn, 2006, emphasis added). Using terms such as political correctness, thought police and political agenda, and asserting that critics wished to hide controversial facts rather than threaten political sensibilities, defenders of Lahns research drew on a long-standing rhetoric around identity politics and research on race and IQ in the United States, one that his defenders were already mobilizing in anticipation, even before empirical critiques of Lahns research appeared. Steven Hsu of the Information Processing Blog, for instance, reported Lahns research as follows: Bruce Lahn is at it again. Earlier work from his lab showed that the microcephalin gene (MCPH1), which plays a role in brain development, has undergone strong selection in the last 40k years, with a new variant allele reaching a frequency of 70 percent in Eurasian populations. Shockingly to our politically correct thought police, the frequency in some other populations is much lower. (Hsu, 2006) Harpending similarly attributed Lahns troubles to PC surveillance, saying in The Wall Street Journal that, I think that Bruce doesnt understand political correctness (Regalado, 2006). Portrayed as, on the one hand, a deer in the headlights, a white-coated scientist struck down by controversies beyond the lab and his understanding, and, on the other, a courageous champion of apolitical science working against the anti-science political agenda of his critics, Lahn emerged from controversies over his research, including trenchant empirical critique and strong condemnation from leading figures, still the intellectually fearless and adventuresome man with the golden hands (Balter, 2006, p. 1871).
19 Sociologist Aaron Panofskys (forthcoming) ethnographic analysis of the management of controversy in the field of behavioral genetics makes similar observations about the polarizing effects of external criticism and the ineffectiveness of the field in generating forums for the open discussion of research standards and methods. 20 Despite this 2006 pronouncement, Lahn has not ended his work in the field of evolutionary cognitive genetics (Vallender et al, 2008; Lahn and Ebenstein, 2009).
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Transformative conversations
As we enter the postgenomic age, there is a growing consensus among science analysts that the race and genetics debates have hit a wall. As rhetoric scholar Celeste Condit writes, The debate about the relationship of race and genetics y finds itself in a stale argumentative stasis (Condit, 2008, p. 390). The strategies of letting the chips fall where they may, damage control and oppositional critique have not ultimately promoted critical dialogical practices, values and community standards within the scientific fields in question. An alternative approach to new research on brain genes, race and IQ would seek to provide contexts in which scientists might engage in vigorous and open debate about community practices, values and standards. I call this strategy one of transformative conversations. The term references philosopher of science Helen Longinos (1990, 2002) emphasis on the ability of a scientific community to take up transformative criticism as a measure of its ability to produce scientific knowledge. Longino argues that it is intersubjective dialogue and criticism of the kind represented by practices such as peer review that bestows science with special claims to the production of trustworthy knowledge. Claims produced by a scientific community, she argues, are more or less worthy of description as objective knowledge depending on the robustness of such critical practices, including the willingness of the community to take up criticism and transform its practices in light of it. Longino presents four criteria for evaluating the objectivity of knowledge produced by a scientific community: 1. First, there must be recognized avenues for the criticism of evidence, of methods, and of assumptions and reasoning; 2. Second, there must exist shared standards that critics can invoke; 3. Third, the community as a whole must be responsive to such criticism; 4. Fourth, intellectual authority must be shared equally among qualified practitioners. (Longino, 1990, p. 76) These criteria help to diagnose the discursive gaps in the genomics communitys reception of Lahns recent claims about microcephaly alleles, brain size and group differences in intelligence. Fundamental questions of methods, community standards and accountability went unanalyzed in the debate over Lahns research: Should the research have been done? Should it have been published? Was Lahns research held to higher standards than other research in the field, the same standards, or did it not meet the standards in the field at all? What are the standards of the field, and what should they be? What conditions would be required to produce empirically adequate research on the genetics of race and IQ? When are questions ask-able and/or answerable given the theoretical and empirical constraints of present-day genomics and the study of human behavior? And, for whom and for what purposes is evolutionary cognitive genetics research produced? Metadebate reflecting on such questions is not wholly absent in the scientific discussions around Lahns research in 2005 and 2006, but its appearance is sparse and muffled. In an interview, Altshuler provocatively quipped that the problems with Lahns work were easily anticipated (Balter, 2006, p. 1872), suggesting that its publication in Science had been premature. The Wall Street Journal article quoted legal scholar and medical ethicist Pilar
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Ossorio, stating that Lahn is doing damage to the whole field of genetics, and cited sociologist Troy Duster warning, with respect to the Lahn studies, that scientists will interpret data in ways that fit their prejudices (Regalado, 2006). Some scientists also speculated that the Lahn case represented an indictment of the reward structure of the contemporary biosciences. Lahns papers, they suggested, are an example of the style of scientific claim-making encouraged by major journals like Science and the entrepreneurial structure of contemporary academic genomics. Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin, for instance, speculated that, These two papers are particularly egregious examples of going well beyond the data to try to make a splash (Balter, 2006, p. 1872), and with respect to the controversy surrounding Lahns research, Lahns Chicago colleague Martin Kreitman suggested that, Bruce is in a hurry to be famous (Regalado, 2006). The community of those whose work carries implications for genomic claims about groupbased differences in intelligence and cognition must find ways to openly discuss community standards while entertaining diverse critical viewpoints. In theory, such conversations might take place in extended exchanges in the pages of academic journals, at the venue of a major disciplinary conference, or at a special forum assembled by a leading national or international science body. To meet Longino-like criteria of robust critical and transformative dialogue, these conversations demand serious, unbounded reflection on the meta-ethical, social, epistemological and methodological standards within the field of human population genetic and genomic research on the brain. Such conversations are not extraneous to science. They are at once ethical and epistemological. They cannot be adequately undertaken by interested outsiders alone. They are, or should be, at the very heart of the scientific method and the efforts of scientists to produce the most empirically adequate and objective knowledge. Sensitive new research in evolutionary cognitive genetics and related fields demands that researchers and interested science observers vigorously engage in transformative conversations about the community standards of emerging postgenomic race and IQ research. It is possible, however, that the current structure of postgenomic bioscientific research presents distinctive roadblocks to transformative scientific conversations about the community standards of evolutionary cognitive genetics and its overlapping fields. Displacing the traditional notion of scientific communities as static, bounded and autonomous, the postgenomic biosciences are defined by their speed, transdisciplinarity and commercial context (Thacker, 2005; Barnes and Dupre, 2008). This raises questions such as: What is the research community? Who is included in the conversation? In what space might such a conversation take place? What would consensus look like? And, how would this labor be rewarded?
The purpose of this article has been to describe, for a broad science studies audience, an emerging confluence of research trajectories that may lead to a reinvigoration of genetic claims about differences in intelligence between racial groups, to analyze the central claims of and responses to this research, and to motivate and imagine alternatives to polarizing oppositional critique. A convergence of contextual factors, technologies and research frameworks in the genomics of human brain and cognition has generated a new postgenomic model for study of race and IQ. At the center of this model are three unassuming, widely shared and, for those
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who accept that there may be genes that influence variation in normal human intelligence, relatively uncontroversial premises: that brain genes are candidate human intelligence genes; that genes involved in human intelligence may have undergone recent positive selection in contemporary human populations; and that genetic variation among contemporary human populations may provide clues to the evolution of the human brain, cognition and culture. We cannot tell for sure whether evolutionary cognitive genetics is a passing trend or the groundings of a new invigoration of race and IQ claims, but the toolkit is robust enough, and the context permissive enough, to warrant careful advance consideration of the potential proliferation of claims about genetic differences in cognition between traditionally defined racial and ethnic populations. Indeed, many working in the various research fields discussed herein openly predict that in the area of genetic variation in intelligence the genes are coming.21 Based on the case study of Lahns 2005 claims about microcephaly genes, race, brain size and intelligence, I have argued that there is a lack of rich discussion around the implications of new genomic research relevant to race and IQ that could lend itself to transformative conversations and the articulation and refinement of community standards for conducting this research. Mapping the disciplinary, explanatory and discursive terrain of this emerging area of research, this article invites such a conversation.
This article arises from a collaboration with Jacob Metcalf. I greatly benefitted from our conversations and exchanges, although any errors are my own. Thanks also to Jennifer Hamilton, Ju Yon Kim, Alondra Nelson, Aaron Panofsky and Quayshawn Spencer for valuable comments.
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