IT Data Security
IT Data Security
IT Data Security
Data erasure
Data erasure uses software to completely overwrite data on any storage device,
making it more secure than standard data wiping. It verifies that the data is unrecoverable.
Data masking
Shuffle Masking
Shuffle masking masks the data in a column with data from the same
column in another row of the table. Shuffle masking switches all the values
for a column in a file or database table. You can restrict which values to
shuffle based on a lookup condition or a constraint. Mask date, numeric, and
string data types with shuffle masking.
For example, you might want to switch the first name values from one
customer to another customer in a table. The table includes the following
When you apply shuffle masking, the rows contain the following data:
Data resiliency
Resiliency depends on how well an organization endures or recovers from any type of
failure—from hardware problems to power shortages and other events that affect data
availability. Speed of recovery is critical to minimize impact.
Data resiliency refers to an organization's ability to recover from data breaches and
other types of data loss, immediately enact business continuity plans, effectively recover lost
assets and aggressively protect that organization's data moving forward.
Update all software to the latest version as soon as possible after patches or the
release of new versions.
Maintaining usable, thoroughly tested backup copies of all critical data is a core
component of any robust data security strategy. In addition, all backups should be subject to
the same physical and logical security controls that govern access to the primary databases
and core systems.
Employee education
Transform your employees into “human firewalls”. Teaching them the importance of
good security practices and password hygiene and training them to recognize social
engineering attacks can be vital in safeguarding your data.
Network and endpoint security monitoring and controls
A data security threat is any action that could DEMAGE the confidentiality, integrity
or availability of data.
Data security threats can come from a variety of sources, including hackers, insider
threats, natural disasters and human error.
Data breaches can have serious consequences for businesses and consumers alike,
including financial losses, compromised identities and damaged reputations.
To protect their assets, companies need to do their due diligence and make sure they have a
system in place that will minimize data security threats by educating employees, monitoring
networks for vulnerabilities and more.
There are many data security threats that organizations face daily. Some of these
threats include
phishing attacks and social engineering.
Data security is one of the most important aspects of online life. Without data
security, our personal information, financial information and other sensitive data
would be vulnerable to cybercriminals. There are many ways to protect your data
from cybercriminals, including using strong passwords, installing antivirus software
and using firewalls.
One of the best ways to protect your data is to use a password manager. A password
manager helps you create and manage strong passwords, and it keeps all of your
passwords in one place. This makes it easier to create and remember complex
passwords, and it also makes it harder for cybercriminals to hack your account.
Another way to protect your data is to install antivirus software. Antivirus software
helps to protect your computer from malware, which can include viruses, spyware and
other malicious software. Antivirus software can also help remove any existing
malware from your computer.
Finally, you can use a firewall to protect your data. A firewall is a piece of hardware
or software that helps to block incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls can
be used to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your computer, and they can also
help to protect your data from being stolen.
Types of Viruses
Armored Virus
An armored virus is a computer virus that contains a variety of
mechanisms specifically coded to make its detection and decryption very
Companion Virus
A companion virus is a type of computer virus that attaches itself to
legitimate programs and runs simultaneously with them.
As a result, the virus spreads and can cause damage or allow unauthorized
access to the infected system.
Key Takeaways
1. Companion Virus is a type of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate
program and is designed to run parallel to an existing executable file
without altering or infecting it directly.
2. It typically spreads by attaching itself to other applications or files and is
executed when the user inadvertently launches the infected program,
leading to the simultaneous launch of the virus.
With the release of Microsoft Office 2000 and all subsequent versions,
Microsoft disabled macros by default. Since then, it's become more
difficult for bad actors to easily launch macro viruses.
Multipartite Virus
A multipartite virus is a type of fast-acting malware that attacks a
device's boot sector and executable files simultaneously.
Multipartite viruses are often considered more problematic than
traditional computer viruses due to their ability to spread in multiple
They are considered to be much more destructive than other viruses.
Multipartite viruses infect computer systems multiple times, at varying
times and in order to eradicate the virus it must be purged from the entire
Failure to do so can result in the system being repeatedly re-infected if
all parts of the virus are not eradicated.
Polymorphic Virus:
‘Poly’ refers to many and ‘morphic’ refers to forms. Therefore as the name
suggests polymorphic virus is a complicated computer virus that changes its
form as it propagates to avoid detection by antivirus. It is a self-encrypting
virus that pairs a mutation engine along with a self-propagating program code.
A Polymorphic Virus Consists of:
A decryption routine.
An encrypted virus body.
A mutation engine that generates randomized decryption routines.
In polymorphic viruses, the mutation engine and virus body are
When an infected program is executed, the virus decryption routine
gains control of the computer decrypts the virus body and mutation
engine. The control is then transferred to the virus which locates a
new program to infect.
As the virus body is encrypted and the decryption routine also varies
from infection to infection, the virus scanners cannot scan for a fixed
signature or a fixed decryption routine making it difficult to detect.
A data protection strategy can help companies lessen the risks associated with various
data-related activities.
It achieves this goal by identifying and tackling these risks while reducing the
possibility of other damaging events.
Identifying the desired result and the necessary steps to build compelling data
protection strategies is crucial.
Moreover, to ensure effectiveness, companies must clearly understand how these
strategies can address their specific concerns.
o Complying with domestic and foreign data protection laws is vital in today’s
business world. Businesses can also enhance their efficiency and profitability
by investing in data compliance.
o Effective data compliance practices keep company data up-to-date and
accurate. It helps protect it from costly errors and improves the overall quality
of business operations.
o With valuable data compliance strategies, businesses can significantly reduce
the time and money spent on handling data. Then it becomes an investment
that pays off both in the short and long term, ensuring success and peace of
mind for all involved.
Cryptographic Attacks
What is cryptography?
Cryptography is a security mechanism for storing and transmitting sensitive data such
that only the sender and the intended receiver can read or understand it. Key(s) are used to
encode (at the sender's end) and decode (at the receiver's end) the data. Encryption is the
process of converting plaintext or data into ciphertext or encoded data (that is not readable to
everyone). Converting the ciphertext or encrypted data to a readable form or decoded version
is called decryption.
Each brute force attack can use different methods to uncover your sensitive data. You
might be exposed to any of the following popular brute force methods:
1. Simple brute force attack: It uses a systematic approach to
'guess' that doesn't rely on outside logic. Hackers attempt to
logically guess your credentials, which completely unassisted from
software tools or other means. These can reveal extremely simple
passwords and PINs.
2. Dictionary attacks: It guesses usernames or passwords using a
dictionary of possible strings or phrases. A hacker chooses a target
and runs possible passwords against that username. Dictionary
attacks are the most basic tool in brute force attacks. While not
necessarily being brute force attacks in themselves, these are often
used as an important component for password cracking.
3. Hybrid brute force attacks: It starts from external logic to
determine which password variation may be most likely to succeed
and then continues with the simple approach to try many possible
variations. A hybrid attack usually mixes dictionary and brute force
attacks. These attacks are used to figure out combo passwords that
mix common words with random characters.
4. Rainbow table attacks: A rainbow table is a pre-computed table
for reversing cryptographic hash functions. You can use it to guess a
function up to a certain length consisting of a limited set of
5. Reverse brute force attack: A reverse brute force attack reverses
the attack strategy by starting with a known password. It uses a
common password or collection of passwords against many possible
usernames. Then hackers search millions of usernames until they
find a match. Targets a network of users for which the attackers
have previously obtained data. Many of these criminals start with
leaked passwords that are available online from existing data
6. Credential stuffing: It uses previously-known password-username
pairs, trying them against multiple websites. If a hacker has a
username-password combo that works for one website, they'll try it
in tons of others as well. Since users have been known to reuse
login info across many websites, they are the exclusive targets of an
attack. Exploits the fact that many users have the same username
and password across different systems.
Ciphertext-only attack
In this attack model, the cybercriminal can choose arbitrary plaintext data
to obtain the ciphertext. It simplifies the attacker's task of resolving the
encryption key. One well-known example of this type of attack is the
differential cryptanalysis performed on block ciphers.
Let’s now consider the chosen-plaintext attack.
In this case, we can relax the previous constraint and assume we aren’t
certain of the encryption algorithm being used. However, we can still choose a
set of plaintexts and compare them with the resulting ciphertexts in order to
learn something about the encryption algorithm and its associated key.
Plaintext Ciphertext
11111111 01010101
11111110 01010100
11111101 01010111
11111011 01010001
11110111 01011101
11101111 01000101
Plaintext Ciphertext
11011111 01110101
10111111 00010101
01111111 11010101
In varying each individual bit of the plaintext and comparing the corresponding
encrypted text, we could notice that the bit we vary is consistently negated in
the encryption process. We could also notice that, as one bit varies, the
remaining ones are left untouched: in this case, we should strongly suspect that
the encryption involves a bit-wise operator of some kind; that would, in turn,
significantly restrict the search space of the possible encryption algorithms
that generate the ciphertexts.
We’ll begin with the known-plaintext attack. By the hypothesis of this attack,
we get to know in advance the ciphertext that results out of
encryption(Plaintext,key). Accordingly, the value of ciphertext is 01010101.
Because we know both plaintext=11111111 and ciphertext=01010101, in this
case we can exactly compute key as key=plaintext + ciphertext, and
therefore key=11111111 + 01010101 = 10101010.
Here are a few ways you can create strong passwords against brute attacks, such
The most common examples of phishing are used to support other malicious
actions, such as on-path attack and cross-site scripting attacks
i. on-path attack
On-path attackers place themselves between two devices (often a web
browser and a web server) and intercept or modify communications between the
two. The attackers can then collect information as well as impersonate either of
the two agents. In addition to websites, these attacks can target email
communications, DNS lookups, and public WiFi networks.
You can think of an on-path attacker like a rogue postal worker who sits
in a post office and intercepts letters written between two people. This postal
worker can read private messages and even edit the contents of those letters
before passing them along to their intended recipients.
In a more modern example, an on-path attacker can sit between a user and
the website they want to visit, and collect their username and password. This
can be done by targeting the HTTP connection between the user and the
website; hijacking this connection lets an attacker act as a proxy, collecting and
modifying information being sent between the user and the site. Alternately the
attacker can steal a user’s cookies (small pieces of data created by a website and
stored on a user’s computer for identification and other purposes). These stolen
cookies can be used to hijack a user’s session, letting an attacker impersonate
that user on the site.
1. Email Phishing:
- An email claiming to be from a bank, asking you to click a link to update
account information.
- The link leads to a fake website that steals your login credentials.