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HYDROSTATIC SYSTEM Page Number HYDROSTATIC MOTOR Removal ..........-+- . 310 HYDROSTATIC PUMP Checking Charge Pressure ......-2........ ve 312 Checking The High Pressure Relief Replenishing Valve ............ 3-11 Removal ..... en : : on 2 3413 Installation 2222222 é Senbecco feecie, B15 HYDROSTATIC Pe) HYDROSTATIC SYSTEM INFORMATION High Pressure Relief/Replenishing Valves ..............0000eeees 3-2 STEERING LEVERS Removal And Installation . . Repairing The Steering Levers STEERING LINKAGE ‘Adjustment feos Removal And Installation... Repairing The Pintle Lever . TOW VALVES 2.0... eee eee cere cette ete tet eee eeeee ees H16 TROUBLESHOOTING Chatto... ee cece eee a) TIGHTEN ALL HARDWARE PER SIZE TO GRADE 5 TORQUE (SEE STANDARD TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS FOR BOLTS, SECTION 9) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual 741, 742, 743 & 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual TROUBLESHOOTING Chart A WARNING The following troubleshooting chart is provided for assistance in locating and correcting problems which are most common. Many of the recommended procedures must be done by authorized Bobcat Service Personnel only. Check for correct function after adjustments, repairs or service. Failure to make correct repairs or adjustments can cause injury or death. w-2004-1285 PROBLEM CAUSE No drive on one side, in one direction. 1,2,3,4,5 No drive on one side in both directions. 2,5,6,7,8 The loader does not move in a straight line. 2,3, 4,6, 8,9, 10 The hydrostatic system is overheating. 4,11, 12, 13, 14, 15 The oil light comes ON : 16, 17, 18 | L KEY TO CORRECT THE CAUSE The hydrostatic system has a fluid leak. | The steering linkage needs adjustment. The high pressure replenishing valve(s) are damaged. the shuttle valve in the hydrostatic motor is not working correctly. The valve plate seals in the hydrostatic motor are damaged. The hydrostatic pumps have damage. The final drive chain is broken. The hydrostatic motor has damage. 9. The tires do not have the correct tire pressure. 10. The tires are not the same size. 11. The hydraulic fluid is not at the correct level. 12. The oil cooler has a restriction. 13. The temperature sending switch is not operating correctly. 14. The control valve is not operating correctly, 15. — The loader is not being operated at the correct RPM. 16. The sender is defective. 17. There is low charge pressure. 18. The charge relief valve is damaged. PNOMEONa 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader 1 ‘Service Manual HYDROSTATIC SYSTEM INFORMATION IMPORTANT When repairing hydrostatic and hydraulic systems, clean the work area before disassembly and keep all parts clean. Always use caps and plugs on hoses, tubelines and ports to keep dirt out. Dirt can quickly damage the system. 2003-0888 High Pressure Reliet/Replenishing Valve Function The valves for forward movement are different from the valves for reverse travel. ‘The high pressure reliet/replenishing valves for forward, travel, also release very high pressure. ‘The functions of the replenishing valves are: 1. Togive replacement fluid to the low pressure side of the hydrostatic circuit. Replacement fluid is needed because of normal. intemal leakage and the Controlled flow to the oil cooler for cooling; Function 1 [A] and Function 1 [8]. ‘To keep high pressure fluid out of the low pressure side of the hydrostatic circuitry; Function 2 [A] and Function 2 [8]. ‘Torelease high pressure caused by moving forward with a heavy load on the loader, Fu inction 3 [A]. A CHARGE OIL Seo FUNCTION 1 _ Valve Moves for Charge il Replacement Stays on Seat t FUNCTION 2 sjoid High Pressure for Drive A FUNCTION 3 <— Valve Release Very High Pressure to Protect System 302805 B t— CHARGE OIL SU Ye Valve Moves for Charge Replacement FUNCTION 1 oll <——— Valve Stays on Seat to Hold High Pressure for Drive FUNCTION 2 502804 “ee 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual e © ‘STEERING LEVERS Removal And Installation NOTE: Early production machines used 3-piece assembly. Current production machines use ‘1-piece shield which must be removed as a unit. Remove the front panel [A]. IMPORTANT When repairing hydrostatic and hydraulic systems, clean the work area before disassembly and keep all parts clean. Always use caps and plugs on hoses, tubelines and Ports to keep dirt out. Dirt can quickly damage the system. 2003-0888 Remove the bolts and remove both side shields [B]. Remove the bolts from the steering lever shield [C] & [0]. Revised Aug. 91 B-044a7_ 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual STEERING LEVERS (Cont'd) Removal And Installation (Cont'd) Remove the steering linkage at the steering levers [A]. Disconnect the auxiliary linkage from the right steering lever [8]. Remove the bolts (Item 1) [C] from the pivot bearings. Installation: Tighten the bolts to 25-28 ft.—Ibs. (34-38 Nm) torque: Remove the steering lever assembly [D]. a '8-09966 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual ‘STEERING LEVERS (Cont'd) Repairing The Steering Levers Remove the rubber bushing and the Teflon bushing from @ reseerns ever Install the new rubber bushings into the steering levers, using two sockls and a vise [A]. Install the Teflon bushings on the steering levers [B}. ‘insta the two steering lever assemblies together (C] Check the pivot bearings and replace as needed Bushing 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader Service Manual STEERING LINKAGE Adjustment A WARNING Put jackstands under the front axles and rear corners of the frame before running the engine for service. Failure to use jackstands can allow the machine to fall or move and cause injury or death. w2017-0286 Raise__the operator cab. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Loosen the linkage (Item 1) [A] at both pintle arms. Loosen the pintle bar bolts (item 2) [A]. Connect the remote start switch MEL1128A. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Start the engine and run at slow RPM. Move the left steering lever until the tires do not tum (neutral). Adjust the rear pintle bar so that the bar is tight against both cams (item 3) [A] of the pintle lever and the transmission is stil in neutral Tighten the pintle bar bolts to 28 ft.-Ibs. (38 Nm) torque. Move the let steering lever backward and forward and let the transmission retum to neutral. If the transmission ‘does not go back to neutral. repeat the procedure. Revised Nov. 96 Steering Linkage A oe Lov ome oO SS} ‘Spring Adjust Bar Tight Pintle Lecknut ‘Against Both Cams Bar = ] 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader 36 Service Manual ‘STEERING LINKAGE (Cont'd) Adjustment (Cont'd) Move the right steering lever until the tires do not turn (neutral). Adjust the front pintle bar so that the baris tight against both cams (Item 1) [A]. Tighten the pintle bar bolts to 28 ft1bs. (38 Nm) torque. Move the right steering lever backward and forward and let the transmission return to neutral If the transmission does not go back to neutral, repeat the procedure. Tighten the bolts holding the steering linkage to the pintle levers to 12 (16 Nm) torque. Install the locknuts on each bolt and tighten to 23 ft.-Ibs. (31 Nm) torque. Removal And installation Raise the operator cab. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Remove the steering linkage bolts from the steering levers 18). Remove the bolts from the pintle arms [C]. Remove the centering bolt and spring (Item 2) [A]. Installation: Adjust the centering spring bolt to compress the spring to 2.700 inches (68,6 mm) [A]. Revised Nov. 96 z Seeing TRE FB abe] >| « oO lo S et K\ Erm am [| Si me aguthac nyt” Cyouae” esc asc ssa, gue ‘pt B Tass c a 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader -a7- Service Manual STEERING LINKAGE (Cont'd) n (Cont'd) Remove the centering bar (Item 1) [A] Removal And Install Loosen the bolts (Item 2) [A] on the pintle levers (Iter 3) [A]. Remove the pintle lever key (Item 4) [A] E-01204 Repairing The Pintle Lever B Remove the bolt at the lobes on the pintle lever [B]. Remove the rubber bushings from the pintle levers. Bo0470 Install the new rubber bushings using two sockets and a c ‘ viee [C}. Washer vn Pintle Lever th Sour Rubber Bushing Rear Pintle Lever - > Rubber $= Bushing e@ ae wer eae 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader - Revised Nov. 96 38 Service Manual STEERING LINKAGE (Cont'd) Repairing The Pintle Lever (Cont'd) Install the new lobes on the pintle lever and tighten to @ Feet Be tase eve tA) Install the bushing and the guide in the pintle lever. Install the key on the shaft of the hydrostatic pump and instal he pintle lever assembly [B]. @ Tighten the bolton the pintle leverto 18-20 tbs. (24-27 Nm) torque [C}. 504476 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual HYDROSTATIC MOTOR Removal IMPORTANT When repairing hydrostatic and_hydraul systems, clean the work area before disassembly and keep all parts clean. Always use caps and plugs on hoses, tubelines and ports to keep dirt out. Dirt can quickly damage the system. +-2003-0888 Remove the motor cover [A]. Remove the hoses from the hydrostatic motor. Note the location of the hoses for correct assembly [B]. 503075 Remove the mounting bolts and remove the motor [C]. NOTE: Refer to the Component Repair Manual for the disassembly and assembly procedure. Installation: Tighten the mounting bolts to 65-70 ft.-Ibs. (88-95 Nm) torque. e 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader -s10- Service Manual HYDROSTATIC PUMP. IMPORTANT When repairing hydrostatic and_ hydraulic systems, clean the work area _ before disassembly and keep all parts clean. Always use caps and plugs on hoses, tubelines and ports to keep dirt out. Dirt can quickly damage the system. +-2003-0888 Checking The High Pressure Relief Replenishing Valves The tool listed will be needed to do the following procedure: MEL1173 - Gauge Test Kit Lift and block the loader. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Seetion 1 for the correct procedure.) Raise the operator cab. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1 for the correct procedure.) lt there is a loss of drive in one direction, to one side of the loader, use the following procedure to check the valves. Remove both plugs and the replenishing valves that controls the direction of drive that was lost [A]. ‘Switch the replenishing valves around. Install and tighten the plugs. Connect the remote start switch MEL1138A. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Start the engine and check the drive, It the loss of drive goes to the other side, the valve which controls that side of the loader must be replaced. To Use The Special Too! Kit (MEL1173) A WARNING Put jackstands under the front axles and rear ‘comers of the frame before running the engine for service. Failure to use jackstands can allow the machine to fall or move and cause injury or death. w-2017-0286 -o 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual HYDROSTATIC PUMP (Cont'd) Checking The High Pressure Reliet Replenishing Valves (Cont'd) Remove the high pressure hydraulic hose fram the pump port Install the 10,000 PSI gauge (from the kit) in the por A WARNING When an engine is running in an enclosed area, fresh air must be added to avoid concentration of exhaust fumes. If the en: is stationary, vent the exhaust outside. Exhaust fumes contain odorless, invisible gases which can kill without warning. W-2050-1285 Spnnvet the. female iat switch, MELI13BA. (See EVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) un the enging at idle RPM. Engage, the, crive lever small amount. the pressure must reach 35004000 PSI [gaiss-2700 Khe'BG NOT exceed 4000 PI (27580 Replace the valves as needed. Checking Charge Pressure (S/N 14999 & Below) the tools listed will be needed to do the following procedure: MEL.1163 — Test Kit MELH88% "emote Start Switch Raise cle vc GP Riates,, ab. (See PREVENTIVE iAINTENANCE Section 1°) Remove the temperature sender from the port block [A]. Connect the gauge (irom the kt) o the port block in the temperature Sender port [B} The pressure should read 140-170 PS! (965-1172 kPa). NOTE: Refer to the Component Repair Manual for the disassembly and assembly procedure. Remove the gauges. Install the switch and connect the sender wire, Checking Charge Pressure (S/N 15001 & Above) ‘The tools listed will be needed to do the following procedure: MEL1173A - Test Kit MEL1138A — Remote Start Switch Raise the operator cab. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Remove the switch from the elbow on top of the hydrostatic pump. Gapmect the gauge (tom the kit othe fiting as shown Connect the remote start switch MELI138A. (See PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Section 1.) Start the engine and run at full RPM. The pressure should read 95-115 PSI (655-793 kPa). NOTE: Refer to the Component Repair Manual for the disassembly and assembly procedure. Remove the gauges. Install the switch and connect the wire, 04997, 06023) A WARNING Diesel fuel or hydraulic fluid under pressure an penetrate skin oF eyes, causing serious injury or death. Fluid leaks under pressure may not be visible. Use a piece of cardboard or wood to find leaks. Do not use your bare hand. Wear safety goggles. If fluid enters skin or eyes, get immediate medical attention from a physician familiar with this injury. W-2072-0496 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual HYDROSTATIC PUMP (Cont'd) Removal Drain the hydraulic/hydrostatic reservoir. (See HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Section 2.) Remove the front panel and side shields. (See Page 3-3.) Remove the detent linkage [A] ZB aS May Remove the steering linkage at the steering levers [B]. SIN 14999 & Below Remove the hoses from the port block [C]. Disconnect the hose from the port block to the hydraulichhydrostatic reservoir. SIN 15001 & Above Remove the suction hose from the hydraulic pump [D]. Loosen the suction hose fiting at the port block. Move the hose for ease of pump removal and installation. 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader “13+ ‘Service Manual HYDROSTATIC PUMP (Cont'd) Removal (Cont'd) Remove the wires from the hydraulic temperature sender {Al Remove the hydraulic fiter hose (Item 1) [A] Disconnect the high pressure hoses (Items 1 & 2) from the hydrostatic pump [B] & [C]. Disconnect the wire from the temperature switch on the port block. Barove the bos rom te ronthyrostate pump mounts 4 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader @ HYDROSTATIC PUMP (Cont'd) Removal (Cont'd) NOTE: If the rear pump mount is to be removed make sure to note the location of the washers between the mount and frame. These washer(s) (Item 1) [A], must be installed at the correct location to give the pump and engine the correct alignment. Remove the bolts from the rear hydrostatic pump mount, Move the pump forward and litt up to remove it from the loader [B]. (Example shown is from S/N 14999 & Below.) Remove the spline coupler from the input shaft on the rear of the pump. NOTE: Refer to the Component Repair Manual for the Hydrostatic Pump Disassembly And Assembly. Installation Install the front pump mount using the same number of shims removed. Lower the pump assembly into position on the transmission case and guide the spline pump drive shaft and coupler yoke into engagement. Install the bolts in the front and rear pump mounts, Fasten the pump assembly to the rear mount. Use key stock against the spider on the drive coupler to check alignment [C}. Loosen the engine mounts if necessary to align the drive ‘coupler. Ht the height alignment is not correct, add or subtract halt thickness washers at the rear pump mount [D]. NoTi Measure from engine mounting plate to enter of pump shaft. Also measure engine distance to center of the flywheel, the two dimensions must be as close as possible. Check engagement of couping onto spine. Maximum {deazance between pump drvelange and yokes 1/4inch 35 mm) Engine Mounting late 2} ee 512816 10” + .060 (254 mm + 1,52) Engine Mounting Plate ca 12816, -415- 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader Service Manual TOW VALVES ‘The tool listed will be needed before attempting to tow the loader. MEL1179-2~ Towing Too! The loader can be moved (towed) for a short distance (at, a slow speed) itis unable to do so under its own power. IMPORTANT When repairing hydrostatic and hydraulic systems, clean the work area before disassembly and keep all parts clean. Always use caps and plugs on hoses, tubelines and ports to keep dirt out. Dirt can quickly damage the system. a 12003-0888 Remove the high pressure relief plug. Remove the spring and the high pressure relief valve [A] Remove the other plug, Remove the other spring and the high pressure relief valve [B] Install the owing tools (Items 1 & 2) [C] and then the plugs only. NOTE: Remove the tow tools before trying to operate the loader. -416- 741, 742, 743, 743DS Bobcat Loader ‘Service Manual 0

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