National (August 24, 2024)
National (August 24, 2024)
National (August 24, 2024)
Somewhat Unfavorable 5%
Unfavorable 6%
Unfavorable 11% Somewhat Unfavorable 11%
0% 10%20%30%40%50%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Democrat Kamala
49% Republican Donald
Trump 24%
Republican Donald
Trump 44%
Democrat Kamala
Harris 23%
Uncertain 8%
Uncertain 54%
0% 20% 40% 60%
Democrat 43%
Republican Donald
Trump 46%
Republican 41%
Uncertain 4%
Neither 26%
Uncertain 16%
11) Do you think that, in general, the 12) At what point in a pregnancy would you support
government adequately prioritizes your banning abortions?
needs and those of your family?
At Conception 15%
Yes 18%
6 Weeks 10%
24 Weeks 11%
Uncertain 15%
Always Legal 30%
Yes 51%
Yes 29%
No 39%
No 48%
Uncertain 10%
Uncertain 22%
0% 20% 40% 60%
15) Does Kamala Harris’ support for 16) If Robert F Kennedy, Jr. were to endorse
science issues make you more or less Donald Trump, would that make you more or less
likely to vote for her? likely to vote for him?
No Difference 32%
No Difference 59%
Uncertain 5%
Uncertain 2%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
19) Which of the following is the most 20) Of the two candidates on the Democratic
important issue to you when it comes to Presidential ticket, whom do you prefer?
voting in this year’s Presidential election?
Jobs and the Economy 23%
Democracy 18%
Kamala Harris 36%
Inflation 17%
Immigration 10%
The Supreme Court 7%
Abortion 6%
Social Security and
Medicare 4%
Something Else 3%
Tim Walz 14%
Healthcare 3%
The Environment 2%
Guns 2%
Conflict in the Middle East 2%
Education 1% Uncertain 50%
Other Foreign Policy 1%
Crime 0%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 20% 40% 60%
Yes 26%
Suburban 60%
Rural 22%
No 74%
Urban 17%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
23) Thinking back on the last year, in 24) Have you been employed full-time for the last
which of the following income ranges are year?
Yes and my family's income
meets all our needs with 26%
Over $150,000 15% some left over
Yes and my family's income
$100,000-$150,000 17% meets our needs but only 26%
No and my family's income
$75,000-$100,000 17% meets our needs but only 15%
$50,000-$75,000 19% No and my family's income
meets all our needs with 15%
some left over
$30,000-$50,000 17%
Yes and my family's income
does not meet our needs 9%
Under $30,000 15%
No and my family's income
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% does not meet our needs 8%
Party 37%
Weekly or more 28%
Republican 32%
At least once a month 11%
Never 32%
28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38%
27) What is your political ideology? 28) Are you or is a member of your immediate
family from a Latino, Hispanic or Spanish speaking
Very Conservative 17%
Conservative 21%
Yes 13%
Moderate 36%
Protestant/other non-
Hispanic 13% denominational Christian 32%
Catholic 23%
African-American 10%
Evangelical Christian 10%
Other 4%
Jewish 2%
Asian 3%
Muslim 1%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
31) What is the highest level of education 32) How old are you?
have you completed?
30-49 28%
Bachelor's Degree 25%
Male 48%
Yes 100%
Female 52%
Likely 14%
Somewhat Likely 4%
Somewhat Unlikely 2%
Very Unlikely 6%