CS-adr-dsn - Issue - 6 - R-U
CS-adr-dsn - Issue - 6 - R-U
CS-adr-dsn - Issue - 6 - R-U
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
More guidance on providing additional transverse stripes at an intersection or a small area on the
apron is given in ICAO Doc 9157, Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4, Visual Aids.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
under repair. They are not suitable for use when a portion of a runway becomes unserviceable,
nor on a taxiway when a major portion of the width becomes unserviceable. In such instances,
the runway or taxiway is normally closed.
(b) The spacing required for marking and lights should take into account visibility conditions,
geometric configurations of the area, potential height differences of terrain so that the limits of
unserviceable area is readily visible to pilot.
(c) Where a temporarily unserviceable area exists, it may be marked with fixed-red lights. These
lights mark the most potentially dangerous extremities of the area.
(d) A minimum of four such lights may be used, except where the area is triangular in shape, in
which case a minimum of three lights may be used.
(e) The number of lights may be increased when the area is large or of unusual configuration. At
least one light should be installed for each 7.5 m of peripheral distance of the area.
(f) If the lights are directional, they should be orientated so that as far as possible, their beams are
aligned in the direction from which aircraft or vehicles should approach.
(g) Where aircraft or vehicles should normally approach from several directions, consideration
should be given to adding extra lights or using omnidirectional lights to show the area from
these directions.
(h) Unserviceable area lights should be frangible. Their height should be sufficiently low to preserve
clearance for propellers and for engine pods of jet aircraft.
(e) For periodic measurement of the switch-over time a measurement of the equivalent electrical
switch-over time at the feeding point of an aeronautical ground lights (AGL) system may be
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
a. Supplied with secondary power when their operation is essential to the safety of flight
b. The use of emergency lighting should be in accordance with any procedures established.
c. One second where no runway centre line lights are provided.
d. One second where approaches are over hazardous or precipitous terrain.
Table S-1. Secondary power supply requirements (see CS ADR-DSN.S.875(d))
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
CS ADR-DSN.S.890 Monitoring
(a) A system of monitoring should be employed to indicate the operational status of the lighting
(b) Where lighting systems are used for aircraft control purposes, such systems should be
monitored automatically so as to provide an indication of any fault which may affect the control
functions. This information should be automatically relayed to the air traffic service unit.
(c) Where a change in the operational status of lights has occurred, an indication should be
provided within two seconds for a stop bar at a runway-holding position and within five seconds
for all other types of visual aids.
(d) For a runway meant for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m, the
lighting systems detailed in Table S-1 should be monitored automatically so as to provide an
indication when the serviceability level of any element falls below a minimum serviceability
level specified in ADR.OPS.C.015 (b)(1) to (b)(7). This information should be automatically
relayed to the maintenance crew.
(e) For a runway meant for use in runway visual range conditions less than a value of 550 m, the
lighting systems detailed in Table S-1 should be monitored automatically to provide an
indication when the serviceability level of any element falls below a minimum level, below
which operations should not continue. This information should be automatically relayed to the
air traffic services unit and displayed in a prominent position.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
Intentionally left bank
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
Intentionally left bank
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
(9) Where a fence is provided, the need for convenient access to outside areas should be
taken into account. These access points should be of a suitable size to accommodate the
passage of the largest RFFS vehicle in the aerodrome’s fleet.
(10) When greater security is thought necessary, a cleared area should be provided on both
sides of the fence or barrier to facilitate the work of patrols, and to make trespassing
more difficult.
(11) Special measures should be required to prevent the access of an unauthorised person to
runways or taxiways which overpass public roads.
(c) Emergency access roads should be considered on an aerodrome so as to facilitate achieving
minimum response times for RFF vehicles.
(d) Emergency access roads should be provided on an aerodrome where terrain conditions permit
their construction, so as to facilitate achieving minimum response times. Particular attention
should be given to the provision of ready access to approach areas up to 1 000 m from the
threshold, or at least within the aerodrome boundary.
(e) Emergency access roads are not intended for use for the functions of aerodrome service roads.
Therefore, it is possible to provide different access control which should be clearly visible for all
service ground traffic. Road-holding position markings, lights, or runway guard lights are not
necessary if the access to an emergency access road is ensured for RFF only.
(f) Aerodrome service roads may serve as emergency access roads when they are suitably located
and constructed.
(g) Emergency access roads should be capable of supporting the heaviest vehicles which should use
them, and be usable in all weather conditions. Roads within 90 m of a runway centre line should
be surfaced to prevent surface erosion and the transfer of debris to the runway. Sufficient
vertical clearance should be provided from overhead obstructions for the largest vehicles.
(h) When the surface of the road is indistinguishable from the surrounding area, or in areas where
snow may obscure the location of the roads, edge markers should be placed at intervals of about
10 m.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
(2) on a runway end safety area, a taxiway strip, or within the distances specified in Table D-
1; or
(3) on a clearway and which would endanger an aircraft in the air;
should be frangible and mounted as low as possible.
(d) Unless its function requires it to be there for air navigation or for aircraft safety purposes, or if
after a safety assessment, it is determined that it would not adversely affect the safety or
significantly affect the regularity of operations of aeroplanes, no equipment or installation
should be located within 240 m from the end of the strip and within:
(1) 60 m of the extended centre line where the code number is 3 or 4; or
(2) 45 m of the extended centre line where the code number is 1 or 2;
of a precision approach runway Category I, II or III.
(e) Any equipment or installation required for air navigation or for aircraft safety purposes which
should be located on or near a strip of a precision approach runway Category I, II, or III and
(1) is situated within 240 m from the end of the strip and within:
(i) 60 m of the extended runway centre line where the code number is 3 or 4; or
(ii) 45 m of the extended runway centre line where the code number is 1 or 2; or
(2) penetrates the inner approach surface, the inner transitional surface, or the balked
landing surface;
should be frangible and mounted as low as possible.
(f) Any equipment or installation required for air navigation or for aircraft safety purposes that is
an obstacle of operational significance in accordance with CS ADR-DSN.J.470(d), CS ADR-
DSN.J.475(e), CS ADR-DSN.J.480(g), or CS ADR-DSN.J.485(e) should be frangible and mounted
as low as possible.
(g) Any equipment or installation required for air navigation or for aircraft safety purposes which
should be located on the non-graded portion of a runway strip should be regarded as an
obstacle and should be frangible and mounted as low as possible.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/2]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
(d) Requirements for obstacle limitation surfaces are specified in the certification specifications of
Chapter J.
(e) The term ‘aircraft safety purposes’ refers to the installation of arresting systems.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/5]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/6]
CS ADR-DSN.T.920 Fencing
(a) The safety objective of fencing is to prevent animals or unauthorised persons that could be a
safety risk to aircraft operations, to enter the aerodrome.
(b) Fencing should be sited as far away from the runway and taxiway centre lines as practicable.
(c) Suitable means of protection such as fence or other suitable barrier should be provided on an
aerodrome to prevent the entrance to the aerodrome:
(1) by non-flying animals large enough to be a hazard to aircraft; and/or
(2) by an unauthorised person.
This includes the barring of sewers, ducts, tunnels, etc. where necessary to prevent access.
(d) Suitable means of protection should be provided to deter the inadvertent or premeditated
access of unauthorised persons into ground installations and facilities essential for the safety of
civil aviation located off the aerodrome.
(f) The number of gates should be limited to the minimum required for the safe and efficient
operation of the facility. Access points should need to be made in the fence to allow the passage
of authorised vehicles and persons. While the number of access points should be kept to a
minimum, adequate access points should be planned for routine operations, maintenance and
emergency operations.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
(1) The operation of an ARIWS is based upon a surveillance system which monitors the actual
situation on a runway and automatically returns this information to warning lights at the
runway (take-off) thresholds and entrances. When an aircraft departs from a runway
(rolling) or arrives at a runway (short final), red warning lights at the entrances will
illuminate, indicating that it is unsafe to enter or cross the runway. When an aircraft is
aligned on the runway for take-off and another aircraft or vehicle enters or crosses the
runway, red warning lights will illuminate at the threshold area, indicating that it is unsafe
to start the take-off roll.
(2) In general, an ARIWS consists of an independent surveillance system (primary radar,
multilateration, specialised cameras, dedicated radar, etc.) and a warning system in the
form of extra airfield lighting systems connected through a processor that generates
alerts independent from the air traffic control (ATC) directly to the flight crews and
vehicle operators.
(3) An ARIWS does not require circuit interleaving, secondary power supply or operational
connection to other visual aid systems.
(4) In practice, not every entrance or threshold needs to be equipped with warning lights.
Each aerodrome will have to assess its needs individually, depending on the
characteristics of the aerodrome. There are several systems developed offering the same
or similar functionality.
(f) Flight crew actions:
(1) It is of critical importance that flight crews understand the warning being transmitted by
the ARIWS system. Warnings are provided in near real-time directly to the flight crew
because there is no time for ‘relay’ types of communications. In other words, a conflict
warning generated to ATS which must then interpret the warning, evaluate the situation
and communicate to the aircraft in question, would result in several seconds being taken
up where each second is critical in the ability to stop the aircraft safely and prevent a
potential collision. Pilots are presented with a globally consistent signal which means
‘STOP IMMEDIATELY’ and should be taught to react accordingly. Likewise, pilots receiving
an ATS clearance to take-off or cross a runway, and seeing the red light array, should
STOP and advise ATS that they aborted/stopped because of the red lights. Again, the
criticality of the timeline involved is so tight that there is no room for misinterpretation
of the signal. It is of utmost importance that the visual signal be consistent around the
(2) It also has to be stressed that the extinguishing of the red lights does not, in itself, indicate
a clearance to proceed. That clearance is still required from ATC. The absence of red
warning lights only means that potential conflicts have not been detected.
(3) In the event that a system becomes unserviceable, one of two things will occur. If the
system fails in the extinguished condition, then no procedural changes need to be
accomplished. The only thing that will happen is the loss of the automatic, independent
warning system. Both ATS operations and flight crew procedures (in response to ATS
clearances) will remain unchanged.
(4) Procedures should be developed to address the circumstance where the system fails in
the illuminated condition. It will be up to the ATS and/or aerodrome operator to establish
those procedures depending on their own circumstances. It must be remembered that
flight crews are instructed to ‘STOP’ at all red lights. If the affected portion of the system,
or the entire system, is shut off the situation is reverted to the extinguished scenario
described in the previous paragraph.
(g) Aerodromes:
(1) An ARIWS does not have to be provided at all aerodromes. An aerodrome considering
the installation of such a system may wish to assess its needs individually, depending on
traffic levels, aerodrome geometry, ground taxi patterns, etc. Local user groups such as
the local runway safety team (LRST) may be of assistance in this process. Also, not every
runway or taxiway needs to be equipped with the lighting array(s), and not every
installation requires a comprehensive ground surveillance system to feed information to
the conflict detection computer.
(2) Although there may be local specific requirements, some basic system requirements are
applicable to all ARIWS:
(i) the control system and energy power supply of the system should be independent
from any other system in use at the aerodrome, especially the other parts of the
lighting system;
(ii) the system should operate independently from ATS communications;
(iii) the system should provide a globally accepted visual signal that is consistent and
instantly understood by crews; and
(iv) local procedures should be developed in the case of malfunction or failure of a
portion of or the entire system.
(h) Air traffic services:
(1) The ARIWS is designed to be complementary to normal ATS functions, providing warnings
to flight crews and vehicle operators when some conflict has been unintentionally
created or missed during normal aerodrome operations. The ARIWS will provide a direct
warning when, for example, ground control or tower (local) control has provided a
clearance to hold short of a runway but the flight crew or vehicle operator has ‘missed’
the hold short portion of their clearance and the tower has issued a take-off or landing
clearance to that same runway, and the ‘non-read back’ by the flight crew or vehicle
operator was missed by ATC.
(2) In the case where a clearance has been issued and a crew reports a non-compliance due
to ‘red lights’, or aborts because of ‘red lights’, then it is imperative that the controller
assess the situation and provide additional instructions, as necessary. It may well be that
the system has generated a false warning or that the potential incursion no longer exists;
however, it may also be a valid warning. In any case, additional instructions and/or a new
clearance need to be provided. In the case where the system has failed, then procedures
will need to be put into place, as described in paragraphs (f)(3) and (f)(4) above. In no
case should the illumination of the ARIWS be dismissed without confirmation that, in fact,
there is no conflict. It is worth noting that there have been numerous incidents avoided
at aerodromes with such systems installed. It is also worth noting that there have been
false warnings as well, usually as a result of the calibration of the warning software, but
in any case, the potential conflict existence or non-existence should be confirmed.
(3) While many installations may have a visual or audio warning available to ATS personnel,
it is in no way intended that ATS personnel be required to actively monitor the system.
Such warnings may assist ATS personnel in quickly assessing the conflict in the event of a
warning and help them to provide appropriate further instructions, but the ARIWS should
not play an active part in the normal functioning of any ATS facility.
(4) Each aerodrome where the system is installed should develop procedures depending
upon its unique situation. Again, it has to be stressed that under no circumstances should
pilots or operators be instructed to ‘cross the red lights’. As indicated above, the use of
local runway safety teams may greatly assist in the development of this process.
(i) Promulgation of information:
(1) Specifications on providing information in the aeronautical information publication (AIP)
are given in ICAO Annex 15, Aeronautical Information Services. Information on the
characteristics and status of an ARIWS at an aerodrome is promulgated in the AIP Section
AD 2.9, and its status updated as necessary through notice to airmen (NOTAM) or
automatic terminal information service (ATIS).
(2) Aircraft operators are to ensure that flight crews’ documentation include procedures
regarding ARIWS and appropriate guidance in compliance with ICAO Annex 6, Operation
of Aircraft, Part I.
(3) Aerodromes may provide additional sources of guidance on operations and procedures
for their personnel, aircraft operators, ATS and third-party personnel that may have to
deal with an ARIWS.
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
(d) The chromaticity of aeronautical ground lights with solid state light sources, e.g. LEDs, should
be within the following boundaries:
CIE Equations (see Figure U-1B):
(1) Red
Purple boundary y = 0.980 – x
Yellow boundary y = 0.335;
Yellow boundary y = 0.320.
Note: see CS ADR-DSN.M.645(c)(2)(i)
(2) Yellow
Red boundary y = 0.387
White boundary x = 0.980 – x
Green boundary y = 0.727x+0.054
(3) Green (refer also to GM1 ADR-DSN.U.930(d) and (e))
Yellow boundary x = 0.310
White boundary x = 0.625y – 0.041
Blue boundary y = 0.400
(4) Blue
Green boundary y = 1.141x – 0.037
White boundary x = 0.400 – y
Purple boundary x = 0.134 + 0.590y
(5) White
Yellow boundary x = 0.440
Blue boundary x = 0.320
Green boundary y = 0.150 + 0.643x
Purple boundary y = 0.050 + 0.757x
(6) Variable white
The boundaries of variable white for solid state light sources are those specified in CS
ADR-DSN.U.930(d)(5) above.
(e) Colour measurement for filament-type and solid state light sources:
(1) The colour of aeronautical ground lights should be verified as being within the boundaries
specified in Figure U-1A or U-1B, as appropriate, by measurement at five points within
the area limited by the innermost isocandela curve in the isocandela diagrams in CS ADR
DSN.U.940, with operation at rated current or voltage. In the case of elliptical or circular
isocandela curves, the colour measurements should be taken at the centre and at the
horizontal and vertical limits. In the case of rectangular isocandela curves, the colour
measurements should be taken at the centre and the limits of the diagonals (corners). In
addition, the colour of the light should be checked at the outermost isocandela curve to
ensure that there is no colour shift that might cause signal confusion to the pilot.
(2) In the case of visual approach slope indicators and other light units having a colour
transition sector, the colour should be measured at points in accordance with paragraph
CS ADR-DSN.U.930(e)(1) above, except that the colour areas should be treated separately
and no point should be within 0.5 degrees of the transition sector.
Figure U-1B. Colours for aeronautical ground lights (solid state lighting)
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]
Figure U-2. Ordinary colours for markings and externally illuminated signs and panels
Figure U-3. Colours of retroreflective materials for markings, signs and panels
Figure U-5. Isocandela diagram for approach centre line light and crossbars (white light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 10 14 15
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏2 b 5.5 6.5 8.5
(b) Vertical setting angles of the lights should be such that the following vertical coverage of the
main beam should be met:
distance from threshold vertical main beam coverage
threshold to 315 m 0° - 11°
316 m to 475 m 0.5° - 11.5°
476 m to 640 m 1.5° - 12.5°
641 m and beyond 2.5° -13.5° (as illustrated above)
(c) Lights in crossbars beyond 22.5 m from the centre line should be toed-in 2 degrees. All other
lights should be aligned parallel to the centre line of the runway.
(d) See collective notes for Figures U-5 to U-15.
Figure U-6. Isocandela diagram for approach side row light (red light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 7.0 11.5 16.5
𝑎 2 + 𝑏2
b 5.0 6.0 8.0
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 5.5 7.5 9.0
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 4.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-8. Isocandela diagram for threshold wing bar light (green light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 7.0 11.5 16.5
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 5.0 6.0 8.0
Figure U-9. Isocandela diagram for touchdown zone light (white light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 5.0 7.0 8.5
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏2 b 3.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-10. Isocandela diagram for runway centre line light with 30 m longitudinal spacing (white light) and rapid exit
taxiway indicator light (yellow light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 5.0 7.0 8.5
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 3.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-11. Isocandela diagram for runway centre line light with 15 m longitudinal spacing (white light) and rapid exit
taxiway indicator light (yellow light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 5.0 7.0 8.5
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 3.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-12. Isocandela diagram for runway end light (red light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 6.0 7.5 9.0
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 2.25 5.0 6.5
Figure U-13. Isocandela diagram for runway edge light where width of runway is 45 m (white light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 5.5 7.5 9.0
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 3.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-14. Isocandela diagram for runway edge light where width of runway is 60 m (white light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2 a 6.5 8.5 10.0
+ =1
𝑎2 𝑏 2 b 3.5 6.0 8.5
Figure U-15. Grid points to be used for the calculation of average intensity of approach and runway lights
(e) The beam coverages in the Figures provide the necessary guidance for approaches down to an
RVR of the order of 150 m and take-offs down to an RVR of the order of 100 m.
(f) Horizontal angles are measured with respect to the vertical plane through the runway centre
line. For lights other than centre line lights, the direction towards the runway centre line is
considered positive. Vertical angles are measured with respect to the horizontal plane.
(g) Where, for approach centre line lights and crossbars and for approach side row lights, inset
lights are used in lieu of elevated lights, e.g. on a runway with a displaced threshold, the
intensity requirements can be met by installing two or three fittings (lower intensity) at each
(h) The importance of adequate maintenance cannot be overemphasised. The average intensity
should never fall to a value less than 50 % of the value shown in the Figures, and it should be
the aim of aerodrome operator to maintain a level of light output close to the specified
minimum average intensity.
(i) The light unit should be installed so that the main beam is aligned within one-half degree of the
Figure U-16. Isocandela diagram for taxiway centre line (15 m spacing), RELs, no-entry bar, and stop bar lights in straight
sections intended for use in runway visual range conditions of less than a value of 350 m where large offsets can occur
and for low-intensity runway guard lights, Configuration B
(a) These beam coverages allow for displacement of the cockpit from the centre line up to distances
of the order of 12 m and are intended for use before and after curves.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
(c) Increased intensities for enhanced rapid exit taxiway centre line lights are four times the
respective intensities in the figure (i.e. 800 cd for minimum average main beam).
Figure U-17. Isocandela diagram for taxiway centre line (15 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights in straight
sections intended for use in runway visual range conditions of less than a value of 350 m
(a) These beam coverages are generally satisfactory and cater for a normal displacement of the
cockpit from the centre line of approximately 3 m.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Figure U-18. Isocandela diagram for taxiway centre line (7.5 m spacing), RELs, no-entry bar, and stop bar lights in curved
sections intended for use in runway visual range conditions of less than a value of 350 m
(a) Lights on curves to be toed-in 15.75 degrees with respect to the tangent of the curve. This does
not apply to RELs.
(b) Where provided, increased intensities for RELs should be twice the specified intensities, i.e.
minimum 20 cd, main beam minimum 100 cd, and minimum average 200 cd.
(c) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Figure U-19. Isocandela diagram for taxiway centre line (30 m, 60 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights in
straight sections intended for use in runway visual range conditions of 350 m or greater
(a) At locations where high background luminance is usual, and where deterioration of light output
resulting from dust, snow, and local contamination is a significant factor, the cd-values should
be multiplied by 2.5.
(b) Where omnidirectional lights are used they should comply with the vertical beam requirements
in this Figure.
(c) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Figure U-20. Isocandela diagram for taxiway centre line (7.5 m, 15 m, 30 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights in
curved sections intended for use in runway visual range conditions of 350 m or greater
(a) Lights on curves to be toed-in 15.75 degrees with respect to the tangent of the curve.
(b) At locations where high background luminance is usual and where deterioration of light output
resulting from dust, snow and, local contamination is a significant factor, the cd-values should
be multiplied by 2.5.
(c) These beam coverages allow for displacement of the cockpit from the centre line up to distances
of the order of 12 m as could occur at the end of curves.
(d) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Curve a b c d e
Intensity (cd) 8 20 100 450 1800
Figure U-21. Isocandela diagram for high-intensity taxiway centre line (15 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights
in straight sections intended for use in an advanced surface movement guidance and control system where higher light
intensities are required and where large offsets can occur.
(a) These beam coverages are generally satisfactory and cater for a normal displacement of the
cockpit corresponding to the outer main gear wheel on the taxiway edge.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Curve a b c d e
Intensity (cd) 8 20 100 450 1800
Figure U-22. Isocandela diagram for high-intensity taxiway centre line (15 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights
in straight sections intended for use in an advanced surface movement guidance and control system where higher light
intensities are required
(a) These beam coverages are generally satisfactory and cater for a normal displacement of the
cockpit corresponding to the outer main gear wheel on the taxiway edge.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Curve a b c d
Intensity (cd) 8 100 200 400
Figure U-23. Isocandela diagram for high-intensity taxiway centre line (7.5 m spacing), no-entry bar, and stop bar lights
in curved sections intended for use in an advanced surface movement guidance and control system where higher light
intensities are required
(a) Lights on curves to be toed-in 17 degrees with respect to the tangent of the curve.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Figure U-24. Isocandela diagram for high-intensity runway guard lights, Configuration B
(a) Although the lights flash in normal operation, the light intensity is specified as if the lights were
fixed for incandescent lamps.
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-16 to U-25.
Figure U-25. Grid points to be used for calculation of average intensity of taxiway centre line and stop bar lights
(a) These curves are for minimum intensities in red light.
(b) The intensity value in the white sector of the beam is no less than 2 and may be as high as 6.5
times the corresponding intensity in the red sector.
(c) The intensity values shown in brackets are for APAPI.
Figure U-27. Isocandela diagram for each light in low-intensity runway guard lights, Configuration A
(a) Although the lights flash in normal operation, the light intensity is specified as if the lights were
fixed for incandescent lamps.
(b) The intensities specified are in yellow light.
Figure U-28. Isocandela diagram for each light in high-intensity runway guard lights, Configuration A
(a) Although the lights flash in normal operation, the light intensity is specified as if the lights were
fixed for incandescent lamps.
(b) The intensities specified are in yellow light.
Figure U-29. Isocandela diagram for take-off and hold lights (THL) (red light)
(a) Curves calculated on formula
𝑥2 𝑦2
+ =1 a 5.0 7.0
𝑎2 𝑏2
b 4.5 8.5
(b) See collective notes for Figures U-5 to U-15 and Figure U-29
[Issue: ADR-DSN/3]
[Issue: ADR-DSN/4]