Chapter 10 Rev 27 07 in Irc

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Traffic Control Devices/ Road Safety Devices/ Road Side Furniture shall comprise of road
signs, road markings, object markers, hazard markers, studs, delineators, attenuators, safety
barriers, pedestrian guard rails, boundary stones, kilometre stones, etc. Guidelines given in
IRC:35, IRC:67, IRC:79, IRC:103 and Section 800 of MORTH Specifications shall be used
for providing these items unless otherwise specified in this Section.

Road Signs

The three types of road signs viz, mandatory/ regulatory signs, cautionary/ warning signs
and informatory signs shall be provided as given in IRC:67 and Section 801 of MORTH
Specifications. Clustering and proliferation of road signs shall be avoided for enhancing their
10.2.1 The material and specifications for Road Signs shall be governed by the
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works issued by the MORTH. All road signs shall be of
Prismatic Grade Sheeting corresponding to Class C Sheeting described in IRC:67 and any
of the sheeting types VIII, IX or XI as per ASTM D 4956-09 fixed over Aluminum or
Aluminum Composite Material. The sheeting for different type of signs can be chosen based
on the selection guidance provided in IRC 67 depending upon the situation encountered by
road users in viewing the signs. Sheeting with high coefficient of retro reflection at small
observation angle are for a road sign to be viewed by a driver from a long distance, whereas
the sheeting with wide observation angle for better performance at short distance viewing.
The Type XI sheeting will have better performance at short and medium distances. Micro
prismatic sheeting is preferred for gantry mounted overhead signs. Type IV micro prismatic
sheeting can be used for delineator posts
10.2.2 There shall be corresponding road markings with stop signs, give way signs, merging
for diverging traffic signs, lane closed signs, road narrowing signs, slip roads/ diversion
signs, compulsory keep left/ right signs, or any other signs as per IRC:67.
10.2.3 Wherever the Expressway alignment is on a curve, there shall be advance cautionary
signs for sharp curves (depending on whether it is on left or right) and chevron signs
(rectangular in shape with yellow background and black arrow) at the outer edge of the
curve. The size of chevron shall be according to that given in IRC 67.

The curves with radii upto 1200m shall be provided with curves warning sign in
advance of hazard and single Chevrons on outer edge of curve. Chevron signs shall
be always placed on outer edge of the curve and spaced uniformly for the length
covering transition length and the straight portion as given in IRC 67.


The curves with radii 1200 m to 3000m with deflection angle morevthan 20 degree
shall be provided with Chevrons on outer edge of curve at 75m spacing


The curves with radii 1200 to 3000 with deflection angle less than 20 and other
curves upto 5000m shall be provided with forgiving type delineator posts at 40m
spacing on outer edge of curves.

10.2.4 Direction Information Sign

Gantry and shoulder mounted Advance Direction Sign shall be provided in advance of an
interchange/ Flyover/ VUP or any urban reach. Flag type direction information sign shall be
installed at the start of deceleration length or gore indicating the destinations of the side
roads. Fig 10.01 gives the typical placement of direction information signs on one approach

to a cloverleaf interchange and the principle given therein shall be applied for all other grade
separators and further Fig 10.02 is to guiding to rest and service area.
10.2.5 Prohibitory signs
Required prohibitory sign shall be placed prohibiting the entry of certain movements like
Bullocks carts into Expressway.

Overhead Signs

10.3.1 Locations and size of overhead traffic signs shall be specified in Schedule-B of the
Concession Agreement. The following conditions may be considered while deciding about
the locations of overhead signs:

Traffic volume at or near capacity,


Restricted sight distance,


Built up stretches,


Insufficient space for ground mounted signs,


Distances of important places and route highways at suitable intervals not less than
20km interval,


Before major intersections with another Expressway or National Highway




Three or more lanes in each direction


Multi-lane exits


Entry to Toll Plazas


Road Markings

All road markings shall conform to IRC:35. Road markings shall comprise of carriageway
markings, markings on interchanges, hazardous locations, parking areas, toll plazas, busbays, sub-ways, etc. The markings shall be done by means of a self-propelled machine
which has a satisfactory cut-off value capable of applying broken line automatically.


Hot applied thermoplastic paint with glass beads shall be used as road marking material.
10.4.2 Longitudinal markings
Flyover interchanges and VUPs/PUPs and their approaches of 300m shall be provided with
traffic lane line marking meant for intersections.
10.4.3 Longitudinal marking to Toll Booths
The traffic lane marking running through the expressway shall be continued till the toll booth,
in such a way that traffic from each lane of Expresswayis guided to discharge uniformly to
different toll booths. Toll booth shall be provided with chevron marking and hazard markers.
There shall be transverse bar marking to alert the traffic about the approaching toll booth.

Road Delineators

These are roadway , hazard markers and object markers as given in IRC:79.
10.5.1 All physical objects projects above the Finished Road Level (FRL) that are falling
within 3m from the carriageway edge line shall be illuminated with Object Hazard Markers
(OHM). The objects shall include foot path or utility ploes or parapet or concrete barrier of
Major bridge, Minor bridge, Culverts, RE wall start of Underpass or flyovers. The Object

IRC: SP: Exp. Manual

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Hazard Marker shall be either left OHM or right OHM or Two way Hazard Marker with
respect to position of object to the traffic .
10.5.2 The kerbs in the medians/ traffic islands shall be painted with black and white stripes
(white with orange stripes at highly hazardous locations) using the paint conforming to
10.5.3 Lighted Bollards shall be provided in the median/ traffic islands of al major/ minor
junctions as per International Standards.
10.5.4 Object Markings
To streamline the traffic through the defined pathway way and also to discourage zigzag
vehicular movements, the paved surfaced between edge line and the adjacent raised
islands/separators/barriers shall be provided with diagonal markings. Signs and marking for
Toll Plaza are given in Fig 10.1 to Fig.10.4

Reflective Pavement Markers and Solar Studs

The reflective pavement markers and solar road studs shall be provided to improve the
visibility in night-time and wet-weather conditions. These shall be prismatic retro-reflective
type two way markers conforming to ASTM D 4280 and provided as per Table 10.1. RRPM
shall be provided on curves and approaches, bridges and approaches and junction
influence. The RRPM on shoulder edge line shall be Red in colour and that on median edge
line shall be Amber colour. RRPM shall be provided for traffic lane for all curves less than
1200m radii and shall be white in colour. The RRPM on traffic lane line shall be placed at the
centre of gap of lane line marking. The RRPM shall be provided for pedestrian crossing to
make them visible and shall be red colour
Table 10.1 Warrants for Road Studs

Description of section
Curve radii upto

All sections of



sections of
ay on
All Major/Minor
Bridge, ROB
and all

Curve radii
1000 to 2000
Curve radii
2000 to 3000m
and critical


Location &

Curve length including
transition with 20m on
either side



Length of
highway where
vertical gradient
is 2% and
above and its
vertical curves

Length including
vertical grade and
curves and adjoining
300m portion on either



Structure portion and

adjoining 180m on
either side



Approach length
including the length of


For shoulder
and median
side edge
(Red colour
on shoulder
side and
colour for

and median
side edge
(Red colour
on shoulder

IRC: SP: 87: 2013

Draft for GSS

IRC: SP: 87: 2013

Draft for GSS

IRC: SP: 87: 2013

Draft for GSS

on length if any and

300m adjoining on
either side

All entry/exit
slip roads/
ramps and its
acceleration /

Entry/exit slip
roads and

Length of both side

edge lines of slip
roads/ramp+ edge
line of acceleration /
deceleration lane

Chevron /diagonal
markings on gorge

Continuity line
for acceleration
/ deceleration
lane for
entry/exit of slip

Length of crossable
continuity line for lane
changing of entry/exit
slip roads

side and
colour for


Red colour
on edge


Red Colour


Green Color

Alternatively, Solar Powered Road Markers are more effective and draw attention of drivers
and shall be provided at locations like at Sl. 5 and also other locations where performance of
normal road studs are not that effective due to street lightings and other roadside activities

Traffic Impact Attenuators

Traffic Impact Attenuators shall be provided for structural columns of large direction signs,
illumination lamp posts, at approaching traffic islands of toll plaza and gore area between
diverging roadways. It shall take repeated impacts without any additional recovery
procedures and with minimal or no repairs. The attenuators modules shall be moulded from
HDPE plastic conforming to the general test acceptance criteria requirement of EN 1317-3.
The space requirement to shield a fixed object should be considered while designing and
constructing the attenuators.. The design, size, number of modules, etc. of attenuators shall
be as per International Standards and location specific duty considering the likely impact.
The work shall also conform to Clause 814 of MORTH Specifications.
Fig 10.06 shows the area that should be made available for crash attenuators installations.

The 85th percentile speed of traffic plying through the traffic lane adjacent to
obstruction in diverge area is greater than 70 kmph

At location where the lane changing manoeuvering of vehicles are substantial.

Traffic is required to travel in close proximity to the potential obstruction where it is

not feasible to install safety barrier in front of it

The obstruction with high value and if damaged by vehicle impact will have serious

The gore areas of all diverging which are one level above ground


Crash Barriers

There are two types of crash (safety) barriers viz., roadside safety barriers, and median
safety barriers. They shall meet the requirements laid down in Clause 811 of MORTH

Warrants: The longitudinal roadside barriers are basically meant to shield two types
of roadside hazards i.e. embankments and roadside obstacles and also for
preventing the vehicles veering off the sharp curves. The warrants for a fill section in
terms of the height and slope needing protection with roadside barriers are shown in
Fig.10.1. The barrier is not warranted for embankment having a fill slope of 4 H:1 V
or flatter. The warrants for roadside objects are mainly dependent upon the type of
obstacle and the probability of their being hit. A barrier shall be installed only if the
result of vehicle striking the barrier is likely to be less severe than the severity of
accident resulting from the vehicle impacting the unshielded obstacle. Some of the
commonly encountered roadside obstacles are bridge piers, abutments and railing
ends, roadside rock mass, culverts pipes and headwalls cut slopes, retaining walls,
lighting supports, traffic signs and signal supports, trees and utility poles.

10.8.1 Types of Roadside Safety Barriers:

There are three types of longitudinal roadside safety barriers viz:
a) Semi-rigid type like
W beam type steel barrier
Thrie beam type steel barrier
b) Rigid type (like concrete crash barriers)
c ) Flexible type (like wire rope fencing)
The steel barriers with strong post type usually remain functional after moderate collisions,
thereby eliminating the need for immediate repair. If damaged by a vehicle collision, both
posts and rails of W-beam are to be repaired. Lack in maintenance can cause the W-beam
rails to protrude into traffic way creating highly unsafe situation. The wire rope though
technically complicated, can be repaired with minimum costs. Though initial installation cost
is relatively high for concrete rigid barrier compare to W-beam and wire rope safety barriers,
the repair and maintenance issues can be minimized greatly in concrete rigid barrier. The

psychological shyness of drivers to keep away from the safety barrier will be the least in rigid
concrete barrier compared to other types. Since rigid barriers will not yield under any vehicle
impact, it shall be provided for bridges and ROBs and also to shield roadside objects
/hazards where the required set back distance cannot be retained with wire rope and WBeam (due to any site condition), as they are deflective in nature.
Invariably W-beam and wire rope barrier shall not be installed upon a structure. For a
median upon a structure, it shall be concrete rigid barrier. Wire Rope Safety Barrier shall not
be used over major or minor bridges
i) Warrants: The longitudinal roadside barriers are basically meant to shield two types of
roadside hazards i.e. embankments and roadside obstacles and also for preventing the
vehicles veering off the sharp curves. Therefore, all embankments with height 3 m or more
shall have safety barriers at the edge of formation, with delineating reflectors fitted on them.
W beam barrier shall be provided along all curves having radii upto 2000m for complete
length of curves including transitions and 20 m further before and after the curve.
Normally on shoulder side the lateral distance of at least 0.75 to 1.0 m width from edge of
paved portion (i.e. carriageway + paved shoulder) should be available without any obstacles.
Wherever a permanent object cannot be removed for some reasons, provision of tandems
viz. W-beam metal crash barriers and hazard markers with reflectors must be made. Further,
frangible lighting columns and sign posts need to be used for minimizing the severity in case
of collision.
Irrespective of type of barrier being used, the slope in front of W-beam or wire rope or rigid
barrier shall be near to flat gradient so that safety barrier perform best when impacted by a
vehicle and the slope of ground in front of barrier shall not be steeper than 10:1.
Some of the commonly encountered roadside obstacles are bridge piers, abutments and
railing ends, roadside rock mass, culverts, pipes and headwalls, cut slopes, retaining walls,
lighting supports, traffic signs and signal supports, trees and utility poles. Road side steel barriers
a) Design aspects: The W" beam type safety barrier consists of steel posts and a 3 mm
thick W" beam rail. There shall be a steel spacer block between the post and the beam to
prevent the vehicle from snagging on the post, as the snagging can cause the vehicle to spin
round. The steel posts and the blocking out spacer shall both be channel section of 75 mm x
150 mm size and 5 mm thick. The posts shall be spaced 2m center to center. Fig 10.07 gives
the typical details of W Beam rail and splices and shall be procured and installed from a
reputed manufacturer.
The Thrie beam safety barrier shall have posts and spacers similar to the ones mentioned
above for W beam type. The rail and splices design details for typical Thrie beam are shown
in Fig. 10.8 and shall be from a reputed manufacturer.This barrier has higher initial cost than
the W beam type but is less prone to damages to vehicle collisions especially for shallow
angle impacts.
The "W" beam, the Thrie beam and the posts spacers and fasteners for steel barriers shall be
galvanized by hot dip process and design elements and installations shall be as per the
details shown for crash barrier in this manual so as to achieve the performance
characteristics intended for W-Beam. For any structural elements and details missing in this
Manual for W-beam and its various end treatments, the details from international
guidelines/manuals on W-beam which would conform to EN 1317 Part-2 can be adopted.
b) End treatment for steel barrier: If hit, an untreated end of the roadside barrier can be
hazardous, because the barrier beam can penetrate the passenger compartment and cause
the impact vehicle to stop abruptly. End treatments should, therefore, form an integral part of
safety barriers and the end treatment should not spear vault or roll a vehicle for head on or

angled impacts. The end treatment on approach shall be Modified Eccentric Loader Terminal
(MELT) arrangement as shown in Fig 10.9 and departure sides it shall be Trailing Terminal
(TT) arrangement as shown in Fig 10.10. Following the same end treatments, Fig 10.11
presents the typical layout of W beam whether on raised median sides or on
depressed/flushed median sides. The international practices shall be adopted for those
details which are not available in this Manual for MELT and TT arrangements for the end
treatment of W-beam.
The W-Beam to concrete transition shall be carried out by decreasing the post spacing,
nesting one rail behind another and using steel section behind the W-Beam. The transition
between W-beam and concrete barrier is detailed in Fig. 10.12.
c) Placement: Placement recommendations determine the exact layout of the barrier and
shall be made by the design engineer keeping in view the lateral offset of the barrier and flare
rate. The final layout shall be as site-specific combination of these factors. The barriers shall
be as far away from the traffic as possible and shall preferably have uniform clearance
between the traffic and the hazard. As far as possible', the safety barrier shall be placed
beyond 2.5 m of the traveled way. For long and continuous stretches, this offset is not critical.
The distance between the barrier and the hazard shall not be less than the deflection of the
barrier by an impact of a full sized vehicle. In case of embankments, a minimum distance of
600 mm shall be maintained between the barrier and the start of embankment slope of a
hazard to prevent the wheels from dropping over the edge.
The W-beam and Thrie beam perform well on the outside of curves and even those of
relatively small radius. When a kerb exists on the edge of road and on to close proximity
traffic way whether on shoulder or median edge lines, a distance of 100mm shall be
maintained between vertical face of kerb and W-beam or Thrie beam face to ensure that
impacting vehicle do not vault over safety barrier and at the same time reduces the nuisance
hit. The steel barrier shall be placed in such a way so as to be collided by vehicle directly. Fig
10.13 gives the lateral clearance to be maintained in different situations. Road side concrete barriers
a) Design aspects: Roadside concrete safety barriers are rigid barriers having a sloped front
face and a vertical back face. For uniformity New Jersey type concrete barriers should be
used where necessary . Rigid crash barriers may however be required only in constrained
urban location between main carriageway and service road. The concrete barrier may be precast in lengths of up to 6 m depending upon the feasibility of transport and lifting
arrangements. Concrete grade for the barriers shall not be leaner than M 30. The minimum
thickness of foundations shall be thick cement concrete or hot mix asphalt placed at
the base of barrier to provide lateral restraint. Where more than 75 mm thick over lay on the
road pavement is anticipated, the foundation step may be increased to 125 mm. However,
longitudinal roadside concrete barrier should have elaborate footing design which is
structurally safe unless sufficient earth support is available.
Suggested flare rates depending upon the design speed are given in Table 10.2.
Table 10.2 Flare Rates of Rigid barriers
Design speed in km per hour

Flare Rates











b) End treatment: Safety barrier shall be provided with an end treatment, which shall be
obtained by tapering the height of terminating end of the median barrier within a length of 8 m
to 9 m.
c) Placement: Placement recommendations for roadside steel barriers, mentioned in Para are applicable to roadside concrete barriers as well. Wire Rope Safety Barrier
a) Design aspects: The wire rope barriers/systems are suitable for either shoulder and /or
median side application, provided there is adequate clearance to account for their deflection,
as per manufactures system design specification and standards. The slope of surface
between traffic way and wire rope safety barrier shall always be flatter than 10:1 and there
shall not any object or raised kerb in between so to enable the cables to readily dis-engage
from posts during impact and thereby minimizing snagging and ensuring that the vehicle is
smoothly redirected.
Wire rope barrier can be repaired quickly and only damaged posts are to be replaced. High
tension 3-rope wire rope system confirming the requirements of EN 1317-2 for containment
Level H1 shall be used. High tension 4-rope wire system shall be used for Expresswaywith
high proportion of bigger vehicles. Typical details of wire rope barrier are given in Fig. 10.14
and wire rope barrier with ropes interwoven are also presented in Fig 10.15The wire rope
barrier shall be the proprietary product of an approved manufacture and test result shall
conform to EN 1317 Part 2.
b) End treatment: The end treatment shall be as per the manufactures details conforming to
EN 1317 Part 2. The Wire rope to W-beam transition shall be done Modified Eccentric Loader
Terminal (MELT) arrangement as shown in Fig 10.16.The termination of Wire rope to a rigid
or concrete barrier or a parapet shall be avoided and there shall be a transition from wire
rope to W-beam in-turn to concrete barrier as shown in Fig 10.17
c) Placement: The placement of the Wire Rope Safety Barrier shall be determined by the
design engineer and shall be a combination of the deflection ratios of the barrier and the sitespecific conditions. The barrier shall be placed as far away from the traffic as possible and
shall preferably have uniform clearance. The lateral slope of surface between traffic way and
wire rope safety shall always be flatter than 10:1 so that vehicle bumper trajectory will not
change before an errant vehicle hit the wire rope.
When Wire Rope Safety Barrier is provided in front of a hazard, it shall be so located caters
to the deflection specified by the manufacture. The barrier shall be extended at full height not
less than 30m in advance of the hazard on the approach side, and shall continue at full height
for 7.5 m beyond the hazard on the departure side. The minimum length of fence shall be no
less than 50m. If there is a hazard present in the deflection area of the barrier, then the
distance between fence and the hazard shall not be less than that deflection values
described by the manufacture and will depend upon the post spacing.
There shall be at least 1m setback distance between wire rope safety barrier and the start of
drop or embankment slope. While installing wire rope on a connector roads carrying
two/three-wheelers and other small vehicles, the deflection as specified by the manufacturer
shall be maintained as set back distance from the start of drop or embankment. The
deflection can be reduced by closer post spacing, however the minimum setback distance
shall be ensured. Wire rope can be installed for curves radii more than 450m only.
The Wire Rope Safety Barrier shall not be permitted in following situations:

Where a hazard is present within the deflection area of the fence.

Where total fence length is less than 50m

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On a horizontal curves of radius 450m or less.

On vertical sag curves of radius less than 3km.

Where rate of change in setback is steeper than 1 in 10.

10.8.2 Median barriers

i) General: Head-an-collisions, especially on highways with narrow medians, caused by outof-control vehicles jumping across the medians are a major source of accidents. Fixed
objects on medians also require shielding from the traffic flow. Provision of median safety
barrier in such conditions is an important requirement.
ii) Warrants: For all multilane highways where adequate land is available , it is preferable to
provide wide depressed medians having width of 7m or more. but with W beam metal crash
barrier or wire rope safety barrier at the edges of the median. Considering the vehicle
trajectory over kerbs, when safety barrier are to be installed along an existing multilane
highways with raised medians, it shall be placed in such a way that vehicle bumper would hit
directly on the safety barrier than first with the raised median kerb. The maximum lateral
distance between vertical face of raised kerb and W-beam shall not be more than 100mm.
Wire ropes are ideally suited in depressed or flushed median situations in a mutli lane
highway owing to their double side nature and also not allowing crossover as wire rope never
snaps. However, while applying wire rope on a narrow flushed median, it shall be placed at
the centre of flushed median, ensuring the sufficient deflection distance from both traffic way.
The spacing of posts and the deflection stipulated by the manufacture shall be strictly
adhered. The placement of Beam and wire rope barrier on median sides are pictorially
presented in Fig 10.13
Median barriers shall also be provided to shield fixed objects in a narrow median. If
necessary, median barriers shall be flared to encompass a fixed object, which may be a light
post, foundation of overhead signs, bridge pier etc.
There are four types of median safely barrier viz., "W beam type steel barrier, (Strong post
type), Thrie beam type steel barrier, (Strong post type), Concrete barriers, Wire Rope safety
barrier with closer post spacing. Steel median barriers
Design aspects: The "W beam barrier shall be similar to the roadside barrier described in
The Thrie beam barrier shall be similar to the roadside barrier described in
Placement: Steel beam crash barrier shall be placed at both the edges of median along the
carriageway. The lateral placement and end treatment of W-Beam at median location as
given in Fig 10.11 shall be followed. The Modified Eccentric Loader Terminal (MELT)
arrangement on approach side and Trailing Terminal (TT) arrangement on departure side
shall be adopted for W Beam end treatment in median location also. Concrete median barriers
Design aspects: Concrete median barrier shall be New Jersey type. These should be used
in case of narrow medians of two meter or less along with an anti-glare screen for avoidance
of headlight glare. The concrete barrier cannot be altered easily, hence rigid barrier shall be
provided in narrow median in urban location to prevent pedestrian intrusion and other side
friction. The terminating end of the median barrier shall be tapered in a length of 8 to 9 m.
Placement: Concrete median barrier shall be placed at both the edges of median along the
carriageway. Wire Rope median barrier
Design aspects:- The design apsects given in will be applicabale for wire rope at

median location.
Placement:- The requirements covered in for wire rope will be applicable for median
barrier also. Also, when Wire Rope Safety Barrier is placed between two adjacent
carriageways which are at the same level, it shall be placed at the center of the median with
deflection area not be less than that deflection values described by the manufacture from
either side of the fence. In case of two carriageways which are at different levels, it shall be at
both sides of the median edge. In the case of a split median, it shall be on the carriageway of
higher side. Wire rope barrier for median location can be adopted as long as the median is
not raised and allowable deflection can be kept from both traffic way sides as given in Fig
10.13. The end treatment presented in will be applicable for wire rope at median
location also.
10.8.3 General
Raised kerbs or drains shall not be provided between the traveled way and the barriers.
These destabilize the vehicle balance and disturb its equilibrium before it strikes the barrier,
thus defeating the essential purpose of safety and redirection of the impacting vehicle. Steel
barriers shall be provided in non-built-up sections whereas concrete barriers shall be
provided in built-up sections. In addition to the warrants given in, the safety barriers
shall also be provided at the following locations:
a) Where embankment is retained by a retaining structure (concrete).
b) On valley side of highway in mountainous and steep terrain (concrete).
c) Between main carriageway and footpath in bridges (concrete).
d) At hazardous locations identified in Schedule 'C' or through safety audit (concrete/steel as
specified in Schedule 'B' or Safety Audit Report).

Road Boundary Stones (RBS)

Road boundary stones shall be provided at the boundary on both sides of the Right of Way.
These shall be spaced at 200 m. The boundary stones shall be of cement concrete as per
Type Design given in IRC:25. The boundary stones shall be painted with cement primer and
enamel paint and marked RBS by paint.

Kilometre and Hectometre Stones


The kilometre stones shall be provided at each kilometre on both sides of the
Expressway. The design and specification of kilometre stones shall conform to IRC:8.
The matter to be written on various kilometre stones and the pattern thereof shall be
as specified in IRC:8.


Hectometre (200 m) stones shall be provided at every 200 m distance on both sides
of the Expressway. The design and specification of 200 m stones shall conform to
IRC:26. The matter to be written on the 200 m stones shall be as specified in IRC:26.


Pedestrian Railings/ Guard Rails

Pedestrian Guardrails of iron/ steel sections shall be provided as per IRC:103 and Clause
809 of MORTH Specifications. The iron/ steel guard rails shall be finished with epoxy primer
and two coats of synthetic enamel paint after sand blasting (appropriate corrosion protection
layer shall be provided in corrosive environment). In case iron/ steel sections are not suitable
in corrosive environment even after providing corrosion protection layer, concrete guard rails
as per IRC:103 shall be provided in these sections.


The right-of-way of the Expressway shall be fenced to prevent entry of pedestrians, animals
and vehicles. The fencing shall comprise of chain link or barbed wire on RCC posts as per

design given in the drawings and shall conform to Clause 808 of MORTH Specifications.
Can we have a typical drawing?

Glare Reduction

Glare reduction devices shall be installed for reducing the headlight glare of opposing traffic
at night which may distract from driving tasks.

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