Natural Enantiomers - Molecules-2022
Natural Enantiomers - Molecules-2022
Natural Enantiomers - Molecules-2022
Natural Enantiomers: Occurrence, Biogenesis and
Biological Properties
Jin-Hai Yu 1 , Zhi-Pu Yu 1 , Robert J. Capon 2, * and Hua Zhang 2, *
1 School of Biological Science and Technology, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China; (J.-H.Y.); (Z.-P.Y.)
2 Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
* Correspondence: (R.J.C.); (H.Z.)
Abstract: The knowledge that natural products (NPs) are potent and selective modulators of impor-
tant biomacromolecules (e.g., DNA and proteins) has inspired some of the world’s most successful
pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. Notwithstanding these successes and despite a growing number
of reports on naturally occurring pairs of enantiomers, this area of NP science still remains largely
unexplored, consistent with the adage “If you don’t seek, you don’t find”. Statistically, a rapidly
growing number of enantiomeric NPs have been reported in the last several years. The current review
provides a comprehensive overview of recent records on natural enantiomers, with the aim of advanc-
ing awareness and providing a better understanding of the chemical diversity and biogenetic context,
as well as the biological properties and therapeutic (drug discovery) potential, of enantiomeric NPs.
1. Introduction
Citation: Yu, J.-H.; Yu, Z.-P.; Capon, Natural products (NPs) are usually regarded as small molecule organic compounds
R.J.; Zhang, H. Natural Enantiomers:
which are produced in the metabolic processes of living organisms [1]. Although studies on
Occurrence, Biogenesis and
NPs have informed many areas of science, industry and commerce, including flavorings,
Biological Properties. Molecules 2022,
perfumes, cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals, arguably, their most important contribution
27, 1279.
to society has been as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals [2]. For example, NPs and NP-
inspired chemical entities still account for more than two thirds of all the drugs approved
Academic Editor: Míriam Pérez by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA in roughly the past four decades [2].
Trujillo The vast majority of reported NPs are chiral molecules that exist in nature as sin-
Received: 4 January 2022
gle enantiomers [3]. However, as the adage goes, “Beware of exceptions to the rule”;
Accepted: 10 February 2022
indeed, there is increasing evidence that both enantiomers of selected NPs exist in nature.
Published: 14 February 2022
Surprisingly, NPs were generally believed to exist as single enantiomers until the 1970s,
despite reports of several exceptions, probably owing to the standpoint of the famous
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
French chemist/microbiologist Louis Pasteur, i.e., that life processes were asymmetrical [4].
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Benefiting from scientific and technical advances in our understanding of NP biosynthesis,
published maps and institutional affil-
there is increasing acceptance and documentation of the occurrence of natural enantiomers.
Finefield et al. reported this trend in a 2012 review, documenting the occurrence and
biogenesis (where applicable) of the well-known NP enantiomers reported before 2012 [3].
During our research into bioactive NPs from medicinal plants and other sources, we
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
have regularly encountered NP enantiomers and have documented differences in their
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. bioactivities [5–9]. Surveying the scientific literature revealed the aforementioned report by
This article is an open access article Finefield et al. as the only systematic record of the occurrence of natural enantiomers [3],
distributed under the terms and supported by a 2018 review by Cass et al. on the techniques for separation and absolute
conditions of the Creative Commons configuration (abs. config.) assignment of enantiomeric NPs [10]. This survey also revealed
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// a dramatic increase in the number of publications on natural enantiomers, especially in the last few years. Against this background, the present review seeks to summarize advances
4.0/). in this fascinating field over the period of January 2012 to December 2019.
2.1. Lignans
Lignans are a common class of NPs which is widely distributed in the plant kingdom
and which exhibits a broad spectrum of bioactivities including antioxidant, antitumor,
anti-inflammatory, antineurodegenerative, antiviral and antimicrobial properties [11,12].
Lignans usually consist of two (sometimes three or even more) C6 -C3 units (also known
as phenylpropanoids). Their structural diversity arises from the different degrees of
oxidation, as well as various substitution and connection patterns. Consistent with IUPAC
recommendations [13], lignans are normally divided into classical lignans (only direct
8,80 -connection between the two C6 -C3 units), neolignans (non-8,80 and direct connection
between the two C6 -C3 units), oxyneolignans (ether oxygen linkage between the two C6 -C3
units), and higher lignans (above two C6 -C3 units, e.g., sesquineolignans and dineolignans).
However, this classification is suggested mainly as a means of clarifying the confusing
lignan nomenclature in the past, and is far from sufficient to assort the vast number of
natural lignans. In general, NP chemists tend to sort lignans according to their detailed
structural types, such as dibenzylbutanes, arylnaphthalenes, benzofurans, etc. [14].
Based on structural features, and for the convenience of discussion, the lignan enan-
tiomers in the period covered by this review are classified into three subcategories: acyclic
lignans, cyclic lignans and sesquineolignans. Acyclic lignans refer to those without extra
rings except for the existing aromatic rings in the phenylpropanoid units, whereas cyclic
lignans possess additional rings. According to the reported compound numbers, acyclic
lignans are further divided into 8-40 -oxyneolignans and other acyclic lignans, while cyclic
lignans will be presented as furan-incorporating lignans and other cyclic lignans. In the
interests of brevity, only the structure of one enantiomer of each pair is provided; this rule
applies to all structural classes in the current review.
The first reported cases in the period covered by this study were 1a/1b and 2a/2b,
isolated from Paeonia lactiflora in 2015 [15]. Compounds 1 and 2 have the same constitutional
structure but different relative configurations (rel. configs.). The erythro rel. config. for 1,
and the threo rel. config. for 2, were determined via the J7,8 values (3.5 Hz for 1 vs. 6.8 Hz
for 2), while their absolute configurations (abs. configs.) were established by the time-
dependent density functional theory electronic circular dichroism (TDDFT-ECD) method.
In the same year, three dinorneolignan pairs 19a/19b−21a/21b, along with a neolignan
pair 25a/25b, were reported and found as scalemic mixtures in Acorus tatarinowii [16]. The
determination of their abs. configs. was based on ECD data analysis and the TDDFT-ECD
method. A modified Mosher’s method was also used to further confirm the abs. configs.
of 19a/19b. In 2016, Gu and coworkers reported the presence of 13a/13b−16a/16b in
Euphorbia sikkimensis [17], among which 13a/13b and 14a/14b and their rel. configs. had
been reported in 2001 [18]. In addition, compounds 13 and 14 are diastereoisomers, as is
the case for 15 and 16. In 2017, compounds 6a/6b and 7a/7b were isolated from Rubus
idaeus [19]. In 2019, Song and colleagues discovered 3a/3b−5a/5b, 22a/22b and 23a/23b
from Crataegus pinnatifida [20], as well as 8a/8b−12a/12b from Ailanthus altissima [21].
Among them, compounds 3 and 4 possess identical planar structures but different rel.
configs., as is the case for 8 and 9.
Due to the structural flexibility of 8,40 -oxyneolignans, it has often been a challenge
to correctly assign their configurations at C-7 and C-8. In order to solve this prob-
lem, three empirical rules have been developed to determine the rel. configs.: the com-
parison of J7,8 coupling constants [22,23], and the utilization of 13 C (∆δ(C-8−C-7) ) [24]
and 1 H (∆δ(H-9a−H-9b) ) [25] NMR chemical shift differences, although each method has
its limitations.
The application of the J7,8 value, first reported by Ruveda et al. in 1984 [23], is the
simplest and most commonly used method (data see Table 1), but different substituents
and their substitution positions could significantly impact the magnitude of J7,8 , and
sometimes even result in close J7,8 values for erythro and threo configurations. Additionally,
the use of different deuterated solvents for NMR measurements will also influence the J7,8
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 4 of 73
value. Therefore, the configuration assignments based on this empirical rule are sometimes
ambiguous or even improper due to misuse. Shi and coworkers have summarized three
types of 8,40 -oxyneolignans that are suitable for the application of this rule, i.e., aglycones
(J7,8 ≤ 5.0 Hz for erythro and J7,8 ≥ 7.0 Hz for threo), aglycone acetonides (J7,8 > 7.0 Hz
for erythro and J7,8 < 2.0 Hz for threo) and glycoside acetates (J7,8 ≤5.3 Hz for erythro and
J7,8 ≥ 6.3 Hz for threo); the NMR solvent must be CDCl3 [22]. As reflected by the previously
reported data shown in Table 1, some researchers tend to apply this method without
being aware of the aforementioned limitations, which could have resulted in incorrect
configuration assignments and caused confusion in later studies of other NPs.
Table 1. J7,8 Values, specific optical rotations and ECD data of 8,40 -oxyneolignians.
Table 1. Cont.
The ∆δ(C-8−C-7) value was introduced to differentiate between erythro and threo 8,40 -
oxyneolignans by Gan et al. [24,26], whereas only a few lignans are applied as reference
compounds, and their ∆δ(C-8−C-7) values also vary in different deuterated solvents, thus
causing this method to lack universality. In 2019, the third method of use of ∆δ(H-9a−H-9b)
value was developed by Zhang and coworkers [25]. However, as with the rule of ∆δ(C-8−C-7)
value, lack of enough model compounds has limited its application. In summary, the rel.
config. determination for 8,40 -oxyneolignans could be very complicated due to their
structural flexibility and diversity, and special cautions are always suggested to avoid
erroneous assignments.
Up to now, three methods, i.e., direct ECD analysis by utilizing the Cotton effect at
235 ± 5 nm, TDDFT-ECD method and modified Mosher’s method, have been used to
establish the abs. configs. of 8,40 -oxyneolignans. For the first method, it is claimed that
the positive Cotton effect at around 235 ± 5 nm is related to 8S-configuration, while a
negative one corresponds to 8R-configuration [22]. However, different substituents on the
aryl group, C-7, C-8 and C-9 would cause evident impact on the Cotton effects and the
corresponding wavelengths. Caution thus should be taken when applying this rule, as
improper applications have often been encountered in the literature. The TDDFT-ECD
method is to theoretically predict the ECD spectra of the two possible enantiomers and then
compare the calculated curves with the experimental ones. It is by far the most commonly
used approach to assign abs. configs. of natural enantiomers owing to its easy operability,
without the need for chemical derivatization and for constructing theoretical mechanisms to
explain the observed properties [27]. Although this method is nowadays readily accessible
to nonexperts, experience is still required since unexpected wrong assignments are easily
made. As shown in Table 1, the abs. configs. determined by the first two methods are
often inconsistent, and those assigned via the TDDFT-ECD method are usually accepted as
the final determination in these reports. The third one is modified Mosher’s method that
requires chemical derivatization, and its accuracy and feasibility have been proved and
accepted by almost all chemists. Nonetheless, a secondary alcohol and enough amount of
sample for derivatization are a must for this method, and only pure enantiomers are suitable
for investigation. In addition, it is worthwhile to note that the specific optical rotation data
have no straight-forward correlation with the abs. configs. of studied structures (Table 1).
Other acyclic lignans. In addition to 8,40 -oxyneolignans, many other acyclic lignan
enantiomers with various connection patterns were reported in this period, as shown in
Figure 2 (names see Table S2 in Supplementary Materials). Owing to the limited numbers,
they have all been put together and are discussed in the current section.
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 6 of 73
Compounds 26 and 27 from Acorus tatarinowii are rare cases of naturally occurring
7,70 -oxyneolignans [28]. The threo-configurations for C-7/C-8 and C-70 /C-80 of 26 were
first determined by the large J7,8 and J70 ,80 values (both 6.5 Hz), which was further con-
firmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, while the abs. configs. for 26a/26b and
27a/27b were established by comparing the calculated and experimental ECD curves. The
9,90 -oxyneolignan 28 with an ester linkage was obtained as a racemic mixture from Bulbo-
phyllum retusiusculum [29]. Compounds 29−32 from the trunk of Torreya yunnanensis are
rare examples of 8,90 -neolignans and all feature a 1,3-dioxane motif by acetalization with a
2-methoxy-cinnamaldehyde [30]. Yao and coworkers reported two 8,90 -neolignans (33 and
34) and one 7,80 -neolignan (35) as racemic mixtures from Acorus tatarinowii [28]. The J7,8
values (7.6 Hz for 33 and 6.1 Hz for 34 in CD3 OD) were used by the authors to determine
the threo and erythro rel. configs for 33 and 34, while the rel. configs for 35 was assigned by
single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. An 8,80 -lignan (36), an 8,30 -neolignan (37) and a
7,20 -neolignan (38) were isolated from Liriodendron hybrid [31], Selaginella moellendorffii [32]
and Syringa pinnatifolia [33], respectively. Sasaki et al. acquired a pair of novel 8,80 -lignan
enantiomers (39a/39b) with rearranged skeleton (also known as secolignan) from Brachan-
themum gobicum, with the abs. configs. being determined by comparing the ECD and
specific optical rotation data with those of (−)-lucidenal [34]. The plausible biosynthetic
pathway of 39 was also proposed as shown in Scheme 1, with the nonstereospecific free
radical coupling being the key factor to generate enantiomers.
Compound 40, a normal furan-type lignan enantiomer pair with 8-70 and 7-O-80
connections, was reported as a racemic mixture from magnolia salicifolia in 1984 [35], and was
synthesized in 1992 [36]; however, its chiral separation and abs. config. determination were
only realized by Lu et al. in 2018 [16]. The chiral separation and abs. config. assignment
of 41, whose structure with rel. config. was reported in 1996 [37], were accomplished by
Zhang and coworkers in their phytochemical investigation of Acorus tatarinowii in 2016 [38].
Benzofuran-type lignan enantiomer pairs 42−44, 45 and 46 were discovered from
Jatropha integerrima in 2015 [39], Brachanthemum gobicum in 2018 [34] and Picrasma quassioides
in 2018 [40], respectively. The 7,8-trans configurations for 42−46 were determined by
the large J7,8 values (7.5 Hz for 42−45 in CDCl3 , and 6.7 Hz for 46 in DMSO-d6 ) and
NOE analyses, while the abs. config. assignments for these compounds were based
on the reversed helicity rule [39,41]. According to this empirical rule, P-helicity of the
nonaromatic ring will lead to a positive Cotton effect within the 1 Lb band (around 280 nm)
and M-helicity will result in a negative Cotton effect. Phytochemical investigation into
the plants Rubus idaeus [42,43] and Phyllanthus glaucus [44] led to the isolation of three
enantiomer pairs 47−49, and their abs. configs. were established by TDDFT-ECD method.
Compounds 50−52 incorporating an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde unit were obtained from
Brachanthemum gobicum [34] and Picrasma quassioides [40], with the abs. configs. also being
assigned by the reversed helicity rule, where their 1 Lb (α) bands red shifted to around
340 nm due to the conjugation effect from the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde group. In 2018,
Huang et al. discovered compound 53 as a racemic mixture from Rubus ideaus and further
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 8 of 73
resolved it into two enantiomers (53a/53b), with the abs. configs. being assigned by
application of the TDDFT-ECD method [43]. In fact, compound 53 had been previously
reported as an optically pure molecule from Broussonetia papyrifera in 2009, with a much
smaller [α]D value [45], suggesting its potential scalemic nature. Compounds 54−57 are a
group of dinorneolignans and were isolated from Rubus idaeus [42,43] and Brachanthemum
gobicum [34].
In 2019, Song and colleagues obtained the trinorneolignan furolactone 58 as a racemic
mixture from Rubus idaeus and resolved it into a pair of enantiomers (58a/58b), the abs.
configs. of which were established by analyses of the calculated shielding tensor values and
ECD data [46], while the enantiomer 58b had been reported as an optically pure molecule
from Lycium chinense in 2013 [47]. The other two pairs of furolactone enantiomers 59a/59b
and 60a/60b were isolated from Archidendron clypearia in 2018 [48] and Dendrobium nobile
in 2016 [49], respectively. Song and coworkers reported 61a/61b, from Rubus idaeus in 2019
and assigned their abs. configs. by using the TDDFT-ECD method [47]. Compounds 62
and 63 represent another two pairs of furofuran-type lignan enantiomers isolated from
Morinda citrifolia [50] and Acorus tatarinowii [16], respectively.
Other cyclic lignans. Except for the aforementioned Furan-incorporating lignan enan-
tiomers, there are also some other cyclic lignan enantiomers with diverse ring systems as
listed in Figure 4 (names see Table S4 in Supplementary Materials).
from Cinnamomum subavenium, with the absolute structures being elucidated by X-ray
crystallographic analysis and TDDFT-ECD method [54].
2.1.3. Sesquineolignans
Sesquineolignans refer to lignans bearing three phenylpropanoid units with various
connection patterns. Ten pairs of enantiomeric sesquineolignans were reported in this
period, and their structures are shown in Figure 5, with the names being listed in Table S5
in Supplementary Materials.
In 2015, Zhang and colleagues obtained 74−78 from Phyllanthus glaucus, with the 7,8-
cis configuration of 74 being determined via the small J7,8 value (2.1 Hz) and the abs. configs.
of 74a/74b being assigned by comparing ECD data with those of known analogues [44].
In addition, the 7”,8”-threo configurations of 75 and 76 and 7”,8”-erythro configurations
of 77 and 78 were determined by the J7”,8” values (6.1 Hz in CDCl3 for 75 and 6.3 Hz in
Me2 CO-d6 for 76; 5.1 Hz in CD3 OD for 77 and 4.2 Hz in Me2 CO-d6 for 78). In 2015, Yin
and coworkers reported 79 and 80 from Brachanthemum gobicum and applied the reversed
helicity rule to assign the abs. configs. at C-70 and C-80 [34], while the assignments of abs.
configs. at C-7” and C-8” were established by Rh2 (OCOCF3 )4 -induced ECD analysis. On
the basis of the bulkiness rule for secondary alcohols, a positive Cotton effect at around
350 nm (E band) in the Rh2 (OCOCF3 )4 -induced ECD spectrum indicated a S-configuration,
while a negative Cotton effect implied a R-configuration. In 2014, Yu’s group discovered a
pair of novel enantiomeric tetrahydrofuran spirodienone sesquineolignans (81a/81b) from
Xanthium sibiricum and proposed coniferyl alcohol as the biosynthetic precursor (Scheme 2),
and the nonstereospecific radical coupling between the two C6 -C3 units was the key factor
to result in enantiomers [55]. Song and coworkers reported 82 and 83 from Rubus idaeus in
2019 and assigned their abs. configs. by using the TDDFT-ECD method [47].
In summary, a large number of lignans (except lignan glycosides) have been discov-
ered as racemic or scalemic mixtures and chirally separated in recent years, and their
structural types, from simple to complex (via rearrangement), cover more than half of the
known classes. It is self-evident from the aforementioned examples that enantiomerism
widely occurs in the structural categories of lignans especially for 8,40 -oxyneolignans and
furan-incorporating lignans. These lignan enantiomers exist as either racemic or scalemic
mixtures in plants and can be relatively easily separated by commercially available chiral
chromatographic columns. Therefore, it is conceivable that many examples previously
reported as optically pure lignans could in fact be scalemic mixtures, and NP researchers
should pay extra attention to the enantiomeric purity of lignans in their future work.
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 10 of 73
2.2. Coumarins
‘Coumarin’ is the general name of ortho-hydroxycinnamate lactones that are derived
from the Shikimate biosynthetic pathway1 (for structures, see Figure 6; for names, see
Table S6 in Supplementary Materials). As the core backbone of coumarins does not contain
chiral factors, the generation of their enantiomersim usually comes from the chiral carbons
of substituents (e.g., prenyl substitution) or axial chirality of oligomers. Coumarins are
important secondary metabolites in plants and have shown various biological properties
such as antitumor, anti-HIV, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities [56,57].
Compounds 84a−87a are a group of angular dihydropyranocoumarins and were
obtained as 30 S,40 S-configured pure enantiomers from Peucedanum japonicum in 2017 [58],
while their corresponding 30 R,40 R-enantiomers (84b−87b) had been previously reported
from Angelica morii in 1974 [59], Peucedanum praeruptorum in 2012 [60], Seseli gummiferum in
1971 [61] and Angelica furcijuga in 2000 [62], respectively. Another eight pairs of analogues
88−95 were found to be present as scalemic mixtures in Peucedani Radix [63] and were
successfully separated into pure enantiomers for the first time. Except 88a, 89b, 92a and
92b, the others have been formerly reported as optically pure compounds [63], but the small
[α]D values compared with those for the purified enantiomers suggested their scalemic
natures. Tang and coworkers isolated two pairs of coumarin enantiomers (96a/96b and
97a/97b) from Toddalia asiatica and assigned the rel. and abs. configs. of 96a/96b via
X-ray diffraction experiment and TDDFT-ECD method, respectively [64]. From Sapium
baccatum, three coumarin enantiomer pairs incorporating one additional α-pyrone ring
(98−100) were assigned the abs. configs. by comparing their specific optical rotations
with those of known analogues [65]. Compounds 102 and 103 are two pairs of hybrid
dimer enantiomers from Cnidium monnieri and they were also total synthesized for further
biological test [66]. The most complex coumarin enantiomers so far are the oligomeric
coumarin hybrids 104 and 105 bearing a spirodienone-sesquiterpene skeleton, and they
were isolated from Toddalia asiatica in 2016 [67]. The only coumarin enantiomers generated
by axial chirality are the prenylated coumarin dimers 101a/101b, with the abs. configs.
being determined by TDDFT-ECD method [68].
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 11 of 73
the fruit of Crataegus pinnatifida in 2018 and applied the TDDFT-ECD method to establish
their abs. configs [74]. Compounds 118−126 with an extra phenyl group on the sidechain
are also considered to be 1,2-diphenylpropane derivatives. The enantiomer pairs 118−120
were separated from Rubus idaeus in 2018 with their abs. configs. being determined via the
TDDFT-ECD method [75]. Compounds 121 and 122 were first reported as racemic mixtures
from Casearia grewiifolia in 2012 [76] and were resolved into two pairs of enantiomers by
Qiu et al. in 2018, with the rel. and abs. configs. being determined by analyzing J7,8 values
and applying TDDFT-ECD method, respectively [77]. Compounds 123a/123b−126a/126b
featuring a 1,3-dioxane ring derived from condensation of diol with different aldehydes,
were obtained from Crataegus pinnatifida with their abs. configs. being determined by
TDDFT-ECD method [78].
2.4. Alkaloids
The term “alkaloids” traditionally describes nitrogen-containing small molecule or-
ganic compounds with basicity, although there is no unified definition. In this section, we
include all nitrogen-bearing NPs in this category. Based on the structural types, natural
alkaloid enantiomers from plants in the period of 2012–2019 are classified into indole
alkaloids, quinoline and isoquinoline alkaloids, β-carboline and carbazole alkaloids, piperi-
dine alkaloids, thiohydantoin alkaloids, indolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloids, and
other alkaloids.
Song and coworkers reported two pairs of oxindole enantiomers 127a/127b and
128a/128b from Isatis tinctoria in 2019 [81], while 128b had been previously reported in
optically pure form from Isatis indigotica in 2012 [82]. In 2017, Zhang and colleagues discov-
ered two pairs of enantiomers bearing two prenyl groups (129a/129b and 130a/130b) from
Clausena lansium and assigned the rel. config. of 129b by converting it into an acetonide
derivative [83]. Two pairs of novel enantiomers including the indole 3,4-dihydronaphthalen-
1(2H)-one hybrids (131a/131b) and the indolizino [7,8-b]indol alkaloids (139a/139b) were
found to exist as scalemic mixtures in Juglans regia [84]. In 2018, Liu et al. reported
132−135 featuring a spiropyrrolizidine oxindole skeleton from Isatis indigotica [85]. Re-
ported from Isatis indigotica in 2019, the enantiomers 136a/136b incorporate an interesting
spiro-oxindole skeleton [86]. Concurrently isolated with 136a/136b is another pairs of
enantiomers 146a/146b featuring a pyrrolo[2,3-b]indolo[5,5a,6-b,a]quinazoline skeleton
that had also been reported from the same species in 2012 [82]. The abs. configs. of
146a/146b were determined by using the bulkiness rule for the Rh2 (OCOCF3 )4 -induced
ECD data, wherein the E band (around 350 nm) was demonstrated to be useful for de-
termining the abs. configs. of chiral secondary and tertiary alcohols [82]. Characterized
by the presence of a dihydrothiopyran ring and a 1,2,4-thiadiazole ring in the structure,
the oxindole alkaloid enantiomers 137a/137b and 138a/138b were reported from Isatis
indigotica by Shi’s research group in 2018 and 2012, respectively [87,88]. The iboga-type
indole alkaloid 140a was obtained as an optically pure molecule from Tabernaemontana
corymbosa in 2016 [89] with the rel. config. being determined by X-ray diffraction analy-
sis, while its enantiomer 140b was reported from Ervatamia hainanensis in 2015 [90]. Two
pairs of rare indole-styrene hybrid derivatives 141a/141b and 142a/142b were isolated
from Isatis indigotica [91]. The rearranged rutaecarpine-type indole alkaloid enantiomers
143a/143b from Evodia rutaecarpa incorporate an unprecedented 6/5/5/7/6 skeleton [92].
The dimeric isoechinulin-type indole alkaloid enantiomers 144a/144b and 145a/145b from
Uncaria rhynchophylla feature an intriguing and complex skeleton with a symmetrical cy-
clobutane ring, and their rel. configs. were assigned by X-ray crystallography [93]. Except
for 146a/146b, the abs. configs. of other indole enantiomers were assigned by using the
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 14 of 73
TDDFT-ECD method, with the abs. config. of 138a being further confirmed by modified
Mosher’s method.
It is interesting to note that suitable crystals for X-ray diffraction analysis of the enan-
tiomeric mixtures seem relatively easy to be obtained in these reports, but the acquisition
of high quality crystals of pure single enantiomers appears difficult. As above described,
from simple indoles (e.g., 127) to monoterpenoid indole hybrids (e.g., 140), from single
indoles (e.g., 129) to dimeric indoles (e.g., 134), from one-chiral-center examples (e.g., 131)
to complex multiple-chiral-center indole dimers (e.g., 144), natural indole alkaloid enan-
tiomers spread in a wide range of structural subtypes. Therefore, checking enantiomeric
purity for this important class of NPs appears to be key in the future work.
Scheme Plausiblebiosynthetic
2.4.3. β-Carbolineand
2.4.3.β-Carboline andCarbazole
β-Carbolines andcarbazoles
amongthe themost
[106,107]. Seven β-carboline(174,
Sevenβ-carboline (174,178 −183), three
178−183), three β-
carboline-carbazole − 177) nine carbazole (184 −
carboline-carbazole hybrid (175−177) and nine carbazole (184−192) enantiomer pairshave
hybrid (175 and 192) enantiomer pairs have
TDDFT-ECDmethod methodunless
Song and coworkers phytochemically studied the stems of Picrasma quassioides to
detect four enantiomer pairs 174a/174b−177a/177b. While 174a/174b possess a β-
carboline-phenylpropanoid hybrid skeleton [108], the latter three pairs represent alkaloid
heterodimers of a β-carboline and a carbazole units which are linked via a C4 fragment.
Alkaloids 178a/178b−180a/180b are dimeric β-carbolines obtained as trifluoroacetates
from Picrasma quassioides in different years [109,110]. Compounds 181a/181b, as β-
carboline-quinazoline hybrid dimers from Peganum harmala, were biogenetically
produced through Mannich/Pictet–Spengler-type and intermolecular Michael addition
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 17 of 73
Song and coworkers phytochemically studied the stems of Picrasma quassioides to de-
tect four enantiomer pairs 174a/174b−177a/177b. While 174a/174b possess a β-carboline-
phenylpropanoid hybrid skeleton [108], the latter three pairs represent alkaloid heterodimers
of a β-carboline and a carbazole units which are linked via a C4 fragment. Alkaloids
178a/178b−180a/180b are dimeric β-carbolines obtained as trifluoroacetates from Pi-
crasma quassioides in different years [109,110]. Compounds 181a/181b, as β-carboline-
quinazoline hybrid dimers from Peganum harmala, were biogenetically produced through
Mannich/Pictet–Spengler-type and intermolecular Michael addition reactions [111]. Com-
pounds 182 and 183 from Pausinystalia yohimbe were characterized in racemic forms in 2018
without further chiral separation, and their racemic nature was further proved by X-ray
diffraction analysis [112]. Interestingly, the enantiomerism of 182 results from the N-4 chiral
center which is very rare in nature [112].
The enantiomerism of carbazole alkaloids comes from the axial chirality of dimers or
from the chiral centers in the additional structural fragments. Four pairs of biscarbazole
atropisomers (184a/184b−187a/187b) and a pair of dihydropyranocarbazole enantiomers
(188a/188b) were discovered by Jiang and colleagues from Clausena dunniana, where the
planar structure of 185 had been previously described from Clausena wallichii in 2011 [113].
The same authors from Jiang’s group further reported 189a/189b−192a/192b from Murraya
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 18 of 73
microphylla [114,115], with the rel. config. of 189 being confirmed by X-ray crystallographic
data [115].
The enantiomer pairs 193−197 were isolated from Anacyclus pyrethrum in 2018 [116].
Among them, compounds 193 and 194 possess novel dimeric piperidine backbones with
6/5/6/6 and 6/5/6 ring systems, respectively, while 195a/195b incorporate a rare cyclopen-
tane-piperidine framework. In 2017, compounds 198−205 were obtained from Viola tians-
chanica. All of them bear more than one nitrogen atom and incorporate fascinating hetero-
cyclic architectures such as the 6/5/6/5 and 6/5/5/6/5 ring systems in 198 and 201–202,
respectively [117]. The abs. configs. of these alkaloid enantiomers were established by the
TDDFT-ECD method. Compounds 206 and 207 were found to occur as enantiomeric pairs
in Clausena lansium with only 206 being successfully resolved into pure enantiomers. The
rel. and abs. configs. of 206a/206b were established by X-ray crystal data and comparing
ECD and specific optical rotation data with calculated ones [118].
The biogenetic origins of these piperidines, especially of those with highly complex
skeletons and multiple chiral centers like 198 and 201–202, have not been examined, and
this intriguing puzzle definitely deserves further investigations.
Alkaloid 219 from Ficus fistulosa var. tengerensis was identified as a scalemic mixture
by [α]D , ECD and X-ray crystallographic data [121], while 220 as a long-known NP re-
isolated from Tylophora indica [122] was demonstrated to be a nearly racemic mixture
with only a slight excess of the R-enantiomer [123]. Compounds 221a/221b, a pair of
enantiomeric indolizidine alkaloid dimers from Dendrobium crepidatum, were assigned the
abs. configs. by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [124]. Enantiomers 222a/222b,
whose structures were also confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis to be indolizidine dimers
linked via a cyclobutane ring, were obtained from the same species as 219 [121]. Zhang et al.
discovered four pairs of neosecurinane-type alkaloid enantiomers 223a/223b−226a/226b
of the quinolizidine class from Flueggea virosa in 2017, and it is the first time to report
the enantiomerism of this interesting type of alkaloids [5]. The rel. and abs. configs.
of 223a/223b−226a/226b were characterized by a variety of techniques including X-ray
crystallography and ECD experiments.
2.5. Flavonoids
Flavonoids are a large family of secondary metabolites that exist widely in the plant
kingdom. They exhibit a variety of bioactivities such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, an-
tibacterial, antiviral, anticancer and neuroprotective effects [135]. Traditionally, flavonoids
mainly refer to compounds incorporating a 2-phenylchromone core, and nowadays, this
term has extended to all structures with two phenyl units linked via a C3 fragment [14].
In addition, some NPs such as xanthones and furanochromones are also included in this
structural family as atypical flavonoids. Flavonoid enantiomers reported in this period are
classified into three subgroups: flavones and isoflavones, chalcones and xanthones
Rh2 (OCOCF3 )4 induced ECD method [146]. Compounds 271a/271b, as heterodimers de-
rived from a flavane and a diphenylpropanoid, were isolated from Dracaena cochinchinensis
in 2016 [147].
structural units especially prenyl group(s), or both. Meanwhile, the enantiomerism of the
described isoflavones arises exclusively from the chirality of extra structural units, i.e.,
prenyl group(s) and phenylpropanoid fragment for the current cases.
2.5.2. Chalcones
Chalcones are open-chain flavonoids which have attracted increasing attention from
researchers due to the wide range of their bioactivities, including antimicrobial, antimalarial,
anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, anti-HIV, antioxidant properties, etc. [150].
The chalcone enantiomers covered by this review, including monomers and dimers, are
summarized in Figure 16 (Names see Table S16 in Supplementary Materials). Similarly, the
determination of abs. configs. by TDDFT-ECD method will not be specified.
analysis [153]. Li and coworkers reported two pairs of enantiomeric dimers formed by a
dihydrochalcone and a deoxohydrochalcone (290a/290b) and by a deoxohydrochalcone and
a homoisoflavane (291a/291b) from Dracaena cochinchinensis in 2016 [147]. From Horsfieldia
tetratepala, compounds 292−296 were obtained as scalemic deoxohydrochalcone dimers
without chiral separation [154].
2.5.3. Xanthones
Xanthones are polyphenolic compounds incorporating a common 9H-xanthen-9-one
scaffold with various substituents, making them ‘privileged structures’ which are likely
to bind to a variety of biological targets. They have been shown to display significant
bioactivities including antimicrobial, antioxidant, cytotoxic activities, and so on [155]. Most
xanthone enantiomers reported in this period are prenylated; their structures are listed in
Figure 17 (names see Table S17 in Supplementary Materials).
2.6. Terpenoids
Terpenoids are probably the biggest family of NPs with diverse structures and various
biological activities [3]. All terpenoids are initially assembled from the head-to-tail conden-
sation of repeated isoprene units (C5 ), and according to the number of isoprene residues,
terpenoids are normally classified into monoterpenoids (C10 ), sesquiterpenoids (C15 ), diter-
penoids (C20 ), sesterterpenoids (C25 ) and triterpenoids (C30 ). Additionally, meroterpenoids
are also an interesting class of terpenoid products with mixed biogenesis [3]. To the best of
our knowledge, enantiomeric cases have been reported for all terpenoid subclasses except
2.6.1. Sesquiterpenoids
Sesquiterpenoids are constructed from three isoprenyl fragments. Among all the
terpenoid classes, they have the most diverse carbon skeletons and are probably the largest
group of terpenoid NPs. Corresponding to their various structural types, natural sesquiter-
penoids have also exhibited a myriad of biological properties [161], and this has been well
reflected by the success of artemisinin (for malaria), the most famous sesquiterpenoid
whose discovery was rewarded the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. Enan-
tiomeric sesquiterpenoids reported in this period include 16 pairs (314−329) with different
backbones (for structures, see Figure 18, names see Table S18 in Supplementary Materials).
Enantiomers 314a/314b represent the first examples of 1,2-seco bisabolane-type sesquiter-
penoid lactones from Artabotrys hexapetalus, with the abs. configs. being determined by
employing the helicity rule to analyze the Cotton effect at around 220 nm [162]. Qiu
and coworkers reported four pairs of megastigmane-type norsesquiterpenoid enantiomers
315a/315b−317a/317b and 325a/325b from Eucommia ulmoides in 2017, while the racemic
mixtures of 315 and 325, along with pure enantiomers 316b and 317b, had been previously
reported [163]. Compounds 318a/318b and 319a/319b are two pairs of enantiomeric ger-
macrane type sesquiterpenes from Curcuma phaeocaulis reported in 2017 [128]. Chai and
colleagues discovered 320a/320b−324a/324b with a humulane framework and 329a/329b
incorporating a rare 2,2,5,9-tetramethylbicyclo[6.3.0]-undecane skeleton from Syringa pinnat-
ifolia [164]. The abs. configs. of these compounds were established by single-crystal X-ray
diffraction analysis, modified Mosher’s method and TDDFT-ECD calculation [164]. Com-
pounds 326a/326b and 327a/327b were isolated from Commiphora myrrha [165] and Daphne
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 26 of 73
genkwa [166], respectively. The guaianolide sesquiterpenoid 328 was reported as a racemic
mixture as indicated by X-ray crystallography from Kadsura interior in 2013 [167].
2.6.2. Diterpenoids
Diterpenoids are biosynthesized from the head-to-tail condensation of four isoprene
(C20 ) units, and have the second largest number of carbon backbones in the terpenoid
family. Like sesquiterpenoids, they are also well-known in the NP community for their
diverse bioactivities particularly antitumor effects with therapeutic values [168]. As is well
known, the most notable diterpenoid is taxol, which has been used as a cancer treatment for
over three decades. Nine pairs of enantiomeric diterpenoids 330a/330b−338a/338b (for
structures, see Figure 19, names see Table S19 in Supplementary Materials) with different
structural skeletons were recorded in the study period.
were isolated and characterized from Salvia prionitis in 2015 [171]. Compounds 335a/335b
are a pair of diterpenoid enantiomers with a highly oxygenated novel backbone obtained
from Swertia leducii in 2014, with the rel. config. being determined by X-ray diffraction
analysis and the abs. configs. by TDDFT-ECD method [172]. In the same year, compounds
336a/336b were isolated from Paeonia veitchii [173], and they incorporate an aromatized
norditerpenoid skeleton, with the rel. config. being confirmed by X-ray crystallography.
Compounds 337a/337b and 338a/338b, two pairs of norditerpenoid enantiomers with
unusual 5,5-spiroketal core, were obtained from Hypericum japonicum in 2016, with the abs.
configs. being assigned by a combination of TDDFT-ECD calculation, modified Mosher’s
method and quantum chemical predictions (QCP) of 13 C NMR data [174].
2.6.3. Meroterpenoids
The term meroterpenoid was first proposed by Cornforth in 1968 to describe NPs of
mixed biosynthetic origin which are partially derived from terpenoids [175]. Enantiomeric
meroterpenoids reported in the covered period are exclusively formed by the condensation
of phenolic compounds with a monoterpenoid or a sesquiterpenoid via at least one ether
bond, and the chirality generating enantiomerism all exists in the terpenoid part except
for 340. There are 27 pairs of enantiomeric meroterpenoids reported in this period (for
structures, see Figure 20; for names, see Table S20).
2.7. Phloroglucinols
Phloroglucinol derivatives represent a unique class of NPs featuring one or more intact
or modified phloroglucinol units, with alkylation and acylation as the common structural
modifications [181]. The chirality of them arises usually from their prenyl/terpenyl sub-
stituents and/or from the dearomatization of phloroglucinol core. In most cases, they can
also be classified into the ‘meroterpenoid’ group, but here we describe them separately
owing to the considerable number of reports and their popularity among NP workers in
recent years. Phloroglucinal enantiomers reported in this period all incorporate one or more
acyl groups including acetyl, isobutyryl, benzoyl, cinnamoyl and dihydrocinnamoyl, and
their structures are shown in Figure 21 (names see Table S21 in Supplementary Materials).
Wherever the abs. configs. are determined by the TDDFT-ECD method, it will be not
specifically mentioned in this section.
Ye and coworkers reported a pair of enantiomeric isobutyrylated phloroglucinol dimers
366a/366b from Myrtus communis in 2019 and also completed their total synthesis in the same
year [182]. Laphookhieo and colleagues discovered the benzoylated phloroglucinol enan-
tiomers 367a/367b from Cratoxylum sumatranum ssp. Neriifolium and assigned their abs. con-
figs. by comparing the specific optical rotations with those of known analogues [183]. Com-
pounds 368a/368b−371a/371b, as phloroglucinol-monoterpenoid hybrids, were reported
from Hypericum japonicum in 2016, with the abs. configs. of 370b and 371b being determined
by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [184]. Compounds 368a/368b and 369a/369b
incorporate interesting pyrano[3,2-b]pyran and 2-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane skeletons, respec-
tively, while 370a/370b possess a benzo[b]cyclopenta[e]oxepine ring system. Laphookhieo
and coworkers also obtained acetylated (372a/372b) and cinnamoylated (373a/373b)
phloroglucinol enantiomers from Mallotus philippensis in 2019 and established their abs.
configs. on the basis of X-ray crystallographic studies [185]. Hans et al. re-acquired myrtu-
commulone A (374) from Myrtus communis in 2015 and proved that, by converting it into sep-
arable derivatives, 374 consisted of the racemate and the meso form in a ca. 1:1 ratio [186].
Compounds 375a/375b−377a/377b, dihydrocinnamoylated and rearranged phloroglu-
cinol dimers, were isolated from Xanthostemon chrysanthus in 2019 [187]. Compounds
375a/375b feature an bis-phenylpropanoyl-benzo[b]cyclopent[e]oxepine tricyclic back-
bone and 376a/376b and 377a/377b represent the first examples of 1-(cyclopentylmethyl)-
3-(3-phenylpropanoyl)benzene scaffold [187]. Compounds 378a/378b and 379a/379b,
cinnamoylated phloroglucinol dimers from Cleistocalyx operculatus, possess a polycyclic
skeleton with a highly functionalized dihydropyrano[3,2-d]xanthene tetracyclic core, and
the enantiotropy could be derived from the nonstereoselective hetero-Diels-Alder [4 + 2]
cycloaddition as shown in the proposed plausible biosynthetic pathway (Scheme 5) [188].
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 29 of 73
The benzoylated phloroglucinol 380a was isolated from Triadenum japonicum in 2015 [189]
and identified as the enantiomer of (+)-nemorosonol (380b) previously reported from
Clusia nemorosa [190]. Compounds 381a/381b are a pair of digeranylated phloroglucinol
enantiomers from Garcinia multiflora and feature a caged tetracyclo[,5 .09,13 ]tridecane
skeleton, with the generation of enantiomerism being likely from the intramolecular Diels-
Alder [4 + 2] cycloaddition on different sides as shown in Scheme 6 [191]. Compounds
382a/382b−385a/385b, four similar type of enantiomer pairs as 381, were obtained from
Garcinia multiflora, and 382a/382b are characterized by the coupling of two novel caged
fragments, i.e., 2,11-dioxatricyclo[,9 ]undecane and tricyclo[,7 ]decane, with
the rel. config. being determined by X-ray diffraction analysis [192].
Compounds 386−397
386−397are are1212pairs
Among them,
them, 386−391
ofMorinda officinalis
Morinda officinalis var.
var. officinalis
officinalis and
and identified as prenylated methyl 2-naphthoates by the authors’ team, with
identified as prenylated methyl 2-naphthoates by the authors’ team, with the rel. configs. of the rel.
configs. of 386
386 and 388 and
being 388 being
confirmed confirmed
by X-ray by X-ray
diffraction analysis and 13 C NMR
diffraction analysis and 13C respec-
calculation, NMR
tively [8]. Compounds [8].−Compounds
respectively392 394, three pairs392−394, three pairs of 3,4-dihydro-4-naphthyl-
of 3,4-dihydro-4-naphthyl-naphthalen-1(2H)-
one enantiomers, wereenantiomers,
obtained fromwere obtained
Juglans regia infrom Juglans
2019 [193]. regia in 2019
Compounds [193].
Compounds 395a/395bwere
from Rubia oncotricha fromcharacterized
Rubia oncotrichaby Tanwere
coworkers as by Tannaphthoquinone
novel and coworkers
as novelwith an unprecedented
naphthoquinone dimers spiro[4.5]
with an carbon core [194]. Another
unprecedented spiro[4.5]pair of dimeric
carbon naph-
core [194].
Another pair of dimeric naphthoquinone enantiomers 396a/396b were also reportedfrom
thoquinone enantiomers 396a/396b were also reported by the same research team by
the samealata in 2014,team
research withfrom
the rel. config.
Rubia alatabeing corroborated
in 2014, with the by
rel.X-ray crystallographic
config. exper-
being corroborated
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 32 of 73
2.8.2. Phenanthrenes
Phenanthrene enantiomers (398a/398b−408a/408b) in this period have been solely
reported from Bletilla striata by Li’s and Hou’s research teams in 2019 [130], and they can be
divided into three groups, namely, phenanthrene monomer (405), phenanthrene dimers (404
and 406−408) and phenanthrene-phenylpropanoid hybrids (398−403). The enantiomerism
of these compounds has been generated from the axial chirality of phenanthrene moiety
and/or from the chiral centers of phenylpropanoid unit. Notably, compounds 404−408
with only axial chirality were able to be separated into five pairs of enantiomers. Axial
chirality, although well known to organic chemists, has often been overlooked by NP
researchers, owing to its rare presence in natural molecules. Therefore, the enantiomeric
purity of NPs with axial chirality is strongly recommended to be checked no matter they
are new or known.
2.9. Chromanes
Chromane derivatives are a class of NPs having a chromane core or a modified one
(e.g., chromone, chromanone) in their structures. Enantiomeric chromane derivatives
reported in this period are listed in Figure 23 (names see Table S23 in Supplementary Mate-
rials). Compounds 409a/409b−415a/415b had been studied previously in many occasions
as pure enantiomers, scalemic mixtures or racemates, and as natural molecules, biotransfor-
mation products or synthetic intermediates, but none of these reports had paid attention to
the enantiomerism of this group of structures. They were separated from the flower buds
of Tussilago farfara in the authors’ lab in 2018, with the abs. configs. being determined by
chemical method as well as TDDFT-ECD calculation and ECD comparison [7]. Compounds
416a/416b were proposed to be a pair of norbisabolane sesquiterpenoid enantiomers yet
incorporating a chromone core and were obtained from Curcuma longa in 2019 [197]. Com-
pounds 417a/417b−421a/421b are five pairs of prenylated chromone enantiomers isolated
from Harrisonia perforate in 2014, whereas only the abs. configs. of 417a/417b were assigned
by Mosher’s method [198]. From the same plant, 422a/422b were reported as a pair of
enantiomeric molecules by Yuan et al. in 2017 [199].
2.10. Acetophenones
Acetophenones are a rare class of NPs bearing normal or rearranged acetophenone
units in their structures. To date, ten pairs of acetophenone enantiomers have been re-
ported, and their structures are depicted in Figure 24 and names listed in Table S24 in
Supplementary Materials. Kong and coworkers reported four pairs of diprenylated and
rearranged acetophenone enantiomers 423a/423b−426a/426b from the leaves of Melicope
ptelefolia in 2019 and assigned their abs. configs. by a combination of modified Mosher’s
and TDDFT-ECD methods [200], while 423a/423b and 424 in racemic form had been previ-
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 33 of 73
ously isolated from Evodia lepta by Tang et al. in 2018 [201]. Also identified as rearranged
acetophenones, compounds 427a/427b coupled with a phenylpropanoid fragment were
isolated from Xanthostemon chrysanthus in 2019 [187]. Compounds 428a/428b are preny-
lated hydroacetophenone enantiomers obtained from Melicope viticina in 2019 [202], while
429a/429b and 430a/430b with intact acetophenone unit were discovered from Eupatorium
chinense in 2013 [203]. Compounds 431a/431b and 432a/432b, rearranged acetophenones
with a novel 9-oxatricyclo[,8 ]nonane core from Melicope ptelefolia, were assigned the
abs. configs. by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [204].
2.11. Diarylheptanoids
Diarylheptanoids, a class of NPs characteristic of a 1,7-diphenylheptane core, have
been increasingly recognized as potential therapeutic agents for their diverse biological
properties including antiinflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, antiestrogen, hepatoprotective,
antileishmania and neuroprotective activities [205]. Nine pairs of diarylheptanoid enantiomers
(433−441, for structures, see Figure 25; for names, see Table S25 in Supplementary Materials)
have been documented in the covered period. The occurrence of enantiomerism in these
compounds results from the chiral centers generated by oxidation or Diels-Alder cycloaddition
with other molecules.
Compounds 438 and 439 incorporate an extra tetrahydropyran ring formed via C-1 and
C-5, while 440 and 441 are normal linear examples.
2.12. Triphenylmethanes
Triphenylmethanes are a unique class of NPs with one central carbon being linked
by three aryl groups. They have been discovered to have a wide range of biological
activities including antioxidant, antitumor, anti-HPK (histidine protein kinases) activities,
etc. [208]. Six pairs of triphenylmethane enantiomers (442−447, Figure 26, Table S26 in
Supplementary Materials) were reported in this period; their enantiomerism is attributable
to chiral centers (442 and 443) or axial chirality (444−447).
2.14. Miscellaneous
Other enantiomeric NPs from plants reported in this period are displayed in Figure 28
(names see Table S28). The abs. configs. of all these enantiomers were assigned by the
TDDFT-ECD method unless otherwise specified.
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 35 of 73
Figure 29. (a) Structures of nonalkaloids from phylum Ascomycota (Part 1). (b) Structures of
nonalkaloids from phylum Ascomycota (Part 2).
Zhang and co-authors discovered a racemic polyketide 467, together with four pairs
of analogue enantiomers 468a/468b–471a/471b, from the starfish-symbiotic fungus Peni-
cillium sp. GGF16-1-2 in 2019 [221]. The enantiomeric cyclopentenones 472a/472b and
spiro-butenolides 473a/473b were isolated from Aspergillus Sclerotiorum in 2019 [222]. Gao
and coworkers investigated three endolichenic fungal strains Nigrospora sphaerica, Al-
ternaria alternata and Phialophora sp. in 2016 and obtained the same polyketide enantiomers
474a/474b, whose abs. configs. were determined by modified Mosher’s method [223].
Compounds 475a/475b incorporating a benzannulated 6,6-spiroketal skeleton were iso-
lated from the mangrove-derived fungus Penicillium dipodomyicola HN4-3A. Compounds
476a/476b, a pair of ketal enantiomers from Paraconiothyrium sporulosum, were assigned
the abs. configs. by application of Snatzke’s chirality rule for cyclopentenones [224]. The
isocoumarins 477 and 478 were reported as racemic mixtures from Penicillium coffeae MA-
314 in 2019 [225]. Compounds 479a/479b and 480a/480b are spiro-orthoester enantiomers
bearing a novel 1,4,6-trioxaspiro[4,5]decane-7-one unit from Penicillium minioluteum, and
their rel. configs. were assigned by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [226]. Com-
pounds 481a/481b were characterized as a pair of cyclopentaisochromenone enantiomers
from Alternaria sp. TNXY-P-1 in 2018 [227]. Puno and coworkers discovered 482a/482b
as dibenzo-α-pyrones bearing a diepoxy-cage-like moiety from an Endophytic Alternaria
sp. in 2019 and confirmed their rel. configs. by X-ray crystallography [228]. Also eluci-
dated as dibenzo-α-pyrones, 483a/483b and 484a/484b were reported from the endophytic
fungus Alternaria alternate in 2014 [229]. Compounds 485a/485b, a pair of enantiomeric
chromone derivatives from the marine-derived fungus Taeniolella sp. BCC31839, were
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 39 of 73
established the abs. configs. by the modified Mosher’s method in 2019 [230]. Compound
486 was obtained as a racemate from Periconia sp. in 2015, without further chiral fraction-
ation [231], while 487a/487b and 488a/488b were isolated from the endophytic fungus
Aspergillus Fumigatus in 2018 [232]. Compound 489 was elucidated as a racemic mixture
from the cordyceps-colonizing fungus Fimetariella sp. in 2012, and it incorporates a novel
spiro[chroman-3,70 -isochromene]-4,60 (80 H)-dione skeleton [233]. Compounds 490a/490b
were characterized as a pair of enantiomeric isochromanes from an endophytic fungus
Aspergillus fumigatus in 2019 [234]. Enantiomers 491a/491b and 492a/492b were identi-
fied as p-terphenyl derivatives from the endolichenic fungus Floricola striata [235], with
the abs. configs. being determined by using the helicity rule for α,β-unsaturated ketone.
Compounds 493a/493b and 494a/494b, as xanthene enantiomers with an unprecedented
hexacyclic heterocylic backbone, were isolated from Xylaria feejeensis GM06 in 2018 [236].
The abs. config. assignment for 493a/493b was based on the X-ray crystallographic ex-
periment. Compounds 495a/495b were characterized as a pair of dimeric polyketide
enantiomers from a mangrove endophytic fungus Ascomycota sp. SK2YWS-L [237], with
the absolute structures being determined by X-ray diffraction analysis and TDDFT-ECD
calculation. Compounds 496a/496b are a pair of 2,3-diaryl indone atropisomers isolated
from Ascomycota sp. SK2YWS-L in 2018 [238].
Compounds 497a/497b were identified as simple δ-lactone enantiomers from the
fungus Aspergillus terreus in 2018 [239], while 498 is a α-pyrone derivative obtained as a
nearly racemic mixture from the endolichenic fungus Tolypocladium sp. in 2017 [240]. Pei
and coworkers discovered two pairs of dimeric α-pyrone enantiomers (499a/499b and
500a/500b), which was formed via intermolecular nonstereoselective [2 + 2] cycloaddi-
tion reaction (Scheme 8), from the endophytic fungus Phoma sp. YN02-P-3 in 2017, and
499a/499b possess a novel 6/4/5/6 tetracyclic ring system. Moreover, the rel. config.
assignment for 500a/500b was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [241].
Compounds 501 and 502 were elucidated as C-ring open flavonoids from Pochonia chlamy-
dosporia var. spinulospora FKI-7537 in 2018, and 502 was successfully resolved into two
enantiomers but without assigning the abs. configs., while 501 was not subjected to chi-
ral separation due to limited amount [242]. Compounds 503a/503b and 505a/505b are
two pairs of polyketides isolated from Penicillium chrysogenum MT-12 in 2017, where the
racemic mixture of 505 had been previously reported from an endophytic fungus Aspergillus
sp [243]. Compounds 504a/504b, a pair of funicone enantiomers, were obtained from the
mangrove sediment-derived fungus Penicillium pinophilum SCAU037 [244]. The polyketide
dimers 506a/506b and 507a/507b bearing a rare pentacyclic dihydrobenzo[1,4]dioxine core
were isolated from Penicillium canescens in 2019 [245]. Enantiomers 508a/508b, a pair of
caged norsesquiterpenoids with a novel tricyclo[4.4.01,6 .02,8 ]decane carbon skeleton, were
obtained from the endophytic fungus Preussia isomera in 2019, with the rel. config. being
confirmed by X-ray diffraction data [246]. Kong and coworkers discovered 509a/509b,
featuring a prenylated chlorobenzophenone backbone, from the plant endophytic fungus
Pestalotiopsis sp. in 2017 [247]. Compounds 510a/510b are 2-benzofuran-1(3H)-one deriva-
tives isolated from a mangrove-derived fungus Eurotium rubrum MA-150 in 2016 [248].
Compounds 511a/511b−513a/513b, three prenylated dibenzo[b,e]oxepinone enantiomer
pairs, were reported from a wetland soil-derived fungus Talaromyces flavus in 2016 [249], and
the same type of enantiomers 514a/514b were obtained from an endophytic fungus Xylaria
sp. in 2015 [250]. The benzophenone-hemiterpene adducts 515a/515b were separated from
the endophytic fungus Cytospora rhizophorae in 2019 [251]. Compounds 516a/516b are a
pair of enantiomeric polyketides incorporating a 6/6/6/6/5/6/6 heptacyclic backbone
and were isolated from fungus Alternaria sp. MG1 in 2019 [252]. Compounds 517a/517b
were identified as dimeric polyketide enantiomers from a marine-derived fungus Eurotium
sp. SCSIO F452 in 2019 [253].
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 40 of 73
3.1.2. Alkaloids
Alkaloid enantiomers found in phylum Ascomycota during the reported period are
displayed in Figure 30, with their names being shown in Table S30 in Supplementary
Materials. The abs. configs. of those established by TDDFT-ECD method are not specifically
mentioned in this section.
Compounds 518−537 are a series of indole alkaloid derivatives reported from dif-
ferent fungal species. Except for the bisindole enantiomers 518a/518b (from Fusarium sp.
XBB-9), whose abs. configs. were assigned by X-ray diffraction analysis [254], all other
alkaloids possess a cyclodipeptide scaffold (also known as diketopiperazine) formed from
tryptophan and a second amino acid. Four pairs of enantiomers (519a/519b−522a/522b)
biosynthesized from tryptophan and proline were isolated from the marine-derived species
Aspergillus versicolor OUCMDZ-2738 in 2019 [255], while the tryptophan-alanine dipep-
tide enantiomers 523a/523b−525a/525b bearing rare thiomethyl and N-methoxy groups
were obtained from an alga-derived endophytic fungus Acrostalagmus luteoalbus TK-43 in
2019 [256]. Wang and coworkers discovered the spirocyclic alkaloids 526a/526b−529a/529b
from Eurotium sp. SCSIO F452 in 2019 and proposed their biosynthetic pathways as shown
in Scheme 9 [257], while 529a/529b had also been reported from Aspergillus effuses H1-1
in 2012 [258]. Compounds 530a/530b, whose abs. configs. were determined by X-ray
crystallography, incorporate a novel 6/5/4/5/6 pentacyclic motif and were acquired from
the mangrove endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp. SK-28 in 2019. As shown in Scheme 10,
the nonenzymatic catalyzed [2 + 2] cycloaddition could be the plausible key biosynthetic
step to generate both enantiomers of 530 [259]. Alkaloids 531a/531b with a 30 ,3a0 ,50 ,60 -
tetrahydrospiro[piperazine-2,20 -pyrano[2,3,4-de]chromene] ring system were isolated from
a mangrove rhizosphere soil derived fungus Aspergillus effuses H1-1 in 2012 [258], and
compounds 532a/532b−534a/534b as three pairs of variecolortide enantiomers were re-
ported from the fungus Eurotium sp. [260]. Wang and coworkers disclosed three spirocyclic
diketopiperazine enantiomer pairs (535a/535b−537a/537b) from the marine-derived fun-
gus Eurotium sp. SCSIO F452 in 2019 and proposed their plausible biosynthetic pathways
as shown in Scheme 11 [261]. Compounds 535a/535b possess a highly functionalized
seco-anthronopyranoid structural unit with a 2-oxa-7-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane core, while
536a/536b and 537a/537b represent rare examples of diketopiperazines with a 6/6/6/6
tetracyclic cyclohexene-anthrone fragment.
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 41 of 73
554 was chirally separated into pure enantiomers [271]. Compounds 558a/558b are a pair
of enantiomeric alkaloid dimers with a symmetrical spiro[oxazinane-piperazinedione]
skeleton from Pestalotiopsis sp. in 2015 [272].
Figure 31. (a) Structures of metabolites from phylum Basidiomycota (Part 1); (b) Structures of
metabolites from phylum Basidiomycota (Part 2).
year with the abs. configs. being not assigned [279]. Compounds 576a/576b featuring
an interesting polycyclic meroterpenoid skeleton with a glycerol unit were isolated from
G. applanatum in 2017 [280]. Five pairs of hydroquinone-sesquiterpenoid enantiomers
577a/577b−581a/581b and a racemate 582, all bearing a butenolide fragment, were iso-
lated from G. sinense in 2016 [281]. Compounds 583a/583b and 584a/584b, two pairs
of farnesylated hydroquinone enantiomers incorporating a p-hydroxycinnamoyl residue,
were discovered from G. sinense in 2016 [281].
Compounds 585–600 represent dimeric hydroquinone-terpenoid enantiomers. Enan-
tiomers 585a/585b were elucidated as hydroquinone dimers hybridized with a highly
oxygenated monoterpenoid moiety from G. applanatum in 2016 [282]. They feature an
unprecedented dioxaspirocyclic skeleton constructed from a 6/6/6/6 tetracyclic system
0 0
and an unusual tricyclo[ ,7 ]dodecane unit, and their abs. configs. were determined
by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis [282]. Also from G. applanatum, Cheng and
coworkers separated three pairs of dimeric hydroquinone-monoterpenoid enantiomers
586a/586b−588a/588b [283]. Two types of meroterpenoid heterodimer enantiomers
(589a/589b & 590a/590b; 591a/591b–593a/593b) from G. cochlear were reported by the
same authors from Cheng’s group, and their abs. configs. were assigned by compar-
ing the ECD curves with those of reported analogues [284,285]. Five pairs of enan-
tiomers (594a/594b−598a/598b) of the same type as 591–593, along with the novel hybrid
dimers (599a/599b & 600a/600b) formed by a hydroquinone-pyridine and a hydroquinone-
monoterpenoid, were also isolated and characterized from G. cochlear in 2015 [286].
Compounds 601a/601b were identified as a pair of hydroquinone-pyridine alkaloid
enantiomers from G. luteomarginatum in 2019 [287], while butyrolactone 602 from G. lucidum
was chirally separated without assigning the abs. configs. of the enantiomers [279]. In 2015,
sesquiterpenoids 603a and 604a [288] from the fungus Granulobasidium vellereum were identi-
fied as the enantiomers of illidin M (603b) [289] and dihydroilludin (604b) [290], respectively.
5.1.1. Terpenoids
Compounds 610a/610b were identified as a pair of valerenane-type sesquiterpene
enantiomers from a Spongia sp. in 2019 [294], while the trinorsesquiterpenoid enantiomers
611a/611b incorporating furan and butenolide rings were isolated from the Beihai sponge
Spongia officinalis in 2018, with the abs. configs. being determined by biomimetic to-
tal synthesis and modified Mosher’s method [295]. The three C17 norditerpenoid pairs
612−614 with a γ-lactone unit, together with two pairs of sesterterpenoids 615 and 616
with a butenolide unit, were obtained from a Cacospongia sp. in 2019. Among them, all
enantiomeric pairs except 614 were successfully separated. Compounds 617a/617b are a
pair of sesterterpenoid enantiomers featuring a bicyclo[4.2.0]octene core and were isolated
from Hippospongia lachne in 2017 [296]. Compounds 618−621 are four pairs of furanosestert-
erpene tetronic acids from a Psammocinia sp., and 618 and 619 were found to be geometrical
isomers of two pairs of enantiomers as revealed by chiral HPLC analysis. Similar to the
case of 618 and 619, compounds 620 and 621 were also proved to be two enantiomeric pairs,
but only 620 was finally separated into pure enantiomers [297].
5.1.2. Alkaloids
Interestingly, alkaloid enantiomers from sponges were discovered from species col-
lected in South China Sea, with most of them belonging to the pyrrole alkaloid family,
incorporating a pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid residue. Compounds 622a/623b−628a/628b
were characterized as a panel of bromopyrrole enantiomers from an Agelas sp. in 2016
by Zhu et al. [298]. Except 622a/622b and 627a/627b, the abs. configs. of the others
were assigned by one of the three following methods including TDDFT-ECD calculation,
ECD exciton chirality method and ECD comparison with known analogues [298]. Pyr-
role alkaloids 629a/629b−631a/631b are three pairs of enantiomers obtained from Agelas
aff. Nemoechinata in 2017, and 631a/631b possess an interesting cyclopentane-fused imi-
dazole ring system [299]. Compounds 632a/632b−634a/634b are also pyrrole alkaloid
enantiomer pairs obtained from Agelas nakamurai in 2017 [300]. Alkaloids 635a/635b fea-
turing an unusual spiro bisheterocyclic quinoline-imidazole backbone were reported from
Fascaplysinopsis reticulate in 2015 [301], while 636a/636b represent a pair of trinorsesquiter-
penoid amide enantiomers isolated from the Beihai sponge Spongia officinalis in 2018 [295].
5.1.3. Lipids
Compounds 637a/637b, a pair of interesting C20 bisacetylenic lipid enantiomers, were
discovered from the marine sponge Callyspongia sp. in 2013, with the abs. configs. being
determined by modified Mother’s method [302]. The lipid zwitterions 638a and 639a were
separated from Spirastrella abata in 2012 [303], and their respective enantiomers (638b and
639b) had been previously reported from the same species in 2002 [304].
6. Biological Properties
As is well known, NPs, on one hand, play a decisive role in maintaining their source
organisms’ health, helping defend against internal or external adverse stresses and enticing
favorable stimuli. On the other hand, NPs in the form of herbal medicines have long
been used by humans as therapeutic agents against various diseases, thus guaranteeing
the continuation of human civilization. With the advances of science and technology,
NPs and their derivatives still shine in the research field of modern drug discovery and
development [2].
It is widely accepted that chirality, as an important feature of most NPs, is closely
related with their bioactivities. Normally, life systems tend to produce/utilize only one
molecule of an enantiomeric pair. For example, humans only take in D-glucose and L-amino
acids as nutrients. The fact that a pair of enantiomers can exert utterly different bioactivities
was recognized as far back as the 1960s, when the ‘Phocomelia infants event’ caused by the
(S)-enantiomer of the synthetic drug thalidomide taught the pharmaceutical industry an
important lesson. For many years, however, NP workers failed to recognize the widespread
occurrence of enantiomerism in nature, and failed to explore the differences in bioactivity
between pairs of enantiomers. Fortunately, as data on natural enantiomers increase in
scope, more and more biological properties of different classes of enantiomeric pairs have
also been reported, and this has provided more examples with which to investigate the
differences in bioactivity among enantiomers.
As bioassay protocols vary in different research labs and even in different batches
from the same lab, it should be clarified that we do not intend to invite direct comparisons
regarding the activity potency by tabulating the assay data from different reports. Instead,
bioactivity comparisons between different labs will be completely avoided in the current
review and the use of potency descriptors will also be kept to a minimum. Meanwhile,
we will not list the biological data of all reported enantiomers, and only selective cases
with obvious activity differences at the enantiomeric level are discussed, under the fol-
lowing subcategories: cytotoxic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory,
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 50 of 73
6.1. Cytotoxicity
Cytotoxic evaluations of chemical entities were likely the most important primary strat-
egy in the past in the search for potential chemotherapies for cancers, and remain among
the most popular bioassays for NPs. The cytotoxic activities of selective enantiomeric pairs
against a series of human tumor cell lines are summarized in Table 2.
Cell lines Compds. IC50 (µM) Reference Cell Lines Compds. IC50 (µM) Reference
HL-60 (+)-171a 5.62 [105] HCT-116 (−)-314a 1.38 [162]
(−)-171b 3.51 [105] (+)-314b >10 [162]
(±)-171 2.65 [105] HepG2 (−)-314a 3.30 [162]
(+)-172a 9.64 [105] (+)-314b >10 [162]
(−)-172b 8.16 [105] BGC-823 (−)-314a 6.51 [162]
(±)-172 5.58 [105] (+)-314b >10 [162]
Hep3B (−)-268a >10 [146] NIC-H1650 (−)-314a 8.19 [162]
(+)-268b 5.1 [146] (+)-314b >10 [162]
HL-60 (+)-297a 12.08 [156] A2780 (−)-314a 2.14 [162]
(−)-297b 19.24 [156] (+)-314b >10 [162]
(+)-297a >50 [156] SF-268 (+)-536a 12.5 [261]
(−)-297b 18.46 [156] (−)-536b >100 [261]
HCT-116 (+)-312a inactive [160] (+)-537a 30.1 [261]
(−)-312b 14.23 [160] (−)-537b >100 [261]
A549 (−)-390a 4.64 [8] HepG2 (+)-536a 15.0 [261]
(+)-390b 10.54 [8] (−)-536b >100 [261]
MCF-7 (−)-390a 5.60 [8] (+)-537a 37.3 [261]
(+)-390b 15.52 [8] (−)-537b >100 [261]
(−)-390a 3.86 [8]
(+)-390b 11.86 [8]
HL-60 (+)-381a 3.42 [191,192] MCF-7 (+)-381a 4.18 [191,192]
(−)-381b >20 [191,192] (−)-381b >20 [191,192]
(−)-382a 16.54 [191,192] (−)-382a 14.44 [191,192]
(+)-382b >40 [191,192] (+)-382b >40 [191,192]
(±)-382 14.44 [191,192] (±)-382 36.00 [191,192]
(−)-383a 3.15 [191,192] (−)-383a 5.85 [191,192]
(+)-383b 2.35 [191,192] (+)-383b 10.76 [191,192]
(±)-383 18.08 [191,192] (±)-383 17.05 [191,192]
(−)-384a 3.45 [191,192] (−)-384a 3.17 [191,192]
(+)-384b 2.36 [191,192] (+)-384b 3.08 [191,192]
(±)-384 2.93 [191,192] (±)-384 11.92 [191,192]
(−)-385a 2.63 [191,192] (−)-385a 14.60 [191,192]
(+)-385b 5.41 [191,192] (+)-385b 15.02 [191,192]
(±)-385 13.90 [191,192] (±)-385 15.47 [191,192]
SMMC-7721 (+)-381a 4.19 [191,192] SW480 (+)-381a 7.22 [191,192]
(−)-381b >20 [191,192] (−)-381b >20 [191,192]
(−)-382a 16.20 [191,192] (−)-382a 17.43 [191,192]
(+)-382b >40 [191,192] (+)-382b >40 [191,192]
(±)-382 22.83 [191,192] (±)-382 27.73 [191,192]
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 51 of 73
Table 2. Cont.
Cell lines Compds. IC50 (µM) Reference Cell Lines Compds. IC50 (µM) Reference
(−)-383a 5.55 [191,192] (−)-383a 3.04 [191,192]
(+)-383b 12.30 [191,192] (+)-383b 5.53 [191,192]
(±)-383 20.71 [191,192] (±)-383 13.60 [191,192]
(−)-384a 3.80 [191,192] (−)-384a 1.99 [191,192]
(+)-384b 10.83 [191,192] (+)-384b 1.52 [191,192]
(±)-384 15.36 [191,192] (±)-384 7.62 [191,192]
(−)-385a 12.53 [191,192] (−)-385a 3.39 [191,192]
(+)-385b 13.21 [191,192] (+)-385b 4.31 [191,192]
(±)-385 14.82 [191,192] (±)-385 8.84 [191,192]
A549 (+)-381a 4.51 [191,192] A549 (±)-383 24.02 [191,192]
(−)-381b >20 [191,192] (−)-384a 2.96 [191,192]
(−)-382a 17.27 [191,192] (+)-384b 18.78 [191,192]
(+)-382b >40 [191,192] (±)-384 15.44 [191,192]
(±)-382 17.30 [191,192] (−)-385a 22.36 [191,192]
(−)-383a 4.40 [191,192] (+)-385b 9.53 [191,192]
(+)-383b 16.33 [191,192] (±)-385 10.24 [191,192]
The antiproliferative activities of the alkaloid racemates (±)-171 and (±)-172, along
with their respective enantiomers, against human HL-60 tumor cells were assessed in
Hua’s lab. While the levoisomers (171b and 172b) showed slightly better inhibitory activity
than their respective dextroisomers (171a and 172a), the racemic mixtures exhibited more
potency than both enantiomers, indicating a likely synergistic effect [105]. The flavane
enantiomers 268a/268b were reported to show cytotoxicity against human Hep3B cells,
and the dextroisomer 268b was obviously more active than the levoisomer 268a [146]. The
xanthones 297a/297b were able to inhibit the proliferation of human HL-60 and MDA-MB-
231 cancer cells, and the (−)-enantiomer 297b showed much stronger inhibitory activity
than its (+)-enantiomer 297a against MDA-MB-231 cells [156]. The levorotatory enantiomer
312b was found to inhibit the proliferation of colorectal HCT-116 cell line with an IC50 of
14.23 µM, but its antipodal enantiomer 312a was considered to be inactive [160].
The bisabolene-derived sesquiterpenoids 314a/314b were tested in vitro for their
cytotoxicities against five human tumor cell lines (HCT-116, HepG2, BGC-823, NIC-H1650
and A2780), and the (−)-enantiomer 314a exerted significant inhibition against all tested
cell lines with IC50 values in the range of 1.38−8.19 µM, while the (+)-enantiomer 314b
was considered inactive (IC50 > 10 µM) [162]. In contrast, the (+)-enantiomer 381a, an
acylphloroglucinol derivative, showed cytotoxic activities against the tested tumor cell
lines (HL-60, SMMC-7721, A549, MCF-7 and SW480) with IC50 values in the range of
3.42−7.22 µM, while its (−)-enantiomer 381b was taken inactive (IC50 > 20 µM) [191].
The same research group that reported 381a/381b also screened the cytotoxicities of both
racemates and pure enantiomers of acylphloroglucinols 382a/382b−385a/385b against
the aforementioned tumor cell lines [192], and as a result, the levorotary series exhibited
higher potency than both the dextrorotary series and the racemates for most cells [192]. Of
particularly note, the racemate (±)-383 showed apparently decreased activity compared
with its both enantiomers against all cell lines especially toward HL-60 cells (5.7- and
7.7-fold decrements), indicative of an antagonistic action between the two enantiomers, and
similar effects were also observed for 384a/384b and 385a/385b on selective cell lines [192].
The methyl 2-naphthoate enantiomers 390a/390b were found to show inhibition
against the proliferation of three types of cancer cells (A549, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231),
with the levoisomer 390a being ca. three times more active than the dextroisomer 390b [8].
In addition, only the dextrorotary enantiomers of the spirocyclic diketopiperazines 536 and
537 showed growth inhibition against SF-268 and HepG2 tumor cell lines [261], but their
corresponding levoisomers were inactive (>100 µM).
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 52 of 73
6.2. Antiviral
The antiviral activities of the enantiomers described in this review are shown in Table 3.
The coumarins 254a/254b did not show significant inhibition differences against either the
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) or the host cell between enantiomers, but their racemate (±)-
254 exhibited obviously increased activity which was suggestive of a strong synergistic ac-
tion [66]. Similar synergistic effects of enantiomers were also observed for another two pairs
of coumarins, 104a/104b and 105a/105b, with the racemates (±)-104 and (±)-105 display-
ing 3.2- to 6.1-fold antiviral activity against the influenza virus A (H3N2) compared with the
pure enantiomers [67]. Four pairs of phloroglucinol enantiomers 368a/368b−371a/371b
were subjected to antiviral assay against Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV);
they all showed certain degrees of bioactivity differences at the enantiomeric level [184].
The fungus-derived alkaloid enantiomers 558a/558b and the racemate (±)-558 all exhibited
antiviral activity against EV71 virus, with the dextrorotary enantiomer being nearly five
times as active as its antipodal isomer [272].
6.3. Antibacterial
It appears that most of the antibacterial enantiomeric pairs collected in this review
showed remarkably differentiable activities between enantiomers. Nonetheless, a few
exceptions were still found and are listed in Table 4. The furoquinoline alkaloid enantiomers
147a/147b were reported to have antibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis, and
the (–)-enantiomer showed about two-fold activity as the (+)-enantiomer [97]. The p-
hydroxycinnamoylated dihydrochalcone enantiomers 285a/285b−288a/288b exhibited
in vitro antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with IC50 values ranging from
0.61 to 6.0 µM [153], and it appeared that all the dextrorotary enantiomers were more
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 53 of 73
effective than their respective levorotary isomers, with 288a/288b showing the greatest
activity difference, i.e., 3.7 fold [153].
Table 4. Antibacterial activities of enantiomers.
6.4. Antifungal
Few reports have been published on the antifungal activities of the enantiomers
mentioned in this review, although a handful of examples have shown about two-fold
bioactivity differences between enantiomers (Table 5). The δ-lactone enantiomer (−)-464a
was reported to display inhibitory activity against Candida albicans with an MIC of 26.4 µM,
while its antipodal enantiomer (+)-464b was considered inactive [219]. In addition, both
levorotary enantiomers of compounds (±)-483 and (±)-484 exhibited better antifungal
activity again C. albicans than their respective dextrorotary isomers [229], and similar
effect against Fusarium solani was also recorded for the indole-piperidine enantiomer pair
(±)-524 [256].
6.5. Anti-Inflammation
The anti-inflammatory activities of NPs have often been evaluated by testing their
inhibitory capability against NO release in LPS-induced BV-2 microglial cells or RAW
264.7 macrophages (Table 6). The benzofuran-type lignan enantiomers 43a/43b and
44a/44b were tested for their NO production inhibitory effect in LPS-induced BV-2 mi-
croglial cells, with (−)-43b and (+)-44a exhibiting pronounced activity with IC50 values of
8.9 and 5.9 µM, being nearly twice as active as their respective antipodal enantiomers [39].
The levorotary spirodienone lignan enantiomers (−)-82b and (−)-83b showed significant
inhibition against NO production in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages, with both
being >3 fold as active as their respective dextrorotary enantiomers [54]. In the same
bioassay model, the indolizidine dextroisomer 221a displayed much stronger inhibitory
activity (6.3 fold) than the levoisomer 221b [124,128,164]. In contrast, the levorotary enan-
tiomer 407b was much more active (ca. 5 fold) than its antipodal enantiomer 407a in the
LPS-induced NO release assay in BV-2 cells [130,132,226,265].
Molecules 2022, 27, 1279 54 of 73
6.6. Antioxidation
The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assay models have been widely used to
evaluate the antioxidative capacity of NPs, although not many of the listed enantiomers
in this review have been tested with these bioassays. Owing to their radical mechanism,
most tested enantiomers displayed equal potency in both assays as expected, whereas the
tryptophan-alanine dipeptide enantiomers 527a/527b–529a/529b showed some activity
differences at the enantiomeric level, particularly for dextroisomers 527a and 528a, that
showed obviously enhanced radical scavenging activity (4.1 and 2.5 fold, respectively)
compared with their levoisomers in the DPPH assay model (Table 7) [257].
Compds. Cell Viability Reference
SH-SY5Y/H2 O2 (−)-24a 54.7% at 50 µM [21]
(+)-24b 70.5% at 50 µM [21]
Trolox a ~69.0% at 50 µM [21]
SH-SY5Y/H2 O2 (+)-72a ~69% at 25 µM [46]
(−)-72b inactive at 25 µM [46]
Trolox a ~62% at 25 µM [46]
SH-SY5Y/H2 O2 (+)-119a 76.29% at 50 µM [75]
(−)-119b 56.48% at 50 µM [75]
PC12/OKA (+)-129a 65.4% at 10 µM [83]
(−)-129b 83.4% at 10 µM [83]
(+)-130a 91.2% at 10 µM [83]
(−)-130b 69.5% at 10 µM [83]
(−)-165a ~51% at 0.1 µM [103]
(+)-165b inactive [103]
(−)-166a ~55% at 0.1 µM [103]
(+)-166b ~45% at 0.1 µM [103]
(−)-173a inactive [103]
(+)-173b ~52% at 0.1 µM [103]
Salvianolic acid B a ~46% at 0.1 µM [103]
HUVEC/glucose (+)-423a 102.6% at 1 µM [200]
(−)-423b 79.9% at 1 µM [200]
(+)-426a 102.6% at 1 µM [200]
(−)-426b 79.9% at 1 µM [200]
(+)-433a ~90% at 16 µM [206]
(−)-433b inactive [206]
a Positive controls.
Isoquinoline enantiomers 157a/157b were evaluated for their anti-AChE activity, with
the (−)-enantiomer being >3.5 fold more active than the (+)-enantiomer [100]. In the same
assay from another lab, the dextrorotary indole-diketopiperazine enantiomer 523a was
reported to be six times as active as its antipodal enantiomer, and their racemate showed
a compromised activity [256]. The fungus-originated xanthones 495a/495b and their
racemate (±)-495 were identified as potent α-glucosidase inhibitors with the levoisomer
showing stronger activity [237]. The meroterpenoid enantiomers (+)-339b, (+)-340a, (−)-
341a and (−)-342a displayed inhibitory effects against PTP1B with IC50 values ranging
from 38.1 to 61.0 µM [176], while their respective antipodal enantiomers were considered
inactive [178]. Two pairs of N-acetyldopamine enantiomers (641 and 644) derived from
insect exhibited inhibitory activity against COX-2 with IC50 values in the range of 2.52–17.8
µM [305], and (+)-641a and (−)-644b were around two times as active as their respective
antipodal enantiomers.
133a/1333b and 242a/242b) did display obvious activity variations at the enantiomeric
level (Table 10). Notably, the 8,40 -oxyneolignan pair 6a/6b presented a significant gap in
their inhibition against Aβ aggregation, with the (−)-enantiomer showing a 141% activity
increment compared with the (+)-enantiomer [17].
7. Conclusions
As can be seen from Figure 35, the number of identified natural enantiomers steadily
increased during the period covered by this study, albeit with slight drops in 2013 and 2018.
Notably, more than 100 enantiomers have been reported in the last three years (2017–2019),
indicating rapid development in this field. It is also worth noting that plant-derived
enantiomers made up 72% of all cases (Figure 36) in the study period, which suggests the
continuing vitality of phytochemical studies, despite severe funding cutbacks for traditional
NP research in recent years [3]. Another set of statistics (Figure 37) revealed that alkaloid
enantiomers represent the biggest group of molecules from plants, followed by lignans
and flavonoids.
Figure 35. A comparison of enantiomeric pairs from plants and other sources.
Figure 36. Distributions of enantiomers in kingdoms Plantae, Fungi, Animalia and Prokaryota.
microorganisms are not fully developed and stereoselectivity is lacking. With this investi-
gation into the structures of enantiomers reported from 2012–2019 in hand, we can easily
conclude which structures or which groups in the structures tend to exist in nature as
enantiomers. (1) NPs contain C6-C3 units in their structures, such as lignans, flavones,
coumarins, simple phenylpropanoids, and hybrids between C6-C3 units and other struc-
tures. The enantiomerism for those structures presumably derives from the nonstereoselec-
tive oxidation of the C3 unit or nonstereoselective coupling of the C6-C3 units, through
enzymatic or nonenzymatic reactions. (2) NPs formed by combination of 2~4 isopentenyl
units, such as monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, and meroterpenoids, or
having isopentenyl units as side chains, can exist in the form of enantiomers, and need to
be further researched. (3) Alkaloid NPs have a variety of structural types, each of which
may exist in the form of enantiomers. (4) When NPs with long chain, e.g., fatty acids
and diarylheptanoids, have chiral centers, testing whether they are enantiomers or not is
necessary. (5) NPs with axial chirality tend to exist as enantiomers in nature.
enantiomer is active, while the opposite enantiomer is less or not active, and the mixture of
them does not result in any extra effect; (2) Both enantiomers are equally active, and their
mixture does not result in any extra effect; (3) Both enantiomers are inactive or active, but
their mixture is active or more active, suggestive of a synergistic action; (4) One enantiomer
is active, whereas the antipodal enantiomer exhibits antagonistic activity, and thus, their
mixture will exert an offset effect. Please note that the aforementioned general rules vary
for different bioassays and are thus to be taken on a case-by-case basis, because all NPs
are produced by the source organisms for their own use, and not for use by humans; we
simply take advantage of their biological properties.
All in all, notwithstanding the rapidly growing number of reports and improving
awareness of natural enantiomers in recent years, there are still a number of questions
which remain to be answered. Our understanding of this fascinating natural phenomenon
is only in its infancy
Here, we would like to say to the NP community that enantiomerism in nature is
ubiquitous and vital. We hope that this review will prompt future researchers to routinely
ask “Is my natural product enantiomerically pure, and if so, which enantiomer have I
obtained?”, and in so doing, to perhaps even alter the methods applied by scientists in
the future.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: Tables S1−S34
contain names, source species and references of all collected enantiomers. Refs [312–316] are cited in the
Supplementary Materials.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.Z. and R.J.C.; formal analysis, J.-H.Y.; data curation,
J.-H.Y. and H.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, J.-H.Y. and Z.-P.Y.; writing—review and editing,
H.Z. and R.J.C.; supervision, H.Z.; funding acquisition, H.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (82073729 and
21807040), Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (JQ201721), Innovation Team Project of
Jinan Science & Technology Bureau (No. 2018GXRC003).
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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