Chasing Coral Fishbowl (OCEA)
Chasing Coral Fishbowl (OCEA)
Chasing Coral Fishbowl (OCEA)
Below are some fishbowl topics that we’ll be covering with regards to the Chasing Coral
documentary. This fishbowl will likely be less structured/formal than you’re used to, but I still
expect a high degree of academic discussion. You should apply knowledge from our course,
other courses, and the real world. It is expected that you will do a little bit of research before
coming into class.
Keep in mind that the questions below are meant to guide conversations. If the
conversation diverges from these questions, that’s alright, as long as the topic remains
relevant to the broader topics at hand.
Your grade will depend both on the frequency of your comments and the content of your
comments. If you are stuck and don’t know how to proceed, try to pose a question to the group
or bring up an interesting point that another group member made earlier. Also, do not “play
devil’s advocate” (purposefully expressing a contentious/unpopular opinion in order to provoke
debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments, often with the purpose of “trying to see
things from the other side”). The devil can speak for himself; you should speak for yourself.
The most fruitful discussions occur when people are not afraid to speak their minds. To
that end, respect all opinions. There are bound to be points that you do not agree with; if this
occurs, respond politely. Students WILL lose points for rude or uncouth remarks made
towards other students.