Our Future Your Heritage: Musbri Bin Mohamed Pengurus Besar Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia (457496V)
Our Future Your Heritage: Musbri Bin Mohamed Pengurus Besar Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia (457496V)
Our Future Your Heritage: Musbri Bin Mohamed Pengurus Besar Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia (457496V)
Our Future Your Heritage
"There is no way that we can replace our production of coal or use
alternative sources of energy to totally replace it. Because the US and
some Western governments don't abide by the Kyoto Protocol, they are
not willing to reduce their carbon emissions... we feel very annoyed
about that."
Global sustainable developments starts
with local action. Whilst Agenda 21
addressees the pressing development and
environmental problems of today and aims
at presenting the future generation a life
able world without major environmental
problems, the participation and cooperation
of local authorities will be the determining
factor to achieve the goals of Agenda 21.
Local authorities play a vital role in
educating, mobilizing and responding to the
public to promote sustainable development.
A National Committee on Sustainable Forest
Management in Malaysia was formed in
early 1994 to formulate the Malaysian
criteria and indicators for sustainable forest
management (MC&I) required to ensure the
sustainable management, conservation and
development of Malaysia’s forest resources,
taking into account the ITTO Criteria and
Indicators for Sustainable Forest
The move towards sustainability
requires top-level commitment and a
high level of engagement from all
stakeholders. Its success depends on
the provision of clear policy and
adequate resources, strenghthening
of the planning system and capacity
to make multi-sectoral and integrated
decisions. This initiative, albeit at the
initial stage, is significant in serving
as a living exempler of the praxis of
sustainability. It has the protential to
contribute to a sustainable world, not
only by its substantive physical
inputs and outputs, but by educating
the broader audience about what is
possible when there is commitment
from key bureaucrats as well as tacit
political will.
As a community, we must be sustainable.
Several habits that sustainable community
should practice to be proactive and cultivate
Poorly managed tropical forest can
have disastrous effects over time,
greatly diminishing biodiversity:
• Eroded and unattractive landscapes
• Poor habitat results in fewer animals
and birds
• Sparse vegetation
• Polluted rivers and springs
• Disrupts local communities, cultural
sites and activities
Contributing to conservation efforts can help protect
the assets that attract visitors and add to the value of
visitor experiences:
Participating in conservation
activities can enhance your
corporate reputation
It is quite wrong to think that environmentalists are just
those people who are crazy about pollution or the right to
public pathways. "Saving the Whale" might once have
been the pastime of those we looked upon as eccentric, but
those people have shown us that animals will disappear
from the earth if we don't take some care.
Plastic bags take between 15 to 1000 years to degrade.
The detoxins and other chemical pollutants released from
them are a Serious Threat to be Tackled.
What can we use for energy to replace
Nuclear Power (may be necessary
whether we like it or not!)
How can we stop the earth’s “blanket”
from getting us to warm?
What can the future hold for you children?
“By acquiescing in an act that can cause suffering
to a living creature, who among us is not
diminished as a human being?”
- Rachel Carson, The Silent Spring
"Treat the earth well. It was
not given to you by your
parents. It was loaned to you
by your children.“
- Ancient Proverb
Muslims in the Quran to respect and revere the
environment when He says, "Greater indeed than
the creation of man is the creation of the heavens
and the earth." (40:57)
I wish you always:
Air to breath,
Fire to warm you,
Water to drink and
The earth to live in