1.0. Physics PYQ 2021
1.0. Physics PYQ 2021
1.0. Physics PYQ 2021
February, 2021
4. (a) Describe Kronig-Penney model. Draw Computer Science & Engineering / Agricultural
schematically the energy vector diagram for Engineering / Electronic & Communication Engineering
crystal with its important features. What do (1st Semester)
you mean by reduced zone representation?
6+3+1 Course No: ASH-101
5. (a) Define the term effective mass of an electron. (Engineering Physics)
(b) What is crystal momentum? 2 Full Marks: 50
Pass Marks : 20
(c) What is phonon? Write the characteristics of
phonon. 2+4
Time: 2 hours
6. (a) Polonium has a cubic unit cell of side 3.42 .
If the atomic weight and density of polonium
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
are 210 and 8.72 gm/cm3, respectively. Show Answer any five questions.
whether the unit cell is simple, body centered 1. (a) Write a short note on Bragg’s law 7
or face centered cubic. 4
(b) The interplanar spacing d111in FCC metal is
(b) What is miller indices? 2 0.2355 nm. Calculate its lattice constant and
(c) Explain the procedure to obtain the miller atomic radius. 2+1
indices. 4 2. (a) State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty
7. (a) Derive an expression for the density of principle 5
electrons in the conduction band of an (b) Show that the de Broglie wave length of a
intrinsic semiconductor. 7 particle of rest mass m0 and kinetic energy
(b) Discuss the variation of the Fermi level with Ek is given by 5
the temperature in the intrinsic h Ek /2
semiconductor. 3
λ = ————— 1 + —–——
( 2m0c 2
8. (a) Mobilities of electrons and holes in a sample 3. (a) A particle is free to move one dimensionally
of intrinsic Ge at 300K are 0.36 and 0.15 m2/ in a region of zero potential between two
Vs, respectively. If the resistivity of the rigid walls at x=0 and x=a, (i) Find the position
specimen is 2.12 Ωm, compute the forbidden probability density in the nth state. (ii) if En
energy gat for Ge. 5 is the energy for the nth state and is the
(b) What is LED? Explain its working principle energy separation between the (n+1) and the
with proper diagram. 2+3 nth state, show that
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