A2 Further Practical Skills
A2 Further Practical Skills
A2 Further Practical Skills
first year. The examination will test you on two areas: planning experimerts, and analysis and evaluation of your results.
Data coUeetion
The next task is to think about how you are going to carry the experiment out. Once you have a method in mind you need to: Deseribe the method to be used to vary the independent variable. Deseribe how the independent variable is to be measured. Deseribe how the dependent variable is to be measured. Deseribe how other variables are to be controlled. Describe, with the aid of a clear, labelled diagram, the arrangement of apparatus for the experiment and the procedures to be followed. In the experiment to investigate the response time of a thermocouple you may decide that the sirnplest way of varying the independent variable is to have a water bath and to vary its temperature. When the temperature has reached the required level, plunge the 'probe junction' into the water. The procedure would be: 1 Measure the temperature of the water with a laboratory thermometer. 2 The reading from the therrnocouple will be displayed on a millivoltmeter and the dependent variable, the time taken for the reading to reach its steady value, measured with a Stop watch. 3 There are several different variables that need to be controlled. In practice you will only need to consider one or two. The second junctior of the thermocouple should be kept at a constant temperature by keeping it in cortact with melting ice. The probe junction should be cooled to the same temperature each time, again by holding it in the melting ice. Your description of the experiment should be clear and concise. It sometimes helps to give the description in the form of bullet points or a numbered list. A labelled diagram will always clarify your description. In the experiment deseribed here, the diagram shown in Figure Al. would be sufficien t.
Alrhough you should be thinking of experimental procedures from as soo n as you embark on an A level course, if not before, by the time you complere the course you should be competent in planning . experimental procedures. There are different stages in planning an experiment.
The independent variable would be the temperature which is to be measured. The dependent variable would be the time it takes for the reading on the thermocouple meter to reach a steady value. There maybe severalother variables that could affect the result. One might be the starting temperature of the therrnostat 'probe junction', arother is the
Method of analysis
This requires that you deseribe how the data should be used in order to reach a conclusion, including details of derived quantities to be cakulated. In our example, we could plot a graph of the temperature of the water bath (x-axis) against the response time (y-axis). How would we use the graph? If the graph gives a straight line through the origin, ther we see that the response time is linear across the temperatlire range tested.
Additional details
This tests your experience of doing practical work. Have you had suflicient experience to see things which will improve the experiment? Here are some ideas that might be incorporated in the general description of the experiment: Stir the water in the bath so that it all reaches a unitorm temperature. Use an oil bath to give a wider range of temperatures. Replace the water bath with different substances at rheir melting or boiling points so that the temperatures are more repeatable. Check the reading on the therrnocouple volrrneter at the melting or boiling points of the different substances before carrying out the main experiment. Use a digital voltneter so that it is easy to spot when the thermocouple reaches the steady temperature.
1 Figures A2.2a and A2.2b show two possible sets of results for the therrnocouple experiment. For each, state how the response time depends on the temperature.
Time Time
Temperature b
Figure A2.2 Graphs showing how the response time of a thermocouple might depend on the temperature being measured.
You need to assess the risks of the experiment and deseribe precautions that should be taken to keep risks to aminimum. In our example it is sufficient to mention simple ideas such as wearing goggles to protect the eyes when heating liquids, or ensuring that the water bath is stable and cannot be easily knocked over. The use of tongs to put the thermocouple junction into the bath is arother example.
Relationship Graph
y against x
Gradient m
because ...
y=axn y=aekx Table
nlnx+lna Iny=kx+
Iny against x k
In (sm)
In (t/s)
Rgure A2.4 A log-log plot for the data shown in Table A2.2.
From this graph the gradient is equal to the value of n, the power of t. . n = gradent (-1.55-0.5)
= -----------
<LI u
(- 1.50 - 2.55)
2 .~
1.98 ",,2.0
0.80 1.20
So the equation is of the form s = at? The intercept on the y-ax:is is equal to In a, so: Ina
Figure A2.3 A distance-time graph plotted using the data in Table A2.2.
5.0 rns?
A graph of the distance fallen against time gives the curve shown in Figure Al.3. This, being a curve, tells us little about the relationship between the variables. If, however, we suspect that the relationship is of the
If we think of the eq uation for free fall 5= gt?-, the constant a = g. But g = 9.8 m S-2 which is consistent with the value we get for our constant.
A relationship
A current flows from a charged capacitor when it is connected in a circuit with a resistor. The current decreases exponentially with time (the same pattem we see in radioactive decay). Figure A2.S shows the circuit and Table A2.3 shows typical values of current i and time t from such an experiment.
2.303 1.902 1.502 1.102 0.703 0.300
discharge experiment.
c = 10 IlF
Figure Az.z
the discharge of a
The gradient of the graph gives us the value of the constant k. . (O- . 16) k=gradent= =-0.S04l::::-0.SOl (2.30 - O) From the graph, we can also see that the intercept on the y-axis has the value 2.30 and hence (taking the inverse log) we have 10=9.97 = 10.OmA. Hence we can write an equation to represent the deereasing current as follows:
The graph obtained from these results (Figure A2.6) shows a typical decay curve, but we cannot be sure that it is exponential. To show that the curve is of the form 1=10 ek" we plor In i against t (a 'log-linear plor'). Values of n are included in Table A2.3. (Here, we must use logs to base e rather than to base 10.) The graph oflnI against t is a straight line (Figure A2.?), confirming that the decrease in current followsan exponential pattern. The negative gradient showing exponential decay, rather than growth.
1= 10.Oe-o.50'
We could use this equation to calculate the current at any time t.
Combining uncertainties
When 2 In the expressions that follow x and y are variables in an experiment. All the other quantities in the expressions are constants. absolute quantities are added or subtracted, A simple their example uncertainties are added.
is that when measuring the length of a stick using a millimetre scale there is likely to be an uncertainty of 0.5 mm at both ends, giying a total uncerta irty of 1.0 mm. To combine rnultiplied uncertainties when quantities if theyare are You in the or divided is a little more complex. quantities subtract current
In each case, state the graph you would plot to produce a straight line. Give the gradient of each line in terms of the constants in the expression.
a y= kX3/2
b v= c.x'l
c m= 8x
can only add or subtract same units; you cannot However, the combined the percentage
from voltage!
Worked example
1 The potertial difference across aresistor is measured as 6.0 0.2 V, whilst the current is measured as 2.4 O. 1 A.
due to gravity. using this due showing In your attention to: experiment to determine the acceleration
Calculate absolute
to gravity. You should draw a diagram the arrangement account, of your equipment. to be followed to be taken you should pay particular
a the procedure
b the measurements
Treatment of uncertainties
All results should indude uncertainty. a runner to cornplete an estimate of the absolute the time for For example, when measuring the 100 m you may express this as as a percentage Al); the percentage so we
R= V = 6.0 =2.50
12.1 0.2 s. This can also be expressed uncertainty uncertairry (see Appendix
is equal to 0.2 x 100% = 1.65%. 12.1 write the value as 12.1 s 7%.
When you calculate the uncertainty in the square of a quantity rher, since this is an example of multiplicatior you should double the percentage uncertainty. For example if A = 2.0 + 0.2 cm then A has a percentage uncertainty of 10% so A2 = 4.0 m ' 20%; or using the absolute uncertai nty A2 = 4.0 0.8 crn".
Worked example
2 The resistance of aresistor is given as 47 5 o. The value of In (R i O) is to be plotred on a graph. Calculate the value and uncertainty in In (RIO). Step
In (RIO) = ln47 = 3.85 4 You measure the following quantities: A= 1.0m0.4m B=2.0m0.2m C=2.0ms-lO.5ml D=0.20s0.01s. Calculate the answer and the uncertainry for the following expressions. You may express your uncertainty either as an absolute value or as a percentage. aA+B bB-A c CxD Step 2 Calculate the logarithm of the maximum value: maximum value = 47 In 52 = 3.95 Step 3 The uncertainty= 3.95 - 3.85 = O.10 Thus In (RIO) = 3.85 O.10
5 = 520
D e A2 f 2xA g the square root of (A x B) 5 A rifie bullet is photographed in Hight using rwo Hashes of light separated by a time interval of 1.00 ms 0.02 ms. The nrst image of the bullet on the photograph appears to be at a position of 22.5 0.5 cm on a scale underneath the Highr path. The positior of the second image is 37.5 0.7 cm on the same scale. Find the speed of the bullet and the absolute uncertainty.
When plotting the graph the points are plotted as usual, and the n theyare extended to show the extreme values, as shown in Figure A2.8. Then the best nt line is drawn. To estimate the error in the gradient we draw not only the best nt line but also the 'worst acceptable line'. This line is the worst line which goes through all the error bars, and is shown in Figure A2.9.
: ---::,-.:,:~~:~
Extension i cm 8.0
cm N-i
6 Load i N
Figure A2.8 A graph representing the data in Table A2.4, with error bars and a line of best fit drawn.
6 Suggest why there are no uncertainties induded in the measurements of the load.
Extension i cm 8.0
R = al'
a A graph is plotted with In R on the y-axis and In r on the x-axis. Express the gradient and y-intercept in terrns of a and b. b Values of R and r are given in Table A2.5.
r mm
175.0 77.8 43.8 28.0 19.4 3.00.1 4.00.1
5.00.1 6.00.1
Table A2.5 Results for Test yourself Q 7.
6 Load i N
Figure A2.9 The same graph as in Figure A2.8, with a 'worst acceptable' line drawn (dashed).
The gradients for both best fit and worst fir lines are calculated and the error is the difference in their gradients: error
Calculate and record values of In (R i Q) and In (r mm) in the table and indude the absolute uncertainties in In (r mm). c Plot a graph ofln (RI Q) and In (r mm). Indude error bars for In (r mm). continued ...~.
Include the uncertainty in your answer. f Using your answer to e, determine the value of b. g Determine the value of a and its uncertainty.
extensior is proportional to the load ther there is enough evidence here for the conclusion to be supported, as a straight line can be drawn from the origin through all the error bars. If this is not possible ther the hypothesis is not validated. Now, suppose that the hypothesis is that the spring obeys Hooke's lawand stretches by 5.8 cm when a load of 3.5 N is applied. The firsr part is validated for the reasons given above. However, an extension of 5.0 cm for a load of 2.5 N gives a value of 2.0 cm N-I for the gradient. This is clearly outside the range allowed for by the uncertainty in our measurements, and therefore the hypothesis is not supported .