PCP 101 Tutorial Questions by Godspeed
PCP 101 Tutorial Questions by Godspeed
PCP 101 Tutorial Questions by Godspeed
1. The most potent factor affecting the growth of plant is ___ Man ___
5. Energy which is used to do work in living organism is ___ kinetic ___ energy
6. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is useful for ___ synthesis ___ of energy in living cells
10. The name of enzyme found in pawpaw leaf is ___ papain ___
12. Ginger and spear grass are examples of ___ rhizomes ___
13. ____ Growth ___ is the permanent increase in size or mass acquired by an organism
14. The processes that contribute to cell growth include all but one of the following _ Assimilation
17. Sensitivity and responsiveness of an organism can be best described as___ irritability ___
20. Plant nutrition is the study of __ chemical elements __ that are necessary for plant growth
22. The role of plant in food manufacturing has earned them the name__ primary producers___
23. The enzyme responsible for inter-conversion of aldose and ketose sugar is___ isomerase ___
24. Etiolated plants are plants that have been ___ growing in complete darkness ___
25. Folding of leaves, reduced stomata and shedding of leaves are adaptations to survive___
drought ___
28. Plants cannot use nitrogen in form of N2, but can use in form of __ NO3- and NH4+___
31. What does fungus gain in fungi-plant association ___ sugar ___
32. A nutrient that moves freely within a plant is a ___ mobile nutrient ____
33. Important products of light phase are __ NADPH __ and __ ATP ___
39. Mycorrhizae is__ symbiotic association between plant roots and fungi_
42. Root growth is of most plant is inhibited in waterlogged soil, because _________
c) cell inhibition
b) parthenocarpy
c) phototropism
a) green plants
b) the sun
c) animals
46. The statement most forms of life are aerobes means __________
47. The energy produced by sunlight is concerted into from useful to do work through ________
a) respiration
b) photosynthesis
c) glycolysis
48. The direction from which light is received by shoots and roots __________
d) is mutually exclusive
a) free
b) kinetic
c) potential
d) thermal
a) splitting of sugar
b) activation of pyruvate
c) Krebs cycle
d) glycolysis
52. Folding of leaves, reduced stomata and shedding of leaves are all adaptation to survive
a) drought
b) water logging
c) high altitude
d) high temperature
a) synthesis
b) transfer
c) oxidation
d) hydrolysis
a) as raw materials
b) as inorganic matter
c) as energy source
d) alloys
a) roots
b) leaves
c) stems
57. Plants cannot use nitrogen in form of N2, but can utilize it as _______
a) NH4+
b) NO3-
c) NH32+
d) N2
a) cereals
b) legumes
c) tree crops
d) vegetables
a) responsibility
b) nervous breakdown
c) irritability
d) hormone response
61. The primary role of plants in food manufacturing as earned them the name __________
a) primary developers
b) primary producers
c) initial suppliers
d) final producers
a) soil texture
b) soil colour
c) soil composition
63. Legumes are able to survive in a nitrogen deficient soil, because ____________
b) reduction of CO2
65. Important products of the light phase are ______ and __________
66. The embryonic shoot and embryonic root are _______ respectively
b) store food
c) fuse embryo
68. The increase in weight observed at the start of germination is due to _______
d) intake of water
69. The principal meristems in a gowing plant at the tip of the stems and roots are known as
a) apical dominance
b) apical stems and roots
c) apical meristem
a) stem
b) leaves
c) roots
May God’s wisdom and guidance be the light for you as you sit for the exam. With
God’s blessing and your hard work, you can achieve everything.