Kcse 2024 Agriculture Replica Prediction
Kcse 2024 Agriculture Replica Prediction
Kcse 2024 Agriculture Replica Prediction
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………….
1. Write your name, Admission number and date in the spaces provided.
2. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C.
3. Answer All questions in Section A and B in the spaces provided.
4. Answer any two questions in Section C in the spaces provided.
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
1. Write your name, Admission number and date in the spaces provided.
2. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C.
3. Answer All questions in Section A and B in the spaces provided.
4. Answer any two questions in Section C in the spaces provided.
i) Draw a line in the diagram indicating the correct position of debeaking the birds. (1 mk)
ii) Give the reasons for debeaking birds. (2 mks)
23. (a) Describe the control measures of cannibalism in layers. (10 mks)
(b) State five maintenance practices of a mould board plough. (5 mks)
(c) State the advantages of a four stroke engine. (5 mks)
25. (a) Explain the practices observed in clean milk production (8 mks)
(b) Explain the importance of fences in a farm (12 mks)
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
(a) Write your name, index number, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all the questions in section A and B.
(d) Answer any two questions in section C.
(e) Answers should be written in the spaces provided.
a) Name one disease that attack the part labelled D in the diagram (1mk)
b) From which section of the produce labelled E, F and G should seed for planting be obtained?
c) Give one reason for the answer given in (B) above (1mk)
d) State two functions of the part labelled H in the diagram (2mks)
Prepare a balance sheet for Juhudi’s farm using the information above; (6mks)
d) Describe the function of agricultural marketing (10mks)
23. a) Describe the safety precautions a farmer should take when using herbicides (5mks)
b) Explain five factors that influence rooting of cutting (10mks)
c) Explain five ways through which farmers adjust to risks and uncertainties in farming (5mks)
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
(a) Write your name, index number, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all the questions in section A and B.
(d) Answer any two questions in section C.
(e) Answers should be written in the spaces provided.
20. Below are diagrams of certain parasites. Study them carefully and answer the questions that
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
(a) Write your name, index number, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all the questions in section A and B.
(d) Answer any two questions in section C.
(e) Answers should be written in the spaces provided.
Polythene sheet
Soil layer
Forage material
Dark part
(i) Name the disease whose symptom is illustrated in the tomato (diagram) (1 mark)
(ii) State two causes of the disease in the tomato (2 marks)
(iii) State two ways of controlling the disease. (2 marks)
20. Below is a graphical representation of a law in Agricultural economics. Study the graph carefully
and answer the questions that follow.
1400 II Phase
Total output (90kg bags)
Phase III
20 40 60 80 100
Fertilizer input (50kg bags
For Marking Schemes Contact 0746-222-000 / 0742-999-000
i) Identify the law represented by the graph. (1 mark)
ii) State the law. (1 mark)
iii) Explain how each additional unit of fertilizer input relates to total output of maize in the Phases II
and III.
Phase II ……………………………………………………………………….. (1 mark)
Phase III ……………..……………………………………………………….. (1 mark)
iv) State the importance of the law identified in (i) above to a maize farmer. (1 mark)
23. i) Describe five ways by which a farmer can overcome risks and uncertainties in maize production.
(5 marks)
ii) Describe harvesting and precaution taken during harvesting of tea. (5 marks)
iii) State four farming practises which may destroy soil structure. (4 marks)
iv) State six importance of crop rotation in a farming business. (6 marks)
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
(a) Write your name, index number, admission number and class in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer all the questions in section A and B.
(d) Answer any two questions in section C.
(e) Answers should be written in the spaces provided.
24. (a) (i) Give three factors affecting the amount of food given to an animal. (3 marks)
(ii) State and explain seven essential of clean milk production. (7 marks)
(b) Describe digestion of grass in the rumen of a cow. (10 marks)
CLASS……………………………………………………… DATE………………………
a) Write your name and index in the spaces provided above
b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
c) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
d) Answer all the questions in sections A and B.
e) Answer any two questions in section C
(b) State two chemical substances added at part labeled B and give their functions. (2mks)
(c) State two factors which influence the quantity of the chemical used in part labeled D.(2mks)
(d) State three uses of water in crop production. (3 mks)
(e) State three types of production functions in agriculture. (3mks)
27. (a) Describe the cultural methods of weed control in crop production. (l0mks)
(b) Describe the harmful effects of pests on crops (10mks)
28. (a)Discuss the human factors which influence agriculture. (10 marks)
(b) Explain five factors to consider when choosing the planting time. (10 marks)
29. Describe the production of carrots under the following sub headings
a) Seedbed preparation (3 marks)
b) Harvesting (4 marks)
c) Explain five cultural methods of weed control in beans production. (10 marks)
d) Outline three roles of sulphur in crop production. (3 marks)
CLASS……………………………………………………… DATE………………………
a) Write your name and index in the spaces provided above
b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
c) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
d) Answer all the questions in sections A and B.
e) Answer any two questions in section C
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
30. The illustrations below represents the stages of development of a three –host tick. Study it
carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
(ii) State two precautions a farmer should put into consideration when carrying out this practice.
(iii) How often should the practice be carried out? (1mark)
32. Below in an activity carried out in poultry production. Study it carefully then answer the questions
that follow.
a) How high should the calf pen be raised from the ground (1mk)
b) Give any two reasons why calves are housed singly (2mks)
c) Why should the calf pen be near the milking parlour? (2mks)
34. Study the diagram below of a diesel fuel system then answer the questions that follow.
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
36. a) Outline five signs of heat in a cow (5 mks)
b) Outline five causes of stress in poultry and describe their control (10mks)
c) Using Pearson’s square compute a ration with 20% DCP from oats which contains 10% DCP
and simsim seedcake containing 60% DCP. (show your working) (5mks)
37. a) Outline the daily maintenance practices that should be carried out on a farm tractor (8 mks)
b) Outline twelve general symptoms of endoparasite attack in livestock. (12 mks)
38. a) State four advantages of using a sub soiler in seedbed preparation (4mks)
b) Give five advantages of artificial insemination in cattle management (5mks)
c) State five function of water in animal’s body (5mks)
d) Describe control measures for tape worm in livestock (6mks)
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
a) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided at the top of this page
b) This paper consists of three sections: A , B and C
c) Answer all questions in sections A and B
d) Answer any two questions in section C
e) All answers should be written in the spaces provided
f) Candidate should answer the questions in English
1. Suggest three factors that determine the choice of a method of farming (1½ marks)
2. Outline three effects of soil organisms which benefit crop growth (1½ marks)
3. State the soil component that determines (1mark)
Soil Structure class
Soil Structure grade
4. State four effects of hard pans in the soil (2 marks)
5. State four factors that determine the number of secondary operations carried out on land in the
formation of a seedbed (2marks)
6. State four factors that are hinder access of enough and clean water to most Kenyans communities
7. Name three causes of water logging in arable land (1½ marks)
8. What is the difference between compost manure prepared in drier areas and one prepared in wet
areas? (1 mark)
9. State two methods used to test the PH of the soil (1 mark)
10. Differentiate between stem and root tubers (1 mark)
11. The average spacing of Arabica coffee is 2.7 m by 2.7 m. Calculate the plant population in one
hectare (1Ha) of land (Show your working) (2marks)
12. State any two practices carried out during hardening of seedlings in the production of tomatoes
13. Name the three types of suckers that are supposed to be left in each banana stool after removal or
pruning of the extra suckers. (1½ marks)
14. State four types of information contained in a land title deed (2 marks)
15. Explain two ways in which grass strips help to conserve the soil (1 mark)
16. State four disadvantages of tillage as a method of weed control (2 marks)
17. Explain the difference between pests economic injury level and integrated pest management
18. Name the three grades of coffee obtained after sorting out the picked berries (1½ marks)
19. What is topping in pasture management ( ½ mark)
20. State three ways in which labour productivity can be improved (1½ marks)
21. State three roles of agricultural co-operatives in Kenya (1½ marks)
SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section on the spaces provided
22. Below is a diagram of a tertiary land operation. Study it and answer the questions that follow
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
a) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided at the top of this page
b) This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C
c) Answer all questions in sections A and B
d) Answer any two questions in section C
e) All answers should be written in the spaces provided
A 1 – 17 30
B 18 – 21 20
C 20
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
(a) Identify each of the tools shown above W,D,Y,Z (4 marks)
(b) State the use of the tool labeled Z and W (1 marks)
19. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows
20. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows.
Answer Any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided after question 24.
22. a) State five conditions that help in observing the disease symptoms in livestock (5 marks)
b) State and explain why farmers keeping livestock. (8 marks)
c) Describe the typical life cycle of a tapeworm (7 marks)
24. a) Discuss the farming in a fish pond under the following subheadings
i) Stocking (4 marks)
ii) Harvesting (5 marks)
iii) Practice carried out before fish preservation (4 marks)
b) Explain the causes of cannibalism in a flock of layers (7 marks)
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
a) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
b) Sign and write date of examination in the space provided.
c) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
d) Answer ALL questions in section A and B and any two questions from section C
e) Candidates must answer the questions in English.
f) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
23. Study the following information which was extracted from Mr. Rono’s farm record on 31 st
December 2022 and answer the questions below.
Debts receivable 18,000
Loans payable to bank 300,000
Cows 250,000
Chicken 80,000
Goats 30,000
Debts payable to cooperative 20,000
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
a) Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above
b) Sign and write date of examination in the space provided.
c) This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
d) Answer ALL questions in section A and B and any two questions from section C
e) Candidates must answer the questions in English.
f) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
1. State four methods of identification in livestock production. (2mks)
2. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in livestock health.
i) A notifiable disease. (1mk)
ii) Prophylatics. (1mk)
3. Give two reasons for including roughages in diet of non-ruminants. (1mk)
4. State four equalities of a good grain store. (2mks)
5. Give four ways a farmer would adopt to improve production in indigenous cattle. (2mks)
6. State two factors to consider when formulating livestock ration. (2mks)
7. State three importance of farm buildings. (1½mks)
8. State four symptoms of new castle disease in poultry. (2mks)
9. What is creep feeding in pig production? (1mk)
10. State the use of each of the following tools and equipment. (2mks)
i) Routers
ii) Tinsnips
iii) Wood rasp
iv) Chipping hammer
11. State three methods of treating timber for building construction. (1½mks)
12. State two ways in which feed additives are important in animal nutrition. (2mks)
13. State four predisposing factors for mastitis in dairy cattle. (2mks)
14. Give two examples of a three host tick. (1mk)
15. State four general uses of solar energy. (2mks)
16. Name two causes of bloat in farm animals. (2mks)
17. Name two light breeds of poultry. (1mk)
Answer ALL questions in this section
18. Study the diagram below of an ox-plough and use it to answer the questions that follow.
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
22. a) Describe short term tractor servicing. 8marks)
b) Explain the procedure of establishing a fish pond. (5mks)
c) Outline preventive measures for livestock diseases. 7mks)
23. a) Describe brucellosis under the following subheadings:
i) Causal organism (1mark)
ii) Transmission (1mark)
iii) Symptoms (4mks)
iv) Control measures (4mks)
b) State the function of any five parts of a zero grazing unit in dairy farming. (5mks)
c) Explain five factors that should be considered when choosing tools and equipment to use in the
farm. (5mks)
24. a) Explain eight qualities of an ideal broader for a day old chick. (8mks)
b) Describe seven factors that a farmer should consider when sitting a bee hive to prevent swarming of
bees. (7mks)
c) State five functions of water in nutrition. (5mks)
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
Instructions to students
a) Write your name and Admission number in the spaces provided at the top of this page .
b) This paper consists of three sections: A , B and C.
c) Answer all questions in sections A and B.
d) Answer any two questions in section C.
e) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
For Examiner’s Use Only
A 1-19 30
B 20-22 20
C 23 20
24 20
25 20
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
(a) Name one disease that attacks the part of the plant labelled D. (1 Mark)
(b) From which section of the produce labeled A, B and C should seeds for planting be obtained?
( Mark)
(c) Give one reason for the answer given in (b) above. (1 Mark)
(d) Which practice is done on part E? ( Mark)
(f) A plot measuring 4 M by 3 M was prepared for planting maize at a spacing of 30 cm by 90 cm.
Calculate the plant population in the plot. (Show your working). (𝟏 Mark)
21. The diagram below shows a silo. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
22. Use the information on the table below to answer the questions that follow.
Fertilizer input Maize yield Maize product
Units Bags Bags
0 50 _
1 62 12
2 66 4
3 68 2
4 69 1
5 69 0
The cost unit of fertilizer is sh 1500 per unit and price of maize is sh 1200 per bag.
(i) At what unit of fertilizer input should the farmer be advised to stop applying more fertilizer to the
maize. (1 Mark)
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in ( a (i)) above. (1 Mark)
(iii) Calculate the marginal return at the point of optimum production. (1 Mark)
(iv) State the law of diminishing returns in a crop production function process. (1 Mark)
(v) Name and explain three ways of combining inputs in production. (1 Mark)
24. (a) State the importance of the following during chemical water treatment.
(i) Filtration at water intake. (1 Mark)
(ii) Softening. (1 Mark)
(iii) Chlorination (1 Mark)
(iv) Coagulation and sedimentation. (2 Mark)
(b) State seven roles of a farm manager. (7 Marks)
(c) Explain four ways a farmer can adjust to uncertainty and risks. (8 Marks)
25. (a) Discuss the classification of pesticides according to their mode of action. (10 Marks)
(b) Outline any seven general post-harvesting practices carried out on crops. (7 Marks)
(c) Give three pieces of information a dairy farm manager should collect for planning purposes.
(3 Mark)
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
Sign and write the date in the spaces provided above
This paper consists of three section A, B and C
Answer all the questions in section A and B
Answer any two questions in section C.
Answers should be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
a) Which one of the two hooves would be more susceptible to foot-rot disease. (1mk)
b) What routine management practice is required on the hoof to control foot rot? (1mk)
c) State four symptoms of hoof rot. (2mks)
20. a) The illustrations below labeled V, W, and X show three different ways some hens were
i) Which hen was correctly debeaked? (1mk)
ii) State two reasons for your choice in (i) above. (1mk)
b) Name any two tools which would be used for debeaking. (2mks)
21. Below are diagrams illustrating the behaviour of chicks in various brooders. Study the diagrams
and answer the questions that follow:
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
a) State the environmental problem in each brooder as illustrated by the behaviour of the chicks.
A ………………………………………………………………………………………….
B ………………………………………………………………………………………….
C ………………………………………………………………………………………….
b) State one way of solving the problem in B. (1mk)
22. Below is a diagram of a male goat.
a) Name any one farm machine where the above engine is used. (1mk)
b) Identify the parts labeled M, L, and N. (3mks)
KCSE Marking Schemes - 0746 222 000 / 0742 999 000
25. a) Describe a blue tick (Boophilus decolaratus) under the following sub-headings.
i) Diseases transmitted. (2mks)
ii) Preferred site of attachment. (3mks)
iii) Non-chemical control measures. (5mks)
b) Discuss mastitis disease under the following sub-headings:
i) Predisposing factors. (5mks)
ii) Control and treatment. (5mks)
26. a) Describe the functions of each of the following parts of a plunge dip. (7mks)
i) Foot bath
ii) Entrance race
iii) Roof
iv) Drainage race
v) Jump
vi) Dip tank
vii) Exit steps.
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
3. This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B, and C.
4. Answer all questions in sections A and B.
5. Answer any TWO questions in section C.
6. All the questions should be answered in the spaces provided
21. The diagrams below show some common weeds in East Africa.
(a) Name the class of weeds that in which the above weeds belong basing on morphology. (1mk)
(b) Identify two weeds that lower the work output of human labour on the farm. (2mks)
(c) Give two reasons why it is difficult to control weed B by cultivation. (2mks)
23. (a) Describe six physical /structural methods of controlling soil erosion. (6mks)
(b) Explain four practices of maintaining soil fertility. (4mks)
(c)Describe five principles of crop rotation. (5mks)
(d) State five conditions that necessitate effective settlement of people. (5mks)
24. (a) Describe six importances of budding and grafting in crop propagation. (6mks)
(b) State six factors that will lead to wider spacing when planting a crop. (6mks)
(c) The following information was obtained from Mr. Oseso’s Farming Enterprise. Use
it to prepare cash analysis for the year. (8mks)
30/6/2003 - Cash at bank (opening balance) 50,000
01/7/2003 - Bought 20 empty egg trays 400
01/7/2003 - Bought 5 bags of DAP fertilizer 10,000
01/7/2003 - Sold 10 trays of eggs 12,000
01/7/2003 - Bought 5 bags of broilers starter 7,500
01/7/2003 - Sold milk 200kg bag 4,000
20/7/2003 - Sold maize 6,000
30/7/2003 - Bought milk churn 500
31/12/2003 Closed the financial year
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
3. This paper consists of THREE sections; A, B, and C.
4. Answer all questions in sections A and B.
5. Answer any TWO questions in section C.
6. All the questions should be answered in the spaces provided
A 1-12 30
B 13-16 20
C 20
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
Instructions to Candidates
Write your name, index number in the spaces provided.
This paper has three sections A, B and C.
Answer all the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided.
Answer any two questions in section C
For Examiner’s Use Only
A 1 – 19 30
B 20-23 20
C 24-26 40
Total Score 90
SCHOOL……………………………………………… SIGN………………………..
Instructions to Candidates:
a) Write your name and index number in spaces provided above
b) This paper consists of THREE sections: A, B and C
c) Answer all questions in Section A and B.
d) All answers should be written in the spaces provided on this question paper.
e) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
f) Answer any two questions in section C
For Examiner’s use only
Section Questions Maximum Score Candidate’s Score
A 1 – 18 30
B 19 - 23 20
24 20
25 20
C 26 20
21. The diagram below shows the reproductive system of a cow study it carefully and answer the
questions that follow.
(a). Which diagram shows the proper way of drawing milk. (1 mark)
(b). How long should I take to milk a cow from the start to the end of milking. (1 mark)
(c). How would a milkman ensure that no milk remains in the udder at the end of milking?
(1 mark)
(d). State two disadvantages of using wrong milking method. (2 marks)
23. Below is a table showing names given various livestock animals at various stages of growth. Fill
in the Blank spaces. (2 marks)
Stage Name
Pigs Cattle Poultry
Mature male for breeding cock
Young female before first Gilt Pullet
Young one from calf chick
birth/hatching to meaning
25. (a). Name the strokes in a four stroke engine and describe how each operates. (12 marks)
(b). Describe the functions of the gear box in a tractor. (8 marks)
26. (a). Name and describe the features of an ideal calf pen. (8 marks)
(b). Discuss pneumonia in calves under the following sub-headings:
(i). predisposing factors (4 marks)
(ii). symptoms (5 marks)
(iii). Control measures. (3 marks)
1. Write your name, admission number and class
2. This paper contains three sections
3. Answer all question in section A and B
4. In section C answer any two questions
a) Name the crops labelled D and E above. (2mark)
b) Why is crop D rarely destroyed by pests in the stores? (1mark)
c) Name any two diseases that affect crop E. (2marks)
17. The diagram F, below illustrates a method of training in crops.
a) Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided above.
b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above.
c) This paper consists of three sections : A, B and C.
d) Answer all question in section A and B.
e) Answer any two questions in section C.
f) All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
i) Candidates must answer all the questions in English.
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