Cot 1
Cot 1
Cot 1
MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum
Weekly Lesson Log Learning Grade Level: 4 Quarter: Duration: 45min
Area: Math 1
DLP No.: 1
A. Learning Competencies:
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the learners will able to:
1. Identify and differentiate right angles from other types of angles.
2. Define a right angle as a 90-degree angle.
II. Content Understanding Right Angles
III. LearningResources
A. References
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Teaching and Learning Procedures
2. Review
Do you still remember different kinds of angles that you’ve learned during grade
3? What are these?
Lesson Motivation
Purpose/Intention Look around your room, can you identify figures, objects which represent right angles?
(Pupils will be given 30 secs to tour the room and identify them)
The teacher will process their identified objects
The teacher will ask the learners if they value their time (Values
The teacher will ask the learners to manipulate the analog clock’s hands
showing various right angle.
Tell also the learners that right angle can easily be identified By symbols
“T” “L” or their inverted equivalents
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Generalizations and Abstractions Have learners summarize the characteristics of right angles in their own
Let the pupils answer the statement of the problem they created.
Additional Activities for Application or Challenge learners to find and photograph real-world right angles in their
Remediation (if applicable) environment
Close the period by wrapping – up the day’s lesson.
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Master Teacher II
Approved by: