Chapter 10

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Class Total: 12 periods (approx. 40 min each)
Pre-requisite Students will be able to recall
for the course • Names of some common sources of light
• What are luminous and non-luminous objects?
• What is reflection of light?
• Laws of reflection of Light.
• What type of image is formed by spherical mirror?

Assessment 1. Written test

of qualifying 2. Lab activity
knowledge 3. Group Discussion
4. HW notebook
5. Subject enrichment activity

Objective To develop scientific temper and inquisitiveness in students. Also students will
be able to apply and relate learned concepts in their daily lives.
Given the content (chapter) the learners will be able to describe the reflection
and refraction by drawing ray diagram and solving numerical in their notebook
with 90% accuracy.
Outcomes • Students will be able to compare Spherical Mirrors (concave and convex
• Students will be able to draw ray diagrams for image formation by
Spherical Mirrors (concave and convex mirror)
• Students will be able to solve numerical based on mirror formula.
• Students will be able to compare Spherical lenses (concave and convex
• Students will be able to draw ray diagrams for image formation by
Spherical lenses (concave and convex lens)
• Students will be able to solve numerical based on lens formula.

SKILLS & COMPTENCIES- Students would be able to

• Critically analyse difference between (a) Spherical Mirrors (concave

and convex mirror) (b) Spherical lenses (concave and convex lens)
• Collaborate in groups and draw ray diagrams to show image formation
by (a) Spherical Mirrors (concave and convex mirror)
(b) Spherical lenses (concave and convex lens)
• Appreciate the importance of mirrors and lenses collaboratively
• Design Creative methods to draw ray diagrams and solve problems
based on mirror and lens formula,
• Built character amongst themselves by discussing /communicating the
importance of spherical mirrors and lenses in their daily life.
• Answer knowledge, understanding, application and diagrammatic skill
based questions based on the topic.

ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to

• Develop character by visualizing and observing the given spherical

mirrors and lenses in day to day lives collaborating with others in
drawing ray diagrams and solving numerical and sensitizing others
about their usage in vehicles, doctors, microscope, telescope etc

DOL D1,2,3
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Active learning- Identifying Concave Mirror/Convex Mirror/Concave lens/
(The teacher Convex lens from the given set of optical instruments by touching it or without
can use the touching it. (Critical thinking)
techniques, Group learning- The class will be divided in eight groups. JIGSAW –
wherever Expert Group: The group will be given worksheet by the teacher for drawing ray
applicable, diagrams for given position of object .
and can use Learning Group: Students will teach each other the ray diagram learned.
any other (Communication, Collaboration)
Differentiation- The students come back in Expert Group and by Peer
Learning : one member of the group will present in class the ray diagram
learned. (Character, Citizenship)

Questioning- Multiple level question- Teacher will prepare a list of question

about the ray diagrams and will ask these questions during discussions. (Critical
thinking, Communication)

Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the students
have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it that they would
learn now. They would also be told the significance of the topic that they would
be studying.

Introduction of the topic- PPT and Digital Content would be shared

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT, Exemplar, spiral

questions to be discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Set induction
Class discussion'
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Case Studies
Lab Activities
Graphic Organizers for different terms
Lesson progress using Smart Class
Think Pair Share for solving numerical
Mind Mapping for lesson summarization
Muddiest Point and One Minute Paper for Closure
Any Other

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science
NCERT Exemplar

Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W notebooks
Home Work, as mentioned in the monthly planner.
HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:
Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks
On time submission………………………………1 mark
Presentation/ Neatness……………………………1 mark
Content……….………………………………......3 marks
It is also advised that the students come to the class with proper background
knowledge of the topic under discussion. They can refer to the resources stated

Assessments 3 UNIT TESTS (20, 30, 30)……………………….80 Marks


By administering pen paper test we assess creativity and critical thinking.
Average of the best two tests to be taken that will have a weightage of 10 marks.
Best 2 Tests out of: Units tests, Midterm examination, Half Yearly examination.


Periodical Test 10 Marks

By administering pen paper test we assess creativity and critical thinking.

Subject Enrichment 05 Marks
With the help of subject enrichment activities we assess communication
,collaboration, character building and citizenship(peer teaching /lab activity
of drawing ray diagrams
Note Book Submission 05 Marks
By writing the answers of three levels of spiral question we can assess their
knowledge (remembering type questions) critical thinking( analytical
questions), creativity(HOT questions)

Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the classroom
Classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used for various
Diversity groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes and formulae, if not written
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE.

QUESTIONS 1. Differentiate between a real and virtual image. Give any two points.
2. What is minimum number of rays required for locating the image formed by a
concave mirror for an object?
3. Define principal focus.
4. Show the formation of the image with the help of a ray diagram when
object is placed 6 cm away from the pole of a convex mirror.
5. A concave mirror produces three times enlarged image of an object
placed at 10cm. in front of it. Calculate the focal length of the mirror.
6. State Laws of refraction.
7. Define power of a lens and give its S.I. unit.
Topic DAY 1-Recalling Spherical Mirrors and Terms associated with Spherical
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of Light, Reflection, Spherical
the course Mirrors which students had already learnt in class VII and VIII
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to make grid in their notebook and write
qualifying difference between Real, Virtual image , Characteristics of image formed
knowledge by a plane mirror and compare their points with other students in group.
Objective Student will be able to understand the various terms associated with
spherical mirrors and why we should not at any light source directly for a
long time,

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes • The importance of terms associated with spherical mirrors.
• Appreciate the importance of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Critically analyse various terms associated with spherical mirrors.
• Appreciate the importance of of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams collaboratively.
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
Develop Character by Collaborating in groups to study the terms
associated with spherical mirrors and sensitizing others to draw the four
basic rays for drawing ray diagrams.
DOL D 1,2
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Differentiation- The students in a group of 4 to 7 will be study the terms
(The teacher can associated with spherical mirrors and sensitizing others to draw the four
use the mentioned basic rays for drawing ray diagrams. (Character, Collaboration)
techniques, Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions
wherever to be discussed in the classroom.
applicable, and can Techniques to be used:
use any other too.) Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Wipro- G.O.s(compare- contrast matrix),
silent/ loud reading,
collaborative learning
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Simple remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Topic DAY 2 -Image formation by Spherical Mirrors (Concave Mirror and

Convex Mirror)
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of Terms associated with Spherical
the course Mirrors and the four basic rays for drawing ray diagrams which students
had already learnt in previous class.
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to recall Focal Length, Focus, Radius of
qualifying Curvature, Centre of Curvature, Aperture etc
Objective Student will be able to draw ray diagrams for various position of object
placed in front of a concave mirror and convex mirror.

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes • The importance of correct way of drawing ray diagrams with
spherical mirrors.
• Appreciate the importance of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Creatively draw the ray diagrams with object at different positions
in front of spherical mirrors.
• Appreciate the importance of of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams collaboratively.
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
Develop Character by Collaborating in groups JIGSAW to draw the
ray diagrams with object at different positions in front of spherical mirrors.
and sensitizing others to draw the four basic rays for drawing ray
DOL D 1,2
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Active learning- The class will be divided in eight groups. JIGSAW –
(The teacher can Expert Group: The group will be given worksheet by the teacher for
use the mentioned drawing ray diagrams for given position of object .
techniques, Learning Group: Students will teach each other the ray diagram learned.
wherever (Communication, Collaboration)
applicable, and can Differentiation- The students come back in Expert Group and by Peer
use any other too.) Learning : one member of the group will present in class the ray diagram
learned. (Character, Citizenship)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions

to be discussed in the classroom.
Techniques to be used:
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Wipro- G.O.s(compare- contrast matrix),
collaborative learning
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Topic DAY 3 – Cartesian Convention and Mirror Formula

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of ray diagrams which students had
the course already learnt in previous class.
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to recall ray diagrams and number line.
Objective Student will be able to solve numerical based on mirror formula for various
position of object placed in front of a concave mirror and convex mirror.

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes • The importance of cartesian sign convention for spherical mirrors.
• Appreciate the importance of mirror formula and magnification.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Critically solve numerical based on mirror formula and
• Appreciate the importance of these by solving numerical in groups
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
• Develop Character by Collaborating in groups Think Pair
Share in solving numerical and sensitizing others while
collaborating in groups.
DOL D 1,2
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Active learning- The class will be divided in smaller groups of two
(The teacher can students each. THINK PAIR SHARE –
use the mentioned : The group will be given worksheet by the teacher for solving numerical
techniques, based on mirror formula and magnification.
wherever Pear Learning: Students will teach each other by solving numerical in pair.
applicable, and can Facilitator will help in problem solving and doubt clarification.
use any other too.) (Communication, Collaboration)
Differentiation- The students solve numerical in pairs with buddy help and
peer learning, students will learn to help each other and work in groups.
(Character, Citizenship)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions

to be discussed in the classroom.
Techniques to be used:
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Daily Practice Problem
collaborative learning
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Simple remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Topic DAY 4-Recalling Spherical lenses and Terms associated with Spherical
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of Light, Refraction, Spherical lenses
the course which students had already learnt in class VII and VIII
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to make grid in their notebook and write
qualifying difference between mirror and lens/ reflection and refraction and compare
knowledge their points with other students in group.
Objective Student will be able to understand the various terms associated with
spherical lenses and why we should not at any light source directly for a
long time.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
Outcomes • The importance of terms associated with spherical lenses.
• Appreciate the importance of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Critically analyse various terms associated with spherical lenses.
• Appreciate the importance of of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams collaboratively.
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
Develop Character by Collaborating in groups to study the terms
associated with spherical lenses and sensitizing others to draw the four
basic rays for drawing ray diagrams.
DOL D 1,2,3
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Differentiation- The students in a group of 4 to 7 will be study the terms
(The teacher can associated with spherical lenses and sensitizing others to draw the four
use the mentioned basic rays for drawing ray diagrams. (Character, Collaboration)
techniques, Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions
wherever to be discussed in the classroom.
applicable, and can Techniques to be used:
use any other too.) Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction
Wipro- G.O.s(compare- contrast matrix),
silent/ loud reading,
collaborative learning

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Simple remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Topic DAY 5 -Image formation by Spherical Lenses (Concave and Convex Lens)
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of Terms associated with Spherical
the course Lenses and the four basic rays for drawing ray diagrams which students
had already learnt in previous class.
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to recall Focal Length, Focus, Radius of
qualifying Curvature, Centre of Curvature, Aperture etc
Objective Student will be able to draw ray diagrams for various position of object
placed in front of a concave and convex lens

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes • The importance of correct way of drawing ray diagrams with
spherical lenses.
• Appreciate the importance of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Creatively draw the ray diagrams with object at different positions
in front of spherical lenses.
• Appreciate the importance of of four different kinds of rays used for
drawing ray diagrams collaboratively.
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
Develop Character by Collaborating in groups JIGSAW to draw the
ray diagrams with object at different positions in front of spherical lenses.
and sensitizing others to draw the four basic rays for drawing ray
DOL D 1,2,3
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Active learning- The class will be divided in eight groups. JIGSAW –
(The teacher can Expert Group: The group will be given worksheet by the teacher for
use the mentioned drawing ray diagrams for given position of object .
techniques, Learning Group: Students will teach each other the ray diagram learned.
wherever (Communication, Collaboration)
applicable, and can Differentiation- The students come back in Expert Group and by Peer
use any other too.) Learning : one member of the group will present in class the ray diagram
learned. (Character, Citizenship)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions

to be discussed in the classroom.
Techniques to be used:
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Wipro- G.O.s(compare- contrast matrix),
collaborative learning
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability Questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Simple remembering type to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

Topic DAY 6 – Lens Formula and Magnification

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires Basic knowledge of ray diagrams which students had
the course already learnt in previous class.
Assessment of Facilitator asks the students to recall ray diagrams and number line.
Objective Student will be able to solve numerical based on lens formula for various
position of object placed in front of a concave and convex lens.

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

Outcomes • The importance of cartesian sign convention for spherical lenses.
• Appreciate the importance of lens formula and magnification.
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
• Critically solve numerical based on lens formula and
• Appreciate the importance of these by solving numerical in groups
ATTITUDES AND BELIEFS- Students will be able to
• Develop Character by Collaborating in groups Think Pair
Share in solving numerical and sensitizing others while
collaborating in groups.
DOL D 1,2,3
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Active learning- The class will be divided in smaller groups of two
(The teacher can students each. THINK PAIR SHARE –
use the mentioned : The group will be given worksheet by the teacher for solving numerical
techniques, based on lens formula and magnification.
wherever Pear Learning: Students will teach each other by solving numerical in pair.
applicable, and can Facilitator will help in problem solving and doubt clarification.
use any other too.) (Communication, Collaboration)
Differentiation- The students solve numerical in pairs with buddy help and
peer learning, students will learn to help each other and work in groups.
(Character, Citizenship)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions

to be discussed in the classroom.
Techniques to be used:
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Daily Practice Problem
collaborative learning
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
NCERT Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Different ability Questions
Assessments Assessment of work done by various groups on the basis of content,
communication, collaboration, time management and message given by
each group to sensitize others.
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

• HOT questions to be done
• Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

• Simple remembering type questions to be completed
• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes.
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

DAY 7& 8
Pr. 4: To estimate the focal length of concave mirror and convex lens.
Aim: To determine the focal length of a concave mirror by obtaining image of a distant object.
Material required: A concave mirror, a mirror holder, a screen fixed on a stand, and a scale.
Theory: When parallel rays of light fall on a concave mirror the rays meet at a point in front of
the mirror after reflection from it. This point is the focus of the mirror.
For a parallel beam of light coming from a distant object, a real, inverted and very small image
size is formed at the focus of the mirror Since the image formed by the mirror is real, it can be
obtained on a screen. The distance between the pole O of the concave mirror and the focus F is
the focal length of the concave mirror. Thus, the focal length of a concave mirror can be
estimated by obtaining a real image of a distant object at its focus.
1. Fix a concave mirror in the mirror holder and place it on the table near an open window.
2. Turn the face of mirror towards a distant object eg.a tree ,an electricity pole ,a building.
3. Place the screen fitted to a stand in front of the concave mirror.
4. Move the screen back and forth until a sharp, clear and inverted image of the distant object
is formed on it
5. Mark the position of the centre of the stand holding the mirror and the screen when a sharp
image of the distant object has been obtained on the screen.
6. Measure the horizontal distance between the centre of the concave mirror and the screen
with the help of a measuring scale.
7. Repeat the experiment two more times by obtaining the images of two different distant
objects. Measure the distances between the concave mirror and the screen in each case.
Record them in the observation table.Find the mean value of the focal length.

Observation and Calculation:

S.NO. Name of the Distance between concave mirror and screen f Mean focal length of
distant object a concave mirror f
(cm) (m) (m)
Result: The approximate value of focal length of the given concave mirror is ____ m.
1. Concave mirror should be placed near window through which sufficient sunlight enters.
2. There should be no obstacle in the path of light from the distant object, on the concave mirror.
3. The image of the sun should be focused only on the screen.
4. To obtain a sharp and clear image of the distant object it must well illuminated so.
5. The base of the stands of the concave mirror and screen should be parallel to the scale.
6. The mirror holder along with the mirror should be kept perpendicular to the measuring scale.

Aim: To determine the focal length of a thin convex lens by obtaining image of a distant object.
Material required: A thin convex lens, a lens holder, screen fixed to a stand, scale.
Theory: The light rays coming from a distant object can be considered to be parallel to each
other. When a parallel beam of light falls on a convex lens, the rays, after refraction, converge at
a point on its other side. This point is one of the two foci of the lens and form real, inverted
diminished image.
(i) Fix a convex lens on a lens holder and place it on the table or platform near an open window
through which sufficient sunlight enters. Turn the face of lens towards a distant object.
(ii) Place the screen fixed to a stand on the other side of the lens.
(iii) Adjust the position of screen to get a sharp, clear and inverted image of the object on it.
(iv) Mark the position of the lens and that of the screen
(v) Measure the distance between the centre of the convex lens and the screen.
(vi) Repeat the experiment two times by obtaining the images of two different distant objects.
(vii) Measure the distance between the convex lens and the screen in each case. Record them in
the observation table.
(viii) Find the average or mean value of the focal length.

Observation and Calculation:

S.NO. Name of the Distance between convex lens and screen f Mean focal length of
distant object a convex lens f
(cm) (m) (m)

Result: The approximate value of focal length of the given convex lens is ____ m.
Precautions and sources of error:
1. The principal axis of the lens should be horizontal (the lens should be placed vertically).
2. There should be no obstacle in the path of light from the distant object on the convex lens.
3. The image of the sun formed by the lens should be focused only on the screen. The image of
sun should never be seen directly with the naked eye.
4. Adjust the position of convex lens such that the light rays coming from the distant object fall
on the lens without any obstruction.
5. The distant object should be well illuminated.

DAY 9& 10
Pr.5: To study refraction through glass slab
Aim: To trace the path of a ray of light passing obliquely through a rectangular glass slab for
different angles of incidence and to measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, the angle
of emergence.
Material required: A rectangular glass slab, drawing board, white sheet of paper, protractor,
a measuring scale, pins, and drawing pins.
Theory: When a ray of light passes from air to glass through a rectangular glass slab, it bends
towards the normal at the surface of the air-glass boundary (AD). The phenomenon of change in
the direction of a ray of light when it enters from one medium to the other is known as refraction.
Then, the refracted ray strikes the face BC of the glass slab that forms the glass-air boundary at
the opposite face of the glass slab ABCD. It undergoes refraction again. The deviation of the ray
of light this time is away from the normal at the point of incidence .The refracted ray is known as
the emergent ray with respect to the incident ray incident at the face AD. The angle between the
emergent ray and the normal to the face BC is known as angle of emergence ( e).

1. Fix a white sheet of paper on a drawing board.
2. Place the rectangular glass slab in the middle of the paper and mark its boundary ABCD
with a pencil.
3. Remove the rectangular glass slab. Draw a thin line XO (with an arrow) inclined to the face
AD of the glass slab at any angle preferably between 30º and 60º
4. Replace the glass slab exactly over the boundary mark on the paper.
5. Fix two pins P1 and P2 on the line XO.
6. Observe the images of pins P1 and P2 through the face BC of the rectangular glass slab.
7. Fix pins P3 and P4 such that feet of all the pins appear to be in a straight line.
8. Remove the pins and the glass slab and mark the positions of the pins. Join points P3 and P4
and extend the line up to point O’ where it meets the face BC. Also join the points O and O
9. Draw the normal at the point of incidence O and point O′.
10. Measure and record the angles i, r, e.
11. Repeat the experiment for two more angles of incidence in the range 30º to 60º and record
the values of angles i, r, and e in each case.

S Angle of incidence Angle of refraction Angle of emergence Deviation
No. i r e i-e

The paths of different rays of light through a glass slab are shown in figure As i= e , the
emergent ray emerging out of the rectangular glass slab, is parallel to, but laterally displaced
with respect to the incident ray. Angle of refraction r increases with increase in angle of
incidence i.
Precautions and sources of error:
1. The glass slab should be perfectly rectangular with all its faces smooth.
2. The tips of pins P1, P2, P3, and P4 should be sharp.
3. The angle of incidence should preferably be between 30º and 60º.
4. Thin lines should be drawn, using a sharp pencil.
5. The angles should be measured accurately, using a good quality protractor having clear
markings, by keeping the eye above the marking.
6. While viewing the collinearity of pins , the eye should be kept at some distance from the pins
so that the feet of all of them can be seen simultaneously in the same straight line.

DAY 11 & 12

Pr. 3: To draw the images of an object formed by a convex lens, when placed at various


To draw the images of an object formed by a convex lens, when placed at various positions.
The light rays when refracted through a convex lens obey the laws of refraction. The formation
of images by a convex lens can be studied by drawing ray diagrams. Neat ray diagrams can be
drawn for various positions of an object in front of a convex lens, using the New Cartesian
Sign Convention and convenient rays for locating the image. It may be considered that the
convex lens is thin and that it has a small aperture. After locating the position of the image, its
nature, and size can be determined.

Measuring scale, graph paper, sheets of white paper, protractor, and drawing pins or adhesive
Students will be individually following the given procedure , analyzing and drawing the ray
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Creative Thinking
1. Take a white sheet of paper or a graph paper .
2. Draw a thin line of about 15 - 18 cm length in the middle of the paper.
3. Mark a point O at the centre of this line.
4. Make a convex lens LL about this point O. Assume O as the optical centre of the lens.
5. Mark points F1 and F2 on either side of the lens such that OF1 = OF2. Also mark points
and 2F2 on the line at double the distances OF1 and OF2
6. Draw an object AB of suitable height h, shown to be placed at infinity
7. Draw thin lines, representing incident rays coming from the object parallel to the principal
axis of the Convex lens. These rays after refraction intersect at the focus F2 a diminished
image of the distant object is formed at the point F2
8. Repeat the above steps, to draw ray diagrams for each position of the object from Fig (a) -
9. Measure the heights of the object, its image in all cases Figs. (a) - (f)].
10. Describe the nature, position and relative size of the image, of the object placed at various
11. Tabulate the results in a convenient format or observation table.
12. The ray diagrams for the image formation of the object by a convex lens can also be drawn
on a graph paper and measurement of the lengths h and h′ of the size of the object and its
image taken more conveniently.


Communication Skill
The students will analyze the results and comment about the characteristics of image formed
by a convex lens for various positions of the object.

Critical Thinking
• Use a very sharp tipped pencil to draw thin lines to represent incident and refracted rays.
• The convex lens drawn should be thin and of small aperture. (This is required for obtaining
the distinct image.)

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