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African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5(10), pp. 1192-1196, 18 May, 2011 Available online http://www.academicjournals.

org/ajmr ISSN 1996-0808 2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A laboratory assessment of the potential of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Beauvarin) to control Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Golnaz Shams1*, Mohammad Hassan Safaralizadeh2, Sohrab Imani1, Mahmoud Shojai1 and Shahram Aramideh2

Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural Faculty, Urmia University, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran.
Accepted 1March, 2011

This research was carried out to evaluate the suppressive efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana against adults of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and Sitophilus granarius (L.) on stored grains in darkness (272 and 655% RH). The insects were inoculated by following immersion C in five aqueous suspensions with concentrations determined with preliminary tests and compared with untreated wheat and cowpea as control. Probit analysis showed that the lowest LT50 values in suspensions with highest concentrations (2.3 107 conidia ml-1) were 6.63 and 10.45 days for C. maculatus and S. granarius, respectively. On the other hand, the LC50 values on day 9 post-treatment 6 7 -1 were 3.17 10 and 6.08 10 for C. maculatus and S. granarius, respectively. Comparison of Lc50, LT50 values and mortalities indicated that in both assays, B. bassiana was consistently more virulent for C. maculatus than S. granarius. The overall results showed that these two pests were controlled successfully with entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana. Key words: Callosobruchus maculatus, Beauveria bassiana, Sitophilus granarius, stored grain. INTRODUCTION Grains produced may be stored for periods of a few weeks to a few years before they are fed or processed. The profitability of such storage depends, not only upon marketing concerns, but also upon maintaining grain quality. The harvest and storage of grain do not signal an end to the possibility of losses caused by insects and pathogens (Weinzierl, 2008). A serious post-harvest pest of black-eyed peas (cowpeas) is the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), a worldwide pest which infests pods in the fields as well as stored seeds. Infection rate of cowpea is very low in harvest time and may sometimes be undetectable (Huignard et al., 1985). The pest multiplies rapidly in stored condition, giving rise to a new generation every month (Ouedraogo et al., 1998). Therefore, it is essential to reduce such losses by controlling the pest on stored grains (Tapondjou et al., 2002). The granary weevil, Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is one of the most destructive insects of stored grains worldwide, that cause both quantitative and qualitative damage to grain. Quantitative damage is due to grain weight loss caused by insect feeding (Steffan, 1963; Golebiowska, 1969). Qualitative damage is due to product alterations such as loss of nutritional and aesthetic value, increased levels of rejects in the grain mass and loss of industrial (baking) characteristics (Moino et al., 1998).

*Corresponding Author. E-mail: Tel: +982144869724. Fax: +982144865464.

Shams et al.


Grain losses due to insect pests are a serious problem throughout the world (Subramanyam and Hagstrum, 1995). Residual insecticides are the most common agents for protection of stored products against stored products pests. They have several negative properties such as mammal toxicity, residues on grain, as well as increased resistance of pests (Arthur, 1996). The increased public awareness and concern for environmental safety has directed research to the development of alternative control strategies (Inglis et al., 1997; Lomer et al., 2001). A promising strategy with good potential to minimize the adverse effects of insecticides is the use of entomopathogenic fungi and other microbial control agents. The possibility of using fungal pathogens to control insects has been studied for many years but little attention has been paid to the use of fungi as control agents against storage pests (Khan and Selman, 1988; Rodrigues and Pratissoli, 1990; Adane, 1994; Adane et al., 1996; Padn et al., 1997; Hidalgo et al., 1998; Moino et al., 1998). As part of our project on the development and use of entomopathogenic fungi in integrated pest management (IPM)-based control of stored pests, we are investigating the potential of B. bassiana as a biological control agent against two important and destructive stored pests C. maculatus and S. granarius adults. The main purpose of present study is, introducing a safe alternative method for pests control.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Test insects The insects tested were cowpea weevil, C. maculatus and granary weevil, S. granarius. Insects were collected from the breeding stock of Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Iran. They were reared in darkness under controlled temperature and humidity (272C and 655% RH) on cowpea and clean wheat + cracked wheat (3:1 w/w), respectively. For obtaining 1-day-old adults of C. maculatus, seeds with pupa window were separated and after one day, emerged adults were collected with an aspirator. The fungus Commercially produced conidia of B. bassiana (Beauvarin) were used in all experiments. The B. bassiana technical aqueous conidial suspension contained 2.3 107 conidia/ ml. This product was obtained from Semnan-Iran Biological products Co., Ltd. Laboratory bioassay Five aquenous conidial concentrations were determined with preliminary tests. Inoculation was made by immersing twenty adults of both insects for 5 s in 1 ml suspension containing 2.3 104, 1.2 105, 7.2 105, 4.07 106 and 2.3 107 conidia ml-1 for C. maculatus and 2.3 106, 4.7 106, 7.2 106, 1.2 107 and 2.3 107 conidia ml-1 for S. granarius. The control insects were treated in de-ionised water

Tween80 (0.1% v/v). The insects and the suspension were subsequently poured into plastic plates (8.8 cm diameter, 60.7 cm2) containing sterile filter paper (8.8 cm diameter) and 20 g cowpea and wheat for C. maculatus and S. granarius tests, respectively. Plates were sealed with parafilm to prevent insects from escaping. There were 3 replicates per treatment. Insects were kept in incubator (272C and 655% RH). Total numbers of living or dead adults were recorded for 9 and 13 days for C. maculatus and S. granarius, respectively (Cherry, 2005). To observe the outgrowth of fungus, dead insects from each plate were washed in sterile distilled water and transferred to new plates with high RH (approximately 100%).

Data analysis All of the data were transformed into arcsine scale followed by correction of cumulative mortality percentage for the corresponding control mortality (Abbott, 1925). Analysis of variance was carried out to assess the effect of formulation, time of exposure and their interaction on the mortality of the insects (Nissen, 1989). Concentrations required to kill 50% (Lc50) and 95% (Lc95) and also times needed to kill 50% (LT50) and 95% (LT95) of insects were calculated using probit analysis (SPSS, 1999).

RESULTS The evaluation of mortality among C. maculatus and S. granarius adults following immersion in aqueous conidial suspensions of B bassiana indicates the great efficacy for B. bassiana. In the case of C. maculatus, the main effects for adults: Concentration, exposure time and their interactions; concentration exposure time were significant (P < 0.01) (Table1). The mortality percentage for adults of C. maculatus (3, 5, 7 and 9 d) against different conidial concentrations is indicated in Figure 1. To achieve 50 and 95% mortality after 7-day, 1.99 107 and 1.21 1010 B. bassiana was needed, respectively. As exposure time increased, the LC50 and LC95 values decreased. Table 2 shows that after 9 d exposure, the LC50 and LC95 were 3.17 10 6 and 4.9 108, respectively. The lowest LC50 value 6 -1 observed for C. maculatus was 3.17 10 (Table 2). After 9 days, the highest mortality (85%) was at B. bassiana at the highest concentration rates. Also, the lowest LT50 values in highest conidial concentration applied was 6.63 days. In other case regarding S. granaries, it was observed that exposure time of insects to different B. bassiana concentrations had significant effects (P < 0.01) (Table1). The mortality percentage for adults of S. granarius (7, 9, 11 and 13 d), against different conidial concentrations is shown in Figure 2. After 7 d, LC50 and LC95 values were 8 9 1.35 10 and 4.75 10 , respectively. The mortality in initial exposure day was low. To get 50 and 95% mortality after 9 days, 6.08 107 and 3.25 109 of B. bassiana was needed, respectively (Table 3). After 13 days, the highest mortality (75%) was at B. bassiana at


Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.

Table 1. Analysis of variance on mortality of C. maculatus and S. granarius adults exposed to different concentrations of B. bassiana with different time of exposure.

Source Time Dose Time dose Error Total

df 3 5 15 48 71

C. maculatus Mean square 2033.645 2143.645 71.263 11.647

F value 184.05** 174.56** 6.11**

df 3 5 15 48 71

S. granarius Mean square 1040.38 2227.25 59.47 9.84

F value 105.68** 226.24** 6.04**

**Indicate significant difference at P0.01.

Table 2. Lc50 and Lc95 ( values with 95 fiducial limits and probit analysis parameters for adult of C. maculatus.

Exposure time (d) 7 LC50 1.99107 7 LC95 1.211010 9 LC50 3.17106 9 LC95 4.9108

Figure 1. Mean mortality (%) SE of C. maculatus adults exposed to different concentrations of B. bassiana after 3, 5, 7 and 9 days.

95% confidence limits 8.5106 - 8.35107 1.23109 -1.221012 4.9105 -1.03108 3.26107- 2.441017

Intercept + SE -4.31+0.67 -4.88+0.68

Slope SE 0.59+0.1 0.75+0.1

P-value 0.92 0.032

2 (df = 3) 0.46NS 8.77*

*: Indicate significant difference at P0.05.NS; no significant difference.

the highest concentration rates. Thus, the lowest LT50 values in highest conidial concentration (2.3 107 were 10.45 days. In result, it is noticeable that, B. bassiana was pathogenic to adults of C. maculatus and S. granarius in

immersion bioassays, but there were different virulence. Comparison of Lc50, Lc95 values and mortalities indicates that B. bassiana was more efficacious and caused in general, better mortality for C. maculatus rather than S. granarius.

Shams et al.


Figure 2. Mean mortality (%) SE of S. granarius adults exposed to different concentrations of B. bassiana after 7, 9, 11 and 13 days.

Table 3. Lc50 and Lc95 ( values with 95 fiducial limits and probit analysis parameters for adult of S. granarius.

Exposure time (d) 7 LC50 7 LC95 9 LC50 9 LC95 11 LC50 11 LC95 13 LC50 13 LC95


1.35108 4.75109 6.08107 3.25109 2.39107 5.42108 1.16107 8 1.1110

95% confidence limits 8.5106-8.35107 1.23109-1.221012 4.9105-1.03108 3.26107-2.441017 1.62107-5.14107 1.64108-8.06109 9.3106-1.54107 7 8 5.9810 -3.4110

Intercept SE -8.64+2.24 -7.4+1.77 -8.95+1.68 -11.82+1.74

Slope SE 1.06+0.32 0.95+0.25 1.21+0.24 1.67+0.25

P-value 0.82 0.98 0.98 0.48

2 (df = 3) 0.89NS 0.14 NS 0.13 NS 2.45 NS

NS: No significant difference.

DISCUSION Several studies documented the high potential of entomopathogenic fungi for the control of insect pests in stored products as promising alternatives to fumigants (Moore et al., 2000). The insecticidal efficacy of B. bassiana is highly influenced by several factors such as insects behavior, population density, age, nutrition and genetic information, also, physiology and morphology of host effect on their sensitivity to biological control agents such as entomopathogenic fungi (Fargues et al., 1996). So, the differences in storage beetle susceptibility to B. bassiana could not be explained as a function of the concentration of conidia used (Cox et al., 2004). In general, host physiology and fungi physiology (their enzymes and toxins) have great impact in virulence of

entomopathogenic fungi. Among environmental condition, temperature and humidity play important role in fungi function. The optimum temperature for B. bassiana conidial germination and growth frequency is around 25 (Walstad et al., 1970; Ekesi et al., 1999). Also, C James et al. (1998) reported that B. bassiana germinated most rapidly at 25 to 32 In present study, all bioassays C. were done at 272 which, according to the previous C, studies, was suitable for growth and conidial germination. It is clear that, entomopathogenic fungi, germinate at relative humidity above 90% (Roberts and Campbell, 1977) although, it has been shown that fungi work also at lower humidity levels, probably due to favourable microclimates surrounding the hosts (Ramoska, 1984; Akbar et al., 2004). The other studies have reported that the longevity of B. bassiana conidia is best when dry (Wraight et al., 2001; Lord, 2005).


Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.

The results of current study documented that, the lower humidity (655% RH) conditions of stored-product environments are not an impediment to the use of B. bassiana for management of insect pests. In fact, such conditions are advantageous. The results of the present study extend the findings of Cherry et al. (2005) which stated that different isolates from M. anisopliae and B. bassiana can provide good control of C. maculatus by immersion bioassay. Hidalgo et al. (1998) pointed out that it is possible to achieve a useful level of S. zeamais by using formulated B. bassiana conidia. Evidence from these experiments indicates that B. bassiana is able to significantly reduce C. maculatus and S. granarius in stored cowpea and wheat, respectively. Comparison of Lc50, LT50 values and other results showed clearly that adults of C. maculatus are more sensitive to B. bassiana formulation rather than S. granarius. In conclusion, microbial pest control as a safe and nonchemical method can potentially benefit the environment and lead to more effective protection of stored grains. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Dr. Amir Sobhanmanesh for his comments in manuscript preparation and Dr. Masoud Shams for the assistance with his insect bioassay.
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