17539XII Paper Sept
17539XII Paper Sept
17539XII Paper Sept
Sample Paper 2012 Class XII Subject Computer Science
Time: 3Hours
Note. (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Programming Language: C++
Maximum Marks: 70
1.(a)What is type conversion? Explain it. 2 (b)Write the names of the header files to which the following belong: 2 (i) Puts ( ) (ii) sin ( ) (iii) open () (iv) isupper () (c) Rewrite the following program after removing syntactical error(s) if any. Underline each correction. 2 #include [iostream.h] class MEMBER { int Mno;float Fees; PUBLIC: void Register(){cin>>Mno>>Fees;} void Display{cout<<Mno<<" : "<<Fees<<endl;} }; void main() { MEMBER M; Register(); M.Display(); } d. Find the output of the following program; 3 #include<iostream.h> #include<ctype.h> void main( ) { char TEXT1[ ] = Cbse@Board!; for(int I=0; TEXT1 [I]!=\0;I++) { if(!isalpha(TEXT1[I])) TEXT1[I]=*; else if(isupper(TEXT1 [I])) TEXT1[I]=TEXT1[I]+1; else TEXT1[I] = TEXT1[I+1]; } cout<<TEXT1; }
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e. Find the output of the following program: #include<iostream.h> void main( ) { int A=8,B=7; for(int I=1;I<=2;I++) { cout<<Line1<<A++<<&<<B-5 <<endl; cout<<Line2<<++B<<&<<A +2<<endl; } } f. In the following program, find the correct possible output(s) from the options: #include<stdlib.h> #include<iostream.h> void main( ) { randomize( ); char Area[ ][10]={NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST}; int ToGo; for(int I=0; I<3;I++) { ToGo=random(2) + 1; cout<<Area[ToGo]<<:; } 3
2 (a) What do you understand by Data Encapsulation and Data Hiding? Also, give a suitable C++ code to illustrate both. 2 (b) What is polymorphism? Explain with example. 2 (c) What is Actual parameter and formal parameter in c++? 2 (d) Define a class FLIGHT in C++ with following description: 4 Private Members: A data member Flight number of type integer A data member Destination of type string A data member Distance of type float A data member Fuel of type float A member function CALFUEL() to calculate the value of Fuel as per the following criteria : Distance Fuel <=1000 500 more than 1000 and <=2000 1100 more than 2000 2200
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Public Members: " A function FEEDINFO() to allow user to enter values for Flight Number, Destination, Distance & call function CALFUEL() to calculate the quantity of Fuel " A function SHOWINFO() to allow user to view the content of all the data members. 3 a) A Class student has three data members: name, roll number, marks of 5 subjects and member function to assign streams on the basis of table given below: Average Marks Stream 96% or more Computer Science 91%-95% Mathematics 86%-90% Physics 81%-85% Chemistry 76%-80% Biology 71%-75% English Declare the class student and define the member function. 4 (b) An array S[40][30] is stored in the memory along the row with each of the element occupying 2 bytes, find out the memory location for the element S[20][10],if the Base Address of the array is 5000. 4 (d) Find the output of the following program: 3 #include <iostream.h> struct GAME { int Score, Bonus;}; void Play(GAME &g, int N=10) { g.Score++;g.Bonus+=N; } void main() { GAME G={110,50}; Play(G,10); cout<<G.Score<<":"<<G.Bonus<<endl; Play(G); cout<<G.Score<<":"<<G.Bonus<<endl; Play(G,15); cout<<G.Score<<":"<<G.Bonus<<endl; } 4. a)What is the data structure? Explain array, stack, queue, linked list & tree. 5 b) An array VAL[115][110] is stored in the memory with each element requiring 4 bytes of storage. If the base address of the array VAL is 1500, determine the location of VAL[12][9] when the array VAL is stored (i) Row wise (ii) Column wise.6 5. a)What is the difference between Class and structure? 2
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b) What is the difference between Local Variable and Global Variable? Illustrate it. 2 c) What is Debugging? How do you categorized of errors? 2 6. What is the Difference between Procedural and Object Oriented Programming? 2 7. (a)What is the difference between LAN and WAN? 2 (b) Define any three following terms: Hub, Bridge, Gateway, Firewalls, CDMA. 3 (c) Expand the following terms : 3 a) GSM b) HTML c) XML d) HTTP e) TCP/IP f) FTP (d) What is a network? What are the benefits of networks? 3 e) Knowledge Supplement Organization has set up its new center at Mangalore for its office and web based activities. It has 4 blocks of buildings as shown in the diagram below:
Block A
Block C
Center to center distances between various blocks Number of Computers Black A to Block B Block B to Block C Block C to Block D Block A to Block D Block B to Block D Block A to Block C 50 m 150 m 25 m 170 m 125 m 90 m
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Block B
Block D
Black A Block B Block C Block D 1) 2) 3) 4) 25 50 125 10
Suggest a cable layout of connections between the blocks. 1 Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason. 1 Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification 1 (i) Repeater (ii) Hub/Switch The organization is planning to link its front office situated in the city in a hilly region where cable connection is not feasible, suggest an economic way to connect it with reasonably high speed? 1
Paper Submitted By: Name: Email: Phone No. Vijay Kumar Malik vjsmalik3@gmail.com 9991073416
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