The Clock Heart
The Clock Heart
The Clock Heart
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master had created with intelligence. It suddenly spoke, “Hi Lina, I am
Aqua. I know you are concerned about your master’s well-being and I
want to lend you a hand.” Thinking this robotic fish might have a
solution, Lina agreed to
listen what it would
propose. “I possess an
technology, a unique
device that can keep
heart functioning.”
Saying this, Aqua led
Lina towards a hidden
compartment in the lab.
As they approached,
Aqua pressed a series of
button and unveiled the
device. “This in the only
thing that can save your master’s life, the Clock Heart,” said Aqua in
undertones, “but it needs to be handled with care, and needs to be
mended and repaired daily.”
Lina knew that her master was a man of science, but she feared he
would not accept this level of technological intervention. Seeing Lina’s
reluctance Aqua uttered, “You must convince your master, or else he
won’t survive much longer!” Together with Aqua, Lina made her way
to the professor’s room, during which she noticed that Aqua’s feet
hardly made any noise on the marbled floor.
Professor flicked open his eyes, when Lina let out a soft meow, and
smiled weakly. “I have discovered something for you! But first you
must promise to accept this,” saying this Lina led the way to the Clock
Heart in the laboratory. The professor was in an awe when he saw both:
the robotic fish and the Clock Heart. These were his very own creations
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that he could see working. Aqua and Lina gently persuaded him to get
his heart fitted in his chest but the professor was still reluctant of
accepting this unnatural solution. Eventually the professor had no
choice but trust Lina and Aqua and they immediately set to work. After
strenuously working for hours, the process of implanting the Clock
Device was successfully done. Lina took a sigh of relief, her eyes were
shining with joy, and Aqua felt a sense of pride, but the professor
remained calm.
Days passes and the professor called out both Aqua and Lina. He began,
“I have spent my whole life in working with mechanicals. My dear
companions! I have to confess
that you have shown
remarkable innovation in
saving my life, but this has
crossed the limits of mortality,
thereupon, I refuse to keep this
hybrid heart. I would rather die
than to remain alive forever, as
eternity and immortality are no
human’s quality. Only our
Creator, our Lord is immortal.”
Saying this, the Professor plunged the device out of his chest that was
keeping him alive, he didn’t want to become a curse upon humanity, he
dared not interfere with nature.
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