1° Año RRII.
1° Año RRII.
1° Año RRII.
Its – Pobreza
It – Energía
Conector: Además
Conector: Pero
4) En el tercer párrafo hay un conector de contraste que vincula dos cláusulas. ¿Cuál es?
Complete lo siguiente:
2° idea: Los sistemas de producción y consumo, traen impactos negativos para las
generaciones actuales y futuras.
5) En los dos últimos párrafos hay dos conectores de condición; cada uno de los mismos
vincula dos cláusulas. ¿Cuáles son? Complete lo siguiente:
Conector: If (si…)
The present Report identifies six entry points that offer the most promise for achieving
the desired rebalancing at the scale and speed needed for the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.
Food systems and nutrition patterns: This is essential for sustenance and health, yet
current practices along the entire food production and consumption chain lead to
unsustainable resource use, biodiversity loss, land degradation, river and ocean
pollution, climate change, undernutrition, as well as obesity and non-communicable
Urban and peri-urban development: More than half the world’s population already
live in urban areas and that number is growing, offering the opportunity to achieve
multiple goals at scale and with efficiency, provided that synergies are realized and
trade-offs avoided. Areas of concern include unsustainable natural resource use, large
volumes of waste, and stark inequalities. Decisions on urban and peri-urban
infrastructure investment can lock populations into unsustainable development for the
very long term.
Global environmental commons: This is essential for the overall balance between
nature and humanity. Natural systems are interconnected on a global scale and affected
by actions at all levels which have implications across the world. Achieving
transformation in the entry points would help to secure the global environmental
commons. However, the entry points alone may not be sufficient, especially if actions
do not adequately address global interconnections or take full account of the non-
economic, but intrinsic value of nature.