Karl Fulves - Easy-To-Do Card Tricks For Children
Karl Fulves - Easy-To-Do Card Tricks For Children
Karl Fulves - Easy-To-Do Card Tricks For Children
for Children
by KarlFulves
Illustratedby tosephK. Schmidt
lNC.,New York
Copyright @ '1989by Karl Fulves.
All rights reserved under Pan American and International Copyright
Publishedin Canadaby GeneralPublishingCompany,Ltd.,30 LesmillRoad,
Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario.
Publishedin the United Kingdom by Constableand Company,Ltd., 1'o
Orange Street, London WCzH 7EG.
Easy-to-DoCardTricksfor Childrenis a new work, first publishedby Dover
Inc.,in 1989.
Manufactured in the United Statesof America
Dover Publications,Inc.,31 East2nd Street,Mineola,N.Y. 11501
Library of CongressCataloging-in-PublicationData
Easy-to-docard tricks for children / by Karl Fulves.
p. cm.
Summary: Instructions and diagrams take aspiring magiciansthrough
thirty card tricks, arrangedin increasingorder of difficulty.
ISBN 0-486-26153-0
1. Cardtricks-Juvenileliterature.[1.Cardtricks.2.Magictricks.]I. Title.
GV7549.F82 '1989
795.4'38-dc2o 89-35382
lntroduction .*
Card magic is the most popular branch of any time with any regular deck of cards. A
magic.Card tricks can be performed almost few of the tricks require preparation. It is a
anywhereand are alwayswell received. good idea to perform two tricks together so
The person starting out in magic should that if you do one trick using a prepared deck,
have a choiceof tricks that are easyto learn, you can immediately follow it with a trick
yet strong enough to amuse and entertain that requires no preparation.
audiences.The tricks in this book are just "Patter" is the name given by magicians to
sucha collection.They canbe learnedby the the talk delivered during a trick. Patter ideas
beginnerwho has no specialskill with cards. are suggested for the tricks in this book, but
The tricks have been arranged so the you are encouraged to develop a topical line
simplestare at the beginningof the book. of patter. Good sources of patter material
Those requiring more handling are in the include popular television shows and movies,
later pages.As the reader gains confidence comics and newscasts.
with the early material,he or shecango on to The tricks in the following pages cover a
masterthe tricks that call for more attention variety of effects, from rising cards and
to detail. gambling tricks to mind reading and card
Of the many observations made about locations. Pick tricks from different cate-
magic,three are fundamental.First, practice gories, never do more than two or three card
each trick so you can perform it without tricks at one performance, and you will leave
having to stop and think about which step your audience entertained and mystified.
comesnext. Second,never repeata trick for The material in this book is drawn from
the sameaudience; someonewho asksyou to ideas of Charles Jordan, Alex Elmsley, Bob
do a trick againis really sayinghe was fooled Hummer and others. For their generous
the first time. Third, never revealhow a trick assistance in the preparation of this book I
is done. Peopleare fascinatedwith magic would like to thank Howard Wurst, Neal
tricks and like to be fooled. Keeping the T h o ma s , S a m S c h wa rt z a n d J o s ep h K .
secretsto yourself is the bestway to guaran- Schmidt.
tee your audienceswill stay fooled.
Most of the tricks in this book can be done KIRI FUI-vEs
Contents -a
The magician takes it easy in this trick. The top card of the packet under the packet. Then
spectator chooses a card, returns it to the he places the next card on the table.
deck and mixes the cards. Without ever He placesthe next card under the packet.
touching the pack, the magician reveals the Then he places the next card on top of the
chosen card. card that is on the table. He continues this
wa y , d e a lin g u n d e r-d o wn -u n d e r-d ow n ,
Method:Ask the spectator to remove eight until all of the cards have been dealt down
cards from the top of the deck. Tell him to onto the heap on the table.
mix the eight cards and choose one. Ask him to spread the packet face up on the
After the spectator notes the chosen card, table. When you look at the faces of the
he replaces it on top of the deck. Then he cards, note the card that lies fourth from the
placesthe remainder of the eight-card packet face. It is shown by the arrow in the example
on the deck. At this point the chosen card is of Figure 1. This is the chosen card.
eighth from the top of the deck. Do not reveal it yet. Close your eyes,
Have him cut off about a third of the deck. pretend to receivemystic vibrations from the
The exact number of cards is not important deck, then reveal the color, suit and value of
as long as the packet contains more than ten the chosen card. In the example of Figure 1
cards. you would say, "Your card is red, a heart.
The spectator holds the cut-off packet in Yes, I can see it clearly, the eight of hearts."
his hand. With his other hand he places the
F ig . l
HandsOff 11
+ Infallible
Prediction tricks hint that the magician can the spectator does not turn any cards over
see the future. To demonstrate this, the when he mixes them.
spectator mixes face-up and face-down cards Have him deal ten cards off the top into a
together. Then he divides the cards into two heap on the table. Turn your back while he
heaps. Each heap contains some face-up does this. Take the remaining ten cards from
cards and some face-down cards. him.
Taking one heap behind his back, the Placeyour ten-card packet under the table
magician makes an adjustment so that the or behind the back. Say that you will try to
number of face-up cards in his heap correctly predict the number of face-up cards the
predicts the number of face-up cards in the spectator has in his packet. With your cards
spectator's heap. out of sight, turn the packet over. Then bring
it into view and place it on the table.
Method:Remove any 20 cards from the deck. Have the spectator count the number of
Place ten cards face down on the table. Turn face-up cards in his packet. He might find six
the other ten cards face up. Mix the groups face-up cards. Then have him count the
together. Make sure face-up cards and face- number of face-up cards in your packet.
down cards are well mixed. There will also be six face-up cards. You can
Hand the 2O-card packet to the spectator. point out as a bonus that the number of face-
Ask him to mix the cards further. Make sure down cards also matches.
ThisIs lt!
Peopleare always impressed when you find a Holding the 16-cardpacketfacedown, the
card under seemingly impossible conditions. magiciandealsthe cards into four heapsas
In this routine you produce a card merely follows. The first card is dealt to the upper
thought of by a spectator. left, the secondcard below it, the third card
Any 16 cards are used. They are dealt face below that and the fourth card below that.
down into four heaps of four cards each.The The fifth card is dealt on top of the first, the
cards are dealt one at a time from left to sixth cardon top of the secondand soon. The
right. The spectator choosesany heap, turns dealingsequenceis shown by the numbersin
it so he can see the faces and thinks of any Figure 3. All cardsare dealt facedown.
one of the four cards. When all ro cards have been dealt, turn
The magician squares up two of the other eachheap face up. Be careful not to disturb
heaps and places one on top of the other. the order of the cards in each packetwhen
Then the heap containing the thought-of you do so. Spreadeachpacketso the facesof
card is placed face down on top. The remain- all cardsare visible.Ask the spectatorwhich
ing heap is placed on top of all, Figure 2. heapcontainshis card.
12 Infallible
When he points to a heap, take note of the from the top to the bottom of the packet.
second card from the right. In the example Then deal the next card face down onto the
shown in Figure 4,thatcard is the t S. This is table.
the chosencard. Scoopup the packet, keeping Spell, "l-T:' dealing one card for each
the cards in order. Placethe packet face down letter from the top to the bottom of the
in the left hand. packet. Deal the next card onto the table.
Say, "This trick has a name. It's called, You will have one card left in your hand.
'This is it!'I'll show you why." Name the chosen card, that is, the card you
Spell,"T-H-l-S ," dealingone card for each noted in Figure 4. In this example you would
letter from top to bottom of the packet.Then say, "This is it, the five of hearts!" Turn over
deal the next card face down onto the table. the card in hand to show you found the
Spell,"I-5," dealingone card for each letter thought-of card.
C A R .D
,EE I4
rr Fig.3
Thisls lt! 13
il Fingerprints
rtg. b
Playingthe part of a detective,the magician hand, Figure 6. Then ask him to lift off
asksa spectatorto choosea cardand bury it another third of the deck and place it on top
in the deck. Using the spectator'sfinger- of the cards in his hand.
prints, the magicianquickly finds the chosen While you turn your back or look away, ask
card. him to look at the top card of the packet in his
hand. Tell him to press his thumb against the
Method:Tell the spectatorthat you will use face of this card to leave a thumbprint. Then
the r 2 for this trick. Spreadthe deckfaceup have him placethe chosencard face down on
on the tableand removethe t 2. As you do, top of the packet in his hand.
note the bottom card of the pack.In Figure5 To bury his card, have him pick up the
the bottom card is the | 3. This will be your lower third of the deck (the portion on the
key card. table) and place'it on top of the cards in his
Turn the deck face down and place it hand.
before the spectator.Ask him to press his Take the deck from him and spread it face
thumb againstthe faceof the Y 2 so you will up from left to right on the table. Silently
have his thumbprint on file. note the card to the right of the key card. In
After he has done this, ask him to lift off Figure 7 this is the a 10. The e 10 is the
about a third of the deckandplaceit in his left chosen card. Remember this card.
14 Fingerprints
The Gambler+
Gambling tricks always hold the audience's winning hand. Let's seeif I remember how he
attention. After the spectatorcuts the deck, did it."
the magiciandealsout two poker hands.The Have the spectator deal the cut-off portion
magicianshowshe got the winning hand;he into five heaps.He doesthis by dealinga card
dealt himself the four kings. at a time from left to right. He continues
dealing until he runs out of cards.Pick up the
Method:Beforehand,placeany four of a kind first packet by grasping it at the sides.Draw
on top of the deck.We will use kings in this the top and bottom card off together as
example. When ready to perform, place the shown in Figure 8. Place the pair of cards
deckon the table.Ask the spectatorto cut off together on the table. Put the remainder of
abouthalf the pack.As he does,say,"I saw a the packet on top of the deck.
show on televisionwhere a fellow dealt the Pick up the next packet. Draw off the top
The Gambler 15
and bottom card together as before. Place spectator, one to yourself, and so on until all
this pair on top of the first pair. Put the ten cards have been dealt.
remainder of the packet on top of the deck. Turn up the spectator'shand. Say,"This is
Perform the same actions with each of the the way it looked on T.V. You got the start of
other two packets.When you finish, you will a pretty good hand. The dealer gave himself a
have a packet of ten cards on the table. hand that was even better."
Deal out two poker hands by dealinga card Turn up your hand to show the four kings.
to the spectator, one to yourself, one to the
-, Nerve
A shuffled deck is placed on the table. The Say that you are picking up too much
magician reads the spectator's mind before static.Takeyour handsaway.Sayit would be
he choosesa card. Then the spectator chooses better if the spectatorclosedhis eyes.When
a card. Immediately the magician names the he doesso,pretendto placeyour first fingers
card.Throughout the trick it appearsas if the backon his forehead.Actually, you placethe
magician never touched the deck. first and secondfingers of the right hand
there, Figure 10. To the spectatorthe situa-
Method:This trick requires more nerve than tion will feel the sameas in Figure 9.
anything else.It should be performed before Quickly and quietly spotthe top cardof the
one spectator. If any others are present they deck as shown in Figure 10. Then bring the
will catch on to the secret. hands to the sides and have the spectator
Have a spectator shuffle the deck and place open his eyes.
it on the table. He can use his own cards. Ask him to note the top card of the deck.
Stand facing him. Placethe first finger of Tell him to rememberthe card,placeit on top
eachhand on the spectator'sforehead, Figure of the deckand give the decka cut to bury the
9. The fingers should be about an inch apart. card. Touch your fingertips to his forehead
Remark that you want to take a reading of and announcethe name of the chosencard.
the spectator's thought waves.
16 Nerve
F ig , 1 1
In this trick the magicianevokesthe mystery mixed. As you do, rememberthe card third
of the Bermuda Triangle to find a chosen from the top. In Figure11 this cardis the v 5.
card.The BermudaTriangleis an areaof the Scoopup the deckandplaceit facedown on
Atlantic Oceanwhere mysteriousforcesare the table. Ask the spectator to cut it into
saidto exist. three piles.Keeptrack of which pile is the top
portion of the deck.Arrange the three piles
Method:Have the spectator shuffle and cut in the shapeof a triangle,Figure T2,A being
the deck. Spread the deck on the table to the top portion of the deck.
show the audiencethat the cards are well Say, "This trick uses the mystery of the
Bermuda Triangle 17
BermudaTriangle.That's why the cardsare top card.Ask him to concentrateon the card.
placedin the shapeof a triangle. We needto Placeone hand on B and the other hand on
adjust the cardsa little." Placea card from B C. Closeyour eyes.Say,"The three corners
onto C.Placea cardfrom.z{onto B. Studythe of the mental triangle are the color, suit and
cardsasif they are not quite right. Placetwo value of your card."The chosencard is the
cards from C onto B. Then place one card one you notedin Figure11.Sinceit is the r 5
from,rl onto C. in this example,you would say, "I see red,
Say,"l can feel the power of the triangle." heart, five. You must havechosenthe five of
Point to -Aand have the spectatorlook at the hearts."
+ Antigravity
The magician causes a card to rise mysteri- Placeit on the top edgeof the deck.Slidethe
ously from the deck. There are no gimmicks. finger back and forth along the top edge of
Any deck may be used. the cards.Saythat this generatesheat.Bring
the first finger to rest at about the center of
Method:Have a card chosen and placed on top the top edge.
of the deck. Hold the deck in the hand so the Secretly extend the little finger so it
thumb is at one long edge and the fingers at touchesthe back of the top card. The situa-
the other. The correct grip is shown in Figure tion is shown in Figure 14. The audience
13. cannot seethe extendedlittle finger because
Extend the first finger of the right hand. it is hidden by the deck.
18 Antigravity
Say, "When I rub the cards, it produces The trick canalsobe doneas follows.Hold
heat,andwe all know that heatrises."Slowly the deck as in Figure 13. Then drape a
move the right hand up about an inch. handkerchiefover the deck,but be sure to
Becausethe little finger is in contactwith the leave a portion of the top card exposedas
top card of the deck, the top card will slide shown by the arrow in Figure 15.
upward as shown in Figure 14. From the Placethe extendedforefinger on top of the
audience'sview, the top card seemsto rise deck. Then extend the little finger so it
mysteriouslyfrom the deck. touchesthe top cardat the positionshown by
When the cardhasrisen aboutan inch,curl the arrow in Figure 15. Proceedfrom here
the little finger in toward the palm. Keepthe with the handling as describedabove.The
top card in place with the left thumb and presenceof the handkerchiefseemsto isolate
fingers.Usethe extendedfirst finger to push the deckfrom the hand,makingthe trick that
the top card flush with the deckagain. much more puzzling.
Antigravity 19
The Magic Spell
Using the r A through o 7, the magician Spell "T-W-O" out loud, dealing one card
spellsout the cards in order. The spectator at a time, one for each letter, from the top of
will find it difficult or impossibleto duplicate the packet, to the bottom. When you finish,
the feat. say"Two" and turn up the next card to reveal
the two. Place the two on the table.
Method:Arrange the o A through I 7 as In the same way spell each of the remain-
shown in Figure 16, with the o 2 on top of ing cards ('THREE,""FOUR," "FM," " SIX").
the packet,the o 3 next, and so on to the o 7 In each casedeal a card from top to bottom
at the bottom. for each letter you spell, turn up the next
Hold the packetfacedown in the left hand. card and reveal the card you just spelled.
Say to the audience,"Once I took a spelling After spelling the acethrough six, you will
test. This is how it turned out." have one card remaining in the hand. Say,
Spell" A-C-E' out loud. As you do, trans- "And that leavesthe seven."Turn up the last
fer a card from the top of the packetto the card to show the seven.
bottom for eachletter. When you finish,say Say to the spectators,"Would you care to
" Ace"and turn up the top cardof the packet. fty it?" If they do not know the setup, the
It will be the ace.Placethe acefaceup on the spectators will find it difficult to duplicate
table. the feat.
? 3 A
$ $ [. 0 3o$r
$ 6
This is an unusual trick in which two picture Method:Remove the * Q and the t J from the
cards change the way they look at one deck. Fasten them together with paper clips
another. The * Q and a J are fastened to- as shown in Figure 17. Place another card
gether with paper clips, Figure 17. Another face down on top of them in the position
card is placed against them, Figure 18. The shown in Figure 18. In this example, the third
magician explains that the queen and jack card is the r 7. The jack and queen should be
had a lovers'quarrel and were not seeingeye facing away from one another. If not, turn
to eye. As shown in Figure 18, the queen them around end for end and place the face-
faces one way, the jack the opposite way. down card against them.
The cards are covered a moment. When Turn the three cards around side for side
they are next shown, the jack and queen have so they face the audience. The magician's
patched things up. Now they are gazing into view is shown in Figure 20. Point out that the
each other's eyes, Figure 19.
Love Match 21
jack and queen had a lovers'quarrel and were Hold up the three cards so the audiencecan
not seeing eye to eye. see them. Point out that the jack and queen
Place the three cards behind the back or have made up. Now they face one another.
under the table. When they are concealed ln some decks the * Q and e J have a
from the spectator's view, turn them around different design and will not face properly to
end for end, Figure 21. Then slide the third perform the trick. In this caseyou can usually
card (the | 7 in our example) downward to find other picture cards in the deck that will
the position shown inFigure 22. work just as well.
22 Love Match
Novelty tricks are a good change of pace. In Place the deck face down on the table.
this amusing routine the spectator cuts off a Have the spectator cut off half and place the
packet of cards and deals the packet into cut-off upper portion aside. He then deals
three heaps. He places the top card of each the lower half into three packets.Ask him to
heap in his pocket. Using the X-ray vision of place the top card of each packet into his
the o J, the magician reveals the value of pocket.
each hidden card. Any borrowed deck may be Point the glass at the spectator's pocket.
used for this trick. Then hold the glassto your ear as if listening
to a telephone message. Slowly recite the
Method:When the borrowed deck is handed to values of the cards you memorized. In our
you, hold the cards so you can see the faces. example you would say, "The jack says he
As you spread the cards looking for the o J, saw a two, a nine and a five in your pocket."
remember the values of the three cards at the The spectator removes the three cards and
bottom (or face) of the deck. In Figure 23 verifies that the jack has perfect vision.
these cards are a 2, 9 and 5. Just remember With practice you can memorize the value
t h e m a s 29 5 . and suit of each of the bottom three cards.
Remove the o J. Suy, "Normally, the jack Then you can reveal the completeidentity of
has 20l20 vision." As you speak,tap the jack each of the three cards.
into a glass,Figure 24. Say,"With glasses,he
gains X-ray vision."
Twenty-Twenty 23
€ Mind Over Matter
Audiences are always impressed by tricks in his card.Placethis heapon top of one of the
which the magician seems to read the spec- remaining packets.Finally placethe heapon
tator's mind. This is one such card routine. top of the one remainingpacket.
The magician reveals a card only thought of Deal out five packetsof five cards each.
by the spectator. Deal as before by taking the cards one at a
time off the top and dealing from left to
Method:Deal out five packets of five cards right.
each. Take the cards one at a time from the When you have dealt out all 25 cards,ask
top of the deck, dealing from left to right. the spectatorto find the packetthat contains
When you have dealt out 25 cards,place the his thought-of card. Make sure the order of
rest of the deck aside, the cardsin eachpacketis maintained.Take
Ask a spectator to choose one packet, mix the packetfrom him and spreadit so you can
the cards and remember any card in the seethe faces.
packet. Have him mix the cards once more. Removethe centercardof the packet(that
Then he replacesthe packet on the table. is, the cardthat liesthird from the top).Place
Pick up any packet that does not contain it face down on the table. Ask him to name
his card. Drop it onto any other packet that his card. Then have him turn over the card
does not contain his card. Drop this com- on the table to revealvou found the correct
bined heap on top of the packet that contains card.
+ The MessageDeck
Card tricks shouldentertain aswell asbaffle To do the trick, count 26 cardsoff the top
the audience.In this routine the cardsact as of the deck. Place the paper on the lower
if programmedlike a computer. packet so you can seethe word "Stop!" and
The magicianplacesa messagein the deck. placethe upperpacketbackon top, Figure25.
A freely chosencard is found by a processof Say, "This deck is programmed to find a
elimination. It turns out the messagecor- card."Deal t6 cardsoff the top of the deck.
rectlypredictswhen the cardwould be found. Let the spectatormix the 't 6-cardpacketand
chooseone card.Ask him to placethe chosen
Method:Tear a pieceof paper so it is a little card on top of the lower portion of the deck
smaller than a playing card. On one side (that is, on top of the packetthat containsthe
write "Stopl" On the other side write "The message).Then placethe IS-card packeton
last card!" Place the paper in your pocket top of all.
until you are ready to perform. Say, "The deck is programmed in an odd
The MessageDeck 25
# GamblertsDream
In this routine, the magician shows how the can initial the faceof his card to make sure he
gambler stacksthe deck. In the process,two remembers it.
chosen cards are found in a surprising way. Placeyour packet on top of the spectator's.
Any deck may be used. Place the spectator's chosen card on top of
the packet. Then drop the packet on top of
Method: Remove five black cards and place your chosen card. At this point, the spec-
them face down in a heap in front of the tator's card is on top of the packet and your
spectator. Remove five red cards and place card is on the bottom.
them face down in a heap in front of yourself . Hold the packet by the ends with the left
You and the spectator each choose a card hand. Draw off the top and bottom cards
from your respective packets. The chosen together with the right hand, Figure 28.
cards are placedface down on the table. The Place this pair of cards on the table.
situation is shown in Figure 27.Each person Draw off the next pair of cardsin the same
26 Gambler'sDream
way (one from the top and one from the yourself, the next card to the spectator,the
bottom). Placethis pair of cardson top of the next to yourself,and so on until all ten cards
first pair. have beendealt.
Continue drawing off pairs of cards the Say,"All my cardsare black exceptthe red
sameway, placingeachpair on top of those card I chose."Turn up your packetto show
on the table, until all five pairs have been four blacksplus the chosenred card.
dealt. As you do this, say, "That's how the "And all your cardsare red exceptthe black
gamblerstacksthe cards." card you chose."Turn up his poker hand to
Placethe packetfacedown in the left hand. show all red cards except the chosenblack
Deal out two handsof pokerby dealinga card card.Say,"No wonder somegamblerswin all
off the top to the spectator,the next card to the time!"
A Fortune=
= A, 21 3.
= tr,5 , 6 .
T H A NK S : 7 ,8 9
This is a simple way for a lucky person to win The spectatorchoosesa cardfrom his own
a big prize. The magician shows the chart deckand wins (what else?)the pieceof paper
shown in Figure 29. He explains that if the expressingthe magician'sthanks.
spectator chooses an ace, two or three, he
wins a new toy car. If he choosesfour, five or Method: When the borroweddeckis handedto
six, he wins a million dollars in play money. you, cut any 7,8 or 9 to the top. The way to
On the other hand, if he choosesseven,eight do this is as follows.Sayyou spot the r 7 in
or nine, he wins an expression of thanks the middle of the pack. Cut the deck and
from the magician. completethe cut so the t 7 is now on top.
A Fortune 27
Count 26 cards off the top into a heap on When he has cut off a packet, pick up the
the table. Count the cards one at a time off remainder of the deck and count 25 cards off
the top. Make sure you count carefully so the top, one at a time, onto a heap on the
you have exactly 26 cards.Then pick up the table. Placethe rest of the deck aside.
counted heap and placeit on top of the deck. Ask him to count the number of cards he
The i 7 is now twenty-sixth from the top of cut. Say he cut '1.4cards. Have him count to
the deck. the fourteenth card in the 21-card heap. It
On a piece of paper jot down the chart will be the .r 7.
shown in Figure 29. Place the deck on the He then consults the chart to discoverthat
table. Ask the spectator to cut off about a all he has won is your thanks. Gently tell
quarter of the deck. The number of cards he him, "Better luck next time."
takes is not important as long as he cuts off
less than half the deck.
Lucky Seven
The spectatorchoosesa card and returns it to Placethe deck face down on the table. Ask
the pack. The magician causesa card to turn the spectator to cut off about half the deck,
face up in the pack mysteriously. This card is remove a card and replacethe cut packet back
a seven-spot.He counts seven cards off and on the deck.
turns up the chosen card. He looks at the card he cut to and placesit
on top of the deck.Then he cuts the deck and
Method:Before you perform the trick, place a completes the cut to bury the chosen card.
reversed seven-spoteighth from the bottom Say, "No one in the deck claimed to know
of the deck,Figure 30. An easyway to do this where the chosen card was. That's why it
is to remove the * 7 and place it aside. Deal was called a pack of lies. But Sam did have an
sevencards face down off the top of the deck informant."
onto a heap on the table. Placethe * 7 f aceup Snap the fingers. Spreadthe cardsbetween
on top of the heap. Then placethe rest of the the hands to reveal the reversed seven.Place
deck face down on top of all. This preparation all the cards above the * 7 on the table. Deal
is done secretly. the seven onto the table.
Tell the audience,"This is a detectivestory Say, "That seven told Sam he was seven
about a private eye named Sam Seven. He steps away from his man." Count seven
practiced his trade by tracking down chosen cards off the remainder of the deck. Turn up
cards." the next card and it will be the chosen card.
28 LuckySeven
D r .a &
The psychicknown as Dr. Q had no trouble Method:You will need a deck of cards, an
predicting the future. To show the kind of envelopeand a pieceof paper.On the address
thing he coulddo, the magiciandealscardson side of the envelope write the words "A
the table to form the letter Q. The spectator PREDICTION." Placethe envelopeon the
picks a number and counts that number of table so the addresssideis down.
cardstwice to arrive at a chosencard.In the Have the spectatorshuffle and cut his own
manner of Dr. Q, the magician correctly deckof cards.Lay out 15 cardsfaceup in the
predictswhich card would be chosen. shapeof the letter Q as shown in Figure 31.
Dr. Q 29
T !
Remark that Dr. Q used this layout as his left until he hascountedthe chosennumber.
trademark. If the spectatorchosethe number six, then
Pick up pencil and paper. Secretly note the he would count six cards from ,,1 in the
card that lies in the three-o'clock position on direction of the arrows in Figure 31, ending
the circular layout. In other words, if you up at the cardin the nine-o'clockposition.He
picture the circular layout as a clock face with placesthe penny on this card.
the tail of the Q at the six-o'clock position, Remove the tail of the Q. These are the
you will predict the card that is at the cardsshownasA, B and C in Figure31.Place
position marked by the X in Figure 31. Fold them on the deck as you say, "It'll speed
the prediction and place it in the envelope. things up if we get theseout of the way."
Turn each card face down in place. The From the card where the penny is, the
situation at this point is as indicated in Figure spectatorcountsthe samenumber of cardsin
31, only all cards are now face down. a counterclockwise direction.In our example,
Ask the spectator for a number between the spectator chose the number six. He
five and 15. Placea penny on the card shown movesthe penny six spacesas shown by the
as z{ in Figure 31. Moving the penny from the arrow in Figure 32. The penny will now rest
card labeled,,{,the spectator counts up to the on the card at the three-o'clockposition.
30 Dr. Q
Have him turn this card over. Say,"Before
we started,I wrote a prediction." Hold up the
envelope, Figure 33, to show you did indeed
write "A PREDICTION" on the envelope. PngotcTroN
Then open the envelope,have the prediction
read and show that it matches the card on
which the penny now rests. Fig.33
The day may not be far of f when robotswill the top card of the deck. We will assumethis
perform card tricks. In this trick a joker is card is the a 9.
used insteadof a robot. It correctlyreveals Remove the joker and openly place it on
the identity of two chosencards. the bottom of the deck. Then place the deck
face down in front of the spectator. Have him
Method: When the borroweddeckis handedto grasp a packet of cards from the top of the
you, hold it so you can seethe facesof the deck with his left hand, and then another
cards.Spreadthe cardsas you remark that packet with the right hand. He placesthe two
you will need the joker for this trick (if no packets on the table as shown in Figure 34.
iokeris present,usethe e K). Whenyou look Packet.4 came from the top of the deck. The
through the deckfor the joker, secretlynote o 9 is on top of this packet.
Remove the joker from the bottom of example. Pick up the top card of packet .,1.
packet C and placeit face up on top of packet Hold it face down over the joker.
C. Say, "When my assistant isn't available, Then say,"He thinks this card is the three
the joker helps olrt." of diamonds." Now name the card you
Pick up the top card of packet B. Keep it glimpsed in Figure 35. Placethis card in the
face down. Hold it over the joker for a same pocket.
moment. Say, "The joker thinks this card is Say, "The joker guessed that the cards
the nine of diamonds." Here you name the would be the nine of diamonds and the three
card you previously noted as the top card of of diamonds. Let's see how well he did."
the deck. Remove the two cards. Toss them out face
Place the card into your jacket or shirt up to show the joker was correct in both
pocket. As you do, glance at the face of the cases.
card, Figure 35. The card is the r 3 in our
Ctazy Colors
The spectator shuffles the two halves of the remaining 13 blackson top of all. The assem-
deck together. The deck is cut into three bled deck looks like Figure 36. Placethe deck
heaps. Instantly it is shown that one heap in its case.
contains all red cards, and another all black. When ready to perform, remove the deck
from its case.Ask the spectator to count 26
Method:PlaceL3 blacksin a heap on the table. cards off the top, one at a time, into a heap on
Place 26 reds on top of them, and the the table. Then have him riffle shuffle the
32 Ctazy Colors
/3 8zA cK,s
26 R.EDS
/3 A/.AC/<S
two halves of the deck together as shown in Wave the red card over the packet that was
Figure 37. Choose a spectatorwho can riffle on top of the deck originally. Say, "Red
the packetstogether evenly. attracts red." Turn this packet face up and
Have him square the deck and place it on spread it on the table to reveal all red cards.
the table.Ask him to cut off about two-thirds Wave the black card over the packet that
of the deck and placethis packet to the right was originally on the bottom of the deck.
of the bottom third. Then have him cut off Say, "Black attracts black." Turn this packet
about half the larger packet and place this to face up. Spread it on the table to show all
the right of the other two packets. black cards.
Pick up the middle packet, mix the cards A n o t h e r t ric k u s in g c o lo rs is " A s t r a l
and turn them so you can see the faces. Mind," which is describednext. It can be used
Remove a red card and a black card. Put the as a follow-up routine to"Crazy Colors."
mixed packet aside.
CrazyColors 33
--- --:
Fig.38 Fig.39
The magician removes some red cards and and that the face-upcards (the e 4 and ) 2in
some black cards from the deck. The spec- Figure 3s) will be used to record his guesses.
tator does not know which cards are which Place the packet behind the back. Remove
color, yet he succeedsin correctly guessing the bottom card. Unknown to the audience,
the colors of all cards. this card is red. Hold it face down as you
bring it around in front..Ask the spectatorif
Method:When the borrowed deck is handed to he thinks the card is red. If he saysyes, place
you, hold it with the facestoward you. Make it face down on the face-up ) 2.
sure no one elsecan seethe facesof the cards. If he says no, place it behind the back.
Remove a red card and placeit face down on Pretend to remove another card from the
the table. Then remove a black card and place packet. Bring the same card out in front
it on top of the red. Next remove a red card again. Say,"Do you think this cardis red?" lf
and placeit on the cardsthat are on the table. he saysyes, placeit face down on the face-up
Next remove a black, then a red, and so on, t 2.If he says no, place it behind the back,
alternating the colors until you have a heap pretend to remove another card, then bring
of ten cards on the table. The colors will the same card out again.
alternate black-red from top to bottom. After the spectator has said yes to a red
Placethe deck aside.Hold the packetof ten card, place the packet behind the back. Re-
cards face down. Withdraw the top card, turn move the new bottom card. Unknown to the
it face up and place it on the table. Withdraw audience, this card is black. Bring the card
the next card and placeit faceup a few inches into view. Say, "Do you think this card is
from the first card. The situation will be as black?" If the spectator answers yes, place it
shown in Figure 38. face down on top of the four of spades.
Say that you are going to ask the spectator If he says no, bring the card behind the
to guess the colors of the remaining cards back, pretend to remove another card from
34 AstralMind
the packet,but bring the samecardinto view card left. Tossthis face-downcard onto the
again.Make sure to keepall cardsfacedown a 4. At the finish the situationwill appearas
so the spectatorscannot seethe faces.Say, in Figure 39. Remind the spectatorthat he
"Do you think thiscard is black?" If he says had a free choiceon every card.
yes,placeit facedown on top of the r 4. If he Turn over the cards on the face-upblack
says no, return the card behind the back, card to show he guessedcorrectly on all the
pretend to take another card, but bring out blacks. Turn over the other four cards to
the samecard. show he guessedcorrectlyon all the reds.
Continue in this way until you have one
a\ D\
In this baffling trick the spectator shuffles r 3. Tuck the flap into the cardcaseon top of
the deckand removessix cards.The namesof the 3 asshownin Figure41.Then slidethe
these cards are jotted down on a piece of rest"of the deckinto the case,Figure42. This
paper. The magician crossesout one card, say completesthe preparation.
the r 3, from the list. Immediately the 3 When performing the trick, remove the
vanishes from the deck. It is found inside the deck from the case and hand it out to be
card case. shuffled. Unknown to the audience,the r 3
is still insidethe card case.
Method:Before the performance, put one card When the deckhasbeenshuffled,havethe
into the card case.In Figure 40 this card is the spectatordealoff the top six cards.Hand him
Flyaway 35
pencil and paper. As you read off the names Take the list from the spectator.Say,"I'm
of the six cards,ask him to jot them down on goingto pickonecardfrom the list andtry to
the paper. make it disappear."Crossout the r 3. Snap
Hold the six cards so you alone can see the the fingersover the deckandsay,"The three
faces. Name the first four cards correctly. of heartshasvanished."
When you get to the fifth card, name the y 3 Let the spectatorexamine the deck to
(that is, name the card hidden inside the card verify that the 3 is no longer in the deck.
case).Name the sixth card correctly. When he hasdone " this,pickup the cardcase.
Placethe six cards on top of the deck, cut Pull out the flap, then tap the card case
the deck and complete the cut. Then give the againstthe deck.Turn the card caseover so
deck a quick shuffle to mix the cards. the r 3 falls out onto the table.
*, The Secret
The spectator takes any 72 cards from the you cannot seehow many cardshe transfers.
deck and mixes them. He notes a card and its Take the packet. Say, "The problem is to
position in the packet. Then he alters the put your card back in its original position,
position of the chosen card. Although the even though I don't know your card."
magician does not know the card or its Hold the packet face down in the hand.
position, he is able to restore the card to its Deal cards off the top, one at a time, to form
original position in the packet. two heaps.The first card is dealt to the left,
the next card to the right, the next to the left,
Method:Let the spectator take any 12 cards the next to the right, and so on until all tZ
from the deck and mix them. While you turn cards have been dealt.
your back, he writes a number from one to Place the left-hand heap on top of the
six on a piece of paper. Then he notes the right-hand heap. Say,"l want to check that
card at that position from the top of the I've got it right." Deal the packet into a face-
packet. down heap by dealing the cards off the top,
For example, he might write the number one at a time, until all 'L2 cards have been
three. The third card might be the * 7. Ask dealt.
the spectator to write the name of the card Ask the spectator for the original position
on the paper. Then he hides the paper. of his card. In this example he will say his
Whatever the position of the card, ask him card was third from the top. He counts to the
to transfer that many cards one at a time third card and discovers that his card is
from the bottom to the top of the packet. indeed back in its original position.
Turn your head aside while he does this so
36 The Secret
In this trick the spectatorchoosesa card and only the face card that is face down. The rest
returns it to the deck. The magician doesnot of the deckis faceup. Be careful not to spread
know the card, yet he makes it reverse itself the cards when the spectator returns his card
in the pack. to the deck.
Place the deck behind your back. Say you
Method:Use any borrowed deck. Spread the will try to find the card in less than three
cardsface down between the hands and have seconds.When the pack is out of sight, turn
the spectatorchoosea card. While he looks at the face down card over and replace it on the
the card, say that you want to mix the cards face of the deck.
behind your back. Turn the deck over so it is face down. Bring
When you place the pack behind the back, the deck into view. Say, "I found your card
turn it over so it is faceup. Turn the facecard and put it back in the deck in less than three
over so it is face down. Put it back on the face seconds."The audiencemay not believeyou,
of the deck as shown in Figure 43. so you add,"Of courseI put it backreversed."
Keep the deck squared and bring it into Spread the deck face down on the table.
view. Have the spectatorreturn his card face The spectator's card will be face up in the
down to the pack as shown in Figure 44. The middle of the pack as shown in Figure 45.
deck appears to be face down but really it is
I / z, Fig.44
' /1 \.'
SurpriseReverse 37
e MagneticFingers
The spectator chooses one of four cards. palm down on the table with the fingers
Each card is placed under one of the spec- outstretched. Then have him curl the second
tator's fingers. The spectator can lift each (middle) finger in under the palm. Slip the
finger freely, but due to a mysterious mag- top card of the packet under his thumb, the
netic effect, he cannot lift the finger that next card under his first (index) finger, the
contacts the chosen card. next card under his third finger and the final
card under his little finger. The situation is
Method: Remove any four cards from the shown in Figure 46.
deck.Let the spectatorchooseone, show it to Remark that there is a magnetic force
the others and placeit face down on the table. between his card and his hand. Tap the
Drop the other three cards face down on top spectator's thumb. Say, "Lift your thumb."
of it. The spectator has no trouble doing this.
State that you will mix the cards. Take the Tap his first finger. Say, "Lift this finger."
top card off the packet and place it under the He has no trouble doing so.
packet. Take the next card and put it face Now tap his third finger. Say, "Lift this
down on the table. Placethe next card under finger." He will find it difficult or impossible
the packet,and the next on top of the card of to lift this finger. Say, "The force is keeping
the table. Place the next card under the you from lifting your finger. What card did
packet and the next card on top of the packet you choose?"
on the table. Placethe last card on top of the When he names the card, slidethe card out
packet on the table. from under his third finger. Turn it over to
Ask the spectator to place his right hand show it is the chosen card.
38 Magnetic Fingers
EasyAces #
ln this trick the spectator is given temporary D where the packet was originally. Then he
magical powers. He cuts the deck into four deals one card onto -z{,B and C. He replaces
heaps. Then he deals cards from the top of packet D in its original position.
each heap onto the other heaps. When he Next he picks up packet C. He deals three
turns over the top card of each heap, he finds cards off the top of C into position C on the
that he has located the four aces. table where the packet was originally. He
dealsa card onto.,{, B and D. Then he replaces
Method:Beforehand, place the four aces on packet C in its original position.
top of the deck. Leave the deck in the case Next he picks up packet B. He deals three
until the time of performance. cards off the top of B into position B on the
When presenting the trick, state that some table where the packet was originally. He
peopleare lucky at cards.They seemto know deals a card onto .4, C and D. Then he
where the good cards are. As you speak, replacespacket B in its original position.
remove the deck from the caseand placeit on Finally, he picks up packet A. He deals
the table. Have the spectator cut the deck in three cards off the top of Ainto position-,{ on
half, Figure 47. Keep track of which packet the table where the packet was originally. He
has the aceson top. dealsa card onto B, C and D. Then he replaces
Tell the spectator to cut each packet in half . packet,,{ in its original position.
The result will be as shown in Figure 48. Say, "Lel's see how lucky you are." Turn
Keep track of where the aces are. In our up the top card of one packet, then the top
example, they are on top of packet z{. card of another packet, then the top card of
Have the spectator pick up the packet at each of the remaining packets to reveal the
the opposite end of the row (packet D in our four aces.
example). He deals three cards into position
" olg- l -
A^ B C D
EasyAces 39
ffi Atomic Aces
I \
LES. : l
l::i:i:Li:i:i:i:i::::::::::I ffi
ITffii-X r.,jffiJ
This is a good routine to follow the previous on top of C, and these on top of D. The packet
trick, after the aceshave been produced. Deal in your hand is then placed on top of the
the aces face down into a row on the table. five-card packet. Hand the complete packet
Then deal three cards on top of each ace, to the spectator.
Figure 49. He deals the cards into four rows on the
Pick up the packet on the left and place it table, dealing from left to right, one card at a
on the next packet.Placethese on top of the time, until all16 cardshave been dealt.There
next packet and these on top of the last are now four heaps of four cards each.
packet. Hold the combined packet in the left Take the last card he dealt and turn it face
hand. up. It will be an ace. Say, "There's an ace
Say,"The acesattract one another. Let me buried in each packet. The old saying is that
show you what I mean." Deal a row of four birds of a feather flock together. It works
cards by dealing cards one at a time off the with aces as well."
top of the packet on the table. Then deal the Exchange the ace with the top card of the
fifth card on top of the first. The situation is packet next to it. Pick up the packet on which
shown in Figure 50. Say, "Maybe it would be you just placed the ace. Snap the fingers.
better if you dealt the cards." Turn all four cards face up to reveal that the
Placethe cards at,,{ on top of B. Placethese aces have gathered in this packet.
40 Atomic Aces
A B c D
Levitation =iF
A playing card mysteriously floats behind it backand forth. Say,"This causesthe card
the hands as shown in Figure 51. There is no to fall under a deepspell."Placethe cardsoit
preparation. Any card may be used. overlapsthe nearedgeof the table,Figure52.
Bring the handsbelowthe edgeof the table
so the handscannotbe seenby the spectator.
Method:The trick is done while seated at the Interlace the fingers as indicatedin Figure
table. Put a card face down on the table. Rub 52.
levitation 41
Slide the right second(middle)finger out
and put the right first (index) finger in its
place.The situation is asshown in Figure53.
Keeping the hands below the edgeof the
table, bring them to a position under the
card.Usethe thumbs to draw the cardoff the
table and into the palm. Unknown to the
audience,you are holding the card in place
with the middlefinger asshown in Figure54.
Now bring the hands up into view. The
audienceseesthe situationdepictedin Figure
51. If the card is held firmly in place,you can
shakethe handsup and down to indicatethat
the card clingsmysteriouslyto the hands.
Say, "Eventually the spell wears off ."
Quickly pull the hands apart. The card falls
to the table.
42 Levitation
TripleMystery +
In this impressive mystery the magician into three heaps.He dealsone card at a time
matches three cardschosenby the spectator. from his left to his right. Wait until he has
dealt all the cards in his packet.
Method:The o 4, & 9 and I J are arranged on Pick up the bottom half of the deck. Deal it
top of the deck. The * I, 9 and I 4 are into three heaps,dealing a card at a time from
arranged on the bottom ^
of the deck. The your left to your right.
setup is shown in Figure SS.This preparation Say, "The cards send signals that can
is done secretly. sometimes be picked up with the fingers."
To present the trick, place the deck face Place your finger on top of each of the
down on the table. Ask the spectator to cut spectator'spackets,Figure 56. Pick up your
the deck into two heaps. Hand him the top leftmost packet.
half of the deck. Ask him to deal this packet Place this packet out of sight behind the
Triple Mystery 43
backor under the table.Say,"Let's seeif I can Turn over the spectator'spackets. Say,
find somematching cards."When the packet "Your cardsare a red four, a blacknine and a
is out of sight, take the top card and placeit blackjack.Let'sseehow I did."
on the bottom. Then replacethe packeton Turn over your packetsto show you picked
the table. a red four, a black nine and a black jack,
Perform the same actionswith the other exactlymatchinghis cards.The order of your
two packets you dealt. Then say, "lf I'm cardsmay not match the order of his, but the
lucky, I've beenable to match your cards." valueswill alwaysmatch.
+ FastFind
The magician removes three cards of the this card is an ace,so you would remove the
samevalue,showsthem to the audienceand other three acesfrom the deck.
mixes them into the deck.Then, by tossing On rare occasions you will find that the top
the deckfrom hand to hand, he finds all four two cardsof the deckare the samevalue. In
cardsof the samevalue. thesecases,simplycut the deck,completethe
cut and start again.
Method:Spreadthe deck between the hands In our examplethree aceshave been re-
soyou canseethe facesof the cards.Note the moved from the deck. Show the aces and
card secondfrom the top of the deck.What- placethem in a face-downrow on the table,
ever its value, remove the other three cards Figure 58. Hold the deck face down. Deal a
of the samevaluefrom the pack.InFigure57 card off the top onto 24,the next card onto B
A B c
4 FastFind
and the next onto C. Pick up packet,,{and put Say, "Let's mix the cards even further."
it on top of the deck. Take the top card and bury it in the middle of
Deal the top card of the deck onto B and the the pack. Transfer the new top card to the
next card onto C. Pick up packet B and placeit bottom. Bury the next card in the middle.
on top of the deck. Transfer the next card to the bottom.
Deal the top card of the deck onto C. Place Hold the deck as in Figure 59 with the
packet C on top of the deck. Unknown to the thumb on top, fingers on the bottom. Toss
audience,the acesare at positions 2,4,5 and the deck from hand to hand. As you do, hold
6 from the top. the top and bottom card in place,Figure 60.
Note that in Figure 60 the deck is caught in
the oppositehand so the thumb is on top and
the fingers below.
Toss the deck onto the table, but retain the
top and bottom card as shown in Figure 61.
Say, "V'le started with three aces,but we
finish with all four aces."Turn over the cards
in each hand to show you have caught the
four aces.
FastFind 45
w HiddenDiamonds
3$$ $
$$ $
$ $q
People enjoy a good story with a surprise table. Remove the packet of '1,2cards from
ending. This is a card trick in which three the pocket and hold it face down in the hand.
boys seek diamonds. They find the treasure Say, "This is a story that uses nine cards."
in an unexpectedway. Push over the top three cards. Place them
face up in an overlapping row on the table,
Method:Twelve cards are stacked from the Figure 62. Say,"On the outskirts of a certain
top down as follows: o 8- ) 4- . 6- t J- c J- town there was a diamond mine with dia-
i I - r Q- e Q - o Q- o 7-. 5-r 3. Have t h is monds hidden somewhere. I don't have real
packet of cards in the pocket until the time of diamonds with me, so I'll use these."
performance. Placethe balanceof the deck in Scoop up the three cards, turn them face
the card case. down and place them on the bottom of the
When ready to perform, remove the deck packet.
from the caseand place it face down on the Say, "Three boys went looking for the
46 Hidden Diamonds
diamonds."Push over the top three cardsof the table in scatteredfashion. "When their
the packet.Placethem face up in an over- mothers found out, they got in a car and
lapping row on the table to show the three went looking for the boys."Dealoff the next
jacks.Then scoopup the jacks,turn them three cards. Without showing their faces,
face down and placethem on the bottom of placethe three cardsin the card case.
the packet. "They drove around,got lost and endedup
Say, "The other players in this story are in a caveunderthe diamondmine."Placethe
their three mothers, who worried about card caseon the table.Put the deckon top of
them." Takethe three top cardsof the packet it, Figure 63.
and placethem faceup in an overlappingrow "The ladies were able to dig themselves
on the table to show the three queens. out." This is the first surpriseof the story.
Scoopup the queens,turn them facedown Turn up the top three cards of the deck to
and placethem on the bottom of the packet. revealthe three queens.
Placethe packeton top of the deck.Then "ln the processthey found a bushel of
pick up the deckand hold it facedown in the diamonds."Turn up all six cardson the table
left hand. Say,"Of coursethe diamondswere to show they are all diamonds.
scatteredabout." Deal the top three cards "And where were the three boys?Asleep
facedown on the table.Leavespacebetween in the back seat of the car." Placethe deck
the cards. aside.Slide the three cards out of the card
"One night the boys sneakedout looking caseand show the three jacks.
for treasure." Deal the next three cards on
Hidden Diamonds 47