Analytical Competency 8
Analytical Competency 8
Analytical Competency 8
Analytical Competency
Its becoming more apparent with each passing day that, in the face of longestablished tenets of competition, and with an ever decreasing scope for differentiation, that the analytical capabilities of companies emerge as a new and decisive factor, providing a highly effective way to add differentiation and value to companies. The use of complex techniques of data analysis and the development of technological tools capable of handling massive amounts of data, add value to each department and to the organization as a whole. By applying analytical procedures, we can discern not only what consumers buy, but also how much they are prepared to pay for it and what keeps them loyal to a brand. We can also assess the effectiveness of each Marketing activity and use analysis as a tool to set realistic goals. And, for instance, not only getting to know what your inventories are, but also to predict and foresee what the situation will be in the future. The results are evident. The main American companies have long been using these techniques and the benefits have become apparent. It is essential for all decision-makers to possess Analytical Competency. Its a question of providing a new tool in order to get the best evidence to make the best decisions: big and small, every day.
In a world where data information becomes more important every day , the analytical competency of Companies turns out to be a key factor when it comes to standing out from the competition.
Its not enough to add and subtract, we need to model and optimize
Analytical Competency is in the center: below, all the Departments; above, the Top Management.
Top Management Support: It is no use implementing changes in corporate culture, the processes and staff training, if those in management positions within the company do not take on a leading role in the development of Analytical Competency. The chief advocate of the companys revamping based on analytical principles should be the Chief Executive Officer. There are many instances of CEOs who have revamped their companies in this respect. Here is a funny but illuminating anecdote: Barry Beracha, who was CEO for Sara Lee, kept a sign on his desk saying, In God we trust; all others, bring data. That should be our stance. An appreciation and understanding of the subject is required. It is not necessary to have formal training in Statistics, but it is essential to be able to understand the principles behind data analysis. Often the best option is to have one or several trusted experts, who are knowledgeable about the subject and which at the same time are experienced consultants: university professors, analytical consultants, etc.
What to measure
It is a question of improving, through measurement and modeling, different functions within the Company :
Sell-In Channel
Model Sell-in Sales and their relation with Sell-out, to minimize safety stock levels and optimize distribution.
Sell-Out Channel
Model Sell-Out Sales as a function of the different Marketing variables, as Advertising and Promotions.
In those cases where there is a Customer Database, identify those customers with a greater profit potential for the Company.
Identify and perform quality assurance follow-ups for the different products and services
A better understanding of the variables which determine the financial development of Companies and those which dont do it.
Modeling of the Internet page access statistics. Monitoring surfing page performance.
There is neither a limit nor a fixed number of functions in the implementation of Analytical Competency It is not a question of changing the structure of Companies, but of providing analytical solutions for every phase.
Technology is essential to gather, display and handle information quickly and effectively.
Importance of Technology
Hand in hand with research into the best statistical techniques that can be applied, the research should identify the best technology both for displaying and for managing the results. On the one hand, we talk about technology when considering Database construction. In order to handle the data in an orderly fashion, it will be very important that the various sources extrapolate the data in a standard format in such a way that they can be integrated with one another, to have them available from a common tool, so that whatever data is extracted can be guaranteed to be supplied from official Company sources. But on the other hand, we also talk about Technology at the time of presenting the analyses, the reports, the different management practices. This technology is presented in the form of a Control Panel, allowing the top management within companies to have fast access to the evolution and current situation of the basic business indicators. Finally, the hardware is also Technology and therefore, we must not forget to keep up to date with the latest generation of processors, capable of handling massive amounts of data quickly and easily.
Summing up
Companies that choose to take the lead in Analytical Competency in the age of data and technology must: Have the right approach: to know where to focus their first efforts and how to organize implementation. Have the right culture: where measurement, contrast and the qualitative evaluation of evidence are held in high esteem. Have the right people: with analytical training at least sufficient to work with experts in the field. Have the right technology: you cant compete in analysis without competing in technology.
Take the test below to find out if your company is prepared to Compete in the New Analytical Era
Are you willing to apply sophisticated Information Systems and rigorous analytical methods at all levels in your company? Are you prepared to invest in the required resources? Are your top executives aware of the need to evaluate and justify with facts their decisions? Is there a Group of Analytical Minds capable of leading the implementation process? Is this new analytical approach being gradually introduced into corporate culture? Is analytical ability one which is being valued in the new recruitment process? Do you make a point of developing your own and your employees analytical skills? Do you make a point of thinking about the new quantitative indicators (metrical) which will help you improve the analytical patterns of your company? Do you ask your suppliers to provide you with details on what data they are handling in order to help you to better understand the processes? Do you promote change and innovation to learn on a small scale before large scale implementation? Have you already established a measurement method to evaluate the degree of implementation of this new analytical culture on your Annual Reports? If you scored less than 9 YES your company IS NOT READY TO COMPETE IN THE NEW ANALYTICAL ERA
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