Deloitte Analytics

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The pressure is on

How to thrive in chaos: Its an age-old challenge

that spans economic changes, changing regulatory
environments, nancial market highs and lows, and
the vagaries of the market. The issues that companies
face today are numerous and difcult: slow growth, the
need to constantly rene the product mix, increased
demand for transparency, pricing pressures from lower-
cost competitors, increased marketing costs, and shifting
product distribution channels to name but a few.
Now, more than ever, companies rely on their
information systems to provide critical data on their
markets, customers, and business performance in
order to understand what has happened, what is
happening and to predict what might happen.
As usual, customer retention is essential and companies
should scan the masses of data that inundate them
on a daily basis to identify customers at risk and proactively
reach out to those customers. They should also examine
ways to increase customer interaction effectiveness
by identifying their most protable customers and
choosing the right products, services, and distribution
channels for those customers.
Achieving Analytics Excellence
Part One: Organizing the Analytics
Center of Expertise
Further, its essential for most companies to rene their
marketing efforts. They require the capability to analyze
crucial market and demographic data to help them create
targeted marketing lists, increase customer acquisition
rates, and reduce overall customer costs. Finally, developing
new product pricing strategies is key and many leading
companies are using predictive modeling techniques to
develop pricing and protability scenarios and increase the
effectiveness of their pricing strategies.

However, these efforts are often hobbled by inadequate or
fragmented data management and analytics capabilities.
The causes are myriad. Information technology (IT) systems
cobbled together after mergers and/or acquisitions,
geographic disparities, and inadequate data management
strategies are common issues. These issues often lead to a
lack of common analytics standards, methods, metrics, and
tools across the enterprise.
The result of this fragmentation is typically manifested by
poor visibility into business performance and difculty in
performing sophisticated and deep analytics activities. At
many companies, the lack of coordination across groups
delivering analytics can also lead to duplication of efforts
and further hampers their ability to track and improve
business performance. Almost inevitably, these companies
suffer reduced quality of output, higher costs to deliver
products and services, and impaired decision making.
One solution: The Analytics Center of Expertise
These challenges are steep, but not insurmountable. One
solution that some leading companies are implementing
to help them meet these challenges is to build an analytics
Center of Expertise (COE). Centers of Expertise are not a
new idea. In fact, many companies already have COEs for
other areas in IT, such as data governance, and in many
other functional areas as well. These companies have
realized many of the benets of COEs such as reduced
costs, enhanced performance, more timely service delivery,
and a streamlining of processes and policies. The time has
come to extend the COE concept to enterprise analytics.
This paper is the rst in a two-part series on designing,
organizing, and building an analytics COE.
When we talk about an analytics COE, were using the
term COE just as its used in other disciplines. A COE
typically marshals the most desirable enterprise resources
to analyze and develop solutions to the most complex
problems in a particular business function. For example,
a data governance COE focuses on developing and
enforcing data governance policies and procedures at an
enterprise level. Likewise, an analytics COE brings together
a community of highly skilled analysts and supporting
functions to engage in complex problem solving vis--vis
analytics challenges facing the organization. The analytics
COE fosters enterprise-wide knowledge sharing and
supports C-level decision making with consistent, detailed,
and multifaceted analysis functionality.
The Analytics COE: Shared by everyone
Companies that choose to build an analytics COE typically
use a shared services approach for designing and building
the COE. However, shared services means different things
to different companies, and which variant of the shared
services concept a company chooses to implement really
depends on the needs of the company and the long-term
vision laid out by its IT strategy.
Shared services models
Some companies opt to go the traditional outsourcing
route for analytics services and work with a third-party to
provide complex analytics capabilities upon demand. This
is certainly an option for companies that dont yet have a
large store of analytics experience in-house and that dont
have the nancial resources to build an in-house analytics
COE in a timely manner. However, many companies that
consider building an analytics COE choose to build an
internal, stand-alone, performance-driven business unit
or a shared services COE for analytics. These COEs are
typically established to provide standardized support to
many parts of the organization.
Analysts are based primarily in business functions and units,
but their activities are coordinated by a small centralized
group. The COEs typically remain responsible for issues,
such as training, adoption of analytical tools, innovation,
and facilitating communication among analysts. The
strength of this model is that it keeps training and
innovative coordination functions centralized while putting
analysts in direct contact with the business units they serve.
There are also variants on the internal shared services
model. Many companies choose to keep their COEs as
stand-alone business units that are truly shared across the
enterprise. These COEs are managed much the same as
other business units, with customized metrics to measure
and manage performance. Other companies initially build
a stand-alone COE and then, once the organization gains
more IT maturity, transfer at least some COE activities
to individual business units perhaps leaving the most
complex activities to the COE. Which of these models
companies choose will be dependent on how that model
more effectively serves both their near-term and long-term
analytics and strategic needs.
Getting started: Organizing the Analytics COE
As we talked about above, the COE concept is not new.
However, applying the COE concept to analytics is a fresh
variation on the theme. Therefore, its critical to dene an
operating model specically for the analytics COE as an
initial step. The operating model should answer questions
in three key areas:
Business strategy Questions, such as What will our
services be?, Who are our customers? and, How will
we engage the customers and deliver services to them?
Operating strategy Questions, such as What
will our operating processes look like?, What will
our organizational structure look like?, What will
our governance processes look like?, and, What
technologies will we need to implement our business
People strategy Questions, such as How will we
acquire, develop, and deploy our resources? and How
will we manage and incent the desired performance?
Challenges in organizing the Analytics COE
Answering these questions, straightforward as they may
seem, can be incredibly difcult for most companies.
Analytics pervades the enterprise, both in breadth of scope,
and depth of function. The idea of coalescing the bulk of
analytics functionality into a single hub of capabilities and
service delivery is daunting. Some of the more difcult
challenges include:
ldent|fy|ng end deve|op|ng the epp||ceb|e m|x of serv|ces
and service delivery mechanisms
ldent|fy|ng the |n|t|e| |nterne| c||ent bese |.e.,
developing client selection criteria that are in line with
organizational strategic goals
Leve|op|ng the epp||ceb|e set of streteg|es for engeg|ng
enterprise business units in ways that
most advantageous
Sett|ng up e c|eer end effect|ve governence structure
Leve|op|ng end |mp|ement|ng e stretegy to
rationalize and standardize analytics technology
across the enterprise
/cqu|r|ng, tre|n|ng, end |ncent|ng the most s|gn|cent
and brightest resources and securing their ability
to make the analytics COE one of their top priorities
Len|ng end execut|ng e so||d COL operet|ng mode| w|||
go a long way in helping to meet and overcome these
challenges and achieve analytics success with the COE.
The many benets of the COE
Whatever form it takes, the benets of an analytics COE
are myriad. Perhaps the number one benet of an analytics
COE is that it enhances the quality of the companys
analytics efforts as a whole. A well-established analytics
COE has a specialized staff with the required skill set to
answer even the most challenging analytics questions.
The heart of the COE is knowledge sharing and
collaboration; thus knowledge is spread throughout the
organization and people can understand and perform
their jobs a higher level. Analytics methods, tools, and
technologies are standardized throughout the enterprise,
and these tools and technologies are continuously
developed, evaluated, and upgraded if necessary to meet
the analytics needs of the organization.
Another benet of an analytics COE is that it can improve
access to analytics capabilities across the enterprise. Not
every business unit that could benet from analytics can
afford to hire an analyst or outsource the work to a third
party. With a COE, depending on how the COE is funded,
the business unit may not need to pay for its analytics
services at all. Even in cases where a COE does charge
back for its services, business units may nd it easier
to negotiate acceptable terms with an internal service
provider than with an outsourcer.
Services: Definition of products and services provided
Customers: Strategy for identifying and prioritizing internal and external users
of services provided
Engagement and delivery: Methods by which relationships with customers
are formed and services delivered (e.g., engagement through cross-functional
forums, delivery through PowerPoint presentation)
People strategy
Operating processes: Definition of inputs, outputs, and activities needed
to provide services and support
Governance: Decision authorities (which decisions need to be made and by
whom), financial stewardship, and oversight
Organization: Roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships, and
organization structure
Technology: Systems and infrastructure required to provide services.
Development and deployment: Required skills and competencies, talent
development strategy (on the job training and instructor-led training), talent
staffing strategy (hire, redeploy, and shared resources)
Performance management: How will performance be measured and what will
be incentivized
Engagement and delivery
Operating processes
Development and
Performance management
The following gure illustrates the COE operating model:
Figure 1: The COE operating model
An analytics COE can also help reduce the cost to deliver
enterprise-wide analytics services. With a COE, analytics
services are aggregated, so duplication is virtually
eliminated. Resources both technical and human are
also aggregated so that the right processes, tools, and
people can be brought together to nd answers to the
most complex questions quickly and efciently. And by
consolidating the demand for analytics across different
parts of the enterprise, a COE can help increase the
utilization of its analytics resources. A single business unit
may not have enough analytics work to keep an in-house
analytics specialist busy 100% of the time, even if it could
afford to hire one; the problem is less likely to arise in a
COE that serves the entire enterprise.
Finally, a COE can facilitate and enhance decision making
throughout the organization. Enterprise-wide adoption
and standardization of analytics services, tools, and
technologies supports enhanced data quality and accuracy
of information used to make decisions by providing
knowledge workers and managers at all levels timely and
systematic information they can trust. Standardization also
helps signicantly reduce self-reporting on key business
metrics, which helps companies obtain a single version
of the truth about their organizational data.
Finding new opportunities: Growing the COE
Once the analytics COE has made its debut and is
functioning as anticipated, the next step in the COE life
cycle is to investigate and develop plans for adding new
opportunities and customers and services. In nding new
opportunities to add customers and services, it is important
to understand the impact those customers and the
services they require will have on the COE in the long
term. Only those activities that really drive improved
decision-making and business performance management
really should be included in the scope of COE customers
and services.
The rst step in growing the COE is to identify groups that
are in need of COE services and to determine which of
those groups are a t for integration into the COE client
base. There are essentially three criteria that can be used as
a basis for determining whether or not to include a group
as a customer or to offer a particular service.
They are:
Purpose Is the group involved in asking strategic
questions? Is the analytical activity required answer those
questions or to assess overall business performance?
Those groups that are the most strategic in function
are higher priority candidates, because their analytical
needs will most likely be the most critical with regard to
strategic direction and business performance.
Complexity What is the degree of complexity of
the analytical services required and the of method(s)
end too|(s) necessery to prov|de the serv|ces` Loes |t
require data and/or inputs from multiple sources across
the enterprise? Those analytical services that are the
most complex are probably more effectively met by
an analytics COE, rather than by an individual business
function, because by its very nature, the COE is the
nexus of analytics capability within the organization.
Span What is the distribution of the consumption
of results across the enterprise? Should the results be
leveraged more broadly across the enterprise? Newly
requested analytics services that produce results used
strategically across the enterprise should be among
those services that are among the rst to be added to
already existing services.
Once the determination has been made to add particular
customers to the groups served by the analytics COE,
the next step is to prioritize each potential group for
integration. One efcient prioritization method is to
conduct a detailed assessment of prioritized groups for t
within the COE by looking at the impact of the groups
inclusion on operating processes, the compatibility of
the groups IT infrastructures, and the resources needed
to deliver the analytics services. Upon completion of the
assessment, the next step is to build business case to
assess costs and benets of the integration of each group
into the COE. The nal step, of course, is to execute the
integration of the groups and their requested services as
time constraints and resources permit.
Looking forward
The challenges inherent in designing, organizing
and implementing a COE are many, but they are not
insurmountable. Moreover, the benets that can be
realized from effectively implementing a COE almost
certainly outweigh the difculties. Looking forward,
once the decision is made to implement a COE, and the
operating model has been developed, the hard work of
building the COE can begin. The next paper in this series
will discuss a road map for building a COE, and it will
present an in-depth discussion of the COE
operating model.
For more information, please contact:
Jane Grifn
/mer|ces Le|o|tte /ne|yt|cs Leeder
Le|o|tte Consu|t|ng LLl
+1 404 631 2506
Join the analytics discussion at
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