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Bed Bugs

Integrated Pest Management in and around the Home

Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects in IDENTIFICATION AND

the family Cimicidae. Both nymphs LIFE CYCLE
and adults feed on sleeping or seden-
Adult bed bugs (Figure 1) are oval, wing-
tary humans, mostly at night, a time
less, about 1/5 inch long, and rusty red
when this pest’s stealthy habits are
or mahogany. Their bodies are flattened,
difficult to observe.
they have well-developed antennae, their
compound eyes are small, and the area
Bed bugs are found worldwide in as-
behind the head (the pronotum) expands
sociation with human habitations. The forward on either side of the head, bear-
common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, is ing many small hairs. The immatures
a widely distributed species most fre- (Figure 1), called nymphs, appear identi-
quently found in the northern temper- cal to the adults except for their smaller
ate climates of North America, Europe, size (1/20 –1/5 inch), thinner outer skeleton
and Central Asia. It occurs more spo- Figure 1. Bed bugs adults and nymphs.
(cuticle), and lighter yellowish-white color. Scale bar represents 5 millimeters.
radically in southern temperate regions.
In tropical regions C. hemipterus, the Bed bugs are readily distinguished from
tropical bed bug, is the dominant spe- another common blood-sucking species,
cies. The most common species found conenose bugs (also known as kissing
in California is C. lectularius. bugs), by their smaller size, more rounded
shape, and lack of wings as adults. Cone-
The growth and development of nose bugs may be up to 3/4 inch long. (See
C. lectularius is optimal when it feeds Pest Notes: Conenose Bugs in References.)
on humans; however, this insect also
feeds on other species of mammals Bed bugs can be distinguished from their
and on birds found near the home close relatives bat bugs and swallow bugs
including chickens, mice, rats, and by comparing the length of the hairs on
rabbits. Bat bugs and swallow bugs, the pronotum to the diameter of the eye;
close relatives of bed bugs, may also Figure 2. Bed bug eggs on paper. Eyespots
this requires a hand lens or microscope. are visible as red dots on the developing
be found in and around human These hairs are shorter than the diameter bed bug embryos.
dwellings and may sometimes bite of the eye on a bed bug and longer than
humans, although their preferred the diameter of the eye on bat bugs and
hosts are bats and birds, respectively. swallow bugs. This distinction is some-
times important to make, since managing
Until recently, bed bug infestations these bed bug relatives involves manag-
were thought to be associated primarily ing their vertebrate hosts (i.e., bats and
with crowded and dilapidated housing. swallows) nesting in, on, or near homes.
However, bed bugs have undergone
a resurgence in pest status and can Female bed bugs lay 200 to 500 tiny (1/20
now be found even in the finest hotel inch) white eggs during their lifetimes,
and living accommodations. The rea- usually two to five eggs per day, on
sons for this resurgence aren’t totally rough surfaces such as wood or paper
understood but appear to involve near their hosts’ sleeping places, rest-
increased global travel and commerce, ing places, or both (Figure 2). Gluelike
Figure 3. Life stages of a bed bug. The
ease of movement of infested items, material covers the eggs, which hatch in five nymphal stages each require a
widespread insecticide resistance, and about 10 to 15 days at room temperature. blood meal before molting to the next
changes in pesticides available to con- After hatching occurs, the eggshells stage. The increments on the ruler are
trol this pest. frequently remain stuck in place. millimeters.

PEST NOTES Publication 7454

Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program May 2013

May 2013 Bed Bugs

There are five progressively larger a relatively large food canal through
nymphal stages, each requiring at least which body fluids from the host are
one blood meal before molting to the taken in.
next stage (Figure 3). The entire life
cycle from egg to adult requires any- A bed bug can take up to six times its
where from five weeks to four months, weight in blood during one feeding
depending on temperature and avail- event, which takes between 3 and 10
ability of food (blood). Development oc- minutes. Usually people aren’t aware
curs most rapidly when temperatures they have been bitten until afterward;
are between 70° and 82°F. bites occur while people sleep, and
bed bugs are known to inject a natural Figure 4. Bed bug bites cause swellings
Both nymphs and adults generally feed anesthetic while feeding. However, that become red and irritated when
at night and hide in dark cracks and saliva injected during the feeding can scratched. Some people, however, exhibit
crevices during the day, although hun- later produce allergic dermal reactions no visible symptoms after being bitten.
gry bugs may feed any time hosts are such as large itchy swellings on the
nearby and sedentary. Common hiding skin. These may become irritated and
places are typically located within 6 or infected when scratched (Figure 4).
fewer feet from areas where humans Swelling may not develop until a day
sleep or rest and include: along mat- or more after feeding, and some people
tress seams and tufts; beneath covers; show no symptoms at all. Bed bugs
in wood joints of box springs; in cracks have never been shown to transmit
and joints of bed frames; behind base- human disease.
boards and headboards; under loose
wallpaper; behind picture frames; and Distinguishing bed bug bites from the
inside furniture, appliances, electron- bites of other arthropods such as mos-
ics and upholstery. Bed bugs are more quitoes, fleas, and spiders is difficult Figure 5. Fecal spots of bed bugs. Eggs
to impossible. People often confuse and cast skin (exuviae) are visible in the
likely to harbor in or on materials made
upper left-hand corner. Scale bar repre-
of wood, paper, or fabric as compared itching bed bug welts with mosquito sents 5 millimeters.
to those made of metal or plastic. bites. The only way you can really
confirm bed bugs as the cause is to
Occasionally, people may pick up bed find the bugs or their signs in your bed temperature, using steam or heat treat-
bugs in theaters or on buses and trains. or bedroom. Often people are bitten ment, and sealing up hiding places.
People can also bring bed bugs into when traveling and may be unable to
their home on infested clothing, bed- produce a specimen, making diagnosis Insecticides may be required to elimi-
ding, furniture, and luggage. even more difficult. nate serious infestations. Several active
ingredients are federally registered
Bed bugs can go without feeding for 20 In addition to direct injury to humans, for bed bugs for over-the-counter use,
to 400 days, depending on temperature bed bugs leave odors and unsightly fe- but few have been demonstrated as
and humidity. Older stages of nymphs cal spots on bed sheets and around the effective. Pest management profes-
can survive longer without feeding insects’ hiding places. These spots are sionals (PMPs) have access to a wide
than younger ones, and adults have usually reddish brown or dark brown range of effective registered products;
survived without food for more than to black, sometimes yellowish, roughly however, insecticide resistance among
400 days in the laboratory at low tem- round (although sometimes they ap- bed bug populations is increasingly
peratures. Adults may live up to one pear as streaks), and can be very small common. The best approach is to com-
year or more, and there can be up to (Figure 5). bine chemical and nonchemical tactics
four successive generations per year. with increased sanitation and habitat
MANAGEMENT modification practices. Prevention and
DAMAGE Confirmed bed bug infestations should monitoring of bed bug infestations are
Bed bugs feed on humans, usually at be managed by trained professionals. paramount and should be ongoing.
night when they are resting. This in- Managing a bed bug infestation is a
sect feeds by piercing the skin with its difficult task that requires remov- Monitoring and Detection
elongated mouthpart, which consists of ing or treating all infested material The presence of raised wheals, blisters,
four stylets that normally fold under its and follow-up monitoring to ensure rashes, or any other dermal symptom
body when at rest but fully extend dur- the infestation has been eliminated. associated with arthropod bites should
ing blood feeding. Two maxillary sty- Management will require employing never be used for diagnosis, since
lets form canals, a small salivary canal several nonchemical methods such as several household pests are known to
that carries saliva into the wound and vacuuming, washing bedding at a high bite humans, and since reactions vary

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May 2013 Bed Bugs

widely between individuals. You can accuracy has been highly variable.
confirm a bed bug infestation only by Therefore, third-party certification and
detecting the pests themselves or their ongoing training of any canine team
signs, which include fecal spots, blood should be verified before hire, and any
spots, egg cases, and shed skins (exu- canine detection alert should be con-
viae) (Figure 5). firmed with a detailed inspection by a
trained PMP.
Current research indicates 85% of bed
bugs are found in or near the bed, so in- Other recent research indicates moni-
spections for infestations should initial- tors that attract or intercept bed bugs
ly focus on the mattress, box spring, bed moving between a hiding place and a Figure 6. Interceptor monitors can be used
frame, and headboard. Lift the mattress host can aid in bed bug detection, par- under legs of furniture to trap bed bugs as
they travel between harborage and host.
and inspect all its seams and surfaces ticularly when using several monitors
as well as those of the box spring. You near beds or suspect locations. Pest
may need to dismantle the bed. Keeping management professionals are already Prevention
in mind bed bugs can utilize cracks and widely using these monitors. Although
crevices as small as the width of a credit quite diverse in terms of size, appear- People may bring bed bugs into their
card, make sure to thoroughly inspect ance, and price, monitors generally fall homes in luggage or on clothes after
all potential harborage sites. Use a flash- within one of two categories: active visiting an infested dwelling or hotel.
light and a small mirror to aid in the monitors or passive monitors. All mon- If you travel frequently, look for signs
inspection process. It can take a good itors have the benefit of ease of inspec- of bed bugs in your hotel room by
deal of time, patience, and perseverance tion as compared to potentially having checking behind headboards and un-
to detect low-level infestations. to disassemble furniture and other der sheets and by inspecting mattress
household items to find bed bugs. seams and tufts, especially if you have
Remember, these nocturnal insects are been bitten. If you suspect bed bugs
small. Although you can see adults Active monitors employ an attractant— are present, change rooms or hotels.
and aggregations of nymphs with the usually heat, carbon dioxide, host odors Inspect your luggage before leaving,
unaided eye, seeing the eggs requires (kairomones), pheromones, or a combi- and as soon as you get home, wash and
a hand-magnifying lens. Make sure to nation of these—to lure bed bugs out of dry all your clothes at the hottest set-
look for dark spots of dried bed bug their harborage areas and into a pitfall tings the fabric will permit. Frequent
excrement, blood spots where engorged or sticky trap within the monitor. These travelers may want to store luggage
bugs were inadvertently crushed, or devices have the potential, especially in away from the bedroom, such as in the
the insects’ light-colored shed skins. the absence of a host, to detect bed bugs garage or a hall closet.
A foul, rotting, bloody meat, or acrid that would normally remain hidden.
“buggy” smell might be present in Airborne aggregation pheromones and You may also inadvertently bring bed
heavily infested areas. other behavior-modifying chemicals bugs into your home on infested bed-
might someday help detect low-density ding or furniture. If you purchase
The remaining 15% of infestations usu- infestations. second-hand furniture, especially beds
ally are in upholstered furniture other or mattresses, thoroughly inspect the
than beds; in bedroom cabinets; along Passive monitors either exploit a bed item before bringing it into your home.
baseboards; under wallpaper; and in bug’s affinity for dark crevices or rely If you remove infested mattresses or
carpets, wall hangings, and similar on chance encounters with pitfalls or furniture from your home, don’t leave
hiding spots. Bed bugs prefer fabric sticky traps. them on the curb or porch. Take such
or wood surfaces to metal or plastic. items immediately to the dump or
When there are heavy infestations, Interceptor monitors (Figure 6) are a clearly mark them as infested by bed
keep in mind that adjoining rooms, hybrid between active and passive bugs so others won’t unknowingly
filing areas, and clutter can be out-of- (pitfall) monitors in that they rely on bring the items into their homes.
the-way shelters. the presence of a host (a sleeping hu-
man) to attract hungry bugs and then Managers of hotels, furnished apart-
Recent research has shown that canine trap the parasites on route to their ments, dormitories, homeless shelters,
detection utilizing dogs conditioned to meal. These small double-cupped and other facilities that house transient
the scent of bed bugs can be an effec- monitors are easily installed under the populations need to train staff to recog-
tive tool for detecting bed bug infesta- legs of beds and other furniture items. nize signs of bed bug activity and take
tions. Laboratory and simulated field Research has demonstrated that such action as soon as they find an infesta-
studies have shown this method can interceptors trapped six times more tion. One proactive step a manager can
be very accurate; under actual field bed bugs than were found from human take is to regularly replace beds, mat-
conditions, however, canine detection visual searches alone. tress, and bedding materials. Frequent-

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May 2013 Bed Bugs

ly laundering bedding and placing 10 to 15 minutes exposure will be need- and crevices. Pesticides aren’t generally
potentially infested items into walk-in ed. Before using this method, consider applied to mattresses or bedding be-
freezers or heat units during tenant whether heat will damage the fabric. cause of potential risk to people. Using
turnover can help prevent the spread over-the-counter total-release aerosol
and establishment of bed bugs. Keep Mattress encasements specifically foggers has been shown to be ineffec-
clutter down, so it is easier to inspect designed to prevent bed bugs from tive for bed bug control and potentially
and so bed bugs have fewer hiding establishing harborages on mattresses harmful to residents; therefore, they
places. Also, seal up cracks, crevices, are commercially available and have aren’t recommended.
and holes in bedding, furniture, and been shown to be effective through
other potential hiding sites. It is much laboratory research. Encasements are Liquid insecticide formulations, many
easier to manage a bed bug infestation particularly useful for hotels or other of which are available for use only by
when the population is small. facilities with many beds. Encasements PMPs, include:
can also be used to contain bed bugs
• Products containing the botanical
Nonchemical Management within mattresses when they can’t be
insecticide pyrethrin, which gives
A number of nonchemical control meth- discarded or when control tactics such
quick knockdown but little long-
ods can be used to manage bed bugs. as steam or insecticide application
term control
These methods are directed at killing or are unavailable or undesirable. Bugs
• Various synthetic pyrethroid prod-
removing bugs or restricting their ac- trapped inside encasements will even-
ucts (e.g., cyhalothrin, bifenthrin,
cess to beds or bedding material. tually die due to starvation.
deltamethrin, and permethrin)
• Mixtures of pyrethroids and
You can remove bed bugs and eggs Other management practices include
neonicotinoids (e.g., Temprid and
with the suction wand of a strong sealing up hiding places where bed
vacuum; however, you must target the bugs can hide such as cracks and crev-
• Various botanical oils
seams of mattresses and box springs, ices in walls and around windows and • Newer types of products includ-
along perimeters of carpets, under doors. As a temporary measure, you ing the pyrrole insecticide chlor-
baseboards, and in other areas where can sometimes exclude bed bugs by fenapyr (Phantom) and the insect
bed bugs live. A single vacuuming using commercially available double- growth regulator (IGR) hydro-
rarely gets all bugs and eggs and cupped monitors that are easily in- prene (Gentrol)
should, therefore, be repeated. Por- stalled under bed legs.
table steam cleaners and other steam Fumigation using the active ingredient
delivery devices can kill all bed bug Insecticides sulfuryl fluoride is commercially avail-
life stages, so these items can also be Insecticide applications alone won’t able for bed bug control in California
used to clean mattresses and furniture. control bed bug infestations. Insecti- and can be highly effective. However,
Care must be taken, however, to ensure cides must be combined with infesta- this is a highly specialized and regu-
steam penetrates into the areas harbor- tion prevention measures—a program lated treatment method, best for reme-
ing bed bugs and their eggs. of removing and cleaning infested beds, dial control only. Since fumigants have
bedding, and other harborage sites—as no residual effects, other methods or a
Commercial heating services are avail- well as nonchemical tactics such as combination of methods will be needed
able to treat entire rooms in homes for steam or heat delivery and an ongoing to prevent reinfestations.
bed bug infestations. The current rec- evaluation and detection program to
ommendation for effective commercial ensure treatment was effective and to Some bed bug populations have devel-
heating services calls for a temperature manage future infestations early on. oped resistance to pyrethroid insecti-
of at least 140°F for two hours or 130°F cides and no longer can be effectively
for three hours (the minimum lethal The most effective bed bug pesticides are controlled by them. Therefore, there is
temperature is 113°F), which will kill available to commercial pesticide appli- growing interest in alternatives such as
most bed bugs and eggs. In California, cators only. Professionals also have the the mixtures, botanicals, and IGR listed
providers of heat services must be li- equipment and expertise that allow for above. Some studies, however, suggest
censed and bonded by the Structural a more effective and precise application that mixtures containing pyrethroids
Pest Control Board. Chilling to a tem- of insecticides. In addition, professionals continue to drive resistance, that oils
perature of 32°F or lower and maintain- have the training to detect and isolate have little to no residual action, and
ing this temperature for several days infestations, which often allows for more that chlorfenapyr and hydroprene may
will also kill bed bugs. effective long-term management. take many days to kill bed bugs.

For suspected infestations in clothing Insecticides may be applied as liquids Insecticides applied as dusts cling to
or bedding, a home laundry drier at the directly to cracks, crevices, bed frames, the pest’s cuticle, wearing away the
hottest setting can be effectively used baseboards, and other similar sites, or insect’s protective wax covering or
to deliver the necessary heat. At least they may be applied as dusts in cracks poisoning the insect when it grooms

◆ 4 of 6 ◆
May 2013 Bed Bugs

itself. Several dust products used in Getty, G. M., R. L. Taylor, and V. R. Thomas, I., G. G. Kihiczak, and R. A.
bed bug management include borates, Lewis. 2008. Hot house. Pest Control Schwartz. 2004. Bed bug bites: a review.
diatomaceous earth, silica gel, and Technol. 36(2):97–100. Int. J. Dermatol. 43:430–433.
formulations containing pyrethrin
or pyrethroids. These materials can Getty, G., S. Moore, R. Tabuchi, and V. Wang, C., M. A. El-Nour, and G. W.
provide long-term control as part of an R. Lewis. 2012. A trial evaluation of the Bennett. 2007. Controlling bed bugs in
integrated program if they are placed London Luxury bed bug mattress pro- apartments—a case study. Pest Control
in out-of-the-way places, such as un- tector. Pest Control Tech. 40(12):116–118. Technol. 35(11):64, 66, 68, 70.
der baseboards or in wall voids, that
don’t get wet. Bed bugs may not groom Greenberg, L., and J. H. Klotz. Nov. Wang, C., T. Gibb, and G. W. Bennett.
themselves to the same degree as other 2002. Pest Notes: Conenose Bugs. Oak- 2009. Evaluation of two least toxic in-
pests, such as cockroaches, so insec- land: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. tegrated pest management programs
ticide dusts requiring consumption, Publ. 7455. Also available online, for managing bed bugs (Heteroptera:
including borates, may be less effective http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/ Cimicidae) with discussion of a bed
than anticipated. PESTNOTES/pn7455.html. bug intercepting device. Journal of Medi-
cal Entomology 46:566–571.
Do-it-yourself Treatments Jones, S. C., and J. L. Bryant. 2012. Inef-
fectiveness of over-the-counter total- Wang, C., K. Saltzmann, G. Bennett,
Although over-the-counter pesticide and T. Gibb. 2012. Comparison of three
products that have bed bug control release foggers against the bed bug
(Heteroptera: Cimicidae). J. Econ. Ento- bed bug management strategies in a
written on the label can be found on low-income apartment building. Insects
mol. 105(3):957–963.
store shelves, they aren’t generally 3:402–409.
recommended. Performance of these
Moore, D. J., and D. M. Miller. 2006.
products under actual field conditions Wilen, C., D. L. Haver, M. L. Flint, P.
Laboratory evaluations of insecti-
isn’t known. If you need to use a pesti- M. Geisel, and C. L. Unruh. Apr. 2006.
cide product efficacy for control of
cide, you are better off hiring a licensed Pest Notes: Hiring A Pest Control Com-
Cimex lectularius. J. Econ. Entomol.
professional pesticide applicator with pany. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat.
experience in treating bed bugs; see Res. Publ. 74125. Also available online,
Pest Notes: Hiring A Pest Control Com- http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/
Moore, D. J., and D. M. Miller. 2008.
pany listed in References. PESTNOTES/pn74125.html.
Field evaluation of insecticide treat-
ment regimens for control of the com-
Residents do have an important role SUGGESTED READING
mon bed bug, Cimex lectularius (L.). Pest
to play when their homes are infested Bed Bugs. 2013. UC Riverside Center for
Manag. Sci. 65:332–338.
with bed bugs. Once professional Invasive Species Research. Available on-
treatment has occurred, you should line, http://cisr.ucr.edu/bed_bugs.html.
Pfiester, M., P. G. Koehler, and R. M.
continue to monitor for bed bugs daily.
Pereira. 2008. Ability of bed bug-
Also, keep down clutter, and vacuum Bed Bug Information. 2013. U.S. Environ-
detecting canines to locate live bed
previously infested areas regularly. mental Protection Agency. Available
bugs and viable bed bug eggs. J. Econ.
Entomol. 101(4):1389–1396. online, http://www.epa.gov/bedbugs. v
Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Potter, M. F. 2008. Bed Bugs. University
vention. 2011. Acute illnesses associ- of Kentucky ENTFACT-636.
ated with insecticides used to control
bed bugs, seven states, 2003-2010. Romero, A., M. F. Potter, D. A. Potter,
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report and K. F. Haynes. Insecticide resistance
60(37):1269–1274. in the bed bug: a factor in the pest’s
sudden resurgence? J. Med. Entomol.
Cooper, R. 2011. Ectoparasites, Part 44(2):175–178.
Three: Bed Bugs & Kissing Bugs. In S.
Hedges, ed. The Mallis Handbook of Pest Siljander, E., R. Gries, G. Khaskin, and
Control, 10th ed. Richmond, Ohio: GIE G. Gries. Identification of the airborne
Media Inc. pp. 587–632. pheromone of the common bed bug, Ci-
mex lectularius. J. Chem. Ecol. 34:708–718.
Ebeling, W. 1975. Bed Bugs and Allies
(Cimicidae). In Urban Entomology. Oak- Ter Poorten, M. C., and N. S. Prose.
land: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. pp. 2005. The return of the common bed
463–475. bug. Pediatr. Dermatol. 22:183–187.

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May 2013 Bed Bugs

AUTHORS: A. M. Sutherland, UC University of California scientists and other

Cooperative Extension, Alameda Co.; D.-H. qualified professionals have anonymously peer
reviewed this publication for technical accuracy.
Choe, Entomology, UC Riverside; and V. R. The ANR Associate Editor for Pest Management
Lewis, Environmental Science, Policy, and managed this process.
Management, UC Berkeley. To simplify information, trade names of products
have been used. No endorsement of named products
TECHNICAL EDITOR: M. L. Flint is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products
that are not mentioned.
This material is partially based upon work
EDITOR: M. L. Fayard supported by the Extension Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, under special project Section 3(d),
ILLUSTRATIONS: Figs. 1–3 and 5–6, D.-H. Integrated Pest Management.
Choe; and Fig. 4, C. K. Fukushima.
Produced by UC Statewide
Integrated Pest Management Program
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
This and other Pest Notes are available at

For more information, contact the University of

California Cooperative Extension office in your
county. See your telephone directory for addresses
and phone numbers, or visit http://ucanr.org/ce.cfm.


Pesticides are poisonous. Always read and carefully follow all precautions and safety recommendations
given on the container label. Store all chemicals in the original, labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed,
away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of children, unauthorized persons, pets, and livestock.
Pesticides applied in your home and landscape can move and contaminate creeks, rivers, and oceans.
Confine chemicals to the property being treated. Avoid drift onto neighboring properties, especially gardens
containing fruits or vegetables ready to be picked.
Do not place containers containing pesticide in the trash or pour pesticides down the sink or toilet. Either use
the pesticide according to the label, or take unwanted pesticides to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection
site. Contact your county agricultural commissioner for additional information on safe container disposal and
for the location of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection site nearest you. Dispose of empty containers
by following label directions. Never reuse or burn the containers or dispose of them in such a manner that
they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways.


The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person in any of its programs
or activities. The complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at http://ucanr.org/sites/anrstaff/
files/107734.doc. Inquiries regarding the university’s equal employment opportunity policies may be directed
to Linda Marie Manton, Affirmative Action Contact, University of California, Davis, Agriculture and Natural
Resources, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, (530) 752-0495.

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