Punnet Exam Questions
Punnet Exam Questions
Punnet Exam Questions
Species A Species B
Images: © iStock/Thinkstock
The drawings show chromosomes from one cell in the root of each plant during cell division.
Species A Species B
One One
chromosome chromosome
(a) The drawings show that each chromosome has two strands of genetic material.
(ii) Explain why each chromosome must become two strands before the cell divides.
(i) Name the type of cell division that produces gametes. ___________________
(ii) How many chromosomes would there be in a gamete from each of these two plant
Species A Species B
(iii) It is possible for gametes from Species A to combine with gametes from Species B
to produce healthy offspring plants.
How many chromosomes would there be in each cell of one of the offspring plants?
(c) (i) Look back at the information at the start of the question and the information from part
What evidence from these two pieces of information supports the belief that Species
A and Species B evolved from a common ancestor?
Species A Species B
(Total 10 marks)
Figure 1
✓) one box.
Tick (✓
An allele expressed even if a person only has one copy of the allele
(b) A man with free earlobes and a woman with attached earlobes have children together.
Figure 2
Use Figure 2.
✓) one box.
Tick (✓
Complete Figure 3 to show the sex chromosomes in the gametes of the man and the
Figure 3
(e) Calculate the probability that the man and the woman’s next child will be a girl with attached
Charles Darwin
Gregor Mendel
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
(b) In the mid-20th century, other scientists identified the chemical substance that makes up
genetic material.
What is the name of the chemical substance that makes up genetic material?
The scientist crossed tall pea plants with short pea plants.
Figure 1
In questions (d) and (e), use the following symbols to represent alleles:
Figure 2
(g) What is the ratio of tall plants : short plants in the offspring in Figure 2?
(ii) one copy of each (chromosome / chromatid / strand) to each offspring cell
ignore ref. to gametes and fertilisation
each offspring cell receives a complete set of / the same genetic material
allow ‘so offspring (cells) are identical’
• (viable) gametes not formed / some gametes with extra / too many genes
/ chromosomes
some gametes with missing genes / chromosomes
(a) an allele expressed even if a person only has one copy of the allele
2. 1
gametes = X + X and X + Y
allow in incorrect positions
X, X, X and Y in correct boxes
an answer matching the answer from part (c) × 0.5
scores 2 marks
if no answer in part (c), an answer of 0.25 / ¼ / 1 in
4 / 25% scores 2 marks
answer to calculation in mp 1
if no answer in part (c) allow 0.25 / ¼ / 1 in 4 / 25%
(d) tt
allow homozygous recessive