STE Microproject
STE Microproject
STE Microproject
1. Paras Chavan
2. Chetan Ghadashi
3. Omkar Chavan
4. Varun Chalke
Under supervision of
Mr. Mane. S. N.
(Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering
Rajendra Mane Polytechnic, Ambav, Devrukh)
Place: Rajendra Mane Polytechnic, Ambav, Devrukh
This is to certify that the project work entitled “Test Cases for a Mobile Application
(WhatsApp)” carried out by Paras Chavan, Chetan Ghadashi, Omkar Chavan, Varun
Chalke Students of Fifth Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering of Rajendra Mane
Polytechnic, Ambav (Code: 1507) have submitted the micro-project and defended the viva-voice
of the term work micro-project entitled ‘Internet Security and Firewall’ satisfactorily in the
subject STE (22518) for the Academic Year 2023-2024 as prescribed in the curriculum.
1. Brief Introduction.
Daily, mobile Application users install new applications on the basis of ratings and
reviews, which are directly related to how well your application performs. This has
made mobile Application testing ever so important. With a host of mobile
Application out there with different operating system, screen size, processing
capacity testing has evolved into a mandatory process in the software development
process. New features keep user entertained, while quick bug fixes make sure that
nobody uninstall your app, making testing essential for an app’s survival.
Omkar Chavan
8 Preparing aim of project
5. Actual Methodology
1) Discussed about topic of the project with all group members.
2) Selected the topic of microproject as Mobile Application with all group
members and subject teacher.
3) Searched the information about project.
4) Learn how to design a Test Cases developed.
5) Designed the Test Cases for Mobile Application using Excel.
6) Showed Test Cases and their output to subject teacher.
7) Prepared report of the project.
8) Showed report to the teacher and submit it to teacher.
6.Actual Resources used.
Name of Resources
Sr. No. / material Specifications Quantity Remarks
3. MS Office, MS 2021
Two types of Test cases: 1) Positive Test Cases 2) Negative Test Cases
A) Positive Test Cases are: 1. Installation Testing 2. UI Testing: or Design based Testing 3.
Usability testing 4. Functional Testing 5. Non-Functional Testing 6. Performance and
load Testing 8. Security and Compatibility testing
1. Installation Testing:
1) Check that a user can download the WhatsApp application from Play Store or App store or
2) Check that a user can register with a new mobile number.
3) Check that user is getting a verification code on his mobile when he/ she register with a new
mobile number.
4) Check that after filling the verification code application verifies the new user account.
5) We will also check that how many incorrect attempts are allowed while filling the verification
6) Check that after successful registration on application all the contacts in user's contact
directory must show on WhatsApp contact list if they are using WhatsApp application.
7) Check that if mobile number is already register on application, then the new account
registration must not allow with the same mobile number.
2. UI Testing or Design based Testing: Each mobile application is unique in design and follows a
particular pattern for the design. So, we have to write the test cases for the same.
1) Does the WhatsApp follow the design specification?
2) Does the WhatsApp application have the colour as per specification?
3) Does the logo of the app is properly as per the design specification?
4) Check if the dimension (Check that length, breadth and other size specifications of the
WhatsApp logo) of the WhatsApp as per mentioned in the requirement.
5) Check that Chat Section is available or not.
6) Check that Status Section is available or not.
7) Check that Call Section is available or not.
8) Check that Search is available or not.
3. Usability testing:
1. Check that the WhatsApp is very easy to use.
2. Check that all section available on screen like search, chat, status, contacts and calls.
3. Check that all section available on screen like search, chat, status, contacts and calls are easy
to use
4. Check that user can use all section separately.
5. Check that it shows count of unread messages contact and group wise.
4. Functional Testing:
A) Test Case on Status:
1) Check that user can set DP (Display Picture).
2) Check that user can update the DP (Display Picture).
3) Check that user can set status on WhatsApp.
4) Check that user can update the Status on WhatsApp.
5) Check the Status privacy and settings.
6) Check that user can change the status privacy means who can see the status, options are: My
contact, my contact except and only share with
7) Check that recent updates are available or not (status updated by contacts)
B) Test Case on Chats: Here we can divide test cases in two sections:
I) Test Case on Individual Chats
I. Check that Chats window contains the entire chat list. ii. Check that Chats window contains all
the character users (contacts) with DP if available. iii. Check that Chats window show the
contact number of the person whose number is not saved in mobile. iv. Check that Chats window
contains the users (contacts) whose DP is not available. v. Check that Chats window contains the
group chat list. vi. Check that Chats window show the name of all the contacts available on
Chats window. vii. Check that Chats window shows the last updated chat time viii. Check that
when we click a chat in the chat list then a new window must open that containing all the chats
history ix. Check that user can check all messages delivered and received. x. Check that user can
check the read or send time of the message. xi. Check that user can send and receive text in chat
to individuals.