Ste Project
Ste Project
Ste Project
Marks out
Marks out
of 6 for
of 4 for Total marks out
Roll No Name of student performan
performance in of 10
ce in group
01 Kshitij Shrimant Chavan
02 Prashant Keshav Gaikwad
20 Varad Suraj Patil
65 Prathmesh Hanumant Shelke
Name &
Signature of Ms.R.S.Solankar
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the award of degree
Computer Engineering
Ms. R.S.Solankar
The project report entitled “SOFTWARE TESTING TOOLS”
Submitted by
Examiner Principal
(Prof. ) (Prof. N.D. Misal)
Place: Pandharpur
I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to my guide
Ms.R.S.Solankar for his constant support, motivation, valuable guidance and immense help during
the entire course of this work. Without his constant encouragement, timely advice and valuable
discussion, it would have been difficult in completing this work. I would also like to acknowledge the
Computer Engineering department who provided me with the facilities for completion of the project.
We are thankful to him for sharing her experience in the research field with us and providing
constant motivation during entire project work.
Name of Student:-
1.0 Rationale:
Now days we can get lots of Software Testing Tools in the market. Selection of tools is
totally based on he project requirements & commercial (Proprietary/Commercial tools) or free tools(Open
Source Tools) you are interested. Tools from a software testing context can be defined as a product that
supports one or more testactivities right from planning, requirements, creating a build, test execution, defect
logging andtest analysis
⮚ Finding the defects which may get created by the programmer while developing the software.
⮚ To prevent defects.
We have decided to generate a project on one of the currently trending software testing
mechanisms, so with that concept we started to design a project like “Software Testing Tools”. Software
Testing tools are the tools which are used for the testing of software. Software testing tools are often used to
assure firmness, thoroughness and performance in testing software products. There were many projects like
this but there was not this concept which we have included in this project.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:
Testing Tools in software testing can be defined as products that support various test activities starting
from planning, requirement gathering, build creation, test execution, defect logging and test analysis. These
testing tools are mainly used for testing software firmness, thoroughness, and other performance parameters.
Software testing is a huge domain, but it can be broadly categorized into two areas:
Manual testing and Automation testing.
❖ Manual Testing Tools:-
In manual testing (as the name suggests), test cases are executed manually (by a human, that is) without
any support from tools or scripts.
Manual testing is a kind of software testing in which test cases are executed manually rather than using
an automated tool. The tester manually runs all test cases from the viewpoint of the end-user. It determines
whether or not the application meets the requirements specified in the requirement document. To finish
almost 100% of the software application, test cases are created and implemented.
● No Environment Limitations
● Programming Knowledge is not required.
● Recommendable for Dynamically changing GUI designs.
● Manual testing allows for human observation
1. LoadRunner
LoadRunner is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. It is used to test applications, measuring
system behaviour and performance under load. LoadRunner can simulate thousands of users concurrently
using application software, recording and later analyzing the performance of key components of the
It’s one of the most widely used performance testing tools. LoadRunner simulates user activity by
generating messages between application components or by simulating interactions with the user interface
such as keypresses or mouse movements.
The messages and interactions to be generated are stored in scripts. LoadRunner can generate the
scripts by recording them, such as logging HTTP requests between a client web browser and an application's
web server
Advantages of LoadRunner
Disadvantages of LoadRunner
2. BugZilla
Bugzilla is an open-source platform for bug and issues monitoring that helps developers to keep
track of their product’s unresolved issues. The tool is available free of cost. It is developed in Perl and uses a
database called MYSQL. Bugzilla is a monitoring tool for bugs as well as a test management tool. Bugzilla
provides an excellent solution to configuration management and replication issues and it is easy to use. By
creating a recorded workflow and clear reviews for excellent outcomes, it can enhance efficiency and
Advantages of BugZilla
Disadvantages of BugZilla
Automation testing is the process of testing software and other tech products to ensure it meets
strict requirements. Essentially, it’s a test to double-check that the equipment or software does exactly what
it was designed to do. It tests for bugs, defects, and any other issues that can arise with product development.
Although some types of testing, such as regression or functional testing can be done manually, there
are greater benefits of doing it automatically. Automation testing can be run at any time of the day. It uses
scripted sequences to examine the software. It then reports on what’s been found, and this information can
be compared with earlier test runs. Automation developers generally write in the following programming
languages: C#, JavaScript, and Ruby.
● It’s Profitable
● It Is Expensive
● It Has Limitations in Testing
● Debugging a Test Script
● Complexity
● Difficult to design tests that are both reliable and maintainable
1. Selenium
Selenium is a free (open-source) automated testing framework used to validate web applications
across different browsers and platforms. You can use multiple programming languages like Java, C#,
Python, etc to create Selenium Test Scripts. Testing done using the Selenium testing tool is usually referred
to as Selenium Testing.
Selenium test scripts can be coded in any of the supported programming languages and can be run
directly in most modern web browsers. Browsers supported by Selenium include Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. It can be used to automate functional tests and can be integrated with
automation test tools such as Maven, Jenkins, & Docker to achieve continuous testing. It can also be
integrated with tools such as TestNG, & JUnit for managing test cases and generating reports.
Advantages of Selenium
● Multi-Browser Support
● Multi-Language Compatibility
● Performance and Speed
● Portability (Ability to work with different Operating Systems)
● Reusability and Extras
Disadvantages of Selenium
2. QTP
QTP is an automated functional Testing tool that helps testers to execute automated tests in order
to identify any errors, defects or gaps contrary to the expected results of the application under test. It was
designed by Mercury Interactive and later on acquired by HP and now MicroFocus. Full form of QTP is
QuickTest Professional while UFT means Unified Functional Testing.
HP QTP uses Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) for automating the applications. The Scripting
Engine need not be installed exclusively, as it is available as a part of the Windows OS. The Current version
of VBScript is 5.8, which is available as a part of Win 7. VBScript is NOT an object-oriented language but
an object-based language.
Advantages of QTP
● Developing automated tests using VBScript does not require a highly skilled coder and is
relatively easy when compared to other object oriented programming languages.
● Easy to use, ease of navigation, results validation, and Report generation.
● Readily Integrated with Test Management Tool (Hp-Quality Center) which enables easy
scheduling and monitoring.
● Can also be used for Mobile Application Testing.
● Since it is an HP product, full support is provided by HP and by its forums for addressing
technical issues.
Disadvantages of QTP
● Even though scripting time is less, the execution time is relatively higher as it puts load on the
We have learned the concept of Software testing tools. In this project we mainly used the
concept of manual and automated testing tools.Now we have the basic knowledge about testing tools.
We learn about how software testing tools are working for the testing purpose of a product.We are
also able to tell the advantages and disadvantages of testing tools. So all these skills are developed in
8.0 Conclusion:
In this project we mainly used the concept of Software testing tools. The manual and
automation testing tools test the software efficiently. These testing tools are used for testing
software firmness, thoroughness, and other performance parameters.
9.0 Reference: